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رباعیات-اِنسانیت-جوش ملیح آبادی
آؤ مشکل تمھاری آسان کروں
اموال تو کیا ، جان بھی قربان کروں
لیکن لب پر نہ لاؤ لفظِ احسان
میں اِتنا دنی نہیں كہ احسان کروں
حاجت مندی کی روح تھرتھراتی ہے
لیلائے خودی شرم سے چکراتی ہے
اِمداد جو کرتا ہے تو آنکھیں نہ ملا
اِس شئے سے انا کو ٹھیس لگ جاتی ہے
انسان شرمندگی سے کتراتا ہے
محسن كے تصوّر سے بھی دکھ پاتا ہے
احسان کو احسان کی صورت سے نہ دیکھ
احسان خودی کی رگ میں چُبھ جاتا ہے
آنکھوں میں یہ طمطراق، رخ پر یہ ترنگ
یہ چال كہ جس سے دنگ ہو موجۂ گنگ
حالانکہ تیرے رخ پہ ہے ائے خوسروِ زشت
ناداروں كے چہروں کا اُڑایا ہوا رنگ
جس دیس میں آباد ہوں بھوکے انسان
احساسِ لطیف کا وہاں کیا امکان
اِک فکرِ معاش پر نچھاور سو شوق
اِک نانِ جوئی پر لاکھ مکھڑے قربان
اِبنِ آدم کو صاحبِ جاہ کرو
کم بخت کو اب اور نہ گمراہ کرو
اللہ سے اِنسان ہے کب کا واقف
اِنسان سے اِنسان کو آگاہ کرو
گستاخ ہیں یہ کھنڈر گرا دو اِن کو
یہ عرش پہ خندا زن ہیں ڈھا دو اِن کو
خود صاحبِ کُرسی پہ ہے اِک طنزِ جلی
یہ جھونپڑیاں، ارے جلا دو اِن کو
مومن ہیں تو بھوکوں کو سزا دیں آؤ
قبروں کی اِنہیں خاک چٹا دیں آؤ
یہ وعدۂ رزق کا اُڑاتے ہیں مذاق
اِن فاقہ کشوں کا سر اُڑا دیں آؤ
کافر ہیں یہ بھوکے یہ بھکاری اِنسان
لولے، لنگڑے، اُداس، اندھے اِنسان
نارِ دوزخ کے مستحق ہیں واللہ
یہ رحمتِ یزداں کے مُکذّب شیطان
रुबाईयात-इन्सानियत-जोश मलीहाबादी
आओ मुश्किल तुम्हारी आसान करूँ
अम्वाल को क्या, जान भी क़ुर्बान करूँ
लैकिन लब पर न लाओ लफ़्ज़-ए एहसां
मैं इतना दनी नहीं के एहसान करूँ
हाजित मन्दी कि रूह थरथराती है
लैला-ए खुदी शर्म से चकराती है
इम्दाद जो करता है तो आँखें न मिला
इस शैसे अना को ठेस लग जाती है
इन्सान शर्मिंदगी से कतराता है
मोहसिन के तसव्वुर से भी दुख पाता है
एहसान को एहसान कि सूरत से न देख
एहसान खुदी कि रग में चुभ जाता है
आंखौं में ये तम्तराक़, रुख़ पर ये तरंग
ये चाल के जिस से दंग हो मौजा-ए गंग
हालांके तेरे रुख़ पे है अए ख़ुस्रव-ए ज़िश्त
नादारौं के चेहरौं का उड़ाया हुआ रंग
जिस देस में आबाद हों भूके इंसां
एहसास-ए लतीफ़ का वहां क्या इमकान
एक फ़िक्र-ए म’आश पर निछावर सौ शौक़
एक नान-ए जुई पर लाख मुखड़े क़ुर्बान
इब्न-ए आदम को साहिब-ए जाह करो
कम बख़्त को अब और न गुमराह करो
अल्लाह से इन्सान है कब का वाक़िफ़
इन्सान से इन्सान को आगाह करो
गुस्ताख़ है ये खंडर गिरा दो इन को
ये अर्श पे ख़न्दा-ज़न हैं ढा दो इन को
ख़ुद साहेब-ए कुर्सी पे हैं एक तन्ज़-ए जली
ये झोंपड़ियाँ अरे जला दो इन को
मोमिन हैं तो भूकौं को सज़ा दें आओ
क़ब्रौं कि इन्हें ख़ाक चटा दें आओ
ये वादा-ए रिज़्क़ का उड़ाते हैं मज़ाक़
इन फ़ाक़ा कशौं का सर उड़ा दें आओ
काफ़ेर हैं ये भूके ये भिकारी इन्सान
लूले, लंगड़े, उदास, अंधे, बे-जान
नार-ए दोज़ख़ के मुस्तहक़ हैं वल्लाह
ये रहमत-ए यज़्दां के मुकज़्ज़िब इन्सान
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi is well known for his fiery nazm. He also wrote many romantic as well as cerebral nazm and Ghazal. His marsia are a celebration of dignified death rather than bowing to injustice even at the cost of life. He also wrote numerous rubaaii. This series is a collection of nearly 300 rubaaiyaat from various books organized by subject. This selection is one that illustrates josh’s thoughts about humanism – about not placing someone under an obligation and also about equality of all humanity.
aao mushkil tumhaari aasaan karuN
amvaal1 to kya, jaan bhi qurbaan karuN
laikin lab par na laao lafz2-e ehsaaN3
maiN itna dani4 nahiN ke ehsaan karuN 1.wealth 2.word of 3.favour, obligation 4.low, poor character
This is in the spirit of “neki kar darya meN Daal” – do a good deed and “throw it in the river” i.e. do not expect anything in return. Thus, let me relieve your difficulties. I am happy to lay down not just my wealth but also my life. But do not even mention the word “favour”. I am not of such low character that I would put you under an obligation.
haajit-mandi1 ki rooh2 thartharaati hai
laila-e Khudi3 sharm se chakraati hai
imdaad4 jo karta hai to aaNkheN na mila
is shai5 se anaa6 ko Thes7 lag jaati hai 1.petitioner who asks for help 2.spirit, soul 3.self-respect 5.thing, act 6.ego 7.wounded
The soul of petitioning trembles. The “Laila of self-respect” swoons in shame. If you are offering help, don’t look the petitioner directly in the eye. Such an act wounds the ego.
insaaN sharmindagi se katraata1 hai
mohsin2 ke tasavvur3 se bhi dukh paata hai
ehsaan4 ko ehsaan ki soorat se na dekh
ehsaan Khudi5 ki rug meN chubh jaata hai 1.avoids 2.benefactor 3.imagination, thought 4.obligation 5.self-respect
Humans (instinctively) avoid shame/disgrace. Even the thought of benefactor gives pain. Do not look upon help as an obligaion. Obligation is a spike driven in the vein of Self-respect.
aaNkhauN meN ye tamtaraaq1, ruKh2 par ye taraNg3
ye chaal ke jis se daNg4 ho mauja-e-gaNg5
haalaaNke6 tere ruKh pe hai aye Khusrav-e-zisht7
nadaarauN8 ke chehrauN ka uRaaya hua raNg 1.pomp and show 2.face 3.joyful expression 4.amazed 5.wave of the Ganges 6.even though 7.Khusro/monarch of ugliness/evil 8.poor, helpless, indigent
This pomp and show, this joyful expression on your face, this style that amazes the waves of the Ganges! Even though, O king of evil, the colour/joy on your face has been stolen from the indigent.
jis des meN aabaad1 hoN bhooke insaan
ehsaas-e-lateef2 ka vahaaN kya imkaan3
ek fikr-e-maa’sh4 par nichhaavar sau shauq5
ek naan-e-ju’i6 par laakh mukhRe qurbaan 2.subtle/fine feelings 3.possibility 4.worry about livelihood 5.passion (of choice) hobbies 6.jawar bread
How are fine feelings (art and culture) possible in the land of the hunger. A hundred passionate hobbies sacrificed for the sake of making a living. One piece of bread traded for a hundred thousand beautiful faces. moin ehsan jazbi’s she’r comes to mind
jab jeb meN paise bajte haiN, jab peyT meN roTi hoti hai
us vaqt ye zarra heera hai, us vaqt ye shabnam moti hai
ibn-e-aadam1 ko saahib2-e jaah3 karo
kambaKht4 ko ab aur na gumraah5 karo
allah se insaan hai kab ka vaaqif6
insaan se insaan ko aagaah7 karo 1.progeny of Adam, man 2.owner 3.grandeur 4.unfortunate 5.lost, confused 6.knows 7.introduce, aware
Make man the centre of grandeur. Do not confuse this unfortunate one any more. He knows enough about allah. Now make him aware of fellow humans.
gustaaKh1 haiN ye KhanDar2 gira do in ko
ye arsh3 pe Khanda-zan4 haiN Dhaa5 do in ko
Khud sahib-e-kursi6 pe haiN ek tanz6-e jali7
ye jhoNpRiaaN, are jalaa do in ko 1.rude, insulting 2.ruins (used here to mean slums) 3.heaven 4.laughing/sneering at 5.destroy 6.owner of the throne, god 6.sarcasm 7.bold (as in bold letters), prominent
This is highly sarcastic. These slums are an insult, level them. They sneer at the heavens, destroy them. They are a prominent sarcasm of god’s grace, these huts, burn them down.
momin1 haiN to bhookauN ko saza deN aao
qabrauN2 ki inheN Khaak chaTa3 deN aao
ye vaada4-e rizq5 ka uRaate haiN mazaaq6
in faaqa-kashauN7 ka sar uRa deN aao 1.believer (in god) 2.graves 3.lick the dust (of graves) 4.promise of, sustenance, joke 7.starving people
This is a very sarcastic statement. josh (in sarcasm) blames the hungry for poking fun at god’s promise to sustain and be kind to all his creatures. Among his names is razzaaq (giver of rizq/food/sustenance). If we are believers then, because they are making fun of god’s grace, we should make them lick the dust of graves i.e. kill them. Let us chop off the heads of these starving people.
kaafir1 haiN ye bhooke ye bhikaari insaan
loole, laNgRe, udaas, andhe, be-jaan
naar2-e dozaKh3 ke mustahaq4 haiN vallaah5
ye rahmat-e-yazdaaN6 ke mukazzib7 shaitaan8 1.denier of 3.hell 4.deserving god 6.benevolence of god 7.proving wrong 8.Satan, evil
This is said in a very sarcastic spirit. These deniers of faith are hungry, begging, crippled, sad, blind and lifeless because they are proof of lack of benevolence of god. Therefore, they are to be blamed for insulting god and are deserving of the fire of hell.
josh malihabadi is well known for his fiery nazm. He also wrote many romantic as well as cerebral nazm and Ghazal. His marsia are a celebration of dignified death rather than bowing to injustice even at the cost of life. He also wrote numerous rubaaii. This series is a collection of nearly 300 rubaaiyaat from various books organized by subject. This selection is one that illustrates josh’s thoughts about humanism – about not placing someone under an obligation and also about equality of all humanity.
aao mushkil tumhaari aasaan karuN
amvaal1 to kya, jaan bhi qurbaan karuN
laikin lab par na laao lafz2-e ehsaaN3
maiN itna dani4 nahiN ke ehsaan karuN
1.wealth 2.word of 3.favour, obligation 4.low, poor character
This is in the spirit of “neki kar darya meN Daal” – do a good deed and “throw it in the river” i.e. do not expect anything in return. Thus, let me relieve your difficulties. I am happy to lay down not just my wealth but also my life. But do not even mention the word “favour”. I am not of such low character that I would put you under an obligation.
haajit-mandi1 ki rooh2 thartharaati hai
laila-e Khudi3 sharm se chakraati hai
imdaad4 jo karta hai to aaNkheN na mila
is shai5 se anaa6 ko Thes7 lag jaati hai
1.petitioner who asks for help 2.spirit, soul 3.self-respect 5.thing, act 6.ego 7.wounded
The soul of petitioning trembles. The “Laila of self-respect” swoons in shame. If you are offering help, don’t look the petitioner directly in the eye. Such an act wounds the ego.
insaaN sharmindagi se katraata1 hai
mohsin2 ke tasavvur3 se bhi dukh paata hai
ehsaan4 ko ehsaan ki soorat se na dekh
ehsaan Khudi5 ki rug meN chubh jaata hai
1.avoids 2.benefactor 3.imagination, thought 4.obligation 5.self-respect
Humans (instinctively) avoid shame/disgrace. Even the thought of benefactor gives pain. Do not look upon help as an obligaion. Obligation is a spike driven in the vein of Self-respect.
aaNkhauN meN ye tamtaraaq1, ruKh2 par ye taraNg3
ye chaal ke jis se daNg4 ho mauja-e-gaNg5
haalaaNke6 tere ruKh pe hai aye Khusrav-e-zisht7
nadaarauN8 ke chehrauN ka uRaaya hua raNg
1.pomp and show 2.face 3.joyful expression 4.amazed 5.wave of the Ganges 6.even though 7.Khusro/monarch of ugliness/evil 8.poor, helpless, indigent
This pomp and show, this joyful expression on your face, this style that amazes the waves of the Ganges! Even though, O king of evil, the colour/joy on your face has been stolen from the indigent.
jis des meN aabaad1 hoN bhooke insaan
ehsaas-e-lateef2 ka vahaaN kya imkaan3
ek fikr-e-maa’sh4 par nichhaavar sau shauq5
ek naan-e-ju’i6 par laakh mukhRe qurbaan 2.subtle/fine feelings 3.possibility 4.worry about livelihood 5.passion (of choice) hobbies 6.jawar bread
How are fine feelings (art and culture) possible in the land of the hunger. A hundred passionate hobbies sacrificed for the sake of making a living. One piece of bread traded for a hundred thousand beautiful faces. moin ehsan jazbi’s she’r comes to mind
jab jeb meN paise bajte haiN, jab peyT meN roTi hoti hai
us vaqt ye zarra heera hai, us vaqt ye shabnam moti hai
ibn-e-aadam1 ko saahib2-e jaah3 karo
kambaKht4 ko ab aur na gumraah5 karo
allah se insaan hai kab ka vaaqif6
insaan se insaan ko aagaah7 karo
1.progeny of Adam, man 2.owner 3.grandeur 4.unfortunate 5.lost, confused 6.knows 7.introduce, aware
Make man the centre of grandeur. Do not confuse this unfortunate one any more. He knows enough about allah. Now make him aware of fellow humans.
gustaaKh1 haiN ye KhanDar2 gira do in ko
ye arsh3 pe Khanda-zan4 haiN Dhaa5 do in ko
Khud sahib-e-kursi6 pe haiN ek tanz6-e jali7
ye jhoNpRiaaN, are jalaa do in ko
1.rude, insulting 2.ruins (used here to mean slums) 3.heaven 4.laughing/sneering at 5.destroy 6.owner of the throne, god 6.sarcasm 7.bold (as in bold letters), prominent
This is highly sarcastic. These slums are an insult, level them. They sneer at the heavens, destroy them. They are a prominent sarcasm of god’s grace, these huts, burn them down.
momin1 haiN to bhookauN ko saza deN aao
qabrauN2 ki inheN Khaak chaTa3 deN aao
ye vaada4-e rizq5 ka uRaate haiN mazaaq6
in faaqa-kashauN7 ka sar uRa deN aao
1.believer (in god) 2.graves 3.lick the dust (of graves) 4.promise of, sustenance, joke 7.starving people
This is a very sarcastic statement. josh (in sarcasm) blames the hungry for poking fun at god’s promise to sustain and be kind to all his creatures. Among his names is razzaaq (giver of rizq/food/sustenance). If we are believers then, because they are making fun of god’s grace, we should make them lick the dust of graves i.e. kill them. Let us chop off the heads of these starving people.
kaafir1 haiN ye bhooke ye bhikaari insaan
loole, laNgRe, udaas, andhe, be-jaan
naar2-e dozaKh3 ke mustahaq4 haiN vallaah5
ye rahmat-e-yazdaaN6 ke mukazzib7 shaitaan8
1.denier of 3.hell 4.deserving god 6.benevolence of god 7.proving wrong 8.Satan, evil
This is said in a very sarcastic spirit. These deniers of faith are hungry, begging, crippled, sad, blind and lifeless because they are proof of lack of benevolence of god. Therefore, they are to be blamed for insulting god and are deserving of the fire of hell.
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