For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.
رباعیات۔شباب۔جوش ملیح آبادی
جنّت کی بہاروں کا نکھارا مکھڑا
بیلے کی کلی، صبح کا تارا مکھڑا
کوثر کی مصدق ہے تمہاری آواز
حوروں کا ثبوت ہے تمہارا مکھڑا
چونکی جو وہ سلمائے زمیں حورِ فلک
رگ رگ میں لئے خوابِ جوانی کی کھٹک
گالوں پہ برس کے کھل گیا نیند کا ابر
انگڑائی کے پردے سے نکل آئی دھنک
یہ چاند کا گھیرا ہے کہ تیرا مکھڑا
فردوس کا ڈیرا ہے کہ تیرا مکھڑا
جنگل کی یہ راتیں ہیں کہ تیری زلفیں
پربت کا سویرا ہے کہ تیرا مکھڑا
کل صبح کو یوں ہوئی وہ الہڑ بیدار
جس ناز سے پڑتی ہے دھندلکے میں پھوار
آنکھوں نے خرابات کے در کھول دئے
انگڑائی نے جھوم کر چلا دی تلوار
الہڑ نے جوانی کی سنی جب آہٹ
جوبن چٹکا رگوں میں گونجی انوٹ
سنکی ہر رونگٹے میں پروا سَن سَن
برکھا آئی بدن نے اُلٹا گھونگٹ
رخ پر جو تبسم سا دمک اُٹھتا ہے
ہونٹوں پہ، تیرا وعدہ تھرک اُٹھتا ہے
حیلے کی دُلائی کا سنہرا لچکا
آنکھوں کے کناروں پہ جھلک اُٹھتا ہے
ملتے ہی نظر دِل پہ تبر لگتا ہے
اِک تیر سا اے رشکِ قمر لگتا ہے
یہ کون سا عنصر ہے ترے مکھڑے میں
نظریں جو اُٹھاتا ہوں تو ڈر لگتا ہے
اللہ ری پر شور جوانی کی اُٹھان
ہلچل، ہنگامہ، گونج، آندھی، طوفان
اُٹھتی ہیں جو آنکھیں تو جھلکتی ہے کٹار
ہلتے ہیں جو ابرو تو کڑکتی ہے کمان
شانوں پہ ہے چھٹکی ہوئی زلفوں کی لٹک
اعضا میں ہے تازہ شاخِ گل کی سی لچک
اور اُس پہ یہ انگڑائی کا عالم کہ نہ پوچھ
بکھری ہوئی بدلیوں میں جس طرح دھنک
रुबाईयात-शबाब-जोश मलीहाबादी
जन्नत कि बहारौं का निखारा मुखड़ा
नेले कि कलि सुबह का तारा मुखड़ा
कौसर कि मुसद्दक़ है तुम्हारी आवाज़
हूरौं का सुबूत है तुम्हारा मुखड़ा
चौंकी जो वो सल्मा-ए ज़मीं हूर-ए फ़लक
रग रग में लिए ख्व़ाब-ए जवानी कि खटक
गालौं पे बरस के खुल गया नींद का अब्र
अंगड़ाई के परदे से निकल आई धनक
ये चाँद का घेरा है के तेरा मुखड़ा
फ़िरदौस का डेरा है के तेरा मुखड़ा
जंगल कि ये रातें हैं के तेरी ज़ुल्फ़ें
परबत का सवेरा है के तेरा मुखड़ा
कल सुबह को यूँ हुई वो अल्हड़ बेदार
जिस नाज़ से पड़ती है धुन्दल्के में फुआर
आँखौं ने ख़राबात के दर खोल दिए
अंगड़ाई ने झूम कर चला दी तल्वार
अल्हड़ ने जवानी कि सुनी जब आहट
जोबन चिटका रगौं में गूंजी अनवट
सन्की हर रोंगटे में पुर्वा सन्न-सन
बरखा आई बदन ने उल्टा घूंगट
रुख़ पर जो तबस्सुम सा दमक उठता है
होंटौं पे तेरा वादा थिरक उठता है
हीले कि दुलाई का सुनहरा लच्का
आंखौं के किनारौं पे झलक उठता है
मिलते ही नज़र दिल पे तबर लगता है
एक तीर सा अए रश्क-ए क़मर लगता है
ये कौन सा उन्सुर है तेरे मुखड़े में
अल्लाह कि पुर-शोर जवानी कि उठान
हलचल, हंगामा, गूँज, आंधी, तूफ़ान
उठती हैं जो आँखें तो झलकती है कटार
हिलते हैं जो अब्रू तो कड़कती है कमान
शानौं पे है छिटकी हुई ज़ुल्फ़ौं कि लचक
आ’ज़ा में है ताज़ा शाख़-ए गुल की सि लचक
और उस पे ये अंगड़ाई का आलम के न पूछ
बिखरी हुई बदलियौं में जिस तरह धनक
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi is well known for his fiery nazm. He also wrote many romantic as well as cerebral nazm and Ghazal. His marsia are a celebration of dignified death rather than bowing to injustice even at the cost of life. He also wrote numerous rubaaii. This series is a collection of nearly 300 rubaaiyaat from various books organized by subject. This selection is about the vigour and youth of the beloved. I do keep in mind that in the ‘me too’ era, this can offend. My only justification is the beauty of the language and the richness of metaphor and imagination.
jannat ki bahaarauN1 ka nikhaara2 mukhRa
bele ki kali, subah ka taara mukhRa
kauser3 ki musaddiq4 hai tumhaari aavaaz
hoorauN ka suboot5 hai tumhaara mukhRa 1.spring, flowers 2.freshened of a river in heaven who attests/verifies/assures 5.proof
The beloved’s face is washed fresh by the spring (freshness, youth) of heaven. She is like budding jasmine, like the morning star. kauser – a river in heaven, flowing gently. The beloved’s voice is an attestation of the gentle, musical sound of these ripples. Her beauty is proof of the existence of hoor.
chauNki1 jo vo salma-e-zamiN2 hoor-e-falak3
rug rug meN liye Khwaab-e javaani ki khaTak4
gaalauN pe baras ke khul gaya neend ka abr5
aNgRaaii ke parde6 se nikal aaii dhanak7 1.startled, woke up 2.the most delicately beautiful on earth 3.angel of heaven 4.irritation, restlessness 6.reflection, image, copy 7.rainbow
The beloved is the most beautiful damsel on earth, like an angel of heaven. When she wakes up, carrying the restless memories of her youthful dreams, her face lights up as if clouds (of sleep) have been cleared away and the sun shines after a rain shower. Following the shower, you see a rainbow. The arch of the rainbow is like the arch of her stretch/yawn.
ye chaand ka ghera hai ke tera mukhRa
firdaus1 ka Dera hai ke tera mukhRa
jaNgal ki ye rateN haiN ke teri zulfeN2
parbat ka savera hai ke tera mukhRa 1.heaven
Her face is like the full (circle) moon. It is like the station/dignity/beauty of heaven. Nights of the jungle are particularly dark, because there are no city lights. Thus her hair are like jungle nights. Dawn is particularly pleasing and bright as the sun emerges from behind hills. Thus her face is like the bright dawn of the mountain.
kal subah ko yuN hui vo alhaR1 bedaar2
jis naaz se paRti hai dhundalke3 meN phu’aar
aaNkhauN ne Kharabaat4 ke dar5 khol diye
aNgRaaii ne jhoom kar chala di talwaar 1.lively damsel 2.awake 3.twilight 4.tavern, wine 5.door
The beloved wakes up … still in the asleep/awake mode, hence the analogy with dhudalka – twilight, neither dark nor light. And the gentle drizzle is freshness. Her eyes are intoxicating like wine. So when she opens her eyes, it is as if the doors of the tavern have been thrown open. When she stretches and yawns, the arch of her body is like the curve of the sword.
alhaR1 ne javaani ki suni jab aahaT
joban2 chiTka3 ragauN meN goonji anvaT4
sanki5 har roNgTe meN purva6 sunn-sun
barkha aaii badan ne ulTa ghooNgaT 1.young damsel 2.youth, breasts 3.bloom 4.ankle bells and also coquetry 5.gently blowing 6.spring breeze
The adolescent is coming of age and hears the footsteps of youth. Her breasts blossom and coquetry echoes through every vein. The spring breeze blows through every fibre of her body. And with the spring shower, her body throws off the veil.
ruKh1 par jo tabassum2 sa damak3 uThta hai
hoNTauN pe tera vaa’da4 thirak uThta hai
heele5 ki dulaaii6 ka sunahra lachka7
aaNkhauN ke kinaarauN pe jhalak8 uThta hai 1.face 3.glow 4.promise 5.excuses (for breaking promises) 6.shawl 7.tassle, suggestive swing 8.shine, twinkle
The beloved smiles, her face glows and promises dance on her lips. Even as she is promising (a rendezvous) he knows that she is not going to keep her promise. Figuratively, she is wearing a shawl of excuses (that will give her cover for breaking her promise), and the tassle of this shawl is swinging suggestively. The corners of her eyes twinkle mischievously because she is teasing.
milte hi nazar dil pe tabar1 lagta hai
ek teer sa aye rashk-e-qamar2 lagta hai
ye kaun sa unsur3 hai tere mukhRe meN
nazreN jo uThaata huN to Dar lagta hai 1.hatchet, dagger 2.envy of the moon 3.ingredient
The beloved is so beautiful that she is the envy of the moon. Whenever the poet/lover raises his eyes to look at her it is as if a dagger has plunged into his heart or an arrow has struck him. He wonders what ingredient she has in her face/beauty that he is fearful of raising his eyes.
allah ri pur-shor1 javaani ki uThaan2
halchal, haNgaama, goonj, aandhi, toofaan
uThti haiN jo aaNkheN to jhalakti3 hai kaTaar4
hilte haiN jo abru5 to kaRakti6 hai kamaan7 1.noisy, lively 2.rise, emergence 3.shining 4.dagger 5.eye brows 6.twang (of a drawn bow) 7.bow
The beloved is young, her youth emerging and causing great tumult, disturbance, reverberation (thunder) and storms. When she raises her (bright) eyes it seems as if daggers are shining. When she arches her brows it is as if she is drawing a bow to shoot arrows.
shaanauN pe hai chhiTki1 hui zulfauN2 ki laTak3
a’aza4 meN hai taaza5 shaaKh-e-gul6 ki si lachak7
aur us pe ye aNgRaaii ka aalam ke na poochh
bikhri hui badliyauN8 meN jis tarah dhanak9 1.sprinkled 3.hanging/swinging 4.limbs 5.fresh, young 6.flower bough 7.supple swing 8.clouds
She has a gait as if she is sprinkling locks of her hair such that they suggestively swing on her shoulders. Her young limbs have a supple swing, like a young branch laden with flowers. On top of this, her stretch creates an arch like a rainbow in scattered clouds.
josh malihabadi is well known for his fiery nazm. He also wrote many romantic as well as cerebral nazm and Ghazal. His marsia are a celebration of dignified death rather than bowing to injustice even at the cost of life. He also wrote numerous rubaaii. This series is a collection of nearly 300 rubaaiyaat from various books organized by subject. This selection is about the vigour and youth of the beloved. I do keep in mind that in the ‘me too’ era, this can offend. My only justification is the beauty of the language and the richness of metaphor and imagination.
jannat ki bahaarauN1 ka nikhaara2 mukhRa
bele ki kali, subah ka taara mukhRa
kauser3 ki musaddiq4 hai tumhaari aavaaz
hoorauN ka suboot5 hai tumhaara mukhRa
1.spring, flowers 2.freshened of a river in heaven who attests/verifies/assures 5.proof
The beloved’s face is washed fresh by the spring (freshness, youth) of heaven. She is like budding jasmine, like the morning star. kauser – a river in heaven, flowing gently. The beloved’s voice is an attestation of the gentle, musical sound of these ripples. Her beauty is proof of the existence of hoor.
chauNki1 jo vo salma-e-zamiN2 hoor-e-falak3
rug rug meN liye Khwaab-e javaani ki khaTak4
gaalauN pe baras ke khul gaya neend ka abr5
aNgRaaii ke parde6 se nikal aaii dhanak7
1.startled, woke up 2.the most delicately beautiful on earth 3.angel of heaven 4.irritation, restlessness 6.reflection, image, copy 7.rainbow
The beloved is the most beautiful damsel on earth, like an angel of heaven. When she wakes up, carrying the restless memories of her youthful dreams, her face lights up as if clouds (of sleep) have been cleared away and the sun shines after a rain shower. Following the shower, you see a rainbow. The arch of the rainbow is like the arch of her stretch/yawn.
ye chaand ka ghera hai ke tera mukhRa
firdaus1 ka Dera hai ke tera mukhRa
jaNgal ki ye rateN haiN ke teri zulfeN2
parbat ka savera hai ke tera mukhRa
Her face is like the full (circle) moon. It is like the station/dignity/beauty of heaven. Nights of the jungle are particularly dark, because there are no city lights. Thus her hair are like jungle nights. Dawn is particularly pleasing and bright as the sun emerges from behind hills. Thus her face is like the bright dawn of the mountain.
kal subah ko yuN hui vo alhaR1 bedaar2
jis naaz se paRti hai dhundalke3 meN phu’aar
aaNkhauN ne Kharabaat4 ke dar5 khol diye
aNgRaaii ne jhoom kar chala di talwaar
1.lively damsel 2.awake 3.twilight 4.tavern, wine 5.door
The beloved wakes up … still in the asleep/awake mode, hence the analogy with dhudalka – twilight, neither dark nor light. And the gentle drizzle is freshness. Her eyes are intoxicating like wine. So when she opens her eyes, it is as if the doors of the tavern have been thrown open. When she stretches and yawns, the arch of her body is like the curve of the sword.
alhaR1 ne javaani ki suni jab aahaT
joban2 chiTka3 ragauN meN goonji anvaT4
sanki5 har roNgTe meN purva6 sunn-sun
barkha aaii badan ne ulTa ghooNgaT
1.young damsel 2.youth, breasts 3.bloom 4.ankle bells and also coquetry 5.gently blowing 6.spring breeze
The adolescent is coming of age and hears the footsteps of youth. Her breasts blossom and coquetry echoes through every vein. The spring breeze blows through every fibre of her body. And with the spring shower, her body throws off the veil.
ruKh1 par jo tabassum2 sa damak3 uThta hai
hoNTauN pe tera vaa’da4 thirak uThta hai
heele5 ki dulaaii6 ka sunahra lachka7
aaNkhauN ke kinaarauN pe jhalak8 uThta hai
1.face 3.glow 4.promise 5.excuses (for breaking promises) 6.shawl 7.tassle, suggestive swing 8.shine, twinkle
The beloved smiles, her face glows and promises dance on her lips. Even as she is promising (a rendezvous) he knows that she is not going to keep her promise. Figuratively, she is wearing a shawl of excuses (that will give her cover for breaking her promise), and the tassle of this shawl is swinging suggestively. The corners of her eyes twinkle mischievously because she is teasing.
milte hi nazar dil pe tabar1 lagta hai
ek teer sa aye rashk-e-qamar2 lagta hai
ye kaun sa unsur3 hai tere mukhRe meN
nazreN jo uThaata huN to Dar lagta hai
1.hatchet, dagger 2.envy of the moon 3.ingredient
The beloved is so beautiful that she is the envy of the moon. Whenever the poet/lover raises his eyes to look at her it is as if a dagger has plunged into his heart or an arrow has struck him. He wonders what ingredient she has in her face/beauty that he is fearful of raising his eyes.
allah ri pur-shor1 javaani ki uThaan2
halchal, haNgaama, goonj, aandhi, toofaan
uThti haiN jo aaNkheN to jhalakti3 hai kaTaar4
hilte haiN jo abru5 to kaRakti6 hai kamaan7
1.noisy, lively 2.rise, emergence 3.shining 4.dagger 5.eye brows 6.twang (of a drawn bow) 7.bow
The beloved is young, her youth emerging and causing great tumult, disturbance, reverberation (thunder) and storms. When she raises her (bright) eyes it seems as if daggers are shining. When she arches her brows it is as if she is drawing a bow to shoot arrows.
shaanauN pe hai chhiTki1 hui zulfauN2 ki laTak3
a’aza4 meN hai taaza5 shaaKh-e-gul6 ki si lachak7
aur us pe ye aNgRaaii ka aalam ke na poochh
bikhri hui badliyauN8 meN jis tarah dhanak9
1.sprinkled 3.hanging/swinging 4.limbs 5.fresh, young 6.flower bough 7.supple swing 8.clouds
She has a gait as if she is sprinkling locks of her hair such that they suggestively swing on her shoulders. Her young limbs have a supple swing, like a young branch laden with flowers. On top of this, her stretch creates an arch like a rainbow in scattered clouds.
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