she’r goii ko eKhtiyaar kiya-panDit dilaaraam ratan panDorvi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

شعر  گوئی  کو  اِختیار  کیا  ۔  پنڈت  دلآرام  رتنؔ  پنڈوروی


تیری  فطرت  پر  اعتبار  کیا

اور  بھی  دل  کو  بے  قرار  کیا


ہم  نے  اُن  کے  وقار  کی  خاطر

اپنی  ہستی  کو  بے  وقار  کیا


تیری  رحمت  کا  آسرا  لے  کر

ہم  نے  خود  کو  گناہ  گار  کیا


کہہ  کے  افسانۂ  دلِ  غمگیں

کیا  کیا  اس  کو  شرمسار  کیا


دلِ  ناداں  ترا  خدا  حافظ

اُس  نے  تیرِ  نظر  سے  وار  کیا


میرے  ہی  عشق  کی  حرارت  نے

حسنِ  جاناں  کو  شعلہ  بار  کیا


موت  سے  پہلے  موت  اُسے  آئی

جس  نے  جینے  پہ  اعتبار  کیا


چشمِ  بینا  کا  معجزہ  کہیے

اُن  کے  جلوؤں  کو  آشکار  کیا


رنگ  لایا  کمالِ  شوق  آخر

حسنِ  دلکش  کو  جلوہ  بار  کیا


دل  تو  پہلے  نثار  تھا  تم  پر

زندگی  کو  بھی  اب  نثار  کیا


دورِ  اُردو  کشی  میں  ہم  نے  رتنؔ

شعر  گوئی  کو  اختیار  کیا

शे’र-गोई को इख़्तियार किया – पंडित दिलआराम रतन पंडोरवी

तेरी फ़ितरत पर ऐतेबार किया
और भी दिल को बेक़रार किया

हम ने उनके वेक़ार की ख़ातिर
अपनी हस्ती को बे-वेक़ार किया

तेरी रहमत का आसरा ले कर
हम ने ख़ुद को गुनहगार किया

कह के अफ़साना-ए दिल-ए ग़मगीं
क्या किया उस को शर्मसार किया

दिल-ए नादां तेरा ख़ुदा हाफ़िज़
उस ने तीर-ए नज़र से वार किया

मेरे ही इश्क़ की हरारत ने
हुस्न-ए जानां को शो’ला-बार किया

मौत से पहले मौत उसे आई
जिस ने जीने पे ऐतबार किया

चश्म-ए बीना का मोजज़ा कहिये
उन के जलवौं को आशकार किया

रंग लाया कमाल-ए शौक़ आख़िर
हुस्न-ए दिलकश को जलवा-बार किया

दिल तो पहले निसार था तुम पर
ज़िंदगी को भी अब निसार किया

दौर-ए उर्दू-कुशी में हम ने रतन
शे’र-गोई को एख़्तियार किया


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. panDit dilaaraam ratan panDorvi (1909-1990), paThaankoT. There are many books to his credit including urdu instructional texts for school children, an explanatory, interpretive book of Ghalib’s Ghazal, literary history and criticism, rules of versification and representative compositions of muslim poets of hindi. A recognized authority of urdu, hindi and sanskrit and perhaps also of faarsi. This Ghazal is linked to other ham-radeef Ghazal under ‘tere vaade pe etebaar kiya’ on the Refrain Index page.
teri fitrat1 par e’tebaar2 kiya
aur bhi dil ko beqaraar3 kiya
1.nature, habit, character, depend 3.restless
I foolishly trusted your nature (O beloved). It just increased the restlessness of my heart.

hum ne unn ke veqaar1 ki Khaatir2
apni hasti3 ko be-veqaar4 kiya   
1.dignity 2.for the sake of 3.existence, life 4.disgraced
For the sake of the beloved’s dignity, I disgraced my own life. This could be about trying to hide his love to safeguard the beloved’s reputation/dignity and in the process going into mad passionate restlessness destroying his own dignity.

teri rahmat1 ka aasra2 le kar
hum ne Khud3 ko gunahgaar4 kiya    
1.mercy, kindness, refuge 3.self 4.sinner
Believing in/depending on divine mercy, I commit transgressions. Said panDit anand narain mulla …
us ke karam pe shak tujhe zaahid zaroor tha
varna tera qusoor na karna qusoor tha
… and muzaffar Khairabaadi …
mere gunah ziyaada haiN ya teri rahmateN
kariim tu hi bataa de hisaab kar ke mujhe

kah1 ke afsaana2-e dil-e Ghamgiin3
kya kiya4 uss ko sharmsaar5 kiya
1.speaking, narrating 2.tale, story 3.sorrowful 4.what did I do 5.embarrassed
Oh what did I do, narrating the sorrowful story of my heart, I caused embarrassment to the beloved. Poetic/romance convention is that the lover hides his sorrow so as not to malign the reputation of the beloved. The poet/lover regrets violating that convention.

dil-e naadaaN1 tera Khuda haafiz2
uss ne tiir-e-nazar3 se vaar4 kiya
1.naive, simpleton 2.protector 3.arrow of sidelong glance 4.strike
Only god can protect/save you, O simple heart; the beloved has shot the arrow of her sidelong glance at you i.e., there is nothing that can save you now.

mere hi ishq1 ki haraarat2 ne
husn3-e jaanaaN4 ko sho’la-baar5 kiya 2.warmth, passion, intensity 4.beloved 5.flame raining, blazing, brilliant
It is the intensity of the passion of my love that gives brilliance to the beauty of the beloved.

maut1 se pahle2 maut us’e aa’ii
jis ne jiine3 pe e’tebaar4 kiya   
1.death 2.before, life
Whoever trusted that he would live (long life), to him death came even before his death.

chashm-e-biina1 ka mojeza2 kahiye
unn ke jalvoN3 ko aashkaar4 kiya   
1.discerning eye 2.miracle 3.glories 4.revealed
It is the miracle of a discerning eye that reveals your glories … this could have been addressed to the divine and the discerning eye that reveals divine glory is the poet’s.

raNg laaya1 kamaal2-e shauq3 aaKhir4
husn5-e dilkash6 ko jalva-baar7 kiya    
1.raNg laana-to bear fruit 2.excellence, perfection 3.desire, love, passion last 6.heart captivating 7.glory raining, radiant
At last the excellence of my love bore fruit; the beart captivating beauty of the beloved radiated glory. This could apply both to the conventional and the divine beloved.

dil to pahle nisaar1 tha tum par
zindagi ko bhi ab nisaar kiya   
1.sacrificial/devotional offering
The heart was already offered at your feet, now I offer my life too.

daur1-e urdu-kushi2 meN hum ne ratan3
sh’er-goii4 ko eKhtiyaar5 kiya    
1.era, age, period 2.killing/suppression of urdu 3.pen-name 4.composing/reciting verse 5.adopted
In this age of suppression of urdu, O ratan, you have adopted urdu versification. This is a reflection on the oppression of urdu, a declaration of defiance and expression of the beauty and attraction of urdu.

panDit dilaaraam ratan panDorvi (1909-1990), paThaankoT.  There are many books to his credit including urdu instructional texts for school children, an explanatory, interpretive book of Ghalib’s Ghazal, literary history and criticism, rules of versification and representative compositions of muslim poets of hindi.  A recognized authority of urdu, hindi and sanskrit and perhaps also of faarsi.  This Ghazal is linked to other ham-radeef Ghazal under ‘tere vaade pe etebaar kiya’ on the Refrain Index page.
teri fitrat1 par e’tebaar2 kiya
aur bhi dil ko beqaraar3 kiya

1.nature, habit, character, depend 3.restless

I foolishly trusted your nature (O beloved).  It just increased the restlessness of my heart.
hum ne unn ke veqaar1 ki Khaatir2
apni hasti3 ko be-veqaar4 kiya

1.dignity 2.for the sake of 3.existence, life 4.disgraced

For the sake of the beloved’s dignity, I disgraced my own life.  This could be about trying to hide his love to safeguard the beloved’s reputation/dignity and in the process going into mad passionate restlessness destroying his own dignity.
teri rahmat1 ka aasra2 le kar
hum ne Khud3 ko gunahgaar4 kiya

1.mercy, kindness, refuge 3.self 4.sinner

Believing in/depending on divine mercy, I commit transgressions.  Said panDit anand narain mulla …
us ke karam pe shak tujhe zaahid zaroor tha
varna tera qusoor na karna qusoor tha
… and muzaffar Khairabaadi …
mere gunah ziyaada haiN ya teri rahmateN
kariim tu hi bataa de hisaab kar ke mujhe
kah1 ke afsaana2-e dil-e Ghamgiin3
kya kiya4 uss ko sharmsaar5 kiya

1.speaking, narrating 2.tale, story 3.sorrowful 4.what did I do 5.embarrassed

Oh what did I do, narrating the sorrowful story of my heart, I caused embarrassment to the beloved.  Poetic/romance convention is that the lover hides his sorrow so as not to malign the reputation of the beloved.  The poet/lover regrets violating that convention.
dil-e naadaaN1 tera Khuda haafiz2
uss ne tiir-e-nazar3 se vaar4 kiya

1.naive, simpleton 2.protector 3.arrow of sidelong glance 4.strike

Only god can protect/save you, O simple heart; the beloved has shot the arrow of her sidelong glance at you i.e., there is nothing that can save you now.
mere hi ishq1 ki haraarat2 ne
husn3-e jaanaaN4 ko sho’la-baar5 kiya 2.warmth, passion, intensity 4.beloved 5.flame raining, blazing, brilliant

It is the intensity of the passion of my love that gives brilliance to the beauty of the beloved.
maut1 se pahle2 maut us’e aa’ii
jis ne jiine3 pe e’tebaar4 kiya

1.death 2.before, life

Whoever trusted that he would live (long life), to him death came even before his death.
chashm-e-biina1 ka mojeza2 kahiye
unn ke jalvoN3 ko aashkaar4 kiya

1.discerning eye 2.miracle 3.glories 4.revealed

It is the miracle of a discerning eye that reveals your glories … this could have been addressed to the divine and the discerning eye that reveals divine glory is the poet’s.
raNg laaya1 kamaal2-e shauq3 aaKhir4
husn5-e dilkash6 ko jalva-baar7 kiya

1.raNg laana-to bear fruit 2.excellence, perfection 3.desire, love, passion last 6.heart captivating 7.glory raining, radiant

At last the excellence of my love bore fruit; the beart captivating beauty of the beloved radiated glory.  This could apply both to the conventional and the divine beloved.
dil to pahle nisaar1 tha tum par
zindagi ko bhi ab nisaar kiya

1.sacrificial/devotional offering

The heart was already offered at your feet, now I offer my life too.
daur1-e urdu-kushi2 meN hum ne ratan3
sh’er-goii4 ko eKhtiyaar5 kiya

1.era, age, period 2.killing/suppression of urdu 3.pen-name 4.composing/reciting verse 5.adopted

In this age of suppression of urdu, O ratan, you have adopted urdu versification.  This is a reflection on the oppression of urdu, a declaration of defiance and expression of the beauty and attraction of urdu.