tuloo-e fikr – josh malihabadi – 033-038 – viladat


یونہی فرازِ روح پہ اُبھرا اک آ فتاب

دیں کا نشاں، خِرد کا علم، آگہی کا باب

حق ساز و حق نواز و حق آواز و حق مآب

مقصودِ عرش، مورثِ افلاک، بو تراب

عرفانِ زندگی کاعلم کھولتا ہوا

بندِ قباۓ لوح و قلم کھولتا  ہوا


پیدا ہوا سرودِ ازل سلسبیل میں

اُتری شعاع سینۂ فکرِ  جمیل میں

روشن ہوے چراغ دیارِ خلیل میں

جنبش ہوئی دوبارہ پرِ جبرئیل میں

چھننے لگی شعاع تفکر کے باب سے

پھوٹی کرن جبینِ رسالت مآبؑ سے


نکھرا ادب خیال کو حاصل ہوئی زباں

دمکی جبینِ حرف  پہ معنی کی کہکشاں

چھلکیں شرابِ  نغمۂ حق کی گُلا بیاں

داوٗد یت نے  پیش کیا  تاجِ  زر فشاں

یوسف بڑھے جمالِ فراواں لئے ہوے

پریاں در آئیں تختِ سلیماں لئے ہوے


لفظوں کی موجِ رنگ میں غلطاں ہوے گہر

لہجے کی آب جوُ میں چلی کشتیِ قمر

نوکِ قلم سے علم کی طالع ہوئی سحر

اور پھر سحر کی چھُوٹ پڑی  ذوالفقار   پر

بالائے ذوالفقار علم جگمگا اُٹھا

اور ضو فشاں علم  پہ قلم  جگمگا  اُٹھا


گھومی کلیدِ  فضل، کھلا قفلِ فیضِ عام

نا گاہ آسمان پہ گونجہ زمیں کا نام

گردش  میں آئے نارہؑ صلّ علیٰ کے  جام

پڑھتے ہوے دروُد بڑھے انبیا تمام

کعبے کے گِرد ایک کرن گھومنے لگی

روحِ محمدِّ عربی جھومنے لگی


شب ہائے این و آں میں ہوئی صبح منجلی

بادِ مراد ناز سے مچلی  گلی گلی

عرفانِ کائنات سے چِٹکی کلی کلی

اور روحِ اِرتقا نے پکارا کہ ائے علی

لے یہ کلیدِ علم یہ گیتی کاباب ہے

اِس خاک کو اُبھار کہ تو بو تراب ہے


यूँही फ़राज़-ए रूह पे उभरा एक आफ़ताब
दीं का निशां, ख़िरद का अलम, आगही का बाब
हक़ साज़ ओ हक़ नवाज़ ओ हक़ आवाज़ ओ हक़ मा’आब
मक़सूद-ए अर्श मौरिस-ए अफ़्लाक बू तुराब
इरफ़ान-ए ज़िन्दगी का अलम खोलता हुआ

बंद-ए क़बा-ए लौह ओ क़लम खोलता हुआ


पैदा हुआ सुरूद-ए अज़ल सल्सबील में

उतरी शु’आ सीना-ए फ़िक्र-ए जमील में

रौशन हुए चिराग़ दयार-ए ख़लील में

जुम्बिश हुई दोबारा पर-ए जिबराईल में

छन-ने लगी शु’आ तफ़क्कुर के बाब से

फूटी किरन जबीन-ए रिसालत मा’आब से


निखरा अदब ख़्याल को हासिल हुई ज़बां

दमकी जबीन-ए हर्फ़ पे मा’अनी की कहकशां

छलकीं शराब-ए नग़मा-ए हक़ की गुलाबियाँ

दाऊदियत ने पेश किया ताज ए ज़र फ़शां

युसुफ़ बढे जमाल ए फ़रावां लिए हुए

परियां दर आईं तख़्त ए सुलेइमां लिए हुए


लफ़्ज़ों की मौज-ए रंग में ग़लतां हुए गुहर

लहजे की आब जू में चली किश्ती ए क़मर

नोक ए क़लम से इल्म की ताल’अ हुई सहर

और फिर सहर की छूट पड़ी ज़ुल्फ़िकार पर

बाला-ए ज़ुल्फ़िकार अलम जगमगा उठा

और ज़ौ फ़शां अलम पे क़लम जगमगा उठा


घूमी कलीद-ए फ़ज़्ल, खुला क़ुफ़्ल-ए फ़ैज़-ए आम

नागाह आस्मान पे गूंजा ज़मीं का नाम

गर्दिश में आए नारा-ए सल्ल-ए अ’ला के जाम

पढ़ते हुए दुरूद बढे अम्बिया तमाम

का’अबे के गिर्द एक किरन घूमने लगी

रूह ए मुहम्मद-ए अरबी झूमने लगी


शब-हा ए ईन ओ आं में हुई सुबह मंजली

बाद-ए मुराद नाज़ से मचली गली गली

इरफ़ान-ए काएनात की चिटकी कलि कलि

और रूह-ए इर्तेक़ा ने पुकारा के अए अली

ले ये कालीद-ए इल्म ये गेती का बाब है

इस ख़ाक को उभार के तू बू तुराब है

Click here for overall comments and on each stanza for meanings and discussion. Josh has described the beauty of Dawn in 32 preceding stanzas. He now talks about the arrival/birth of Ali in powerful language, likening it to the rising sun and the emergence of knowledge.

yuNhi faraaz1-e rooh2 pe ubhra3 ek aaftab4
deeN ka nishaaN, Khirad5 ka alam6, aagahi7 ka baab8
haq saaz9 o haq nawaz10 o haq awaaz o haq ma’ab11
maqsood12-e arsh13 mauris14 e aflaak15 bu Turab16
irfaan e zindagi17 ka alam kholta hua
band e qaba18-e lauh o qalam19 kholta hua
1. height 2. spirit 3. emerged 4. sun 5. wisdom 6. banner 7. knowledge 8. door 9. maker 10. adds luster to 11. the place to return to 12. purpose, desire 13. sky (god) 14. first claimant 15. sky 16. father of earth (Ali) 17. mystical knowledge about life 18. ties of a robe 19. paper and pen
Just like the beautiful dawn he has been describing, a bright sun rose to the highest heights of spiritualism. According to Shia beliefs Mohammed is supposed to have said “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the door” … “aagahi ka baab” is a reference to that. This rising sun was like the exemplar of Truth, the banner of Wisdom and the door to knowledge. “bu Turab”, meaning “father of the Earth”, is one of many titles of Ali. The definer and the protector of righteouness and the abode of truth, the desire of god, the “vaaris” of heavens, the father of the earth. He arrives unfurling the banner of spiritual knowledge and disrobing (making learning available) paper and pen.

paida hua surood1-e azal2 salsabeel3 meN
utri shu’aa’4 seena e fikr5-e jamil6 meN
raushan hue chiraGh dayaar7-e Khalil8 meN
jumbish9 hui dobaara10 par-e Jibra’eel11 meN
chhan-ne12 lagi shu’aa’ tafakkur13 ke baab14 se
phooTi kiran jabin15-e risalat ma’aab16 se
1. song, music 2. eternity 3. river/canal in paradise 4. ray of light 5. thought, reason 6. beautiful 7. abode, home, hometown 8. Ibrahim (metaphor for all prophets) 9. movement 10. again 11. wings of Gabriel 12. filtering, coming through 13. thinking, reasoning 14. door 15. forehead 16. Mohammed
“surood-e azal” – the song of eternity is the message of eternal life. Thus with the emergence of this sun the song of eternal life broke out in the “salsabeel” (a river in paradise). According to Islamic tradition all prophets had a “ray of light” (perhaps a metaphor for knowledge) that was passed on from prophet to prophet, and descended into the heart of “beautiful reason” and lit up lamps in the abode of Ibrahim (metaphor for prophets preceding Mohammed). This ray of light is now coming to Mohammed and Jibraeel’s (carrier of the message) wings are fluttering again. Rays of light filtered through the door of reason as if emanating from the forehead of Mohammed.

nikhra1 adab2, Khyaal3 ko haasil hui zabaaN
damki jabin-e harf4 pe ma’ani5 ki kahkashaaN6
chhalkiN7 sharab-e naGhma-e haq8 ki gulabiyaaN9
dawoodiyat10 ne pesh kiya taj-e zar fishaaN11
yusuf12 baRhe jamaal-e faravaN13 liye hue
pariyaN dar aaiiN14 taKht e suleimaN15 liye hue
1. became fresh (clear blue), got refined 2. literature 3. thought 4. forehead) face/countenance of word 5. meaning 6. constellation 7. spilled over, overflowed 8. wine of the song of truth/righteousness 9. redness 10. Dawood (David) used here metaphorically for all previous prophets 11. shining golden crown 12. Joseph, of legendary good looks 13. plentiful 14. came in 15. seat of justice/wisdom Josh possibly is describing the writing of the Quran and says that fresh thought, fresh writing found voice and words shone with meaning like constellations. All the previous prophets paid tribute, presenting a brilliant golden crown. Also note Khyal (personified) acquires a tongue, the countenance of “Word” (personified) acquires the shine of constellations. There was so much joy and celebration because of the concepts of justice “sharab e naGhma e haq” (sharab-celebration, naGhma-singing with joy) that it overflowed/spilled over. The legendary strengths of all previous prophets are being rolled into this one. Yusuf came forward presenting a gift of great good looks. Angels came bearing the throne of Solomon (a gift of wisdom and justice).

lafzauN ki mauj-e raNg meN GhaltaaN1 hue guhar2
lahje ki aab ju3 meN chali kishti e qamar4
nok e qalam se ilm ki taal’a5 hui sahar6
aur phir sahar ki chhooT7 paRi zulfiqar par
baala-e zulfiqar8 alam9 jagmaga uTha
aur zau fashaN10 alam pe qalam jagmaga uTha
1. immersed 2. pearls 3. stream 4. moon 5. emerge 6. dawn 7. brilliance 8. on top of the Zulfiqar (the sword of Ali) 9. flag, banner 10. brilliance spreading
Josh, describing the beauty of the words of the Quran says that the waves of words containing pearls (of wisdom), and their “lahja” or the music is such that it seems that the moon is sailing through the river of words (crescent moon looks like a boat). And from the point of this pen emerged a new dawn, new thinking, and its brilliance manifested itself on the sharp edge of the Zulfiqar. And on the Zulfiqar was hoisted the banner of light (of Truth). “Qalam jagmaga uTha” is giving brilliance to the words that were written.

ghoomi kaleed1-e fazl2, khula qufl3-e faiz-e a’am4
naagaah5 aasman pe goonja zamiN ka naam
gardish6 meN aaye naara e sall-e a’la7 ke jaam8
paRhte hue durood9 baRhe ambiya10 tamaam
ka’abe ke gird11 ek kiran ghoomne lagi
rooh-e mohammed-e arabi jhoomne lagi
1. key 2. benevolence (of god) 3. lock 4. public/general well being 5. suddenly 6. motion 7. cry of praise 8. wine cups 9. felicitations 10. prophets 11. around
Ali is reputed to have been born inside the Ka’aba. His family had caretaker responsibility over the Ka’aba. His mother was supposedly working around the Ka’aba while full term and felt the baby coming and went inside for delivery. With his arrival the means of well being/deliverance of all which were locked up were now unlocked. The name/fame of the lowly earth reached heavens. Cups of wine were exchanged (came into circulation) as a celebratory toast. All prophets came offering tribute. A brilliant ray of light shone on the Ka’aba and the spirit of Mohammed began to dance with joy.

shab-haa1-e een o aaN2 meN hui subah manjali3
baad-e murad4 naaz se machli gali gali
irfan5-e kayenaat6 ki chiTki7 kali kali
aur rooh8-e irteqa9 ne pukaara ke aye Ali
le ye kaleed-e ilm10 ye geti ka baab11 hai
is Khaak12 ko ubhaar13 ke tu bu turab14 hai
1. plural of shab, nights 2. this and that, everything, all 3. manifest, appear 4. breeze of desire 5. (mystical) knowledge, consciousness 6. creation 7. blossomed 8. spirit 9. evolution, progress 10. key to knowledge (holding the key to knowledge is symbolical of giver of knowledge) 11. door to the world 12. dust, earth 13. pick up, bring to a higher status 14. father of earth, Ali
Josh is now praising Ali lyrically. Dark nights (of ignorance) came to an end as dawn manifested itself. The breeze of desire of learning danced with joy in every street. Mystical knowledge of the (secrets of) universe blossomed. The spirit of progress called, O Ali, take this key of knowledge, this is the door (way) to the world. Raise this earth, for you are “bu Turaab”. It is worth recalling Ghalib’s play on bu Turab.
nisbat-e naam se us ke hai ye rutba ke rahe
abadan pusht-e falak Kham shuda-e naaz-e zamiN
Because of association with his name its status is such that
Forever the sky bows down in obeisance to the EARTH.

Josh has described the beauty of Dawn in 32 preceding stanzas.  He now talks about the arrival/birth of Ali in powerful language, likening it to the rising sun and the emergence of knowledge.

yuNhi faraaz1-e rooh2 pe ubhra3 ek aaftab4
deeN ka nishaaN, Khirad5 ka alam6, aagahi7 ka baab8
haq saaz9 o haq nawaz10 o haq awaaz o haq ma’ab11
maqsood12-e arsh13 mauris14 e aflaak15 bu Turab16
irfaan e zindagi17 ka alam kholta hua
band e qaba18-e lauh o qalam19 kholta hua

1. height 2. spirit 3. emerged 4. sun 5. wisdom 6. banner 7. knowledge 8. door 9. maker 10. adds luster to 11. the place to return to 12. purpose, desire 13. sky (god) 14. first claimant 15. sky 16. father of earth (Ali) 17. mystical knowledge about life 18. ties of a robe 19. paper and pen

 Just like the beautiful dawn he has been describing, a bright sun rose to the highest heights of spiritualism.  According to Shia beliefs Mohammed is supposed to have said “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the door” … “aagahi ka baab” is a reference to that.  This rising sun was like the exemplar of Truth, the banner of Wisdom and the door to knowledge.  “bu Turab”, meaning “father of the Earth”, is one of many titles of Ali.  The definer and the protector of righteouness and the abode of truth, the desire of god, the “vaaris” of heavens, the father of the earth.  He arrives unfurling the banner of spiritual knowledge and disrobing (making learning available) paper and pen.
paida hua surood1-e azal2 salsabeel3 meN
utri shu’aa’4 seena e fikr5-e jamil6 meN
raushan hue chiraGh dayaar7-e Khalil8 meN
jumbish9 hui dobaara10 par-e Jibra’eel11 meN
chhan-ne12 lagi shu’aa’ tafakkur13 ke baab14 se
phooTi kiran jabin15-e risalat ma’aab16 se

1. song, music 2. eternity 3. river/canal in paradise 4. ray of light 5. thought, reason 6. beautiful 7.  abode, home, hometown 8. Ibrahim (metaphor for all prophets) 9. movement 10. again 11. wings of Gabriel 12. filtering, coming through 13. thinking, reasoning 14. door 15. forehead 16. Mohammed

“surood-e azal” – the song of eternity is the message of eternal life.  Thus with the emergence of this sun the song of eternal life broke out in the “salsabeel” (a river in paradise).  According to Islamic tradition all prophets had a “ray of light” (perhaps a metaphor for knowledge) that was passed on from prophet to prophet, and descended into the heart of “beautiful reason” and lit up lamps in the abode of Ibrahim (metaphor for prophets preceding Mohammed).  This ray of light is now coming to Mohammed and Jibraeel’s (carrier of the message) wings are fluttering again. Rays of light filtered through the door of reason as if emanating from the forehead of Mohammed.
nikhra1 adab2, Khyaal3 ko haasil hui zabaaN
damki jabin-e harf4 pe ma’ani5 ki kahkashaaN6
chhalkiN7 sharab-e naGhma-e haq8 ki gulabiyaaN9
dawoodiyat10 ne pesh kiya taj-e zar fishaaN11
yusuf12 baRhe jamaal-e faravaN13 liye hue
pariyaN dar aaiiN14 taKht e suleimaN15 liye hue

1. became fresh (clear blue), got refined 2. literature 3. thought 4. forehead) face/countenance of word 5.  meaning 6. constellation 7. spilled over, overflowed 8. wine of the song of truth/righteousness 9. redness 10. Dawood (David) used here metaphorically for all previous prophets 11. shining golden crown 12. Joseph, of legendary good looks 13. plentiful 14. came in 15. seat of justice/wisdom

Josh possibly is describing the writing of the Quran and says that fresh thought, fresh writing found voice and  words shone with meaning like constellations.  All the previous prophets paid tribute, presenting a brilliant golden crown.  Also note  Khyal (personified) acquires a tongue, the countenance of “Word” (personified) acquires the shine of constellations.  There was so much joy and celebration because of the concepts of justice “sharab e naGhma e haq” (sharab-celebration, naGhma-singing with joy) that it overflowed/spilled over. The legendary strengths of all previous prophets are being rolled into this one.  Yusuf came forward presenting a gift of great good looks.  Angels came bearing the throne of Solomon (a gift of wisdom and justice).
lafzauN ki mauj-e raNg meN GhaltaaN1 hue guhar2
lahje ki aab ju3 meN chali kishti e qamar4
nok e qalam se ilm ki taal’a5 hui sahar6
aur phir sahar ki chhooT7 paRi zulfiqar par
baala-e zulfiqar8 alam9 jagmaga uTha
aur zau fashaN10 alam pe qalam jagmaga uTha

1. immersed 2. pearls 3. stream 4. moon 5. emerge 6. dawn 7. brilliance 8. on top of the Zulfiqar (the sword of Ali) 9. flag, banner 10. brilliance spreading

Josh, describing the beauty of the words of the Quran says that the waves of words containing pearls (of wisdom), and their “lahja” or the music is such that it seems that the moon is sailing through the river of words (crescent moon looks like a boat).  And from the point of this pen emerged a new dawn, new thinking, and its brilliance manifested itself on the sharp edge of the Zulfiqar.  And on the Zulfiqar was hoisted the banner of light (of Truth).  “Qalam jagmaga uTha” is giving brilliance to the words that were written.
ghoomi kaleed1-e fazl2, khula qufl3-e faiz-e a’am4
naagaah5 aasman pe goonja zamiN ka naam
gardish6 meN aaye naara e sall-e a’la7 ke jaam8
paRhte hue durood9 baRhe ambiya10 tamaam
ka’abe ke gird11 ek kiran ghoomne lagi
rooh-e mohammed-e arabi jhoomne lagi

1. key 2.  benevolence (of god) 3. lock 4. public/general well being 5. suddenly 6. motion 7.  cry of praise 8. wine cups 9. felicitations 10. prophets 11. around

Ali is reputed to have been born inside the Ka’aba.  His family had caretaker responsibility over the Ka’aba.  His mother was supposedly working around the Ka’aba while full term and felt the baby coming and went inside for delivery.  With his arrival the means of well being/deliverance of all which were locked up were now unlocked.  The name/fame of the lowly earth reached heavens.  Cups of wine were exchanged (came into circulation) as a celebratory toast.  All prophets came offering tribute.  A brilliant ray of light shone on the Ka’aba and the spirit of Mohammed began to dance with joy.
shab-haa1-e een o aaN2 meN hui subah manjali3
baad-e murad4 naaz se machli gali gali
irfan5-e kayenaat6 ki chiTki7 kali kali
aur rooh8-e irteqa9 ne pukaara ke aye Ali
le ye kaleed-e ilm10 ye geti ka baab11 hai
is Khaak12 ko ubhaar13 ke tu bu turab14 hai

1. plural of shab, nights 2. this and that, everything, all 3. manifest, appear 4. breeze of desire 5. (mystical) knowledge, consciousness 6. creation 7. blossomed 8. spirit 9. evolution, progress 10. key to knowledge (holding the key to knowledge is symbolical of giver of knowledge) 11. door to the world 12. dust, earth 13. pick up, bring to a higher status 14. father of earth, Ali

Josh is now praising Ali lyrically.  Dark nights (of ignorance) came to an end as dawn manifested itself.  The breeze of desire of learning danced with joy in every street.  Mystical knowledge of the (secrets of) universe blossomed.  The spirit of progress called, O Ali, take this key of knowledge, this is the door (way) to the world.  Raise this earth, for you are “bu Turaab”.  It is worth recalling Ghalib’s play on bu Turab.

nisbat-e naam se us ke hai ye rutba ke rahe
abadan pusht-e falak Kham shuda-e naaz-e zamiN

Because of association with his name its status is such that
Forever the sky bows down in obeisance to the EARTH.