tuloo-e fikr – josh malihabadi – 053-064 – mohim


ائے  صدق کے محیط حقائق کے آبشار

ائے حق کے بادشاہ معارف کے تاجدار

ائے علم کے خدیو، تفکرّ کے شہریار

نوعِ بشر کو فکر وعمل کی طرف پکار

ہاں صبح زندگی کی شفق ہے تیرا وجود

ایفائے عہدِ رحمت حق ہے تیرا وجود


تجھ کو ہے کس قدر ابد یت سے اتصال

تیرا ہر اک دقیقہ دو صد قرنِ بے مصال

تیری ہر ایک موجِ نفس میں بصد جمال

رفتارِ نوُر کے ہیں پر افشاں ہزار سال

تیرا مقام دائرہ عزّ و جل میں ہے

عمرِ مسیح و خضر تیرے ایک پل میں ہے


جلوت میں بادشاہ ہے خلوت میں تو فقیر

جنگ گاہ  میں جوان، حریمِ خرد میں   پیر

دشتِ  وِغا میں طبل، ادب گاہ میں صریر

میدان میں حدید، مقالات میں حریر

سو معجزوں کا عطر ہے تیری حیات میں

اضداد کس قدر ہیں تیری ایک ذات میں


شہرِ ادب، مفسرِّ آیاتِ دِل نشیں

نقادِ فن، مصوّر اشکالِ مآ و طیں

میرِ دماغ، محورِ دِل، مصدرِ یقیں

دستورِ حق، مُبصّرِ دُنیا، فقیہِ دیں

نباّزِ شرع و زورقِ جیحونِ زندگی

خاقانِ دہر و واضعِ قانونِ زندگی


دنیا کی قاہری کا تسلط ہے دین پر

سِجینّ کا قدم ہے سرِ عِلییٗن پر

کانپ ائے ابد کے نورشہور و سنین پر

ائے آسمانِ رُشد اُتر آ زمین پر

یوں گوشِ دل میں جذب یہ گفتار ہو گئی

پیدا علی کے ساز میں جھنکار ہو گئی


نا گاہ جھنجھنائے فضا کے تمام تار

بڑھنے لگی شعاع، سمٹنے لگا غبار

بہرِ سلام ادب سے جھکا فرقِ روزگار

آواز دی نقیبِ فلک نے کہ ہوشیار

تھامے رکاب دولتِ دنیا و دیں چلی

سوئے زمیں سواریِ عرشِ بریں چلی


چلمن حریمِ عالمِ ارواح کی اُڑی

نکلی حجابِ قدس سے اک زندہ روشنی

ضو بار  روحِ  پنجتنِ پاک ہو گئی

شمعِ حواسِ خمسۂ آفاق جل اُٹھی

تاریکیوں سے روۓ زمیں پاک ہو  گیا

روشن تمام مطلع اِدراک ہو  گیا


کعبہ سے آفتابِ اِمامت عیاں ہوا

حلاّلِ مشکلاتِ رِسالات عیاں ہوا

میرِ نظامِ شمسیِ قدرت عیاں ہوا

داراۓ  کاروبارِ مشیت عیاں ہوا

خلّاقیت کا ذوق سر افراز ہو گیا

اک دورِعلم و فکرکا آغاز ہو گیا


تجھ سے فروغ کشورِ دنیاو دیں میں ہے

خمُ خانہِ وجود تیرے سائگیں میں ہے

دریاے جود و فضل تیری آستیں میں ہے

قرآں  تیرے خطوطِ  جبینِ مبیں  میں ہے

مرکز  ہے تو زمین پہ حسنِ قبول کا

تو ہاتھ ہے خدا کا، قلم ہے رسول کا


تیرا جمال ہے کہ سر و برگِ لالہ زار

تیرا جلال ہے کہ تجلاّۓ  ذوالجلال

تیرا دماغ ہے کہ نویدِ کشوُدِ کار

تیری نگاہ ہے کہ شعاعِ ابد سوار

تیری یہ ضوہےگنبدِ لیل و نہار میں

یا حرفِ کنُ ہے خاطرِ پروردگار میں


تیرا وجود پاک، نظر گاہِ مہر و ماہ

آ  نکھیں چراغِ کعبہ، زباں سازِ لا الہ

نقشِ قدم جبینِ سماوات کی کلاہ

اُمّ اُلکتاب چہرہ تو حبلِ متیں نگاہ

شکلِ بشر میں آیہِ صدق و صفاہے تو

اِک ذی نفس دلیلِ وجودِ خدا ہے تو


ائے رحبرِخُجستہ و ائے ہادیِ نِکوُ

عرفان کا شِکوہ رسالت کی آبروُ

تو ہی ہے ائے مدبرّ دارالقضائے ہوُ

تاریخِ روزگار کی د یر ینہ آرزوُ

اُٹھ زندگی کو فکر ہے اپنے علاج کی

حاجت ہے ایک بندہِ  یزداں مزاج  کی


अए सिद्क़ के मोहीत हक़ाएक़ के आबशार

अए हक़ के बादशाह मा’अरिफ़ के ताजदार

अए इल्म के ख़दीव, तफ़क्कुर के शहरयार

नौ-ए बशर को फ़िक्र ओ अमल की तरफ़ पुकार

हां सुबह ज़िन्दगी की शफ़क़ है तेरा वुजूद

ईफ़ा ए अहद ए रहमत ए हक़ है तेरा वुजूद


तुझ को है किस क़दर अबदियत से इत्तेसाल

तेरा हर एक दक़ीक़ा दो सद क़र्न-ए बे मिसाल

तेरी हर ऐक मौज-ए नफ़स में ब-सद जमाल

रफ़्तार-ए नूर के हैं पर अफ़्शां हज़ार साल

तेरा मक़ाम दाएरा-ए इज़्ज़ ओ जल में है

उम्र-ए मसीह ओ ख़िज़र तेरे ऐक पल में है


जिल्वत में बादशाह है, ख़िल्वत में तू फ़क़ीर

जंग गाह में जवान, हरीम-ए ख़िरद में पीर

दश्त-ए वग़ा में तब्ल, अदब गाह में सरीर

मैदान में हदीद, मक़ालात में हरीर

सौ मोजीज़औं का इत्र है तेरी हयात में

अज़दाद किस क़दर हैं तेरी एक ज़ात में


शहर-ए अदब, मुफ़स्सिर-ए आयात-ए दिल नशीं

नक़्क़ाद-ए फ़न, मुस्सविर-ए अश्काल-ए मा ओ तीं

मीर-ए दिमाग़, महवर-ए दिल, मस्दर-ए यकीं

दस्तूर-ए हक़, मुबस्सिर-ए दुनिया, फ़क़ीह-ए दीं

नब्बाज़-ए शरा’ ओ  ज़ौरक़-ए जेहून-ए ज़िन्दगी

ख़ाक़ान-ए दहर ओ वाज़ा’-ए क़ानून-ए ज़िन्दगी


दुनिया की क़ाहिरि का तस्सलुत है दीन पर

सिज्जैन का क़दम है सर-ए इल्ल-ईन पर

काँप अए अबद के नूर शहूर ओ सिनैन पर

अए आसमान-ए रुश्द उतर आ ज़मीन पर

यूँ गोश-ए दिल में जज़्ब ये गुफ़्तार हो गई

पैदा अली के साज़ में झंकार हो गई


नागाह झनझनाए फ़िज़ा के तमाम तार

बढ़ने लगी शो’आ, सिमटने लगा ग़ुबार

बहर-ए सलाम अदब से झुका फ़र्क़-ए रोज़गार

आवाज़ दी नक़ीब-ए फ़लक ने के होशियार

थामे रकाब दौलत-ए दुनिया ओ दीं चली

सू-ए ज़मीं सवारी-ए अर्श-ए बरीं चली


चिल्मन हरीम-ए आलम-ए अरवाह की उड़ी

निक्ली हिजाब-ए क़ुद्स से एक ज़िंदा रौशनी

ज़ौ बार रूह-ए पंजतन-ए पाक हो गई

शमा’ हवास-ए ख़ुम्सा-ए आफ़ाक़ जल उठी

तरीकियौं से रू-ए ज़मीं पाक हो गया

रौशन तमाम मतला’-ए इद्राक हो गया


काबे से आफ़ताब-ए इमामत अयाँ हुआ

हल्लाल-ए मुश्किलात-ए रिसालत अयाँ हुआ

मीर-ए निज़ाम-ए शम्सी-ए क़ुदरत अयाँ हुआ

दारा-ए कारोबार-ए मशिय्यत अयाँ हुआ

ख़ल्लाक़ियत का ज़ौक़ सर अफ़्राज़ हो गया

एक दौर-ए इल्म ओ फ़िक्र का अग़ाज़ हो गया


तुझ से फ़रोग़ किश्वर ए दुनिया ओ दीं में है

ख़ुम ख़ाना-ए वुजूद तेरे साएगीं में है

दर्या-ए जूद ओ फ़ज़ल तेरी आस्तीं में है

क़ुर’आं तेरे ख़ुतूत-ए जबीन-ए मुबीं में है

मरकज़ है तू ज़मीन पे हुस्न-ए क़ुबूल का

तू हाथ है ख़ुदा का, क़लम है रसूल का


तेरा जमाल है के सर ओ बर्ग-ए लाला ज़ार

तेरा जलाल है के तजल्ला-ए ज़ुल्जलाल

तेरा दिमाग़ है के नवीद-ए कुशूद-ए कार

तेरी निगाह है के शो’आ-ए अबद सवार

तेरी ये ज़ौ है गुंबद-ए लेल ओ निहार में

या हर्फ़-ए कुन है ख़ातिर-ए परवरदिगार में


तेरा वुजूद पाक, नज़र गाह-ए महर ओ माह

आँखें चिराग़-ए का’बा, ज़बां साज़-ए ला इलाह

नक़्श-ए क़दम जबीन-ए समावात की कुलाह

उम्म उल किताब चेहरा तो हबल-ए मतीं निगाह

शक्ल-ए बशर में आया-ए सिद्क़ ओ सफ़ा है तू

एक ज़ी नफ़स दलील-ए वुजूद-ए ख़ुदा है तू


अए रहबर-ए ख़ुजिस्ता ओ अए हादी ए निकू

इरफ़ान का शिकोह रिसालत की आबरू

तू ही है अए मुदब्बिर दार-उल-क़िज़ा-ए हू

तारीख़-ए रोज़गार की देरीना आरज़ू

उठ ज़िन्दगी को फ़िक्र है अपने इलाज की

हाजित है एक बंदा ए यज़दां मिज़ाज की

aye sidq1 ke moheet2 haqaaeq3 ke aabshar4
aye haq ke baadshah ma’arif5 ke taajdar
aye ilm ke Khadiv6, tafakkur7 ke shahryar8
nau e bashar9 ko fikr o amal10 ki taraf pukaar
haN subah zindagi ki shafaq11 hai tera vujood12
eefa13 e ahd14 e rahmat e haq15 hai tera vujood
1. virtue, honesty 2. extending over, circumscribing, embodiment of 3. reality, truth 4. waterfall 5. mystical knowledge 6. king 7. reasoning 8. king, lord 9. human species, humanity 10. reason and action 11. horizon, dawn 12. existence, person 13. keeping promise 14. promise 15. blessing of righeousness (god)
You (O Ali), who are the embodiment of virtue, the blessed rain of truth. the king of righteousness, monarch of mysticism, lord of knowledge, king of rationality, call humanity towards right reason and action. Your person is like the dawn of (new) life. You are the long promised gift/blessing of god.

tujh ko hai kis qadr abadiyat1 se ittesaal2
tera har ek daqeeqa3 do sad4 qarn5-e be misaal5
teri har ek mauj-e nafas6 meN ba sad7 jamal8
raftar-e noor9 ke haiN par afshaN10 hazaar saal
tera maqam11 daa’era12-e izz-o jal13 meN hai
umr-e maseeh14 o Khizr15 tere aek pal meN hai
1. eternity=god 2. connection, continuity, sameness 3. moment 4. two hundred 5. millenium 6. unexampled 6. each (wave of) breath/life 7. with a hundred (glories) 8. glory, beauty 9. speed of light (noor) here “noor” is the light of god, raftar (characterstic) raftar e noor=qualities of god 10. thrown up, flying, evident 11. place 12. circle, domain 13. respect and glory 14. messiah, Christ 15. a Biblical/Quranic learned/wise old man
How harmonious is your (O Ali) glory with glory of god. Every moment of your life is like hundreds of millenia without example/equal. Every moment of your life with great glory, displays thousands of years of the glory of god (your life is so harmonious with the values of righteousness and justice). Your place is in the domain of grandeur and glory. One moment of your life is like the lifetime of Jesus (symbol for salvation) and Khizr (symbol for knowledge).

jilwat1 meN badshah hai, Khilwat2 meN tu faqir3
jang gaah4 meN jawan, harim e Khirad5 meN pir6
dasht e veGha7 meN tabl8, adab gaah9 meN sarir10
maidan11 meN hadid12, maqalat13 meN harir14
sau mo’jizoN15 ka itr16 hai teri hayat17 meN
azdad18 kis qadar haiN teri aek zaat19 meN
1. in public, in the open 2. in privacy 3. pauper, poor – Shia history tells that Ali had a lifestyle of bare necessities and did not use any “public money” for personal needs when he served as Khalifa 4. place of war 5. home of wisdom 6. old, wise 7. field of war 8. sound of drum 9. place of learning 10. sound of pen scratching/writing 11. field (of war) 12. iron 13. conversation, advice 14. silken 15. miracle 16. fragrance 17. life 18. opposites 19. personality, characteristics
You look like a monarch, but you abjure personal wealth and live like a pauper. You are youthful/strong in battle, yet with wisdom of years in the domain of knowledge. You are like the sound of drums in the field of war yet like the soft scratch of pen in the field of learning, strong as steel in war, yet gentle in giving advice. There is a fragrance of a hundred miracles in your life. O how many opposite qualities you combine in your person.

shahr1-e adab2, mufassir3-e aayat-e dil nashiN4
naqqad5-e fun6, mussavir7-e ashkaal-e maa o teeN8
mir-e dimaaGh9, mahvar10-e dil11, masdar12-e yaqiN13
dastoor-e haq14, mubassir-e duniya15, faqeeh-e diN16
nabbaz17-e shara’18 o zauraq19-e jehun20-e zindagi
Khaqaan21-e dahr22 o vaaza’-e qanoon23-e zindagi
1. city (storehouse) 2. learning, culture 3. one who can explain 4. indications (of the existence of god) latent/hidden in the heart 5. expert critic 6. talent 7. artist/painter 8. faces/manifestation of clay and water (creation) 9. lord of wisdom 10. axis (of rotation), center/focus 11. heart, emotions/passion 12. source 13. faith 14. way of righteousness 15. discriminator/evaluator, judge of the ways of the world 16. expert/knower of matters of faith 17. one who can take the pulse of, one who understands 18. divine” law, Islamic law/tradition 19. boat 20. river 21. great king 22. world 23. shaper of laws
Josh continues the hyperbolic, powerful and linguistically rich praise of Ali by simply listing adjectives one after the other with great musicality. Storehouse of learning, explicator of divine feelings hidden in the heart, expert judge of human capabilities, the artist who helps us visualize the glory/manifestation of creation. Lord of wisdom, centre of passion, source of faith. You establish the tradition of righteousness, you are the judge and teacher of divine law. You take the pulse of divine tradition and guide our boat in the river of life. You are the king of the world the maker of laws of life.

duniya ki qaahiri1 ka tassalut2 hai deen3 par
sijjain4 ka qadam hai sar-e illi-een5 par
kaaNp aye abad6 ke noor shuhoor6 o sinain7 par
aye aasman-e rushd8 utar aa zamin par
yuN gosh-e dil9 meN jazb10 ye guftar11 ho gayee
paida ali ke saaz12 meN jhankar ho gayee
1. curse 2. dominance 3. faith, spiritual 4. seventh hell (to mean evil) 5. high and sublime 6. eternity 7. months and years (times) 8. sky/epitome of guidance 9. ear of the heart, inner ear 10. absorb 11. speech, these words 12. musical instrument
The curse of the material world is dominant over the spiritual. Evil stomps on the heads of the high and sublime. O eternal light, (glimmer) shine on the times. O righteous guide, come down on this earth. This cry (from the world) reached his heart and Ali turned to help.

nagaah1 jhanjhanae fiza2 ke tamaam taar
baRhne lagi sho’aa3, simaTne4 laga Ghubaar5
bahr-e salam6 adab7 se jhuka farq8-e rozgaar9
aavaz di naqeeb10-e falak11 ne ke hoshiyaar
thaame rakaab12 daulat13-e duniya o diN14 chali
soo-e zamiN15 savaari-e arsh-e bariN16 chali
1. suddenly 2. ambience, surrounding, world 3. ray of light 4. contract, withdraw 5. mist, haziness, confusion 6. in order to salaam/pay respects 7. respect 8. head/forehead 9. daily life (world) 10. announcing the arrival of royalty 11. skies/heavens 12. in order to hold the stirrup 13. wealth (for high and mighty) 14. material and spiritual worlds 15. towards the earth 16. high heaven (seat of god) implying Ali is resident here where even angels don’t have access
Suddenly the strings of creation began to vibrate with harmony. A ray of light emerged and confusion began to disappear. The world rose to pay homage. The royal herald announced/called one and all to pay attention. The high and mighty ran to hold the stirrup (as Ali mounted his horse). From the seventh heaven the journey (of Ali) headed towards the earth.

chilman hareem1-e aalam-e arvaah2 ki uRi
nikli hijaab-e quds3 se ek zinda raushni
zau baar4 rooh5-e panjatan-e paak6 ho gaii
shama’7 havaas-e Khumsa8-e aafaaq9 jal uThi
tareekiyauN se roo10-e zamiN paak ho gaya
raushan tamaam matla’11-e idraak12 ho gaya
1. house, domain 2. spiritual world 3. veil/mystery of god 4. light/blessing showering down 5. spirit 6. five holy ones (Mohammed, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain), the house/family of Mohammed 7. lamp 8. five senses of perception 9. skies, creation 10. face 11. place of “tuloo” (emergence) i.e. horizon 12. wisdom
The curtain of heavens parted and from the mysterious world of god emerged a living light coming down like the blessed rain of the house of Mohammed. The world woke up to be able to see and hear. The world was rid of the darkness of ignorance and the horizons lit up with the light of knowledge.

ka’abe se aaftab1-e imaamat2 ayaaN3 hua
hallal4-e mushkilaat-e risaalat5 ayaaN hua
mir-e nizaam-e shamsi6-e qudrat7 ayaaN hua
daara8-e kaarobaar9-e mashiyyat10 ayaaN hua
Khallaqiat11 ka zauq12 sar afraaz13 ho gaya
ek daur14-e ilm o fikr15 ka aaGhaaz16 ho gaya
1. sun 2. leadership (in Shia tradition the leadership of Islam passed from Mohammed to the Imaams – Ali is considered the first Imam) 3. appeared 4. one who solves 5. difficulties faced by Mohammed in his mission of prophethood 6. lord of universal order 7. nature, creation 8. king 9. workings 10. will of god 11. creation, god 12. taste, pleasure 13. reached a climax 14. times, period, epoch 15. learning and reason 16. beginning
The sun of succession to Mohammed emerged from the Ka’aba (Ali is reputed to have been born inside the Ka’aba). The solver of the difficulties of the mission of Mohammed emerged. The lord of the universal order of nature manifested himself. The king of the workings of the will of god came into being. The pleasure/satisfaction of god reached a climax. An age of learning and reason began.

tujh se faroGh1 kishwar2-e duniya o deeN3 meN hai
Khum Khana4-e vujood5 tere saaegiiN6 meN hai
darya-e jood o fazl7 teri aastiiN meN hai8
qura’aN tere Khutoot9-e jabin-e mubiN10 meN hai
markaz11 hai tu zamin pe husn-e qubul12 ka
tu haath hai Khuda ka, qalam hai rasool ka
1. uplift, betterment 2. domain 3. here and hereafter 4. tavern 5. existence (tavern of existence is the earth/world) 6. protection 7. kindness and benevolence 8. “is in the sleeve”, is in the possession 9. lines 10. shining brow 11. centre, focus 12. brilliant beauty (of god)
Because of you (O Ali) there is betterment in both the here and the hereafter. The tavern of existence is under your protection. You are the source of the river of kindness and benevolence. The Qura’an is inscribed on the lines of your shining brow. You are the focus/expression of the goodness of god on this earth. You (O Ali) are the hand of god, the pen of Mohammed. Tradition has it that Ali was the chief implementer of the instructions of Mohammed (the will of god) and was his scribe.

tera jamaal1 hai ke sar o barg2-e lala zaar3
tera jalaal4 hai ke tajalla5-e zuljalaal6
tera dimaGh hai ke navid7-e kushood-e kaar8
teri nigaah hai ke sho’aa-e abad savaar9
teri ye zau10 hai gunbad-e lail o nihar11 meN
ya harf e kun12 hai Khaatir13-e parvardigar14 meN
1. beauty 2. flower and petal 3. field of tulips 4. glory 5. manifestation 6. the glorious one (god) 7. good news 8. kushood (open up or explain) kaar (work of god), explain the mystery of creation 9. ray of light riding eternity (may mean light that shines on eternity) 10. light 11. dome of day and night i.e. world 12. the word “to be” (as in god said let there be light) 13. mind/heart 14. god
Is it your beauty that I see in the magnificent fields of tulips. Is it your glory or the manifestation of the glory of god. Is it your mind/wisdom or the good tidings of understanding the mysteries of creation. Is it your sight that rides the eternal light. It is your light that shines under the dome of the sky or is it the purpose that god had in mind when he created the universe.

tera vujood1 paak2, nazar gaah3-e mahr o maah4
aaNkheN chiraGh-e ka’aba, zabaN saaz-e la ilaah5
naqsh-e qadam6 jabin7-e samavaat8 ki kulah9
umm ul kitaab10 chehra, to habl-e matiN11 nigah12
shakl e bashar13 meN aaya14-e sidq o safa15 hai tu
ek zi nafas16 daleel17-e vujood e Khuda hai tu
1. existence, being 2. pure, sublime 3. place of, origin of 4. sun and moon 5. the music of la ilah (Islam) 6. foot prints 7. brow (head) 8. skies 9. cap 10. mother of the book (the source of the Qura’an) 11. strong tie, steadfast 12. sight, purpose 13. human shape 14. sign (proof) 15. righteousness and purity 16. possessing breath i.e. living 17. proof
Your being is unblemished, your spirit is the source of the brilliance of the sun and moon. Your eyes are the lamps of Ka’aba, your speech the essence of Islam. Heavens prostrate to you with their forehead at your feet (the prints of your feet are the cap of the skies). If your face is like the source of the Qura’an (in harmony with it), then your sight (purpose) is steadfast. You are the manifestation of righteousness and purity in human shape, a living proof of the existence of god.

aye rahbar1-e Khujista2 o aye haadi3-e niku4
irfan5 ka shikoh6 risaalat7 ki aabru8
tu hi hai aye mudabbir9 daar-ul-qiza10-e hu11
tareeKh12-e rozgaar13 ki dereena14 aarzu15
uTh zindagi ko fikr hai apne ilaaj ki
haajit16 hai ek banda17-e yazdaN mizaaj18 ki
1. guide, leader 2. fortunate 3. guide 4. virtuous 5. mystical/spritual knowledge 6. grandeur 7. prophethood ( Mohammed) 8. honour 9. one who writes/determines/decides 10. abode of fate 11. god 12. history 13. daily life (for world) 14. old, longstanding 15. desire 16. need 17. slave (of god,) “man” 18. with the qualities of god
O guide of the fortunate, O leader of the virtuous, grandeur of mystical knowledge, guarantor/protector of the honour of Mohammed, it is you who decides our fate in the house of god. You are the longstanding desire the world has been waiting for. Arise that Life is worried about her health. The world needs a person with qualities like god to save us.

aye sidq1 ke moheet2 haqaaeq3 ke aabshar4
aye haq ke baadshah ma’arif5 ke taajdar
aye ilm ke Khadiv6, tafakkur7 ke shahryar8
nau e bashar9 ko fikr o amal10 ki taraf pukaar
haN subah zindagi ki shafaq11 hai tera vujood12
eefa13 e ahd14 e rahmat e haq15 hai tera vujood

1. virtue, honesty 2. extending over, circumscribing, embodiment of 3. reality, truth 4. waterfall 5.  mystical knowledge 6. king 7. reasoning 8. king, lord 9. human species, humanity 10. reason and action 11.  horizon, dawn 12. existence, person 13. keeping promise 14. promise 15. blessing of righeousness (god)

You (O Ali), who are the embodiment of virtue, the blessed rain of truth. the king of righteousness, monarch of mysticism, lord of knowledge, king of rationality, call humanity towards right reason and action.  Your person is like the dawn of (new) life.  You are the long promised gift/blessing of god.
tujh ko hai kis qadr abadiyat1 se ittesaal2
tera har ek daqeeqa3 do sad4 qarn5-e be misaal5
teri har ek mauj-e nafas6 meN ba sad7 jamal8
raftar-e noor9 ke haiN par afshaN10 hazaar saal
tera maqam11 daa’era12-e izz-o jal13 meN hai
umr-e maseeh14 o Khizr15 tere aek pal meN hai

1. eternity=god 2. connection, continuity, sameness 3. moment 4. two hundred 5. millenium 6.  unexampled 6. each (wave of) breath/life 7. with a hundred (glories) 8. glory, beauty 9. speed of light (noor) here “noor” is the light of god, raftar (characterstic) raftar e noor=qualities of god 10. thrown up, flying, evident 11. place 12. circle, domain 13. respect and glory 14. messiah, Christ 15. a Biblical/Quranic learned/wise old man

How harmonious is your (O Ali) glory with glory of god.  Every moment of your life is like hundreds of millenia without example/equal.  Every moment of your life with great glory, displays thousands of years of the glory of god (your life is so harmonious with the values of righteousness and justice).  Your place is in the domain of grandeur and glory.  One moment of your life is like the lifetime of Jesus (symbol for salvation) and Khizr (symbol for knowledge).
jilwat1 meN badshah hai, Khilwat2 meN tu faqir3
jang gaah4 meN jawan, harim e Khirad5 meN pir6
dasht e veGha7 meN tabl8, adab gaah9 meN sarir10
maidan11 meN hadid12, maqalat13 meN harir14
sau mo’jizoN15 ka itr16 hai teri hayat17 meN
azdad18 kis qadar haiN teri aek zaat19 meN

1. in public, in the open 2. in privacy 3. pauper, poor – Shia history tells that Ali had a lifestyle of bare necessities and did not use any “public money” for personal needs when he served as Khalifa 4. place of war 5. home of wisdom 6. old, wise 7. field of war 8. sound of drum 9. place of learning 10. sound of pen scratching/writing 11. field (of war) 12. iron 13. conversation, advice 14. silken 15. miracle 16. fragrance 17. life 18. opposites 19. personality, characteristics

You look like a monarch, but you abjure personal wealth and live like a pauper.  You are youthful/strong in battle, yet with wisdom of years in the domain of knowledge.  You are like the sound of drums in the field of war yet like the soft scratch of pen in the field of learning, strong as steel in war, yet gentle in giving advice.  There is a fragrance of a hundred miracles in your life.  O how many opposite qualities you combine in your person.
shahr1-e adab2, mufassir3-e aayat-e dil nashiN4
naqqad5-e fun6, mussavir7-e ashkaal-e maa o teeN8
mir-e dimaaGh9, mahvar10-e dil11, masdar12-e yaqiN13
dastoor-e haq14, mubassir-e duniya15, faqeeh-e diN16
nabbaz17-e shara’18 o zauraq19-e jehun20-e zindagi
Khaqaan21-e dahr22 o vaaza’-e qanoon23-e zindagi

1. city (storehouse) 2. learning, culture 3. one who can explain 4. indications (of the existence of god) latent/hidden in the heart 5. expert critic 6. talent 7. artist/painter 8. faces/manifestation of clay and water (creation) 9. lord of wisdom 10. axis (of rotation), center/focus 11. heart, emotions/passion 12. source 13. faith 14. way of righteousness 15.  discriminator/evaluator, judge of the ways of the world 16. expert/knower of matters of faith 17. one who can take the pulse of, one who understands 18. divine” law, Islamic law/tradition 19. boat 20. river 21. great king 22. world 23.  shaper of laws

Josh continues the hyperbolic, powerful and linguistically rich praise of Ali by simply listing adjectives one after the other with great musicality.  Storehouse of learning, explicator of divine feelings hidden in the heart, expert judge of human capabilities, the artist who helps us visualize the glory/manifestation of creation. Lord of wisdom, centre of passion, source of faith.  You establish the tradition of righteousness, you are the judge and teacher of divine law.  You take the pulse of divine tradition and guide our boat in the river of life.  You are the king of the world the maker of laws of life.
duniya ki qaahiri1 ka tassalut2 hai deen3 par
sijjain4 ka qadam hai sar-e illi-een5 par
kaaNp aye abad6 ke noor shuhoor6 o sinain7 par
aye aasman-e rushd8 utar aa zamin par
yuN gosh-e dil9 meN jazb10 ye guftar11 ho gayee
paida ali ke saaz12 meN jhankar ho gayee

1. curse 2. dominance 3. faith, spiritual 4. seventh hell (to mean evil) 5. high and sublime 6. eternity 7. months and years (times) 8. sky/epitome of guidance 9. ear of the heart, inner ear 10. absorb 11. speech, these words 12. musical instrument

The curse of the material world is dominant over the spiritual.  Evil stomps on the heads of the high and sublime.  O eternal light, (glimmer) shine on the times.  O righteous guide, come down on this earth.  This cry (from the world) reached his heart and Ali turned to help.
nagaah1 jhanjhanae fiza2 ke tamaam taar
baRhne lagi sho’aa3, simaTne4 laga Ghubaar5
bahr-e salam6 adab7 se jhuka farq8-e rozgaar9
aavaz di naqeeb10-e falak11 ne ke hoshiyaar
thaame rakaab12 daulat13-e duniya o diN14 chali
soo-e zamiN15 savaari-e arsh-e bariN16 chali

1. suddenly 2. ambience, surrounding, world 3. ray of light 4. contract, withdraw 5. mist, haziness, confusion 6. in order to salaam/pay respects 7. respect 8. head/forehead 9.  daily life (world) 10. announcing the arrival of royalty 11. skies/heavens 12. in order to hold the stirrup 13. wealth (for high and mighty) 14.  material and spiritual worlds 15. towards the earth 16. high heaven (seat of god) implying Ali is resident here where even angels don’t have access

Suddenly the strings of creation began to vibrate with harmony.  A ray of light emerged and confusion began to disappear.  The world rose to pay homage.  The royal herald announced/called one and all to pay attention.  The high and mighty ran to hold the stirrup (as Ali mounted his horse).  From the seventh heaven the journey (of Ali) headed towards the earth.
chilman hareem1-e aalam-e arvaah2 ki uRi
nikli hijaab-e quds3 se ek zinda raushni
zau baar4 rooh5-e panjatan-e paak6 ho gaii
shama’7 havaas-e Khumsa8-e aafaaq9 jal uThi
tareekiyauN se roo10-e zamiN paak ho gaya
raushan tamaam matla’11-e idraak12 ho gaya

1. house, domain 2. spiritual world 3. veil/mystery of god 4. light/blessing showering down 5. spirit 6. five holy ones (Mohammed, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain), the house/family of Mohammed 7. lamp 8. five senses of perception 9. skies, creation 10. face 11. place of “tuloo” (emergence) i.e. horizon 12. wisdom

The curtain of heavens parted and from the mysterious world of god emerged a living light coming down like the blessed rain of the house of Mohammed.  The world woke up to be able to see and hear.  The world was rid of the darkness of ignorance and the horizons lit up with the light of knowledge.
ka’abe se aaftab1-e imaamat2 ayaaN3 hua
hallal4-e mushkilaat-e risaalat5 ayaaN hua
mir-e nizaam-e shamsi6-e qudrat7 ayaaN hua
daara8-e kaarobaar9-e mashiyyat10 ayaaN hua
Khallaqiat11 ka zauq12 sar afraaz13 ho gaya
ek daur14-e ilm o fikr15 ka aaGhaaz16 ho gaya

1. sun 2. leadership (in Shia tradition the leadership of Islam passed from Mohammed to the Imaams – Ali is considered the first Imam) 3. appeared 4. one who solves 5. difficulties faced by Mohammed in his mission of prophethood 6. lord of universal order 7. nature, creation 8. king 9. workings 10. will of god 11. creation, god 12. taste, pleasure 13. reached a climax 14. times, period, epoch 15. learning and reason 16. beginning

The sun of succession to Mohammed emerged from the Ka’aba (Ali is reputed to have been born inside the Ka’aba).  The solver of the difficulties of the mission of Mohammed emerged.  The lord of the universal order of nature manifested himself.  The king of the workings of the will of god came into being.  The pleasure/satisfaction of god reached a climax.  An age of learning and reason began.
tujh se faroGh1 kishwar2-e duniya o deeN3 meN hai
Khum Khana4-e vujood5 tere saaegiiN6 meN hai
darya-e jood o fazl7 teri aastiiN meN hai8
qura’aN tere Khutoot9-e jabin-e mubiN10 meN hai
markaz11 hai tu zamin pe husn-e qubul12 ka
tu haath hai Khuda ka, qalam hai rasool ka

1. uplift, betterment 2. domain 3. here and hereafter 4. tavern 5. existence (tavern of existence is the earth/world) 6. protection 7. kindness and benevolence 8. “is in the sleeve”, is in the possession 9. lines 10. shining brow 11. centre, focus 12. brilliant beauty (of god)

Because of you (O Ali) there is betterment in both the here and the hereafter.  The tavern of existence is under your protection.  You are the source of the river of kindness and benevolence.  The Qura’an is inscribed on the lines of your shining brow.  You are the focus/expression of the goodness of god on this earth.  You (O Ali) are the hand of god, the pen of Mohammed.  Tradition has it that Ali was the chief implementer of the instructions of Mohammed (the will of god) and was his scribe.
tera jamaal1 hai ke sar o barg2-e lala zaar3
tera jalaal4 hai ke tajalla5-e zuljalaal6
tera dimaGh hai ke navid7-e kushood-e kaar8
teri nigaah hai ke sho’aa-e abad savaar9
teri ye zau10 hai gunbad-e lail o nihar11 meN
ya harf e kun12 hai Khaatir13-e parvardigar14 meN

1. beauty 2. flower and petal 3. field of tulips 4. glory 5. manifestation 6. the glorious one (god) 7. good news 8. kushood (open up or explain) kaar (work of god), explain the mystery of creation 9.  ray of light riding eternity (may mean light that shines on eternity) 10. light 11. dome of day and night i.e. world 12. the word “to be” (as in god said let there be light) 13. mind/heart 14. god

Is it your beauty that I see in the magnificent fields of tulips.  Is it your glory or the manifestation of the glory of god.  Is it your mind/wisdom or the good tidings of understanding the mysteries of creation.  Is it your sight that rides the eternal light.  It is your light that shines under the dome of the sky or is it the purpose that god had in mind when he created the universe.
tera vujood1 paak2, nazar gaah3-e mahr o maah4
aaNkheN chiraGh-e ka’aba, zabaN saaz-e la ilaah5
naqsh-e qadam6 jabin7-e samavaat8 ki kulah9
umm ul kitaab10 chehra, to habl-e matiN11 nigah12
shakl e bashar13 meN aaya14-e sidq o safa15 hai tu
ek zi nafas16 daleel17-e vujood e Khuda hai tu

1. existence, being 2. pure, sublime 3. place of, origin of 4. sun and moon 5. the music of la ilah (Islam) 6. foot prints 7. brow (head) 8. skies 9. cap 10. mother of the book (the source of the Qura’an) 11. strong tie, steadfast 12. sight, purpose 13. human shape 14. sign (proof) 15. righteousness and purity 16. possessing breath i.e. living 17. proof

Your being is unblemished, your spirit is the source of the brilliance of the sun and moon.  Your eyes are the lamps of Ka’aba, your speech the essence of Islam.  Heavens prostrate to you with their forehead at your feet (the prints of your feet are the cap of the skies).  If your face is like the source of the Qura’an (in harmony with it), then your sight (purpose) is steadfast.  You are the manifestation of righteousness and purity in human shape, a living proof of the existence of god.
aye rahbar1-e Khujista2 o aye haadi3-e niku4
irfan5 ka shikoh6 risaalat7 ki aabru8
tu hi hai aye mudabbir9 daar-ul-qiza10-e hu11
tareeKh12-e rozgaar13 ki dereena14 aarzu15
uTh zindagi ko fikr hai apne ilaaj ki
haajit16 hai ek banda17-e yazdaN mizaaj18 ki

1. guide, leader 2. fortunate 3. guide 4. virtuous 5. mystical/spritual knowledge 6. grandeur 7. prophethood ( Mohammed) 8. honour 9. one who writes/determines/decides 10. abode of fate 11. god 12. history 13.  daily life (for world) 14. old, longstanding 15. desire 16. need 17. slave (of god,) “man” 18.  with the qualities of god

O guide of the fortunate, O leader of the virtuous, grandeur of mystical knowledge, guarantor/protector of the honour of Mohammed, it is you who decides our fate in the house of god.  You are the longstanding desire the world has been waiting for.  Arise that Life is worried about her health.  The world needs a person with qualities like god to save us.