tuloo-e fikr – josh malihabadi – 065-082 – jashn


محرابِ  تیرگی  جو  ہوئی  روشنی سے شق

سلمائے زندگی نے اُٹھایا ربابِ حق

خود سے کتابِ علم کے کھلنے لگے ورق

نکلا حریمِ حق سے ہر معنیِ اوق

دورِ خزاں چمن سے بہ فرمانِ گُل گیا

اک مکتبِ جدید  کا دروازہ کھل  گیا


جھومی دیارِ نطق میں ابلاغ کی بہار

لفظوں کے زیر و بم میں چھڑے روح کے ستار

فِقروں کی تند  رو میں پر افشاں ہوے شرار

گرنے لگے زمیں پہ ستاروں کے آبشار

لہجے  میں ایک نہر سی موّاج ہو گئی

لب ہل گئے زبان کی معراج ہو گئی


سینوں میں آگہی کاشرر جگمگااُٹھا

گیتی پہ ماہِ علم و ہنر جگمگااُٹھا

گردوں پہ مہرِ نقد و نظر جگمگااُٹھا

رُخسارۂ قضاو قدر جگمگااُٹھا

دوشِ طرب پہ زلفِ مشیت بکھر گئی

بکھری کمر تک آئی کمر سے گذر گئی


ناقدریِ کمال کا باطل ہوا اثر

چونکے دماغ فکر بنی جنسِ معتبر

بے چارگی  کی خشت سے اُٹّھا سرِ ہنر

بے مائیگی کی خاک سے اُٹھی کلاہِ زر

ذرّاتِ نودمیدہ کو چومانجوم نے

انگڑائی لی فضاوٰں پہ قوسِ علوم نے


یک جاہوئے تمام برا ہینِ منتشر

خلعت مِلادلیل کو منطق کو چترِ  زر

اِک نقطہِ عظیم پہ قائم ہوئی نظر

معنی ہوے طویل مقالات مختصر

فیضِ نظر سے کھوئی ہوئی شان مِل گئی

فکرِ دقیقہ سنج کو میزان مِل گئی


گلُ ہو گیازمین پہ اوہام کاچراغ

تشکیک سے یقین کوحاصل ہوا فراغ

جھومانسیمِ عقل سے نوعِ بشر کاباغ

اُترا دماغ دِل میں تو دِل بن گیا دماغ

اَوجِ خرد پہ صبح کی سرُخی عیاں ہوئی

یہ آئے تو حریمِ نظر میں اذاں ہوئی


سلمائے روز گار کو زر یں قباملی

اِنسانیت کو دولتِ صد اِرتقا ملی

ہنستی ہوئی قدر کے گلے سے قضاملی

آغوش میں رسول کو اپنی دعا ملی

جیسے ہی نصف نور ملانصف نور سے

اپنے کو کردگار نے دیکھا غرور سے


منبر پہ آ فتابِ تکلمّ عیاں ہوا

موجِ  مئے غدیر لئے خمُ عیاں ہوا

دریائے مرحمت میں تلاطم عیاں ہوا

اِنصاف کے لبوں پہ تبسم عیاں ہوا

ڈالی نگاہ فخر سے دُنیا نے دین پر

قرآن آ سمان سے اُترا زمین  پر


اسرارِ کائنات اُلٹنے لگے نقاب

تعبیر  کے حدود میں آئے زمیں کے خواب

معنی سے روشناس ہوا حرفِ خاک و آب

ایوانِ روزگار میں آئے یوں بو تراب

جیسے ورودِ شبنمِ تابندہ   پھول پر

گویا نزوُلِ وحی،  بطونِ رسول پر


احساسِ اندفاع کو طبل و علم ملا

قرطاسِ بے سوادکو زرّیں قلم ملا

زلفِ تصوراتِ اُلوہی کوخم ملا

اللہ کو ثبوت، نبی کو حشم ملا

فیضِ سخن سے دین کی تکمیل ہو گئی

اجمالَ  ذوالجلال کی تفصیل  ہو گئی


لیلاۓ  زندگی کے بجاہو گئے حواس

پہنا تصورات نے افکار کالباس

ایوانِ علم و حلم کی محکم ہوئی اساس

پیداہوئی زمین  پہ اک قوم حق شناس

جِس سے  بِنائے قصرِ خدا داد پڑ گئی

اک مطمح نگاہ کی بنیاد پڑ گئی


اک مختصر گروہ کے بڑھنے لگے قدم

برہم  ہوا مزاجِ سلاطینِ بے حشم

پھر بھی درونِ لشکرِ اشرار تازہ دم

اعلانِ امرِ  حق کے اُٹھائے گئے علم

ظلمت کے رہ رووں کو دکھائے گئے چراغ

صحرا کی آندھیوں میں جلائے گئے چراغ


جس سے اُگیں نقوش وہ تصویر بن گئی

تصویر اک شعاعِ جہاں گیر بن گئی

کانپی شعاع، مشرقِ تفسیر بن گئی

تفسیر  اک روات کی زنجیر بن گئی

زنجیر  طاقِ روح کی قِندیل بن گئی

قندیل قوسِ عرش میں  تبدیل ہو گئی


تاباں ہوے علوم درخشاں ہوے عقول

روشن  ہوازمینِ تدبرّ کا عرض و طول

معقولیت کے سر کو ملا افسرِ قبول

شائستہ زندگی کے مرتب ہوے اُصول

جو برقِ طورِ فکر ہے وہ نور مل گیا

دنیائے بے نظام کو دستور مل گیا


محرابِ حق میں روحِ خطابت ہوئی عیاں

جھومیں سروں پہ رشد و ہدایت کی بدلیاں

اُٹھی نگاہ، خم ہوے ابرو، کھلی زباں

دوڑے ہوا  پہ  تیر، لچکنے لگی کماں

نکلی جو منہہ سے بات دلوں میں اُتر گئی

ذہنِ گریز پا کی سواری ٹھہر  گئی


پیدا ہوے حدیقہٗ  ملتّ میں برگ و بار

زائیل ہوا معاشرہِ حق کااِنتشار

سیدھی ہوی سفیں تو مرتب ہوے قطار

مضرابِ اِتحاد سے کانپے دِلوں کے تار

ماتھے پہ نقشِ ابروِ پیوستہ بن گیا

یک جا ہوے نفوس تو گلدستہ بن گیا


پایاحصارِ فرش نے عرشِ بریں کاباب

بیدارئیوں کی رو سے اُٹھے پردہائے خواب

انفاسِ زندگی کامرتبّ ہوا حساب

ایک لائحۂ عمل کی مدُوّن ہوی کتاب

سلمائے زندگی کی تمنا نکل گئی

خاکِ سیاہ نور کے سانچے میں ڈھل گئی


اُٹھی نگاہِ فضل پئے بارشِ کمال

دوڑا رُخِ کلام  پہ تخیل کاجمال

پایاسخن کے جام نے افشردہِؑ ہلال

برساادب کے باغ پہ خورشید کا زُلال

بازارِ آب و رنگ میں فنکار آ گئے

شمعیں اُٹھائے ثابت و سیار آ گئے


मेहराब-ए तीरगी जो हुई रौशनी से शक़

सलमा-ए ज़िन्दगी ने उठाया रबाब ए हक़

ख़ुद से किताब-ए इल्म के खुलने लगे वरक़

निकला हरीम-ए हर्फ़ से हर मानी-ए अवक़

दौर-ए ख़िज़ां चमन से ब फ़र्मान-ए गुल गया

ऐक मकतब-ए जदीद का दरवाज़ा खुल गया


झूमी दयार-ए नुत्क़ में अब्लाग़ की बहार

लफ़्ज़ों के ज़ेर ओ बम में छिड़े रूह के सितार

फ़िक़्ररों की तुंद रौ में पर अफ़्शां हुए शरार

गिरने लगे ज़मीं पे सितारों के आबशार

लहजे में एक नहर सी मव्वाज हो गई

लब हिल गए ज़बान की मे’राज हो गई


सीनों में आगहि का शरर जगमगा उठा

गेती पे माह-ए इल्म ओ हुनर जगमगा उठा

गर्दूं पे महर-ए नक़्द ओ नज़र जगमगा उठा

रुख़सारा-ए क़ज़ा ओ क़दर जगमगा उठा

दोश-ए तरब पे ज़ुल्फ़-ए मशिय्यत बिखर गई

बिखरी कमर तक आई कमर से गुज़र गई


नाक़द्री ए कमाल का बातिल हुआ असर

चौंके दिमाग़ फ़िक्र बनी जिन्स-ए मो’तबर

बेचारगी कि ख़िश्त से उट्ठा सर-ए हुनर

बे मा’एगी कि ख़ाक से उट्ठी कुलाह-ए ज़र

ज़र्रात-ए नौ दमीदा को चूमा नुजूम ने

अंगड़ाई ली फ़िज़ाओं पे क़ौस-ए उलूम ने


यक जा हुए तमाम बराहीन-ए मुन्तशिर

ख़िल’अत मिला दलील को मन्तक़ को छत्र-ए ज़र

एक नुक्ता-ए अज़ीम पे क़ा’एम हुई नज़र

मा’अनि हुए तवील मक़ालात मुख़्तसिर

फैज़-ए नज़र से खोई हुई शान मिल गई

फ़िक्र-ए दक़ीक़ा संज को मीज़ान मिल गई


गुल हो गया ज़मीन पे औहाम का चिराग़

तश्कीक से यक़ीन को हासिल हुआ फ़राग़

झूमा नसीम-ए अक़्ल से नौ-ए बशर का बाग़

उतरा दिमाग़ दिल में तो दिल बन गया दिमाग़

औज-ए ख़िरद पे सुबह की सुर्ख़ी अयाँ हुई

ये आये तो हरीम-ए नज़र में अज़ान हुई


सलमा-ए रोज़गार को ज़र्रीं क़बा मिली

इंसानियत को दौलत-ए सद इर्तेक़ा मिली

हंसती हुई क़दर के गले से क़ज़ा मिली

आग़ोश में रसूल को अपनी दो’आ मिली

जैसे ही निस्फ़ नूर मिला निस्फ़ नूर से

अपने को किर्देगार ने देखा ग़ुरूर से


मिम्बर पे आफ़्ताब-ए तकल्लुम अयाँ हुआ

मौज-ए मै-ए ग़दीर लिए ख़ुम अयाँ हुआ

दर्या-ए मरहमत में तलातुम अयाँ हुआ

इन्साफ़ के लबों पे तबस्सुम अयाँ हुआ

डाली निगाह फ़ख़्र से दुनिया ने दीन पर

क़ुर’आन आसमान से उतरा ज़मीन पर


असरार-ए काएनात उलटने लगे नक़ाब

ता’बीर के हुदूद में आए ज़मीं के ख़्वाब

मा’नी से रूशिनास हुआ हर्फ़-ए ख़ाक ओ आब

ऐवान-ए रोज़गार में आए यूँ बू तुराब

जैसे वुरूद-ए शबनम-ए ताबिंदा फूल पर

गोया नुज़ूल-ए वही, बतून-ए रसूल पर


एहसास-ए इन्देफ़’अ को तबल ओ अलम मिला

क़िर्तास-ए बे सवाद को ज़र्रीं क़लम मिला

ज़ुल्फ़-ए तसव्वुरात-ए उलूही को ख़म मिला

अल्लाह को सुबूत, नबी को हशम मिला

फैज़-ए सुख़न से दीन की तकमील हो गई

अजमाल-ए ज़ुल्जलाल की तफ़्सील हो गई


लैला-ए ज़िन्दगी के बजा हो गए हवास

पहना तसव्वुरात ने अफ़्कार का लिबास

ऐवान-ए इल्म ओ हिल्म की मोहकम हुई असास

पैदा हुई ज़मीन पे एक क़ौम हक़ शिनास

जिस से बिना-ए क़स्र-ए ख़ुदादाद पड़ गई

एक मुत्मह निगाह की बुनियाद पड़ गई


एक मुख़्तसिर गिरोह के बढ़ने लगे क़दम

बरहम हुआ मिज़ाज-ए सलातीन-ए बे हशम

फिर भी दरून-ए लश्कर-ए अश्रार-ए ताज़ा दम

ए’लान-ए अम्र-ए हक़ के उठाये गए अलम

ज़ुल्मत के रहरवों को दिखाए गए चिराग़

सेहरा की आँधियों में जलाए गए चिराग़


जिस से उगें नुक़ूश वो तस्वीर बन गई

तस्वीर एक शु’आ-ए जहाँगीर बन गई

कांपी शु’आ, मश्रिक़-ए तफ़्सीर बन गई

तफ़्सीर एक रिवात की ज़ंजीर बन गई

ज़ंजीर ताक़-ए रूह कि क़िंदील बन गई

क़िंदील क़ौस-ए अर्श में तब्दील हो गई


ताबां हुए उलूम, दरख़्शाँ हुए उक़ूल

रौशन हुआ ज़मीन-ए तदब्बुर का अर्ज़ ओ तूल

मा’क़ूलियत के सर को मिला अफ़्सर-ए क़ुबूल

शाएस्ता ज़िन्दगी के मुरत्तिब हुए उसूल

जो बर्क़-ए तूर-ए फ़िक्र है वो नूर मिल गया

दुनिया-ए बे निज़ाम को दस्तूर मिल गया


मेहराब-ए हक़ में रूह-ए ख़िताबत हुई अयाँ

झूमें सरों पे रुशद ओ हिदायत कि बदलियाँ

उट्ठी निगाह, ख़म हुए अबरू, खुली ज़बां

दौड़े हवा पे तीर, लचकने लगी कमां

निकली जो मुंह से बात दिलों में उतर गई

ज़हन-ए गुरेज़पा कि सवारी टहर गई


पैदा हुए हदीक़ा-ए मिल्लत में बर्ग ओ बार

ज़ा’एल हुआ मो’आशेरा-ए हक़ का इंतेशार

सीधी हुई सफ़ें तो मुरत्तिब हुए क़तार

मिज़राब-ए इत्तेहाद से काँपे दिलों के तार

माथे पे नक़्श-ए अबरू-ए पैवस्ता बन गया

यक जा हुए नुफ़ूस तो गुलदस्ता बन गया


पाया हिसार-ए फ़र्श ने अर्श-ए बरीं का बाब

बेदारियों कि रौ से उठे परदा-हा-ए ख़्वाब

अन्फ़ास-ए ज़िन्दगी का मुरत्तिब हुआ हिसाब

एक लाएहा-ए अमल कि मुदव्वन हुई किताब

सलमा-ए ज़िन्दगी कि तमन्ना निकल गई

ख़ाक-ए सियाह नूर के सांचे में ढल गई


उट्ठी निगाह-ए फ़ज़ल पा’ए बारिश-ए कमाल

दौड़ा रुख़-ए कलाम पे तख़’ईल का जमाल

पाया सुख़न के जाम ने अफ़्शुर्दा-ए हिलाल

बरसा अदब के बाग़ पे ख़ुर्शीद का ज़ुलाल

बाज़ार-ए आब ओ रंग में फ़नकार आ गए

शम’एं उठाये साबित ओ सय्यार आ गए


Click here for overall comments and on each stanza for meanings and discussion. Josh has described the beauty of Dawn in 32 stanzas. He has used it as a metaphor for the dawn of a new age with the birth of Ali. He has described Ali’s mission. He is now singing praises of the good things that happened with the birth of Ali and the emergence of knowledge.

mehraab1-e tiragi2 jo hui raushni se shaq3
salma4-e zindagi ne uThaya rabaab5-e haq6
Khud se kitab-e ilm ke khulne lage varaq7
nikla harim-e harf8 se har maani-e avaq9
daur-e KhizaaN10 chaman se ba farmaan-e gul11 gaya
ek maktab-e jadid12 ka darvaaza khul gaya
1. centre alcove in the mosque 2. darkness 3. split 4. gold or silver thread 5. musical string instrument 6. righteousness 7. pages 8. home (sanctuary) of Word 9. difficult 10. period of autumn 11. on the orders of the rose 12. new school, new way of thinking
The focus of darkness split asunder with a ray of light, the golden thread of life picked up the lute of righteousness in joyous harmony, the book knowledge opened its ample page. From the sanctuary of Word emerged every difficult meaning. Autumn was banished from the garden by order of the rose. A new school of thinking opened its doors to all.

jhoomi dayar-e nutq1 meN ablaaGh2 ki bahaar
lafzauN3 ke zer o bam4 meN chhiRe rooh ke sitar
fiqroN5 ki tund rau6 meN par afshaN7 hue sharaar8
girne lage zamiN pe sitaroN ke aabshaar9
lahje10 meN aek nahr11 si mavvaj12 ho gayii
lab hil gaye zabaan ki me’raaj13 ho gayii
1. abode of speech 2. maturity, understanding 3. words 4. ripples 5. sayings, quotations 6. fast flow 7. spread around, thrown up 8. sparks 9. waterfall 10. accent, speech 11. river 12. waves 13. apex, climax
A spring of maturity of understanding bloomed in the world of speech. The ripples in the flow of words made music like the sitar. Sparks flew from the fast flow of sayings. Stars fell on earth like a steady waterfall. High waves appeared in the river of words, when lips moved, words achieved their climax.

seenauN meN aagahi1 ka sharar2 jagmaga uTha
geti3 pe maah4-e ilm o hunar5 jagmaga uTha
garduN6 pe mahr7-e naqd o nazar8 jagmaga uTha
ruKhsara9-e qaza o qadar10 jagmaga uTha
dosh11-e tarab12 pe zulf13-e mashiyat14 bikhar gayii
bikhri kamar14 tak aayi kamar se guzar gayii15 
1. awareness, knowledge 2. sparks 3. world 4. moon 5. learning and talent 6. skies 7. sun 8. literally “value and vision” 9. cheeks, face, beauty 10. “fate and quantity” – good fortune and in plenty of measure 11. shoulder 12. merriment 13. long curly hair tresses , a metaphor for beauty 14. desire, determination, will 15. went past (became longer than)
With the coming of dawn/birth of Ali – sparks of awareness were set off in hearts and minds; the moon of knowledge and talent began to shine on the world; the sun of the ability to discern and create visions of value began to shine in the skies; the face of fate and fortune began to shine; determination let out its tresses on the shoulders of pleasure, and its beauty of will and determination reached new lengths.

naqadri1-e kamaal2 ka baatil3 hua asar
chauNke4 dimaaGh fikr5 bani jins-e mo’tabar6
becharagi7 ki Khisht8 se uTTha sar-e hunar9
be maa’egi10 ki Khaak se uThi kulaah-e zar11
zarrat12-e nau dameeda13 ko chooma14 nujoom15 ne
aNgRaaii16 li fizaaoN17 pe qaus18-e uloom19 ne
1. no appreciation 2. abilities, talent 3. futile, false, ineffectual 4. woke up 5. reason 6. respected category 7. helplessness 8. harvest 9. head of talent 10. poverty 11. golden cap 12. particles, ordinary people 13. newly given life, newborn 14. kissed 15. stars 16. stretch/yawn 17. ambience, atmosphere 18. rainbow, arch 19. plural of ilm – all fields of knowledge
The effect of ignoring talent was bad and no longer possible. Minds woke up and reason became a respected component. From the harvest of helplessness rose talent and from the depths of poverty came the cap of gold. Stars stooped to kiss newborn dust particles. The rainbow of knowledge covering its many fields arched across the skies.

yak ja hue tamaam baraheen1-e muntashir2
Khila’at3 mila dalil4 ko mantaq5 ko chhatr-e zar6
ek nuqta-e azim7 pe qaa’em8 hui nazar
ma’ani hue taveel9 maqalaat10 muKhtasir11
faiz-e nazar12 se khoi hui shaan mil gayii
fikr13-e daqeeqa sanj14 ko meezan15 mil gayii
1. proofs (of the existence of god) 2. scattered 3. robe of honour 4. logic 5. reason, logic 6. golden umbrella 7. great point (of thought, logic) 8. firm, standing, settled 9. long, detailed 10. words, speeches 11. short 12. benevolence of sight (discriminating ability to see) 13. reasoning, used as “worry/concern” 14. daqeeqa-sanj is the critic/expert of subtle points 15. balance (ability to weigh/evaluate)
All the proofs of existence of god became coherent and were gathered in one place. Evidence received a robe of honour and logic got a golden umbrella. Sight focussed on one great point (the concept of god), meaning became stronger and speechifying shorter. The ability to see restored lost glory and the concern about the expert received a balance on which weigh/evaluate fine points.

gul ho gaya1 zamin pe auham2 ka chiraGh
tashkeek3 se yaqin4 ko haasil5 hua faraGh6
jhooma naseem-e aql7 se nau-e bashar8 ka baGh
utra dimaGh dil9 meN to dil ban gaya dimaGh
auj-e Khirad10 pe subah ki surKhi11 ayaaN12 hui
ye aaye to hareem-e nazar13 meN azaaN14 hui
1. got extinguished 2. superstitions 3. doubt 4. certainty (faith) 5. obtain 6. enlightenment 7. morning/fragrant breeze of thinking/reasoning 8. human species, humanity 9. reason/knowledge and faith/love 10. peak of knowledge 11. redness of dawn 12. emerge 13. temple (mosque) of (discriminating) sight 14. the call for prayer, proclamation
The lamp of superstition was extinguished on earth. Doubts gave way to the enlightenment of faith. The fragrant breeze of reason blew over the garden of humanity. Reason and faith joined together in a loving embrace. The redness of dawn emerged on the heights of knowledge. When he (Ali) came, a proclamation issued forth from the temple of rationality.

salma-e rozgaar1 ko zarreeN qaba2 mili
insaaniyat ko daulat3-e sad irteqa4 mili
haNsti hui qadar5 ke gale se qaza6 mili
aaGhosh7 meN rasool8 ko apni du’a9 mili
jaise hi nisf noor10 mila nisf noor se
apne ko11 kirdegaar12 ne dekha Ghuroor13 se
1. golden thread of daily life 2. golden cloak 3. wealth 4. (hundred) great progress 5. worth/value 6. fate/justice 7. lap 8. prophet Mohammed 9. (answer to) prayer 10. “half light/brilliance” 11. towards self 12. god 13. pride
Life received a golden cloak. Humanity got the bounty of great progress. Fate was seen joyfully hugging Merit. Mohammed received the realization of his prayers in his lap (Ali in his lap). As soon as the two halves of the rays of light joined together, god looked at himself in great pleasure (Shia believe that god created “noor”(light/brilliance) first, and half of this went to Mohammed and the rest to Ali, and when Ali came into Mohammed’s lap the two halves of noor were joined together).

mimbar1 pe aaftab-e takallum2 ayaaN hua
mauj3-e mae-e Ghadir4 liye Khum5 ayaaN hua
darya e marhamat6 meN talatum7 ayaaN hua
insaaf8 ke laboN pe tabassum9 ayaaN hua
Daali nigaah faKhr10 se duniya ne deen11 par
qura’an aasman se utra zamin par
1. pulpit 2. sun, brilliance of speech/oratory 3. wave 4. wine of Ghadir (Shia believe that during his last hajj, Mohammed declared Ali as his successor in a place called Ghadir (Josh calls this declaration the “wine of Ghadir 5. flask 6. benvolence 7. tumult 8. justice 9. smile 10. pride 11. material and spiritual worlds
The sun of oratory appeared on the pulpit (it is thought that Ali was a fiery orator). The flask arrived bearing with wine of Ghadir (Josh uses word play here … the site where Mohammed is reputed to have made his declaration is called Ghadir-e Khum and Khum also means flask … thus the flask of the wine of Ghadir). An eager tumult rose in the ocean of benevolence and a smile appeared on the lips of justice. The earth cast proud glances at heaven as the Qura’an descended on earth.

asraar1-e kaayenaat2 ulaTne lage naqaab3
ta’abeer4 ke hudood5 meN aaye zamiN ke Khwaab
ma’ani6 se ruushinaas7 hua harf8-e Khaak o aab9
aivaan-e rozgaar10 meN aaye yuN bu turaab11
jaise vurood12-e shabnam-e taabinda13 phool par
goya14 nuzool15-e vahi16, batoon17 e rasool par
1. secrets 2. universe 3. veil 4. realization (of dreams) 5. limits, domain, purview 6. meaning( inner knowledge) 7. seeing the face, getting acquainted 8. word 9. clay and water, humanity 10. halls of this world 11. title of Ali 12. appearance 13. brilliant dew 14. as if 15. descent (sent down from heaven) 16. revelation 17. body
The secrets of creation began to unveil themselves (to be revealed). The realization of dreams came within the realm of possibility. Humanity began to be acquainted with inner knowledge. Ali came into the halls of life with beauty and grandeur like the appearance of brilliant dew drops on petals, or like the descent of message of god on Mohammed.

ehsaas-e indefa’a1 ko tabl o alam2 mila
qirtaas3-e be savaad4 ko zarreeN qalam5 mila
zulf6-e tasavvuraat-e uloohi7 ko Kham8 mila
allah ko suboot9, nabi ko hasham10 mila
faiz11-e suKhan12 se deen ki takmeel13 ho gayii
ajmaal14-e zuljalaal14 ki tafseel15 ho gayii
1. feeling of pride 2. drum and standard, symbols of celebration 3. page 4. without value, blank (page) 5. golden pen 6. tresses 7. concepts of god 8. curl (Josh metaphorically calls “concepts of god” as beautiful tresses) 9. proof 10. retinue of followers 11. benevolence, kindness 12. speech, words 13. completion 14. faces 15. god 16. detail
The feeling of distinction (of Muslims) received drum and banner (celebration). The blank page of knowledge/lietracy received a pen of gold. The concept of god acquired a beauty (curly tresses) of its own. The existence of god got proof, and Mohammed got a following. The goodness of speech (of Ali) made faith strong/complete and the concept of god received a detailed explanation.

laila-e zindagi1 ke baja ho gaye havaas2
pahna tasavvurat3 ne afkaar4 ka libaas
aiwan5-e ilm o hilm6 ki mohkam7 hui asaas8
paida hui zamin pe ek qaum haq shinaas9
jis se bina10-e qasr-e Khudadaad11 paR gayee
ek mutmaha12 nigaah13 ki buniyad14 paR gayee
1. life personified as Laila 2. coming to one’s senses (wise/responsible) 3. thought/theory, postulation 4. reason, logic 5. hallway 6. knowledge and forebearance/tolerance, knowledge and a recognition of the limits of knowledge 7. under command 8. foundation 9. aware of, knowledgable of truth 10. foundation 11. house of the gifts of god 12. seeing, watching 13. ability to see/discriminate 14. foundation
Laila of life came to her senses and theories/postulates received robes of reason. The foundations of halls of knowledge got strong. A community grew that learnt righteousness. This laid the foundation of the house of god and the foundations of discriminating thought.

ek muKhtasir giroh1 ke baRhne lage qadam
barham2 huaa mizaj3-e salaatiin4-e be hasham5
phir bhi daroon6-e lashkar7-e ashraar8-e taaza dum9
e’laan10-e amr-e haq11 ke uThaye gaye alam12
zulmat13 ke rahravoN14 ko dikhaye gaye chiraaGh
sehra15 ki aandhiyoN16 meN jalaaye gaye chiraaGh
1. small group 2. scatter, confused 3. character/structure, pride 4. kings 5. without followers 6. inside 7. army 8. mischief makers 9. fresh and ready to do a difficult task 10. declaration 11. command/declaration of truth/reason 12. standards, flags 13. darkness 14. those on the path of 15. wilderness 16. storm
The small group that formed began to make headway. Erstwhile lords lost followers, their status in disarray. Even inside the armies of the mischief makers, standards of declaration of faith were raised and those on the dark path were shown light. Lamps were lit in the storms of the wilderness.

jis se ugeN nuqoosh1 vo tasvir ban gayee
tasvir ek shu’aa e jahaN gir2 ban gayee
kaNpee3 shu’aa, mashriq4-e tafsir5 ban gayee
tafsir ek rivaat6 ki zanjir ban gayee
zanjir taaq-e rooh7 ki qindeel8 ban gayee
qindeel qaus-e arsh9 meN tabdeel ho gayee
1. marks, directions (of pathways) 2. world conquering ray of light 3. shimmered 4. east (dawn) 5. explanation, understanding 6. traditions, customs 7. alcove of spirituality 8. lamp 9. arch of the sky/heaven
A clear picture emerged showing the right path. The picture became a world conquering ray of light. The ray shimmered and ushered in the dawn of understanding. Understanding created a chain of traditions. The chain lit up like a lamp in the alcove of spirituality, and the lamp became the colourful arch of the heavens.

taabaaN1 hue uloom2, daraKhshaaN3 hue uqool4
raushan hua zamin-e tadabbur5 ka arz o tuul6
ma’qooliyat7 ke sar ko mila afsar-e qubool8
shaaesta9 zindagi ke murattib10 hue usool11
jo barq-e toor-e fikr12 hai vo nuur13 mil gaya
duniya-e be nizam14 ko dastoor15 mil gaya
1. brilliant 2. fields of knowledge 3. shining 4. minds (of people) 5. domain of deliberation 6. land and extent, domain 7. reasonable balance, thoughtfulness, rationality 8. acceptable/capable leader 9. refined, civilized 10. organized, written 11. rules 12. the lightning of the toor (mountain where Moses saw god as light) Josh likens fikr/reason as manifestation of god 13. light 14. world without any organization 15. rules, organization, tradition
Knowledge acquired brilliance and minds shone bright. The domain of discussion/deliberation was lit up. Rationality got a capable leader. The rules of civilized life began to be written. The light of reason, manifested itself like divine light. This unorganized world received a constitution.

mehraab-e haq1 meN rooh-e Khitabat2 hui ayaaN3
jhoomeN saroN pe rushd o hidayat4 ki badliyaN
uTThi nigaah, Kham5 hue abru6, khuli zabaN
dauRe hava pe tiir, lachakne lagi kamaN
nikli jo muNh se baat dilauN meN utar gayee
zahn-e gurezpa7 ki savari Thahr gayee
1. focal point of truth 2. spirit of oratory 3. emerge 4. guidance and instruction 5. bend, bow, arch 6. eyebrows – arched eyebrows indicate wonder 7. fleet footed, running away
The spirit of oratory emerged in the alcove of oratory. Gentle clouds of guidance and instruction hovered above. People saw, wondered, marveled and discussed. Words (Ali’s oratory) flew like arrows and found their mark. His words sank into hearts and wandering minds found a focus.

paida hue hadeeqa1-e millat2 meN barg o baar3
zaa’el4 hua mu’ashera5-e haq6 ka inteshaar7
seedhi hui safeN8 to murattib9 hue qataar10
mizrab11-e ittehad12 se kaaNpe dilauN ke taar
maathe13 pe naqsh14-e abru-e paivasta15 ban gaya
yek ja hue nufoos16 to guldasta ban gaya
1. garden 2. getting together, harmony 3. leaves and fruits 4. cease to exist 5. society, community 6. righteousness 7. scattered, confused 8. lines 9. got built/constructed 10. lines 11. pluck worn on finger to play stringed musical instruments 12. unity 13. forehead 14. mark 15. eybrows joined together (a sign of good fortune) 16. breath, life, souls, people
Trees bore fruit in the garden of unity. The community of the righteous was no longer scattered. Lines straightened up, society got organized. The music of unity played in the hearts of people. Good fortune smiled on the new community. Individual (flowers) came together and became a bouquet.

paya hisaar1-e farsh2 ne arsh-e bariN3 ka baab4
bedaariyoN ki rau5 se uThe parda-ha6-e Khwaab7
anfaas8-e zindagi ka murattib9 hua hisaab
ek laaeha10-e amal11 ki mudavvan12 hui kitaab
salma-e zindagi13 ki tamanna nikal14 gayee
Khaak-e siyah15 noor ke saanche16 meN Dhal17 gayee
1. boundary 2. floor, earth 3. highest heaven,seventh heaven 4. door, entry 5. the flow of wakefulness (knowledge) 6. veils 7. dreams, vague ideas 8. reality 9. got organized/arranged 10. blueprint, plan 11. action 12. framed (framing a picture) 13. constellation of life 14. desire fulfilled 15. dark dust, earth 16. mould of light 17. to get cast
The door to heaven opened up in the walls of the earth. The flow of knowledge blew away veils of confusion. The real meaning of life was explained. A blue print of action was developed. The constellation of life had its desire fulfilled. This dark dust (Earth) was cast in a mould of light.

uTThi nigah-e fazl1 pa’e baarish2-e kamal3
dauRa ruKh-e kalam4 pe taKheel5 ka jamal6
paya suKhan7 ke jaam8 ne afshurda-e hilal9
barsa adab10 ke baaGh pe Khursheed11 ka zulal12
bazar-e aab o rang meN fankaar13 aa gaye
shama’eN uThaye saabit o sayyar14 aa gaye
1. ( god’s) eye of benvolence 2. in order to rain down 3. talent, capabilities 4. face of discourse 5. thought, reason 6. beauty 7. speech 8. wine 9. elixir of the new moon (afshurda- juice of exotic fruits) 10. culture 11. sun 12. brilliance 13. talented craftsmen 14. stationary and moving i.e. all creation
The eye of benevolence rained down talent. The beauty of reason adorned the face of discourse. The wine of discussion acquired a health giving elixir. Sunlight spread in the garden of culture. Arts and crafts came to the colourful bazar. All creation arrived carrying a lamp.

Josh has described the beauty of Dawn in 32  stanzas.  He has used it as a metaphor for the dawn of a new age with the birth of Ali.  He has described Ali’s mission.  He is now singing praises of the good things that happened with the birth of Ali and the emergence of knowledge.

mehraab1-e tiragi2 jo hui raushni se shaq3
salma4-e zindagi ne uThaya rabaab5-e haq6
Khud se kitab-e ilm ke khulne lage varaq7
nikla harim-e harf8 se har maani-e avaq9
daur-e KhizaaN10 chaman se ba farmaan-e gul11 gaya
ek maktab-e jadid12 ka darvaaza khul gaya

1. centre alcove in the mosque 2. darkness 3. split 4. gold or silver thread 5. musical string instrument 6. righteousness 7. pages 8. home (sanctuary) of Word  9. difficult 10. period of autumn 11. on the orders of the rose 12. new school, new way of thinking

The focus of darkness split assunder with a ray of light, the golden thread of life picked up the lute of righteousness in joyous harmony, the book knowledge opened its ample page.  From the sanctuary of Word emerged every difficult meaning.  Autumn was banished from the garden by order of the rose.  A new school of thinking opened its doors to all.
jhoomi dayar-e nutq1 meN ablaaGh2 ki bahaar
lafzauN3 ke zer o bam4 meN chhiRe rooh ke sitar
fiqroN5 ki tund rau6 meN par afshaN7 hue sharaar8
girne lage zamiN pe sitaroN ke aabshaar9
lahje10 meN aek nahr11 si mavvaj12 ho gayii
lab hil gaye zabaan ki me’raaj13 ho gayii

1. abode of speech 2. maturity, understanding 3. words 4. ripples 5. sayings, quotations 6. fast flow 7. spread around, thrown up 8. sparks 9. waterfall 10. accent, speech 11. river 12. waves 13. apex, climax

A spring of maturity of understanding bloomed in the world of speech. The ripples in the flow of words made music like the sitar.  Sparks flew from the fast flow of sayings.  Stars fell on earth like a steady waterfall.  High waves appeared in the river of words, when lips moved, words achieved their climax.
seenauN meN aagahi1 ka sharar2 jagmaga uTha
geti3 pe maah4-e ilm o hunar5 jagmaga uTha
garduN6 pe mahr7-e naqd o nazar8 jagmaga uTha
ruKhsara9-e qaza o qadar10 jagmaga uTha
dosh11-e tarab12 pe zulf13-e mashiyat14 bikhar gayii
bikhri kamar14 tak aayi kamar se guzar gayii15

1. awareness, knowledge 2. sparks 3. world 4. moon 5. learning and talent 6. skies 7. sun 8.  literally “value and vision” 9. cheeks, face, beauty 10. “fate and quantity” – good fortune and in plenty of measure 11.  shoulder 12. merriment 13. long curly hair tresses , a metaphor for beauty 14. desire, determination, will 15. went past (became longer than)

With the coming of dawn/birth of Ali – sparks of awareness were set off in hearts and minds; the moon of knowledge and talent began to shine on the world; the sun of the ability to discern and create visions of value began to shine in the skies; the face of fate and fortune began to shine; determination let out its tresses on the shoulders of pleasure, and its beauty of will and determination reached new lengths.
naqadri1-e kamaal2 ka baatil3 hua asar
chauNke4 dimaaGh fikr5 bani jins-e mo’tabar6
becharagi7 ki Khisht8 se uTTha sar-e hunar9
be maa’egi10 ki Khaak se uThi kulaah-e zar11
zarrat12-e nau dameeda13 ko chooma14 nujoom15 ne
aNgRaaii16 li fizaaoN17 pe qaus18-e uloom19 ne

1. no appreciation 2. abilities, talent 3. futile, false, ineffectual 4. woke up 5. reason 6.  respected category 7. helplessness 8. harvest 9. head of talent 10. poverty 11. golden cap 12. particles, ordinary people 13. newly given life, newborn 14. kissed 15. stars 16. stretch/yawn 17.  ambience, atmosphere 18.  rainbow, arch 19. plural of ilm – all fields of knowledge

The effect of ignoring talent was bad and no longer possible.  Minds woke up and reason became a respected component.  From the harvest of helplessness rose talent and from the depths of poverty came the cap of gold.  Stars stooped to kiss newborn dust particles.  The rainbow of knowledge covering its many fields arched across the skies.
yak ja hue tamaam baraheen1-e muntashir2
Khila’at3 mila dalil4 ko mantaq5 ko chhatr-e zar6
ek nuqta-e azim7 pe qaa’em8 hui nazar
ma’ani hue taveel9 maqalaat10 muKhtasir11
faiz-e nazar12 se khoi hui shaan mil gayii
fikr13-e daqeeqa sanj14 ko meezan15 mil gayii

1. proofs (of the existence of god) 2. scattered 3. robe of honour 4. logic 5. reason, logic 6.  golden umbrella 7. great point (of thought, logic) 8. firm, standing, settled 9. long, detailed 10. words, speeches 11. short 12. benevolence of sight (discriminating ability to see) 13. reasoning, used as  “worry/concern” 14.  daqeeqa-sanj is the critic/expert of subtle points 15. balance (ability to weigh/evaluate)

All the proofs of existence of god became coherent and were gathered in one place.  Evidence received a robe of honour and logic got a golden umbrella.  Sight focussed on one great point (the concept of god), meaning became stronger and speechifying shorter.  The ability to see restored lost glory and the concern about the expert received a balance on which weigh/evaluate fine points.
gul ho gaya1 zamin pe auham2 ka chiraGh
tashkeek3 se yaqin4 ko haasil5 hua faraGh6
jhooma naseem-e aql7 se nau-e bashar8 ka baGh
utra dimaGh dil9 meN to dil ban gaya dimaGh
auj-e Khirad10 pe subah ki surKhi11 ayaaN12 hui
ye aaye to hareem-e nazar13 meN azaaN14 hui

1. got extinguished 2. superstitions 3. doubt 4. certainty (faith) 5. obtain 6. enlightenment 7. morning/fragrant breeze of thinking/reasoning 8. human species, humanity 9. reason/knowledge and faith/love 10. peak of knowledge 11. redness of dawn 12. emerge 13. temple (mosque) of (discriminating) sight 14.  the call for prayer, proclamation

The lamp of superstition was extinguished on earth.  Doubts gave way to the enlightenment of faith.  The fragrant breeze of reason blew over the garden of humanity.  Reason and faith joined together in a loving embrace.  The redness of dawn emerged on the heights of knowledge.  When he (Ali) came, a proclamation issued forth from the temple of rationality.
salma-e rozgaar1 ko zarreeN qaba2 mili
insaaniyat ko daulat3-e sad irteqa4 mili
haNsti hui qadar5 ke gale se qaza6 mili
aaGhosh7 meN rasool8 ko apni du’a9 mili
jaise hi nisf noor10 mila nisf noor se
apne ko11 kirdegaar12 ne dekha Ghuroor13 se

1. golden thread of daily life 2. golden cloak 3. wealth 4. (hundred) great progress 5. worth/value 6. fate/justice 7. lap 8. prophet Mohammed 9. (answer to) prayer 10. “half light/brilliance” 11. towards self  12. god 13. pride

Life received a golden cloak.  Humanity got the bounty of great progress. Fate was seen joyfully hugging Merit.  Mohammed received the realization of his prayers in his lap (Ali in his lap).  As soon as the two halves of the rays of light joined together, god looked at himself in great pleasure (Shia believe that god created “noor”(light/brilliance) first, and half of this went to Mohammed and the rest to Ali, and when Ali came into Mohammed’s lap the two halves of noor were joined together).
mimbar1 pe aaftab-e takallum2 ayaaN hua
mauj3-e mae-e Ghadir4 liye Khum5 ayaaN hua
darya e marhamat6 meN talatum7 ayaaN hua
insaaf8 ke laboN pe tabassum9 ayaaN hua
Daali nigaah faKhr10 se duniya ne deen11 par
qura’an aasman se utra zamin par

1. pulpit 2. sun, brilliance of speech/oratory 3. wave 4. wine of Ghadir (Shia believe that during his last hajj, Mohammed declared Ali as his successor in a place called Ghadir (Josh calls this declaration the “wine of Ghadir 5. flask 6. benvolence 7. tumult  8. justice 9. smile 10. pride 11. material and spiritual worlds

The sun of oratory appeared on the pulpit (it is thought that Ali was a fiery orator).  The flask arrived bearing with wine of Ghadir (Josh uses word play here … the site where Mohammed is reputed to have made his declaration is called Ghadir-e Khum and Khum also means flask … thus the flask of the wine of Ghadir).  An eager tumult rose in the ocean of benevolence and a smile appeared on the lips of justice.  The earth cast proud glances at heaven as the Qura’an descended on earth.
asraar1-e kaayenaat2 ulaTne lage naqaab3
ta’abeer4 ke hudood5 meN aaye zamiN ke Khwaab
ma’ani6 se ruushinaas7 hua harf8-e Khaak o aab9
aivaan-e rozgaar10 meN aaye yuN bu turaab11
jaise vurood12-e shabnam-e taabinda13 phool par
goya14 nuzool15-e vahi16, batoon17 e rasool par

1. secrets 2. universe 3. veil 4. realization (of dreams) 5. limits, domain, purview 6. meaning( inner knowledge) 7. seeing the face, getting acquainted 8. word 9. clay and water, humanity 10. halls of this world 11. title of Ali 12. appearance 13. brilliant dew 14. as if 15. descent (sent down from heaven) 16. revelation 17. body

The secrets of creation began to unveil themselves (to be revealed).  The realization of dreams came within the realm of possibility.  Humanity began to be acquainted with inner knowledge.  Ali came into the halls of life with beauty and grandeur like the appearance of brilliant dew drops on petals, or like the descent of message of god on Mohammed.
ehsaas-e indefa’a1 ko tabl o alam2 mila
qirtaas3-e be savaad4 ko zarreeN qalam5 mila
zulf6-e tasavvuraat-e uloohi7 ko Kham8 mila
allah ko suboot9, nabi ko hasham10 mila
faiz11-e suKhan12 se deen ki takmeel13 ho gayii
ajmaal14-e zuljalaal14 ki tafseel15 ho gayii

1. feeling of pride 2. drum and standard, symbols of celebration 3. page 4. without value, blank (page) 5. golden pen 6. tresses 7. concepts of god 8. curl (Josh metaphorically calls “concepts of god” as beautiful tresses) 9. proof 10. retinue of followers 11.  benevolence, kindness 12. speech, words 13. completion 14. faces 15. god 16. detail

The feeling of distinction (of Muslims) received drum and banner (celebration).  The blank page of knowledge/lietracy received a pen of gold.  The concept of god acquired a beauty (curly tresses) of its own.  The existence of god got proof, and Mohammed got a following.  The goodness of speech (of Ali) made faith strong/complete and the concept of god received a detailed explanation.
laila-e zindagi1 ke baja ho gaye havaas2
pahna tasavvurat3 ne afkaar4 ka libaas
aiwan5-e ilm o hilm6 ki mohkam7 hui asaas8
paida hui zamin pe ek qaum haq shinaas9
jis se bina10-e qasr-e Khudadaad11 paR gayee
ek mutmaha12 nigaah13 ki buniyad14 paR gayee

1. life personified as Laila 2. coming to one’s senses (wise/responsible) 3. thought/theory, postulation 4. reason, logic 5. hallway 6. knowledge and forebearance/tolerance, knowledge and a recognition of the limits of knowledge 7. under command 8. foundation 9. aware of, knowledgable of truth 10. foundation 11. house of the gifts of god 12. seeing, watching 13. ability to see/discriminate 14. foundation

Laila of life came to her senses and theories/postulates received robes of reason.  The foundations of halls of knowledge got strong.  A community grew that learnt righteousness.  This laid the foundation of the house of god and the foundations of discriminating thought.
ek muKhtasir giroh1 ke baRhne lage qadam
barham2 huaa mizaj3-e salaatiin4-e be hasham5
phir bhi daroon6-e lashkar7-e ashraar8-e taaza dum9
e’laan10-e amr-e haq11 ke uThaye gaye alam12
zulmat13 ke rahravoN14 ko dikhaye gaye chiraaGh
sehra15 ki aandhiyoN16 meN jalaaye gaye chiraaGh

1. small group 2. scatter, confused 3. character/structure, pride 4. kings 5. without followers 6. inside 7. army 8. mischief makers 9. fresh and ready to do a difficult task 10. declaration 11.  command/declaration of truth/reason 12. standards, flags 13. darkness 14. those on the path of 15. wilderness 16. storm

The small group that formed began to make headway.  Erstwhile lords lost followers, their status in disarray.  Even inside the armies of the mischief makers, standards of declaration of faith were raised and those on the dark path were shown light.  Lamps were lit in the storms of the wilderness.
jis se ugeN nuqoosh1 vo tasvir ban gayee
tasvir ek shu’aa e jahaN gir2 ban gayee
kaNpee3 shu’aa, mashriq4-e tafsir5 ban gayee
tafsir ek rivaat6 ki zanjir ban gayee
zanjir taaq-e rooh7 ki qindeel8 ban gayee
qindeel qaus-e arsh9 meN tabdeel ho gayee

1. marks, directions (of pathways) 2. world conquering ray of light 3. shimmered 4. east (dawn) 5. explanation, understanding 6. traditions, customs 7. alcove of spirituality 8. lamp 9. arch of the sky/heaven

A clear picture emerged showing the right path.  The picture became a world conquering ray of light.  The ray shimmered and ushered in the dawn of understanding.  Understanding created a chain of traditions.  The chain lit up like a lamp in the alcove of spirituality, and the lamp became the colourful  arch of the heavens.
taabaaN1 hue uloom2, daraKhshaaN3 hue uqool4
raushan hua zamin-e tadabbur5 ka arz o tuul6
ma’qooliyat7 ke sar ko mila afsar-e qubool8
shaaesta9 zindagi ke murattib10 hue usool11
jo barq-e toor-e fikr12 hai vo nuur13 mil gaya
duniya-e be nizam14 ko dastoor15 mil gaya

1. brilliant 2. fields of knowledge 3. shining 4. minds (of people) 5. domain of deliberation 6. land and extent, domain 7. reasonable balance, thoughtfulness, rationality 8. acceptable/capable leader 9.  refined, civilized 10. organized, written 11. rules 12. the lightning of the toor (mountain where Moses saw god as light) Josh likens fikr/reason as manifestation of god 13. light 14. world without any organization 15. rules, organization, tradition

Knowledge acquired brilliance and minds shone bright.  The domain of discussion/deliberation was lit up.  Rationality got a capable leader.  The rules of civilized life began to be written.  The light of reason, manifested itself like divine light.  This unorganized world received a constitution.
mehraab-e haq1 meN rooh-e Khitabat2 hui ayaaN3
jhoomeN saroN pe rushd o hidayat4 ki badliyaN
uTThi nigaah, Kham5 hue abru6, khuli zabaN
dauRe hava pe tiir, lachakne lagi kamaN
nikli jo muNh se baat dilauN meN utar gayee
zahn-e gurezpa7 ki savari Thahr gayee

1. focal point of truth 2. spirit of oratory 3. emerge 4. guidance and instruction 5. bend, bow, arch 6. eyebrows – arched eyebrows indicate wonder 7. fleet footed, running away

The spirit of oratory emerged in the alcove of oratory.  Gentle clouds of guidance and instruction hovered above.  People saw, wondered, marveled and discussed.  Words (Ali’s oratory) flew like arrows and found their mark.  His words sank into hearts and wandering minds found a focus.
paida hue hadeeqa1-e millat2 meN barg o baar3
zaa’el4 hua mu’ashera5-e haq6 ka inteshaar7
seedhi hui safeN8 to murattib9 hue qataar10
mizrab11-e ittehad12 se kaaNpe dilauN ke taar
maathe13 pe naqsh14-e abru-e paivasta15 ban gaya
yek ja hue nufoos16 to guldasta ban gaya

1. garden 2. getting together, harmony 3. leaves and fruits 4. cease to exist 5. society, community 6. righteousness 7. scattered, confused 8. lines 9. got built/constructed 10. lines 11.  pluck worn on finger to play stringed musical instruments 12. unity 13. forehead 14. mark 15.  eybrows joined together (a sign of good fortune) 16. breath, life, souls, people

Trees bore fruit in the garden of unity.  The community of the righteous was no longer scattered.  Lines straightened up, society got organized.  The music of unity played in the hearts of people.  Good fortune smiled on the new community.  Individual (flowers) came together and became a bouquet.
paya hisaar1-e farsh2 ne arsh-e bariN3 ka baab4
bedaariyoN ki rau5 se uThe parda-ha6-e Khwaab7
anfaas8-e zindagi ka murattib9 hua hisaab
ek laaeha10-e amal11 ki mudavvan12 hui kitaab
salma-e zindagi13 ki tamanna nikal14 gayee
Khaak-e siyah15 noor ke saanche16 meN Dhal17 gayee

1. boundary 2. floor, earth 3. highest heaven,seventh heaven 4. door, entry 5. the flow of wakefulness (knowledge) 6. veils 7. dreams, vague ideas 8. reality 9.  got organized/arranged 10. blueprint, plan 11. action 12. framed (framing a picture) 13. constellation of life 14. desire fulfilled 15. dark dust, earth 16. mould of light 17. to get cast

The door to heaven opened up in the walls of the earth.  The flow of knowledge blew away veils of confusion.  The real meaning of life was explained.  A blue print of action was developed.  The constellation of life had its desire fulfilled.  This dark dust (Earth) was cast in a mould of light.
uTThi nigah-e fazl1 pa’e baarish2-e kamal3
dauRa ruKh-e kalam4 pe taKheel5 ka jamal6
paya suKhan7 ke jaam8 ne afshurda-e hilal9
barsa adab10 ke baaGh pe Khursheed11 ka zulal12
bazar-e aab o rang meN fankaar13 aa gaye
shama’eN uThaye saabit o sayyar14 aa gaye

1. ( god’s) eye of benvolence 2. in order to rain down 3. talent, capabilities 4. face of discourse 5. thought, reason 6. beauty 7. speech 8. wine 9. elixir of the new moon (afshurda- juice of exotic fruits) 10. culture 11. sun 12. brilliance 13. talented craftsmen 14. stationary and moving i.e. all creation

The eye of benevolence rained down talent.  The beauty of reason adorned the face of discourse.  The wine of discussion acquired a health giving elixir.  Sunlight spread in the garden of culture.  Arts and crafts came to the colourful bazar.  All creation arrived carrying a lamp.