فیضِ نظر نے خاک کو بستاں بنا دیا
ہر ریشہِ گیاہ کو مژگاں بنا دیا
ہر خار وخس کو سنبل و ریحاں بنادیا
ہر شاخِ بے ثمر کو رگِ جاں بنادیا
بے آبروُ زمین کو گل زار کر دیا
تاروں کا رس نچوڑ کے ذرّوں میں بھر دیا
نکھرے ضمیر، ذہن کو حاصل ہوا سُرور
ایوانِ جاں کے طاق میں چمکا چراغِ طور
الفاظ آسماں کے منوُرّ ہوے قصور
قرآن کے حروف میں داخل ہوا شعور
ذوق سخن کو قوّتِ اعجاز مل گئی
تخیلِ کردگار کو آواز مل گئی
بہرِ سلام لیلیِ ارض و سما اُٹھی
دیکھارُخِ قبول تڑپ کر دعا اُٹھی
چٹکیں فضائیں نیند سے ٹھنڈی ہوا اُٹھی
قبلے سے جھومتی ہوئی کالی گھٹا اُٹھی
کیا رُت بہ فیضِ قبلہِ حاجات آ گئی
ساقی! خدا کا شکر کہ برسات آ گئی
برسات، بنتِ راوی و جمناو نیل وگنگ
بین و سرود و بربط و عود و رباب و چنگ
طنبورہ و ربانۂ و طاؤس و جل ترنگ
شعر و شراب وشاہد وشہناز و رقص ورنگ
برسات کی ہوائے معطر کا واسطہ
مئے خانہ کھول، ساقیِ کوثر کا واسطہ
ساقی ڈٹی ہوئی ہے خراباتیوں کی صف
پھیلاہوا ہے ابرِ گہر بار ہر طرف
بوتل کا کاگ کھول اُٹھا کیف بار دف
لا بادۂ مدینہ و پیمانہ نجف
تطہیر کی رِدا ہے فلک پر تنی ہوئی
دے، دامنِ رسولِ خدا کی چھنی ہوئی
ساقی، شگفتہ باد، وہ مئے خانہ کھل گیا
وہ بدلیاں ہوائوں پہ گرجیں وہ دف بجا
چمکیں وہ بجلیاں وہ پر افشاں ہوئی فضا
وہ لو اُٹھی وہ زمزمہ گونجا وہ کاگ اُڑا
فتاّحِ بابِ منزل ومقصد ہوئی پری
قصرِ بلور سے وہ برآمد ہوئی پری
ساقی برس رہی ہے گھٹا بولتی ہوئی
فرشِ زمیں پہ لال و گہر رولتی ہوئی
سینوں میں کشتیوں کی طرح ڈولتی ہوئی
بوچھار سے دلوں کی گرہ کھولتی ہوئی
در کھول، قصرِ بادہٗ اِنساں نواز کا
یہ وقت ہے شگفتنِ گلُ ہائے ناز کا
گرجا فلک پہ ابر، بھرے مغ بچوں کے جام
چہروں پہ رنگ مل کے چھلکنے لگے خیام
صلِّ علیٰ کی موج سے گونجےستون و بام
قدسی تمام دوڑ پڑے بحرِ اِنتظام
محرابِ حق کا نور نے پردہ اُٹھا دیا
سجاّدہ آسماں نے زمیں پر بچھا دیا
کیا میکدے کا رتبہ عالی ہے مرحبا
مسند پر انبیا تو پسِ خمُ ملائیکا
شیشوں پہ ہے بخطِّ جواہر لکھاہوا
بطحاو کاظمین و خراساں و سامرا
محراب پر ہے درج ، یہ منزل شرف کی ہے
یہ کربلا کی مئے ہےوہ صہبا نجف کی ہے
غِلماں ادب کے ساتھ لئے جامِ زر نگار
رطلِ گراں کی طوف میں حورانِ گلعذار
خدٌام کے لباس میں شاہانِ ذی وقار
رندوں کے سر پہ دامنِ مولاۓ روزگار
خُمِ آسمان ساغرِ آبی لئے ہوے
شانے پہ کائنات گلابی لئے ہوے
گونجی ہوئی فضاؤں پہ مستانہ ہا و ہوُ
قلُ قلُ کی رو میں شعلہٗ آواز وانشر بوُ
ذرّوں سے بات چیت ستاروں سے گفتگو
آواز میں وِلا کے چھلکتے ہوے سبو
خاصانِ حق شرابِ مودّت پئے ہوے
سینے تمام اجرِ رِسالت لئے ہوے
ہر ایک چنگ نغمہ افسوں لئے ہوے
ہر اِک اُمنگ دولتِ قاروں لئے ہوے
ہر اِک ترنگ شوخیِ جیحوں لئے ہوے
ہر ایک رنگ قامتِ موزوں لئے ہوے
ہر بار ایک تان نئی ٹوٹتی ہوئی
ہر زمزمے سے ایک کرن پھوٹتی ہوئی
شیشوں میں روحِ کاہ کشاں ناچتی ہوئی
سینوں میں برقِ رطلِ گراں ناچتی ہوئی
مسند پہ صبح باغِ جناں نا چتی ہوئی
سازِ بقا پہ عمرِ رواں نا چتی ہوئی
چہروں پہ شام و جام کی سرخی رچی ہوئی
رگ رگ میں ساز و ناز کی دھومیں مچی ہوئی
آ نکھوں میں غرفہ ہائے گلستاں کھلے ہوئے
دریائے قصرِ دولتِ ایماں کھلے ہوئے
بندِ قباۓ یوسفِ کنعاں کھلے ہوئے
خمُ کے قر یب، رحل پہ قرآں کھلے ہوئے
رندانِ سرفراز پرافشاں ہواؤں پر
ہاتوں پہ عرش، فرقِ سماوات پاؤں پر
غلطیدہ آسماں پہ خُمستاں کی روشنی
اور خمُ کدے پہ عترت وقرآں کی روشنی
قرآن پر، رسول کے داماں کی روشنی
اور چہرۂ رسول پہ یزداں کی روشنی
یزداں کی روشنی کاتموّج قلوُب میں
اک سیلِ رنگ و نور شمال و جنوب میں
افسوں بدوش بارگہ آبِ آ تشیں
اِک نقطہٗ طلسم پہ ٹھہری ہوئی زمیں
اور قلب پر محیط بہ اندازِ دل نشیں
ایسی اِک آن وقت کاجس میں گزر نہیں
کثرت نواے نغمہٗ وحدت لئے ہوے
ہر لمحہ جیب میں ابدّ یت لئے ہوے
اللہ ری موجِ نشہٗ عالی کی سروری
ساقی! کچھ اور جھوم گیا چرخِ چنبری
گونجی بلندیوں پہ وہ آوازِ قنبری
ہاں اور سوئے خمُ وہ مڑُا عکسِ بو ذری
ہاں ہاں اِسی روش سے چلے دور ساقیا
وہ موجِ سلسبیل اُٹھی، اور ساقیا
بدلا وہ دیکھ منظر و موسم کااِنتظام
پل بھر میں نورِ صبح تو پل بھر میں رنگِ شام
ایک آن میں فضاؤں پہ مہرِ جواں خرام
ایک آن میں فراز پہ ماہِ شگفتہ گام
کیاشوخیاں ہیں عالمِ راز و نیاز کی
پسلی پھڑک رہی ہے نشیب و فراز کی
صلِّ علیٰ فضائیں قمر بار و دُر فشاں
گلُ بیز و مشک ریز و جنوں خیز و مئے چکاں
جھونکے فسانہ بار ہوائیں ترانہ خواں
ترکانِ شُوخ قوس کے پلُ پر رواں دواں
صہبائے مشک بار سے روحیں دھلی ہوئی
لیلاے عرش و فرش کی زلفیں کھلی ہوئی
ساقی ہمیشہ یاد رہے گایہ اہتمام
قصرِ حواس کے ہیں درخشاں ستون و بام
قدموں پہ میرے لوٹ رہا ہے مہ تمام
بس اب نہ دے شراب کے یہ بارھواں ہے جام
اِس وقت دِل کی جوت جگاے ہوئے ہوں میں
پلکوں پر اِس کرُے کو اُٹھاے ہوے ہوں میں
مینا کے سر پہ دیکھ وہ منبر عیاں ہوا
منبر پہ نورِ ساقیِ کوثر عیاں ہوا
کانپاارض ہواؤں پہ جوہر عیاں ہوا
وہ آفتابِ طلعتِ حیدر عیاں ہوا
پڑنے لگافضاپہ وہ پرتو بتول کا
اُڑنے لگا فلک پہ وہ دامن رسول کا
फ़ैज़ ए नज़र ने ख़ाक को बुस्तां बना दिया
हर रेशा-ए ग्याह को मिज़्श्गां बना दिया
हर ख़ार ओ ख़स को सुंबुल ओ रेहाँ बना दिया
हर शाख़-ए बे समर को रग-ए जां बना दिया
बे आबरू ज़मीन को गुलज़ार कर दिया
तारों का रस निचोड़ के ज़र्रों में भर दिया
निखरे ज़मीर, ज़हन को हासिल हुआ सुरूर
ऐवान-ए जां के ताक़ में चमका चिराग़-ए तूर
अलफ़ाज़-ए आसमां के मुनव्वर हुए क़ुसूर
क़ुरा’अन के हुरूफ़ में दाख़िल हुआ शा’ऊर
जौक़ ए सुख़न को क़ुव्वत ए ए’जाज़ मिल गई
तख़ईल-ए किर्देगार को आवाज़ मिल गई
बहर-ए सलाम लैली-ए अर्ज़ ओ समा उठी
देखा रुख़-ए क़ुबूल तड़प कर दुआ उठी
चिटकीं फ़िज़ाएं नींद से ठंडी हवा उठी
क़िब्ले से झूमती हुई काली घटा उठी
क्या रुत बा फ़ैज़-ए क़िब्ला-ए हाजात आ गई
साक़ी! ख़ुदा का शुक्र के बरसात आ गई
बरसात, बिन्त-ए रावी ओ जमना ओ नील ओ गंग
बीन ओ सुरूद ओ बरबत ओ ऊद ओ रबाब ओ चंग
तंबूरा ओ रबाना ओ ताऊस ओ जल तरंग
शे’र ओ शराब ओ शाहेद ओ शहनाज़ ओ रक़्स ओ रंग
बरसात कि हवा-ए मो’अत्तर का वास्ता
मए ख़ाना खोल, साक़ी-ए कौसर का वास्ता
साक़ी डटी हुई है ख़राबातियों कि सफ़
फैला हुआ है अब्र-ए गुहर बार हर तरफ़
बोतल का काग खोल, उठा कैफ़-ए बारदफ़
ला बादा-ए मदीना ओ पैमाना-ए नजफ़
ततहीर कि रिदा है फ़लक पर तनी हुई
दे दामन-ए रसूल-ए ख़ुदा कि छनी हुई
साक़ी, शगुफ़्ता बाद वो मए ख़ाना खुल गया
वो बदलियाँ हवाओं पे गरजीं वो दफ़ बजा
चमकीं वो बिजलियाँ वो पर अफ़्शां हुई फ़िज़ा
वो लौ उठी वो ज़मज़मा गूंजा वो काग उड़ा
फ़त्ताह-ए बाब-ए मंज़िल ओ मक़्सद हुई परी
क़स्र-ए बिलोर से वो बरआमद हुई परी
साक़ी, बरस रही है घटा बोलती हुई
फ़र्श-ए ज़मीं पे लाल ओ गुहर रोलती हुई
सीनों में किश्तियों की तरह डोलती हुई
बोछार से दिलों की गिरह खोलती हुई
दर खोल, क़स्र-ए बादा-ए इन्सां नवाज़ का
ये वक़्त है शगुफ़्तन-ए गुलहा-ए नाज़ का
गरजा फ़लक पे अब्र, भरे मुग़बचों के जाम
चेहरों पे रंग मल के छलकने लगे ख़याम
सल्ल-ए अला की मौज से गूंजे सुतून ओ बाम
क़ुदसी तमाम दौड़ पड़े बहर-ए इंतेज़ाम
मेहराब-ए हक़ का नूर ने पर्दा उठा दिया
सज्जादा आसमां ने ज़मीं पर बिछा दिया
क्या मैकदे का रुतबा-ए आ’ली है मरहबा
मसनद पर अम्बिया तो पस-ए ख़ुम मलाएका
शीशों पे है ब ख़त्त-ए जवाहर लिखा हुआ
बत-हा ओ काज़िमैन ओ ख़ुरासान ओ सामेरा
मेहराब पर है दर्ज – ये मंज़िल शरफ़ की है
ये करबला की मए है वो सहबा नजफ़ की है
ग़िल्मां अदब के साथ लिए जाम-ए ज़रनिगार
रत्ल-ए गिरां की तौफ़ में हूरान-ए गुल’अज़ार
ख़द्दाम के लिबास में शाहान-ए ज़ि विक़ार
रिन्दों के सर पे दामन-ए मौला-ए रोज़गार
ख़ुम-ए आसमान साग़र-ए आबि लिए हुए
शाने पे काएनात गुलाबी लिए हुए
गूंजी हुई फ़िज़ाओं पे मस्ताना हा ओ हू
क़ुल क़ुल की रौ में शो’ला ए आवाज़ व अन्शरिबू
ज़र्रों से बात चीत सितारों से गुफ़्तगू
आवाज़ में विला के छलकते हुए सुबू
ख़ासान-ए हक़ शराब-ए मवद्दत पिए हुए
सीने तमाम अज्र ए रिसालत लिए हुए
हर एक चंग नग़मा-ए अफ़सूँ लिए हुए
हर एक उमंग दौलत-ए क़ारूं लिए हुए
हर एक तरंग शूखी-ए जेहूं लिए हुए
हर एक रंग क़ामत-ए मौज़ूं लिए हुए
हर बार एक तान नई टूटती हुई
हर ज़मज़मे से एक किरन फूटती हुई
शीशों में रूह-ए काहकशां नाचती हुई
सीनों में बर्क़-ए रत्ल-ए गिरां नाचती हुई
मसनद पे सुबह बाग़-ए जिनां नाचती हुई
साज़-ए बक़ा पे उम्र-ए रवां नाचती हुई
चेहरों पे शाम ओ जाम की सुर्ख़ी रची हुई
रग रग में साज़ ओ नाज़ की धूमें मची हुई
आँखों में ग़ुर्फ़ाहा-ए गुलिस्तां खुले हुए
दरया-ए क़स्र-ए दौलत-ए ईमां खुले हुए
बंद-ए क़बा-ए यूसुफ़-ए कन’आं खुले हुए
ख़ुम के क़रीब, रहल पे, क़ुर’आं खुले हुए
रिन्दान-ए सरफ़राज़ पर अफ़्शां हवाओं पर
हाथों पे अर्श, फ़र्क़-ए समावात पाऊँ पर
ग़ल्तीदा आसमां पे ख़ुमिस्तां की रौशनी
और ख़ुम कदे पे इतरत ओ क़ुर’आं की रौशनी
क़ुर’आन पर रसूल के दामां की रौशनी
और चेहरा-ए रसूल पे यज़दान की रौशनी
यज़दां की रौशनी का तमव्वुज क़ुलूब में
एक सैल-ए रंग ओ नूर शुमाल ओ जुनूब में
अफ़्सूं ब दोश बारगाह-ए आब-ए आतिशीं
एक नुक़ता-ए तिलस्म पे ठहरी हुई ज़मीं
और क़ल्ब पर मोहीत ब अंदाज़-ए दिल नशीं
ऐसी एक आन वक़्त का जिस पर गुज़र नहीं
कस्रत नवा-ए नग़मा-ए वहदत लिए हुए
हर लम्हा जेब में अबदिय्यत लिए हुए
अल्लाह रि मौज-ए नशा-ए आ’ली की सरवरी
साक़ी! कुछ और झूम गया चर्ख़-ए चम्बरी
गूंजी बलंदियों पे वो आवाज़-ए क़म्बरी
हाँ और सू-ए ख़ुम वो मुड़ा अक्स-ए बू ज़री
हां हां इसी रविश से चले दौर साक़िया
वो मौज-ए सल्सबील उठी – और साक़िया
बदला वो देख मंज़र ओ मौसम का इंतेज़ाम
पल भर में नूर-ए सुबह तो पल भर में रंग-ए शाम
एक आन में फ़िज़ाओं पे महर-ए जवां ख़िराम
एक आन में, फ़राज़ पे, माह-ए शगुफ़्ता गाम
क्या शूखियां हैं आ’लम-ए राज़ ओ नियाज़ की
पसली फड़क रही है नशेब ओ फ़राज़ की
सल्ले अला फ़िज़ाएं क़मर बार ओ दुर फ़शां
गुल बेज़ ओ मुश्क रेज़ ओ जुनूं ख़ेज़ ओ मए चकां
झोंके फ़साना बार हवाएं तराना ख़्वां
तुरकान-ए शूख़ क़ौस के पुल पर रवां दवां
सहबा-ए मुश्क बार से रूहें धूलि हुई
लैला-ए अर्श ओ फ़र्श कि ज़ुल्फ़ें खुली हुई
साक़ी हमेशा याद रहेगा ये एहतेमाम
क़स्र-ए हवास के हैं दरख़्शां सुतून ओ बाम
क़दमों पे मेरे लोट रहा है मह-ए तमाम
बस अब न दे शराब के ये बारहवां है जाम
इस वक़्त दिल कि जोत जगाए हुए हुं मैं
पलकों पर इस कुरे को उठाए हुए हुं मैं
मीना के सर पे देख वो मिम्बर अयाँ हुआ
मिम्बर पे नूर-ए साक़ी-ए कौसर अयाँ हुआ
कांपा अरज़ हवाओं पे जौहर अयाँ हुआ
वो आफ़ताब-ए तला’अत-ए हैदर अयाँ हुआ
पड़ने लगा फ़िज़ा पे वो परतौ बतूल का
उड़ने लगा फ़लक पे वो दामन रसूल का
Click here for overall comments and on any stanza for meanings and discussion. Josh continues to sing of the good things that happened to this earth upon the arrival of Ali. And then he calls for wine bottles to be uncorked and for celebrations to begin. This is a very Sufi tradition … the wine is the wine of Karbala and Najaf, wine of love of Husain and Ali. This celebration is described in the most lyrical ways and should be enjoyed fully by suspending all rational evaluation of the content.
faiz e nazar1 ne Khaak2 ko bustaaN3 bana diya
har resha4-e giyah5 ko mizshgaN6 bana diya
har Khaar7 o Khas8 ko sunbul o rehaaN9 bana diya
har shaaKh-e be samar10 ko rag-e jaaN11 bana diya
be aabru12 zameen ko gulzaar13 kar diya
taaroN ka ras nichoR ke zarroN14 meN bhar diya1. benevolence of (his) look/glance 2. dust, earth 3. garden 4. sliver, thread 5. grass, hay 6. eyelashes 7. thorn 8. grass 9. fragrant grasses/herbs 10. without fruit 11. vein 12. without respect 13. flower garden 14. particles (of dust)
The benevolent glance (of Ali) changed the barren earth to a flowery garden. It was as if every blade of grass became beautiful as eyelashes, grass and hay changed into fragrant herbs. Fruitless trees began to throb with life. The lowly earth became a lush garden. The essence of stars was wrung out and given to the dust on earth.
nikhre1 zamir2, zahn3 ko haasil hua suroor4
aivan5-e jaaN ke taaq6 meN chamka chiraGh-e toor7
alfaaz-e aasmaN ke munawwar8 hue qasoor9
qura’an ke huroof10 meN daaKhil11 hua sha’uur12
zauq-e suKhan13 ko quvvat-e e’jaaz14 mil gayee
taKheel15-e kirdegaar16 ko aavaz mil gayee1. refreshed, cleaned 2. conscience 3. mind 4. happiness, contentment 5. hallways 6. alcove 7. lamp of Mt. Sinai, light of god 8. bright 9. palaces 10. words 11. entered 12. sense, meaning 13. taste (desire) of speech 14. miraculous powers 15. thoughts, concepts 16. god
(With the arrival of Ali) Conscience was refreshed, souls achieved a peace of mind. A divine light shone in the alcove of the hallways of life/soul, as if heavenly words/sayings lit up like beacons in palatial skies. The words of the Qura’an became meaningful. Speech acquired miraculous powers and the concept of god found expression.
bahr-e salaam1 laili-e arz o samaa2 uThi
dekha ruKh-e qubool3 taRap kar dua uThi
chiTkiN fizaaeN neend se ThanDi hava uThi
qible4 se jhoomti hui kaali ghaTa uThi
kya rut5 ba faiz-e qibla-e haajaat6 aa gaii
saaqi! Khuda ka shukr ke barsaat aa gaii1. in order to pay respects 2. the Laila (personified) of earth and sky 3. beautiful face (reflection of god) 4. direction of ka’aba 5. season 6. needs, desires
The Earth and the Sky rose to pay respects and seeing the reflection of god (in the face of Ali) raised a plaintive prayer. Their prayers were answered as a light breeze blew, cool winds woke up, rain bearing clouds rose from the direction of the Ka’aba. The season matched to meet the needs of the time. Saaqi! thank god blessed rains arrived. Josh now begins a series of verses using metaphors of wine drinking festitivites ushered by the rain. In Urdu poetry, rain is considered to be pleasant weather particularly suitable for wine drinking. In this case it is the wine of faith, wine of love of Ali.
barsaat, bint-e1 raavi o jamna o neel o gang2
been3 o surood3 o barbat3 o ood3 o rabab3 o chang3
tanbura3 o rabana3 o taa’oos3 o jal tarang3
she’r o sharab o shahed4 o shahnaz5 o raqs o rang6
barsaat ki hava-e mo’attar7 ka vaasta8
mae Khana khol9 saaqi-e kauser10 ka vaasta1. daughter of 2. names of rivers 3. musical instruments (rabana=tambourine, taa’oos=peacock shaped musical instrument like the sarangi 4. beautiful (damsels) 6. so beautiful as to be called the pride of kings 7. dance and celebration 7. redolent, fragrant 8. in the name of, by god 9. open the tavern, begin the celebrations 10. a title used for Ali … Shia tradition says, that he will serve water (honey, wine) from Kauser (river) to the faithful in paradise.
Rain, the daughter of Raavi, Jamna, Nile and Ganges, a celebration of music (note the “simple” melodious listing of musical instruments). A celebration of verse, dance, wine and saaqi. In the name of the redolent winds of rain, in the name of saaqi-e kauser (Ali), let us celebrate.
saaqi DaTi hui1 hai KharabaatiyoN2 ki saf3
phaila hua hai abr-e guhar baar4 har taraf
bautal ka kaag khol, uTha kaif-baar5 daf6
la baada e madina7 o paimana8 e najaf9
tatheer ki rida10 hai falak par tani hui
de, daman e rasool e Khuda ki chhani hui1. determined 2. revelers, gamblers, drinkers 3. line 4. pearl showering cloud 5. pleasure bearing 6. tambourine 7. wine of Medinah 8. flask 9. city where Ali is buried 10. shawl of purity (Shia believe that Mohammed, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain were all under a “rida”, a sheet/covering) “aya-e tatheer” is a verse in the Quraan associated with this.
Saaqi, look all the revelers are lined up, determined. Pearl showering clouds are spread above in all directions. Uncork the bottle, play the pleasant tambourine, bring the wine of Medinah and the flask of Najaf. The sheet of purity/protection is stretched across the sky. Give me (wine) filtered through the apron of Mohammed.
saaqi, shagufta baad1 vo mae Khaana khul gaya
vo badliyaN havaaoN pe garjiN vo daf2 baja
chamkiN vo bijliaN vo par afshaaN3 hui fiza
vo lau4 uThi vo zamzama5 goonja vo kaag6 uRa
fattah7-e baab8-e manzil o maqsad hui pari9
qasr-e bilor10 se vo baraamad11 hui pari1. be happy or I am happy 2. tambourine 3. shining 4. flame 5. music (zam zam, a spring in paradise, its gurgling sound is a metaphor for soothing music) 6. cork 7. open, inaugurate 8. door, gate 9. fairy, angel (metaphor for wine) 10. crystal palace (flask) 11. emerge
Saaqi, such happiness, the tavern is open, thundering clouds sound like the beat of a tambourine. Lightning makes everything shine brightly. Music has broken out, bottles are uncorked. The angel of wine has opened the door to our goal. She has emerged from her crystal flask in all grandeur.
saaqi, baras rahi hai ghaTa bolti hui
farsh e zamiN1 pe laal o guhar2 rolti3 hui
seenoN meN kishtiyoN ki tarah Dolti4 hui
bochhaar5 se dilauN ki girah kholti hui
dar khol, qasr-e baada6-e insaaN nawaaz7 ka
ye vaqt hai shaguftan8-e gulha-e naaz9 ka1. floor of the earth 2. rubies and pearls 3. size and select the best gems 4. swaying/swinging like a boat on waves – gentle 5. shower 6. palace of wine 7. that which celebrates/honours human beings 8. to become or to be made happy, to bloom 9. stylish (beautiful) flowers
Saaqi, Rain is coming down with a song on her lips, spreading the best gems on the floor of the earth. Hearts are swaying with joy like boats on gentle waves. With her benevolent showers, she is opening up hearts to joy. Open the door to the palace of wine that celebrates humanity. This is the time to celebrate like flowers blooming.
garja falak1 pe abr, bhare muGh bachoN2 ke jaam
chehroN pe raNg-e mul3 ke chhalakne lage Khayaam4
sall-e ala5 ki mauj6 se goonje sutoon o baam7
qudsi8 tamaam dauR paRe bahr-e intezaam9
mehraab10-e haq11 ka noor12 ne parda uTha diya
sajjada13 aasmaN ne zamiN par bichha diya1. sky 2. pir-e muGhaaN – chief wine-maker, muGh bachche – apprentices 3. colour of wine 4. tent maker 5. celebratory cry 6. wave 7. columns/pillars and roof/ceiling 8. angels 9. to make arrangements 10. central arch 11. truth, righteousness 12. light (of god) 13. prayer mat – by spreading it on the earth, the sky is recognizing its superior status … now that Ali is on earth
There is thunder in the skies and the cups of wine makers are full. The brilliance/happiness of faces reflects the colour of wine. There is a cry of celebration reverberating through columns and hallways. Angels rush to make arrangements (for celebration). The light of god has unveiled the central arch of Truth. The sky bows down to earth and spreads the prayer mat.
kya maikade1 ka rutba-e a’ali2 hai marhaba3
masnad4 par ambia5 to pas-e Khum6 malaaeka7
shishoN pe hai ba Khatt-e javahar8 likha hua
bat-ha9 o kazimain o Khurasaan o saamera10
mehraab11 par hai darj12 – ye manzil sharaf13 ki hai
ye karbala14 ki mae hai vo sahba15 najaf16 ki hai1. tavern 2. high status 3. vah vah, felicitations 4. throne cushion 5. prophets 6. behind flasks/vats (of wine) 7. angels 8. in letters of gems 9. Mecca 10. kazimain, Khurasaan, saamera (Shia holy cities) 11. central arch 12. written, engraved 13. high, virtuous 14. place where Husain was killed and buried 15. wine 16. city where Ali is buried
Felicitations! this tavern has such a high status. All prophets are seated at the masnad and angels standing ready behind vats of wine. And on the flasks engraved with gems are names of makkah, kazimain, Khuraasan and saamera (wine from these holy places). On the mehraab is engraved – this is a place of virtue, this is the wine of karbala and of najaf.
GhilmaN1 adab ke saath liye jaam2-e zarnigaar3
ratl-e giraaN4 ki tauf5 meN hooran-e gula’zaar6
Khaddam7 ke libaas8 meN shaahan-e zi viqaar9
rindoN10 ke sar pe daaman11-e maula-e rozgaar12
Kham-e aasman13 saaGhar-e aabi14 liye hue
shaane15 pe ka’enaat16 gulaabi17 liye hue1. slaves 2. cup 3. etched in gold 4. heavy cup 5. circumambulation 6. flower (rosey) cheeked 7. servants 8. dress, uniform 9. respected kings 10. revelers, those drinking 11. apron i.e. protection 12. lord of life i.e. Ali 13. curve of the sky 14. turquoise flask 15. shoulder 16. creation 17. rose coloured (wine)
Slaves, respectfully carry cups etched in gold. Rose cheeked hoories hover around heavy (full) vats. Respected kings, dressed as servants are standing by to serve. And the assembled revelers are under the patronage of Ali. The curve of the sky like an azure goblet. All creation carries this rose coloured wine on its shoulders.
goonji hui fizaaoN pe mastana haa o hoo1
qul qul2 ki rau meN sho’la-e avaaz va anshariboo3
zarroN se baat chiit sitaaroN se guftagoo4
avaaz meN vila5 ke chhalakte hue suboo6
Khaasan-e haq7 sharab-e mavaddat8 piye hue
seene tamaam ajr9-e risalat liye hue1. cries/shouts of admiration 2. gurgling sound when wine is poured from a bottle 3. let everyone drink 4. conversation 5. from vilaa’et – the station of Ali, as successor to Mohammed 6. flask 7. special people of faith 8. friendship (of god) – this word specifically used for Ali as a friend of god 9. reward, gift
Oohs and aahs of inebriation echo all around. The gurgling bottle sounds like it is sending out a call, “let us all drink our fill”, calling on everything from earth (dust particles) to the sky (stars). And the sound of overflowing flasks carrying the message of “vilaa’et”. The selected of faith drink the wine of love/friendship (of god). All hearts overflow with joy at the gift of Mohammed’s prophethood.
har ek chaNg1 naGhma-e afsuN2 liye hue
har ek umaNg3 daulat-e qaarooN4 liye hue
har ek taraNg5 shooKhi6-e jehooN7 liye hue
har ek raNg8 qaamat9-e mauzooN10 liye hue
har baar ek taan naii TooTti hui
har zamzame11 se ek kiran12 phooTti hui1. musical instrument like sitar 2. magical 3. desire 4. legendary king, of the time of Moses, who amassed a lot of wealth 5. ecstacy, fancy 6. coquetry, playfulness 7. River Oxus 8. colour, also used for form/shape, gathering/party 9. stature 10. suitable, beautiful 11. musical note 12. ray
Every sitar carries a magical melody. Every desire is equal to the treasure of Qaaroon. Every ecstacy as playful as a river. Every shape with a beautiful stature. Every moment a new tune breaks out, every lute shines bright.
shishauN1 meN rooh-e kaahkashaaN2 naachti hui
seenauN meN barq3-e ratl-e giraaN4 naachti hui
masnad5 pe subah baaGh-e jinaaN6 naachti hui
saaz-e baqa7 pe umr-e ravaaN8 naachti hui
chehrauN pe shaam o jaam9 ki surKhi10 rachi hui
rag rag meN saaz o naaz11 ki dhoomeN machi hui1. glasses 2. constellation, stars 3. lightning, sparkles 4. heavy/crystal cup 5. royal cushion 6. garden of paradise 7. song of life 8. flowing, moving life 9. evening (sunset) and goblet (or red wine) 10. redness, enthusiasm 11. music and playful style
Josh’s description of jashn (celebration) at the arrival of Ali continues unabated using metaphors of wine drinking. The spirit of the stars dances in cups of wine. The sparkle of crystal goblets is reflected in the hearts of revelers. The celebration is like dawn in heaven. Everyone is dancing to the music of life their faces glowing like the redness of the evening or of wine. It is as if every vein throbs with music and joy.
aaNkhoN meN Ghurfaha1-e gulistaaN2 khule hue
darya-e qasr3-e daulat-e eemaN4 khule hue
band-e qaba5-e yusuf-e kan’aaN6 khule hue
Khum7 ke qareeb, rahl8 pe, qur’aaN khule hue
rindaan-e sarfaraaz9 parafshaaN10 havaaoN par
haathoN pe arsh11, farq-e samavaat12 paaoN par1. curtains, windows 2. garden 3. palace 4. wealth of faith 5. ties of the robe 6. Joseph of the Canaan tribe (handsome Joseph opening ties of the robe is considered a sensuous description of beauty) 7. vat (of wine) 8. book stand for the Quraan 9. exalted revelers 10. thrown up, flying, elevated 11. throne of god 12. head of skies
With the arrival of Ali, new windows open up giving us a glimpse of gardens (of heaven). From palaces of faith, rivers of wealth (of faith) flow. It is as if the beauty of Joseph is on full display. Next to the flasks (of wine of love of Ali) is the Qura’an placed on its special book stand. Josh is implying that the love of Ali is consonant with the teachings of the Quraan. Exalted revelers elevated on gentle winds, carrying the throne of god, all creation bowing at their feet.
Ghaltida1 aasmaN pe KhumistaN2 ki raushni
aur Khum kade3 pe itrat4 o qur’aaN ki raushni
qur’aan par rasool ke daamaN5 ki raushni
aur chehra-e rasool pe yazdaN6 ki raushni
yezdaN ki raushni ka tamavvuj7 qulub8 meN
ek sael e rang o noor9 shumaal o junoob10 meN1. dissolved/spread/mixed 2. tavern (metaphor for the celebration for the birth of Ali) 3. tavern 4. family (of Mohammed) 5. apron, metaphorically protection or blessing 6. god 7. making waves (strength) 8. hearts 9. flood of colour and light 10. north and south i.e. everywhere
The brilliance of the tavern (where celebration is taking place) becomes one with the brilliance of the sky. And the brilliance of the holy family and the Quraan is reflected on the tavern and the Quraan itself reflects the (holy) light of Mohammed. The glory of god is reflected on the face of Mohammed. Waves of the brilliance of god in the hearts of celebrants. There is a flood of colour and light all around.
afsuN ba dosh1 baargah-e aab-e aatishiN2
ek nuqta-e tilasm3 pe Thahri hui zamiN
aur qalb4 par moheet5 ba andaaz-e dil nashiN6
aisi ek aan7 vaqt ka jis par guzar8 nahiN
kasrat9 navaa-e naGhma10-e vahdat11 liye hue
har lamha12 jeb meN13 abadiyyat14 liye hue1. carrying magic on shoulder 2. palace of fiery water i.e. tavern 3. focus of enchantment (Ali) 4. heart 5. spread over 6. with a heart pleasing style 7. pride 8. not affected by the passage of time, eternal 9. abundance 10. sound of song 11. unity, uniqueness (of god) 12. moment 13. in the pocket ( in possession of) 14. end (of the world), day of judgement
The assembly of celebrants in the tavern are fascinated (carrying fascination on their shoulder) as they see the whole world focused on this one point of enchantment (Ali). Their hearts filled with pride which knows no bounds of time, with an abundance of song of the unity of god and every moment fully aware of the rewards of day of deliverance.
allah ri mauj-e nasha-e aa’li1 ki sarvari2
saaqi! kuchh aur jhoom gaya charKh3-e chambari4
goonji balandiyoN pe vo aavaz-e qambari5
haaN aur soo-e Khum6 vo muRa aks-e bu zari7
haN haN isi ravish8 se chale daur9 saaqia
vo mauj e salsabil10 uThi – aur saaqia1. high class intoxication (of the love of Ali) 2. leadership, primary 3. wheel 4. circular 5. the voice of Qambar (a slave, attendant of Ali) 6. towards the cup (of wine of love of Ali). See note below for possible double meaning 7. shadow/soul/spirit of abu Zar (an early and steafast partisan of Ali) 8. gait, speed 9. round (of serving wine) 10. waves of Salsabil (a river in paradise)
The intoxication of the love of Ali is of prime importance (central to the faith of Josh). Because of this intoxication there is added pleasure in the rotation of the wheel of the Universe. And in this celebration the voice of Qambar re-sounds in the skies announcing that the image/spirit/soul of abu Zar has turned towards “Khum”, the glass that contains the wine of the love of Ali. Keep the rounds going O, saaqia, see waves rising for joy in the Salsabil – more, O, saaqia. Josh almost certainly is using “soo-e Khum” – “towards Khum” to mean the Ghadir Khum where after his last Hajj, Mohammed is reported to have announced that Ali would be his successor. abu Zar and Qambar were early and steadfast supporters of Ali.
badla vo dekh manzar o mausam ka intezam
pal bhar meN noor-e subah to pal bhar meN rang-e shaam
ek aan meN fizaaoN pe mahr-e javaaN Khiraam1
ek aan meN, faraaz2 pe, maah3-e shagufta gaam4
kya shooKhiyaN5 haiN aa’lam-e raaz o niyaz6 ki
pasli phaRak rahi7 hai nasheb o faraaz8 ki1. sun of youthful gait 2. on the rise 3. moon 4. bright/happy footed – pleasant gait 5. playfulness 6. world of secrets and friendships 7. throbbing ribs are considered a good omen, good luck 8. valleys and heights i.e. everywhere
Look the atmosphere/ambience is changing. One moment like the brilliance of dawn, redness of evening the next. One moment you see the youthful sun crossing the sky and the moon with its pleasant gait, the next. There is such playfulness in this world of mysteries. Ribs throb all over, intimating us of good thing to come.
salle ala1 fizaaeN qamar baar2 o dur fashaN3
gul bez4 o mushk rez5 o junuN Khez6 o mae chakaN7
jhoNke fasana baar8 havaaeN tarana KhwaN9
turkaan-e shooKh10 qaus11 ke pul par ravaaN davaaN12
sahba13-e mushk baar14 se rooheN dhuli hui
laila-e arsh o farsh ki zulfeN khuli hui15 1. an expression equivalent to “praise be to god” 2. raining moonlight 3. scattering pearls 4. sifting/dispersing flowers 5. spread musk 6. raising passion 7. wine dripping 8. literally raining fables 9. singing songs 10. playful damsels (turkaan from Turkish, mongol slanted eyes are considered a sign of beauty, so looking at someone through slanted eyes is considered inviting, teasing, playing) 11. rainbow 12. active, going back and forth 13. red wine 14. raining musk, fragrant 15. Laila, a legendary beauty, beloved of everyone – arsh o farsh (sky and earth) are personified as Laila. “zulfeN khuli hui”, tresses flowing untied, beauty on full display.
Praise be to god that the breeze brings down gentle moonlight and scatters pearls, dispersing petals, spreading musk, raising passions and dripping wine. Gentle gusts of wind tell fairy tales and sing lullabies. On the bridge of the rainbow, playful damsels with inviting glances cavort around. Souls washed in fragrant red wine and the Laila of the earth in full display of her beauty.
saaqi hamesha yaad rahega ye ehtemaam1
qasr-e havaas2 ke haiN daraKhshaN3 sutoon o baam4
qadmoN pe mere lot raha hai mah-e tamaam5
bas ab na de sharaab ke ye barhwaaN6 hai jaam
is vaqt dil ki jot jagaaye hue huN maiN
palkoN par is kure7 ko uThaye hue huN maiN1. arrangement (of celebration) 2. house of (five) senses 3. bright 4. columns, pillars and roof 5. full moon 6. 12th serving of wine, 12 imams in Shia tradition 7. pile of dust, earth
Saaqi, this celebration will forever live in memories. We have seen, heard and felt the celebration and our sensibilities shine brightly as a result. The beauty of the full moon washes our feet. Enough wine, now this is already the twelfth cup (in Shia tradition there are 12 imams), I am satiated, my heart is lit. It is as if I can carry the world on my eyelids.
meena1 ke sar pe dekh vo mimbar2 ayaaN3 hua
mimbar pe nuur4-e saaqi-e kauser5 ayaaN hua
kaaNpa araz6 havaaoN pe jauhar7 ayaaN hua
vo aaftab8-e tala’at9-e hyder ayaaN hua
paRne laga fiza10 pe vo partau11 batool12 ka
uRne laga falak13 pe vo daaman14 rasool ka1. carafe, flask 2. pulpit 3. emerge, appear 4. brilliance 5. a river in paradise (Shia believe that Ali would be giving water of Kauser to the faithful in Paradise thus “saaqi-e kauser” is another name of Ali 6. earth 7. gems 8. sun, brilliance 9. deedar, darshan, manifestation 10. ambience 11. reflection, light, rays 12. another name of Fatima (Mohammed’s daughter and wife of Ali) 13. sky 14. apron (come under the fold) blessing
Look beyond the flask, a pulpit has emerged, and on the pulpit is the light of Ali. The earth trembles in anticipation, shining jewels all around. There on the sky the brilliance of Ali, shines like the sun. The reflection of batul is seen on the surroudings and Mohammed’s cape overhead as a blessing.
Josh continues to sing of the good things that happened to this earth upon the arrival of Ali. And then he calls for wine bottles to be uncorked and for celebrations to begin. This is a very Sufi tradition … the wine is the wine of Karbala and Najaf, wine of love of Husain and Ali. This celebration is described in the most lyrical ways and should be enjoyed fully by suspending all rational evaluation of the content.
faiz e nazar1 ne Khaak2 ko bustaaN3 bana diya
har resha4-e giyah5 ko mizshgaN6 bana diya
har Khaar7 o Khas8 ko sunbul o rehaaN9 bana diya
har shaaKh-e be samar10 ko rag-e jaaN11 bana diya
be aabru12 zameen ko gulzaar13 kar diya
taaroN ka ras nichoR ke zarroN14 meN bhar diya
1. benevolence of (his) look/glance 2. dust, earth 3. garden 4. sliver, thread
5. grass, hay 6. eyelashes 7. thorn 8. grass 9. fragrant grasses/herbs
10. without fruit 11. vein 12. without respect 13. flower garden 14. particles (of dust)
The benevolent glance (of Ali) changed the barren earth to a flowery garden. It was as if every blade of grass became beautiful as eyelashes, grass and hay changed into fragrant herbs. Fruitless trees began to throb with life. The lowly earth became a lush garden. The essence of stars was wrung out and given to the dust on earth.
nikhre1 zamir2, zahn3 ko haasil hua suroor4
aivan5-e jaaN ke taaq6 meN chamka chiraGh-e toor7
alfaaz-e aasmaN ke munawwar8 hue qasoor9
qura’an ke huroof10 meN daaKhil11 hua sha’uur12
zauq-e suKhan13 ko quvvat-e e’jaaz14 mil gayee
taKheel15-e kirdegaar16 ko aavaz mil gayee
1. refreshed, cleaned 2. conscience 3. mind 4. happiness, contentment
5. hallways 6. alcove 7. lamp of Mt. Sinai, light of god 8. bright 9. palaces
10. words 11. entered 12. sense, meaning 13. taste (desire) of speech
14. miraculous powers 15. thoughts, concepts 16. god
(With the arrival of Ali) Conscience was refreshed, souls achieved a peace of mind. A divine light shone in the alcove of the hallways of life/soul, as if heavenly words/sayings lit up like beacons in palatial skies. The words of the Qura’an became meaningful. Speech acquired miraculous powers and the concept of god found expression.
bahr-e salaam1 laili-e arz o samaa2 uThi
dekha ruKh-e qubool3 taRap kar dua uThi
chiTkiN fizaaeN neend se ThanDi hava uThi
qible4 se jhoomti hui kaali ghaTa uThi
kya rut5 ba faiz-e qibla-e haajaat6 aa gaii
saaqi! Khuda ka shukr ke barsaat aa gaii
1. in order to pay respects 2. the Laila (personified) of earth and sky
3. beautiful face (reflection of god) 4. direction of ka’aba 5. season 6. needs, desires
The Earth and the Sky rose to pay respects and seeing the reflection of god (in the face of Ali) raised a plaintive prayer. Their prayers were answered as a light breeze blew, cool winds woke up, rain bearing clouds rose from the direction of the Ka’aba. The season matched to meet the needs of the time. Saaqi! thank god blessed rains arrived. Josh now begins a series of verses using metaphors of wine drinking festitivites ushered by the rain. In Urdu poetry, rain is considered to be pleasant weather particularly suitable for wine drinking. In this case it is the wine of faith, wine of love of Ali.
barsaat, bint-e1 raavi o jamna o neel o gang2
been3 o surood3 o barbat3 o ood3 o rabab3 o chang3
tanbura3 o rabana3 o taa’oos3 o jal tarang3
she’r o sharab o shahed4 o shahnaz5 o raqs o rang6
barsaat ki hava-e mo’attar7 ka vaasta8
mae Khana khol9 saaqi-e kauser10 ka vaasta
1. daughter of 2. names of rivers 3. musical instruments (rabana=tambourine, taa’oos=peacock shaped musical instrument like the sarangi 4. beautiful (damsels) 6. so beautiful as to be called the pride of kings 7. dance and celebration 7. redolent, fragrant 8. in the name of, by god 9. open the tavern, begin the celebrations 10. a title used for Ali … Shia tradition says, that he will serve water (honey, wine) from Kauser (river) to the faithful in paradise.
Rain, the daughter of Raavi, Jamna, Nile and Ganges, a celebration of music (note the “simple” melodious listing of musical instruments). A celebration of verse, dance, wine and saaqi. In the name of the redolent winds of rain, in the name of saaqi-e kauser (Ali), let us celebrate.
saaqi DaTi hui1 hai KharabaatiyoN2 ki saf3
phaila hua hai abr-e guhar baar4 har taraf
bautal ka kaag khol, uTha kaif-baar5 daf6
la baada e madina7 o paimana8 e najaf9
tatheer ki rida10 hai falak par tani hui
de, daman e rasool e Khuda ki chhani hui
1. determined 2. revelers, gamblers, drinkers 3. line 4. pearl showering cloud 5. pleasure bearing 6. tambourine 7. wine of Medinah 8. flask 9. city where Ali is buried 10. shawl of purity (Shia believe that Mohammed, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain were all under a “rida”, a sheet/covering) “aya-e tatheer” is a verse in the Quraan associated with this.
Saaqi, look all the revelers are lined up, determined. Pearl showering clouds are spread above in all directions. Uncork the bottle, play the pleasant tambourine, bring the wine of Medinah and the flask of Najaf. The sheet of purity/protection is stretched across the sky. Give me (wine) filtered through the apron of Mohammed.
saaqi, shagufta baad1 vo mae Khaana khul gaya
vo badliyaN havaaoN pe garjiN vo daf2 baja
chamkiN vo bijliaN vo par afshaaN3 hui fiza
vo lau4 uThi vo zamzama5 goonja vo kaag6 uRa
fattah7-e baab8-e manzil o maqsad hui pari9
qasr-e bilor10 se vo baraamad11 hui pari
1. be happy or I am happy 2. tambourine 3. shining 4. flame 5. music (zam zam, a spring in paradise, its gurgling sound is a metaphor for soothing music) 6. cork 7. open, inaugurate 8. door, gate 9. fairy, angel (metaphor for wine) 10. crystal palace (flask) 11. emerge
Saaqi, such happiness, the tavern is open, thundering clouds sound like the beat of a tambourine. Lightning makes everything shine brightly. Music has broken out, bottles are uncorked. The angel of wine has opened the door to our goal. She has emerged from her crystal flask in all grandeur.
saaqi, baras rahi hai ghaTa bolti hui
farsh e zamiN1 pe laal o guhar2 rolti3 hui
seenoN meN kishtiyoN ki tarah Dolti4 hui
bochhaar5 se dilauN ki girah kholti hui
dar khol, qasr-e baada6-e insaaN nawaaz7 ka
ye vaqt hai shaguftan8-e gulha-e naaz9 ka
1. floor of the earth 2. rubies and pearls 3. size and select the best gems
4. swaying/swinging like a boat on waves – gentle 5. shower 6. palace of wine 7. that which celebrates/honours human beings 8. to become or to be made happy, to bloom 9. stylish (beautiful) flowers
Saaqi, Rain is coming down with a song on her lips, spreading the best gems on the floor of the earth. Hearts are swaying with joy like boats on gentle waves. With her benevolent showers, she is opening up hearts to joy. Open the door to the palace of wine that celebrates humanity. This is the time to celebrate like flowers blooming.
garja falak1 pe abr, bhare muGh bachoN2 ke jaam
chehroN pe raNg-e mul3 ke chhalakne lage Khayaam4
sall-e ala5 ki mauj6 se goonje sutoon o baam7
qudsi8 tamaam dauR paRe bahr-e intezaam9
mehraab10-e haq11 ka noor12 ne parda uTha diya
sajjada13 aasmaN ne zamiN par bichha diya
1. sky 2. pir-e muGhaaN – chief wine-maker, muGh bachche – apprentices
3. colour of wine 4. tent maker 5. celebratory cry 6. wave 7. columns/pillars and roof/ceiling 8. angels 9. to make arrangements 10. central arch 11. truth, righteousness 12. light (of god) 13. prayer mat – by spreading it on the earth, the sky is recognizing its superior status … now that Ali is on earth
There is thunder in the skies and the cups of wine makers are full. The brilliance/happiness of faces reflects the colour of wine. There is a cry of celebration reverberating through columns and hallways. Angels rush to make arrangements (for celebration). The light of god has unveiled the central arch of Truth. The sky bows down to earth and spreads the prayer mat.
kya maikade1 ka rutba-e a’ali2 hai marhaba3
masnad4 par ambia5 to pas-e Khum6 malaaeka7
shishoN pe hai ba Khatt-e javahar8 likha hua
bat-ha9 o kazimain o Khurasaan o saamera10
mehraab11 par hai darj12 – ye manzil sharaf13 ki hai
ye karbala14 ki mae hai vo sahba15 najaf16 ki hai
1. tavern 2. high status 3. vah vah, felicitations 4. throne cushion 5. prophets 6. behind flasks/vats (of wine) 7. angels 8. in letters of gems 9. Mecca 10. kazimain, Khurasaan, saamera (Shia holy cities) 11. central arch 12. written, engraved 13. high, virtuous 14. place where Husain was killed and buried 15. wine 16. city where Ali is buried
Felicitations! this tavern has such a high status. All prophets are seated at the masnad and angels standing ready behind vats of wine. And on the flasks engraved with gems are names of makkah, kazimain, Khuraasan and saamera (wine from these holy places). On the mehraab is engraved – this is a place of virtue, this is the wine of karbala and of najaf.
GhilmaN1 adab ke saath liye jaam2-e zarnigaar3
ratl-e giraaN4 ki tauf5 meN hooran-e gula’zaar6
Khaddam7 ke libaas8 meN shaahan-e zi viqaar9
rindoN10 ke sar pe daaman11-e maula-e rozgaar12
Kham-e aasman13 saaGhar-e aabi14 liye hue
shaane15 pe ka’enaat16 gulaabi17 liye hue
1. slaves 2. cup 3. etched in gold 4. heavy cup 5. circumambulation 6. flower (rosey) cheeked 7. servants 8. dress, uniform 9. respected kings 10. revelers, those drinking 11. apron i.e. protection 12. lord of life i.e. Ali 13. curve of the sky 14. turquoise flask 15. shoulder 16. creation 17. rose coloured (wine)
Slaves, respectfully carry cups etched in gold. Rose cheeked hoories hover around heavy (full) vats. Respected kings, dressed as servants are standing by to serve. And the assembled revelers are under the patronage of Ali. The curve of the sky like an azure goblet. All creation carries this rose coloured wine on its shoulders.
goonji hui fizaaoN pe mastana haa o hoo1
qul qul2 ki rau meN sho’la-e avaaz va anshariboo3
zarroN se baat chiit sitaaroN se guftagoo4
avaaz meN vila5 ke chhalakte hue suboo6
Khaasan-e haq7 sharab-e mavaddat8 piye hue
seene tamaam ajr9-e risalat liye hue
1. cries/shouts of admiration 2. gurgling sound when wine is poured from a bottle 3. let everyone drink 4. conversation 5. from vilaa’et – the station of Ali, as successor to Mohammed 6. flask 7. special people of faith 8. friendship (of god) – this word specifically used for Ali as a friend of god 9. reward, gift
Oohs and aahs of inebriation echo all around. The gurgling bottle sounds like it is sending out a call, “let us all drink our fill”, calling on everything from earth (dust particles) to the sky (stars). And the sound of overflowing flasks carrying the message of “vilaa’et”. The selected of faith drink the wine of love/friendship (of god). All hearts overflow with joy at the gift of Mohammed’s prophethood.
har ek chaNg1 naGhma-e afsuN2 liye hue
har ek umaNg3 daulat-e qaarooN4 liye hue
har ek taraNg5 shooKhi6-e jehooN7 liye hue
har ek raNg8 qaamat9-e mauzooN10 liye hue
har baar ek taan naii TooTti hui
har zamzame11 se ek kiran12 phooTti hui
1. musical instrument like sitar 2. magical 3. desire 4. legendary king, of the time of Moses, who amassed a lot of wealth 5. ecstacy, fancy 6. coquetry, playfulness 7. River Oxus 8. colour, also used for form/shape, gathering/party 9. stature 10. suitable, beautiful 11. musical note 12. ray
Every sitar carries a magical melody. Every desire is equal to the treasure of Qaaroon. Every ecstacy as playful as a river. Every shape with a beautiful stature. Every moment a new tune breaks out, every lute shines bright.
shishauN1 meN rooh-e kaahkashaaN2 naachti hui
seenauN meN barq3-e ratl-e giraaN4 naachti hui
masnad5 pe subah baaGh-e jinaaN6 naachti hui
saaz-e baqa7 pe umr-e ravaaN8 naachti hui
chehrauN pe shaam o jaam9 ki surKhi10 rachi hui
rag rag meN saaz o naaz11 ki dhoomeN machi hui
1. glasses 2. constellation, stars 3. lightning, sparkles 4. heavy/crystal cup
5. royal cushion 6. garden of paradise 7. song of life 8. flowing, moving life 9. evening (sunset) and goblet (or red wine) 10. redness, enthusiasm 11. music and playful style
Josh’s description of jashn (celebration) at the arrival of Ali continues unabated using metaphors of wine drinking. The spirit of the stars dances in cups of wine. The sparkle of crystal goblets is reflected in the hearts of revelers. The celebration is like dawn in heaven. Everyone is dancing to the music of life their faces glowing like the redness of the evening or of wine. It is as if every vein throbs with music and joy.
aaNkhoN meN Ghurfaha1-e gulistaaN2 khule hue
darya-e qasr3-e daulat-e eemaN4 khule hue
band-e qaba5-e yusuf-e kan’aaN6 khule hue
Khum7 ke qareeb, rahl8 pe, qur’aaN khule hue
rindaan-e sarfaraaz9 parafshaaN10 havaaoN par
haathoN pe arsh11, farq-e samavaat12 paaoN par
1. curtains, windows 2. garden 3. palace 4. wealth of faith 5. ties of the robe
6. Joseph of the Canaan tribe (handsome Joseph opening ties of the robe is considered a sensuous description of beauty) 7. vat (of wine) 8. book stand for the Quraan 9. exalted revelers 10. thrown up, flying, elevated 11. throne of god 12. head of skies
With the arrival of Ali, new windows open up giving us a glimpse of gardens (of heaven). From palaces of faith, rivers of wealth (of faith) flow. It is as if the beauty of Joseph is on full display. Next to the flasks (of wine of love of Ali) is the Qura’an placed on its special book stand. Josh is implying that the love of Ali is consonant with the teachings of the Quraan. Exalted revelers elevated on gentle winds, carrying the throne of god, all creation bowing at their feet.
Ghaltida1 aasmaN pe KhumistaN2 ki raushni
aur Khum kade3 pe itrat4 o qur’aaN ki raushni
qur’aan par rasool ke daamaN5 ki raushni
aur chehra-e rasool pe yazdaN6 ki raushni
yezdaN ki raushni ka tamavvuj7 qulub8 meN
ek sael e rang o noor9 shumaal o junoob10 meN
1. dissolved/spread/mixed 2. tavern (metaphor for the celebration for the birth of Ali) 3. tavern 4. family (of Mohammed) 5. apron, metaphorically protection or blessing 6. god 7. making waves (strength) 8. hearts 9. flood of colour and light 10. north and south i.e. everywhere
The brilliance of the tavern (where celebration is taking place) becomes one with the brilliance of the sky. And the brilliance of the holy family and the Quraan is reflected on the tavern and the Quraan itself reflects the (holy) light of Mohammed. The glory of god is reflected on the face of Mohammed. Waves of the brilliance of god in the hearts of celebrants. There is a flood of colour and light all around.
afsuN ba dosh1 baargah-e aab-e aatishiN2
ek nuqta-e tilasm3 pe Thahri hui zamiN
aur qalb4 par moheet5 ba andaaz-e dil nashiN6
aisi ek aan7 vaqt ka jis par guzar8 nahiN
kasrat9 navaa-e naGhma10-e vahdat11 liye hue
har lamha12 jeb meN13 abadiyyat14 liye hue
1. carrying magic on shoulder 2. palace of fiery water i.e. tavern 3. focus of enchantment (Ali) 4. heart 5. spread over 6. with a heart pleasing style 7. pride 8. not affected by the passage of time, eternal 9. abundance 10. sound of song 11. unity, uniqueness (of god) 12. moment 13. in the pocket ( in possession of) 14. end (of the world), day of judgement
The assembly of celebrants in the tavern are fascinated (carrying fascination on their shoulder) as they see the whole world focused on this one point of enchantment (Ali). Their hearts filled with pride which knows no bounds of time, with an abundance of song of the unity of god and every moment fully aware of the rewards of day of deliverance.
allah ri mauj-e nasha-e aa’li1 ki sarvari2
saaqi! kuchh aur jhoom gaya charKh3-e chambari4
goonji balandiyoN pe vo aavaz-e qambari5
haaN aur soo-e Khum6 vo muRa aks-e bu zari7
haN haN isi ravish8 se chale daur9 saaqia
vo mauj e salsabil10 uThi – aur saaqia
1. high class intoxication (of the love of Ali) 2. leadership, primary 3. wheel
4. circular 5. the voice of Qambar (a slave, attendant of Ali) 6. towards the cup (of wine of love of Ali). See note below for possible double meaning
7. shadow/soul/spirit of abu Zar (an early and steafast partisan of Ali) 8. gait, speed 9. round (of serving wine) 10. waves of Salsabil (a river in paradise)
The intoxication of the love of Ali is of prime importance (central to the faith of Josh). Because of this intoxication there is added pleasure in the rotation of the wheel of the Universe. And in this celebration the voice of Qambar re-sounds in the skies announcing that the image/spirit/soul of abu Zar has turned towards “Khum”, the glass that contains the wine of the love of Ali. Keep the rounds going O, saaqia, see waves rising for joy in the Salsabil – more, O, saaqia. Josh almost certainly is using “soo-e Khum” – “towards Khum” to mean the Ghadir Khum where after his last Hajj, Mohammed is reported to have announced that Ali would be his successor. abu Zar and Qambar were early and steadfast supporters of Ali.
badla vo dekh manzar o mausam ka intezam
pal bhar meN noor-e subah to pal bhar meN rang-e shaam
ek aan meN fizaaoN pe mahr-e javaaN Khiraam1
ek aan meN, faraaz2 pe, maah3-e shagufta gaam4
kya shooKhiyaN5 haiN aa’lam-e raaz o niyaz6 ki
pasli phaRak rahi7 hai nasheb o faraaz8 ki
1. sun of youthful gait 2. on the rise 3. moon 4. bright/happy footed – pleasant gait 5. playfulness 6. world of secrets and friendships 7. throbbing ribs are considered a good omen, good luck 8. valleys and heights i.e. everywhere
Look the atmosphere/ambience is changing. One moment like the brilliance of dawn, redness of evening the next. One moment you see the youthful sun crossing the sky and the moon with its pleasant gait, the next. There is such playfulness in this world of mysteries. Ribs throb all over, intimating us of good thing to come.
salle ala1 fizaaeN qamar baar2 o dur fashaN3
gul bez4 o mushk rez5 o junuN Khez6 o mae chakaN7
jhoNke fasana baar8 havaaeN tarana KhwaN9
turkaan-e shooKh10 qaus11 ke pul par ravaaN davaaN12
sahba13-e mushk baar14 se rooheN dhuli hui
laila-e arsh o farsh ki zulfeN khuli hui15
1. an expression equivalent to “praise be to god” 2. raining moonlight
3. scattering pearls 4. sifting/dispersing flowers 5. spread musk 6. raising passion 7. wine dripping 8. literally raining fables 9. singing songs 10. playful damsels (turkaan from Turkish, mongol slanted eyes are considered a sign of beauty, so looking at someone through slanted eyes is considered inviting, teasing, playing) 11. rainbow 12. active, going back and forth 13. red wine
14. raining musk, fragrant 15. Laila, a legendary beauty, beloved of everyone – arsh o farsh (sky and earth) are personified as Laila. “zulfeN khuli hui”, tresses flowing untied, beauty on full display.
Praise be to god that the breeze brings down gentle moonlight and scatters pearls, dispersing petals, spreading musk, raising passions and dripping wine.
Gentle gusts of wind tell fairy tales and sing lullabies. On the bridge of the rainbow, playful damsels with inviting glances cavort around. Souls washed in fragrant red wine and the Laila of the earth in full display of her beauty.
saaqi hamesha yaad rahega ye ehtemaam1
qasr-e havaas2 ke haiN daraKhshaN3 sutoon o baam4
qadmoN pe mere lot raha hai mah-e tamaam5
bas ab na de sharaab ke ye barhwaaN6 hai jaam
is vaqt dil ki jot jagaaye hue huN maiN
palkoN par is kure7 ko uThaye hue huN maiN
1. arrangement (of celebration) 2. house of (five) senses 3. bright 4. columns, pillars and roof 5. full moon 6. 12th serving of wine, 12 imams in Shia tradition 7. pile of dust, earth
Saaqi, this celebration will forever live in memories. We have seen, heard and felt the celebration and our sensibilities shine brightly as a result. The beauty of the full moon washes our feet. Enough wine, now this is already the twelfth cup (in Shia tradition there are 12 imams), I am satiated, my heart is lit. It is as if I can carry the world on my eyelids.
meena1 ke sar pe dekh vo mimbar2 ayaaN3 hua
mimbar pe nuur4-e saaqi-e kauser5 ayaaN hua
kaaNpa araz6 havaaoN pe jauhar7 ayaaN hua
vo aaftab8-e tala’at9-e hyder ayaaN hua
paRne laga fiza10 pe vo partau11 batool12 ka
uRne laga falak13 pe vo daaman14 rasool ka
1. carafe, flask 2. pulpit 3. emerge, appear 4. brilliance 5. a river in paradise (Shia believe that Ali would be giving water of Kauser to the faithful in Paradise thus “saaqi-e kauser” is another name of Ali 6. earth 7. gems 8. sun, brilliance 9. deedar, darshan, manifestation 10. ambience 11. reflection, light, rays 12. another name of Fatima (Mohammed’s daughter and wife of Ali)
13. sky 14. apron (come under the fold) blessing
Look beyond the flask, a pulpit has emerged, and on the pulpit is the light of Ali. The earth trembles in anticipation, shining jewels all around. There on the sky the brilliance of Ali, shines like the sun. The reflection of batul is seen on the surroudings and Mohammed’s cape overhead as a blessing.