turbat bhi chiin lii-panDit anand narain mulla

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

تُربت  بھی  چھین  لی  ۔  پنڈت  آنند  نرائن  مُلّاؔ


نرمی  دلوں  سے،  لب  سے  حلاوت  بھی  چھین  لی

اِس  دور  نے  نظر  سے  مُروّت  بھی  چھین  لی


تیوری  چڑھا  کے  پہلے  تو  کہنے  دیا  نہ  کچھ

پِھر  مُسکُرا  کے  دل  سے  شکایت  بھی  چھین  لی


میں  کر  رہا  تھا  صبر  سے  غم  کا  مقابلہ

کی  اک  نگاہ  اور  یہ  طاقت  بھی  چھین  لی


پہلے  تو  ہر  خطا  سے  کیا  منع  شوق  کو

اور  پھر  ہر  اِک  ثواب  کی  لذّت  بھی  چھین  لی


صیّاد  نے  بہ  عزرِ  ہوا  خواہیِ  چمن

سبزے  سے  رنگ،  پھول  سے  نِکہت  بھی  چھین  لی


با  حیلۂ  درستیِ  اخلاقِ  رِند  سے

وقتی  ہی  زر  خرید  مسرّت  بھی  چھین  لی


کیا  کہیے  حشر  گامیِ  رفتارِ  کارواں

تلوں  سے  خار  چُننے  کی  فرصت  بھی  چھین  لی


عمرش  دراز  باد،  کلاہِ  سفید  نے

سر  میں  لطیف  شے  کی  ضرورت  بھی  چھین  لی


دنیا  امیر  چھین  چکا  تھا  غریب  سے

جنّت  بچی  تھی  شیخ  نے  جنت  بھی  چھین  لی


معتوب  شمع  اُردو  کو  تُربت  پہ  رکھ  دیا

پروانے  پھر  بھی  آئے  تو  تُربت  بھی  چھین  لی


مُلّاؔ  کو  بامِ  شعر  پہ  یاروں  نے  جا  نہ  دی

پھر  اُس  سے  یہ  عبادتِ  خلوت  بھی  چھین  لی

तुर्बत भी छीन ली – पंडित आनंद नरायन मुल्ला

नर्मी दिलों से, लब से हलावत भी छीन ली
इस दौर ने नज़र से मुरव्वत भी छीन ली

त्योरी चढ़ा के पहले तो कहने दिया न कुछ
फिर मुस्कुरा के दिल से शिका’एत भी छीन ली

मैं कर रहा था सब्र से ग़म का मुक़ाबला
की एक निगाह और ये ताक़त भी छीन ली

पहले तो हर ख़ता से किया मन’अ शौक़ को
और फिर हर एक सवाब की लज़्ज़त भी छीन ली

सैय्याद ने ब उज़्र-ए हवा ख़्वाही-ए चमन
सब्ज़े से रंग, फूल से निक’हत भी छीन ली

बा-हीला-ए दुरुस्ति-ए अख़्लाक़-ए रिंद से
वक़्ती ही ज़र-ख़रीद मसर्रत भी छीन ली

क्या कहिए हश्र गामी-ए रफ़्तार-ए कारवां
तल्वौं से ख़ार चुनने की फ़ुर्सत भी छीन ली

उम्र-अश दराज़-बाद, कुलाह-ए सफ़ेद ने
सर में लतीफ़ शै की ज़रूरत भी छीन ली

दुनिया अमीर छीन चुका था ग़रीब से
जन्नत बची थी शैख़ ने जन्नत भी छीन ली

मा’तूब शमा’-ए उर्दू को तुर्बत पे रख दिया
परवाने फिर भी आए तो तुर्बत भी छीन ली

मुल्ला को बाम-ए शे’र पे यारौं ने जा न दी
फिर उस से ये इबादत-ए ख़ल्वत भी छीन ली


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997), lukhnow, thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er. MA English Literature. Learnt urdu and faarsi at home. First venture into poetry translation of parts of iqbal’s ‘payaam-e mashriq’ into English. First urdu nazm published 1925. Ardent urdu lover as a language of the people. High court justice, parliamentarian and strong secularist and rationalist/atheist.
narmi diloN se, lab1 se halaavat2 bhi chhiin li
iss daur3 ne nazar4 se muruvvat5 bhi chhiin li    
1.lips 2.sweetness 3.times, period, age 4.eyes 5.respect, regard, kindliness
Times have changed. People are disregarding traditions. Changing times have robbed them of the tenderness of heart, sweetness of lips (polite and gentle conversation), and kindliness from the eyes. This could also be about the deteriorating relationship between hindu and muslim communities at this stage of the independence movement.

tyori1 chaRha ke pahle to kahne diya na kuchh
phir muskura ke dil se shikaa’et2 bhi chhiin li    
1.frown 2.complaint
This is about the beloved. First she frowned at the lover, frightening him into silence. Then she smiled sweetly at him, robbing him of the ability to complain.

maiN kar raha tha sabr1 se Gham2 ka muqaabla3
kii ek nigaah4 aur ye taaqat5 bhi chhiin li   
1.patience, self-control 2.sorrow 3.facing down, overcoming 4.glance 5.power, ability
This is also about the beloved. The lover has been sorrowful because of her indifference towards him. He was facing/overcoming this sorrow with self-control. But she cast one glance at him and robbed him of the power of self-control. Thus he can no longer face down his sorrow.

pahle to har Khataa1 se kiya mana’a2 shauq3 ko
aur phir har ek savaab4 ki lazzat5 bhi chhiin li    
1.transgression, sin 2.forbid 3.desire 4.blessing 5.pleasure
This is about orthodoxy and conventional morality. Normally shauq/desire would like to indulge in enjoyable things/activities. But conventions forbid these. In return they promise blessings/rewards (perhaps in the next life). Then with convoluted explanations of ‘sharaab in heaven is not intoxicating’, they take away all pleasure from the reward.

sayyaad1 ne ba-‘uzr2-e havaa-Khwaahi3-e chaman
sabze4 se raNg, phool se nik’hat5 bhi chhiin li    
1.hunter, bird-catcher 2.with the excuse of 3.pleasant walk, walking in fresh air 4.greenery 5.fragrance
Here ‘sayyaad-hunter’ probably represents the colonial master. He made an excuse of just taking a walk in fresh air of the garden but robbed all vegetation of its greenery and flowers of their fragrance i.e., they exploited the local resources and people.

baa-hiila1-e durustii2-e aKhlaaq3-e rind4 se
vaqtii5 hii zar-Khariid6 musarrat7 bhi chhiin li   
1.using the excuse of 2.correction, reform 3.character, behaviour 4.wine-lover 5.temporary 6.that which can be bought for gold/money 7.pleasure, joy
The wine-lover could buy wine and get pleasure from drinking it, even if it was temporary/transitory. But using the excuse of reforming the behaviour of the wine-lover, they took away even that pleasure from him, that could be legitimately (paid for) his.

kya kahiye hashr-gaami1-e raftaar2-e kaarvaaN
talvoN3 se Khaar4 chun’ne5 ki fursat6 bhi chhiin li   
1.path towards doom 2.pace, speed 3.sole, heel 4.thorn 5.pick, pull out 6.opportunity, leisure, time
Life has become very fast-paced as if it is rapidly headed towards doom. The speed of the caravan has robbed the traveler/seeker of the opportunity/time to sit down and pull out thorns from his feet.

umr-ash-daraaz-baad1, kulaah2-e safed ne
sar meN latiif3 shai4 ki zaruurat5 bhi chhiin li    
1.an expression meaning- may you have a long life 2.cap 3.refined, subtle, gracious 4.thing 5.necessity
This is a very sarcastic she’r. Here, ‘white cap’ refers to the donning of a khaadi cap (used to be called gandhi Topi) by politicians. Sarcastically, this was considered to be the entry ticket into the halls of power. The ‘latiif shai in the sar/head/skull’ of course means a refined/learned mind. Thus by donning this cap even a fool can enter the halls of power. The need for a refined mind has been rendered unnecessary.

dunyaa amiir chhiin chuka tha Ghariib se
jannat bachi thi shaiKh ne jannat bhi chhiin li    
The rich had already usurped/snatched the world (means of living) from the poor. The only hope they had was to get to heaven. But now the shaiKh with his fire-breathing morality has robbed them even of that.

maa’tuub1 sham’a2-e urdu ko turbat3 pe rakh diya
parvaane4 phir bhi aaye to turbat bhi chhiin li    
1.cursed, hated, unwanted 2.candle 3.tomb, grave 4.moths
The constituent assembly has adopted a resolution that the national language would be hindustaani (not hindi or urdu). Then the pakistan assembly passed a resolution adopting urdu as their national language. The India constituent assembly overnight changed its resolution adopting hindi as the national language. This she’r was probably written in the wake of this resolution. The ‘tomb’ is also probably that of urdu. Thus, they dug a grave made a tomb for urdu and put up a candle. But moths (urdu lovers) still came to it, so they destroyed the tomb. Editorial note … years later, narendra modi, destroyed the tomb of vali dakkhani and paved a highway on top of it.

mulla1 ko baam2-e she’r pe yaaroN ne jaa3 na di
phir uss se ye ‘ibadat4-e Khalwat5 bhi chhiin li    
1.pen-name of the poet 2.roof top 3.place 4.worship 5.privacy, seclusion
He considers his endeavour at poetic composition to be ‘ibaadat i.e., worship. Friends did not give a place to mulla in their poetic gatherings on the rooftop. But he continued to perform his worship in privacy. Even that, they took away – probably meaning that they did not recognize even this. I am not sure how much this is hyperbole.

panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997), lukhnow, thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er.  MA English Literature.  Learnt urdu and faarsi at home.  First venture into poetry translation of parts of iqbal’s ‘payaam-e mashriq’ into English.  First urdu nazm published 1925.  Ardent urdu lover as a language of the people.  High court justice, parliamentarian and strong secularist and rationalist/atheist.
narmi diloN se, lab1 se halaavat2 bhi chhiin li
iss daur3 ne nazar4 se muruvvat5 bhi chhiin li

1.lips 2.sweetness 3.times, period, age 4.eyes 5.respect, regard, kindliness

Times have changed.  People are disregarding traditions.  Changing times have robbed them of the tenderness of heart, sweetness of lips (polite and gentle conversation), and kindliness from the eyes.  This could also be about the deteriorating relationship between hindu and muslim communities at this stage of the independence movement.
tyori1 chaRha ke pahle to kahne diya na kuchh
phir muskura ke dil se shikaa’et2 bhi chhiin li

1.frown 2.complaint

This is about the beloved.  First she frowned at the lover, frightening him into silence.  Then she smiled sweetly at him, robbing him of the ability to complain.
maiN kar raha tha sabr1 se Gham2 ka muqaabla3
kii ek nigaah4 aur ye taaqat5 bhi chhiin li

1.patience, self-control 2.sorrow 3.facing down, overcoming 4.glance 5.power, ability

This is also about the beloved.  The lover has been sorrowful because of her indifference towards him.  He was facing/overcoming this sorrow with self-control.  But she cast one glance at him and robbed him of the power of self-control.  Thus he can no longer face down his sorrow.
pahle to har Khataa1 se kiya mana’a2 shauq3 ko
aur phir har ek savaab4 ki lazzat5 bhi chhiin li

1.transgression, sin 2.forbid 3.desire 4.blessing 5.pleasure

This is about orthodoxy and conventional morality.  Normally shauq/desire would like to indulge in enjoyable things/activities.  But conventions forbid these.  In return they promise blessings/rewards (perhaps in the next life).  Then with convoluted explanations of ‘sharaab in heaven is not intoxicating’, they take away all pleasure from the reward.
sayyaad1 ne ba-‘uzr2-e havaa-Khwaahi3-e chaman
sabze4 se raNg, phool se nik’hat5 bhi chhiin li

1.hunter, bird-catcher 2.with the excuse of 3.pleasant walk, walking in fresh air 4.greenery 5.fragrance

Here ‘sayyaad-hunter’ probably represents the colonial master.  He made an excuse of just taking a walk in fresh air of the garden but robbed all vegetation of its greenery and flowers of their fragrance i.e., they exploited the local resources and people.
baa-hiila1-e durustii2-e aKhlaaq3-e rind4 se
vaqtii5 hii zar-Khariid6 musarrat7 bhi chhiin li

1.using the excuse of 2.correction, reform 3.character, behaviour 4.wine-lover 5.temporary 6.that which can be bought for gold/money 7.pleasure, joy

The wine-lover could buy wine and get pleasure from drinking it, even if it was temporary/transitory.  But using the excuse of reforming the behaviour of the wine-lover, they took away even that pleasure from him, that could be legitimately (paid for) his.
kya kahiye hashr-gaami1-e raftaar2-e kaarvaaN
talvoN3 se Khaar4 chun’ne5 ki fursat6 bhi chhiin li

1.path towards doom 2.pace, speed 3.sole, heel 4.thorn 5.pick, pull out 6.opportunity, leisure, time

Life has become very fast-paced as if it is rapidly headed towards doom.  The speed of the caravan has robbed the traveler/seeker of the opportunity/time to sit down and pull out thorns from his feet.
umr-ash-daraaz-baad1, kulaah2-e safed ne
sar meN latiif3 shai4 ki zaruurat5 bhi chhiin li

1.an expression meaning- may you have a long life 2.cap 3.refined, subtle, gracious 4.thing 5.necessity

This is a very sarcastic she’r.  Here, ‘white cap’ refers to the donning of a khaadi cap (used to be called gandhi Topi) by politicians.  Sarcastically, this was considered to be the entry ticket into the halls of power.  The ‘latiif shai in the sar/head/skull’ of course means a refined/learned mind.  Thus by donning this cap even a fool can enter the halls of power.  The need for a refined mind has been rendered unnecessary.
dunyaa amiir chhiin chuka tha Ghariib se
jannat bachi thi shaiKh ne jannat bhi chhiin li

The rich had already usurped/snatched the world (means of living) from the poor.  The only hope they had was to get to heaven.  But now the shaiKh with his fire-breathing morality has robbed them even of that.
maa’tuub1 sham’a2-e urdu ko turbat3 pe rakh diya
parvaane4 phir bhi aaye to turbat bhi chhiin li

1.cursed, hated, unwanted 2.candle 3.tomb, grave 4.moths

The constituent assembly has adopted a resolution that the national language would be hindustaani (not hindi or urdu).  Then the pakistan assembly passed a resolution adopting urdu as their national language.  The India constituent assembly overnight changed its resolution adopting hindi as the national language.  This she’r was probably written in the wake of this resolution.  The ‘tomb’ is also probably that of urdu.  Thus, they dug a grave made a tomb for urdu and put up a candle.  But moths (urdu lovers) still came to it, so they destroyed the tomb.  Editorial note … years later, narendra modi, destroyed the tomb of vali dakkhani and paved a highway on top of it.
mulla1 ko baam2-e she’r pe yaaroN ne jaa3 na di
phir uss se ye ‘ibadat4-e Khalwat5 bhi chhiin li

1.pen-name of the poet 2.roof top 3.place 4.worship 5.privacy, seclusion

He considers his endeavour at poetic composition to be ‘ibaadat i.e., worship.  Friends did not give a place to mulla in their poetic gatherings on the rooftop.  But he continued to perform his worship in privacy.  Even that, they took away – probably meaning that they did not recognize even this.  I am not sure how much this is hyperbole.