urdu ka muballiGh-panDit anand mohan gulzar dehlavi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

اُردو  کا  مُبلّغ  ۔  پنڈت  آنند  موہن  گلزارؔ  دہلوی



اِخلاص  کی  زُلفوں  کا  اسیر  آیا  ہے

اک  بزمِ  نظامی  کا  فقیر  آیا  ہے

اِس  شامِ  نِگاراں  میں  شکاگو  والو

دِلّی  سے  اِک  اُردو  کا  سفیر  آیا  ہے


اُردو  کی  نگہداشت  کے  خالد  ہیں  ہم

تاریخ  میں  تہذیب  کی  واحد  ہیں  ہم

آؤ  ہمیں  دیکھو  نئے  اُردو  زادو

اُردو  کے  مبلغ  ہیں  مجاہد  ہیں  ہم


سُن  لیں  گے  حریفانِ  زباں  محشر  میں

بخشا  گیا  عقبٰی  میں  سبیلِ  اُردو

اے  رندِ  قیامت  کے  وکیلِ  مطلق

میں  دہر  میں  کہلاؤں  وکیلِ  اُردو


سینچا  ہے  کشتِ  علم  کو  خونِ  خلوص  سے

شیریں  میری  زبان  ہے  اور  کوہکن  ہوں  میں


پیغامِ  اہلِ  شرق  سُنیں  حاضرینِ  بزم

اقوامِ  متّحد  کے  ادارے  کے  نام  ہے

شیرینیِ  شرابِ  طہورہ  کا  ہے  مزہ

اپنائیں  اہلِ  غرب  یہ  اُردو  کا  جام  ہے


آیا  ہوں  میں  جِدّہ  میں  بہ  نامِ  اُردو

مِل  جُل  کے  منائیں  یہاں  شامِ  اُردو

فصحا  کے  گھرانے  سے  ہوں،  ساداتِ  کِرام

اس  برہمن  کا  ہو  تسلیم  سلام  اُردو


کُل  زمانہ  ہے  جان  کا  دُشمن

میں  جو  اُردو  پہ  جان  دیتا  ہوں

ختم  ہوگا  نہ  عشق  اُردو  سے

مرتے  دم  تک،  زبان  دیتا  ہوں

उर्दू का मुबल्लिग़ – पंडित आनंद मोहन गुलज़ार देहलवी


एख़्लास की ज़ुल्फ़ों का असीर आया है
एक बज़्म-ए निज़ामी का फ़क़ीर आया है
इस शाम-ए निगारां में शिकागो वालो
दिल्ली से एक उर्दू का सफ़ीर आया है

उर्दू की निगहदाश्त के ख़ालिद हैं हम
तारीख़ में तहज़ीब की वाहेद हैं हम
आओ हमें देखो नए उर्दू-ज़ादो
उर्दू के मुबल्लिग़ हैं, मुजाहेद हैं हम

सुन लें गे हरीफ़ान-ए ज़बां महशर में
बख़्शा गया उक़्बा में सबील-ए उर्दू
अए रिंद-ए क़यामत के वकील-ए मुत्लक़
मैं दहर में कहलाऊँ वकील-ए उर्दू

सींचा है किश्त-ए इल्म को ख़ून-ए ख़ुलूस से
शीरीं मेरी ज़बान है और कोहकन हूँ में

पैग़ाम-ए अहल-ए शर्क़ सुनें हाज़रीन-ए बज़्म
अक़्वाम-ए मुत्तहिद के इदारे के नाम है
शीरीनी-ए शराब-ए तहूरा का है मज़ा
अपनाएं अहल-ए ग़र्ब ये उर्दू का जाम है

आया हूँ में जिद्दा में ब नाम-ए उर्दू
मिल जुल के मनाएं यहां शाम-ए उर्दू
फ़ुसहा के घराने से हूँ, सादात-ए किराम
इस बरहमन का हो तस्लीम सलाम-ए उर्दू

कुल ज़माना है जान का दुश्मन
में जो उर्दू पे जान देता हूँ
ख़त्म होगा न इश्क़ उर्दू से
मरते दम तक, ज़बान देता हूँ


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony. Over his long and fruitful life has written with much love and admiration about many illustrious figures – political, religious and literary. His diivaan and kulliyaat are sprinkled with qat’aat and rubaai’yaat about urdu. This is one of several collections.
eKhlaas1 ki zulfoN2 ka asiir3 aaya hai
ek bazm4-e nizaami5 ka faqiir6 aaya hai
iss shaam7-e nigaaraaN8 meN shikaago vaalo
dilli se ek urdu ka safiir9 aaya hai   
1.sincerity 2.hair, locks 3.prisoner, devotee, lover 4.association 5.associated with nizamudding auliya 6.mendicant, sufi 7.evening 8.beautiful people 9.messenger
The poet introduces himself as a devoted lover (asiir) of sincerity (ekhlaas) and a humble servant/mendicant (faqiir) of the sufi order nizamuddin chishti (bazm-e nizaami). Addressing the audience in Chicago (shikaago vaalo), he declares that he has come as an ambassador (safiir) of urdu from dehli (dilli).

urdu ki nigahdaasht1 ke Khaalid2 haiN ham
taariiKh3 meN tahziib4 ki vaahid5 haiN ham
aao hameN dekho na’e urdu-zaado6
urdu ke muballiGh7 haiN, mujaahid8 haiN ham   
1.keeping an eye on, guardian 2.eternal, forever 3.history 4.culture 5.unique 6.children of urdu 7.preacher 8.warrior, seeker
The poet asserts that he and his fellow urdu lovers/poets are eternal guardians (nigahdaasht ke khaalid) of urdu. In the history of the culture of urdu we are unique (vaahid) in their dedication/commitment to safeguard. He invites the new generation (naye urdu zaado) to witness their efforts, declaring themselves as preachers (muballiGh) and warriors (mujaahid) for urdu.

sunn leNge harifaan1-e zabaaN2 mahshar3 meN
baKhsha4 gaya uqba5 meN sabiil6-e urdu
aye rind7-e qayaamat8 ke vakiil9-e mutlaq10
maiN dahr11 meN kahlaauN12 vakiil9-e urdu   
1.rivals, critics 2.language 3.judgement day 4.pardoned 5.afterlife 6.path, means, instrumentality 7.wine-drinker 8.doomsday 9.advocate 10.total, unquestioning 11.world 12.known as
The poet is a rind – a wine drinker/sinner. Normally, such a person would be judged harshly. But the poet expects different things because of his love of urdu. He is confident that even the critics of urdu (harifaan-e zabaaN) will hear about this; that on the day of judgment (mahshar) he (the rind) was forgiven through the instrumentality of urdu. He believes that the path of urdu (sabiil-e urdu) has been blessed in the afterlife (uqba). Declaring himself to be an advocate of urdu until doomsday (rind-e qayaamat ke vakiil-e mutlaq), he wishes to be known as the representative (vakiil) of urdu in this world (dahr).

siincha1 hai kisht2-e ilm3 ko KhooN-e Khuluus4 se
shiriiN5 meri zabaan6 hai aur kohkan7 huN maiN
1.nurtured, cultivated, irrigated 2.field, harvest 3.knowledge 4.sincerity 5.of shiriiN farhaad legend, also means sweet 6.tongue, language 7.another name of farhaad
This she’r alludes to the legend of shiriiN-farhaad and makes beautiful use of double meanings and allegories. farhaad was hopelessly in love with shirin and was set an impossible task of carving a channel through the mountain and make a river of milk flow through it for shiriin’s bath. He immediately set about the task and nearly completed it before killing himself by striking his own head with his pickaxe, when he was told (falsely) that shiriin had died. Thus, when the poet says that he has irrigated the field of knowledge with blood, he uses the the legend as an allegory. He has worked hard in the field of knowledge because of which his tongue/language (urdu) is sweet and he is known at the hard worker (who dug a channel through the mountain); of course shiiriin is also the name of the princess and kohkan the name of her suitor.

paiGhaam1-e ahl-e-sharq2 suneN haazeriin3-e bazm4
aqvaam5-e muttahid6 ke idaare7 ke naam8 hai
shiriini9-e sharaab-e tahuura10 ka hai maza11
apnaa’eN12 ahl-e-Gharb13 ye urdu ka jaam14 hai    
1.message 2.people of the East 3.those present, attendeed 4.gathering 5.nations 6.united 7.institution 8.addressed to the name of 9.sweetness 10.pure, heavenly 11.taste 12.adopt, make their own 13.people of the west 14.cup, goblet
The poet urges the audience/attendees (haaziriin-e bazm) to listen to the message (paiGhaam) of the people of the East (ahl-e sharq); the message is addressesd to the institutions of the United Nations (aqvaam-e muttahid ke idaare), describing urdu as a cup (jaam) filled with the sweetness (shiriini) of pure/heavenly wine (sharaab-e tahuura). He invites the people of the West (ahl-e Gharb) to embrace urdu.

aaya huN maiN jidda1 meN ba-naam2-e urdu
mil jul ke manaa’eN yahaaN shaam-e urdu
fusahaa3 ke Gharaane se huN, saadaat4-e kiraam5
is barahmaN ka ho tasliim6 salaam-e urdu   
1.Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2.taking the name of 3.eloquent, people of refined language 4.respected 5.benevolent 6.accept
The poet expresses joy at his arrival in/invitation to Jeddah (jidda) in the name of urdu (ba-naam-e urdu). He calls for a united celebration (mil jul ke manaa’eN) of the evening of urdu (shaam-e urdu-mushaa’era). Proud of his lineage (fusaha ke gharaane) of eloquent poets, he humbly offers his respect (tasliim salaam) to urdu as a brahmin (barhaman).

kul1 zamaana2 hai jaan ka dushman
maiN jo3 urdu pe jaan deta huN
Khatm hogaa na ishq urdu se
marte dam4 tak, zabaan5 deta huuN
1.total, all 2.times, world 3.because 4.moment 5.zabaan dena – give my word, promise
The poet declares that the entire world (kul zamaana) has turned against him; become an enemy (dushman) of his life (jaan), because he is willing to give his life (jaan deta huuN) for urdu. His love (ishq) for urdu will never end (Khatm hogaa na), until his last breath (marte dam tak), I give my word.

anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony.  Over his long and fruitful life has written with much love and admiration about many illustrious figures – political, religious and literary.  His diivaan and kulliyaat are sprinkled with qat’aat and rubaai’yaat about urdu.  This is one of several collections.
eKhlaas1 ki zulfoN2 ka asiir3 aaya hai
ek bazm4-e nizaami5 ka faqiir6 aaya hai
iss shaam7-e nigaaraaN8 meN shikaago vaalo
dilli se ek urdu ka safiir9 aaya hai

1.sincerity 2.hair, locks 3.prisoner, devotee, lover 4.association 5.associated with nizamudding auliya 6.mendicant, sufi 7.evening 8.beautiful people 9.messenger

The poet introduces himself as a devoted lover (asiir) of sincerity (ekhlaas) and a humble servant/mendicant (faqiir) of the sufi order nizamuddin chishti (bazm-e nizaami). Addressing the audience in Chicago (shikaago vaalo), he declares that he has come as an ambassador (safiir) of urdu from dehli (dilli).
urdu ki nigahdaasht1 ke Khaalid2 haiN ham
taariiKh3 meN tahziib4 ki vaahid5 haiN ham
aao hameN dekho na’e urdu-zaado6
urdu ke muballiGh7 haiN, mujaahid8 haiN ham

1.keeping an eye on, guardian 2.eternal, forever 3.history 4.culture 5.unique 6.children of urdu 7.preacher 8.warrior, seeker

The poet asserts that he and his fellow urdu lovers/poets are eternal guardians (nigahdaasht ke khaalid) of urdu.  In the history of the culture of urdu we are unique (vaahid) in their dedication/commitment to safeguard.  He invites the new generation (naye urdu zaado) to witness their efforts, declaring themselves as preachers (muballiGh) and warriors (mujaahid) for urdu.
sunn leNge harifaan1-e zabaaN2 mahshar3 meN
baKhsha4 gaya uqba5 meN sabiil6-e urdu
aye rind7-e qayaamat8 ke vakiil9-e mutlaq10
maiN dahr11 meN kahlaauN12 vakiil9-e urdu

1.rivals, critics 2.language 3.judgement day 4.pardoned 5.afterlife 6.path, means, instrumentality 7.wine-drinker 8.doomsday 9.advocate 10.total, unquestioning 11.world 12.known as

The poet is a rind – a wine drinker/sinner.  Normally, such a person would be judged harshly.  But the poet expects different things because of his love of urdu.  He is confident that even the critics of urdu (harifaan-e zabaaN) will hear about this; that on the day of judgment (mahshar) he (the rind) was forgiven through the instrumentality of urdu. He believes that the path of urdu (sabiil-e urdu) has been blessed in the afterlife (uqba). Declaring himself to be an advocate of urdu until doomsday (rind-e qayaamat ke vakiil-e mutlaq), he wishes to be known as the representative (vakiil) of urdu in this world (dahr).
siincha1 hai kisht2-e ilm3 ko KhooN-e Khuluus4 se
shiriiN5 meri zabaan6 hai aur kohkan7 huN maiN

1.nurtured, cultivated, irrigated 2.field, harvest 3.knowledge 4.sincerity 5.of shiriiN farhaad legend, also means sweet 6.tongue, language 7.another name of farhaad

This she’r alludes to the legend of shiriiN-farhaad and makes beautiful use of double meanings and allegories.  farhaad was hopelessly in love with shirin and was set an impossible task of carving a channel through the mountain and make a river of milk flow through it for shiriin’s bath.  He immediately set about the task and nearly completed it before killing himself by striking his own head with his pickaxe, when he was told (falsely) that shiriin had died.  Thus, when the poet says that he has irrigated the field of knowledge with blood, he uses the the legend as an allegory.  He has worked hard in the field of knowledge because of which his tongue/language (urdu) is sweet and he is known at the hard worker (who dug a channel through the mountain); of course shiiriin is also the name of the princess and kohkan the name of her suitor.
paiGhaam1-e ahl-e-sharq2 suneN haazeriin3-e bazm4
aqvaam5-e muttahid6 ke idaare7 ke naam8 hai
shiriini9-e sharaab-e tahuura10 ka hai maza11
apnaa’eN12 ahl-e-Gharb13 ye urdu ka jaam14 hai

1.message 2.people of the East 3.those present, attendeed 4.gathering 5.nations 6.united 7.institution 8.addressed to the name of 9.sweetness 10.pure, heavenly 11.taste 12.adopt, make their own 13.people of the west 14.cup, goblet

The poet urges the audience/attendees (haaziriin-e bazm) to listen to the message (paiGhaam) of the people of the East (ahl-e sharq); the message is addressesd to the institutions of the United Nations (aqvaam-e muttahid ke idaare), describing urdu as a cup (jaam) filled with the sweetness (shiriini) of pure/heavenly wine (sharaab-e tahuura). He invites the people of the West (ahl-e Gharb) to embrace urdu.
aaya huN maiN jidda1 meN ba-naam2-e urdu
mil jul ke manaa’eN yahaaN shaam-e urdu
fusahaa3 ke Gharaane se huN, saadaat4-e kiraam5
is barahmaN ka ho tasliim6 salaam-e urdu

1.Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2.taking the name of 3.eloquent, people of refined language 4.respected 5.benevolent 6.accept

The poet expresses joy at his arrival in/invitation to Jeddah (jidda) in the name of urdu (ba-naam-e urdu). He calls for a united celebration (mil jul ke manaa’eN) of the evening of urdu (shaam-e urdu-mushaa’era). Proud of his lineage (fusaha ke gharaane) of eloquent poets, he humbly offers his respect (tasliim salaam) to urdu as a brahmin (barhaman).
kul1 zamaana2 hai jaan ka dushman
maiN jo3 urdu pe jaan deta huN
Khatm hogaa na ishq urdu se
marte dam4 tak, zabaan5 deta huuN

1.total, all 2.times, world 3.because 4.moment 5.zabaan dena – give my word, promise

The poet declares that the entire world (kul zamaana) has turned against him; become an enemy (dushman) of his life (jaan), because he is willing to give his life (jaan deta huuN) for urdu. His love (ishq) for urdu will never end (Khatm hogaa na), until his last breath (marte dam tak), I give my word.

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