zara saNbhal kar zabaan kholo-chandrbhan Khayaal

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

ذرا  سنبھل  کر  زبان  کھولو  ۔  چندر  بھان  خیالؔ

ایک  ہندو  فرقہ  پرست  لیڈر  کے  مسلم  مخالف  بیان  پر  ردّ  عمل


ذرا  سنبھل  کر  زبان  کھولو

زبان  کھلتے  ہی  کھنچ  نہ  جائیں  سلگتی  شمشیریں  چار  جانب

ادب  سے  بولو  کہ  میرؔ  و  غالبؔ

ابھی  بھی  ہندوستاں  کے  سینے  میں  دل  کی  صورت

دھڑک  رہے  ہیں

نظیرؔ  کے  رنگا  رنگ  نغمے  پھڑک  رہے  ہیں


جو  لفظ  ہونٹوں  پہ  شعلہ  بن  کر  بھڑک  رہے  ہیں

وہ  لفظ  ہندو  نہیں  نہ  ہندی  نہ  بھارتی  ہیں

وطن  پرستی  کی  بات  کرنے  سے  قبل  سونگھو

وطن  کی  مٹی


کہ  جس  میں  شامل  ہے  اس  مسلماں  کے  خوں  کی  خوشبو

اُگا  ہے  جو  فصلِ  گل  کی  مانند  اس  زمیں  سے

ملا  ہے  جو  خاک  ہو  کے  آخر  اِسی  زمیں  میں


کبھی  وہ  رسؔ  کھان  بن  کے  گونجا  ہے  برج  کے  بن  میں

کبھی  وہ  عبدالحمید  بن  کر

کھڑا  ہے  سرحد  پہ  سینہ  تانے


کبھی  وہ  ٹیپو

کبھی  وہ  اکبر

کبھی  وہ  خواجہ  سلیم  چشتی

کبھی  وہ  حاجی  ملنگ  ہے  تو  کبھی  اودھ  کا  نواب  رسیا

کبھی  وہ  دو  گز  زمیں  کی  خاطر

پرآئی  دھرتی  پہ  خوب  روئے


عجیب  ہو  تم،  غریب  ہو  تم

کہ  تم  نے  آ  کے  نہ  جانے  کس  ملک،  کس  زمیں  سے

بنا  لیا  ہے  یہاں  پہ  مسکن


تمہاری  بھاشا،  تمہارا  لہجہ،  تمہارا  اندازِ  فکر  اور  فن

نہ  آبِ  گنگ  و  جمن  سے  ملتا

نہ  ست  پڑا  کی  گپھاؤں  جیسا

نہ  بدھ  کی  انجمن  سے  ملتا

نہ  دراوڈوں  کے  کلام  جیسا

نہ  کرشن  جیسا  نہ  رام  جیسا


عجیب  ہو  تم

وطن  کی  عظمت  کو  ریگزاروں  میں  خاک  کرنے  کی  ٹھان  لی  ہے

محبتوں  کی،  شرافتوں  کی،  تمدُّنوں  کی

وراثتوں  کو

ہلاک  کرنے  کی  ٹھان  لی  ہے


وطن  کا  پیغام  ہے  محبت

عداوتوں  کو  فروغ  دینے  سے  کچھ  نہ  ہوگا

یہاں  پہ  یکسانیت  کا  مطلب  انیکتا  ہے

انیکتا  ہی  میں  ایکتا  ہے


برائیوں  کو  برائیوں  سے  مٹانا  ممکن  نہیں  ہے  بھائی

نہ  چھیڑو  ایسی  غلط  لڑائی

ادب  سے  بولو

ذرا  سنبھل  کر  زبان  کھولو

ज़रा संभल कर ज़बान खोलो – चन्द्र भान ख़याल
एक हिन्दू फ़िर्क़ा परस्त लीडर के मुस्लिम-मुख़ालिफ़ बयान पर रद्द-ए अमल

ज़रा संभल कर ज़बान खोलो
ज़बान खुलते ही खिंच न जाएं सुलगती शमशीरें चार जानिब
अदब से बोलो के मीर और ग़ालिब
अभी भी हिन्दोस्तां के सीने में दिल की सूरत
धढक रहे हैं
नज़ीर के रंगा-रंग नग़मे फढक रहे हैं

जो लफ़्ज़ होंठों पे शोला बन कर भढक रहे हैं
वो लफ़्ज़ हिन्दू नहीं न हिन्दी न भारती हैं
वतन-परस्ती की बात करने से क़ब्ल सूंघो
वतन की मिट्टी

के जिस में शामिल है उस मुसलमां के ख़ूं की ख़ुशबू
उगा है जो फ़स्ल-ए गुल की मानिंद इस ज़मीं से
मिला है जो ख़ाक हो के आख़ेर इसी ज़मीं में

कभी वो रसख़ान बन के गूंजा है बृज के बन में
कभी वो अब्दुल हमीद बन कर
खढा है सरहद पे सीना ताने

कभी वो टीपू
कभी वो अक्बर
कभी वो ख़्वाजा सलीम चिश्ती
कभी वो हाजी मलंग है तो कभी अवध का नवाब रसिया
कभी वो दो गज़ ज़मीं की ख़ातिर
पराई धरती पे खूब रोए

अजीब हो तुम, ग़रीब हो तुम
के तुम ने आ के न जाने किस मुल्क, किस ज़मीं से
बना लिया है यहां पे मस्कन

तुम्हारी भाषा, तुम्हारा लहजा, तुम्हारा अंदाज़-ए फ़िक्र और फ़न
न आब-ए गंग-ओ-जमन से मिलता
न सतपुड़ा की गुफ़ाओं जैसा
न बुद्ध की अंजुमन से मिलता
न द्राविडौं के कलाम जैसा
न कृष्ण जैसा न राम जैसा

अजीब हो तुम
वतन की अज़्मत को रेगज़ारौं में ख़ाक करने की ठान ली है
मुहब्बतों की, शराफ़तों की, तमद्दुनों की
विरासतों को
हलाक करने की ठान ली है

वतन का पैग़ाम है मोहब्बत
अदावतों को फ़रोग़ देने से कुछ न होगा
यहां पे यक्सानियत का मतलब अनेकता है
अनेकता ही में एकता है

बुराइयों को बुराइयों से मिटाना मुमकिन नहीं है भाई
न छेढो ऐसी ग़लत लढाई
अदब से बोलो
ज़रा संभल कर ज़बान खोलो


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. chandr bhaan Khayaal (1946-xxxx), hoshaNgabad, madhya pradesh. Graduated from saagar university. He was fascinated with urdu poetry and in his rural home, visiting a newly opened library, memorized a lot of Ghazal and nazm from books in devanagiri. He also started composing nazm. Could not find anyone in the village to teach him urdu. Taught himself reading and writing urdu, and after college, went to dehli, working in a petrol pump for a few years. He took a nazm to raam chandr muztar who was chief editor of ‘milaap’ and later became his shaagird. Participated in mushaa’era, published a collection and got started on a journalism career. Worked for urdu dailies – savera and qaumi aavaaz and later chief editor of hindi weekly bhaavya Times, dehli.
zaraa sambhal1 kar zabaan-kholo2
zabaan khulte hi khiNch na jaa’eN sulagti3 shamshireN4 chaar jaanib5
adab6 se bolo keh miir aur Ghaalib
abhi bhi hindostaaN ke siine meN dil ki suurat7
dhaRak rahe haiN
naziir8 ke raNgaa-raNg naGhme9 phaRak rahe haiN    
1.with care your mouth, speak 3.flaming 4.swords 5.directions 6.respect the manner of, similar to 8.naziir akbarabadi (1735-1830) 9.songs
The poet is admonishing a bigoted hindu politician/speaker who has spoken offensive, inciteful words. Be careful when you open your mouth to speak. As soon as you utter such words, flaming swords can be drawn in all direction. Speak respectfully, for even now, miir and Ghalib, throb in the heart of hindustan like a heart. The colourful songs of naziir akbarabadi flutter/flap their wings here.

jo lafz1 hoNToN2 pe shola3 ban kar bhaRak4 rahe haiN
voh lafz hindu nahiN, na hindi, na bhaarati haiN
vatan-parasti5 ki baat karne se qabl6 suuNgho
vatan ki miTTi   
1.words 2.lips 3.flames 4.bursting 5.patriotism, homeland loving 6.before
The words that burst from your lips like flames are not representative of hindu religion, of hindostaan or ancient bhaarat. Before you talk about patriotism, smell the soil of the homeland.

keh jis meN shaamil1 hai us musalmaaN ke Khuun ki Khushbuu2
ugaa3 hai jo fasl-e-gul4 ki maanind5 is zamiiN se
milaa hai jo Khaak6 ho ke aaKhir7 isi zamiiN meN    
1.included, mixed 2.fragrance 3.sprouted 4.spring, similar to 6.dust last
For in it is mingled the fragrance of the blood of that muslim who sprouted from this earth like spring flowers and in the end, like dust blended into this very soil.

kabhi voh rasKhaan1 ban ke guunjaa2 hai braj3 ke ban4 meN
kabhi voh abdul hamiid5 ban kar
khaRaa hai sarhad6 pe siina taane    
1.poet/devotee of krishna 2.echoed 3.birthplace of krishn 4.forest of the first Indian casualties of the Indo-Pak war of 1965 6.border
rasKhaan was born into a muslim family in dehli, went to brindaavan, experienced a vision of krishna and became a devotee. He composed many bhajans which are sung to this day, but the singers seldom know who composed them. abdul hamid was an Indian soldier, one of the first casualites of the war with pakistan in 1965. Thus, the poet is reminding the bigoted speaker that muslims were respectful to hindu religion, patriotic to the homeland, sacrificing their lives for it.

kabhi voh Tiipuu1
kabhi voh akbar
kabhi voh Khwaaja saliim chishti2
kabhi voh haaji malaNg3 hai to kabhi avadh ka navaab rasiyaa4
kabhi voh do-gaz5 zamiiN ki Khaatir6
paraa’ii7 dharti8 pe Khuub ro’e   
1.Tiipuu sultan 2.sufi saint 3.another sufi saint 4.playful, one who enjoys life 5.two yards, burial spot 6.for the sake of 7.foreign
Tiipuu sultan is representative of an Indian king who died fighting the British. akbar is representative of a king who worked for communal harmony. saliim chishti and haaji malaNg are representative of sufi saints whose tombs are visited by people of all faiths. Thus, sometimes, the muslim manifests himself as Tiipuu; at other times as akbar; or saliim chisti or haaji malaNg. Sometimes he weeps in a foreign land for a burial spot in his homeland. This is a reference to bahadur shaah zafar who died in exile in raNgoon, yearning to be buried in his homeland.

ajiib1 ho tum, Ghariib2 ho tum
keh tum ne aa ke na jaane kis mulk3, kis zamiN4 se
banaa liyaa hai yahaaN pe maskan5    
1.strange 2. stranger, outsider, foreigner 5.home, residence
The poet continues to admonish the bigoted speaker … you are strange, you are an outsider, who has come here from who knows which country, which land and made this your residence.

tumhaari bhaashaa1, tumhaaraa lahja2, tumhaaraa andaaz3-e fikr4 aur fun5
na aab6-e gaNg-o-jaman se miltaa
na satpaRaa7 ki gufaa’oN8 jaisaa
na buddh ki anjuman9 se miltaa
na draaviRoN ke kalaam10 jaisaa
na krishn jaisaa, na raam jaisaa    
1.language 2.accents 4.thinking 5.skills 6.waters 7.northeaster region 8.caves 9.society 10.speech
The poet proceeds to completely disown the speaker. Not only is he strange and from a foreign land … he says … your language and accent, your way of thinking and working is not like the waters of the gaNga and jamuna, not from the caves of the northeast, not like the language of the draviD. It is neither like that of krishn nor of raam.

ajiib1 ho tum
vatan2 ki azmat3 ko regzaaroN4 meN Khaak-karne5 ki Thaan6 li hai
muhabbatoN ki, sharaafatoN7 ki, tamaddunoN8 ki
viraasatoN9 ko
halaak10 karne ki Thaan6 li hai   
1.strange 2.homeland 3.greatness 4.sandy desert 5.reduce to ashes, wasted 6.determined, decided 7.civility, good manners 8.civilization, culture 9.legacy 10.kill
You are strange. You are determined to waste the greatness of the homeland in the sandy desert; you are determined to kill/destroy the legacy of love, civility and culture.

vatan1 kaa paiGhaam2 hai muhabbat
adaavatoN3 ko faroGh4 dene se kuchh na hogaa
yahaaN pe yaksaaniyat5 kaa matlab6 anekta7 hai
anekta hi meN aekta8 hai    
1.homeland 2.message 3.rivalries 4.increase 5.uniformity 6.meaning 7.diversity 8.unity
The message of the homeland is that of love. You will not get anywhere by increasing rivalries. Here the meaning of uniformity is variety. Here, there is unity in diversity.

buraa’iyoN ko buraa’iyoN se miTaanaa mumkin1 nahiN hai bhaa’ii
na chheRo aisi Ghalat laRaa’ii
adab2 se bolo
zaraa sambhal3 kar zabaan kholo4    
1.possible 2.respect 3.carefully your mouth
O brother, it is not possible to erase/overcome evil with evil. Do not start this wrong conflict. Speak respectfully. By careful when you open your mouth.

chandr bhaan Khayaal (1946-xxxx), hoshaNgabad, madhya pradesh.  Graduated from saagar university.  He was fascinated with urdu poetry and in his rural home, visiting a newly opened library, memorized a lot of Ghazal and nazm from books in devanagiri.  He also started composing nazm.  Could not find anyone in the village to teach him urdu.  Taught himself reading and writing urdu, and after college, went to dehli, working in a petrol pump for a few years.  He took a nazm to raam chandr muztar who was chief editor of ‘milaap’ and later became his shaagird.  Participated in mushaa’era, published a collection and got started on a journalism career.  Worked for urdu dailies – savera and qaumi aavaaz and later chief editor of hindi weekly bhaavya Times, dehli.
zaraa sambhal1 kar zabaan-kholo2
zabaan khulte hi khiNch na jaa’eN sulagti3 shamshireN4 chaar jaanib5
adab6 se bolo keh miir aur Ghaalib
abhi bhi hindostaaN ke siine meN dil ki suurat7
dhaRak rahe haiN
naziir8 ke raNgaa-raNg naGhme9 phaRak rahe haiN

1.with care your mouth, speak 3.flaming 4.swords 5.directions 6.respect the manner of, similar to 8.naziir akbarabadi (1735-1830) 9.songs

The poet is admonishing a bigoted hindu politician/speaker who has spoken offensive, inciteful words.  Be careful when you open your mouth to speak.  As soon as you utter such words, flaming swords can be drawn in all direction.  Speak respectfully, for even now, miir and Ghalib, throb in the heart of hindustan like a heart.  The colourful songs of naziir akbarabadi flutter/flap their wings here.
jo lafz1 hoNToN2 pe shola3 ban kar bhaRak4 rahe haiN
voh lafz hindu nahiN, na hindi, na bhaarati haiN
vatan-parasti5 ki baat karne se qabl6 suuNgho
vatan ki miTTi

1.words 2.lips 3.flames 4.bursting 5.patriotism, homeland loving 6.before

The words that burst from your lips like flames are not representative of hindu religion, of hindostaan or ancient bhaarat.  Before you talk about patriotism, smell the soil of the homeland.
keh jis meN shaamil1 hai us musalmaaN ke Khuun ki Khushbuu2
ugaa3 hai jo fasl-e-gul4 ki maanind5 is zamiiN se
milaa hai jo Khaak6 ho ke aaKhir7 isi zamiiN meN

1.included, mixed 2.fragrance 3.sprouted 4.spring, similar to 6.dust last

For in it is mingled the fragrance of the blood of that muslim who sprouted from this earth like spring flowers and in the end, like dust blended into this very soil.
kabhi voh rasKhaan1 ban ke guunjaa2 hai braj3 ke ban4 meN
kabhi voh abdul hamiid5 ban kar
khaRaa hai sarhad6 pe siina taane

1.poet/devotee of krishna 2.echoed 3.birthplace of krishn 4.forest of the first Indian casualties of the Indo-Pak war of 1965 6.border

rasKhaan was born into a muslim family in dehli, went to brindaavan, experienced a vision of krishna and became a devotee.  He composed many bhajans which are sung to this day, but the singers seldom know who composed them.  abdul hamid was an Indian soldier, one of the first casualites of the war with pakistan in 1965.  Thus, the poet is reminding the bigoted speaker that muslims were respectful to hindu religion, patriotic to the homeland, sacrificing their lives for it.
kabhi voh Tiipuu1
kabhi voh akbar
kabhi voh Khwaaja saliim chishti2
kabhi voh haaji malaNg3 hai to kabhi avadh ka navaab rasiyaa4
kabhi voh do-gaz5 zamiiN ki Khaatir6
paraa’ii7 dharti8 pe Khuub ro’e

1.Tiipuu sultan 2.sufi saint 3.another sufi saint 4.playful, one who enjoys life 5.two yards, burial spot 6.for the sake of 7.foreign

Tiipuu sultan is representative of an Indian king who died fighting the British.  akbar is representative of a king who worked for communal harmony.  saliim chishti and haaji malaNg are representative of sufi saints whose tombs are visited by people of all faiths.  Thus, sometimes, the muslim manifests himself as Tiipuu; at other times as akbar; or saliim chisti or haaji malaNg.  Sometimes he weeps in a foreign land for a burial spot in his homeland.  This is a reference to bahadur shaah zafar who died in exile in raNgoon, yearning to be buried in his homeland.
ajiib1 ho tum, Ghariib2 ho tum
keh tum ne aa ke na jaane kis mulk3, kis zamiN4 se
banaa liyaa hai yahaaN pe maskan5

1.strange 2. stranger, outsider, foreigner 5.home, residence

The poet continues to admonish the bigoted speaker … you are strange, you are an outsider, who has come here from who knows which country, which land and made this your residence.
tumhaari bhaashaa1, tumhaaraa lahja2, tumhaaraa andaaz3-e fikr4 aur fun5
na aab6-e gaNg-o-jaman se miltaa
na satpaRaa7 ki gufaa’oN8 jaisaa
na buddh ki anjuman9 se miltaa
na draaviRoN ke kalaam10 jaisaa
na krishn jaisaa, na raam jaisaa

1.language 2.accents 4.thinking 5.skills 6.waters 7.northeaster region 8.caves 9.society 10.speech

The poet proceeds to completely disown the speaker.  Not only is he strange and from a foreign land … he says … your language and accent, your way of thinking and working is not like the waters of the gaNga and jamuna, not from the caves of the northeast, not like the language of the draviD.  It is neither like that of krishn nor of raam.
ajiib1 ho tum
vatan2 ki azmat3 ko regzaaroN4 meN Khaak-karne5 ki Thaan6 li hai
muhabbatoN ki, sharaafatoN7 ki, tamaddunoN8 ki
viraasatoN9 ko
halaak10 karne ki Thaan6 li hai

1.strange 2.homeland 3.greatness 4.sandy desert 5.reduce to ashes, wasted 6.determined, decided 7.civility, good manners 8.civilization, culture 9.legacy 10.kill

You are strange.  You are determined to waste the greatness of the homeland in the sandy desert; you are determined to kill/destroy the legacy of love, civility and culture.
vatan1 kaa paiGhaam2 hai muhabbat
adaavatoN3 ko faroGh4 dene se kuchh na hogaa
yahaaN pe yaksaaniyat5 kaa matlab6 anekta7 hai
anekta hi meN aekta8 hai

1.homeland 2.message 3.rivalries 4.increase 5.uniformity 6.meaning 7.diversity 8.unity

The message of the homeland is that of love.  You will not get anywhere by increasing rivalries.  Here the meaning of uniformity is variety.  Here, there is unity in diversity.
buraa’iyoN ko buraa’iyoN se miTaanaa mumkin1 nahiN hai bhaa’ii
na chheRo aisi Ghalat laRaa’ii
adab2 se bolo
zaraa sambhal3 kar zabaan kholo4

1.possible 2.respect 3.carefully your mouth

O brother, it is not possible to erase/overcome evil with evil.  Do not start this wrong conflict.  Speak respectfully.  By careful when you open your mouth.