be-qaraari meN qaraar apna-jitendra mohan sinha rahbar

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بے قراری میں قرار اپنا ۔ جِتِندر موہن سنہا رہبرؔ


نہ بھولی شیوۂ برباد کُن بادِ بہار اپنا

گریباں ہو گیا پھر چاک دامن تار تار اپنا


نظر آئے نئے انداز کچھ طفلوں کے گلشن میں

نیا اِک معجزہ دکھلا گئی فصلِ بہار اپنا


تصوّر لالہ و گُل کا ہمیں بھاتا نہیں لیکن

رہا کرتا ہے دل وقفِ خیالِ رُوِ یار اپنا


کسی کی پُرسِشِ پیہم نے یہ طوفاں اٹھایا ہے

تنِ ہر مُو ہوا ہے ایک چشمِ انتظار اپنا


تمہارے وعدۂ فردا پہ کیا ہوتا یقیں لیکن

ضمیرِ مضطرب پر کچھ نہیں ہے اختیار اپنا


اُصولِ اُستواری ہی مجھے منظور ہے ہمدم

اسی کا سنگِ در ہے بے قراری میں قرار اپنا


گلستانِ وطن کو ہے فروغ اُس سے جو یہ سمجھے

کہ ہر اک برگ و گُل اپنا ہے ہر اک خس و خار اپنا


وفا ہے راہ اپنی اور اُلفت رسم رہبر

کسی کے عاشقوں میں ہم بھی کرتے ہیں شمار اپنا


کہاں توبہ کو دوں دل میں جگہ جب پارسائی نے

بنا رکھا ہے ہر گوشے میں اک دائم مزار اپنا


بہت احساس ہے عصیاں کا رہبر گو مرے دل میں

کریمی پر بہت اُس کی سوا ہے اعتبار اپنا


बेक़रारी में क़रार अपना – जितेंद्र मोहन सिन्हा रहबर

न भूली शेवा-ए बरबाद-कुन बाद-ए बहार अपना

गरेबां हो गया फिर चाक दामन तार-तार अपना

नज़र आए नए अंदाज कुछ तिफ़्लौं के गुलशन में

नया एक मोजेज़ा दिखला गई फ़स्ल-ए बहार अपना

तसव्वर लाला ओ गुल का हमें भाता नहीं लैकिन

रहा करता है दिल वक़्फ़-ए ख़याल-ए रू-ए यार अपना

किसी की पुर्सिश-ए पैहम ने यह तूफ़ां उठाया है

तन-ए हर-मू हुआ है एक जश्म-ए इंतेज़ार अपना

तुम्हारे वादा-ए फ़र्दा का क्या होता यक़ीं लैकिन

ज़मीर-ए मुज़्तरिब पर कुछ नहीं है एख़्तियार अपना

उसूल-ए उस्तवारी ही मुझे मंज़ूर है हमदम

उसी का संग-ए दर है बेक़रारी में क़रार अपना

गुलिस्तोन-ए वतन को है फ़रोग़ उस से जो ये समझे

के हर एक बर्ग ओ गुल अपना है हर ख़स ओ ख़ार अपना

वफ़ा है राह अपनी उल्फ़त रस्म-ए रहबर

किसी के आशक़ौं में हम भी करते हैं शुमार अपना

कहां तौबा को दूं दिल में जगह जब पारसाई ने

बना रखा है हर गोशे में एक दा’एम मज़ार अपना


बहुत एहसास है इस्यां का रहबर गो मेरे दिल में

करीमी पर बहुत उसकी सिवा है ए’तेबार अपना


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jitendra mohan sinha rahbar (1911-1993), bijnaur, UP. Grew up in an orthodox arya samaaji family with emphasis on learning hindi and sanskrit, but his father himself knew urdu and corresponded with his family in urdu. Uncle was shaa’er. Learnt English at school and taught himself urdu and later blossomed into an urdu shaa’er. Jailed for participating in the freedom movement. Upon release, taught in a school in rural UP and later English literature in a college in lukhnow.
nah bhooli sheva1-e barbaad-kun2 baad3-e bahaar4 apna
gareybaaN5 ho gaya phir chaak6 daaman7 taar-taar8 apna   
1.nature, character 2.destruction creating 3.breeze 4.spring 5.shirt front, collar 6.torn 7.hem of the robe 8.shreds, threads
It is customary for the lover to miss the beloved in spring and get distraught/mad with passion. He would then tear his shirt and robe and go about like majnuN. Such is the destructive nature of the spring breeze that his collar is now torn and robe shredded.

nazar1 aaye naye andaaz2 kuchh tiflauN3 ke gulshan4 meN
naya ek mo’jeza5 dikhla gayi fasl6-e bahaar7 apna   
1.seen, coquetry 3.young (probably meaning the beloved at an adolescent stage) 5.miracle 6.season 7.spring
The beloved, in budding youth, can be seen prancing in the garden in a new style. This too is a new miracle that spring shows us.

tasavvur1 laala2 o gul3 ka hameN bhaata4 nahiN laikin
raha karta hai dil vaqf5-e Khayaal6-e ruu7-e yaar8 apna   
1.imagination 2.tulip 3.rose 4.pleases 5.dedicated to, reserved for 6.thoughts 7.face, countenance 8.friend, beloved
Imagining the beauty of the rose and tulip does not please me much because my thoughts are dedicated to thinking of the beauty of the countenance of the beloved.

kisi ki pursish1-e paiham2 ne yeh tufaaN uThaaya hai
tan3-e har-muu4 hua hai aek chashm5-e intezaar6 apna   
1.asking about well-being 2.repeated 3.body 4.every follicle/hair of the body 5.eyes 6.waiting, anticipation
The imagery is that of the poet/lover on his death bed. The beloved has come a few times asking about him. Her frequent visits have raised a storm of passion. Every follicle of hair on his body is curled up (perhaps due to the heat of passion) as if it were an eye looking out for the beloved to come. Ghalib likens curled up hair to links of a chain …
muu-e aatish-diida hai har halqa yaaN zanjir ka

tumhaaray vaada1-e farda2 pe kya hota yaqiiN3 laikin
zamiir4-e muztarib5 par kuchh nahiN hai eKhtiyaar6 apna   
1.promise 2.future 4.inner heart 5.restless 6.control
The beloved is notorious about promising to come in the future but never keeping her promise. How can I trust your promise of a future get together, but I have no control over my restless heart i.e., it always falls for your promise in false hope.

usool1-e ustuvaari2 hi mujhe manzoor3 hai hamdam4
usi ka saNg-e-dar5 hai be-qaraari6 meN qaraar7 apna   
1.principles 2.steadfast/strong (devotion/love) 3.acceptable 4.friend 5.stone threshold 6.restlessness 7.comfort
O my friend, I only subscribe to the principle of steadfast devotion/love. In restlessness and sorrow, it is his/her threshold that gives me comfort. Of course, this could apply to the beloved as well as to the divine.

gulsitaan1-e vatan2 ko hai faroGh3 us se jo yeh samjhay
ke har ek barg4 o gul5 apna hai har ek Khas6 o Khaar7 apna 2.homeland 3.brilliance, respect, dignity 4.leaf, petal 5.rose 6.straw 7.thorn
The dignity of the homeland (which is like a garden) is because of those who think that every rose and petal as well as every bit of straw and sand belong here. This is a beautiful stand against bigotry.

vafa1 hai raah2 apni aur ulfat3 rasm4-e rahbar5
kisi ke aashiqoN6 meN hum bhi karte haiN shumaar7 apna, fidelity 2.path 4.tradition 5.pen-name of the poet, guide, leader 6.lovers 7.counting
My path is that of fidelity and love is the tradition of rahbar. I count myself among the lovers of that special someone (the beloved).

kahaaN tauba1 ko duuN dil meN jagah jab paarsaaii2 ne
bana rakkha hai har goshay3 meN ek daa’em4 mazaar5 apna   
1.penitence, appeal for forgiveness 2.chastity, virtue (used here to mean self-righteousness) 3.corner 4.permanent 5.tomb
Where can I find room for humble penitence in my heart when a sense of self-righteousness has buried itself permanently in every corner.

bahut ehsaas1 hai isyaaN2 ka rahbar3 go4 meray dil meN
kareemi5 par bahut us ki siva6 hai e’tebaar7 apna   
1.sense, feeling 2.sin, transgression 3.pen-name of the poet 4.even though 5.benevolence, kindness 6.more, greater
I have a strong feeling of my transgressions O rahbar, even though my trust in god’s kindness/forgiveness is greater.

jitendra mohan sinha rahbar (1911-1993), bijnaur, UP.  Grew up in an orthodox arya samaaji family with emphasis on learning hindi and sanskrit, but his father himself knew urdu and corresponded with his family in urdu.  Uncle was shaa’er.  Learnt English at school and taught himself urdu and later blossomed into an urdu shaa’er.  Jailed for participating in the freedom movement.  Upon release, taught in a school in rural UP and later English literature in a college in lukhnow.
nah bhooli sheva1-e barbaad-kun2 baad3-e bahaar4 apna
gareybaaN5 ho gaya phir chaak6 daaman7 taar-taar8 apna

1.nature, character 2.destruction creating 3.breeze 4.spring 5.shirt front, collar 6.torn 7.hem of the robe 8.shreds, threads

It is customary for the lover to miss the beloved in spring and get distraught/mad with passion.  He would then tear his shirt and robe and go about like majnuN.  Such is the destructive nature of the spring breeze that his collar is now torn and robe shredded.
nazar1 aaye naye andaaz2 kuchh tiflauN3 ke gulshan4 meN
naya ek mo’jeza5 dikhla gayi fasl6-e bahaar7 apna

1.seen, coquetry 3.young (probably meaning the beloved at an adolescent stage) 5.miracle 6.season 7.spring

The beloved, in budding youth, can be seen prancing in the garden in a new style.  This too is a new miracle that spring shows us.
tasavvur1 laala2 o gul3 ka hameN bhaata4 nahiN laikin
raha karta hai dil vaqf5-e Khayaal6-e ruu7-e yaar8 apna

1.imagination 2.tulip 3.rose 4.pleases 5.dedicated to, reserved for 6.thoughts 7.face, countenance 8.friend, beloved

Imagining the beauty of the rose and tulip does not please me much because my thoughts are dedicated to thinking of the beauty of the countenance of the beloved.
kisi ki pursish1-e paiham2 ne yeh tufaaN uThaaya hai
tan3-e har-muu4 hua hai aek chashm5-e intezaar6 apna

1.asking about well-being 2.repeated 3.body 4.every  follicle/hair of the body 5.eyes 6.waiting, anticipation

The imagery is that of the poet/lover on his death bed.  The beloved has come a few times asking about him.  Her frequent visits have raised a storm of passion.  Every follicle of hair on his body is curled up (perhaps due to the heat of passion) as if it were an eye looking out for the beloved to come.  Ghalib likens curled up hair to links of a chain …
muu-e aatish-diida hai har halqa yaaN zanjir ka
tumhaaray vaada1-e farda2 pe kya hota yaqiiN3 laikin
zamiir4-e muztarib5 par kuchh nahiN hai eKhtiyaar6 apna

1.promise 2.future 4.inner heart 5.restless 6.control

The beloved is notorious about promising to come in the future but never keeping her promise.  How can I trust your promise of a future get together, but I have no control over my restless heart i.e., it always falls for your promise in false hope.
usool1-e ustuvaari2 hi mujhe manzoor3 hai hamdam4
usi ka saNg-e-dar5 hai be-qaraari6 meN qaraar7 apna

1.principles 2.steadfast/strong (devotion/love) 3.acceptable 4.friend 5.stone threshold 6.restlessness 7.comfort

O my friend, I only subscribe to the principle of steadfast devotion/love.  In restlessness and sorrow, it is his/her threshold that gives me comfort.  Of course, this could apply to the beloved as well as to the divine.
gulsitaan1-e vatan2 ko hai faroGh3 us se jo yeh samjhay
ke har ek barg4 o gul5 apna hai har ek Khas6 o Khaar7 apna 2.homeland 3.brilliance, respect, dignity 4.leaf, petal 5.rose 6.straw 7.thorn

The dignity of the homeland (which is like a garden) is because of those who think that every rose and petal as well as every bit of straw and sand belong here.  This is a beautiful stand against bigotry.
vafa1 hai raah2 apni aur ulfat3 rasm4-e rahbar5
kisi ke aashiqoN6 meN hum bhi karte haiN shumaar7 apna, fidelity 2.path 4.tradition 5.pen-name of the poet, guide, leader 6.lovers 7.counting

My path is that of fidelity and love is the tradition of rahbar.  I count myself among the lovers of that special someone (the beloved).
kahaaN tauba1 ko duuN dil meN jagah jab paarsaaii2 ne
bana rakkha hai har goshay3 meN ek daa’em4 mazaar5 apna

1.penitence, appeal for forgiveness 2.chastity, virtue (used here to mean self-righteousness) 3.corner 4.permanent 5.tomb

Where can I find room for humble penitence in my heart when a sense of self-righteousness has buried itself permanently in every corner.
bahut ehsaas1 hai isyaaN2 ka rahbar3 go4 meray dil meN
kareemi5 par bahut us ki siva6 hai e’tebaar7 apna

1.sense, feeling 2.sin, transgression 3.pen-name of the poet 4.even though 5.benevolence, kindness 6.more, greater

I have a strong feeling of my transgressions O rahbar, even though my trust in god’s kindness/forgiveness is greater.