kaun dushman hai-sardar jafri

کون دُشمن ہے ۔ علی سردار جعفری

۱۲ ستمبر ۱۹۶۵


یہ ٹینک، توپ، یہ بمبار، آگ بندوقیں

کہاں سے لائے ہو، کِس کی طرف ہے رُخ اِن کا

دیارِ وارث و اِقبال کا یہ تحفہ ہے؟

جگا کے جنگ کے طوفاں زمینِ نانک سے

اُٹھے ہو برق گرانے کبیر کے گھر پر


غلام تم بھی تھے کل تک، غلام ہم بھی تھے

نہا کے خون میں آئی تھی فصلِ آزادی


ابھی تو صبح کی پہلی ہوائیں سنکی ہیں

ابھی شگوفوں نے کھولی نہیں ہے آنکھ اپنی

ابھی بہار کے لب پر ہنسی نہیں آئی

نہ جانے کتنے ستارے بجھی سی آنکھوں کے

نہ جانے کتنے فسردہ ہتھیلیوں کے گلاب

ترس رہے ہیں ابھی رنگ و روشنی کے لئے


ہمارے پاس ہے کیا دردِ مشترک کے سوا


مزا تو جب تھا کہ مِل کر علاجِ جاں کرتے

خود اپنے ہاتھ سے تعمیرِ گُلستاں کرتے

ہمارے درد میں تم اور تمہارے درد میں ہم

شریک ہوتے تو پھر جشنِ آشیاں کرتے


مگر تمہاری نگاہوں کا طور ہے کچھ اور

یہ بہکے بہکے قدم اُٹھ رہے ہیں کِس جانب

کِدھر چلے ہو یہ شمشیر آزمانے کو

سمجھ لیا ہے جسے تم نے ملک کی سرحد

وہ سرحدِ دل و جاں ہے ہمارا جسم ہے وہ

حسیں، بلند، مقدس، جوان، پاکیزہ

ہے اِس کا نام خیابانِ جنّتِ کشمیر

ہے اِس کا نام گُلستانِ دِلّی و پنجاب

ہم اِس کو پیار سے کہتے ہیں لکھنؤ بھی کبھی


تم اِس کو تیغ کے ہونٹوں سے چھوُ نہیں سکتے

ادب سے آؤ کہ غالب کی سرزمین ہے یہ

ادب سے آؤ کہ ہے میر کا مزار یہاں

نظام و کاکی و چشتی کے آستانے ہیں

جھکا دو تیغوں کے سر بارگاہِ رحمت میں


ہمارے دِل میں رفاقت بھی اور پیار بھی ہے

تمہارے واسطے یہ روح بے قرار بھی ہے

اگرچہ کہنے کو جی چاہتا نہیں لیکن

جوابِ اہلِ حوس تیغِ آبدار بھی ہے

اُدھر ہے بہن کوئی، کوئی بھائی، کوئی عزیز

گزشتہ بادہ پرستوں کی یادگار کوئی

رفیقِ مجلس و زنداں، رفیقِ دار کوئی

ہماری طرح سے رسوائے کوئے یار کوئی

لبوں پہ جِن کے تبسّم ہے عہدِ رفتہ کا

نظر میں خواب ہیں بیتے ہوئے زمانے کے

دِلوں میں نور چراغِ اُمیدِ فردا کے


وہ سب جو غیر نظر آ رہے ہیں اپنے ہیں


اِدھر بھی حلقۂ یاراں، ہجومِ مُشتاقاں

اُدھر بھی چاہنے والوں کی کچھ کمی ہی نہیں

ہزاروں سال کی تاریخ ہے ثبوت اِس کا

کھڑے ہیں سینوں پہ زخموں کے گُل کھلائے ہوئے

دیارِ ہیر کی یادوں سے دِل جلائے ہوئے

چناب و جھیلم و راوی سے لؤ لگائے ہوئے


ہمارے بیچ میں حائل ہیں آگ کے دریا

تمہارے اور ہمارے لہو کے ساگر ہیں

بہت بلند سیہ نفرتوں کی دیواریں

ہم اِن کو ایک نظر میں گِرا بھی سکتے ہیں

تمام ظلم کی باتیں بُھلا بھی سکتے ہیں

تمہیں پھر اپنے گلے سے لگا بھی سکتے ہیں

مگر یہ شرط ہے تیغوں کو توڑنا ہوگا

لہو بھرا ہوا دامن نچوڑنا ہوگا

پھر اِس کے بعد نہ تم غیر ہو نہ غیر ہیں ہم


تم آؤ گلشنِ لاہور سے چمن بردوش

ہم آئیں صبح بنارس کی روشنی لے کر

ہمالیہ کی ہواؤں کی تازگی لے کر

اور اُس کے بعد یہ پوچھیں کہ کون دُشمن ہے

कौन दुश्मन है – अली सरदार जाफ़्री

१२ सितम्बर, १९६५


ये टैंक, तोप, ये बम्बार, आग, बन्दूख़ें

कहां से लाए हो किस की तरफ़ है रुख़ इन का

दयार-ए वारिस ओ इक़्बाल का ये तोहफ़ा है?

जगा के जंग के तूफ़ां ज़मीन-ए नानक से

उठे हो बर्क़ गिराने कबीर के घर पर


ग़ुलाम तुम भी थे कल तक, ग़ुलाम हम भी थे

नहा के ख़ून में आई थी फ़स्ल-आज़ादी


अभी तो सुबह कि पहली हवाएं सनकि हैं

अभी शागूफ़ौं ने खोली नहीं है आँख अपनी

अभी बहार के लब पर हंसी नहीं आई

न जाने कितने सितारे बुझी सी आंखों के

न जाने कितने फ़सुर्दा हथेलियों के गुलाब

तरस रहे हैं अभी रंग ओ रौशनी के लिए


हमारे पास है क्या, दर्द-ए मुश्तरक के सिवा


मज़ा तो जब था के मिल कर इलाज-ए जां करते

ख़ुद अपने हाथ से ता’मेरे-ए गुलसितां करते

हमारे दर्द में तुम और तुम्हारे दर्द में हम

शरीक होते तो जश्न-ए आशियाँ करते


मगर तुम्हारी निगाहों का तौर है कुछ और

ये बहके बहके क़दम उठ रहे हैं किस जानिब?

किधर चले हो ये शमशीर आज़्माने को?

समझ लिया है जिसे तुम ने मुल्क कि सरहद

वो सरहद-ए दिल ओ जां है, हमारा जिस्म है वो

हसीं, बलन्द, मुक़द्दस, जवान, पाकीज़ा

है इस का नाम ख़ियाबान-ए जन्नत-ए कश्मीर

है इस का नाम गुलिस्तान-ए दिल्ली ओ पंजाब

हम इस को प्यार से कहते हैं लुख्न’ऊ भी कभी


तुम इस को तेग़ के होंटों से छू नहीं सकते

अदब से आओ के ग़ालिब कि सरज़मीन है ये

अदब से आओ के है मीर का मज़ार यहां

निज़ाम ओ काकी ओ चिश्ती के आस्ताने हैं

झुका दो तेग़ौं के सर बारगाह-ए रहमत में


हमारे दिल में रिफ़ाक़त भी और प्यार भी है

तुम्हारे वास्ते ये रूह बेक़रार भी है

अगरचे कहने को जी चाहता नहीं लैकिन

जवाब-ए अहल-ए हवस, तेग़-ए आबदार भी है

उधर है बहन कोई, कोई भाई, कोई अज़ीज़

गुज़िश्ता बादा-परस्तों कि यादगार कोई

रफ़ीक़-ए मज्लिस ओ ज़िन्दां, रफ़ीक़-ए दार कोई

हमारी तरह से रुस्वा-ए कू-ए यार कोई

लबों पे जिन के तबस्सुम है अहद-ए रफ़्ता का

नज़र में ख्व़ाब हैं बीते हुए ज़माने के

दिलों में नूर-ए चिराग़-ए उमीद-ए फ़र्दा है


वो सब जो ग़ैर नज़र आ रहे हैं अपने हैं


इधर भी हल्क़ा-ए यारां, हुजूम-ए मुश्ताक़ां

उधर भी चाहने वालों कि कुछ कमी ही नहीं

हज़ारों साल कि तारीख़ है सुबूत इस का

खड़े हैं सीनों पे ज़ख़्मौं के गुल खिलाए हुए

दयार-ए हीर कि यादों से दिल जलाए हुए

चेनाब ओ झेलम ओ रावी से लौ लगाए हुए


हमारे बीच में हा’एल हैं आग के दरिया

तुम्हारे और हमारे लहू के सागर हैं

बहुत बलन्द सियह नफ़्रतौं कि दीवारें

हम इन को ऐक नज़र में गिरा भी सकते हैं

तुम्हें फिर अपने गले से लगा भी सकते हैं

मगर ये शर्त है तेग़ौं को तोड़ना होगा

लहू भरा हुआ दामन निचोड़ना होगा


फिर इस के बाद न तुम ग़ैर हो न ग़ैर हैं हम


तुम आओ गुलशन-ए लाहोर से चमन बरदोश

हम आएं सुबह बनारस कि रौशनी ले कर

हिमालया कि हवाओं कि ताज़गी ले कर

और उस के बाद ये पूछें के कौन दुश्मन है

kaun dushman hai – ali sardar jafri

Sept 12, 1965

ye Tank, top, ye bambaar, aag, bandooKheN
kahaaN se laaye ho kis ki taraf hai ruKh1 in ka
dayaar2-e vaaris3 o iqbal ka ye tohfa4 hai?
jaga ke juNg ke toofaN zamin-e nanak se
uThe ho barq5 giraane kabir ke ghar par
1.facing, direction 2.home/region 3.vaaris shah 4.gift 5.lightning
These tanks, cannon, bombers, fire, guns … where did you get these from? Do you realize which direction they are facing? Is this the gift to offer from the land of vaaris shah and iqbal. You raise a storm from the land of nanak and cause lightning strikes on the home of kabir. This is ironic because nanak and kabir are both celebrated as peacemakers trying to bring Hindus and Muslims together. vaaris shah, author of love ballads of heer and ranjha is revered as a sufi saint and iqbal (at least in his early phase) worked hard for communal harmony.

Ghulam tum bhi the kal tak, Ghulam hum bhi the
naha ke Khoon meN aaii thi fasl1-e aazadi
1.season of
Until just yesterday you were slaves, we too were slaves. The season of freedom arrived bathed in blood (reference to communal killings during partition).

abhi to subah ki pahli havaaeN sanki1 haiN
abhi shagoofauN2 ne kholi nahiN hai aaNkh apni
abhi bahaar3 ke lab4 par haNsi nahiN aaii
na jaane kitne sitaare bujhi5 si aaNkauN ke
na jaane kitne fasurda6 hatheliyauN7 ke gulaab
taras8 rahe haiN abhi raNg-o-raushni9 ke liye
1.blowing gently 2.buds 3.spring 4.lips 5.dimmed, teary 6.wilted, wrinklede 7.palms 8.thirsty for, longing for 9.colour and brightness, happiness
The morning breeze has just begun to blow gently. Buds have not yet (opened their eyes) blossomed. There is no smile on the lips of Spring yet. Stars of teary eyes and roses of wrinkled palms are beloved children in his future great hope is placed. Thus, the older generation is still thirsting for the happiness and well-being of their children.

hamaare paas hai kya, dard1-e mushtarak2 ke siva3  1.pain 2.shared 3.except for
What else do we have, except for shared pain and suffering.

maza to jab tha ke mil kar ilaaj1-e jaaN karte
Khud apne haath se ta’ameer2-e gulsitaaN karte
hamaare dard meN tum aur tumhaare dard meN hum
shareek3 hote to phir jashn4-e aashiyaaN5 karte
1.cure, remedy 2.construction, building 3.join, participate, share 4.celebration 5.nest, home
How much better it would have been, if we had together looked for the remedy (of the struggle) for life; if we had built our gardens with our own hands, you sharing our pain and we sharing yours. Then we could have celebrated our (new) homes/homelands/countries.

magar tumhaari nigaahauN1 ka taur2 hai kuchh aur
ye bahke bahke qadam uTh rahe haiN kis jaanib3?
kidhar chale ho ye shamshir4 aazmane5 ko?
samajh liya hai jise tum ne mulk ki sarhad6
vo sarhad-e dil o jaaN hai, hamaara jism hai vo
hasiN, baland7, muqaddas8, javaan, pakeeza9
hai is ka naam Khiyabaan10-e jannat11-e kashmir
hai is ka naam gulistaan-e dilli o punjab
hum is ko pyaar se kahte haiN lukh’na’oo bhi kabhi
1.eyes, glances 2.style, way, intention 3.direction 4.sword 5.try out, experiment with 6.boundary 7.high, esteemed 8.holy 9.pure 10.garden walks 11.paradise
But it seems that your eyes are intent on something else. In which direction are your wayward steps taking you? Where are you headed to try out your sword? That which you think of as your national boundary is our heart and soul, it is a part of our body – beautiful, beloved, holy and pure. We call it the garden walks of Kashmiri paradise. It is dear to us just like the gardens of dehli and punjab. Sometimes we even liken it to lukhnow.

tum is ko teGh1 ke hoNTauN se chhoo nahiN sakte
adab2 se aao ke Ghalib ki sarzamin3 hai ye
adab se aao ke hai mir4 ka mazaar5 yahaaN
nizam6 o kaaki6 o chishti6 ke aastaane7 haiN
jhuka do teGhauN ke sar baargaah8-e rahmat9 meN
1.sword 2.respect 3.homeland 4.mir taqi mir 5.tombs 6.renowned sufi scholars/saints 7.resting place 8.memorial 9.blessings
sardar jafri invokes shared legacies of urdu poets and sufi scholars/saints celebrated for their inclusiveness. You cannot touch it with your swords, come offering your respects for this is the homeland, resting place of mir and Ghalib, chishti, kaaki and nizamuddin. Lower your swords in the presence of this memorial of blessings.

hamaare dil meN rifaaqat1 bhi aur pyaar bhi hai
tumhaare vaaste2 ye rooh3 beqaraar4 bhi hai
agarche5 kahne ko ji chaahta nahiN laikin
javaab6-e ahl7-e havas8, teGh-e aabdaar9 bhi hai
udhar hai bahn koii, koi bhaii, koii aziz10
guzishta11 baada-parastauN12 ki yaadgaar13 koi
rafeeq14-e majlis15 o zindaaN16, rafeeq-e daar17 koi
hamaari tarah se rusva18-e koo19-e yaar20 koi
labauN21 pe jin ke tabassum22 hai ahd23-e rafta24 ka
nazar meN Khwaab haiN beete hue zamaane ke
dilauN meN noor25-e chiraaGh-e umeed26-e farda27 hai
1.friendship 2.for you 3.spirit/soul 4.restless, eager 5.even though 6.answer to 7.people of 8.greed, power hungry 9.shining/sharp 10.relative/family, loved one 11.past 12.wine drinkers 13.reminder, memorial 14.friend 15.association, society 16.prison 17.hangman’s platform 18.embarrassed, disappointed 19.street of 20.beloved 21.lips 22.smile 23.period, times 24.past 25.light, brilliance 26.hope 27.tomorrow, future
jafri remembers past friends, associates and relatives. We have love and friendship in our hearts. Our soul is restless waiting for you. Even though, I don’t like to say it, but for those who are power hungry, we have a sharp sword ready. Over there (across the line) there is a sister, a brother or a relative. We see the son/daughter of someone we remember drinking wine with, people who were friends/colleagues in a society or in a prison cell, people who were sentenced to death along with us. We see people who were disappointed in the street of the beloved, just like us. People, who remember times past and smile. People who carry past dreams and the brilliance of hope of the future.

vo sub jo Ghair1 nazar aa rahe haiN, apne haiN1.foreign, other
All those who we see as “the other”, are our own people.

idhar bhi halqa1-e yaaraaN2, hujoom3-e mushtaaqaaN4
udhar bhi chaahne vaalauN ki kuchh kami hi nahiN
hazaarauN saal ki tareeKh5 hai suboot6 is ka
khaRe haiN seenauN pe zaKhmauN ke gul khilaaye hue
dayaar7-e heer8 ki yaadauN se dil jalaaye hue
chenab o jhelum o raavi se lau9 lagaye hue
1.circle of 2.friends 3.crowd of 4.eager lovers 5.history 6.proof 7.region, homeland 8.heer of “heer and ranjha” 9.association, longing
On this side too, a circle of friends, a crowd of eager lovers. On that side too there is no shortage of lovers. Thousands of years of history is proof of this love. They stand displaying wounds on their bosom, lighting up their hearts with memories of the story of heer (and ranjha), longing for their rivers chenab, jhelum and ravi (just like we hold ganga and jumna dear).

hamaare beech meN haa’el1 haiN aag ke darya
tumhaare aur hamaare lahu2 ke saagar haiN
bahut baland3 siyah4 nafratauN5 ki diivaareN
hum in ko ek nazar meN gira bhi sakte haiN
tamaam zulm6 ki baateN bhula bhi sakte haiN
tumheN phir apne gale se laga bhi sakte haiN
magar ye shart7 hai, teGhauN8 ko toRna hoga
lahu2 bhara hua daaman9 nichoRna hoga
1.obstruction, dividing 2.blood 3.tall, high 4.dark 5.hatred 6.cruelty – used here to mean conflict 7.condition 8.swords 9.hem of robe
Between us is a river of fire, an ocean of blood, yours and ours. We are divided by high, dark walls of hatred. We can break these walls any time we choose, with a single glance. We can forget all conflicts and cruelties, embrace you and hold you to our bosom. But the condition is that we will have to break swords, squeeze out the blood (memories of past conflicts) from our robes.

phir is ke baad na tum Ghair1 ho na Ghair haiN hum1.foreign, “other”
After this neither you nor we will be the “other”.

tum aao gulshan1-e lahor se chaman2 bar-dosh3
hum aayeN subah banaras ki raushni le kar
himalaya ki havaauN ki taazagi4 le kar
aur us ke baad ye poocheN ke kaun dushman hai
1.garden 2.flowers 3.on the back, carrying 4.freshness
You come bearing flowers from the gardens of Lahore. We will come with the brilliance of the dawn of Benaras, with the freshness of the Himalayan breeze and then we will ask, “Who is the enemy”.

kaun dushman hai – ali sardar jafri

Sept 12, 1965

ye Tank, top, ye bambaar, aag, bandooKheN
kahaaN se laaye ho kis ki taraf hai ruKh1 in ka
dayaar2-e vaaris3 o iqbal ka ye tohfa4 hai?
jaga ke juNg ke toofaN zamin-e nanak se
uThe ho barq5 giraane kabir ke ghar par

1.facing, direction 2.home/region 3.vaaris shah 4.gift 5.lightning

These tanks, cannon, bombers, fire, guns … where did you get these from?  Do you realize which direction they are facing?  Is this the gift to offer from the land of vaaris shah and iqbal.  You raise a storm from the land of nanak and cause lightning strikes on the home of kabir.  This is ironic because nanak and kabir are both celebrated as peacemakers trying to bring Hindus and Muslims together.  vaaris shah, author of love ballads of heer and ranjha is revered as a sufi saint and iqbal (at least in his early phase) worked hard for communal harmony.

Ghulam tum bhi the kal tak, Ghulam hum bhi the
naha ke Khoon meN aaii thi fasl1-e aazadi

1.season of

Until just yesterday you were slaves, we too were slaves.  The season of freedom arrived bathed in blood (reference to communal killings during partition).

abhi to subah ki pahli havaaeN sanki1 haiN
abhi shagoofauN2 ne kholi nahiN hai aaNkh apni
abhi bahaar3 ke lab4 par haNsi nahiN aaii
na jaane kitne sitaare bujhi5 si aaNkauN ke
na jaane kitne fasurda6 hatheliyauN7 ke gulaab
taras8 rahe haiN abhi raNg-o-raushni9 ke liye

1.blowing gently 2.buds 3.spring 4.lips 5.dimmed, teary 6.wilted, wrinklede 7.palms 8.thirsty for, longing for 9.colour and brightness, happiness

The morning breeze has just begun to blow gently.  Buds have not yet (opened their eyes) blossomed.  There is no smile on the lips of Spring yet.  Stars of teary eyes and roses of wrinkled palms are beloved children in his future great hope is placed.  Thus, the older generation is still thirsting for the happiness and well-being of their children.

hamaare paas hai kya, dard1-e mushtarak2 ke siva3

1.pain 2.shared 3.except for

What else do we have, except for shared pain and suffering.

maza to jab tha ke mil kar ilaaj1-e jaaN karte
Khud apne haath se ta’ameer2-e gulsitaaN karte
hamaare dard meN tum aur tumhaare dard meN hum
shareek3 hote to phir jashn4-e aashiyaaN5 karte

1.cure, remedy 2.construction, building 3.join, participate, share 4.celebration 5.nest, home

How much better it would have been, if we had together looked for the remedy (of the struggle) for life; if we had built our gardens with our own hands, you sharing our pain and we sharing yours.  Then we could have celebrated our (new) homes/homelands/countries.

magar tumhaari nigaahauN1 ka taur2 hai kuchh aur
ye bahke bahke qadam uTh rahe haiN kis jaanib3?
kidhar chale ho ye shamshir4 aazmane5 ko?
samajh liya hai jise tum ne mulk ki sarhad6
vo sarhad-e dil o jaaN hai, hamaara jism hai vo
hasiN, baland7, muqaddas8, javaan, pakeeza9
hai is ka naam Khiyabaan10-e jannat11-e kashmir
hai is ka naam gulistaan-e dilli o punjab
hum is ko pyaar se kahte haiN lukh’na’oo bhi kabhi

1.eyes, glances 2.style, way, intention 3.direction 4.sword 5.try out, experiment with 6.boundary 7.high, esteemed 8.holy 9.pure 10.garden walks 11.paradise

But it seems that your eyes are intent on something else.  In which direction are your wayward steps taking you?  Where are you headed to try out your sword?  That which you think of as your national boundary is our heart and soul, it is a part of our body – beautiful, beloved, holy and pure.  We call it the garden walks of Kashmiri paradise.  It is dear to us just like the gardens of dehli and punjab.  Sometimes we even liken it to lukhnow.

tum is ko teGh1 ke hoNTauN se chhoo nahiN sakte
adab2 se aao ke Ghalib ki sarzamin3 hai ye
adab se aao ke hai mir4 ka mazaar5 yahaaN
nizam6 o kaaki6 o chishti6 ke aastaane7 haiN
jhuka do teGhauN ke sar baargaah8-e rahmat9 meN

1.sword 2.respect 3.homeland 4.mir taqi mir 5.tombs 6.renowned sufi scholars/saints 7.resting place 8.memorial 9.blessings

sardar jafri invokes shared legacies of urdu poets and sufi scholars/saints celebrated for their inclusiveness.  You cannot touch it with your swords, come offering your respects for this is the homeland, resting place of mir and Ghalib, chishti, kaaki and nizamuddin.  Lower your swords in the presence of this memorial of blessings.

hamaare dil meN rifaaqat1 bhi aur pyaar bhi hai
tumhaare vaaste2 ye rooh3 beqaraar4 bhi hai
agarche5 kahne ko ji chaahta nahiN laikin
javaab6-e ahl7-e havas8, teGh-e aabdaar9 bhi hai
udhar hai bahn koii, koi bhaii, koii aziz10
guzishta11 baada-parastauN12 ki yaadgaar13 koi
rafeeq14-e majlis15 o zindaaN16, rafeeq-e daar17 koi
hamaari tarah se rusva18-e koo19-e yaar20 koi
labauN21 pe jin ke tabassum22 hai ahd23-e rafta24 ka
nazar meN Khwaab haiN beete hue zamaane ke
dilauN meN noor25-e chiraaGh-e umeed26-e farda27 hai

1.friendship 2.for you 3.spirit/soul 4.restless, eager 5.even though 6.answer to 7.people of 8.greed, power hungry 9.shining/sharp 10.relative/family, loved one 11.past 12.wine drinkers 13.reminder, memorial 14.friend 15.association, society 16.prison 17.hangman’s platform 18.embarrassed, disappointed 19.street of 20.beloved 21.lips 22.smile 23.period, times 24.past 25.light, brilliance 26.hope 27.tomorrow, future

jafri remembers past friends, associates and relatives.  We have love and friendship in our hearts.  Our soul is restless waiting for you.  Even though, I don’t like to say it, but for those who are power hungry, we have a sharp sword ready.  Over there (across the line) there is a sister, a brother or a relative.  We see the son/daughter of someone we remember drinking wine with, people who were friends/colleagues in a society or in a prison cell, people who were sentenced to death along with us.  We see people who were disappointed in the street of the beloved, just like us. People, who remember times past and smile.  People who carry past dreams and the brilliance of hope of the future.

vo sub jo Ghair1 nazar aa rahe haiN, apne haiN

1.foreign, other

All those who we see as “the other”, are our own people.

idhar bhi halqa1-e yaaraaN2, hujoom3-e mushtaaqaaN4
udhar bhi chaahne vaalauN ki kuchh kami hi nahiN
hazaarauN saal ki tareeKh5 hai suboot6 is ka
khaRe haiN seenauN pe zaKhmauN ke gul khilaaye hue
dayaar7-e heer8 ki yaadauN se dil jalaaye hue
chenab o jhelum o raavi se lau9 lagaye hue

1.circle of 2.friends 3.crowd of 4.eager lovers 5.history 6.proof 7.region, homeland 8.heer of “heer and ranjha” 9.association, longing

On this side too, a circle of friends, a crowd of eager lovers.  On that side too there is no shortage of lovers.  Thousands of years of history is proof of this love.  They stand displaying wounds on their bosom, lighting up their hearts with memories of the story of heer (and ranjha), longing for their rivers chenab, jhelum and ravi (just like we hold ganga and jumna dear).

hamaare beech meN haa’el1 haiN aag ke darya
tumhaare aur hamaare lahu2 ke saagar haiN
bahut baland3 siyah4 nafratauN5 ki diivaareN
hum in ko ek nazar meN gira bhi sakte haiN
tamaam zulm6 ki baateN bhula bhi sakte haiN

tumheN phir apne gale se laga bhi sakte haiN
magar ye shart7 hai, teGhauN8 ko toRna hoga
lahu2 bhara hua daaman9 nichoRna hoga

1.obstruction, dividing 2.blood 3.tall, high 4.dark 5.hatred 6.cruelty – used here to mean conflict 7.condition 8.swords 9.hem of robe

Between us is a river of fire, an ocean of blood, yours and ours.  We are divided by high, dark walls of hatred.  We can break these walls any time we choose, with a single glance.  We can forget all conflicts and cruelties, embrace you and hold you to our bosom.  But the condition is that we will have to break swords, squeeze out the blood (memories of past conflicts) from our robes.

phir is ke baad na tum Ghair1 ho na Ghair haiN hum

1.foreign, “other”

After this neither you nor we will be the “other”.

tum aao gulshan1-e lahor se chaman2 bar-dosh3
hum aayeN subah banaras ki raushni le kar
himalaya ki havaauN ki taazagi4 le kar
aur us ke baad ye poocheN ke kaun dushman hai

1.garden 2.flowers 3.on the back, carrying 4.freshness

You come bearing flowers from the gardens of Lahore.  We will come with the brilliance of the dawn of Benaras, with the freshness of the Himalayan breeze and then we will ask, “Who is the enemy”.

Search Words:  Indo-Pak Friendship, India Pakistan, Peace Now and Forever, Communal Harmony, Communal Riots, Hindu-Muslim Unity

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