کرشن بھجن ۔ حسرت موہانی
من توسے پریت لگائی کنھائی
کا ہو اور کی سُرت اب کاھیکا آئی
گوکل ڈھونڈھ بندرابن ڈھونڈھو
برسانے لگ گھوم کے آئی
تن من دھن سب وار کے حسرت
متھرا نگر چل دھُونی رمائی
مو پہ رنگ نہ ڈار مُراری
بِنتی کرت ہوں تمہاری
پنیا بھرت کا جائے نہ دیہیں
شیام بھرے پچکاری
تھر تھر کانپت لاجن حسرت
دیکھت ہیں نر ناری
کہاں چھائے رہے گردھاری
اورن مِل سُدھ بھول ہماری
رووت دھووت تلپھت بلکت
بِرھ کی رین گئی کٹ ساری
جیا جات برکھا رُت حسرت
دیکھ دیکھ بدریا کاری
کاسے کہی نہیں چین، بنواری بنا
روئے کٹے ساری رین، مُراری بنا
کوؤ جتن جیا دھیر نہ دھارے
نیند نہ آئے نین، گِردھاری بنا
دیکھ سکھی کوؤ چینت ناہیں
اس حسرت ہی گیں بہاری بنا
منموہن شیام سے نین لاگ
نِسدن سُلگ رہی تن آگ
برہ کی رین نپٹ اندھیاری
رووت دھووت کٹت جاگ جاگ
پریم کا روگ لگائے کے حسرت
راگ رنگ سب دین تیاگ
موسے چھیڑ کرت نندلال
لئے ٹھارے ابیر گُلال
ڈھیٹھ بھئی جن کی برجوری
اورن پر رنگ ڈال ڈال
ہم جو ہوں دئیی لپٹائے کے حسرت
ساری یہ چھل بل نکال
برہ کی رین کٹے نہ پہاڑ
سوُنی نگریا پڑی ہے اُجاڑ
نِردئی شیام پردیس سدھارے
ہم دکھیارن چھوڑ چھاڑ
کاہے نہ حسرت سب سکھ سمپت
تج بیٹھن گھر مار کواڑ
پُن ہوئے نہ شام کی پریت کا پاپ
کوؤ کاہے کرت ہے پشچاتاپ
نیہہ کی آگ ماں تن من مارے
کب لگ جلت رہی چپ چاپ
دین دیال بھئی دُکھ دائک
سب حسرت بھول کے میل ملاپ
تم بن کون سنے مہراج
راکھو ہاتھ گئے کی لاج
برجموہن جب سے من بسے
ہم بھولن سب کام کاج
کوَی راج سوراج سب بھول کے حسرت
اب مانگت پریم راج
कृश्न भजन – हस्रत मोहानी
मन तो से प्रीत लगाई कन्हाई
काहू और कि सुरत अब काहेका आई
गोकुल ढूंढ बन्द्राबन ढूंढो
बरसाने लग घूम के आई
तन मन धन सब वार के हस्रत
मथरा नगर चल धूनी रमाई
मो पे रंग न डार मुरारी
बिनती करत हूं तुम्हारी
पनिया भरत का जाए न देहें
श्याम भरे पिच्कारी
थर थर कांपत लाजन हस्रत
देखत हैं नर नारी
कहां छाये रहे गिरधारी
औरन मिल सुध भूल हमारी
रोवत धोवत तल्फट बल्कत
बिरह कि रैन गई कट सारी
जया जात बरखा रुत हस्रत
देख देख बदरिया कारी
कासे कही नहीं चैन, बनवारी बिना
रोये कटे सारी रैन, मुरारी बिना
कोऊ जतन जिया धीर न धारे
नींद न आए नैन, गिरधारी बिना
देख सखी कोऊ चैनत नाहीं
इस हस्रत ही गईं बिहारी बिना
मनमोहन श्याम से नैन लाग
निस्दिन सुलग रही तन आग
बिरह कि रैन निपट अंधियारी
रोवत धोवत कटत जाग जाग
प्रेम का रोग लगाए के हस्रत
राग रंग सब देन त्याग
मो से छेड़ करत नन्द लाल
लिए ठारे अबीर गुलाल
ढीट भई जिन कि बरजोरी
औरन पर रंग डाल डाल
हम जो हों दई लप्टा के हस्रत
सारी ये छलबल निकाल
बिरह कि रैन कटे न पहाड़
सूनी नगरिया पड़ी है उजाड़
निर्दई श्याम परदेस सिधारे
हम दुखियारन छोड़ छाड़
काहे न हस्रत सब सुख सम्पत
तज बैठन घर मार किवाड़
पुन होवे हा श्याम कि प्रीत का पाप
कोऊ काहे करत है पश्चाताप
नेह कि आग मां तन मन मारे
कब लग जलत रही चुप चाप
दीन दयाल भई दुख दायक
सब हस्रत भूल के मेल मिलाप
तुम बिन कौन सुने महराज
राखो हाथ गए कि लाज
बृजमोहन जब से मन बसे
हम भूलन सब काम काज
कविराज स्वराज सब भूल के हस्रत
अब मांगत प्रेम राज
krishn bhajan – hasrat mohani
Click here for overall comments and on any bhajan for translation/discussion. hasrat mohani was a very devout, observant muslim, known as “maulana” for his orthodox practice. He went to hajj several times as well as to baGhdaad, najaf and karbala on pilgrimage. What is unusual is that he also did pilgrimages to mathura and nandgaam several times and wrote Ghazal style paens to krishn as well bhajans in the style of meera baaii. He also wrote bhajan style paeans to sufi scholars/saints in colloquial language. At the same time he declared himself to be a socialist/communist.
man to se preet lagaaii kanhaaii
kahu aur ki surat ab kaahe ka aaii
gokul DhoonD bindraban DhoonDo
barsaane lag ghoom ke aaii
tan man dhan sub vaar ke hasrat
mathra nagar chal dhooni ramaaiiMy heart has fallen in love with kanhaaii. Now, why would any other image come into it. Search for him in gokul and brindaban. Let’s now go to barsaana and check it out. hasrat, give up body, soul and riches and go to mathura smearing ashes over your body.
mo pe raNg na Daar muraari
binti karat huN tehaari
paniya bharat ka jaaye na deheN
shyaam bhare pichkaari
thar thar kaaNpat laajan hasrat
dekhat haiN nar naariDo not spray with me dye o muraari, I beseech you. He does not let me go to fetch water, shyam is standing ready with his sprayer loaded with dye. hasrat trembles with fear/shame, all men and women can see.
kahaaN chhaaye rahe girdhaari
auran mil sudh bhool hamaari
rovat dhovat talphaT balkat
birh ki rain gaii kaT saari
jayaa jaat barkha rut hasrat
dekh dekh badariya kaariWhere have you been, O krishn. Meeting others, you have forgotten me. The night of separation passes in crying and sobbing and writhing in pain. The rainy season (in urdu/Indian poetic tradition, this is the season of romance/love, much like spring in western culture) is passing away O hasrat, just staring at dark clouds. Dark clouds bring blessed rain and are also the season of romance.
kaase kahi nahiN chain, banvaari bina
roye kaTe saari rain, murari bina
kouu jatan jiya dheer na dhaare
neend na aaye nain, girdhaari bina
dekh sakhi kouu chainat naahiN
is hasrat hi gaiiN, bihaari binaWho can I tell that there is no comfort without krishn. Without him, all night passes in crying. Whatever I try, there is no comfort. There is no sleep in my eyes, without krishn. See my friend, I have no peace. I have even lost all longing without krishn. There is a double play on the word ‘hasrat’ which is the pen-name of the poet and also means longing.
manmohan shyaam se nain laag
nisdin sulag rahi tan aag
birah ki rain nipaT andhiyaari
rovat dhovat kaTat jaag jaag
prem ka rog lagaaye ke hasrat
raag raNg sub den tyaagFrom the day that I have seen krishn, from that day my body/soul is on fire. I deal with/pass the dark night of separation in crying and wailing, with no sleep. Having been stricken with love, hasrat has given up all music/colour i.e. pleasure.
mo se chheR karat nand laal
liye Thaare abeer gulaal
DheeT bhaii jin ki birjori
auran par raNg Daal Daal
hum jo hoN daii lapTaa ke hasrat
saari ye chhalbal nikaalkrishn mischievously teases me. He waits for me with spray gun loaded with powder and dye. His courage has become even more daring after playing holi with others. Now hasrat will hug him tight and squeeze out all playfulness.
birh ki rain kaTe na pahaaR
sooni nagariya paRi hai ujaaR
nirdaii shyaam pardes sidhaare
hum dukhiyaaran chhoR chhaaR
kaahe na hasrat sub sukh sampat
taj baiThan ghar maar kivaaRThe night of separation is heavy like a mountain and does not pass. My world is desolate and lays barren. Cruel krishn has departed for foreign lands, abandoning me, sorrowing. Why should hasrat not give up all comfort and wealth and shut himself up bolting the door.
pun hove na shyaam ki preet ka paap
kouu kaahe karat hai paschataap
neh ki aag maa tan man maare
kab lag jalat rahi chup chaap
deen dayaal bhaii dukh daayak
sub hasrat bhool ke mile milaapThe sin/sorrow of love for krishn is not going change into virtue/happiness. Who says that I regret this. I have thrown body and soul into the fire of love, and I burn quietly. My beloved/well wisher has changed and become a “pain giver”. hasrat has forgotten/given up associating with anyone be they friends or well-wishers and only longs for union (with krishn).
tum bin kaun sune mahraaj
raakho haath gaye ki laaj
brijmohan jab se man basey
hum bhoolan sub kaam kaaj
kaviraaj svaraaj sub bhool ke hasrat
ab maaNgat prem rajWho will pay any attention to me, now that you are gone, my lord. Uphold/save the dignity of one who has lost everything. Ever since krishn has made a place in my heart, I have forgotten all affairs of the world. hasrat has forgotten all about writing verse (kaviraaj) and participating in politics (swaraj). All he wants is the dominion of love.
krishn bhajan – hasrat mohani
hasrat mohani was a very devout, observant muslim, known as “maulana” for his orthodox practice. He went to hajj several times as well as to baGhdaad, najaf and karbala on pilgrimage. What is unusual is that he also did pilgrimages to mathura and nandgaam several times and wrote Ghazal style paens to krishn as well bhajans in the style of meera baaii. He also wrote bhajan style paeans to sufi scholars/saints in colloquial language. At the same time he declared himself to be a socialist/communist.
man to se preet lagaaii kanhaaii
kahu aur ki surat ab kaahe ka aaii
gokul DhoonD bindraban DhoonDo
barsaane lag ghoom ke aaii
tan man dhan sub vaar ke hasrat
mathra nagar chal dhooni ramaaii
My heart has fallen in love with kanhaaii. Now, why would any other image come into it. Search for him in gokul and brindaban. Let’s now go to barsaana and check it out. hasrat, give up body, soul and riches and go to mathura smearing ashes over your body.
mo pe raNg na Daar muraari
binti karat huN tehaari
paniya bharat ka jaaye na deheN
shyaam bhare pichkaari
thar thar kaaNpat laajan hasrat
dekhat haiN nar naari
Do not spray with me dye o muraari, I beseech you. He does not let me go to fetch water, shyam is standing ready with his sprayer loaded with dye. hasrat trembles with fear/shame, all men and women can see.
kahaaN chhaaye rahe girdhaari
auran mil sudh bhool hamaari
rovat dhovat talphaT balkat
birh ki rain gaii kaT saari
jayaa jaat barkha rut hasrat
dekh dekh badariya kaari
Where have you been, O krishn. Meeting others, you have forgotten me. The night of separation passes in crying and sobbing and writhing in pain. The rainy season (in urdu/Indian poetic tradition, this is the season of romance/love, much like spring in western culture) is passing away O hasrat, just staring at dark clouds. Dark clouds bring blessed rain and are also the season of romance.
kaase kahi nahiN chain, banvaari bina
roye kaTe saari rain, murari bina
kouu jatan jiya dheer na dhaare
neend na aaye nain, girdhaari bina
dekh sakhi kouu chainat naahiN
is hasrat hi gaiiN, bihaari bina
Who can I tell that there is no comfort without krishn. Without him, all night passes in crying. Whatever I try, there is no comfort. There is no sleep in my eyes, without krishn. See my friend, I have no peace. I have even lost all longing without krishn. There is a double play on the word ‘hasrat’ which is the pen-name of the poet and also means longing.
manmohan shyaam se nain laag
nisdin sulag rahi tan aag
birah ki rain nipaT andhiyaari
rovat dhovat kaTat jaag jaag
prem ka rog lagaaye ke hasrat
raag raNg sub den tyaag
From the day that I have seen krishn, from that day my body/soul is on fire. I deal with/pass the dark night of separation in crying and wailing, with no sleep. Having been stricken with love, hasrat has given up all music/colour i.e. pleasure.
mo se chheR karat nand laal
liye Thaare abeer gulaal
DheeT bhaii jin ki birjori
auran par raNg Daal Daal
hum jo hoN daii lapTaa ke hasrat
saari ye chhalbal nikaal
krishn mischievously teases me. He waits for me with spray gun loaded with powder and dye. His courage has become even more daring after playing holi with others. Now hasrat will hug him tight and squeeze out all playfulness.
birh ki rain kaTe na pahaaR
sooni nagariya paRi hai ujaaR
nirdaii shyaam pardes sidhaare
hum dukhiyaaran chhoR chhaaR
kaahe na hasrat sub sukh sampat
taj baiThan ghar maar kivaaR
The night of separation is heavy like a mountain and does not pass. My world is desolate and lays barren. Cruel krishn has departed for foreign lands, abandoning me, sorrowing. Why should hasrat not give up all comfort and wealth and shut himself up bolting the door.
pun hove na shyaam ki preet ka paap
kouu kaahe karat hai paschataap
neh ki aag maa tan man maare
kab lag jalat rahi chup chaap
deen dayaal bhaii dukh daayak
sub hasrat bhool ke mile milaap
The sin/sorrow of love for krishn is not going change into virtue/happiness. Who says that I regret this. I have thrown body and soul into the fire of love, and I burn quietly. My beloved/well wisher has changed and become a “pain giver”. hasrat has forgotten/given up associating with anyone be they friends or well-wishers and only longs for union (with krishn).
tum bin kaun sune mahraaj
raakho haath gaye ki laaj
brijmohan jab se man basey
hum bhoolan sub kaam kaaj
kaviraaj svaraaj sub bhool ke hasrat
ab maaNgat prem raj
Who will pay any attention to me, now that you are gone, my lord. Uphold/save the dignity of one who has lost everything. Ever since krishn has made a place in my heart, I have forgotten all affairs of the world. hasrat has forgotten all about writing verse (kaviraaj) and participating in politics (swaraj). All he wants is the dominion of love.
Key Search Words: devotional, religious, universal love, cross-religious, cross religious, kaaba kaashi, k’aaba-kaashi, k’aaba kaashi, krishn bhakti