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urdu recitation
faarsi recitation
جوئے آب ۔ محمّد اِقبال (فارسی)
اُردو ترجمہ ۔ سید محمد شاہد
وہ دیکھ جوئے آب ہے سرشار یوں رواں
جیسے زمین پر اُتر آئی ہو کہکشاں
اِک پل تو میٹھی نیند تھی بادل میں جھول کر
پھر کھیلتی تھی کوہ کے دامن میں جھوم کر
نغموں کا زیر و بم لئے پتھریلی راہ سے
شفّاف آئینہ بھی دِکھاتی ہے ناز سے
مستانہ وہ رواں ہے سوئے بحرِ بیکراں
اوروں سے بے نیاز ہے اُس کا الگ جہاں
خود ہے بہار راہ میں اُس کے بچھی ہوئی
گُل اور لالہ نرگس و نستر کھِلی ہوئی
گُل بولا عشوہ ناز سے اِک پل ٹھہر ذرا
غنچے کی آنکھ سے بھی وہ دامن چلی بچا
روکے نہ اُس کو جلوۂ دِلکش بہار کے
برمایا کوہ اور بڑھی وادی کو چیر کے
مستانہ وہ رواں ہے سوئے بحرِ بیکراں
اوروں سے بے نیاز ہے اُس کا الگ جہاں
معاون وہ نہر باغ و کوہستان و مرغزار
کہتے تھے ہے بسیط زمیں تجھ کو سازگار
کوئی کمی نہیں ہے جو تو ہے شریکِ کار
خطرہ ہے دیکھ ریگِ بیاباں سے ہوشیار
ہر شرق و غرب کے لئے سینہ کھلا تیرا
دیتی ہے راہور کو تھکے ہارے آسرا
مستانہ وہ رواں ہے سوئے بحرِ بیکراں
اور ساتھ صد ہزار ہیں یکتا گہر رواں
بند و شکن کے پار وہ دریا نکل گئی
سنگین کوہ و تنگیِ وادی گذر گئی
ہموار سیل سے ہیں نشیب و فراز سب
محلات کیا وہ کشت سے بھی بے نیاز اب
بیتاب و تند و تیز و جگر سوز و بیقرار
تازی فضا ہے کہنہ مناظر کو کر کے پار
مستانہ وہ رواں ہے سوئے بحرِ بیکراں
اوروں سے بے نیاز ہے اُس کا الگ جہاں
जू-ए आब (फ़ारसी) – मुहम्मद इक़्बाल
उर्दू पुनर लेख – शाहेद
वो देख जू-ए आब है सरशार यूं रवां
जैसे ज़मीन पर उतर आई हो कहकशां
एक पल तो मीठी नींद थी बादल में झूल कर
फिर खेलती थी कोह के दामन में झूम कर
नग़्मौं का ज़ेर ओ बम लिए पथ्रीली राह से
शफ़्फ़ाफ़ आईना भी द्किहाती है नाज़ से
मस्ताना वो रवां है सू-ए बहर-ए बेकराँ
औरों से बेनियाज़ है उस का अलग जहां
ख़ुद है बहार राह में उस के बिछी हुई
गुल और लाला, नर्गिस ओ नस्तर खिली हुई
गुल बोला इश्वा-ए नाज़ से एक पल ठहर ज़रा
ग़ुंचे कि आँख से भी वो दामन चली बचा
रोके न उस को जल्वा-ए दिलकश बहार के
बर्माया कोह और बड़ी वादी को चीर के
मस्ताना वो रवां है सू-ए बहर-ए बेकराँ
औरों से बे-नियाज़ है, उस का अलग जहां
मा’वन वो नहर, बाग़ ओ कोहस्तान ओ मर्ग़ज़ार
कहते थे है बसीत ज़मीं तुझ को साज़गार
कोई कमी नहीं है जो तू है शरीक-ए कार
ख़तरा है देख रेग-ए बियाबां से होशियार
हर शर्क़ ओ ग़र्ब के लिए सीना खुला तेरा
देती है राह्वर को थके हारे आस्रा
मस्ताना वो रवां है सू-ए बहर-ए बेकराँ
और साथ सद-हज़ार हैं यकता गुहर रवां
बन्द ओ शिकन के पार वो दरिया निकल गई
संगीन कोह ओ तंगी-ए वादी गुज़र गई
हमवार सैल से हैं नशेब ओ फ़राज़ सब
महलात क्या वो किश्त से भी बेनियाज़ अब
बेताब ओ तुन्द ओ तेज़ ओ जिगर-सोज़ ओ बेक़रार
ताज़ी फ़िज़ा है कोहना मनाज़िर को कर के पार
मस्ताना वो रवां है सू-ए बहर-ए बेकराँ
औरों से बेनियाज़ है उस का अलग जहां
Click here for overall comments and on any she’r for word meanings and explanatory discussion. This faarsi nazm was written as a re-composition of Goethe’s “Mahomets Gesang – the song of Mohammed” in which he praises the founder of Islam in highly symbolic language. iqbal’s faarsi re-composition is equally symbolic and is not an exact translation but catches the spirit of the original. It is so symbolic that the words “islam or mohammed” are not mentioned anywhere. The urdu re-composition that I have done is naturally quite close to faarsi. The interpretation/explanation is done at two levels (a) a description of natural beauty and (b) the symbolic meaning aimed at islam. There is nothing specifically Islamic in the words and they can be read simply for their beauty and musicality or applied as a symbol to anything, but both Goethe and iqbal meant it for islam.
vo dekh joo1-e aab2 hai sarshaar3 yuN ravaaN4
jaise zamin par utar aaii ho kahkashaaN5 1.river 2.water 3.fulfilled, satisfied, happy 4.flowing 5.milky way
Natural Beauty: The flowing river is sparkling in the sunlight giving the impression of being the star-studded milky way running like a river across the sky. The river is also “sarshaar-happy”.
Islamic Symbolism: The “river” is Islamic thought descended from the skies and flowing brightly – which could be a symbol for intelligence, purity, righteousness. It is also quite happy/satisfied with its mission.
ek pal to meeThi neend thi baadal meN jhoom1 kar
phir khelti thi koh2 ke daaman3 meN jhoom kar 1.swing, sway, curve 2.hill 3.apron, valley
Natural Beauty: One moment it was like an infant sleeping in a swing, swung to and fro in a cradle of clouds. The next moment it is playing like an infant/child in the valley beneath the hills.
Islamic Symbolism: Islam was being nurtured in the skies and when it came down to earth it was active/energetic like a young child.
naGhmauN1 ka zer-o-bum2 liye pathhreeli raah3 se
shaffaaf4 aaiina5 bhi dikhaati hai naaz6 se 1.songs and downs, ripples, notes 3.pathway 4.clear, pure 5.mirror 6.pride
Natural Beauty: The river flowing over rocky hills make music that goes up and down with the rocky path. When it comes down into the valley it reflects like a clear/pure river.
Islamic Symbolism: The early progress of islam was rocky – full of impediments. It overcame those impediments and created music – perhaps the musicality of qur’aanic verses. Reflecting as a clear mirror is the clarity of the message.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN 1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
Khud hai bahaar raah1 meN us ke bichhi hui
gul2 aur laala3, nargis4 o nastar5 khili hui 1.pathway 2.rose 3.tulip 4.narcissus 5.short form of nastaran – wild rose
Natural Beauty: Flowers/spring is spread out in its path with many flowers blooming
Islamic Symbolism: As the river/islam makes progress all good people come to it on their own and bloom.
gul1 bola ishwa-e-naaz2 se ek pal Thahr zara
Ghunche3 ki aaNkh se bhi vo daaman4 chali bacha 1.rose 2.coquettish/playful style 3.bud 4.hem of the robe/skirt
Natural Beauty: Flowers tried to playfully stop the river but she went on her way avoiding looking directly at the flowers and gathering up its skirt to leave.
Islamic Symbolism: There were many temptations along the way – wealth and power. But the river avoided them and went on its way gathering up the hem of its skirt – this could be symbol for the ordinary followers of islam.
roke na us ko jalwa1-e dilkash2 bahaar3 ke
barmaaya4 koh5 aur baRhi vaadi6 ko chiir ke 1.face, beauty 2.heart pleasing 3.spring, flowers 4.drilled through 5.hill 6.valley
Natural Beauty: The beauty of spring could not stop it. It carved/drilled its way through the hills, tore a path through the valley on its way to the ocean.
Islamic Symbolism: Temptations of easy life could not stop it. It carved a way through difficulties/rocks, reached the valley and kept flowing towards the vast ocean.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN 1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
maa’van1 vo nahr2, baaGh o kohastaan3 o marGhzaar4
kahte the hai baseet5 zamiN tujh ko saazgaar6 1.tributary 3.hills 4.meadow 5.spread out, expansive 6.favourable, lucky, compatible
Natural Beauty: Small streams flowing into it, gardens, hills, meadows joined it saying that it brought greenery to the expansive earth.
Islamic Symbolism: Other tribes/faiths, small and big joined it saying that it was a blessing for life on earth.
koii kami nahiN hai jo tu hai shareek-e-kaar1
Khatra2 hai dekh reg3-e biyabaaN4 se hoshiyaar5 1.partner, helper 2.danger 3.sand 4.wilderness, desert 5.careful
Natural Beauty: All the tributaries/gardens/hills/meadows joining it said that all their needs would be met if the river helped them. They warned it, asking it to be careful of the desert sands.
Islamic Symbolism: Other tribes/faiths joined the river of islam because it helped in meeting their needs. But they were fearful of enemies lurking in the desert.
har sharq1 o Gharb2 ke liye seena khula tera
deti hai raahvar3 ko thake haare aasra4 1.East 2.West 3.traveler
Natural Beauty: Travelers from far away lands find refuge in the river.
Islamic Symbolism: islam gave refuge/protection to the tired and deprived from all over the world.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aur saathh sad-hazaar6 haiN yakta7 guhar8 ravaaN9 1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.hundred thousand 7.unique 8.pearls 9.flowing
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It carries with it a hundred thousand pearls of unique beauty.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. Unique pearls are early scholars who joined the movement.
bund-o-shikan1 ke paar vo dariya nikal gaii
saNgeen2 koh3-o-taNgi4-e vaadi5 guzar6 gaii 1.obstacles and wrinkles 2.hard, rocky 3.hills 4.narrow 5.valley 6.passed through
Natural Beauty: The river successfully passed through all obstacles, hard rocky terrain and narrow valleys.
Islamic Symbolism: The river of islam overcame its early difficulties – rocky terrain thrown in its path and passed through early confining valleys and into wide open spaces.
humvaar1 sayl2 se haiN nasheb3 o faraaz4 sub
mahlaat5 kya, vo kisht6 se bhi be-niyaaz7 ab 1.level 2.flood 3.low 4.high 5.palaces 6.fields of grain 7.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The flooding of the river evens out the lows and highs in its path. It flows past palaces and fields alike, unmindful of their temptations.
Islamic Symbolism: islam flowed as a strong flood leveling everything in its path – spreading equality among its followers. It remained unmindful of the wealth of palaces and the mundane needs of livelihood, its eye fixed on the hereafter.
be-taab1 o tund2 o tez3 o jigar-soz4 o beqaraar5
taazi6 fiza7 hai kohna8 manaazir9 ko kar ke paar 1.eager 2.quick 4.burning the heart, passion raising 5.restless 6.fresh 7.air 8.ancient 9.scenes
Natural Beauty: The river flows eagerly, quick to turn, fast, passionate and restless. It flows into fresh air leaving behind ancient hills.
Islamic Symbolism: The river of islam adapts to conditions quickly, flows fast, is restless and passionate. It has left behind ancient beliefs into new thinking.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN 1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
joo-e aab (faarsi) – mohammed iqbal
urdu re-composition – shahed
This faarsi nazm was written as a re-composition of Goethe’s “Mahomets Gesang – the song of Mohammed” in which he praises the founder of Islam in highly symbolic language. iqbal’s faarsi re-composition is equally symbolic and is not an exact translation but catches the spirit of the original. It is so symbolic that the words “islam or mohammed” are not mentioned anywhere. The urdu re-composition that I have done is naturally quite close to faarsi. The interpretation/explanation is done at two levels (a) a description of natural beauty and (b) the symbolic meaning aimed at islam. There is nothing specifically Islamic in the words and they can be read simply for their beauty and musicality or applied as a symbol to anything, but both Goethe and iqbal meant it for islam.
vo dekh joo1-e aab2 hai sarshaar3 yuN ravaaN4
jaise zamin par utar aaii ho kahkashaaN5
1.river 2.water 3.fulfilled, satisfied, happy 4.flowing 5.milky way
Natural Beauty: The flowing river is sparkling in the sunlight giving the impression of being the star-studded milky way running like a river across the sky. The river is also “sarshaar-happy”.
Islamic Symbolism: The “river” is Islamic thought descended from the skies and flowing brightly – which could be a symbol for intelligence, purity, righteousness. It is also quite happy/satisfied with its mission.
ek pal to meeThi neend thi baadal meN jhoom1 kar
phir khelti thi koh2 ke daaman3 meN jhoom kar
1.swing, sway, curve 2.hill 3.apron, valley
Natural Beauty: One moment it was like an infant sleeping in a swing, swung to and fro in a cradle of clouds. The next moment it is playing like an infant/child in the valley beneath the hills.
Islamic Symbolism: Islam was being nurtured in the skies and when it came down to earth it was active/energetic like a young child.
naGhmauN1 ka zer-o-bum2 liye pathhreeli raah3 se
shaffaaf4 aaiina5 bhi dikhaati hai naaz6 se
1.songs and downs, ripples, notes 3.pathway 4.clear, pure 5.mirror 6.pride
Natural Beauty: The river flowing over rocky hills make music that goes up and down with the rocky path. When it comes down into the valley it reflects like a clear/pure river.
Islamic Symbolism: The early progress of islam was rocky – full of impediments. It overcame those impediments and created music – perhaps the musicality of qur’aanic verses. Reflecting as a clear mirror is the clarity of the message.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN
1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
Khud hai bahaar raah1 meN us ke bichhi hui
gul2 aur laala3, nargis4 o nastar5 khili hui
1.pathway 2.rose 3.tulip 4.narcissus 5.short form of nastaran – wild rose
Natural Beauty: Flowers/spring is spread out in its path with many flowers blooming
Islamic Symbolism: As the river/islam makes progress all good people come to it on their own and bloom.
gul1 bola ishwa-e-naaz2 se ek pal Thahr zara
Ghunche3 ki aaNkh se bhi vo daaman4 chali bacha
1.rose 2.coquettish/playful style 3.bud 4.hem of the robe/skirt
Natural Beauty: Flowers tried to playfully stop the river but she went on her way avoiding looking directly at the flowers and gathering up its skirt to leave.
Islamic Symbolism: There were many temptations along the way – wealth and power. But the river avoided them and went on its way gathering up the hem of its skirt – this could be symbol for the ordinary followers of islam.
roke na us ko jalwa1-e dilkash2 bahaar3 ke
barmaaya4 koh5 aur baRhi vaadi6 ko chiir ke
1.face, beauty 2.heart pleasing 3.spring, flowers 4.drilled through 5.hill 6.valley
Natural Beauty: The beauty of spring could not stop it. It carved/drilled its way through the hills, tore a path through the valley on its way to the ocean.
Islamic Symbolism: Temptations of easy life could not stop it. It carved a way through difficulties/rocks, reached the valley and kept flowing towards the vast ocean.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN
1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
maa’van1 vo nahr2, baaGh o kohastaan3 o marGhzaar4
kahte the hai baseet5 zamiN tujh ko saazgaar6
1.tributary 3.hills 4.meadow 5.spread out, expansive 6.favourable, lucky, compatible
Natural Beauty: Small streams flowing into it, gardens, hills, meadows joined it saying that it brought greenery to the expansive earth.
Islamic Symbolism: Other tribes/faiths, small and big joined it saying that it was a blessing for life on earth.
koii kami nahiN hai jo tu hai shareek-e-kaar1
Khatra2 hai dekh reg3-e biyabaaN4 se hoshiyaar5
1.partner, helper 2.danger 3.sand 4.wilderness, desert 5.careful
Natural Beauty: All the tributaries/gardens/hills/meadows joining it said that all their needs would be met if the river helped them. They warned it, asking it to be careful of the desert sands.
Islamic Symbolism: Other tribes/faiths joined the river of islam because it helped in meeting their needs. But they were fearful of enemies lurking in the desert.
har sharq1 o Gharb2 ke liye seena khula tera
deti hai raahvar3 ko thake haare aasra4
1.East 2.West 3.traveler
Natural Beauty: Travelers from far away lands find refuge in the river.
Islamic Symbolism: islam gave refuge/protection to the tired and deprived from all over the world.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aur saathh sad-hazaar6 haiN yakta7 guhar8 ravaaN9
1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.hundred thousand 7.unique 8.pearls 9.flowing
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It carries with it a hundred thousand pearls of unique beauty.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. Unique pearls are early scholars who joined the movement.
bund-o-shikan1 ke paar vo dariya nikal gaii
saNgeen2 koh3-o-taNgi4-e vaadi5 guzar6 gaii
1.obstacles and wrinkles 2.hard, rocky 3.hills 4.narrow 5.valley 6.passed through
Natural Beauty: The river successfully passed through all obstacles, hard rocky terrain and narrow valleys.
Islamic Symbolism: The river of islam overcame its early difficulties – rocky terrain thrown in its path and passed through early confining valleys and into wide open spaces.
humvaar1 sayl2 se haiN nasheb3 o faraaz4 sub
mahlaat5 kya, vo kisht6 se bhi be-niyaaz7 ab
1.level 2.flood 3.low 4.high 5.palaces 6.fields of grain 7.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The flooding of the river evens out the lows and highs in its path. It flows past palaces and fields alike, unmindful of their temptations.
Islamic Symbolism: islam flowed as a strong flood leveling everything in its path – spreading equality among its followers. It remained unmindful of the wealth of palaces and the mundane needs of livelihood, its eye fixed on the hereafter.
be-taab1 o tund2 o tez3 o jigar-soz4 o beqaraar5
taazi6 fiza7 hai kohna8 manaazir9 ko kar ke paar
1.eager 2.quick 4.burning the heart, passion raising 5.restless 6.fresh 7.air 8.ancient 9.scenes
Natural Beauty: The river flows eagerly, quick to turn, fast, passionate and restless. It flows into fresh air leaving behind ancient hills.
Islamic Symbolism: The river of islam adapts to conditions quickly, flows fast, is restless and passionate. It has left behind ancient beliefs into new thinking.
mastaana1 vo ravaaN2 hai soo3-e bahr4-e be-karaaN5
aurauN se be-niyaaz6 hai us ka alag jahaaN
1.inebriated, swinging, swaying 2.flowing 3.towards 4.ocean 5.expansive, infinite 6.unmindful
Natural Beauty: The curving of the river from side to side is likened to the staggering gait of a drunk. “Drunk” is used here to mean happy. It flows towards the expansive ocean unmindful if all around it … overcoming all obstacles.
Islamic Symbolism: The river is islam and is flowing happily towards expansive new knowledge or maybe towards god. It is happy in its own goals/philosophy unmindful of difficulties and criticism thrown at it.
Key Search Words: islamic religious symbolism
جوئے آب ۔ محمّد اِقبال
بنگر کہ جوئے آب چہ مستانہ می رود
مانندِ کہکشاں بہ گریبانِ مرغزار
در خوابِ ناز بود بہ گہوارۂ سحاب
واکرد چشمِ شوق بہ آغوشِ کوہسار
از سنگریزہ نغمہ کشاید خرامِ او
سیماے او چو آئینہ بے رنگ و بے غبار
زی بحرِ بیکرانہ چہ مستانہ می رود
در خود یگانہ از ہمہ بیگانہ می رود
در راہِ او بہار پری خانہ آفرید
نرگس دمید و لالہ دمید و سمن دمید
گُل عشوہ داد و گفت یکے پیش ما بایست
خندید غنچہ و سرِ دامانِ او کشید
نا آشناے جلوہ فروشانِ سبز پوش
صحرا برید و سینہ کوہ و کمر درید
زی بحرِ بیکرانہ چہ مستانہ می رود
در خود یگانہ از ہمہ بیگانہ می رود
صد جوئے دشت و مرغ و کہستان و باغ و راغ
گفتند ‘اے بسیط زمیں با تو سازگار
مارا کہ راہ از تنک آبی نہ بردہ ایم
از دستبر در یگ بیاباں نگاہ دار’
وا کردہ سینہ را بہ ہوا ہاے شرق و غرب
در بر گرفتہ ہمسفران زبون و زار
زی بحرِ بیکرانہ چہ مستانہ می رود
با صد ہزار گوہرِ یک دانہ می رود
دریائے پُر خروش! ز بندوشکن گزشت
از تنگناے وادی و کوہ و دمن گزشت
یکساں چو سیل کردہ نشیب و فراز را
از کاخ شاہ و بارہ و کشت و چمن گزشت
بیتاب و تند و تیز و جگر سوز و بیقرار
در ہر زماں بہ تازہ رسید از کہن گزشت
زی بحرِ بیکرانہ چہ مستانہ می رود
در خود یگانہ از ہمہ بیگانہ می رود