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الوداع ۔ جگت موہن لال رواںؔ
ترجمہ ۔ فیروِل ۔ بائیرن
الوداع اے حسرتِ روزِ قیامت الوداع
ذوقِ دیدار الوداع اِمکانِ وصلت الوداع
میں نہیں ہوں گو عموماً خوگرِ عفوِ قُصور
حشر تک تجھ سے مرا دِل ہو نہیں سکتا نُفور
تجھ کو میں دِکھلا سکوں کاش اپنا پہلو چیر کر
مُدّتوں تک کر چکا ہے جس پہ تکیہ تیرا سر
اور شباب آلودہ آنکھوں سے رہا تو محوِ خواب
اب وہ نیندیں پھر نہیں آنے کی تا روزِ حِساب
کھا کے یہ حسرت بھرا دِل ایک تیرِ چشمِ ناز
کھول دے اے کاش رازِ پرداہائے سوز و ساز
تا کہ ہو جائے تجھے آخر خیال اِس بات کا
دِل کو کرنا اِس طرح پامال کام اچھا نہ تھا
گرچہ دُنیا کو ہو اندازِ سِتم تیرا پسند
اور کرے زخمِ جِگر پر میرے دُنیا ریش خند
تیری یہ تعریف ہوگی طبعِ نازک پر گراں
غیر اُڑائیں گے اگر زخموں پہ میرے پھبتیاں
میں نے یہ مانا کہ تھا میں جامۂ نقص و قصور
پھر بھی مجھ کو اپنی اِس حالت پہ حیرت ہے ضرور
زخم کاری کیا اُنھیں ہاتھوں سے کھانا تھا مجھے
ہاتھ کل تک جو حمایل میری گردن میں رہے
دیکھنا اب بھی غلط فہمی نہ ہو جائے کہیں
اِس طرح بے ربط دِل سے دِل ہو یہ ممکن نہیں
امتدادِ وقت سے لیکن یہ ممکن ہے ضرور
دور رہتے رہتے ہو جائے محبت دل سے دور
اب بھی تیرے دل کا معشوقانہ عالم ہے وہی
میرا دِل خوں ہو گیا اور کاوشِ غم ہے وہی
دل کو برماتا ہے ہر لحظہ مگر اب یہ خیال
حشر تک ہے تجھ سے ملنا اب اے جانِ جاں محال
صدمۂ فرقت کے آگے شِدّتِ غم کچھ نہیں
ہیچ یادِ رفتگاں، میّت کا ماتم کچھ نہیں
ان دلوں کو رہ کے یوں محرومِ دیدارِ حبیب
جیتے جی ہر صبح سوزِ عاشقی ہوگا نصیب
سُن کے جب بچے کے منھ سے تم ہو گی شادماں
میٹھے میٹھے ٹوٹے پھوٹے لفظ تُتلاتی زباں
اَبّا کہنا تم سکھاؤگی اُسے بعد از سلام
یہ سمجھ کے بھی کہ اَبّا سے نہیں کچھ اُس کو کام
جب وہ اِفراطِ محبّت سے کرے گا تم کو پیار
بوسہ تم ہونٹوں کا اُس کے لوگی ہو کر بے قرار
گر مُناسب ہو تو اُس کا بھی کبھی کرنا خیال
جو تمھارے عشق میں ہے دِل گرفتہ خستہ حال
ہو اگر ہمشکل میرا وہ میرا ناداں غریب
جس کا دیدار اب نہ ہو گا عمر بھر مجھ کو نصیب
دور رہ کر تم سے ہو سکتا نہیں میں دِل سے دور
عشق کا جذبہ مجھے وجہ الم ہو گا ضرور
تو خطاؤں سے میری ممکن ہے واقف ہو مگر
اس جنونِ شوق کی میرے کسی کو کیا خبر
ہے میری اُمید گاہِ شوق تیری جُستجُو
تیرے قدموں پر تصدّق میری جانِ آرزو
مٹ گیا دل ہو گیا ساری تمنّاؤں کا خوں
میری خود داری جو تھی مُستغنیِ دُنیائے دوں
تیرے آگے شوق سے کرتی ہے خم، فرقِ نیاز
تو خفا ہے یا خفا ہے میری جانِ دل نواز
ہو چکا ہونا تھا جو کچھ، ہے عبث آہ و فغاں
میری یہ ہرزہ سرائی اور بھی ہے رائگاں
حیف قابو میں نہیں میرے مگر تیرا خیال
میں اُسے چاہوں نہ چاہوں وجہ راحت ہے کمال
الوداع اب کہہ رہا ہے عاشقِ فرقت نصیب
اُن سے سب سے دور جن کو دل سمجھتا تھا حبیب
خستہ جاں، مہجور، مایوسِ بہارِ زندگی
زندہ در گورم بہ ایں لیل و نہارِ زندگی
अलविदा – जगत मोहन लाल रवां
तर्जुमा – फ़ेरवेल – बाईरन
अलविदा अए हस्रत-ए रोज़-ए क़यामत अलविदा
ज़ौक़-ए दीदार अलविदा, इम्कान-ए वस्लत अलविदा
मैं नहीं हूं गो उमूमन ख़ूगर-ए अफ़्व-ए क़ुसूर
हश्र तक तुझ से मेरा दिल हो नहीं सकता नुफ़ूर
तुझ को मैं दिख्ला सकूँ काश अपना पहलू चीर कर
मुद्दतौं तक कर चूका है जिस पे तक्या तेरा सर
और शबाब आलूदा आंखों से रहा तू महव-ए ख़्वाब
अब वो नींदें फिर नहीं आने कि ता रोज़-ए हिसाब
खा के ये हस्रत भरा दिल एक तीर-ए चश्म-ए नाज़
खोल दे अए काश राज़-ए परदा-हा-ए सोज़ ओ साज़
ता के हो जाए तुझे आख़ेर ख़याल इस बात का
दिल को करना इस तरह पामाल काम अच्छा न था
गरचे दुनिया को हो अंदाज़-ए सितम तेरा पसन्द
और करे ज़ख़्म-ए जिगर पर मेरे दुनिया रेश-ख़न्द
तेरी ये तारीफ़ होगी तबा’-ए नाज़ुक पर गिरां
ग़ैर उड़ाएंगे अगर ज़ख़्मौं पे मेरे फब्तियां
मैं ने ये माना के था मैं जामा-ए नक़्स ओ क़ुसूर
फिर भी मुझ को अपनी इस हालत पे हैरत है ज़रूर
ज़ख़्म-कारी क्या उन्हीं हाथौं से खाना था मुझे
हाथ कल तक जो हमा’एल मेरी गर्दन में रहे
देखना अब भी ग़लत-फ़हमी न हो जाए कहीं
इस तरह बे-रब्त दिल से दिल हो ये मुमकिन नहीं
इम्तेदाद-ए वक़्त से लैकिन ये मुमकिन है ज़रूर
दूर रहते रहते हो जाए मोहब्बत दिल से दूर
अब भी तेरे दिल का मा’शूक़ाना आलम है वही
मेरा दिल ख़ूं हो गया और काविश-ए ग़म है वही
दिल को बरमाता है हर लहज़ा मगर अब ये ख़्याल
हश्र तक है तुझ से मिलना अब अए जान-ए जां महाल
सदमा-ए फ़ुर्क़त के आगे शिद्दत-ए ग़म कुछ नहीं
हेच याद-ए रफ़्तगां, मय्यत का मातम कुछ नहीं
इन दिलों को रह के यूँ महरूम-ए दीदार-ए हबीब
जीते जी हर सुबह सोज़-ए आशेक़ी होगा नसीब
सुन के जब बच्चे के मुंह से तुम होगी शादमां
मीठे मीठे टूटे फूटे लफ़्ज़, तुतलाती ज़बां
अब्बा कहना तुम सिखाओगी उसे बाद-अज़-सलाम
ये समझ के भी के अब्बा से नहीं कुछ उस को काम
जब वो इफ़्रात-ए मोहब्बत से करेगा तुम को प्यार
बोसा तुम होंटों का उस के लोगी हो कर बेक़रार
गर मुनासिब हो तो उस का भी कभी करना ख़्याल
जो तुम्हारे इश्क़ में है दिल गिरफ़्ता ख़स्ता हाल
हो अगर हम-शक्ल मेरा वो मेरा नादाँ ग़रीब
जिस का दीदार अब न होगा उम्र भर मुझ को नसीब
दूर रह कर तुम से हो सकता नहीं मैं दिल से दूर
इश्क़ का जज़्बा मुझे वजह अलम होगा ज़रूर
तू ख़ताऔं से मेरी मुमकिन है वाक़िफ़ हो मगर
इस जूनून-ए शौक़ कि मेरे किसी को क्या ख़बर
है मेरी उम्मीद-गाह-ए शौक़ तेरी जुस्तजू
तेरे क़दमों पर तसद्दुक़ मेरी जान-ए आरज़ू
मिट गया दिल हो गया सारी तमन्नाओं का ख़ूं
मेरी ख़ुद-दारी जो थी मुस्तग़्नि-ए दुनिया-ए दूं
तेरे आगे शौक़ से करती है ख़म फ़र्क़-ए नाज़
तू ख़फ़ा है या ख़फ़ा है मेरी जान-ए दिल नवाज़
हो चुका होना था जो कुछ, है अबस आह ओ फ़ोग़ां
मेरी ये हर्ज़ा-सराई और भी है रायेगां
हैफ़ क़ाबू में नहीं मेरे मगर तेरा ख़याल
मैं उसे चाहूँ न चाहूँ वजह राहत है कमाल
अलविदा अब कह रहा है आशेक़-ए फ़ुर्क़त नसीब
उन से, सब से दूर जिन को दिल समझता था हबीब
ख़स्ता जां, महजूर, मायूस-ए बहार-ए ज़िन्दगी
ज़िन्दा डर गोरम बा-ईं लैल ओ नेहार-ए ज़िन्दगी
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jagat mohan lal ravaaN (1889-1934) learnt urdu, farsi and arabi, early in life and went on earn a law degree. There is a fair collection of his verse, in spite of his short life span. Among other things he wrote a ‘masnavi’ – a long epic poem as an ode to buddha. George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) led a bohemian, irresponsible and philandering life. His wife (and infant daughter) left him and filed for legal separation. He wrote this poem to her which totally unjustifiably treats himself as the suffering victim. Regardless of that, the purpose in this post is to compare the translation with the original for its rhythm and power.
alvida1 aye hasrat2-e roz-e-qayaamat3 alvida
zauq-e-diidaar4 alvida, imkaan-e-vaslat5 alvida
maiN nahiN huN go6 umooman7 Khoogar8-e afv9-e qusoor10
hashr11 tak tujh se mera dil ho nahiN sakta nufoor12 1.farewell, goodbye 2.longing for 3.day of judgement, end of the world 4.desire of seeing/being with 5.possibility of union 6.even though 7.normally, usually 8.by nature 9.forgive 10.transgression 11.end of the world 12.hating
Farewell to you who are/will be my desire until the end of the world. Farewell to the chance of seeing you or being with you. Even though by nature I am not very forgiving, I cannot even until doomsday bear any ill will towards you.
tujh ko maiN dikhla sakuN kaash1 apna pahlu2 chiir kar
muddatauN3 tak kar chuka hai jis pe takiya4 tera sar
aur shabaab-aalooda5 aaNkhauN se raha tu mahv6-e Khwaab
ab vo neendeN phir nahiN aane ki ta7 roz-e-hisaab8 1.I wish 2.side, breast 3.for long 4.pillow 5.youthful, beautiful 6.engrossed in 7.until 8.day of reckoning
I wish I could bare my breast and show you where all this time you rested your head and with those beautiful drooping eyes were engrossed in deep sleep. That slumber is never coming back.
kha ke ye hasrat1 bhara dil ek tiir-e chashm-e-naaz2
khol de aye kaash3 raaz4-e parda-ha5-e soz-o-saaz6
taa-ke7 ho jaaye tujhe aaKhir Khayaal is baat ka
dil ko karna is tarah paamaal8 kaam achchha na tha 1.longing, desire 2.coquettish/mischeivous eye 3.I wish 4.secret of 5.(hidden behing) many veils 6.fire/passion and music/love 7.so that 8.grind underfoot
My heart full of love, stricken by your mischievous glances, I wish I could open up so you could see behind the veils, the passion and the love it holds for you. You would see that it was not right to spurn me such.
garche1 duniya ko ho andaaz-e-sitam2 tera pasand3
aur kare zaKhm-e jigar par mere duniya resh-Khand4
teri ye taareef5 hogi taba’-e-naazuk6 par giraaN7
Ghair8 uRaayeNge agar zaKhmauN pe mere phabtiyaaN9 1.even though 2.style/method of cruelty 3.like, approve 4.laugh at 5.praise 6.delicate nature 7.heavy, hard to bear 8.others 9.slurs
Even though the world (conventional thinking, friends) approves of what you have done to me, and they laugh at the wounds of my heart, their approval will sit heavy on your delicate nature when you see others casting slurs on me.
maiN ne ye maana ke tha maiN jaama1-e naqs2 o qusoor3
phir bhi mujh ko apni is haalat4 pe hairat5 hai zuroor
zaKhm-kaari6 kya unhiN haathauN se khaana tha mujhe
haath kal tak jo hamaa’el7 meri gardan meN rahe 1.dressed in 2.mistakes 3.transgressions 4.condition 5.amazement 6.wounding 7.necklacing, circling
I admit that I have been dressed in mistakes and transgressions. But I am amazed that the very hands that were a necklace around my neck should be the ones that wound me.
dekhna ab bhi Ghalat-fahmi1 na ho jaaye kahiN
is tarah be-rabt2 dil se dil ho ye mumkin3 nahiN
imtedaad-e-vaqt4 se laikin ye mumkin hai zaroor
duur rahte rahte ho jaaye mohabbat dil se duur 1.mistaken understanding 2.without connection/relation 3.possible 4.passage of time
Look/be mindful that you may be mistaken in your understanding. The relationship of hearts cannot possibly be broken suddenly. It is possible that with the passage of time, staying away from each other, we may grow apart … but until then you will suffer too.
ab bhi tere dil ka ma’shuqaana1 aalam hai vahi
mera dil KhooN ho gaya aur kaavish-e-Gham2 hai vahi
dil ko barmaata3 hai har lahza4 magar ab ye Khyaal
hashr5 tak hai tujh se milna ab aye jaan-e-jaaN6 mahaal7 1.tender loving 2.effort/desire of love 3.drills through 4.moment 5.doomsday 6.life of my soul 7.difficult
Your heart is still capable of loving, but my heart has turned to blood (hurt badly) and the same old effort to gain your love remains. Every moment the thought that I will never be able to see you again drills through my heart.
sadma-e-furqat1 ke aage shiddat-e-Gham2 kuchh nahiN
hech3 yaad-e-raftagaaN4, mayyat5 ka maatam6 kuchh nahiN
in dilauN ko rah ke yuN mahroom7-e diidaar8-e habiib9
jeete ji har subah soz-e-aashiqi10 hogi nasiib11 1.shock of separation 2.intensity of sorrow 3.nothing 4.memories of the departed 5.corpse/funeral 6.mourning 7.deprived of 8.sight of 9.beloved 10.pain of (loss of) love 11.fate
There is no sorrow greater than the shock of separation from the beloved. Memories or death of dear ones, means nothing in comparison. The fate of the hearts that have been deprived of the sight of their beloved is the pain of loss of love every morning.
sun ke jab bachche ke muNh se tum hogi shaadmaaN1
meeThe meeThe TooTe phooTe lafz2, tutlaati zabaaN
abba kahna tum sikhaaogi use baad-az-salaam3
ye samajh ke bhi ke abba se nahiN kuchh us ko kaam 1.happy 2.words 3.after greetings
When you hear the child and its sweet, broken prattle, you will teach him how to say ‘father’, even though you will know that he will not have anything to do with his father anymore.
jab vo ifraat1-e mohabbat se karega tum to pyaar
bosa2 tum hoNTauN ka us ke logi ho kar beqaraar3
gar4 munaasib5 ho to us ka bhi kabhi karna Khyaal
jo tumhaare ishq meN hai dil-girafta6 Khasta-haal7 1.excess, surge 2.kiss 3.restless, impatient 4.if 5.appropriate, possible 6.captivated heart 7.broken condition
And when the child overcome by love will come to you and you kiss its lips with impatience, if possible remember him whose heart is still captivated by your love and who is broken/hurt.
ho agar1 hum-shakl2 mera vo mera naadaaN3 Gharib
jis ka diidaar4 ab na hoga umr bhar mujh ko naseeb5
duur rah kar tum se ho sakta nahiN maiN dil se duur
ishq ka jazba6 mujhe vajah7 alam8 hoga zaroor 1.if 2.my look-alike 3.innocent 4.sight 5.fate 6.emotion 7.reason 8.sorrow
And if perchance that poor innocent were to look like me, I will still not be in my fate to see him all my life. I may be far away from you, but my heart will never be far. The emotion of love, will surely be the reason of my sorrow.
tu KhataaoN1 se meri mumkin2 hai vaaqif3 ho magar
is junoon-e-shauq4 ki mere kisi ko kya Khabar5
hai meri ummeed-gaah6-e shauq7 teri justaju8
tere qadmauN par tasadduq9 meri jaan-e-aarzu10 1.transgressions 2.possible 3.know of 4.passion of love 5.awareness 6.place/object of hope 7.desire 8.search 9.sacrificial offering 10.life/soul of desire
It is possible that you can know my transgressions. But how can anyone know the passionate love that I have deep inside. The object of my hope is to search for your love. My very life/soul of desire, I offer at your feet.
miT gaya dil ho gaya saari tamannaaoN1 ka KhooN
meri Khud-daari2 jo thi mustaGhni3-e duniya-e-duuN4
tere aage shauq se karti hai Kham5 farq-e-naaz6
tu Khafa7 hai ya Khafa hai meri jaan-e dil-navaaz8 1.desires 2.self-respect 3.unmindful, uncaring of 4.material world 5.bows down 6.proud head 7.displeased 8.heart sustaining
My heart is destroyed, all desire dead. My self-respect that was unmindful of the world, my head that never bowed, bows down happily before you. Your displeasure is as if my life is displeased.
ho chuka hona tha jo kuchh, ha abas1 aah-o-foGhaaN2
meri ye harza-saraaii3 aur bhi hai raayegaaN4
haif5 qaaboo6 meN nahiN mere magar tera Khayaal
maiN use chaahuN na chaahuN vajah-raahat7 hai kamaal8 1.useless 2.sighing and wailing 3.babbling 4.wasted 5.alas 6.control 7.reason of comfort/happiness 8.epitome, completion
Whatever has happened has happened. Crying is not of any use. My babbling is completely wasted. But alas, I have no control over thinking of you. Whether I like/will it or not, the reason/basis of my comfort (you) is the epitome (of life).
alvida1 ab kah raha hai aashiq2-e furqat-nasiib3
un se, sub se duur jin ko dil samajhta tha habiib4
Khasta-jaaN5, mahjoor6, mayoos7-e bahaar-e-zindagi8
zinda dar gorum9 ba-eeN10 lail-o-nehaar11-e zindagi 1.farewell 2.lover 3.whose fate is separation 4.beloved 5.broken life 6.discarded, banished 7.hopeless 8.spring/happiness of life 9.grave 10.inspite of 11.day and night
This lover whose fate is speration from the beloved, bids you farewell. He is sent away from all that he thought were his beloved. He is broken hearted, banished without any hope of happiness. It is as if he lives in a grave in spite of the normal day and night of living.
jagat mohan lal ravaaN (1889-1934) learnt urdu, farsi and arabi, early in life and went on earn a law degree. There is a fair collection of his verse, in spite of his short life span. Among other things he wrote a ‘masnavi’ – a long epic poem as an ode to buddha. George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) led a bohemian, irresponsible and philandering life. His wife (and infant daughter) left him and filed for legal separation. He wrote this poem to her which totally unjustifiably treats himself as the suffering victim. Regardless of that, the purpose in this post is to compare the translation with the original for its rhythm and power.
alvida1 aye hasrat2-e roz-e-qayaamat3 alvida
zauq-e-diidaar4 alvida, imkaan-e-vaslat5 alvida
maiN nahiN huN go6 umooman7 Khoogar8-e afv9-e qusoor10
hashr11 tak tujh se mera dil ho nahiN sakta nufoor12
1.farewell, goodbye 2.longing for 3.day of judgement, end of the world 4.desire of seeing/being with 5.possibility of union 6.even though 7.normally, usually 8.by nature 9.forgive 10.transgression 11.end of the world 12.hating
Farewell to you who are/will be my desire until the end of the world. Farewell to the chance of seeing you or being with you. Even though by nature I am not very forgiving, I cannot even until doomsday bear any ill will towards you.
tujh ko maiN dikhla sakuN kaash1 apna pahlu2 chiir kar
muddatauN3 tak kar chuka hai jis pe takiya4 tera sar
aur shabaab-aalooda5 aaNkhauN se raha tu mahv6-e Khwaab
ab vo neendeN phir nahiN aane ki ta7 roz-e-hisaab8
1.I wish 2.side, breast 3.for long 4.pillow 5.youthful, beautiful 6.engrossed in 7.until 8.day of reckoning
I wish I could bare my breast and show you where all this time you rested your head and with those beautiful drooping eyes were engrossed in deep sleep. That slumber is never coming back.
kha ke ye hasrat1 bhara dil ek tiir-e chashm-e-naaz2
khol de aye kaash3 raaz4-e parda-ha5-e soz-o-saaz6
taa-ke7 ho jaaye tujhe aaKhir Khayaal is baat ka
dil ko karna is tarah paamaal8 kaam achchha na tha
1.longing, desire 2.coquettish/mischeivous eye 3.I wish 4.secret of 5.(hidden behing) many veils 6.fire/passion and music/love 7.so that 8.grind underfoot
My heart full of love, stricken by your mischievous glances, I wish I could open up so you could see behind the veils, the passion and the love it holds for you. You would see that it was not right to spurn me such.
garche1 duniya ko ho andaaz-e-sitam2 tera pasand3
aur kare zaKhm-e jigar par mere duniya resh-Khand4
teri ye taareef5 hogi taba’-e-naazuk6 par giraaN7
Ghair8 uRaayeNge agar zaKhmauN pe mere phabtiyaaN9
1.even though 2.style/method of cruelty 3.like, approve 4.laugh at 5.praise 6.delicate nature 7.heavy, hard to bear 8.others 9.slurs
Even though the world (conventional thinking, friends) approves of what you have done to me, and they laugh at the wounds of my heart, their approval will sit heavy on your delicate nature when you see others casting slurs on me.
maiN ne ye maana ke tha maiN jaama1-e naqs2 o qusoor3
phir bhi mujh ko apni is haalat4 pe hairat5 hai zuroor
zaKhm-kaari6 kya unhiN haathauN se khaana tha mujhe
haath kal tak jo hamaa’el7 meri gardan meN rahe
1.dressed in 2.mistakes 3.transgressions 4.condition 5.amazement 6.wounding 7.necklacing, circling
I admit that I have been dressed in mistakes and transgressions. But I am amazed that the very hands that were a necklace around my neck should be the ones that wound me.
dekhna ab bhi Ghalat-fahmi1 na ho jaaye kahiN
is tarah be-rabt2 dil se dil ho ye mumkin3 nahiN
imtedaad-e-vaqt4 se laikin ye mumkin hai zaroor
duur rahte rahte ho jaaye mohabbat dil se duur
1.mistaken understanding 2.without connection/relation 3.possible 4.passage of time
Look/be mindful that you may be mistaken in your understanding. The relationship of hearts cannot possibly be broken suddenly. It is possible that with the passage of time, staying away from each other, we may grow apart … but until then you will suffer too.
ab bhi tere dil ka ma’shuqaana1 aalam hai vahi
mera dil KhooN ho gaya aur kaavish-e-Gham2 hai vahi
dil ko barmaata3 hai har lahza4 magar ab ye Khyaal
hashr5 tak hai tujh se milna ab aye jaan-e-jaaN6 mahaal7
1.tender loving 2.effort/desire of love 3.drills through 4.moment 5.doomsday 6.life of my soul 7.difficult
Your heart is still capable of loving, but my heart has turned to blood (hurt badly) and the same old effort to gain your love remains. Every moment the thought that I will never be able to see you again drills through my heart.
sadma-e-furqat1 ke aage shiddat-e-Gham2 kuchh nahiN
hech3 yaad-e-raftagaaN4, mayyat5 ka maatam6 kuchh nahiN
in dilauN ko rah ke yuN mahroom7-e diidaar8-e habiib9
jeete ji har subah soz-e-aashiqi10 hogi nasiib11
1.shock of separation 2.intensity of sorrow 3.nothing 4.memories of the departed 5.corpse/funeral 6.mourning 7.deprived of 8.sight of 9.beloved 10.pain of (loss of) love 11.fate
There is no sorrow greater than the shock of separation from the beloved. Memories or death of dear ones, means nothing in comparison. The fate of the hearts that have been deprived of the sight of their beloved is the pain of loss of love every morning.
sun ke jab bachche ke muNh se tum hogi shaadmaaN1
meeThe meeThe TooTe phooTe lafz2, tutlaati zabaaN
abba kahna tum sikhaaogi use baad-az-salaam3
ye samajh ke bhi ke abba se nahiN kuchh us ko kaam
1.happy 2.words 3.after greetings
When you hear the child and its sweet, broken prattle, you will teach him how to say ‘father’, even though you will know that he will not have anything to do with his father anymore.
jab vo ifraat1-e mohabbat se karega tum ko pyaar
bosa2 tum hoNTauN ka us ke logi ho kar beqaraar3
gar4 munaasib5 ho to us ka bhi kabhi karna Khayaal
jo tumhaare ishq meN hai dil-girafta6 Khasta-haal7
1.excess, surge 2.kiss 3.restless, impatient 4.if 5.appropriate, possible 6.captivated heart 7.broken condition
And when the child overcome by love will come to you and you kiss its lips with impatience, if possible remember him whose heart is still captivated by your love and who is broken/hurt.
ho agar1 hum-shakl2 mera vo mera naadaaN3 Gharib
jis ka diidaar4 ab na hoga umr bhar mujh ko naseeb5
duur rah kar tum se ho sakta nahiN maiN dil se duur
ishq ka jazba6 mujhe vajah7 alam8 hoga zuroor
1.if 2.my look-alike 3.innocent 4.sight 5.fate 6.emotion 7.reason 8.sorrow
And if perchance that poor innocent were to look like me, I will still not be in my fate to see him all my life. I may be far away from you, but my heart will never be far. The emotion of love, will surely be the reason of my sorrow.
tu KhataaoN1 se meri mumkin2 hai vaaqif3 ho magar
is junoon-e-shauq4 ki mere kisi ko kya Khabar5
hai meri ummeed-gaah6-e shauq7 teri justaju8
tere qadmauN par tasadduq9 meri jaan-e-aarzu10
1.transgressions 2.possible 3.know of 4.passion of love 5.awareness 6.place/object of hope 7.desire 8.search 9.sacrificial offering 10.life/soul of desire
It is possible that you can know my transgressions. But how can anyone know the passionate love that I have deep inside. The object of my hope is to search for your love. My very life/soul of desire, I offer at your feet.
miT gaya dil ho gaya saari tamannaaoN1 ka KhooN
meri Khud-daari2 jo thi mustaGhni3-e duniya-e-duuN4
tere aage shauq se karti hai Kham5 farq-e-naaz6
tu Khafa7 hai ya Khafa hai meri jaan-e dil-navaaz8
1.desires 2.self-respect 3.unmindful, uncaring of 4.material world 5.bows down 6.proud head 7.displeased 8.heart sustaining
My heart is destroyed, all desire dead. My self-respect that was unmindful of the world, my head that never bowed, bows down happily before you. Your displeasure is as if my life is displeased.
ho chuka hona tha jo kuchh, hai abas1 aah-o-foGhaaN2
meri ye harza-saraaii3 aur bhi hai raayegaaN4
haif5 qaaboo6 meN nahiN mere magar tera Khayaal
maiN use chaahuN na chaahuN vajah-raahat7 hai kamaal8
1.useless 2.sighing and wailing 3.babbling 4.wasted 5.alas 6.control 7.reason of comfort/happiness 8.epitome, completion
Whatever has happened has happened. Crying is not of any use. My babbling is completely wasted. But alas, I have no control over thinking of you. Whether I like/will it or not, the reason/basis of my comfort (you) is the epitome (of life).
alvida1 ab kah raha hai aashiq2-e furqat-nasiib3
un se, sub se duur jin ko dil samajhta tha habiib4
Khasta-jaaN5, mahjoor6, mayoos7-e bahaar-e-zindagi8
zinda dar gorum9 ba-eeN10 lail-o-nehaar11-e zindagi
1.farewell 2.lover 3.whose fate is separation 4.beloved 5.broken life 6.discarded, banished 7.hopeless 8.spring/happiness of life 9.grave 10.inspite of 11.day and night
This lover whose fate is speration from the beloved, bids you farewell. He is sent away from all that he thought were his beloved. He is broken hearted, banished without any hope of happiness. It is as if he lives in a grave in spite of the normal day and night of living.
Key Search Words: translation, re-composition
Farewell – George Gordon Byron
Fare thee well! and if for ever,
Still for ever, fare thee well:
Even though unforgiving, never
‘Gainst thee shall my heart rebel.
Would that breast were bared before thee
Where thy head so oft hath lain.
While that placid sleep came o’er thee
Which thou ne’er canst know again;
Would that breast, by thee glanced over,
Every inmost thought could show!
Then thou wouldst at last discover
‘Twas not well to spurn it so.
Though the world for this commend thee–
Though it smile upon the blow,
Even its praises must offend thee,
Founded on another’s woe:
Though my many faults defaced me,
Could no other arm be found,
Than the one which once embraced me,
To inflict a cureless wound?
Yet, oh yet, thyself deceive not;
Love may sink by slow decay,
But by sudden wrench, believe not
Hearts can thus be torn away:
Still thine own its life retaineth,
Still must mine, though bleeding, beat;
And the undying thought which paineth
Is – that we no more may meet.
These are words of deeper sorrow
Than the wail above the dead;
Both shall live, but every morrow
Wake us from a widow’d bed.
And when thou wouldst solace gather,
When our child’s first accents flow,
Wilt thou teach her to say ‘Father!’
Though his care she must forego?
When her little hands shall press thee,
When her lip to thine is press’d
Think of him whose prayer shall bless thee,
Think of him thy love had bless’d!
Should her lineaments resemble
Those thou never more may’st see,
Then thy heart will softly tremble
With a pulse yet true to me.
All my faults perchance thou knowest,
All my madness none can know;
All my hopes where’er thou goest,
Wither, yet with thee they go.
Every feeling hath been shaken;
Pride, which not a world could bow,
Bows to thee–by thee forsaken,
Even my soul forsakes me now:
But ’tis done–all words are idle
Words from me are vainer still;
But the thoughts we cannot bridle
Force their way without the will.
Fare thee well! thus disunited,
Torn from every nearer tie
Sear ‘d in heart, and lone, and blighted,
More than this I scarce can die.