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urdu recitation
faarsi recitation
ارزق پوش ۔ مرزا اسداللہ خاں غالبؔ
دو شم آہنگِ عشا بُوَد کہ آمد در گوش
نالہ از تارِ ردائی کہ مرا بود بدوش
کاے خسِ شعلۂ آوازِ مؤذن، زنہار
از پٔے گرمیِ ہنگامہ منہ دل بخروش
تکیہ بر عالِم و عابد نتوان کرد کہ ہست
آں یکے بیہدہ گو، ایں دگرے بیہدہ کوش
نیست جُز حرف در آں فرقۂ اندرز سرای
نیست جُز رنگ در اِیں طائفہ و ارزق پوش
جادہ بگذار و پریشان رو و در راہ روی
بفریبِ مئے و معشوق مشو رہزنِ ہوش
بوسہ گر خود بُوَد آساں، مبر از شاہدِ مست
بادہ گر خود بُوَد ارزاں، مخر از بادہ فروش
ایں نشید است کہ طاعت مکُن و زُہد مَوَرز
ایں نہیب است کہ رُسوا مشُو و بادہ منوش
حاصل این است دریں جملہ نبودن کہ مباش
ما نہ افسانہ سرایم و تُو افسانہ نیوش
مِنکہ بودے کفم از مُزدِ عبادت خالی
چوں دِلم گشت تونگر بہ رہِ آوردِ سروش
گفتم از رنگ بہ بے رنگی اگر آرم روی
رہ دِگر چوں سپرم گفت ز خود دیدہ بپوش
جُستم از جائے ولے ہوش و خرد پیشاپیش
رفتم از خویش ولے عِلم و عمَل دوشادوش
تا بہ بزمے کہ بہ یک وقت در آنجا دیدم
بادہ پیمودنِ اِمروز و بخون خُفتنِ دوش
خانقاہ از روشِ زہد و ورع قُلزمِ نور
بزم گاہ از اثرِ بوسہ و مے چشمۂ نور
شاہدِ بزم در آں بزم کہ خلوت گہ اُوست
فِتنہ بر خویش و بر آفاق کشودہ آغوش
ہمچو خورشید کز و ذرّہ درخشاں گردد
خوردہ ساقی مے و گر دیدہ جہانے مدہوش
رنگہا جَستہ ز بیرنگی و دیدن نہ بچشم
رازہا گُفتہ خموشی و شُنیدن نہ بگوش
قطرہ ناریختہ از طرفِ خُم و رنگ ہزار
یک خُمِ رنگ و سرش بستہ و پیوستہ بجوش
ہمہ محسوس بود ایزد و عالم معقول
غالبؔ ایں زمزمہ آواز نخواہد، خاموش
ارزق پوش ۔ مرزا اسداللہ خاں غالبؔ
اُردو ترجمہ ۔ سید محمد شاہد
رات جب وقتِ اذاں آئی وہ آواز بہ جوش
کاندھے کا دوشالا مرا کہتا تھا بہ آوازِ خموش
گھاس کا تِنکا ہے تُو، شعلۂ آوازِ مؤذن سے ڈر
گرمیِ وقت کے چکّر میں نہ کھو اپنا تُو ہوش
عالِم و شیخ کے کہنے پہ نہ جا اُن میں
ایک بکواس کرے دوسرا بیکاری کوش
خالی الفاظ ہیں بس مشورہ بازؤں کے
رنگ ہی رنگ دکھاتے ہیں فقط جُبّہ پوش
یہ بھول بھلیّاں چھوڑ کے سیدھی راہ پکڑ
مئے و معشوق کا دھوکا نہ چرا لے ترا ہوش
بوسہ آساں ہو تو مت جا لبِ معشوق کے پاس
بادہ سستا ہو تو ہرگز نہ اُٹھا آنکھ سوئے بادہ فروش
ہے خبر نیک کہ طاعت نہ زہد کی ہے ضرورت
مشورہ ہے کہ نہ رسوا ہو نہ ہو مے سے مدہوش
کہنے کی فقط باتیں ہیں جائز و ناجائز کی
وہ نہ افسانے سُنائیں نہ تُو افسانوں سے خوش
اِنعامِ عبادت سے تھا دامن میرا خالی
دِل کی ہمّت بڑھی، آئی جو آوازِ سروش
میں نے پوچھا کہ جو بے رنگی کی جانب میں چلوں
کیسے گذرے گی، کہا ذات کو کر لے رُوپوش
اُٹّھا سُن کر تو میرے ہوش و خِرد آگے تھے
گرچہ تھا وجد میں پر عِلم و عمَل تھے ہمدوش
بزمِ ساقی میں یہ دیکھا کہ بہ یک وقت یکجا
آج کا جام بھی تھا، ساتھ میں خونابۂ دوش
خانقاہ تقویٰ و زہد کے اِک نور کا دریا تھا بنا
ساتھ میں بادہ و بوسہ کا تھا اِک چشمۂ نوش
ساقیِ بزم نے اپنی اُس خَلوتِ یکتائی میں
آفاق کے اور خود کے بھی فتنوں کا تھا کھولا آغوش
جیسے سورج کی کرن ذرّہ کو ہیرا کر دے
مستیِ ساقی سے سارا جہاں تھا مدہوش
رنگ اُسی بے رنگی سے پھوٹے ہیں جو آئے نہ نظر
راز ایسے بھی سُناتی ہے خموشی جو کہ سُن پائے نہ گوش
کوئی قطرہ نہ گرے خُم سے جو نہ لائے سو رنگ
ایک سربند خُمِ رنگ جو لبریز بھی ہے اور پُرجوش
ہمہ تن احساس ہے وہ ذات اور عالم معقول
مِنّت کشِ آواز نہیں نغمہ یہ غالبؔ، خاموش
अर्ज़क़-पोश – मिर्ज़ा असदुल्लाह ख़ां ग़ालेब
उर्दू तर्जुमा – सय्यद मोहम्मद शाहेद
रात जब वक़्त-ए अज़आं आई वो आवाज़ ब-जोश
कांधे का दोशाला मेरा कहता था ब-आवाज़-ए ख़मोश
घास का तिन्का है तू, शोला-ए आवाज़-ए मोअज़्ज़िन से डर
गर्मी-ए वक़्त के चक्कर में न खो अपने तु होश
आलेम ओ शैख़ के कहने पे न जा, उन में
एक बक्वास करे दूस्रा बेकारी कोश
ख़ाली अल्फ़ाज़ हैं बस मश्वरा बाज़ौं के
रंग ही रंग दिखाते हैं फ़क़त जुब्बा-पोश
ये भूल भुलय्यां छोढ़ के सीधी राह पकढ़
मै ओ माशूक़ का धोका न चुरा ले तेरा होश
बोसा आसां हो तो मत जा लब-ए माशूक़ के पास
बादा सस्ता हो तो हरगिज़ न उठा आंख सु-ए बादा-फ़रोश
है ख़बर नेक के ताअत न जोहद की है ज़रूरत
मश्वरा है के न रुस्वा हो न मै से मदहोश
कहने कि फ़क़त बातें हैं जाएज़ ओ नाजाएज़ की
वो न अफ़्साना सुनाएं न तु अफ़्साने से ख़ुश
इनआम-ए इबादत से था दामन मेरा ख़ाली
दिल की हिम्मत बढ़ी, आई जो आवाज़-ए सरोश
मैं ने पूछा के जो बेरंगी कि जानिब मैं चलूं
कैसे गुज़्रेगि, कहा ज़ात को कर ले रूपोश
उट्ठा सुन कर तो मेरे होश ओ ख़िरद आगे थे
गरचे था वज्द में पर इल्म ओ अमल थे हमदोश
बज़्म-ए साक़ी में ये देखा के ब-यकवक़्त यक्जा
आज का जाम भि था, साथ मे ख़ूं-नाबा-ए दोश
ख़ानक़ाह तक़्वा ओ ज़ोहद के एक नूर का दर्या था बना
साथ में बादा ओ बोसा का था एक चश्मा-ए नोश
साक़ी-ए बज़्म ने अपनी उस ख़ल्वत-ए यक्ताई में
आफ़ाक़ के और ख़ुद के भि फ़ित्नौं का था खोला आग़ोश
जैसे सूरज कि किरन ज़र्रे को हीरा कर दे
मस्ती-ए साक़ी से सारा जहां था मद्होश
रंग उसी बेरंगी से फूटे हैं जो आए न नज़र
राज़ ऐसे भी सुराती है ख़मोशी जो के सुन पाए न गोश
कोई क़त्रा न गिरे ख़ुम से जो न लाए सौ रंग
एक सरबंद ख़ुम-ए रंग जो लब्रेज़ भि है और पुरजोश
हमा-तन एहसास है वो ज़ात और आलम माक़ूल
मिन्नत कश-ए आवाज़ नहीं नग़्मा ये ग़ालिब ख़ामोश
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869), bard par excellence, thought that his faarsi kalaam was much superior to his urdu verse. This is one of his faarsi Ghazal, rendered in urdu Ghazal format. This is a Ghazal of continuous theme starting out making fun of conventional rituals, moving to an advocacy of balance of joy and and withdrawal and finally into a full blown praise of sufi concepts.
raat jab vaqt-e azaaN aaii vo aavaaz ba-josh1
kaandhe ka doshaala mera kahta tha ba-aavaaz-e Khamosh 1.with passion
Last night at the time of azaan and its passionate call, the shawl on my shoulders spoke to me in soft tones.
ghaas ka tinka hai tu, shola1-e aavaaz-e muezzin se Dar
garmi2-e vaqt ke chakkar meN na kho apne tu hosh3 1.flame 2.passion 3.senses
You are like a bundle of straw. Beware of the fire in the sound of the muezzin. Do not fall for momentary passion and lose your senses.
aalim1 o shaiKh2 ke kahne pe na ja, un meN
ek bakvaas3 kare doosra bekaari-kosh4 1.(religious) scholar 2.priest 3.non-sense 4.useless effort
Do not go by what the mufti and the shaiKh say. One speaks non-sense, the other does useless rituals.
Khaali alfaaz1 haiN bas mashvara-baazoN2 ke
raNg3 hi raNg dikhaate haiN faqat4 jubba-posh5 1.words 2.dealers in advice, false airs 4.only 5.robe wearers
Empty words from those who deal in advice. Just style offered by those who wear (religious) robes.
ye bhool bhullayyaaN chhoR ke seedhi raah pakaR
mai-o-maashooq kaa dhoka na chura le tera hosh Leave this maze of twists and turns and take the straight path. On the other side, do not let wine and beloved steal your senses.
bosa1 aasaaN ho to mat ja lab2-e maashooq3 ke paas
baada4 sasta ho to hargiz na uTha aaNkh su5-e baada-farosh6 1.kiss 2.lips 3.beloved 5.towards merchant
It kisses come easy, do not go near the beloved. If wine is cheap, do not even look at the merchant. This could mean that there is deception behind such easy offerings, or it might mean that you have to work hard to get what you want.
hai Khabar1 nek2 ke taa’at3 na zohad4 ki hai zaroorat
mashvara hai ke na rusva5 ho na mai6 se mad-hosh 2.virtuous, good 3.ritual prayer 4.piety 5.shamed
It seems to me that Ghalib is deriding rituals as not necessary and at the same time suggesting that there should be moderation in indulging in material pleasures. No excesses.
kahne ki faqat1 baateN haiN jaa’ez2 o na-jaa’ez3 ki
vo na afsaana4 sunaa’eN na tu afsaane se Khush 1.only 2.permitted 3.forbidden 4.fairy tales
This story of what is permitted and what is forbidden is merely fairy tale. Let them not relate it, you not listen to it.
in’aam1-e ibaadat2 se tha daaman3 mera Khaali
dil ki himmat baRhi, aaii jo aavaaz-e sarosh4 1.reward 2.ritual prayer 3.hem of the robe/apron 4.angel
I did not get any reward for my prayers and was distressed. But when I heard an angel I took heart.
maiN ne poochha ke jo beraNgi1 ki jaanib2 maiN chaluN
kaise guzre gi, kaha zaat3 ko kar le roo-posh4 1.formlessness, spirituality 2.towards 3.person, ego 4.disappear
I asked the angel how it will be if I go from material life towards spirituality. He answered, suppress your ego, merge into nothingness, achieve union with god – a typical sufi message.
uTTha sun kar to mere hosh1 o Khirad2 aage the
garche3 tha vajd4 meN par ilm o amal5 the hamdosh6 1.awareness, senses 2.knowledge 3.even though 4.trance 5.action 6.accompanying
Hearing this, I rose but I still had a lot of baggage of awareness and attachment. Even though I was fascinated with sufiyaana trance I still had plans of worldly action.
bazm1-e saaqi meN ye dekha ke ba-yak-vaqt2 yak-jaa3
aaj ka jaam4 bhi tha, saath meN KhooN-naaba5-e dosh6 1.gathering, assembly the same time the same place 4.cup (of wine of love) 5.tears of blood 6.yesterday
The “saaqi” here is god and in his assembly there was a celebration of the wine of love and at the same time regrets/sorrows of yesterday. Thus, there is a mixture and a normalcy different from the concept of a bland heaven.
Khaanqah1 taqva2 o zohd3 ke ek noor ka darya4 tha bana
saath meN baada5-o-bosa6 ka tha ek chashma7-e nosh8 1.sufi school/hostel 2.abstinence 3.piety 4.sea 6.kiss, love 7.spring, well, river 8.drink
The Khaanqah was a sea of light because of piety and abstinence. At the same time it was source of joy and love for all to partake.
saaqi-e bazm ne apni us Khalvat1-e yaktaaii2 meN
aafaaq3 ke aur Khud ke bhi fitnauN3 ka tha khola aaGhosh5 1.sanctum 3.skies 4.miracles 5.embrace
“saaqi-e bazm” is god and “yaktaaii” – one-ness is the sufi concept of vahdat-ul-vujood – one-ness of the creator and created. In the original faarsi, Ghalib uses the word “Khalvat” meaning the sanctum into which god has admitted all his creation and taken it into his embrace.
jaise sooraj ki kiran zarre ko heera kar de
masti-e saaqi se saara jahaaN tha mad-hosh Like every grain of sand shines in the light of the sun, so is every creature in a trance/intoxication of love reflecting the love/intoxication of the creator.
raNg usi be-raNgi se phooTe haiN jo aaye na nazar
raaz1 aise bhi sunaati hai Khamoshi jo ke sun paaye na gosh2 1.secrets 2.ear
“raNg” is used here to mean variety of all creation and “be-raNgi” is the formless creator. From the formless creator emerge a variety of forms/colours. Even silence reveals many secrets which the ear cannot hear (but the heart/soul can understand/feel).
koii qatra1 na gire Khum2 se jo na laaye sau raNg
ek sarband3 Khum-e raNg jo labrez4 bhi hai aur pur-josh 1.drop 2.barrell 3.sealed 4.brimming
The barrell is god and it is “sealed” because god is mysterious. Drops dropping out of the barrell are the creation of god in all its variety. Thus, there is no drop falling out of the barrell that is also not of a hundred colours. A sealed/mysterious barrell brimming with colours and full of love.
hama-tan1 ehsaas2 hai vo zaat3 aur aalam maa’qool4
minnat-kash5-e aavaaz nahiN naGhma ye Ghalib Khaamosh 1.head to toe 2.feeling 3.being 4.rational, reasonable 5.under an obligation to, dependent on
That being is an embodiment of feeling (it can only be felt, not understood, touched or seen) and the world he created is rational/reasonable. O, Ghalib, be quiet, it is under no obligation to the sound of your song.
arzaq posh – Ghalib
English Ghazal Format – shahed
At the time of azaan, its passionate call last night
The shawl on my shoulder spoke to me is whispers light
You are like straw beware the fire of the muezzin’s call
Do not lose your senses to this madness, put up a fight
Do not fall for the utterance of the shaiKh or the mufti
One gives useless sermons, the other speaks trite
Empty words from those who deign to advise
They preen in their holy robes, put you to fright
Leave crooked path and take the balanced way
Excess of wine and beloved, you have to fight
If the kiss comes easy, do not go near her lips
If wine is cheap, resist with all your might
Good news, of abstinence and prayer no need
‘Tis best not to be shamed, on wine do not get tight
All this wisdom of allowed and forbidden, useless talk
Let them not speak fables, nor you in them, take delight
My sack was empty, no sign of reward for prayer
But I took heart as I heard an angel in flight
I asked him how to walk the path to spiritual bliss
He said, lose yourself, your ego into oblivion smite
Hearing him, I rose, but my senses, still with me
In a sufi trance, but still attached to my earthly plight
In the tavern of the saaqi, I saw before my eyes
The celebration of wine and regrets of last night
The sufi shrine, with pious chanting a sea of light
And yet, wine and love, shine even more bright
The saaqi’s sanctum was a display of harmony
The beauty of creation reflecting his glory bright
All creation, in a trance marveling at the creator
Like reflecting the sun, every grain shines bright
The formless unseen creates a myriad forms
Silence speaks softly revealing secrets of the night
Every drop of wine, displaying a thousand colours
A mysterious barrell spreading colour yet hidden from sight
That being is all feeling and his creation just right
It does not need your song O Ghalib, shut your lips tight
mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869), bard par excellence, thought that his faarsi kalaam was much superior to his urdu verse. This is one of his faarsi Ghazal, rendered in urdu Ghazal format. This is a Ghazal of continuous theme starting out making fun of conventional rituals, moving to an advocacy of balance of joy and and withdrawal and finally into a full blown praise of sufi concepts.
raat jab vaqt-e azaaN aaii vo aavaaz ba-josh1
kaandhe ka doshaala mera kahta tha ba-aavaaz-e Khamosh
1.with passion
Last night at the time of azaan and its passionate call, the shawl on my shoulders spoke to me in soft tones.
ghaas ka tinka hai tu, shola1-e aavaaz-e muezzin se Dar
garmi2-e vaqt ke chakkar meN na kho apne tu hosh3
1.flame 2.passion 3.senses
You are like a bundle of straw. Beware of the fire in the sound of the muezzin. Do not fall for momentary passion and lose your senses.
aalim1 o shaiKh2 ke kahne pe na ja, un meN
ek bakvaas3 kare doosra bekaari-kosh4
1.(religious) scholar 2.priest 3.non-sense 4.useless effort
Do not go by what the mufti and the shaiKh say. One speaks non-sense, the other does useless rituals.
Khaali alfaaz1 haiN bas mashvara-baazoN2 ke
raNg3 hi raNg dikhaate haiN faqat4 jubba-posh5
1.words 2.dealers in advice, false airs 4.only 5.robe wearers
Empty words from those who deal in advice. Just style offered by those who wear (religious) robes.
ye bhool bhullayyaaN chhoR ke seedhi raah pakaR
mai-o-maashooq ka dhoka na chura le tera hosh
Leave this maze of twists and turns and take the straight path. Do not let wine and beloved steal your senses.
bosa1 aasaaN ho to mat ja lab2-e maashooq3 ke paas
baada4 sasta ho to hargiz na uTha aaNkh su5-e baada-farosh6
1.kiss 2.lips 3.beloved 5.towards merchant
It kisses come easy, do not go near the beloved. If wine is cheap, do not even look at the merchant. This could mean that there is deception behind such easy offerings, or it might mean that you have to work hard to get what you want.
hai Khabar1 nek2 ke taa’at3 na zohad4 ki hai zaroorat
mashvara hai ke na rusva5 ho na mai6 se mad-hosh 2.virtuous, good 3.ritual prayer 4.piety 5.shamed
It seems to me that Ghalib is deriding rituals as not necessary and at the same time suggesting that there should be moderation in indulging in material pleasures. No excesses.
kahne ki faqat1 baateN haiN jaa’ez2 o na-jaa’ez3 ki
vo na afsaana4 sunaa’eN na tu afsaane se Khush
1.only 2.permitted 3.forbidden 4.fairy tales
This story of what is permitted and what is forbidden is merely fairy tale. Let them not relate it, you not listen to it.
in’aam1-e ibaadat2 se tha daaman3 mera Khaali
dil ki himmat baRhi, aaii jo aavaaz-e sarosh4
1.reward 2.ritual prayer 3.hem of the robe/apron 4.angel
I did not get any reward for my prayers and was distressed. But when I heard an angel I took heart.
maiN ne poochha ke jo beraNgi1 ki jaanib2 maiN chaluN
kaise guzre gi, kaha zaat3 ko kar le roo-posh4
1.formlessness, spirituality 2.towards 3.person, ego 4.disappear
I asked the angel how it will be if I go from material life towards spirituality. He answered, suppress your ego, merge into nothingness, achieve union with god – a typical sufi message.
uTTha sun kar to mere hosh1 o Khirad2 aage the
garche3 tha vajd4 meN par ilm o amal5 the hamdosh6
1.awareness, senses 2.knowledge 3.even though 4.trance 5.action 6.accompanying
Hearing this, I rose but I still had a lot of baggage of awareness and attachment. Even though I was fascinated with sufiyaana trance I still had plans of worldly action.
bazm1-e saaqi meN ye dekha ke ba-yak-vaqt2 yak-jaa3
aaj ka jaam4 bhi tha, saath meN KhooN-naaba5-e dosh6
1.gathering, assembly the same time the same place 4.cup (of wine of love) 5.tears of blood 6.yesterday
The “saaqi” here is god and in his assembly there was a celebration of the wine of love and at the same time regrets/sorrows of yesterday. Thus, there is a mixture and a normalcy different from the concept of a bland heaven.
Khaanqah1 taqva2 o zohd3 ke ek noor ka darya4 tha bana
saath meN baada5-o-bosa6 ka tha ek chashma7-e nosh8
1.sufi school/hostel 2.abstinence 3.piety 4.sea 6.kiss, love 7.spring, well, river 8.drink
The Khaanqah was a sea of light because of piety and abstinence. At the same time it was source of joy and love for all to partake.
saaqi-e bazm ne apni us Khalvat1-e yaktaaii2 meN
aafaaq3 ke aur Khud ke bhi fitnauN3 ka tha khola aaGhosh5
1.sanctum 3.skies 4.miracles 5.embrace
“saaqi-e bazm” is god and “yaktaaii” – one-ness is the sufi concept of vahdat-ul-vujood – one-ness of the creator and created. In the original faarsi, Ghalib uses the word “Khalvat” meaning the sanctum into which god has admitted all his creation and taken it into his embrace.
jaise sooraj ki kiran zarre ko heera kar de
masti-e saaqi se saara jahaaN tha mad-hosh
Like every grain of sand shines in the light of the sun, so is every creature in a trance/intoxication of love reflecting the love/intoxication of the creator.
raNg usi be-raNgi se phooTe haiN jo aaye na nazar
raaz1 aise bhi sunaati hai Khamoshi jo ke sun paaye na gosh2
1.secrets 2.ear
“raNg” is used here to mean variety of all creation and “be-raNgi” is the formless creator. From the formless creator emerge a variety of forms/colours. Even silence reveals many secrets which the ear cannot hear (but the heart/soul can understand/feel).
koii qatra1 na gire Khum2 se jo na laaye sau raNg
ek sarband3 Khum-e raNg jo labrez4 bhi hai aur pur-josh
1.drop 2.barrell 3.sealed 4.brimming
The barrell is god and it is “sealed” because god is mysterious. Drops dropping out of the barrell are the creation of god in all its variety. Thus, there is no drop falling out of the barrell that is also not of a hundred colours. A sealed/mysterious barrell brimming with colours and full of love.
hama-tan1 ehsaas2 hai vo zaat3 aur aalam maa’qool4
minnat-kash5-e aavaaz nahiN naGhma ye Ghalib Khaamosh
1.head to toe 2.feeling 3.being 4.rational, reasonable 5.under an obligation to, dependent on
That being is an embodiment of feeling (it can only be felt, not understood, touched or seen) and the world he created is rational/reasonable. O, Ghalib, be quiet, it is under no obligation to the sound of your song.
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