maatam-e iqbal-jagan nath azad

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

ماتمِ اقبال ۔ جگن ناتھ آزاد ۔ ۱۹۳۸


پھر نالہ ہائے غم سے ہے لبریز دِل کا ساز

پھر ہو گیا ہے دیدۂ حیراں گہر طراز

وہ حق شناس فلسفی و مردِ نکتہ داں

وہ با کمال شاعر و درویشِ پاکباز


نغمے تھے جس سخنورِ عالی دماغ کے

مشرق میں دِلپزیزیر تو مغرب میں جاں نواز

تیرِ اجل نے اُس کو نشانہ بنا دیا

تھا ہم کو آہ جس کے کمالِ سخن پہ ناز

محفل سے آج ساقیِٔ محفل ہی اُٹھ گیا

آزاد اب کہاں وہ شرابِ جگر گداز


ہر بزم وقفِ نالۂ غم ہے ہزار حیف

خوننابہ بار دیدۂ نم ہے ہزار حیف


اقبال ائے جہانِ معانی کے تاجدار

ائے رومی و ثنائی و غالب کی یادگار

معنی کو تجھ پہ فخر، تخیّل کو تجھ پہ ناز

نازاں تھا تجھ پہ مشرق و مغرب کا ہر دیار


آتش کا سوز، گُل کی مہک، برق کی تڑپ

سو جاں سے ہو گئے تری تخیل پر نثار

تو نے سخن کو زندۂ جاوید کر دیا

تیرے نفس نے دی چمنِ شعر کو بہار

دو گز زمین آہ تجھے راس آ گئی

شہرت پہ تیری تنگ تھا دامانِ روزگار


گو زیر خاک کا لبُدِ خاک آ گیا

توُ روح بن کے عالمِ جاں میں سما گیا


اے مزرعِ سخن پہ برستے ہوئے سحاب

اے مطلع وطن کے درخشندہ آفتاب

جاں بخش تیری نظم کا ہر استعارہ ہے

ہر لفظ بے مثال ہے ہر شعر لا جواب


اب آ کے کون دیگا گُلِ شعر کو مہک

بخشے گا کون گوہرِ معنی کو آب و تاب

کہتے ہیں ترجمانِ حقیقت بجا تجھے

ہر رازِ حق تھا دیدۂ باطن پہ بے نقاب

رُتبہ تری خودی کا نہایت بلند تھا

تجھ سے ترے خدا نے کیا بارہا خطاب


اِس دور میں توُ آگہ رازِ قدیم تھا

جو ہو حریفِ جلوۂ حق وہ کلیم تھا


جس کی صداؤں پر ہمہ تن گوش تھے سروش

وہ جامِ روح پرورِ عرفاں کا بادہ نوش

جس کی نوا سے نادرِ افغاں تڑپ اُٹھا

اُف ہو گیا وہ شاعرِ آتش نوا خموش


رنگیں تھا جِس کے حُسنِ تخیّل سے برگِ گُل

جس کی گرج سے موجۂ طوفاں میں تھا خروش

سینوں میں جس نے قوّت گفتار سے بھرا

صہبائے بے خودی کا سرور و عمل کا جوش

تھا جس کے سانس سانس میں میخانۂ حیات

تُربت ہے اُس کی سایۂ مسجد میں سبز پوش


ہے خاک میں وہ عرشِ معانی ہزار حیف

ائے اِنقلابِ عالمِ فانی ہزار حیف

मातम-ए इक़्बाल – जगन नाथ आज़ाद – १९३८

फिर नाला-हा-ए ग़म से है लबरेज़ दिल का साज़

फिर हो गया है दीदा-ए हैरां गोहर तराज़

वो हक़ शिनास फ़लसफ़ी ओ मर्द-ए नुकता दान

वो बाकमाल शायर ओ दरवेश-ए पाकबाज़

नग़मे थे जिस सुख़नवर-ए आली दिमाग़ के

मशरिक़ में दिलपज़ीर तो मग़रिब में जां नवाज़

तीर-ए अजल ने उस को निशाना बना दिया

था हम को आ जिस के कमाल-ए सुख़न पे नाज़

महफ़िल से आज साक़ि-ए महफ़िल ही उठ गया

आज़ाद अब कहां वो शराब-ए जिगर गुदाज़

हर बज़्म वक़्फ़-ए नाला-ए ग़म है हज़ार हैफ़

खूँ-नाबा बार दीदा-ए नम है हज़ार हैफ़

इक़बाल! अये जहान-ए मा’आनी के ताजदार

अये रूमी ओ सनाई ओ ग़ालिब की यादगार

मानी को तुझ पे फख़्र, तख़य्यूल को तुझ पे नाज़

नाज़ां था तुझ पे मशरिक़ ओ मग़रिब का हर दयार

आतिश का सोज़, गुल की महक, बर्क़ की तड़प

सौ जां से हो गये तेरी तख़’ईल पर निसार

तू ने सुख़न को ज़िंदा-ए जावेद कर दिया

तेरे नफ़स ने दी चमन-ए शेर को बहार

दो ग़ज़  ज़मीन आह  तुझे रास आ गयी

शोहरत पे तेरी तंग था दामान-ए रोज़गार

गो ज़ेर-ए ख़ाक कालबुद-ए ख़ाक आ गया

तू रूह बन के आलम-ए जां में समा गया

अये  मज़रा-ए सुख़न पे बरसते हुए सहाब

अये मतला-ए वतन के दरख़्शंदा आफ़्ताब

जां- बख़्श तेरी नज़्म का हर इस्ते’आरा है

हर लफ़्ज़ बे-मिसाल है हर शेर लाजवाब

अब आ के कौन देगा गुल-ए शेर को महक

बख़्शे गा कौन गौहर-ए मानी को आब ओ ताब

कहते हैं तर्जुमान-ए हक़ीक़त बजा तुझे

हर राज़-ए हक़ था दीदा-ए बातिन पे बे-नक़ाब

रुतबा तेरी ख़ुदी का निहायत बलन्द था

तुझ से तेरे ख़ुदा ने किया बार-हा ख़िताब

इस दौर में तू आगह-ए राज़-ए क़दीम था

जो हो हरीफ़-ए जलवा-ए हक़ वो कलीम था


जिस की सदाओं पर हमा-तन गोश थे सरोश

वो जाम-ए रूह परवर-ए इरफ़ां का बादा नोश

जिस की नवा से नादिर-ए अफ़ग़ान तड़प उठा

उफ़! हो गया वो शायर-ए आतिश नवा ख़मोश


रंगीं था जिस के हुस्न-ए तख़य्युल से बर्ग-ए गुल

जिस की गरज से मौजा-ए तूफ़ां में था ख़रोश

सीनों में जिस ने क़ुव्वत-ए गुफ़्तार से भरा

सहबा-ए बे-ख़ुदी के सुरूर ओ अमल का जोश

था जिस की सांस सांस में मैख़ाना-ए हयात

तुर्बत है उस की साया-ए मस्जिद में सब्ज़ पोश


है ख़ाक में वो अर्श-ए मानी हज़ार हैफ़

अये इन्क़ेलाब-ए आलम-ए फ़ानी हज़ार हैफ़


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jagan nath azad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom. He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord. This is a great tribute to mohammed iqbal. In addition to several nazm, he has also written many books on iqbal and his work.
phir naala-ha1-e Gham se hai labrez2 dil ka saaz3
phir ho gaya hai deeda4-e hairaN5 guhar-taraaz6
vo haq-shinaas7 falsafi o mard-e nukta-daaN8
vo bakamaal9 shaa’er o darvesh10-e paakbaaz11    
1.plural of naala-wailing 2.brimming, full 3.lute, musical instrument 4.eye 5.perplexed, worried 6.decorated with pearls 7.truth knowing on fine points 9.talented 10.mendicant 11.clear of heart, without hidden agenda, truthful
Again the lute of my heart is brimming with sad songs/wailing. Once again my distressed eye is decorated with tears/pearls. That truth knowing philosopher, the man who was an expert in explaining fine points, that talented poet, the mendicant of truth …

naGhme1 the jis suKhanvar2-e aali-dimaaGh3 ke
mashriq4 meN dilpazeer5 to maGhrib6 meN jaaN-navaaz7
teer-e ajal8 ne us ko nishaana bana diya
thaa hum ko aah jis ke kamaal9-e suKhan10 pe naaz11
mahfil se aaj saaqi12-e mahfil hi uTh gaya
azad13 ab kahaaN vo sharab-e jigar-gudaaz14    
1.songs 2.poet 3.great mind 4.east 5.heart pleasing 6.west giving, soul sustaining 8.arrow of death 9.perfection 10.verse 11.pride, joy bearer of the poet – jagan nath azad 14.liver/heart melting
… the poet of high/sharp intellect whose songs pleased hearts in the East and sustained souls in the West. The arrow of Death has made him its target. Alas, we were proud of the perfection of his verse, but the wine bearer himself is gone from the tavern/gathering. O azad, where will you find that heart melting wine now.

har1 bazm2 vaqf3-e naala-e Gham4 hai hazaar haif5
KhooN-naaba6 baar7 deeda-e nam8 hai hazaar haif
1.every 2.gathering 3.reserved for, engrossed in 4.sorrowful wailing 5.thousand sorrows 6.blood flowing like water 7.rain 8.moist eye
Every gathering is engrossed in sorrowful wailing, how sad! Blood rains like water from my moist eyes, a thousand sorrows.

iqbal! aye jahaan1-e ma’ani2 ke taajdar
aye rumi3 o sanaaii4 o Ghalib ki yaadgar
ma’ani2 ko tujh pe faKhr5, taKhayyul6 ko tujh pe naaz7
naazaaN8 tha tujh pe mashriq9 o maGhrib10 ka har dayaar11 of 2.meaning 3.sufi philosopher-poet 4.sufi masnavi writer philosopher-poet 5.pride 6.from Khyaal, thinking, reason 7.pride 8.proud of 9.east 10.west, region
Iqbal! O king of the world of meaning, O heir to the tradition of rumi, sanaaii and Ghalib. Meaning herself was proud of you, Reason was pleased. Every region of East and West claimed you as its own.

aatish1 ka soz2, gul ki mahak3, barq4 ki taRap5
sau jaaN se ho gaye teri taKh’eel6 par nisaar7
tu ne suKhan8 ko zinda-e jaaved9 kar diya
tere nafas10 ne di chaman-e she’r11 ko bahaar12
do gaz zamin aah tujhe raas13 aa gayi
shohrat14 pe teri taNg15 tha daamaan16-e rozgaar17 2.heat 3.fragrance 4.lightning 5.restlessness, flash, fury 6.thought, reason 7.obeisance, homage 8.verse 9.eternal life 10.breath of verse 12.spring 13.become agreeable 14.fame 15.narrow 16.apron, valley 17.daily life, world
The heat/passion of fire, the fragrance of rose, the fury of lightning, all pay homage to your thoughts with a hundred lives. You gave eternal life to verse. Your breath brought spring to the garden of poetry. The expanse of the world was too narrow for your fame but two yards of land seem to be agreeable to you.

go1 zer2-e Khaak3 kaalbud4-e Khaak aa gaya
tu rooh5 ban ke aalam6-e jaaN7 meN sama8 gaya
1.even though 2.under 3.clay 4.body of (clay) 5.spirit, soul of, soul fill
Even though the body of clay has gone under the clay, the spirit lives and fills the world of the living.

aye mazra1-e suKhan2 pe baraste hue sahaab3
aye matla4-e vatan ke daraKhshanda5 aaftab6
jaaN-baKhsh7 teri nazm ka har iste’aara8 hai
har lafz9 be-misaal10 hai har she’r lajawaab11   
1.(cultivated) fields 2.verse 4.horizon 5.brilliant 6.sun granting 8.metaphor 9.word 10.without example 11.without equal
O blessed cloud that rains on verdant fields of verse. O brilliant sun of the horizon of the homeland. Every metaphor in your poem grants life to it, every word is exemplary and every verse unique.

ab aa ke kaun de ga gul-e she’r1 ko mahak2
baKhshe3 ga kaun gauhar-e ma’ani4 ko aab o taab5
kahte haiN tarjumaan6-e haqeeqat7 baja8 tujhe
har raaz9-e haq10 tha deeda-e baatin11 pe be-naqaab12
rutba13 teri Khudi14 ka nihaayet15 baland16 tha
tujh se tere Khuda ne kiya baar-ha17 Khitaab18   
1.rose of verse 2.fragrance 3.grant 4.pearl of meaning 5.shine and brilliance 6.interpreter 7.Truth 8.justified 9.secret of 10.Truth 11.inner eye 12.unveiled, visible 13.status 14.self, self-respect 15.extremely 16.high 17.many times 18.conversation
Who will now come and give fragrance to the rose of verse. Who will grant brilliance to the peart of Meaning. It was indeed justified that they called you the interpreter of Truth. Your inner eye could see the secrets of principle. The status of your Self was indeed very high and your god spoke to you many times. This last she’r has a reference to iqbal’s she’r
Khudi ko kar baland itna ke har taqdeer se pahle
Khuda bande se Khud poochhe, bata teri raza kya hai
Raise your Self to such a height that before every fate
god himself may ask his devotee, ‘what is your wish’

is daur1 meN tu aagah2-e raaz3-e qadeem4 tha
jo ho hareef5-e jalva6-e haq7 vo kaleem8 tha
1.times, period 2.aware of 3.secrets of 4.ancient 5.equal of 6.face/manifestation of 7.truth, god who can speak ie do kalaam, also a name of moses
This has reference to the Biblical/Quranic story of Moses speaking to god and seeing a manifestation of god (divine light) on mount toor. Says, azad – you (O iqbal) in the present times know ancient secrets. You have seen the divine light and are the equal of Moses. kaleem is also a play on words … a good poet can be called a “kaleem”.

jis ki sadaaoN1 par hama-tan2 gosh3 the sarosh4
vo jaam5-e rooh-parvar6-e irfaaN7 ka baada-nosh8
jis ki nava9 se nadir-e afGhaaN10 taRap uTha
uf! ho gaya vo shaa’er-e aatish11 nava Khamosh   
1.sound, voice 2.embodiment 3.ear, listening 4.angels 5.cup (of wine) 6.soul sustaining 7.mysticism drinker 9.sound, call, voice 10.nadir Khan, king (1929-33) of afGhanistan was a great admirer of iqbal’s farsi work
Angels became an embodiment of listening whenever he spoke. He who drank of the wine of the soul sustaining cup of mysticism. He, whose call stirred nadir Khan, the king of afGhanistan. Alas, that poet of fiery calls has gone silent.

raNgiN tha jis ke husn1-e taKhayyul2 se barg-e gul3
jis ki garaj4 se mauja5-e toofaN6 meN tha Kharosh7
seenauN meN jis ne quvaat-e guftaar8 se bhara
sahba9-e be-Khudi10 ke suroor11 o amal12 ka josh13
tha jis ki saaNs saaNs meN maiKhaana14-e hayaat15
turbat16 hai us ki saaya17-e masjid meN sabz-posh18 of 2.thought 3.rose petal 4.roar 5.gust 6.storm 7.enthusiasm 8.strength of speech 10.selflessness 11.pleasure, joy 12.action 13.enthusiasm 14.tavern of 16.mausoleum 17.shadow of covering
The first misra has a direct reference to a she’r is iqbal’s “payaam-e mashriq”. The beauty of his thought brought colour to rose petals. The roaring sound of his voice lent enthusiasm to stormy gusts. The strength of his speech filled hearts with the joy of wine of selflessness and enthusiasm for action. His every breath was a tavern/wine of living. His mausoleum, covered in green is the shadow of the mosque (the Grand Mosque in Lahore).

hai Khaak1 meN vo arsh2-e ma’ani3 hazaar haif4
aye inqelaab5-e aalam6-e faani7 hazaar haif
1.dust 3.meaning 4.sorrows 5.revolution, change of 7.mortal
That sky of Meaning is now under the dust, a thousand sorrows. O changes of this mortal world, a thousand sorrows.

jagan nath azad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom.  He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord.   This is a great tribute to mohammed iqbal.  In addition to several nazm, he has also written many books on iqbal and his work.
phir naala-ha1-e Gham se hai labrez2 dil ka saaz3
phir ho gaya hai deeda4-e hairaN5 guhar-taraaz6
vo haq-shinaas7 falsafi o mard-e nukta-daaN8
vo bakamaal9 shaa’er o darvesh10-e paakbaaz11

1.plural of naala-wailing 2.brimming, full 3.lute, musical instrument 4.eye 5.perplexed, worried 6.decorated with pearls 7.truth knowing on fine points 9.talented 10.mendicant 11.clear of heart, without hidden agenda, truthful

Again the lute of my heart is brimming with sad songs/wailing.  Once again my distressed eye is decorated with tears/pearls.  That truth knowing philosopher, the man who was an expert in explaining fine points, that talented poet, the mendicant of truth …
naGhme1 the jis suKhanvar2-e aali-dimaaGh3 ke
mashriq4 meN dilpazeer5 to maGhrib6 meN jaaN-navaaz7
teer-e ajal8 ne us ko nishaana bana diya
thaa hum ko aah jis ke kamaal9-e suKhan10 pe naaz11
mahfil se aaj saaqi12-e mahfil hi uTh gaya
azad13 ab kahaaN vo sharab-e jigar-gudaaz14

1.songs 2.poet 3.great mind 4.east 5.heart pleasing 6.west giving, soul sustaining 8.arrow of death 9.perfection 10.verse 11.pride, joy bearer of the poet – jagan nath azad 14.liver/heart melting

… the poet of high/sharp intellect whose songs pleased hearts in the East and sustained souls in the West.  The arrow of Death has made him its target.  Alas, we were proud of the perfection of his verse, but the wine bearer himself is gone from the tavern/gathering.  O azad, where will you find that heart melting wine now.
har1 bazm2 vaqf3-e naala-e Gham4 hai hazaar haif5
KhooN-naaba6 baar7 deeda-e nam8 hai hazaar haif

1.every 2.gathering 3.reserved for, engrossed in 4.sorrowful wailing 5.thousand sorrows 6.blood flowing like water 7.rain 8.moist eye

Every gathering is engrossed in sorrowful wailing, how sad!  Blood rains like water from my moist eyes, a thousand sorrows.
iqbal! aye jahaan1-e ma’ani2 ke taajdar
aye rumi3 o sanaaii4 o Ghalib ki yaadgar
ma’ani2 ko tujh pe faKhr5, taKhayyul6 ko tujh pe naaz7
naazaaN8 tha tujh pe mashriq9 o maGhrib10 ka har dayaar11 of 2.meaning 3.sufi philosopher-poet 4.sufi masnavi writer philosopher-poet 5.pride 6.from Khyaal, thinking, reason 7.pride 8.proud of 9.east 10.west, region

Iqbal! O king of the world of meaning, O heir to the tradition of rumi, sanaaii and Ghalib.  Meaning herself was proud of you, Reason was pleased.  Every region of East and West claimed you as its own.
aatish1 ka soz2, gul ki mahak3, barq4 ki taRap5
sau jaaN se ho gaye teri taKh’eel6 par nisaar7
tu ne suKhan8 ko zinda-e jaaved9 kar diya
tere nafas10 ne di chaman-e she’r11 ko bahaar12
do gaz zamin aah tujhe raas13 aa gayi
shohrat14 pe teri taNg15 tha daamaan16-e rozgaar17 2.heat 3.fragrance 4.lightning 5.restlessness, flash, fury 6.thought, reason 7.obeisance, homage 8.verse 9.eternal life 10.breath of verse 12.spring 13.become agreeable 14.fame 15.narrow 16.apron, valley 17.daily life, world

The heat/passion of fire, the fragrance of rose, the fury of lightning, all pay homage to your thoughts with a hundred lives.  You gave eternal life to verse. Your breath brought spring to the garden of poetry.  The expanse of the world was too narrow for your fame but two yards of land seem to be agreeable to you.
go1 zer2-e Khaak3 kaalbud4-e Khaak aa gaya
tu rooh5 ban ke aalam6-e jaaN7 meN sama8 gaya

1.even though 2.under 3.clay 4.body of (clay) 5.spirit, soul of, soul fill

Even though the body of clay has gone under the clay, the spirit lives and fills the world of the living.
aye mazra1-e suKhan2 pe baraste hue sahaab3
aye matla4-e vatan ke daraKhshanda5 aaftab6
jaaN-baKhsh7 teri nazm ka har iste’aara8 hai
har lafz9 be-misaal10 hai har she’r lajawaab11

1.(cultivated) fields 2.verse 4.horizon 5.brilliant 6.sun granting 8.metaphor 9.word 10.without example 11.without equal

O blessed cloud that rains on verdant fields of verse.  O brilliant sun of the horizon of the homeland.  Every metaphor in your poem grants life to it, every word is exemplary and every verse unique.
ab aa ke kaun de ga gul-e she’r1 ko mahak2
baKhshe3 ga kaun gauhar-e ma’ani4 ko aab o taab5
kahte haiN tarjumaan6-e haqeeqat7 baja8 tujhe
har raaz9-e haq10 tha deeda-e baatin11 pe be-naqaab12
rutba13 teri Khudi14 ka nihaayet15 baland16 tha
tujh se tere Khuda ne kiya baar-ha17 Khitaab18

1.rose of verse 2.fragrance 3.grant 4.pearl of meaning 5.shine and brilliance 6.interpreter 7.Truth 8.justified 9.secret of 10.Truth 11.inner eye 12.unveiled, visible 13.status 14.self, self-respect 15.extremely 16.high 17.many times 18.conversation

Who will now come and give fragrance to the rose of verse.  Who will grant brilliance to the peart of Meaning.  It was indeed justified that they called you the interpreter of Truth.  Your inner eye could see the secrets of principle.  The status of your Self was indeed very high and your god spoke to you many times.  This last she’r has a reference to iqbal’s she’r
Khudi ko kar baland itna ke har taqdeer se pahle
Khuda bande se Khud poochhe, bata teri raza kya hai
Raise your Self to such a height that before every fate
god himself may ask his devotee, ‘what is your wish’
is daur1 meN tu aagah2-e raaz3-e qadeem4 tha
jo ho hareef5-e jalva6-e haq7 vo kaleem8 tha

1.times, period 2.aware of 3.secrets of 4.ancient 5.equal of 6.face/manifestation of 7.truth, god who can speak ie do kalaam, also a name of moses

This has reference to the Biblical/Quranic story of Moses speaking to god and seeing a manifestation of god (divine light) on mount toor.  Says, azad – you (O iqbal) in the present times know ancient secrets.  You have seen the divine light and are the equal of Moses.  kaleem is also a play on words … a good poet can be called a “kaleem”.
jis ki sadaaoN1 par hama-tan2 gosh3 the sarosh4
vo jaam5-e rooh-parvar6-e irfaaN7 ka baada-nosh8
jis ki nava9 se nadir-e afGhaaN10 taRap uTha
uf! ho gaya vo shaa’er-e aatish11 nava Khamosh

1.sound, voice 2.embodiment 3.ear, listening 4.angels 5.cup (of wine) 6.soul sustaining 7.mysticism drinker 9.sound, call, voice 10.nadir Khan, king (1929-33) of afGhanistan was a great admirer of iqbal’s farsi work

Angels became an embodiment of listening whenever he spoke.  He who drank of the wine of the soul sustaining cup of mysticism.  He, whose call stirred nadir Khan, the king of afGhanistan.  Alas, that poet of fiery calls has gone silent.
raNgiN tha jis ke husn1-e taKhayyul2 se barg-e gul3
jis ki garaj4 se mauja5-e toofaN6 meN tha Kharosh7
seenauN meN jis ne quvaat-e guftaar8 se bhara
sahba9-e be-Khudi10 ke suroor11 o amal12 ka josh13
tha jis ki saaNs saaNs meN maiKhaana14-e hayaat15
turbat16 hai us ki saaya17-e masjid meN sabz-posh18 of 2.thought 3.rose petal 4.roar 5.gust 6.storm 7.enthusiasm 8.strength of speech 10.selflessness 11.pleasure, joy 12.action 13.enthusiasm 14.tavern of 16.mausoleum 17.shadow of covering

The first misra has a direct reference to a she’r is iqbal’s “payaam-e mashriq”.  The beauty of his thought brought colour to rose petals.  The roaring sound of his voice lent enthusiasm to stormy gusts.  The strength of his speech filled hearts with the joy of wine of selflessness and enthusiasm for action. His every breath was a tavern/wine of living.  His mausoleum, covered in green is the shadow of the mosque (the Grand Mosque in Lahore).
hai Khaak1 meN vo arsh2-e ma’ani3 hazaar haif4
aye inqelaab5-e aalam6-e faani7 hazaar haif

1.dust 3.meaning 4.sorrows 5.revolution, change of 7.mortal

That sky of Meaning is now under the dust, a thousand sorrows.  O changes of this mortal world, a thousand sorrows.

One comment:

  1. Simply, amazing. The energy and phrase-coining of Jagannath Azad both make your head spin!

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