aman ka aaKhiri din-Part 4-ibn-e insha

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امن  کا  آخری  دِن  ۔  شیر  محمد  خاں  ابنِ  اِنشاؔ

حصّہ  ۔  ۴


گؔ  گاتیؔ  ہوئی  گولیؔ  ہے  کہ  گنؔ  سے  نکلے

کِسی  گمنام  سپاہی  کا  نشانہ  باندھے

ایک  سایہ  کسی  کھائی  میں  تڑپتا  رہ  جائے

اپنی  برسوں  کی  تمنّاؤں  کو  سینے  میں  لئے

گؔ  گبرو  ہے  کہ  بائیس  بہاروں  میں  پلے

لؔ  لاشہ  ہے  کہ  دو  روز  کے  اندر  سڑ  جائے


مؔ  محبوبؔ  کا  آغوش  بھی  ہے  موتؔ  بھی  ہے

ایک  ہی  وقت  میں  ممکن  نہیں  دونوں  سے  نبھاؤ

نؔ  ندّیؔ  کا  مدھر  نغمہ  بھی  نیپامؔ  بھی  ہے

اب  اِسے  دوست  بناؤ  کہ  اُسے  دوست  بناؤ

زیست  اور  موت  میں  مشکل  نہیں  جانب  داری

سیدھی  باتوں  کو  دلیلوں  کے  لبادے  نہ  پنہاؤ


وؔ  ہے  وقتؔ  کہ  ہاتھوں  سے  ہے  نکلا  جاتا

واہمے  دیتے  ہیں  آ  کر  درِ  دِل  پر  دستک

فاختہ  کتنی  بھی  طیّار  و  سُبک  سیر  سہی

سینکڑوں  کوس  ہیں  بمبار  کی  رفتار  تلک

امن  کے  گیت  کی  لئے  تیز  کرو  تیز  کرو

ساحلِ  دور  سے  آنے  لگی  توپوں  کی  دھمک


ہؔ  وہ  ہیرو  ہیں  کہ  پھر  نکلے  ہیں  چَھیلے  بن  کر

بستی  بستی  کو  ہروشیما  بنانے  کے  لئے

یؔ  وہ  یادیں  ہیں  کہ  دُھندلائیں  نہ  مٹنے  پائیں

اور  ہم  جنگ  کی  دہلیز  پہ  پھر  آ  نکلے

یؔ  وہ  یوسفؔ  کہ  خُدا  کو  بھی  نہ  سونپے  جائیں

پھر  انہی  اجنبی  میدانوں  کا  رستہ  لیں  گے


آسماں  تیرہ  و  تاریک  ہے،  تارے  مغموم

چاند  بادل  سے  نکلتے  ہوئے  گھبراتا  ہے

شمع  اُمّید  کی  لَو  کانپ  رہی  ہے  کب  سے

دل  دھواں  دھار  گھٹاؤں  میں  دبا  جاتا  ہے

لو  کسی  دور  کے  گرجا  میں  وہ  گھڑیال  بجا

قافلہ  صبح  کا  آتا  ہے  ۔  کہاں  آتا  ہے

अमन का आख़िरी दिन – शेर मोहम्मद ख़ां इब्न-ए इन्शा

हिस्सा – ४


‘गाफ़’ गाती हुई गोली है के गन से निक्ले

किसी गुमनाम सिपाही का निशाना बांधे

एक साया किसी खाई में तढप्ता रह जाए

अपनी बर्सौं कि तमन्नाऔं को सीने में लिए

‘गाफ़’ गब्रू है के बाईस बहारौं में पले

‘लाम’ लाशा है दो रोज़ के अंदर सड़ जाए


‘मीम’ महबूब का आग़ोश भि है मौत भि है

एक हि वक़्त में मुम्किन नहीं दोनों से निभाऊ

‘नून’ नद्दी का मधुर नग़्मा भि नेपाल्म भि है

अब इसे दोस्त बनाओ के उसे दास्त बनाओ

ज़ीस्त और मौत में मुश्किल नहीं जानिब-दारी

सीधी बातौ को दलीलौं के लबादे न पन्हाओ


‘वाऊ’ है वक़्त के हाथौं से है निक्ला जाता

वाहेमे देते हैं आ कर दर-ए दिल पर दस्तक

फ़ाख़्ता कितनी भी तय्यार ओ सुबुक-सेर सही

सैंकड़ौं कोस हैं बम्बार कि रफ़्तार तलक

अम्न के गीत कि लऐ तेज़ करो तेज़ करो

साहेल-ए दूर से आने लगि तोपौं कि धमक


‘है’ वो हीरो हैं के फिर निक्ले हैं छैले बन कर

बस्ती बस्ती को हिरोशीमा बनाने के लिए

‘ये’ वो यादें हैं के धुंध्लाएं न मिट्ने पाएं

और हम जंग कि दहलीज़ पे फिर आ निक्ले

‘ये’ वो यूसुफ़ के ख़ुदा को भि न सौंपे जाएं

फिर इन्हीं अज्नबी मैदानौं का रस्ता लेंगे


आस्मां तीरा ओ तारीक है तारे मग़्मूम

चांद बादल से निकलते हुए घब्राता है

शमअ उम्मीद कि लौ कांप रही है कब से

दिल धुआं धार घटाऔं में दबा जाता है

लो किसी दूर के गिर्जा में वो घड़ियाल बजा

क़ाफ़ेला सुबह का आता है – कहां आता है


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. sher mohammad KhaaN ibn-e insha (1927-1978), poet, journalist, travelogue writer. A progressive with a wide ranging subjects – romance, politics, deep humanism and self deprecating humour. This long nazm, posted in four parts for easy reading is an “a, b, c of war”. He takes every alphabet of urdu and weaves a heart-wrenching story of the horrors of war.
‘gaaf’ gaati hui goli hai ke gun se nikle
kisi gumnaam sipaahi ka nishaana baandhe
ek saaya kisi khaaii1 meN taRapta rah jaaye
apni barsoN ki tamannaaoN2 ko seene meN liye
‘gaaf’, gabroo3 hai hai ke baa’ees4 bahaaroN5 meN pale
‘laam’ laasha6 hai do roz ke andar saR jaaye  
1.valley, rift 2.desires, hopes 3.adolescent, youth 4.twenty two 5.springs 6.corpse
‘gaaf’ is a whistling bullet discharged from a gun to target an unknown soldier. A shadowy figure dropped in the valley to thrash about and die, holding its long-held desires in its bosom forever. ‘laam’ is that corpse that will rot within two days.

‘meem’ mahboob ka aaGhosh1 bhi aur maut bhi hai
ek hi vaqt meN mumkin2 nahiN donoN se nibhaau
‘noon’ naddi ka madhur naGhma3 bhi napalm bhi hai
ab ise dost banaao ke use dost banaao
zeest4 aur maut meN mushkil nahiN jaanib-daari5
seedhi baatoN ko daleeloN6 ke labaade7 na pinhaao  
1.embrace 2.possible 5.taking sides 6.arguments, logic 7.robes
‘meem’ is the embrace of the beloved as well as Death. It is not possible to keep relations with both at the same time. ‘noon’ is the sweet song of a river or it can be napalm. You can be friends with one or the other. It is not difficult to take sides between life and death. Do not wrap simple facts in the cloak of convoluted logic.

‘vaau’ hai vaqt, ke haathoN se hai nikla jaata
vaaheme1 dete haiN aa kar dar2-e dil par dastak3
faaKhta4 kitni bhi tayyaar5 o subuk-ser6 sahi
saiNkRoN kos haiN bambaar ki raftaar7 talak
amn8 ke geet ki lai9 tez karo tez karo
saahil10-e duur se aane lagi topoN ki dhamak    
1.doubts, fears 2.door 3.knock 4.dove, (messenger pigeon) 5.flight 7.speed 8.peace 9.tune 10.shore, bank
‘vaau’ is time that is slipping away. It is fears and doubts that come knocking at the door of the heart. The messenger pigeon bringing news from the front may be ready for flight and may be fast but the bombers thousands of miles from here are faster still. (They will drop bombs even before we hear about them). Raise the sound of the song of peace, raise it more. From far away shores we can hear cannon blasts.

‘hai’ vo hero haiN ke phir nikle haiN chaile1 ban kar
basti basti ko hiroshima banaane ke liye
‘ye’ vo yaadeN haiN ke dhundhlaeN na miTne paaeN
aur hum juNg ki dehleez2 pe phir aa nikle
‘ye’ vo yusuf3 ke Khuda ko bhi na sauNpe4 jaayeN
phir inhiN ajnabi5 maidaanoN ka rasta leNge    
1.primmed up, good looking 2.threshold 3.Joseph, symbolic of beautiful young men 4.given in the care of 5.strange, foreign
‘hai’ are those primmed up heroes who have come out again to make a hiroshima out of every community. ‘ye’ is memories that will not be faded or erased. And now we stand again at the threshold of war. ‘ye’ are also the handsome young men who cannot be entrusted to the ‘safe’ hands of god as they departed again for foreign fields.

aasmaaN teera1 o tareek2 hai taare maGhmoom3
chaand baadal se nikalte hue ghabraata hai
sham’a ummeed ki lau4 kaaNp rahi hai kab se
dil dhuaaN-dhaar5 ghaTaaoN meN daba jaata hai
lo kisi duur ke girja6 meN vo ghaRiyaal baja
qaafila7 subah ka aata hai – kahaaN aata hai   
1.dark 2.dark 3.sorrowful 4.flame 5.dark stormy (clouds)
The skies are dark, stars faded. The moon is scared to come out from behind the clouds. The flame of the lamp of hope has been flickering for too long. The heart is engulfed by dark stormy clouds. There, far away, a clock tower on a church sounds the arrival of the caravan of dawn (a new world order). Where is it?

sher mohammad KhaaN ibn-e insha (1927-1978), poet, journalist, travelogue writer.  A progressive with a wide ranging subjects – romance, politics, deep humanism and self deprecating humour.  This long nazm, posted in four parts for easy reading is an “a, b, c of war”.  He takes every alphabet of urdu and weaves a heart-wrenching story of the horrors of war.
‘gaaf’ gaati hui goli hai ke gun se nikle
kisi gumnaam sipaahi ka nishaana baandhe
ek saaya kisi khaaii1 meN taRapta rah jaaye
apni barsoN ki tamannaaoN2 ko seene meN liye
‘gaaf’, gabroo3 hai hai ke baa’ees4 bahaaroN5 meN pale
‘laam’ laasha6 hai do roz ke andar saR jaaye

1.valley, rift 2.desires, hopes 3.adolescent, youth 4.twenty two 5.springs 6.corpse

‘gaaf’ is a whistling bullet discharged from a gun to target an unknown soldier.  A shadowy figure dropped in the valley to thrash about and die, holding its long-held desires in its bosom forever.  ‘laam’ is that corpse that will rot within two days.
‘meem’ mahboob ka aaGhosh1 bhi aur maut bhi hai
ek hi vaqt meN mumkin2 nahiN donoN se nibhaau
‘noon’ naddi ka madhur naGhma3 bhi napalm bhi hai
ab ise dost banaao ke use dost banaao
zeest4 aur maut meN mushkil nahiN jaanib-daari5
seedhi baatoN ko daleeloN6 ke labaade7 na pinhaao

1.embrace 2.possible 5.taking sides 6.arguments, logic 7.robes

‘meem’ is the embrace of the beloved as well as Death.  It is not possible to keep relations with both at the same time.  ‘noon’ is the sweet song of a river or it can be napalm.  You can be friends with one or the other.  It is not difficult to take sides between life and death.  Do not wrap simple facts in the cloak of convoluted logic.
‘vaau’ hai vaqt, ke haathoN se hai nikla jaata
vaaheme1 dete haiN aa kar dar2-e dil par dastak3
faaKhta4 kitni bhi tayyaar5 o subuk-ser6 sahi
saiNkRoN kos haiN bambaar ki raftaar7 talak
amn8 ke geet ki lai9 tez karo tez karo
saahil10-e duur se aane lagi topoN ki dhamak

1.doubts, fears 2.door 3.knock 4.dove, (messenger pigeon) 5.flight 7.speed 8.peace 9.tune 10.shore, bank

‘vaau’ is time that is slipping away.  It is fears and doubts that come knocking at the door of the heart.  The messenger pigeon bringing news from the front may be ready for flight and may be fast but the bombers thousands of miles from here are faster still.  (They will drop bombs even before we hear about them).  Raise the sound of the song of peace, raise it more.  From far away shores we can hear cannon blasts.
‘hai’ vo hero haiN ke phir nikle haiN chaile1 ban kar
basti basti ko hiroshima banaane ke liye
‘ye’ vo yaadeN haiN ke dhundhlaeN na miTne paaeN
aur hum juNg ki dehleez2 pe phir aa nikle
‘ye’ vo yusuf3 ke Khuda ko bhi na sauNpe4 jaayeN
phir inhiN ajnabi5 maidaanoN ka rasta leNge

1.primmed up, good looking 2.threshold 3.Joseph, symbolic of beautiful young men 4.given in the care of 5.strange, foreign

‘hai’ are those primmed up heroes who have come out again to make a hiroshima out of every community.  ‘ye’ is memories that will not be faded or erased.  And now we stand again at the threshold of war.  ‘ye’ are also the handsome young men who cannot be entrusted to the ‘safe’ hands of god as they departed again for foreign fields.
aasmaaN teera1 o tareek2 hai taare maGhmoom3
chaand baadal se nikalte hue ghabraata hai
sham’a ummeed ki lau4 kaaNp rahi hai kab se
dil dhuaaN-dhaar5 ghaTaaoN meN daba jaata hai
lo kisi duur ke girja6 meN vo ghaRiyaal baja
qaafila7 subah ka aata hai – kahaaN aata hai

1.dark 2.dark 3.sorrowful 4.flame 5.dark stormy (clouds)

The skies are dark, stars faded.  The moon is scared to come out from behind the clouds.  The flame of the lamp of hope has been flickering for too long.  The heart is engulfed by dark stormy clouds.  There, far away, a clock tower on a church sounds the arrival of the caravan of dawn (a new world order).  Where is it?

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