امن و ملاپ ۔منتخب اشعار
محمّد اِقبال
فرقہ بندی ہے کہیں اور کہیں ذاتیں ہیں
کیا زمانے میں پنپنے کی یہی باتیں ہیں
الطاف حسین حالی
اُمّت کو چھا نٹ ڈالا کافر بنابناکر
اِسلام ہے فقیہو،ممنوں بہت تمہارا
کرشن بہاری نور
پردۂ دیر وحرم اب تو مٹا دے یارب
ہو چکاجتناتماشا وہ تماشاہے بہت
ایشور کہیئے اُسے چاہے خُدا کہیئے مگر
وہ مسلماں کی طرح ہے نہ وہ ہندو کی طرح
ہمارے دھرم کے پھیلاؤ پر نظر ڈالو
ہمارا دھرم محبّت ہے اے وطن والو
مومن خاں مومن
مومن نہ توڑ رِشتۂ زُنّارِ برہمن
مت کر وہ بات جس سے کوئی دِل شکستہ ہو
محمد رفیع سودا
کعبہ ڈہا تو غم نہ کر اے شیخِ بُت شِکن
دل برہمن کا ہے کہ بنایا نہ جائے گا
برج نارائن چکبست
بلائے جاں ہیں یہ تسبیح اور زُنّار کے پھندے
دلِ حق بیں کو ہم اس قید سے آزاد کرتے ہیں
اذاں دیتے ہیں بُت خانے میں جا کر شانِ مومن سے
حرم کے نعرۂ ناقوس ہم ایجاد کرتے ہیں
مرزا غالب
کعبہ میں جا رہا تو نہ دو تعنہ کیا کہیں
بھولا ہوں حقِّ صحبتِ اہلِ کُنشت کو
سیماب اکبرآبادی
دِل سازِ وفا بھی ہے اور سوزِ نوا بھی ہے
بن جائے تو ناقوسِ بُتخانہ بنا دینا
کیفی اعظمی
بستی میں اپنی ہندو مسلماں جو بس گئے
اِنساں کی شکل دیکھنے کو ہم ترس گئے
अमन ओ मिलाप – मुन्तख़िब अश’आर
मोहम्मद इक़्बाल
फ़िर्क़ा बंदी है कहीं और कहीं ज़ातें हैं
क्या ज़माने में पनपने की यही बातें हैं
अल्ताफ़ हुसैन हाली
उम्मत को छांट डाला, काफ़िर बना बना कर
इस्लाम है फ़क़ीहो, मम्नूं बहुत तुम्हारा
क्रिशन बिहारी नूर
परदा-ए दैर ओ हरम अब तो मिटा दे यारब
हो चुका जितना तमाशा वो तमाशा है बहुत
ईशवर कहिये उसे चाहे ख़ुदा कहिये मगर
वो मुसलमां कि तरह है न वो हिन्दू कि तरह
हमारे धर्म के फैलाऊ पर नज़र डालो
हमारा धर्म मोहब्बत है अए वतन वालो
मोमिन ख़ां मोमिन
मोमिन न तोड़ रिश्ता-ए जुन्नर-ए बरहमन
मत कर वो बात जिस से कोई दिल शिकस्ता हो
मुहम्मद रफ़ी सौदा
काबा डहा तो ग़म न कर अए शैख़-ए बुत-शिकन
दिल बरहमन का है के बनाया न जाएगा
ब्रिज नारायन चकबस्त
बला-ए जाँ हैं ये तस्बीह और ज़ुन्नार के फंदे
दिल-ए हक़-बीं को हम इस क़ैद से आज़ाद करते हैं
अज़ाँ देते हैं बुत-ख़ाने में जा कर शान-ए मोमिन से
हरम के नारा-ए नाक़ूस हम ईजाद करते हैं
मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब
काबे में जा रहा तो न दो ताना क्या कहें
भूला हूं हक़्क़-ए सोहबत-ए अहल-ए कुनिश्त को
सीमाब अकबराबादी
दिल साज़-ए वफ़ा भी है और सोज़-ए नवा भी है
बन जाए तो नाक़ूस-ए बुत-ख़ाना बना देना
कैफ़ी आज़मी
बस्ती में अपनी हिन्दू मुसलमां जो बस गए
इन्सां कि शक्ल देखने को हम तरस गए
amn o milaap – muntaKhib ash’aar
Click here for overall comments and on any sh’er for word meanings and interpretation/discussion. This is a selection of ash’aar from poets from sauda (1713-80) down to the present day, all sensitively calling for communal harmony.
mohammed iqbal
firqa-bandi1 hai kahiN aur kahiN zaateN2 haiN
kya zamane meN panapne3 ki yahi baateN haiN1.division into communities, communalism 2.caste 3.survival
In some places we are divided into (religious) communities, in others into castes. Is this the way to survive in this world.
altaf husain haali
ummat1 ko chhaaNT Daala, kaafir bana bana kar
islam hai faqiho2, mamnuN3 bahut, nation 2.jurist of islamic jurisprudence 3.obliged
haali (1837-1914) is being sarcastic about the pronouncements of islamic jurists declaring this or that kafir/haram. . You have divided up the community by pronouncing this or that as un-Islamic. Islam is greatly indebted to you O jurist.
krishan bihaari noor
parda-e dair1 o haram2 ab to miTa de yaa rabb3
ho chuka jitna tamasha vo tamasha hai bahut1.temple 2.mosque 3.lord
O lord, at least now erase the curtain/division between temple and mosque. Whatever mischief we have had, is more than enough!
eeshvar kahiye use chaahe Khuda kahiye magar
vo musalmaaN ki tarah hai na vo hindu ki tarahCall him ishwar or Khuda, if you please, but he is neither Muslim nor Hindu.
hamaare dharm ke phailaau par nazar Daalo
hamaara dharm mohabbat hai aye vatan vaaloCast a glance at the expanse of our religion. Our religion is Love, O countrymen.
momin KhaaN momin
momin na toR rishta1-e zunnar2-e barahman
mat kar vo baat jis se koii dil shikasta3 ho1.relationship 2.janev, hindu ceremonial thread 3.break, hurt
momin (pious man) do not cut the thread of relationship with the brahman (used to mean Hindu, not in the casteist sense). Do not do anything that will break hearts.
mohammed rafi sauda
kaaba Dahaa1 to Gham na kar aye shaiKh-e but-shikan2
dil barhaman ka hai ke banaaya na jaayega1.broken, destroyed 2.idol breaking, used here as an adjective in the sense of “fire breathing”
If the kaaba is destroyed, it can be re-built. Thus, O fire-breathing shaiKh do not be sorrowful if the kaaba is destroyed (it can be re-built), but if the heart of the brahmin (used to mean Hindu, not in the casteist sense) is broken, it cannot be repaired.
brij narayan chakbast
balaa1-e jaaN haiN ye tasbeeh2 aur zunnaar3 ke phande4
dil-e haq-biiN5 ko hum is qaid6 se aazad karte haiN1.curse 2.(islamic) rosary 3.janev, hindu ceremonial thread 4.loops, noose 5.truth-seeing 6.imprisonment
The heart can see the truth (of love/faith) but the noose fashioned by the tasbeeh and the janev has imprisoned it. We are going to free the heart of this curse.
azaaN1 dete haiN but-Khaane2 meN jaa kar shaan3-e momin4 se
haram5 ke naara6-e naaqoos7 hum eejad8 karte 1.islamic all to prayer 2.temple 3.dignity 4.pious (islamic) man 5.mosque 6.cry, declaration 7.shankh, conch shell 8.invent
chakbast declares that he/they (the broad minded) will intermingle the rites of the mandir and the masjid. We issue a (Islamic) call for prayer from the temple with the dignity/composure of the muezzin. We invent conch shell sounds for the mosque.
mirza Ghalib
kaabe meN jaa raha to na do ta’ana1 kya kaheN
bhoola huN haqq2-e sohbat3-e ahl4-e kunisht5 ko1.sarcasm, criticism 2.rights 3.companionship, friendship 4.people of 5.temple
Ghalib rhetorically declares that he has not forgotten the rights/demands of his Hindu friends. Just because he has gone to the kaaba do not think that I have forgotten them. Of course, Ghalib himself was far from religious and never went to the kaaba.
seemab akbarabadi
dil saaz1-e vafa2 bhi hai aur soz3-e navaa4 bhi hai
bun jaaye to naqoos5-e but-Khaana6 bana, tune (Islamic) 4.sound, declaration (contextually) of Hindu hymns 5.shankh, conch shell 6.temple
seemab (1882-1951) declares what he wishes should be done with his heart (after his death). He declares that his heart has the music of Islamic faith and the passion of Hindu hymns. If possible, use it as a shankh, conch shell in a temple, says he.
kaifi aazmi
basti meN apni hindu musalmaaN jo bas gaye
insaaN ki shakl dekhne ko hum taras gayeWhen our neighbourhood labeled/divided itself as Hindu and Muslim, we yearned to see a human face.
amn o milaap – muntaKhib ash’aar
This is a selection of ash’aar from poets from sauda (1713-80) down to the present day, all sensitively calling for communal harmony.
mohammed iqbal
firqa-bandi1 hai kahiN aur kahiN zaateN2 haiN
kya zamane meN panapne3 ki yahi baateN haiN
1.division into communities, communalism 2.caste 3.survival
In some places we are divided into (religious) communities, in others into castes. Is this the way to survive in this world.
altaf husain haali
ummat1 ko chhaaNT Daala, kaafir bana bana kar
islam hai faqiho2, mamnuN3 bahut tumhaara, nation 2.jurist of islamic jurisprudence 3.obliged
haali (1837-1914) is being sarcastic about the pronouncements of islamic jurists declaring this or that kafir/haram.. You have divided up the community by pronouncing this or that as un-Islamic. Islam is greatly indebted to you O jurist.
krishan bihaari noor
parda-e dair1 o haram2 ab to miTa de yaa rabb3
ho chuka jitna tamasha vo tamasha hai bahut
1.temple 2.mosque 3.lord
O lord, at least now erase the curtain/division between temple and mosque. Whatever mischief we have had, is more than enough!
eeshvar kahiye use chaahe Khuda kahiye magar
vo musalmaaN ki tarah hai na vo hindu ki tarah
Call him ishwar or Khuda, if you please, but he is neither Muslim nor Hindu.
hamaare dharm ke phailaau par nazar Daalo
hamaara dharm mohabbat hai aye vatan vaalo
Cast a glance at the expanse of our religion. Our religion is Love, O countrymen.
momin KhaaN momin
momin na toR rishta1-e zunnar2-e barahman
mat kar vo baat jis se koii dil shikasta3 ho
1.relationship 2.janev, hindu ceremonial thread 3.break, hurt
momin (pious man) do not cut the thread of relationship with the brahman (used to mean Hindu, not in the casteist sense). Do not do anything that will break hearts.
mohammed rafi sauda
kaaba Dahaa1 to Gham na kar aye shaiKh-e but-shikan2
dil barhaman ka hai ke banaaya na jaayega
1.broken, destroyed 2.idol breaking, used here as an adjective in the sense of “fire breathing”
If the kaaba is destroyed, it can be re-built. Thus, O fire-breathing shaiKh do not be sorrowful if the kaaba is destroyed (it can be re-built), but if the heart of the brahmin (used to mean Hindu, not in the casteist sense) is broken, it cannot be repaired.
brij narayan chakbast
balaa1-e jaaN haiN ye tasbeeh2 aur zunnaar3 ke phande4
dil-e haq-biiN5 ko hum is qaid6 se aazad karte haiN
1.curse 2.(islamic) rosary 3.janev, hindu ceremonial thread 4.loops, noose 5.truth-seeing 6.imprisonment
The heart can see the truth (of love/faith) but the noose fashioned by the tasbeeh and the janev has imprisoned it. We are going to free the heart of this curse.
azaaN1 dete haiN but-Khaane2 meN jaa kar shaan3-e momin4 se
haram5 ke naara6-e naaqoos7 hum eejad8 karte
1.islamic all to prayer 2.temple 3.dignity 4.pious (islamic) man 5.mosque 6.cry, declaration 7.shankh, conch shell 8.invent
chakbast declares that he/they (the broad minded) will intermingle the rites of the mandir and the masjid. We issue a (Islamic) call for prayer from the temple with the dignity/composure of the muezzin. We invent conch shell sounds for the mosque.
mirza Ghalib
kaabe meN jaa raha to na do ta’ana1 kya kaheN
bhoola huN haqq2-e sohbat3-e ahl4-e kunisht5 ko
1.sarcasm, criticism 2.rights 3.companionship, friendship 4.people of 5.temple
Ghalib rhetorically declares that he has not forgotten the rights/demands of his Hindu friends. Just because he has gone to the kaaba do not think that I have forgotten them. Of course, Ghalib himself was far from religious and never went to the kaaba.
seemab akbarabadi
dil saaz1-e vafa2 bhi hai aur soz3-e navaa4 bhi hai
bun jaaye to naqoos5-e but-Khaana6 bana dena, tune (Islamic) 4.sound, declaration (contextually) of Hindu hymns 5.shankh, conch shell 6.temple
seemab (1882-1951) declares what he wishes should be done with his heart (after his death). He declares that his heart has the music of Islamic faith and the passion of Hindu hymns. If possible, use it as a shankh, conch shell in a temple, says he.
kaifi aazmi
basti meN apni hindu musalmaaN jo bas gaye
insaaN ki shakl dekhne ko hum taras gaye
When our neighbourhood labeled/divided itself as Hindu and Muslim, we yearned to see a human face.
Search Words: Indo-Pak Friendship, India Pakistan, Peace Now and Forever, Communal Harmony, Communal Riots, Hindu-Muslim Unity