urdu recitation
saif akram farsi-tajikistan
از خوابِ گَراں خیز ۔ محمّد اِقبال
ائے غنچہ خوابیدہ چو نرگس نگراں خیز
کاشانۂ ما رفت بتاراجِ غماں خیز
از نالہ مُرغِ چمن، از بانگِ اذاں خیز
از گرمیٔ ہنگامۂ آتش نفساں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
خورشید کہ پیرا یہ بسیماے سحر بست
آویزہ بگوشِ سحر از خونِ جگر بست
از دشت و جبل قافلہ ہا رختِ سفر بست
ائے چشمِ جہاں بیں بہ تماشائے جہاں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
خاور ہمہ مانندِ غبارِ سرِ راہے است
یک نالہ خاموش و اثر باختہ آہے است
ہر ذرّۂ ایں خاک گرہ خوردہ نگاہے است
از ہند و سمر قند و عراق و ہمداں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
دریاے تو دریاست کہ آسودہ چو صحراست
دریاے تو دریاست کہ افزوں نشد و کاست
بیگانۂ آشوب و نہنگ است چہ دریاست!
از سینۂ چاکش صفتِ موجِ رواں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
ایں نکتہ کشا ئندۂ اسرارِ نہان است
ملک است تنِ خاکی و دیں روحِ روان است
تن زندہ و جاں زندہ زِ ربطِ تن و جان است
با خرقہ و سجّادہ و شمشیر و سناں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
ناموسِ ازل را تو امینی تو امینی !
داراے جہاں را تو یساری تو یمینی
ائے بندۂ خاکی تو زمانی تو زمینی
صہبائے یقیں در کش و از دیرِ گماں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
فریاد زِ افرنگ و دِل آویزیِ افرنگ
فریاد زِ شیرینی و پرویزیِ افرنگ
عالم ہمہ ویرانہ زِ چنگیزیِ افرنگ
معمارِ حرم ! باز بہ تعمیرِ جہاں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں، خوابِ گَراں خیز
از خوابِ گَراں خیز!
از خوابِ گِراں خیز ۔ محمّد اِقبال ۔ اُردو ترجمہ ۔ شاہد
ائے غنچۂ خوابیدہ، دیدۂ بینا کی طرح جاگ
تاراج ہوا جاتا ہے گھر خواب سے تو جاگ
مرغانِ چمن گاتے ہیں، دیتے ہیں اذاں جاگ
ہے جوش میں ہنگامۂ آتش نفساں جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
خورشید کا رُخ صبح کی رونق سے سجا ہے
آویزۂ خونِ جگر اب سحر کے کانوں میں پڑا ہے
اب قافلۂ دشت و جبل رختِ سفر باندھ چلا ہے
دنیا کا سما دیکھ توُ فہمیدہ نظر لا، نیند سے اب جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
مشرق ہمہ مانندِ غبارِ سرِ راہ ہے
اِک نالۂ خاموش ہے جِس کا نہ اثر ہے
ہر ذرّہ ہے وہ آنکھ کہ پٹّی سی بندھی ہے
ائے ساکنِ ہند اور سمرقند و عراق و ہمداں جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
دریا ترا آسودہ ہے بہتا تو نہیں ہے
دریا ترا دریا ہے جو بڑھتا بھی نہیں ہے
دریا ترا بیگانۂ آشوب و نہنگ ہے
کر چاک گریباں مثلِ موجِ رواں جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
نکتہ ہے یہ وہ جِس سے عیاں رازِ نہاں ہے
ہے خاک بدن، دین مگر روح رواں ہے
زندہ ہے توُ اُس وقت کہ ربطِ تن و جاں ہے
سجّادہ بغل میں، شمشیر و سناں ہاتھ لئے جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
ناموسِ ازل کا تو امیں ہے تو امیں ہے
تو قوّتِ بازو ہے خلیفہ بھی تو ہی ہے
ائے خاک کے بندے یہ ترا قیدِ زمان اور زمیں ہے
صہبائے یقیں پی، دیرِ گماں چھوڑ کے اب جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
افرنگ سے ہوشیار دِل آویزیِ ہے اُس کی
شیرینی و پرویزی بھی سیرت میں ہے اُس کی
عالم ہمہ ویراں جو ہے چنگیزی ہے اُس کی
معمارِ حرم! تعمیرِ جہاں واسطے اب جاگ
ائے خواب میں کھوئے ہوئے اِنساں تو ذرا جاگ
اب خواب سے تو جاگ
अज़ ख़्वाब-गिरां ख़ेज़ – मोहम्मद इक़्बाल
उर्दू तर्जुमा – शाहेद
अय ग़ुन्चा-ए ख़्वाबिदा, दीदा-ए बीना की तरह जाग
ताराज हुआ जाता है घर ख़्वाब से तू जाग
मुर्ग़ान-ए चमन गाते हैं देते हैण अज़ाँ जाग
है जोश में हंगामा-ए आतिश नफ़सां जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
ख़ुर्शीद का रुख़ सुबह की रौनक़ से सजा है
आवीज़ा-ए ख़ून-ए जिगर अब सहर के कानौं में पड़ा है
अब क़ाफ़िला-ए दश्त ओ जबल रख़त-ए सफ़र बाँध चला है
दुनिया का समा देख तू फ़हमीदा नज़र ला, नींद से अब जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
मशरिक़ हुमा मानिंद-ए ग़ुबार-ए सर-ए रह है
एक नाला-ए ख़ामोश है जिस का ना असर है
हर ज़र्रा है वो आंख के पट्टि सि बँधी है
अय साकिन-ए हिंद और समरक़ंद ओ इराक़ ओ हमदां जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
दरया तेरा आसूदा है बहता तो नहीं है
दरया तेरा दरया है जो बढ़ता भी नहीं है
दरया तेरा बेगाना-ए आशोब ओ नेहंग है
कर चाक गरेबां मिसल-ए मौज-ए रवां जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
नुकता है ये वो जिस से अयां राज़-ए निहां है
है ख़ाक बदन दीन मगर रूह-ए रवां है
ज़िंदा है तू उस वक़्त के रब्त-ए तन ओ जां है
सज्जादा बग़ल में, शमशीर ओ सिनां हाथ लिए जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
नामूस-ए अज़ल का तू अमीं है तू अमीं है
तू क़ुव्वत-ए बाज़ू है खलीफा भी तू ही है
अय ख़ाक के बंदे ये तेरा क़ैद-ए ज़मान और ज़मीं है
सहबा-ए यक़ीं पी, दैर-ए गुमां छोड़ के अब जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
अफ़्रंग से होशियार दिलावेज़ी है उस की
शीरीनी ओ परवेज़ी भी सीरत में है उस की
आलम हुमा वीरां जो है चंगेज़ी है उस की
मे’मार-ए हरम! ता’मीर-ए जहां वास्ते अब जाग
अय ख़्वाब में खोए हुए इन्सां तू ज़रा जाग
अब ख़्वाब से तू जाग
az Khwaab-e garaaN Khez – mohammed iqbal
from (your) deep sleep, rise
urdu translation by shahed
Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion. The title of this composition “Rise from your deep slumber” is intriguingly close to josh malihabadi’s “nau-e bashar jaag”. The latter is a universal call to action – a call to all humanity to discard superstition and received wisdom. Iqbal’s poem is a call for muslims to wake up. That in itself might have been fine if it had not been combined with, “shamshir o sinaaN haath liye jaag”. Iqbal creates/propagates the picture of strife loving muslim.
aye Ghuncha1-e Khwaabida2, deeda-e beena3 ki tarah jaag
taraaj4 hua jaata hai ghar Khwaab se tu jaag
murGhaan-e chaman5 gaate haiN dete haiN azaaN6 jaag
hai josh7 meN hangaama8-e aatish nafasaaN9 jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.unopened flower bud 2.sleeping 3.seeing/discerning eye 4.destroy 5.birds of the garden 6.call to prayer/action 7.enthusiasm 8.commotion, restlessness 9.firebreathing
O unopened, sleeping flower, wake up and look at what is going on with a discerning eye. Wake up, your home is being destroyed. The birds of the garden sing and call you to action. There is enthusiastic commotion around you and people are breathing fire while you are lost in a deep slumber. Wake up.
Khurshid1 ka ruKh2 subah ki raunaq3 se saja4 hai
aaviza5-e Khoon-e jigar6 ab sahr7 ke kaanauN meN paRa hai
ab qaafila8-e dasht o jabal9 raKht-e safar10 baandh chuka hai
duniya ka samaa dekh tu fahmida11 nazar la, neend se ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.sun 2.face, forehead, brow 3.brightness, beauty 4.decorated 5.ornament, ear-bob 6.blood of the liver, used here to mean the redness of dawn 7.dawn 8.caravan 9.wilderness and hills 10.travel provisions 11.understanding, wise
The brow of the sun is shines/is happy at the beauty of the morning. Red ear-bobs dangle from the ears of Dawn. The caravan is ready to set out on its adventure/exploration of hills and the wilderness. It has gathered its travel provisions. Look at the scenery around you, bring a sight that can understand (what is going on). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
mashriq1 huma2 maanind3-e Ghubaar4-e sar-e rah5 hai
ek naala6-e Khaamosh hai jis ka na asar7 hai
har zarra8 hai vo aaNkh ke paTTi9 si bandhi hai
aye saakin10-e hind aur samarqand o iraq o hamadaaN jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.east 2.all 3.like, similar to 4.dust 5.leading/head of the pathway 6.wail, cry 7.effect 8.particle 9.blindfold 10.resident
All East is like the dust left behind in the pathway (while the caravan moves on). It is like a silent cry that has no effect. It is as if every particle is blindfolded. O people of India, Samarqand, Iraq and Iran, wake up. While the words are “people of India”, clearly, Iqbal means “Muslims of India”. While it is international, it is international sectarianism quite unlike josh’s universal humanism (nau-e bashar jaag). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
darya tera aasuda1 hai bahta to nahiN hai
darya tera vo hai jo ke baRhta hi nahiN hai
darya tera begaana2-e aashob3 o nihaNg4 hai
kar chaak5 garebaaN6 misal7-e mauj-e ravaaN8 jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.calm, still 2.unfamiliar 3.pain, struggle 4.crocodile, danger 5.tear 6.collar 7.similar to, like 8.flowing wave
The flow of life is likened to the flow of a river. Your life is stagnant, unchanging, it does not flow. Your river (of life) is like a river that does not rise/flow. Your life is unfamiliar with struggle and (overcoming) danger. Tear you collar (a sign of daring, not caring for the consequences) and flow like a wave (of action). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
nukta1 hai ye vo jis se ayaaN2 raaz3-e nihaaN4 hai
hai Khaak5 badan6, deen7 magar rooh-e ravaaN8 hai
zinda hai tu us vaqt ke rabt9-e tan10 o jaaN11 hai
sajjada12 baGhal13 meN, shamshir14 o sinaaN15 haath liye jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.point (of view) 2.revealed 3.secret 4.hidden 5.dust, clay 6.body 7.faith 8.flowing/moving spirit 9.connection, relationship 10.body 11.soul/faith 12.prayer mat 13.armpit 14.sword 15.spear
This (which I am about to say) point of view reveals the hidden secret that the body may be of clay but faith is like a moving spirit. As long as there is a connection between body and soul/faith you are alive (when that connection is broken, you may be breathing, but you are not alive). With you prayer mat under your arm and sword and spear in hand, rise. (iqbal is contributing to the image of the strife loving Muslim – also see Stanzas 5 and 9 in iqbal’s shikwa). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
naamoos1-e azal2 ka tu amiN3 hai tu amiN hai
tu quvaat-e baazu4 hai, Khalifa5 bhi tu hi hai
aye Khaak6 ke bande7 ye tera qaid8-e zamaan9 aur zamiN10 hai
sahba11-e yaqiN12 pi, dair-e gumaaN13 chhoR ke ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.honour, dignity 2.eternal 3.caretaker 4.strength of the arm (of god) 5.representative (of god) on earth 6.dust, clay 7.servant, creature 8.prison 9.time 10.place, material (as opposed to spiritual) 11.wine 12.faith 13.world/temple of doubt/illusion/superstition
You are the keeper of the honour of eternal law (the Quran). You are the strong right arm (enforcer) of this eternal law (of god). You are the representative of god on earth (according to Quranic narration when Adam was created god asked all creatures to bow to him, designating him as his “Khalifa”, representative). You are now just a creature of clay imprisoned by time and space (without soul). (If you want to get your soul back) drink the wine of faith and leave the house of illusion/superstition aside. O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
afraNg1 se hoshiyaar2 dilaavezi3 hai us ki
shirini4 o parvezi5 bhi seerat6 meN hai us ki
a’alam7 huma8 veeraN9 jo hai chaNgezi10 hai us ki
me’maar11-e haram12! ta’ameer13-e jahaaN14 vaaste15 ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag1.westerner, European 2.beware, careful 3.(deceptive) kindness 4.sweetness 5.characteristic of pervez, legendary sweet talk 6.nature 7.world 8.whole 9.desolate 10.characteristic of changez, to devastate and destroy 11.architect, builder 12.sanctuary, masjid 13.build 14.world 15.for the sake of
The European with his deceptive show of kindness and sweet talk of his nature has destroyed the whole world like changez Khan did. You have built the santuary and the masjid. Rise now for the sake of re-building the world. O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
az Khwaab-e garaaN Khez – mohammed iqbal
from (your) deep sleep, rise
urdu translation by shahed
The title of this composition “Rise from your deep slumber” is intriguingly close to josh malihabadi’s “nau-e bashar jaag”. The latter is a universal call to action – a call to all humanity to discard superstition and received wisdom. Iqbal’s poem is a call for muslims to wake up. That in itself might have been fine if it had not been combined with, “shamshir o sinaaN haath liye jaag”. Iqbal creates/propagates the picture of strife loving muslim.
aye Ghuncha1-e Khwaabida2, deeda-e beena3 ki tarah jaag
taraaj4 hua jaata hai ghar Khwaab se tu jaag
murGhaan-e chaman5 gaate haiN dete haiN azaaN6 jaag
hai josh7 meN hangaama8-e aatish nafasaaN9 jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.unopened flower bud 2.sleeping 3.seeing/discerning eye 4.destroy 5.birds of the garden 6.call to prayer/action 7.enthusiasm 8.commotion, restlessness 9.firebreathing
O unopened, sleeping flower, wake up and look at what is going on with a discerning eye. Wake up, your home is being destroyed. The birds of the garden sing and call you to action. There is enthusiastic commotion around you and people are breathing fire while you are lost in a deep slumber. Wake up.
Khurshid1 ka ruKh2 subah ki raunaq3 se saja4 hai
aaviza5-e Khoon-e jigar6 ab sahr7 ke kaanauN meN paRa hai
ab qaafila8-e dasht o jabal9 raKht-e safar10 baandh chuka hai
duniya ka samaa dekh tu fahmida11 nazar la, neend se ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.sun 2.face, forehead, brow 3.brightness, beauty 4.decorated 5.ornament, ear-bob 6.blood of the liver, used here to mean the redness of dawn 7.dawn 8.caravan 9.wilderness and hills 10.travel provisions 11.understanding, wise
The brow of the sun is shines/is happy at the beauty of the morning. Red ear-bobs dangle from the ears of Dawn. The caravan is ready to set out on its adventure/exploration of hills and the wilderness. It has gathered its travel provisions. Look at the scenery around you, bring a sight that can understand (what is going on). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
mashriq1 huma2 maanind3-e Ghubaar4-e sar-e rah5 hai
ek naala6-e Khaamosh hai jis ka na asar7 hai
har zarra8 hai vo aaNkh ke paTTi9 si bandhi hai
aye saakin10-e hind aur samarqand o iraq o hamadaaN jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.east 2.all 3.like, similar to 4.dust 5.leading/head of the pathway 6.wail, cry 7.effect 8.particle 9.blindfold 10.resident
All East is like the dust left behind in the pathway (while the caravan moves on). It is like a silent cry that has no effect. It is as if every particle is blindfolded. O people of India, Samarqand, Iraq and Iran, wake up. While the words are “people of India”, clearly, Iqbal means “Muslims of India”. While it is international, it is international sectarianism quite unlike josh’s universal humanism (nau-e bashar jaag). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
darya tera aasuda1 hai bahta to nahiN hai
darya tera vo hai jo ke baRhta hi nahiN hai
darya tera begaana2-e aashob3 o nihaNg4 hai
kar chaak5 garebaaN6 misal7-e mauj-e ravaaN8 jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.calm, still 2.unfamiliar 3.pain, struggle 4.crocodile, danger 5.tear 6.collar 7.similar to, like 8.flowing wave
The flow of life is likened to the flow of a river. Your life is stagnant, unchanging, it does not flow. Your river (of life) is like a river that does not rise/flow. Your life is unfamiliar with struggle and (overcoming) danger. Tear you collar (a sign of daring, not caring for the consequences) and flow like a wave (of action). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
nukta1 hai ye vo jis se ayaaN2 raaz3-e nihaaN4 hai
hai Khaak5 badan6, deen7 magar rooh-e ravaaN8 hai
zinda hai tu us vaqt ke rabt9-e tan10 o jaaN11 hai
sajjada12 baGhal13 meN, shamshir14 o sinaaN15 haath liye jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.point (of view) 2.revealed 3.secret 4.hidden 5.dust, clay 6.body 7.faith 8.flowing/moving spirit 9.connection, relationship 10.body 11.soul/faith 12.prayer mat 13.armpit 14.sword 15.spear
This (which I am about to say) point of view reveals the hidden secret that the body may be of clay but faith is like a moving spirit. As long as there is a connection between body and soul/faith you are alive (when that connection is broken, you may be breathing, but you are not alive). With you prayer mat under your arm and sword and spear in hand, rise. (iqbal is contributing to the image of the strife loving Muslim – also see Stanzas 5 and 9 in iqbal’s shikwa). O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
naamoos1-e azal2 ka tu amiN3 hai tu amiN hai
tu quvaat-e baazu4 hai, Khalifa5 bhi tu hi hai
aye Khaak6 ke bande7 ye tera qaid8-e zamaan9 aur zamiN10 hai
sahba11-e yaqiN12 pi, dair-e gumaaN13 chhoR ke ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.honour, dignity 2.eternal 3.caretaker 4.strength of the arm (of god) 5.representative (of god) on earth 6.dust, clay 7.servant, creature 8.prison 9.time 10.place, material (as opposed to spiritual) 11.wine 12.faith 13.world/temple of doubt/illusion/superstition
You are the keeper of the honour of eternal law (the Quran). You are the strong right arm (enforcer) of this eternal law (of god). You are the representative of god on earth (according to Quranic narration when Adam was created god asked all creatures to bow to him, designating him as his “Khalifa”, representative). You are now just a creature of clay imprisoned by time and space (without soul). (If you want to get your soul back) drink the wine of faith and leave the house of illusion/superstition aside. O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
afraNg1 se hoshiyaar2 dilaavezi3 hai us ki
shirini4 o parvezi5 bhi seerat6 meN hai us ki
a’alam7 huma8 veeraN9 jo hai chaNgezi10 hai us ki
me’maar11-e haram12! ta’ameer13-e jahaaN14 vaaste15 ab jaag
aye Khwaab meN khoye hue insaaN tu zara jaag
ab Khwaab se tu jaag
1.westerner, European 2.beware, careful 3.(deceptive) kindness 4.sweetness 5.characteristic of pervez, legendary sweet talk 6.nature 7.world 8.whole 9.desolate 10.characteristic of changez, to devastate and destroy 11.architect, builder 12.sanctuary, masjid 13.build 14.world 15.for the sake of
The European with his deceptive show of kindness and sweet talk of his nature has destroyed the whole world like changez Khan did. You have built the santuary and the masjid. Rise now for the sake of re-building the world. O you who are lost in sleep, wake up. Wake up.
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