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چھوڑ جاؤں گا ۔ آنند موہن گلزارؔ دہلوی
علم و فن و ادب کا جِناں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
اُردو کی خوشبوؤں کا جہاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
صدیوں رکھے گی یاد جِسے نسل بعدِ نسل
شعر و سخن کے ایسے نشاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
جِس سے ملے گا لہجۂ اَسلاف کا پتہ
ایسی زبان ایسا بیاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
جِس پر یقیں کو ناز رہے گا تمام عمر
میں حرف حرف ایسا گماں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
ذہنوں پہ جِس کی کہکشاں مُنعَکِس رہے
لفظوں کے ایسے تیر کماں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
سطروں میں جِس کی بحرِ معانی ہو موجزن
کوزے میں فکر و فن وہ نہاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
چرچا رہے گا جِس کا صدا لامکان میں
آواز باز گشتِ مکاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
سر سبز ایسا جِس پہ ضعیفی نہ آ سکے
باغِ زباں کا حُسنِ جواں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
ہو مستقل بہارِ ادب جِس میں خیمہ زن
باقی وہ مرغزارِ خزاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
ترسیں گے جِس کے واسطے سب شیخ و برہمن
ناقوس کی صدا میں اذاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
جب بھی کروں گا گُلشنِ دُنیا میں میں سفر
سروِ فن و ادب کو رواں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
اَخلاف کی زباں میں نمایاں رہے سدا
اَسلاف کا وہ حُسنِ بیاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
جِس مرغزارِ شعر میں خوفِ خزاں نہ ہو
گُلزارؔ اُس آشیاں کے نشاں چھوڑ جاؤں گا
छोड़ जाऊं गा – आनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी
इल्म ओ फ़न ओ अदब का जिनां छोड़ जाऊं गा
उर्दू की ख़ुश्बूऔं का जहां छोड़ जाऊं गा
सदियों रखेगी याद जिसे नस्ल बाद-ए नस्ल
शेर ओ सुख़न के ऐसे निशां छोड़ जाऊं गा
जिस से मिलेगा लहजा-ए अस्लाफ़ का पता
ऐसी ज़बान ऐसा बयां छोड़ जाऊं गा
जिस पर यक़ीं को नाज़ रहेगा तमाम उम्र
मैं हरफ़ हरफ़ ऐसा गुमां छोड़ जाऊं गा
ज़हनौं पे जिस की कह्कशां मुनअकिस रहे
लफ़्ज़ौं के ऐसे तीर कमां छोड़ जाऊं गा
सत्रौं में जिस की बहर-ए मु’आनी हो मौजज़न
कूज़े में फ़िक्र ओ फ़न वो निहां छोड़ जाऊं गा
चर्चा रहेगा जिस का सदा लामकान में
आवाज़-ए बाज़-गश्त-ए मकां छोड़ जाऊं गा
सर-सब्ज़ ऐसा जिस पे ज़’ईफ़ी ना आ सके
बाग़-ए ज़बां का हुस्न-ए जवां छोड़ जाऊं गा
हो मुस्तक़िल बहार-ए अदब जिस में ख़ैमा-ज़न
बाक़ी वो मर्ग़ज़ार-ए ख़िज़ां छोड़ जाऊं गा
तरसेंगे जिस के वास्ते सब शैख़ ओ बरहमन
नाक़ूस की सदा में अज़आं छोड़ जाऊं गा
जब भी करूंगा गुलशन-ए दुनिया में मैं सफ़र
सर्व-ए फंन ओ अदब को रवां छोड़ जाऊं गा
अख़्लाफ़ की ज़बां में नुमायां रहे सदा
अस्लाफ़ का वो हुस्न-ए बयां छोड़ जाऊं गा
जिस मर्ग़ज़ार-ए शे’र में ख़ौफ़-ए ख़िज़ां ना हो
गुल्ज़ार उस आशियां के निशां छोड़ जाऊं गा
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living/2019), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu speaks about the legacy he plans to leave behind.
ilm o fun1 o adab2 ka jinaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga
urdu ki KhushbuoN ka jahaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.talent, skill 2.literature 3.heaven
I will leave behind (as my legacy) a heaven of knowledge, skill and literature. I will leave behind a world of fragrances of urdu.
sadiyoN1 rakhegi yaad jise nasl2 baad-e nasl
sh’er o suKhan ke aise nishaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.centuries 2.generation
Generation after generation will remember for centuries, I will leave behind such marks of versification.
jis se milega lahja1-e aslaaf2 ka pata
aisi zabaan aisa bayaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.accent, words 2.forebears
That which has an echo of the accent of forebears, I will leave behind such words and such verse.
jis par yaqeeN ko naaz1 rahega tamaam umr
maiN harf2 harf aisa gumaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga 1.pride 2.word 3.imagination
I will leave behind in every word such a fascinating imagination that everyone will be proud of its reality/certainty.
zahnoN1 pe jis ki kahkashaaN2 mun’akis3 rahe
lafzoN4 ke aise tiir-kamaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.minds 2.constellation 3.reflected 4.words
The words that he will leave behind will fly across the sky like arrows/shooting stars. There will be so many of these that they will leave a reflection on minds like a constellation.
satroN1 meN jis ki bahr2-e mu’aani3 ho maujzan4
kooze5 meN fikr6 o fun7 vo nihaaN8 chhoR jaauN ga 1.lines 2.ocean 3.meaning 4.flowing in waves 5.small cup 6.thought, reason 7.talent, skill, expertise
He wants to leave behind, in a small cup (in compact words), an ocean of meaning, which has hidden in it, reason and expertise. The lines of his words/verse will be like waves of the ocean.
charcha rahega jis ka sada lamakaan1 meN
aavaaz-e baaz-gasht2-e makaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga 1.not restricted to one place, all over 2.returning, echoing
I will leave behind a sound/voice on this earth that will echo and will forever be famous/talked about all over.
sar-sabz1 aisa jis pe za’eefi2 na aa sake
baaGh-e zabaaN ka husn-e javaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.fresh, green 2.weakness, old age, wilting
In the garden of words/verse, I will leave behind a youthful beauty that will remain forever fresh and never wilt.
ho mustaqil1 bahaar-e adab2 jis meN Khaima-zan3
baaqi4 vo marGhzaar5-e KhizaaN6 chhoR jaauN ga 1.permanent 2.literature, verse 3.camped 4.remaining 5.field of grass, meadow 6.fall, dry season
I will leave behind a meadow, in which, even in drought, the bloom/flowers of verse will be forever camped .
tarseNge jis ke vaaste sub shaiKh o barhaman
naqoos1 ki sada2 meN azaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga 1.shankh, conch shell 2.sound to prayer/namaaz
The shaiKh and brahman will thirst for the sound of azaan that I will leave behind in a conch shell.
jab bhi karuNga gulshan-e duniya meN maiN safar
sarv1-e fun2 o adab3 ko ravaaN4 chhoR jaauN ga 1.cypress 2.talent 3.literature, verse 4.flowing
The cypress is a metaphor for tall, slender beauty with a wavy motion that is considered to be gentle and beautiful gait. When I depart from the garden of this world, I will leave behind verse that has a flowing gait like the cypress.
aKhlaaf1 ki zabaaN meN numaayaaN2 rahe sada3
aslaaf4 ka vo husn-e-bayaaN5 chhoR jaauN ga 1.progeny, the next generation 2.seem, prominent 3.always 4.forebears, ancestors of speech
The beauty of speech/verse that he received from his forebears he will leave for the next generation such that it will always be apparent in their own way to speaking. Is the next generation learning urdu???
jis marGhzaar1-e she’r meN Khauf-e-KhizaaN2 na ho
gulzaar us aashiyaaN3 ke nishaaN chhoR jaauN ga 1.meadow 2.fear of drought 3.nest
The poet is a bird that builds a nest. In poetic convention the nest is destroyed with the garden wilts during drought. He wants to leave behind pointers/advice on how to build a nest in the meadow of verse which does not have any fear of drought.
anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living/2019), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu speaks about the legacy he plans to leave behind.
ilm o fun1 o adab2 ka jinaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga
urdu ki KhushbuoN ka jahaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.talent, skill 2.literature 3.heaven
I will leave behind (as my legacy) a heaven of knowledge, skill and literature. I will leave behind a world of fragrances of urdu.
sadiyoN1 rakhegi yaad jise nasl2 baad-e nasl
sh’er o suKhan ke aise nishaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.centuries 2.generation
Generation after generation will remember for centuries, I will leave behind such marks of versification.
jis se milega lahja1-e aslaaf2 ka pata
aisi zabaan aisa bayaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.accent, words 2.forebears
That which has an echo of the accent of forebears, I will leave behind such words and such verse.
jis par yaqeeN ko naaz1 rahega tamaam umr
maiN harf2 harf aisa gumaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga
1.pride 2.word 3.imagination
I will leave behind in every word such a fascinating imagination that everyone will be proud of its reality/certainty.
zahnoN1 pe jis ki kahkashaaN2 mun’akis3 rahe
lafzoN4 ke aise tiir-kamaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.minds 2.constellation 3.reflected 4.words
The words that he will leave behind will fly across the sky like arrows/shooting stars. There will be so many of these that they will leave a reflection on minds like a constellation.
satroN1 meN jis ki bahr2-e mu’aani3 ho maujzan4
kooze5 meN fikr6 o fun7 vo nihaaN8 chhoR jaauN ga
1.lines 2.ocean 3.meaning 4.flowing in waves 5.small cup 6.thought, reason 7.talent, skill, expertise
He wants to leave behind, in a small cup (in compact words), an ocean of meaning, which has hidden in it, reason and expertise. The lines of his words/verse will be like waves of the ocean.
charcha rahega jis ka sada lamakaan1 meN
aavaaz-e baaz-gasht2-e makaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga
1.not restricted to one place, all over 2.returning, echoing
I will leave behind a sound/voice on this earth that will echo and will forever be famous/talked about all over.
sar-sabz1 aisa jis pe za’eefi2 na aa sake
baaGh-e zabaaN ka husn-e javaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.fresh, green 2.weakness, old age, wilting
In the garden of words/verse, I will leave behind a youthful beauty that will remain forever fresh and never wilt.
ho mustaqil1 bahaar-e adab2 jis meN Khaima-zan3
baaqi4 vo marGhzaar5-e KhizaaN6 chhoR jaauN ga
1.permanent 2.literature, verse 3.camped 4.remaining 5.field of grass, meadow 6.fall, dry season
I will leave behind a meadow, in which, even in drought, the bloom/flowers of verse will be forever camped .
tarseNge jis ke vaaste sub shaiKh o barhaman
naqoos1 ki sada2 meN azaaN3 chhoR jaauN ga
1.shankh, conch shell 2.sound to prayer/namaaz
The shaiKh and brahman will thirst for the sound of azaan that I will leave behind in a conch shell.
jab bhi karuNga gulshan-e duniya meN maiN safar
sarv1-e fun2 o adab3 ko ravaaN4 chhoR jaauN ga
1.cypress 2.talent 3.literature, verse 4.flowing
The cypress is a metaphor for tall, slender beauty with a wavy motion that is considered to be gentle and beautiful gait. When I depart from the garden of this world, I will leave behind verse that has a flowing gait like the cypress.
aKhlaaf1 ki zabaaN meN numaayaaN2 rahe sada3
aslaaf4 ka vo husn-e-bayaaN5 chhoR jaauN ga
1.progeny, the next generation 2.seem, prominent 3.always 4.forebears, ancestors of speech
The beauty of speech/verse that he received from his forebears he will leave for the next generation such that it will always be apparent in their own way to speaking. Is the next generation learning urdu???
jis marGhzaar1-e she’r meN Khauf-e-KhizaaN2 na ho
gulzaar us aashiyaaN3 ke nishaaN chhoR jaauN ga
1.meadow 2.fear of drought 3.nest
The poet is a bird that builds a nest. In poetic convention the nest is destroyed with the garden wilts during drought. He wants to leave behind pointers/advice on how to build a nest in the meadow of verse which does not have any fear of drought.
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