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گاندھی شہادت ۔ پنڈت آنند نارائن مُلّا
مشرق کا دیا گل ہوتا ہے مغرب پہ سیاہی چھاتی ہے
ہر دل سنّ سا ہو جاتا ہے ہر سانس کی لو تھرّاتی ہے
اُتّر، دکِھن، پورب، پچھم ہر سمت سے اک چیخ آتی ہے
نوعِ انساں کاندھوں پہ لئے گاندھی کی ارتھی جاتی ہے
آکاش کے تارے بجھتے ہیں دھرتی سے دھواں سا اُٹھتا ہے
دنیا کو یہ لگتا ہے جیسے سر سے کوئی سایا اُٹھتا ہے
کچھ دیر کو نبضِ عالم بھی چلتے چلتے رک جاتی ہے
ہر ملک کا پرچم گرتا ہے ہر قوم کو ہچکی آتی ہے
تہذیب جہاں تھرّاتی ہے تاریخِ بشر شرماتی ہے
موت اپنے کئے پر خود جیسے دل ہی دل میں پچھتاتی ہے
انساں وہ اُٹھا جس کا ثانی صدیوں میں بھی دنیا جن نہ سکی
مورت وہ مِٹی نقاش سے بھی جوبن کے دوبارہ بن نہ سکی
دیکھا نہیں جاتا آنکھوں سے یہ منظرِ عبرتناکِ وطن
پھولوں کے لہو کے پیاسے ہیں اپنے ہی خس و خاشاکِ وطن
ہاتھوں سے بجھایا خود اپنے وہ شعلۂ روحِ پاکِ وطن
داغ اس سے سیہ تر کوئی نہیں دامن پہ ترے اے خاکِ وطن
پیغامِ اجل لائی اپنے اس سب سے بڑے محسن کے لئے
اے وائے طلوع آزادی آزاد ہوئے اس دن کے لئے
جب ناخنِ حکمت ہی ٹوٹے دشوار کو آساں کون کرے
جب خشک ہوا ابرِ باراں شاخوں کو گل افشاں کون کرے
جب شعلۂ مینا سرد ہو خود جاموں کو فروزاں کون کرے
جب سورج ہی گل ہو جائے تاروں میں چراغاں کون کرے
ناشاد وطن افسوس تری قِسمت کا ستارہ ٹوٹ گیا
اُنگلی کو پکڑ کر چلتے تھے جس کی وہی رہبر چھوٹ گیا
اُس حسن سے کچھ ہستی میں تری اضداد ہوئے تھے آ کے بہم
اک خواب و حقیقت کا سنگم مِٹّی پہ قدم نظروں میں اِرم
اک جسمِ نحیف و زار مگر اک عزمِ جوان و مستحکم
چشمِ بینا، معصوم کا دل، خورشید نفس، ذوقِ شبنم
وہ عِجزِ غرورِ سلطاں بھی جس کے آگے جھک جاتا تھا
وہ موم کہ جس سے ٹکرا کر لوہے کو پسینہ آتا تھا
سینے میں جو دے کانٹوں کو بھی جا اس گُل کی لطافت کیا کہئے
جو زہر پئے امرت کر کے اُس لب کی حلاوت کیا کہئے
جس سانس میں دنیا جاں پائے اُس سانس کی نکہت کیا کہئے
جس موت پہ ہستی ناز کرے اُس موت کی عظمت کیا کہئے
یہ موت نہ تھی قدرت نے ترے سر پر رکھا اک تاج حیات
تھی زیست تری معراجِ وفا اور موت تری معراجِ حیات
یکساں نزدیک و دور پہ تھا بارانِ فیضِ عام ترا
ہر دشت و چمن ہر کوہ و دمن میں گونجا ہے پیغام ترا
ہر خُشک و ترِ ہستی پہ رقم ہے خطِ جلی میں نام ترا
ہر ذرہ میں تیرا معبد ہر قطرہ تیرتھ دھام ترا
اِس لطف و کرم کے آئیں میں مر کر بھی نہ کچھ ترمیم ہوئی
اِس ملک کے کونے کونے میں مِٹّی بھی تری تقسیم ہوئی
تاریخ میں قوموں کی اُبھرے کیسے کیسے ممتاز بشر
کچھ ملکِ زمیں کے تخت نشیں کچھ تختِ فلک کے تاج بسر
اپنوں کے لئے جام و صہبا اوروں کے لئے شمشیر و تبر
نردِ انساں پِٹتی ہی رہی دنیا کی بساطِ طاقت پر
مخلوقِ خدا کی بن کے سِپر میداں میں دلاور ایک تو ہی
ایماں کے پیمبر آئے بہت انساں کا پیمبر ایک تو ہی
بازوئے خِرد اُڑ اُڑ کے تھکے تری رفعت تک جا نہ سکے
ذہنوں کی تجلّی کام آئی خاکے بھی ترے ہاتھ آ نہ سکے
الفاظ و معنی ختم ہوئے عنواں بھی ترا اپنا نہ سکے
نظروں کے کنول جل جل کے بجھے پرچھائیں بھی تیری پا نہ سکے
ہر علم و یقیں سے بالاتر تو ہے وہ سپہرِ تابندہ
صوفی کی جہاں نیچی ہے نظر شاعر کا تصور شرمندہ
پستئ سیاست کو تو نے اپنے قامت سے رفعت دی
ایماں کی تنگ خیالی کو انسان کے غم کی وسعت دی
ہر سانس سے درسِ امن دیا ہر جبر پہ دادِ اُلفت دی
قاتل کو بھی گر لب ہل نہ سکے آنکھوں سے دعائے رحمت دی
ہِنسا کو اہِنسا کا اپنی پیغام سنانے آیا تھا
نفرت کی ماری دنیا میں اک پریم سندیسہ لایا تھا
اس پریم سندیسے کو تیرے سینوں کی امانت بننا ہے
سینوں سے کدورت دھونے کو اک موج ندامت بننا ہے
اس موج کو بڑھتے بڑھتے پھر سیلابِ محبت بننا ہے
اس سیلِ رواں کے دھارے کو اس ملک کی قسمت بننا ہے
جب تک نہ بہے گا یہ دھارا شاداب نہ ہوگا باغ ترا
اے خاکِ وطن دامن سے ترے دھلنے کا نہیں یہ داغ ترا
جاتے جاتے بھی تو ہم کو اک زیست کا عنواں دے کے گیا
بجھتی ہوئی شمع محفل کو پھر شعلۂ رقصاں دے کے گیا
بھٹکے ہوئے گامِ اِنساں کو پھر جادۂ انساں دے کے گیا
ہر ساحلِ ظلمت کو اپنا مینار درخشاں دے کے گیا
تو چپ ہے لیکن صدیوں تک گونجے گی صدائے ساز تری
دنیا کو اندھیری راتوں میں ڈھارس دے گی آواز تری
गाँधी शहादत – पंडित आनंद नारायन मुल्ला
मश्रिक़ का दिया गुल होता है मग़्रिब पे सियाही छाती है
हर दिल सन सा हो जाता है हर साँस की लौ थर्राती है
उत्तर दक्खिन पूरब पच्छिम हर सम्त से एक चीख़ आती है
नौ-ए-इंसाँ काँधों पे लिए गाँधी की अर्थी जाती है
आकाश के तारे बुझते हैं धरती से धुआँ सा उठता है
दुनिया को ये लगता है जैसे सर से कोई साया उठता है
कुछ देर को नब्ज़-ए-आलम भी चलते चलते रुक जाती है
हर मुल्क का परचम गिरता है हर क़ौम को हिचकी आती है
तहज़ीब जहाँ थर्राती है तारीख़-ए-बशर शरमाती है
मौत अपने किये पर ख़ुद जैसे दिल ही दिल में पछ्ताती है
इंसाँ वो उठा जिस का सानी सदियों में भी दुनिया जन न सकी
मूरत वो मिटी नक़्क़ाश से भी जो बन के दुबारा बन न सकी
देखा नहीं जाता आँखों से ये मंज़र-ए-इबरतनाक-ए-वतन
फूलों के लहू के प्यासे हैं अपने ही ख़स-ओ-ख़ाशाक-ए-वतन
हाथों से बुझाया ख़ुद अपने वो शोला-ए-रूह पाक-ए-वतन
दाग़ उस से सियह-तर कोई नहीं दामन पे तेरे ऐ ख़ाक-ए-वतन
पैग़ाम-ए-अजल लाई अपने उस सब से बड़े मोहसिन के लिए
ऐ वा-ए-तुलू-ए-आज़ादी आज़ाद हुए इस दिन के लिए
जब नाख़ुन-ए-हिकमत ही टूटे दुश्वार को आसाँ कौन करे
जब ख़ुश्क हुआ अब्र-ए-बाराँ ही शाख़ों को गुल-अफ़शाँ कौन करे
जब शोला-ए-मीना सर्द हो ख़ुद जामों को फ़रोज़ाँ कौन करे
जब सूरज ही गुल हो जाए तारों में चराग़ाँ कौन करे
नाशाद वतन अफ़्सोस तेरी क़िस्मत का सितारा टूट गया
उँगली को पकड़ कर चलते थे जिस की वही रहबर छूट गया
उस हुस्न से कुछ हस्ती में तेरी अज़्दाद हुए थे आ के बहम
एक ख़्वाब-ओ-हक़ीक़त का संगम मिट्टी पे क़दम नज़रों में इरम
एक जिस्म-ए-नहीफ़-ओ-ज़ार मगर एक अज़्म-ए-जवान-ओ-मुस्तहकम
चश्म-ए-बीना, मा’सूम का दिल, ख़ुर्शीद नफ़स, ज़ौक़-ए-शबनम
वो इज्ज़-ए-ग़ुरूर-ए-सुल्ताँ भी जिस के आगे झुक जाता था
वो मोम के जिस से टकरा कर लोहे को पसीना आता था
सीने में जो दे काँटों को भी जा उस गुल की लताफ़त क्या कहिए
जो ज़हर पिए अमृत कर के उस लब की हलावत क्या कहिए
जिस साँस में दुनिया जाँ पाए उस साँस की निकहत क्या कहिए
जिस मौत पे हस्ती नाज़ करे उस मौत की अज़्मत क्या कहिए
ये मौत न थी क़ुदरत ने तेरे सर पर रक्खा एक ताज-ए-हयात
थी ज़ीस्त तेरी मेराज-ए-वफ़ा और मौत तेरी मेराज-ए-हयात
यकसाँ नज़दीक-ओ-दूर पे था बारान-ए-फ़ैज़-ए-आम तेरा
हर दश्त-ओ-चमन हर कोह-ओ-दमन में गूँजा है पैग़ाम तेरा
हर ख़ुश्क-ओ-तर-ए हस्ती पे रक़म है ख़त्त-ए-जली में नाम तेरा
हर ज़र्रे में तेरा मा’बद हर क़तरा तीरथ धाम तेरा
उस लुत्फ़-ओ-करम के आईं में मर कर भी न कुछ तरमीम हुई
इस मुल्क के कोने कोने में मिट्टी भी तेरी तक़्सीम हुई
तारीख़ में क़ौमों की उभरे कैसे कैसे मुम्ताज़ बशर
कुछ मुल्क-ए ज़मीं के तख़्त-नशीं कुछ तख़्त-ए फ़लक के ताज-बसर
अपनों के लिए जाम-ओ-सहबा औरों के लिए शमशीर-ओ-तबर
नर्द-ए-इंसाँ पिटती ही रही दुनिया की बिसात-ए-ताक़त पर
मख़्लूक़-ए ख़ुदा की बन के सिपर मैदाँ में दिलावर एक तू ही
ईमाँ के पयम्बर आए बहुत इंसाँ का पयम्बर एक तू ही
बाज़ू-ए-ख़िरद उड़ उड़ के थके तेरी रफ़’अत तक जा न सके
ज़ेहनों की तजल्ली काम आई ख़ाके भी तेरे हाथ आ न सके
अल्फ़ाज़-ओ-मानी ख़त्म हुए उनवाँ भी तेरा अपना न सके
नज़रों के कँवल जल जल के बुझे परछाईं भी तेरी पा न सके
हर ईल्म-ओ-यकीं से बाला-तर तू है वो सिपहर-ए-ताबिंदा
सूफ़ी की जहाँ नीची है नज़र शाइ’र का तसव्वुर शर्मिंदा
पस्ती-ए-सियासत को तू ने अपने क़ामत से रफ़’अत दी
ईमाँ की तंग-ख़याली को इंसाँ के ग़म की वुस’अत दी
हर साँस से दर्स-ए-अमन दिया हर जब्र पे दाद-ए-उल्फ़त दी
क़ातिल को भी गर लब हिल न सके आँखों से दुआ-ए-रहमत दी
हिंसा को अहिंसा का अपनी पैग़ाम सुनाने आया था
नफ़रत की मारी दुनिया में एक प्रेम संदेसा लाया था
उस प्रेम संदेसे को तेरे सीनों की अमानत बनना है
सीनों से कुदूरत धोने को एक मौज-ए-नदामत बनना है
उस मौज को बढ़ते बढ़ते फिर सैलाब-ए-मोहब्बत बनना है
उस सैल-ए-रवाँ के धारे को इस मुल्क की क़िस्मत बनना है
जब तक न बहेगा ये धारा शादाब न होगा बाग़ तेरा
ऐ ख़ाक-ए-वतन दामन से तिरे धुलने का नहीं ये दाग़ तेरा
जाते जाते भी तू हम को एक ज़ीस्त का उनवाँ दे के गया
बुझती हुई शम-ए-महफ़िल को फिर शो’ला-ए-रक़्साँ दे के गया
भटके हुए गाम-ए-इंसाँ को फिर जादा-ए-इंसाँ दे के गया
हर साहिल-ए-ज़ुल्मत को अपना मीनार-ए-दरख़्शाँ दे के गया
तू चुप है लेकिन सदियों तक गूँजेगी सदा-ए-साज़ तेरी
दुनिया को अँधेरी रातों में ढारस देगी आवाज़ तेरी
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997) was a progressive thinker. A judge and later a member of the lok sabha and then the rajya sabha. He has written with much feeling about the status of urdu, about communal hatred and about blind faith. Here, he mourns the assassination of gandhi in flowing, chaste urdu with much emotion.
mashriq1 ka diya gul2 hota hai maGhrib3 pe siyaahi4 chhaati hai
har dil sann5 sa ho jaata hai har saaNs ki lau tharraati hai
uttar dakhkhin poorab pachchhim har samt6 se ek chiiKh aati hai
nau-e-insaaN7 kaandhoN pe liye gandhi ki arthi8 jaati hai
aakaash ke taare bujhte haiN dharti se dhuaN sa uThta hai
duniya ko ye lagta hai jaise sar se koi saaya uThta hai 1.east 2.extinguished 3.west 4.darkness 5.stunned 6.direction 7.humanity 8.funeral bier
Lamps in the East are extinguished. Darkness spreads in the West. Every heart is stunned, every breath trembles. North, South, East and West, in every direction a cry rises. A sea of humanity bears the funeral bier of gandhi on its shoulders. It feels as if the shade under which we took refuge, is gone.
kuchh der ko nabz-e-aalam1 bhi chalte chalte ruk jaati hai
har mulk ka parcham girta hai har qaum ko hichki2 aati hai
tahzib3-e jahaaN tharrati hai tariKh-e-bashar4 sharmaati hai
maut apne kiye par Khud jaise dil hi dil meN pachhtaati5 hai
insaaN vo uTha jis ka saani6 sadiyoN7 meN bhi duniya jan8 na saki
moorat vo miTi naqqaash9 se bhi jo ban ke dobaara ban na saki 1.pulse of humanity 2.hiccup/sob 3.culture/tradition/civilization 4.human history 5.regrets 6.example/equal 7.centuries 8.give birth to 9.artist
For a while the pulse of humanity stopped beating. Every country lowered its flag. Every community was sobbing. Civilization trembled, history was crestfallen. Death regretted its own actions. He, the likes of him, the world will not be able to produce for centuries, is gone. The sketch which even the maker/artist will not be able reproduce is erased.
dekha nahiN jaata aNkhoN se ye manzar1-e-ibratnak2-e-vatan
phooloN ke lahu3 ke pyaase haiN apne hi Khas-o-Khaashaak4-e-vatan
haathoN se bujhaya Khud apne vo sho’la5-e rooh6-e paak-e-vatan
daaGh7 us se siyah-tar8 koi nahiN daaman9 pe tire aye Khaak-e-vatan
paiGham-e-ajal10 laai apne us sab se baRe mohsin11 ke liye
aye vaa12-e tuloo13-e-azaadi azaad hue is din ke liye 1.scene 2.horrific, dreadful 3.blood 4.thorns and straw 5.flame 6.spirit 7.stain 8.darker 9.hem of the robe 10.message of death 11.benefactor 12.fie on it 13.dawn
I cannot bear to see this horrific scene. The garden itself is thirsting for the blood of the rose. We have extinguished the flame of the spirit of the homeland with our own hands. There can be no darker stain than this on your soil, O homeland. Fie on you Liberty, that you brought the message of death for the greatest benefactor. Did we gain Liberty to see this dreadful day.
jab naKhun1-e hikmat2 hi TuuTe dushvar3 ko asaaN kaun kare
jab Khushk4 hua abr-e-baaraaN5 shaaKhoN ko gul-afshaaN6 kaun kare
jab sho’la-e-mina7 sard8 ho Khud jaamoN9 ko farozaaN10 kaun kare
jab sooraj hi gul11 ho jaaye taaroN meN charaGhaaN12 kaun kare
naashad13 vatan afsos14 teri qismat ka sitaara TuuT gaya
uNgli ko pakaR kar chalte the jis ki vahi rahbar15 chhooT gaya 1.finger nail 2.wisdom 3.difficult 4.dry 5.rain cloud 6.showering flowers 7.flame of the flask of wine 8.cold 9.cups 10.shining 11.extinguished 12.light up, illuminate 13.unhappy 14.alas
Finger nails are useful in untying knots. This is a metaphor used for untying mysteries and increasing knowledge. Thus, when “finger nails of wisdom” are broken, how can difficult problems be made easy (to understand). When the rain cloud has gone dry, how can branches shower flowers. When the wine in the flask has soured, how can we pour sparkling wine into cups. When the sun itself is extinguished, how can we light up this darkness. O, unhappy nation, alas, the star of your fate has set. The guide whose finger we used to hold, is gone.
us husn1 se kuchh hasti2 meN teri azdaad3 hue the aa ke baham4
ek Khwaab-o-haqiqat5 ka saNgam miTTi pe qadam nazroN meN iram6
ek jism-e nahif-o-zaar7 magar ek azm8-e javaan-o-mustahkam9
chashm-e-bina10, maasoom11 ka dil, Khurshid12 nafas13, zauq14-e-shabnam
vo ijz15, Ghuroor-e-sultaaN bhi jis ke aage jhuk jaata tha
vo mom16 ke jis se Takra kar lohe ko pasina aata tha 1.that beauty i.e. divine beauty 3.opposites 4.mingle, come together 5.dream/vision and reality 6.heaven 7.frail and wounded 8.determination 9.young and steadfast 10.seeing/discriminating eye 11.innocent/virtuous 12.sun/warmth/life-giving 13.breath 14.taste, desire, love 15.humility 16.wax
Granted by that divine beauty, opposite qualities came together in you character. A confluence of a grand vision and hard reality, feet on the ground and eyes on heaven, a frail and wounded body but steely determination. A seeing eye, a virtuous heart, a bright soul, warmth of the sun and the loving sacrifice of dew (this is a bit of speculation – sun and dew are often used as opposites, dew disappears when the sun rises. I am speculatively interpreting this as self-sacrifice). That humility, before which the pride of royalty, would bow. That soft wax before which steel would melt.
siine meN jo de kaaNToN ko bhi ja1 us gul ki lataafat2 kya kahiye
jo zahar piye amrit kar ke us lab ki halaavat3 kya kahiye
jis saaNs meN duniya jaaN paaye us saaNs ki nik’hat4 kya kahiye
jis maut pe hasti5 naaz kare us maut ki azmat6 kya kahiye
ye maut na thi qudrat7 ne tere sar par rakkha ek taaj-e-hayaat8
thi ziist9 teri meraj-e-vafa10 aur maut teri meraj-e-hayaat 2.elegance, culture 3.sweetness 4.fragrance 6.greatness 7.nature/god of life/immortality 10.epitome of Truth 11.epitome of life
What can I say of the refined culture of the flower that makes a place in its heart even for thorns, or of the sweetness of the lips that turn poison into elixir as they drink it, or of the fragrance of the breath from which the world draws life, or of the greatness of the life, of which even Death is proud. This is not your death, but nature placing the crown of immortality on your head. Your life was the epitome of Truth, your death is the epitome of life.
yaksaaN1 nazdik-o-duur2 pe tha baraan3-e faiz-e-‘aam4 tera
har dasht-o-chaman5 har koh-o-daman6 meN gooNja hai paiGhaam tera
har Khushk-o-tar7-e hasti pe raqam8 hai Khatt-e-jali9 meN naam tera
har zarre10 meN tera m’aabad11, har qatra12 tirath-dhaam13 tera
us lutf-o-karam14 ke aaiiN15 meN mar kar bhi na kuchh tarmeem16 hui
is mulk ke kone kone17 meN miTTi bhi teri taqsim18 hui 1.uniform, same 2.near and far, friends and strangers 3.rain for all 5.desert and garden 6.hills and valley 7.wet and dry, good and bad 8.written 9.bold letters 10.grain of sand of worship 12.drop of pilgrimage and kindness 15.tradition, ways 16.change 17.corners 18.distribute
Your love rained uniformly on all, near and far. Your message echoed through desert and garden, hills and valleys. Your name is written in bold letters in the good and bad of life. Every grain of sand was your mosque and every drop of water your temple. Even in death, there was no change in your ways. Your ashes were spread in all corners of this land.
tariKh1 meN qaumoN2 ki ubhre3 kaise kaise mumtaz4 bashar5
kuchh mulk-e zamiN ke taKht-nashiN6 kuchh taKht-e-falak7 ke taj-basar8
apnoN ke liye jam-o-sahba9 auroN ke liye shamshir-o-tabar10
nard11-e insaaN piTti hi rahi duniya ki bisaat-e-taaqat12 par
maKhlooq13-e Khuda ki ban ke sipar14 maidaN meN dilaavar15 ek tu hi
imaaN ke payambar aaye bahut insaaN ka payambar ek tu hi 1.history 2.communties 3.arose 4.distinguished 6.enthroned 7.heavenly throne 8.crowned head 9.cup and wine 10.sword and hatchet piece, pawn 12.floor/chess-board of power 13.humanity 14.shield, protection 15.brave
In history, many men, in many communities arose over time, some on thrones in kingdoms on land, others on a divine throne. All carried wine and cup for their own and sword and hatchet for others. Everytime the human pawn kept getting beaten. On this chess-board of power, it was you alone that was a shield for all humanity. There have been many prophets of faith, you alone have been a prophet of humanity/universal love.
bazoo-e-Khirad1 uR uR ke thake teri raf’at2 tak ja na sake
zehnoN3 ki tajalli4 kaam-aaii6, Khaake7 bhi tere haath aa na sake
alfaz-o-m’aani8 Khatm hue unvaaN9 bhi tera apna na sake
nazroN ke kaNval jal jal ke bujhe parchhaaiN bhi teri pa na sake
har ilm-o-yaqiN10 se baala-tar11 tu hai vo sip’har-e-tabinda12
suufi13 ki jahaN nichi hai nazar shaa’er ka tasavvur14 sharminda15 1.arms of Wisdom 2.height 3.minds 4.brilliance 6.kaam aana is to be killed, used up 7.sketch, outline 8.word and meanings 9.subject, theme 10.knowledge and faith 11.superior 12.shining shield 13.mystic 14.imagination 15.put to shame
Wisdom flapped its wings and got tired, but could not reach your heights. The brilliance of minds spent itself and got extinguished, but could not even get to your sketch. Words and meanings were used up, but could not re-create your theme. Eyes searched and went blind, but could not even see your shadow. Superior to every discipline and every faith is your shining protective shield. Your philosophy is where even the mystic lowers his eyes and the poet is put to shame.
pasti-e-siyasat1 ko tu ne apne qaamat2 se raf’at3 di
imaaN ki taNg-Khayaali4 ko insaaN ke Gham5 ki vus’at6 di
har saaNs se dars-e-amn7 diya har jabr8 pe daad-e-ulfat9 di
qaatil ko bhi gar lab hil na sake aaNkhoN se dua-e-rahmat10 di
hinsa11 ko ahinsa12 ka apni paiGhaam sunaane aaya tha
nafrat13 ki maari duniya meN ek prem-sandesa14 laaya tha 1.backwardness of politics 2.stature 3.height, dignity 4.narrow mindedness 6.expanse, breadth 7.lesson of peace 8.oppression, injustice 9.gave back love 10.prayer of kindness/forgiveness 11.violence 12.non-violence 13.hatred 14.message of love
With your stature, you brought back politics for its backwardness to a dignified status. To the narrow-mindedness of faith, you gave the expanse of universal love. With every breath you gave a lesson of peace. You paid for every oppression with love. Even though you could not move your lips, with your glance you forgave your killer. You had come to give the message of non-violence to oppression. You brought the message of love to this hate filled world.
us prem-sandese1 ko tere, siinoN ki amaanat2 ban-na hai
siinoN se kudoorat3 dhone ko ek mauj-e-nadamat4 ban-na hai
us mauj ko baRhte baRhte phir sailab-e-mohabbat5 ban-na hai
us sail-e-ravaaN6 ke dhaare ko is mulk ki qismat ban-na hai
jab tak na bahega ye dhaara shaadaab7 na hoga baaGh tera
aye Khaak-e-vatan daaman8 se tere Dhulne ka nahiN ye daaGh9 tera 1.message of love 2.refuge, safe-keeping 3.hatred 4.wave of repentence 5.flood of love 6.flowing flood 7.fruitful 8.hem of the robe 9.stain
This message of love was to be treasured in our hearts, washing out hatred and rising to a flood of love. The flow this flood was to become the fate of this country. Until the flood of love flows to water it, you garden will not bear fruit. This stain will not be washed from your soil, my homeland.
jaate jaate bhi tu ham ko ek ziist1 ka unvaaN2 de ke gaya
bujhti hui shama’-e-mahfil ko phir sho’la-e-raqsaaN3 de ke gaya
bhaTke4 hue gaam5-e-insaaN ko phir jaada-e-insaaN6 de ke gaya
har saahil-e-zulmat7 ko apna minaar-e-daraKhshaN8 de ke gaya
tu chup hai laikin sadiyoN9 tak gooNjegi sadaa-e-saaz10 teri
duniya ko aNdheri raatoN meN Dhaaras11 degi aavaaz teri 2.topic, subject, lesson 3.dancing flame 4.lost 5.pathway 6.pathway of human-ness 7.dark shore 8.bright light-house 9.centuries 10.sound of harp 11.courage, strength
Even as you left this world, you gave us a lesson of life. You granted a dancing flame to this fluttering lamp. Humanity had lost its way, you showed us the path of universal love. To our dark shore, you gave a shining light-house. You have been silenced, for centuries to come, the sound of your voice will reverberate. It will give courage to humanity in the dark of the night.
panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997) was a progressive thinker. A judge and later a member of the lok sabha and then the rajya sabha. He has written with much feeling about the status of urdu, about communal hatred and about blind faith. Here, he mourns the assassination of gandhi in flowing, chaste urdu with much emotion.
mashriq1 ka diya gul2 hota hai maGhrib3 pe siyaahi4 chhaati hai
har dil sann5 sa ho jaata hai har saaNs ki lau tharraati hai
uttar dakhkhin poorab pachchhim har samt6 se ek chiiKh aati hai
nau-e-insaaN7 kaandhoN pe liye gandhi ki arthi8 jaati hai
aakaash ke taare bujhte haiN dharti se dhuaN sa uThta hai
duniya ko ye lagta hai jaise sar se koi saaya uThta hai
1.east 2.extinguished 3.west 4.darkness 5.stunned 6.direction 7.humanity 8.funeral bier
Lamps in the East are extinguished. Darkness spreads in the West. Every heart is stunned, every breath trembles. North, South, East and West, in every direction a cry rises. A sea of humanity bears the funeral bier of gandhi on its shoulders. It feels as if the shade under which we took refuge, is gone.
kuchh der ko nabz-e-aalam1 bhi chalte chalte ruk jaati hai
har mulk ka parcham girta hai har qaum ko hichki2 aati hai
tahzib3-e jahaaN tharrati hai tariKh-e-bashar4 sharmaati hai
maut apne kiye par Khud jaise dil hi dil meN pachhtaati5 hai
insaaN vo uTha jis ka saani6 sadiyoN7 meN bhi duniya jan8 na saki
moorat vo miTi naqqaash9 se bhi jo ban ke dobaara ban na saki
1.pulse of humanity 2.hiccup/sob 3.culture/tradition/civilization 4.human history 5.regrets 6.example/equal 7.centuries 8.give birth to 9.artist
For a while the pulse of humanity stopped beating. Every country lowered its flag. Every community was sobbing. Civilization trembled, history was crestfallen. Death regretted its own actions. He, the likes of him, the world will not be able to produce for centuries, is gone. The sketch which even the maker/artist will not be able reproduce is erased.
dekha nahiN jaata aNkhoN se ye manzar1-e-ibratnak2-e-vatan
phooloN ke lahu3 ke pyaase haiN apne hi Khas-o-Khaashaak4-e-vatan
haathoN se bujhaya Khud apne vo sho’la5-e rooh6-e paak-e-vatan
daaGh7 us se siyah-tar8 koi nahiN daaman9 pe tire aye Khaak-e-vatan
paiGham-e-ajal10 laai apne us sab se baRe mohsin11 ke liye
aye vaa12-e tuloo13-e-azaadi azaad hue is din ke liye
1.scene 2.horrific, dreadful 3.blood 4.thorns and straw 5.flame 6.spirit 7.stain 8.darker 9.hem of the robe 10.message of death 11.benefactor 12.fie on it 13.dawn
I cannot bear to see this horrific scene. The garden itself is thirsting for the blood of the rose. We have extinguished the flame of the spirit of the homeland with our own hands. There can be no darker stain than this on your soil, O homeland. Fie on you Liberty, that you brought the message of death for the greatest benefactor. Did we gain Liberty to see this dreadful day.
jab naKhun1-e hikmat2 hi TuuTe dushvar3 ko asaaN kaun kare
jab Khushk4 hua abr-e-baaraaN5 shaaKhoN ko gul-afshaaN6 kaun kare
jab sho’la-e-mina7 sard8 ho Khud jaamoN9 ko farozaaN10 kaun kare
jab sooraj hi gul11 ho jaaye taaroN meN charaGhaaN12 kaun kare
naashad13 vatan afsos14 teri qismat ka sitaara TuuT gaya
uNgli ko pakaR kar chalte the jis ki vahi rahbar15 chhooT gaya
1.finger nail 2.wisdom 3.difficult 4.dry 5.rain cloud 6.showering flowers 7.flame of the flask of wine 8.cold 9.cups 10.shining 11.extinguished 12.light up, illuminate 13.unhappy 14.alas
Finger nails are useful in untying knots. This is a metaphor used for untying mysteries and increasing knowledge. Thus, when “finger nails of wisdom” are broken, how can difficult problems be made easy (to understand). When the rain cloud has gone dry, how can branches shower flowers. When the wine in the flask has soured, how can we pour sparkling wine into cups. When the sun itself is extinguished, how can we light up this darkness. O, unhappy nation, alas, the star of your fate has set. The guide whose finger we used to hold, is gone.
us husn1 se kuchh hasti2 meN teri azdaad3 hue the aa ke baham4
ek Khwaab-o-haqiqat5 ka saNgam miTTi pe qadam nazroN meN iram6
ek jism-e nahif-o-zaar7 magar ek azm8-e javaan-o-mustahkam9
chashm-e-bina10, maasoom11 ka dil, Khurshid12 nafas13, zauq14-e-shabnam
vo ijz15, Ghuroor-e-sultaaN bhi jis ke aage jhuk jaata tha
vo mom16 ke jis se Takra kar lohe ko pasina aata tha
1.that beauty i.e. divine beauty 3.opposites 4.mingle, come together 5.dream/vision and reality 6.heaven 7.frail and wounded 8.determination 9.young and steadfast 10.seeing/discriminating eye 11.innocent/virtuous 12.sun/warmth/life-giving 13.breath 14.taste, desire, love 15.humility 16.wax
Granted by that divine beauty, opposite qualities came together in you character. A confluence of a grand vision and hard reality, feet on the ground and eyes on heaven, a frail and wounded body but steely determination. A seeing eye, a virtuous heart, a bright soul, warmth of the sun and the loving sacrifice of dew (this is a bit of speculation – sun and dew are often used as opposites, dew disappears when the sun rises. I am speculatively interpreting this as self-sacrifice). That humility, before which the pride of royalty, would bow. That soft wax before which steel would melt.
siine meN jo de kaaNToN ko bhi ja1 us gul ki lataafat2 kya kahiye
jo zahar piye amrit kar ke us lab ki halaavat3 kya kahiye
jis saaNs meN duniya jaaN paaye us saaNs ki nik’hat4 kya kahiye
jis maut pe hasti5 naaz kare us maut ki azmat6 kya kahiye
ye maut na thi qudrat7 ne tere sar par rakkha ek taaj-e-hayaat8
thi ziist9 teri meraj-e-vafa10 aur maut teri meraj-e-hayaat 2.elegance, culture 3.sweetness 4.fragrance 6.greatness 7.nature/god of life/immortality 10.epitome of Truth 11.epitome of life
What can I say of the refined culture of the flower that makes a place in its heart even for thorns, or of the sweetness of the lips that turn poison into elixir as they drink it, or of the fragrance of the breath from which the world draws life, or of the greatness of the life, of which even Death is proud. This is not your death, but nature placing the crown of immortality on your head. Your life was the epitome of Truth, your death is the epitome of life.
yaksaaN1 nazdik-o-duur2 pe tha baraan3-e faiz-e-‘aam4 tera
har dasht-o-chaman5 har koh-o-daman6 meN gooNja hai paiGhaam tera
har Khushk-o-tar7-e hasti pe raqam8 hai Khatt-e-jali9 meN naam tera
har zarre10 meN tera m’aabad11, har qatra12 tirath-dhaam13 tera
us lutf-o-karam14 ke aaiiN15 meN mar kar bhi na kuchh tarmeem16 hui
is mulk ke kone kone17 meN miTTi bhi teri taqsim18 hui
1.uniform, same 2.near and far, friends and strangers 3.rain for all 5.desert and garden 6.hills and valley 7.wet and dry, good and bad 8.written 9.bold letters 10.grain of sand of worship 12.drop of pilgrimage and kindness 15.tradition, ways 16.change 17.corners 18.distribute
Your love rained uniformly on all, near and far. Your message echoed through desert and garden, hills and valleys. Your name is written in bold letters in the good and bad of life. Every grain of sand was your mosque and every drop of water your temple. Even in death, there was no change in your ways. Your ashes were spread in all corners of this land.
tariKh1 meN qaumoN2 ki ubhre3 kaise kaise mumtaz4 bashar5
kuchh mulk-e zamiN ke taKht-nashiN6 kuchh taKht-e-falak7 ke taj-basar8
apnoN ke liye jam-o-sahba9 auroN ke liye shamshir-o-tabar10
nard11-e insaaN piTti hi rahi duniya ki bisaat-e-taaqat12 par
maKhlooq13-e Khuda ki ban ke sipar14 maidaN meN dilaavar15 ek tu hi
imaaN ke payambar aaye bahut insaaN ka payambar ek tu hi
1.history 2.communties 3.arose 4.distinguished 6.enthroned 7.heavenly throne 8.crowned head 9.cup and wine 10.sword and hatchet piece, pawn 12.floor/chess-board of power 13.humanity 14.shield, protection 15.brave
In history, many men, in many communities arose over time, some on thrones in kingdoms on land, others on a divine throne. All carried wine and cup for their own and sword and hatchet for others. Everytime the human pawn kept getting beaten. On this chess-board of power, it was you alone that was a shield for all humanity. There have been many prophets of faith, you alone have been a prophet of humanity/universal love.
bazoo-e-Khirad1 uR uR ke thake teri raf’at2 tak ja na sake
zehnoN3 ki tajalli4 kaam-aaii6, Khaake7 bhi tere haath aa na sake
alfaz-o-m’aani8 Khatm hue unvaaN9 bhi tera apna na sake
nazroN ke kaNval jal jal ke bujhe parchhaaiN bhi teri pa na sake
har ilm-o-yaqiN10 se baala-tar11 tu hai vo sip’har-e-tabinda12
suufi13 ki jahaN nichi hai nazar shaa’er ka tasavvur14 sharminda15
1.arms of Wisdom 2.height 3.minds 4.brilliance 6.kaam aana is to be killed, used up 7.sketch, outline 8.word and meanings 9.subject, theme 10.knowledge and faith 11.superior 12.shining shield 13.mystic 14.imagination 15.put to shame
Wisdom flapped its wings and got tired, but could not reach your heights. The brilliance of minds spent itself and got extinguished, but could not even get to your sketch. Words and meanings were used up, but could not re-create your theme. Eyes searched and went blind, but could not even see your shadow. Superior to every discipline and every faith is your shining protective shield. Your philosophy is where even the mystic lowers his eyes and the poet is put to shame.
pasti-e-siyasat1 ko tu ne apne qaamat2 se raf’at3 di
imaaN ki taNg-Khayaali4 ko insaaN ke Gham5 ki vus’at6 di
har saaNs se dars-e-amn7 diya har jabr8 pe daad-e-ulfat9 di
qaatil ko bhi gar lab hil na sake aaNkhoN se dua-e-rahmat10 di
hinsa11 ko ahinsa12 ka apni paiGhaam sunaane aaya tha
nafrat13 ki maari duniya meN ek prem-sandesa14 laaya tha
1.backwardness of politics 2.stature 3.height, dignity 4.narrow mindedness 6.expanse, breadth 7.lesson of peace 8.oppression, injustice 9.gave back love 10.prayer of kindness/forgiveness 11.violence 12.non-violence 13.hatred 14.message of love
With your stature, you brought back politics for its backwardness to a dignified status. To the narrow-mindedness of faith, you gave the expanse of universal love. With every breath you gave a lesson of peace. You paid for every oppression with love. Even though you could not move your lips, with your glance you forgave your killer. You had come to give the message of non-violence to oppression. You brought the message of love to this hate filled world.
us prem-sandese1 ko tere, siinoN ki amaanat2 ban-na hai
siinoN se kudoorat3 dhone ko ek mauj-e-nadamat4 ban-na hai
us mauj ko baRhte baRhte phir sailab-e-mohabbat5 ban-na hai
us sail-e-ravaaN6 ke dhaare ko is mulk ki qismat ban-na hai
jab tak na bahega ye dhaara shaadaab7 na hoga baaGh tera
aye Khaak-e-vatan daaman8 se tere Dhulne ka nahiN ye daaGh9 tera
1.message of love 2.refuge, safe-keeping 3.hatred 4.wave of repentence 5.flood of love 6.flowing flood 7.fruitful 8.hem of the robe 9.stain
This message of love was to be treasured in our hearts, washing out hatred and rising to a flood of love. The flow this flood was to become the fate of this country. Until the flood of love flows to water it, you garden will not bear fruit. This stain will not be washed from your soil, my homeland.
jaate jaate bhi tu ham ko ek ziist1 ka unvaaN2 de ke gaya
bujhti hui shama’-e-mahfil ko phir sho’la-e-raqsaaN3 de ke gaya
bhaTke4 hue gaam5-e-insaaN ko phir jaada-e-insaaN6 de ke gaya
har saahil-e-zulmat7 ko apna minaar-e-daraKhshaN8 de ke gaya
tu chup hai laikin sadiyoN9 tak gooNjegi sadaa-e-saaz10 teri
duniya ko aNdheri raatoN meN Dhaaras11 degi aavaaz teri 2.topic, subject, lesson 3.dancing flame 4.lost 5.pathway 6.pathway of human-ness 7.dark shore 8.bright light-house 9.centuries 10.sound of harp 11.courage, strength
Even as you left this world, you gave us a lesson of life. You granted a dancing flame to this fluttering lamp. Humanity had lost its way, you showed us the path of universal love. To our dark shore, you gave a shining light-house. You have been silenced, for centuries to come, the sound of your voice will reverberate. It will give courage to humanity in the dark of the night.
Key Search Words: