السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام-جوش ملیح آبادی
اے زمیں کی جیب کے آئینہ الماس بار
اے فلک کی بزم کے مہر درخشان بہار
اے وطن کی سرزمیں کے آسمان ذی وقار
اے زمانے کی صدف کے گوہرانجم شکار
اے صفا کی موج کے لعل درخشاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے امیر کاروان پختہ کاران وطن
اے فقیر تاجدار تاجداران وطن
اے امید و ہمّت ناکام گاران وطن
اے ہلاک عشوہ رنگین یاران وطن
اے شکار کج روان و کور مغزاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
حیف اے جان کرم، نخچیر پیکان ستم
حیف اے صیّاد عنقائے مسّرت، صید غم
حیف اے دود چراغ کشتہ طاق ستم
حیف اے خاکستر پروانہ بیت الصنم
اے شہید اتحاد نوع انساں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
دہر پر تیری شہادت نے یہ ثابت کر دیا
حد سے بڑھ کر نیک ہونا کس قدر ہے نا روا
حرف حق ہے اہل باطل کے لئے طبل وغا
سخت ہوتی ہے گناہ بے گناہی کی سزا
السلام اے کشتہ خیر فراواں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
قاتلوں میں قتل انسانی پہ رونا جرم ہے
تخم نیکی سرزمین دل میں بونا جرم ہے
جذبہ خدمات سے راتوں کو نہ سونا جرم ہے
مجرموں کے درمیاں معصوم ہونا جرم ہے
السلام اے پائمال ذوق عصیاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
درد احساس یتیمی سے ہر اک دل ہے اداس
جادہ روشن پریشاں روئے منزل ہے اداس
کون یہ مقتول اعظم ہے کہ قاتل ہے اداس
صدرمحفل اٹھ گیا محفل کی محفل ہے اداس
اے ابوالہند ، اے خدیو کشور جاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
تو انوکھا چارہ فرما، طرفہ تر دم ساز تھا
تیری پلکوں کے جھپکنے کا عجب اندازتھا
ہرجھپک میں خوشدلی کا ساز بے آواز تھا
روح پر تیری عیاں مہرو وفا کا راز تھا
مسند حسن عمل کے اے غزل خواں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
السلام اے سینہ اقوام کے درد نہاں
السلام اے مرہم زخم دل ہندوستاں
السلام اے دستگیر و چارہ ساز بیکساں
السلام اے آہ سرد تیرہ بختان جہاں
السلام اے اشک گرم سینہ چاکاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
تیرے ہر آغاز میں رعنائی انجام تھی
تیرے میداں میں سیاست مرغ زیر دام تھی
تیرے دست آگہی میں نبض خاص و عام تھی
سطوت افرنگ تجھ سے لرزہ بر اندام تھی
اے گداۓ خانہ برانداز شاہاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے مریضوں کے طبیب اے خستہ جانوں کے کفیل
اے بہ خلوت موج زمزم، اے بہ جلوت رود نیل
آتش نمرود اثر نو کے بے پروا خلیل
حریت کے درس اعظم، حق کے پیغام جلیل
آشتی کے حکم، دلداری کے فرماں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
تو امین مرحمت آئینہ ایثار تھا
صحت افکار انساں کے لئے بیمار تھا
برہمن کا چارہ فرما شیخ کا غمخوار تھا
تو رواداری کا دیوتا امن کا اوتار تھا
السلام اے کعبہ و کاشی کے درباں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے گل افسردۂ بستان حق و راستی
اے سرود رفتۂ بزم نشاط زندگی
اے شب مسروقۂ زلف دراز دلبری
اے چراغ مردۂ محراب امن و آشتی
اے متاع بردۂ گیتا و قرآں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
السلام اے آسمان صدق کے مہر مبیں
السلام اے محفل اخلاق کے مسند نشیں
السلام اے فرش خاک آلود کے عرش بریں
السلام اے خاتم مہر و محبّت کے نگیں
السلام اے عصر حاضرکے سلیماں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
جادۂ حق پر درخشاں ہیں تیرے نقش قدم
پر فشاں ہے آسمان عدل پر تیرا علم
اے حسین ابن علی کے پیرو قدسی حشم
اے یزید عصر نو کے کشتۂ ذوق ستم
اے صلیب تازہ کے عیسئی دوراں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
تیرے طبل جنگ میں ساز موج گنگ تھا
تیرے شیشے کے مقابل زرد روۓ سنگ تھا
خون کی آلودگی سے پاک تیرا رنگ تھا
اسلح سے بے خبر تیرا مزاق جنگ تھا
السلام اے فاتح بے تیغ و پیکاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے محرّم کے افق کی رنگ پرور صبح عید
اے محل یاس و نومیدی کی گلبانگ امید
اے ثناخوان حسین و دشمن شمر و یزید
اے رزیلوں کی رزالت کے لئے ضرب شدید
اے شریفوں کی شرافت کے نگہباں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے خطیب دوستی و اے دشمن بغض و عناد
اے وفا کی آرزو، اے قلب رحمت کی مراد
اے رسول عافیت، اے کشتۂ دیوفساد
بر تو حیف اے سعئی نامشکور امن و اتحاد
اے پریدہ ولولے، پژمردہ ارماں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
تو ہی اک داناۓ کامل، بزم نادانی میں تھا
روشنی کا تو منارہ بحر طغیانی میں تھا
تیرے دم سے زمزمہ گنگا کی جولانی میں تھا
نغمہ تجھ سے کوثر و تسنیم کے پانی میں تھا
اے غرور ہندو و فخر مسلماں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے ہواۓ گرم سے پژمردہ باغ مشک بار
اے جفاۓ سنگ سے بشکستہ جام زر نگار
موت کے مارے ہوئے اے زندگی کے تاجدار
اے خزاں کی دھوپ میں سوۓ ہوئے پیک بہار
اے اجل کی ظلمتوں کے آب حیواں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
فقر سے تیرے برستا تھا جلال قیصری
حیف اے لیلاۓ حریت کے قیس عامری
ہرتیری موج نفس تھی اک سرور رہبری
تیرے سینے میں دھڑکتا تھا دل پیغمبری
اے نواۓ انبیاۓ پاک داماں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اے میرے عشرت ندیدہ رہبر عبرت مآ ل
اے میرے گردن بریدہ عزم اتمام و کمال
اے میرے حیواں دریدہ یوسف قدسی جمال
اے میرے صرصر رسیدہ بوستان جال و قال
اے میرے خاور گزیدہ شبنمستاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
جب سے تو اے بلبل شیریں زباں خاموش ہے
مہر بر لب گلستاں ہے باغباں خاموش ہے
بوۓ گل آزردہ ہے جوۓ رواں خاموش ہے
گلشن دیرینۂ ہندوستاں خاموش ہے
السلام اے ساکن شہر خموشاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
اہل کیف و صاحبان ہوش کے آرام جاں
جملہ مردان اخوت کوش کے آرام جاں
ہر دل پرشورش و خاموش کے آرام جاں
قبلۂ رندان عالم جوش کے آرام جاں
اے تب و تاب امام بادہ نوشاں السلام
السلام اے ہند کے شاہ شہیداں السلام
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
जोश मलीहाबादी
अए ज़मीं की जेब के आईना-ए अलमास बार
अए फ़लक की बज़्म के महर-ए दरख़्शान-ए बहार
अए वतन की सरज़मीं के आसमान-ए ज़ी विक़ार
अए ज़माने की सदफ़ के गौहर-ए अंजुम शिकार
अए सफ़ा की मौज के लाल-ए दरख़्शाँ अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए अमिर-ए कारवान-ए पुख़्ता कारान-ए वतन
अए फ़क़ीर-ए ताजदार-ए ताजदारान-ए वतन
अए उमीद-ओ-हिम्मत-ए नाकाम गारान-ए वतन
अए हलाक-ए ईश्वा-ए रंगीन यारान-ए वतन
अए शिकार-ए कज रवान ओ कूर मग़ज़ां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
हैफ़ अए जान-ए करम, नख़्चीर-ए पैकान-ए सितम
हैफ़ अए सय्याद-ए अंक़ा-ए मस्सरत, सैद-ए ग़म
हैफ़ अए दूद-ए चिराग-ए कुश्ता-ए ताक़-ए सितम
हैफ़ अए ख़ाकस्तर-ए परवाना-ए बैत-उल-सनम
अए शहिद-ए इत्तेहाद-ए नौ-ए इन्सां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
दहर पर तेरी शहादत ने ये साबित कर दिया
हद से बढ़ कर नेक होना किस क़दर है ना-रवा
हरफ़-ए हक़ है अहल-ए बातिल के लिए तब्ल-ए विग़ा
सख़्त होती है गुनाह-ए बे गुनाही की सज़ा
अस्सलाम अए कुश्ता-ए ख़ैर-ए फ़रावां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
क़ातिलों में क़त्ल-ए इंसानी पे रोना जुर्म है
तुख़्म-ए नेकी, सरज़मीन-ए दिल में बोना जुर्म है
जज़्बा-ए ख़िदमत से रातों को ना सोना जुर्म है
मुज्रिमौं के दरमियां मा’सूम होना जुर्म है
अस्सलाम अए पा’एमाल-ए ज़ौक़ इस्यां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
दर्द-ए एहसास-ए यतीमी से हर एक दिल है उदास
जादा-ए रौशन परेशां, रू-ए मंज़िल है उदास
कौन ये मक़तूल-ए आज़म है के क़ातिल है उदास
सद्र-ए महफ़िल उठ गया, महफ़िल की महफ़िल है उदास
अए अबुल-हिंद, अए ख़दीव-ए कीश्वर-ए जां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
तू अनोखा चारा फ़र्मा, तुर्फ़ा तर-दम साज़ था
तेरी पल्कों के झपकने का अजब अंदाज़ था
हर झपक में ख़ुशदिली का साज़-ए बे-आवाज़ था
रूह पर तेरी अयां महर-ओ-वफ़ा का राज़ था
मसनद-ए हुस्न-ए अमल के अए गज़ल ख़्वां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए सीना-ए अक़वाम के दर्द-ए निहां
अस्सलाम अए मरहम-ए ज़ख़्म-ए दिल-ए हिन्दोस्तां
अस्सलाम अए दस्तगीर-ओ-चारासाज़-ए बेकसां
अस्सलाम अए आह-ए सर्द-ए तीरा बख़्तान-ए जहां
अस्सलाम अए अश्क-ए गर्म-ए सीना चाकां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
तेरे हर आग़ाज़ में रा’नाई-ए अंजाम थी
तेरे मैदां में सियासत मुर्ग़ ज़ेर-ए दाम थी
तेरे दस्त-ए आगही में नब्ज़-ए ख़ास ओ आ’म थी
सित्वत-ए अफ़रंग तुझ से लरज़ा बर अंदाम थी
अए गदा-ए ख़ाना बर अंदाज़-ए शाहां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए मरीज़ौं के तबीब, अए ख़स्ता जानौं के कफ़ील
अए ब ख़िल्वत मौज-ए ज़मज़म, अए ब जिल्वत रूद-ए नील
आतिश-ए नमरूद-ए अस्र-ए नौ के बे परवा ख़लील
हुर्रियत के दर्स-ए आज़म, हक़ के पैग़ाम-ए जलील
आश्ती के हकम, दिलदारी के फ़रमां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
तू अमीन-ए मरहमत, आईना-ए ईसार था
सेहत-ए अफ़्कार-ए इन्सां के लिए बीमार था
बरहमान का चारा फ़र्मा, शैख़ का ग़मख़्वार था
तू रवादारी का देवता, अम्न का अवतार था
अस्सलाम अए का’अबा-ओ-काशी के दरबां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए गुल-ए अफ़्सुर्दा-ए बोस्तान-ए हक़्क़-ओ-रास्ती
अए सुरूद-ए रफ़्ता-ए बज़्म-ए निशात-ए ज़िंदगी
अए शब-ए मसरूक़ा-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए दराज़-ए दिलबरी
अए चिराग़-ए मुर्दा-ए मेहराब-ए अम्न-ओ-आश्ती
अए मता-ए बुर्दा-ए गीता-ओ-क़ुर’आं अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए आसमान-ए सिद्क़ के महर-ए मुबीं
अस्सलाम अए महफ़िल-ए अख़्लाक़ के मस्नद नशीं
अस्सलाम अए फ़र्श-ए ख़ाक आलूद के अर्श-ए बरीं
अस्सलाम अए ख़ातिम-ए महर-ओ-मोहब्बत के नगीं
अस्सलाम अए अस्र-ए हाज़िर के सुलैमां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
जादा-ए हक़ पर दरख़्शां हैं तेरे नक़्श-ए क़दम
पर फ़शां है आसमान-ए अदल पर तेरा अलम
अए हुसैन इब्न-ए अली के पैरव-ए क़ुद्सी हशम
अए यज़ीद-ए अस्र-ए नौ के कुश्ता-ए ज़ौक़-ए सितम
अए सेलेब-ए ताज़ा के ईसा-ए दौरां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
तेरे तब्ल-ए जंग में भी साज़-ए मौज-ए गंग था
तेरे शीशे के मुक़ाबिल ज़र्द रूउ-ए संग था
ख़ून की आलूदगी से पाक तेरा रंग था
अस्लहा से बेख़बर तेरा मज़ाक़-ए जंग था
अस्सलाम अए फ़ातेह-ए बे तेग़-ओ-पैकां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए मोहर्रम के उफ़ाक़ की रंग परवर सुबह ईद
अए महल्ल-ए यास-ओ-नौमीदी की गुल्बांग-ए उमीद
अए सनाख़्वान-ए हुसैन ओ दुश्मन-ए शिम्र-ओ यज़ीद
अए रज़ीलौं की रिज़ालत के लिए ज़र्ब-ए शदीद
अए शरीफ़ों की शराफ़त के निगहबां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए ख़तीब-ए दोस्ती, अए दुश्मन-ए बुग़ज़-ओ-अनाद
अए वफ़ा की आरज़ू, अए क़ल्ब-ए रहमत की मुराद
अए रसूल-ए आ’फ़ियत, अए कुश्ता-ए देव-ए फ़साद
बर तू हैफ़ अए स’अई-ए नामश्कूर-ए अम्न-ओ-इत्तेहाद
अए परेदा वलवले, पज़्शमुर्दा अरमां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
तू ही एक दाना-ए कामिल, बज़्म-ए नादानी में था
रौशनी का तू मीनारा, बहर-ए तुग़ियानी में था
तेरे दम से ज़मज़मा गंगा की जौलानी में था
नग़मा तुझ से कौसर-ओ-तस्नीम के पानी में था
अए ग़ुरूर-ए हिंदू ओ फ़र्ख़-ए मुसल्मां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए हवा-ए गर्म से पज़्शमुर्दा बाग़-ए मुश्क बार
अए जफ़ा-ए संग से बिष्कस्ता जाम-ए ज़रनिगार
मौत के मारे हुए अए ज़िंदगी के ताजदार
अए ख़िज़ां की धूप में सो’ए हुए पैक-ए बहार
अए अजल की ज़ुल्मतों के आब-ए हैवां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
फ़क़्र से तेरे बरसता था जलाल-ए क़ैसरी
हैफ़ अए लैला-ए हुर्रियत के क़ैस-ए आ’मेरी
हर तेरी मौज-ए नफ़स थी एक सुरूर-ए रहबरी
तेरे सीने में धड़क्ता था दिल-ए पैग़म्बरी
अए नवा-ए अंबिया-ए पाक दामां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अए मेरे इशरत नदीदा रहबर-ए इब्रत मा’अल
अए मेरे गर्दन बुरीदा अज़्म-ए इत्माम ओ कमाल
अए मेरे हैवां दरीदा युसुफ़-ए क़ुद्सी जमाल
अए मेरे सर सर रसीदा बोस्तान-ए जाल ओ क़ाल
अए मेरे ख़ावर गज़ेदा शब्नमिस्तां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
जब से तू अए बुलबुल-ए शीरीं ज़बां ख़ामोश है
मोहर बर लब गुल्सितां है, बाग़बां ख़ामोश है
बू-ए गुल आज़ुरदा है, जू-ए रवां ख़ामोश है
गुलशन-ए देरीना-ए हिन्दोस्तां ख़ामोश है
अस्सलाम अए साकिन-ए शहर-ए ख़मोशां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
आहल-ए कैफ़ ओ साहिबान-ए होश के आराम-ए जां
जुमला मर्दान-ए उख़व्वत कोश के आराम-ए जां
हर दिल-ए पुर शोरीश ओ ख़ामोश के आराम-ए जां
क़िब्ला-ए रिन्दान-ए आलम, जोश के आराम-ए जां
अए तब-ओ-ताब-ए इमाम-ए बादा नोशां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए हिंद के शाह-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
josh malihabadi
Click here for overall comments and on any stanza for meanings and discussion. Josh has written many marsias, several of which are posted on this website under “marsia Index”. This musaddas (nazm of six line stanzas) written as a tribute to Gandhi after his assassination, is modeled after his Karbala themed marsias. In fact the title “shaah-e shahiidaaN” – king of martyrs is often used for Husain. The whole tone of this composition is very much like his marsias.
aye zamiN ki jeb1 ke aaiina-e almaas baar2
aye falak3 ki bazm4 ke mahr5-e daraKhsaan6-e bahaar7
aye vatan ki sarzamiN8 ke aasman-e zi-viqaar9
aye zamaane ki sadaf10 ke gauhar11-e anjum12 shikaar
aye safa13 ki mauj14 ke la’al15-e daraKhshaaN6 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah16-e shahiidaaN17 assalam1. pocket (in Urdu), bosom (in Farsi) 2. raining down diamonds 3. sky, heavens 4. assembly 5. sun 6. bright, shining 7. spring 8. homeland 9. dignity 10. oyster shell (pearl bearing) 11. pearl 12. star 13. purity/virtue 14. wave 15. ruby 16. king 17. martyrs
Josh is composing a series of adjectives/descriptions of the qualities of Gandhi. “jeb” in Farsi means bosom. Thus Gandhi is a shining mirror in the bosom of the earth that reflects brightly as if diamonds are raining down. When we look in the mirror it reflects our inner soul. In the assembly of the heavens, he is the sun that shines and is a harbinger of spring. The sky over the homeland hovers protectively over it. Gandhi does that with great dignity. He is the pearl in the oyster shell of the earth, that shines so brightly that it puts stars to shame (it can hunt down stars). My tribute to you, O shining ruby of the wave of purity/virtue. My tribute to you, O king of martyrs of India.
aye amir1-e kaarvan-e puKhta kaaraan2-e vatan
aye faqir3-e taajdaar-e taajdaaran4-e vatan
aye umeed-o-himmat5-e naakam gaaran6-e vatan
aye halaak7-e ishwa8-e rangin-e yaaran9-e vatan
aye shikaar10-e kaj-ravaan11 o koor-maGhzaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. leader of 2. caravan of leaders (senior/mature workers) 3. literally pauper (but in Sufi terms a faqir is one who has reached spiritual heights by giving up worldly possessions), saintly 4. crown wearers/leaders 5. hope and courage 6. unsuccessful, defeated, broken 7. killed by 8. lover’s playful style, conceit 9. friends, lovers 10. prey of 11. those on the wrong path 12. narrow minded
O leader of the caravan of leaders. O saintly leader of the country’s leaders. O hope and courage of the broken and defeated. O victim of the playful style of the country’s lovers. I am not sure but this misra can be interpreted in one of two ways. In a positive sense … the country’s leaders are lovers of the country and show playful loving style (ishwa). To be killed by this style is to fall in love with it. In the negative sense … the country’s lovers are showing conceit (ishwa can also mean conceit) and Gandhi is a victim of that. O prey of the narrow minded who tread the wrong path. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
haif1 aye jaan-e karam2, naKhcheer3-e paikaan4-e sitam5
haif aye sayyaad6-e anqa7-e massarat8, sayd9-e Gham
haif aye dood10-e chiraaGh-e kushta11-e taaq-e sitam12
haif aye Khaakaster13-e parvaana14-e bait-ul-sanam15
aye shahiid-e ittehaad16-e nau-e insaaN17 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. alas 2. soul of benevolence 3. victim 4. arrow 5. oppression 6. hunter 7. legendary, unseen bird 8. happiness 9. prey 10. wisp of smoke 11. put out lamp/candle 12. alcove of oppression 13. ashes 14. moth 15. house of the beloved, country 16. unity 17. humanity
Alas, O soul of benevolence. O victim of the arrow of oppression. “anqa” is a legendary bird which no one has/can see. It brings good luck. “sayyad” is a hunter (in this case who catches birds). Thus Gandhi was out to catch this Utopian bird of happiness but became a prey of sorrow. He put out the lamp in the alcove of oppression but himself became like the wisp of smoke of that lamp, getting blown away. He was the moth encircling the lamp of the beloved (country) and got singed to ashes. He was the martyr of the one-ness of humanity. My tribute to you O king of martyrs of India.
dahr1 par teri shahaadat ne ye saabit2 kar diya
had3 se baRh kar nek4 hona kis qadar5 hai na-ravaa6
harf-e haq7 hai ahl-e baatil8 ke liye tabl-e viGha9
saKht hoti hai gunaah-e be gunaahi ki saza10
assalaam aye kushta11-e Khair-e faraavaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. world 2. prove 3. limit 4. virtuous 5. how much 6. not permitted, not done 7. word of truth 8. people of untruth/evil 9. drum roll of war 10. punishment 11. victim of 12. abundant goodness
Your martyrdom has proved to the world how much harm unconditional virtue can do (it just not done, is not allowed). The word of truth is like a drum roll of war for the evil ones. The punishment of the crime of innocence is hard indeed. My tribute to you who was victim of his own abundant goodness. My tribute to you o king of martyrs of India.
qaatilauN1 meN qatl-e insaani pe rona jurm2 hai
tuKhm-e neki3, sarzamin-e dil meN bona4 jurm hai
jazba-e Khidmat5 se raatauN ko na sona jurm hai
mujrimauN6 ke darmiyaaN7 ma’asoom8 hona jurm hai
assalam aye paa’emaal9-e zauq-e isyaaN10 assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. killers 2. crime 3. seed of virtue 4. sow 5. passion for service 6. criminals 8. innocent 9. trampled 10. taste/desire for sin/evil
We have to carryover the first misra from the previous stanza i.e. your martyrdom has proved to the world that … it is a crime to weep at the murder of humanity among killers. It is a crime to sow seeds of virtue in the heart. It is a crime to stay awake at nights with the passion of service. It is a crime to be innocent among criminals. My tribute to you who was trampled under the feet of evil. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
dard-e ehsaas-e yateemi1 se har ek dil hai udaas
jaada-e raushan2 pareshaaN3, roo-e manzil4 hai udaas
kaun ye maqtool-e aazam5 hai ke qaatil6 hai udaas
sadr-e mahfil7 uTh gaya, mahfil ki mahfil hai udaas
aye abul-hind8, aye Khadeev9-e kishwar10-e jaaN assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. feeling of orphanhood 2. shining path 3. scattered, lost 4. face or vision of the goal 5. great martyr 6. killer 7. head of the gathering 8. father of India 9. overlord, monarch 10. domain
The pain of the feeling of being an orphan has made everyone sorrowful. The bright path (that you showed us) is blurred and even the face of the goal is crestfallen. Who is this great martyr that even the killer is sad. The leader of the assembly is gone and the whole assembly is sorrowful. O father of India, king of the domain of the soul, my tribute to you. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tu anokha1 chaara-farma2, turfa-tar3 dam-saaz4 tha
teri palkauN ke jhapakne ka ajab andaaz5 tha
har jhapak meN Khushdili6 ka saaz7-e be-aavaz tha
rooh8 par teri ayaaN9 mehr-o-vafa10 ka raaz tha
masnad11-e husn-e amal12 ke aye Ghazal KhwaaN assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. unusual, unique 2. healer 3. in addition to that 4. confidant, friend 5. style 6. loving heart 7. musical instrument 8. soul 9. evident, manifest 10. benevolence and faith/love 11. throne 12. beauty of action You were a unique healer and on top of that a friend and confidant. Your eyes had an unusual sparkle and each blink of the eye conveyed the love of your heart silently like a soundless harp. Benevolence and faith were evident from your soulful looks. My tribute to you O Ghazal KhwaaN of the throne of the beauty of action (he acted, not just spoke). My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
assalam aye seena-e aqwaam1 ke dard-e nihaaN2
assalam aye marham3-e zaKhm4-e dil-e hindostaN
assalam aye dastgeer5-o-charasaaz6-e bekasaaN7
assalam aye aah8-e sard9-e teera baKhtaan10-e jahaaN
assalam aye ashk11-e garm-e seena chaakaaN12 assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. communities 2. hidden pain 3. ointment, salve 4. wound 5. hand holder 6. healer 7. helpless 8. sigh 9. cold 10. unfortunate (dark fortune) 11. tears 12. rent, torn
Salaams to you, who felt the hidden pain of all communities, who was the salve of the wounded heart of India. You were the sad sigh of the unfortunate. You were the warm tears of those whose bosom was rent with sorrow. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tere har aaGhaaz1 meN ra’anaai2-e anjaam3 thi
tere maidaaN meN siyasat4 murGh5-e zer-e daam6 thi
tere dast-e aagahi7 meN nabz8-e Khaas9 o a’am10 thi
sitwat11-e afraNg12 tujh se larza-bar-andaam13 thi
aye gadaa14-e Khaana15 bar andaaz16-e shaahaN17 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. beginning, undertaking 2. brilliance 3. result, goal 4. politics 5. bird 6. (captured) under the net 7. knowing hand 8. pulse 9. special, privileged 10. ordinary, public 11. display of royalty 12. foreigner 13. trembling body 14. medicant, beggar 15. house, status 16. style 17. kings
Every undertaking of yours had a shining goal. In your field (of action) politics was like a bird captured in the net. You had your finger on the pulse of the privileged and the ordinary. The display of royalty of the foreigner trembled before you. O mendicant, who had the status of kings, my salaam. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye mariizauN1 ke tabiib2, aye Khasta-jaanauN3 ke kafeel4
aye ba Khilwat5 mauj-e zamzam6, aye ba jilwat7 rood-e neel8
aatish9-e namrood10-e asr-e nau11 ke be parva12 Khaleel13
hurriyat15 ke dars-e aazam16, haq17 ke paiGham-e jaleel18
aashti19 ke hukm20, dildaari21 ke farmaaN22 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. sick 2. healer, doctor 3. fragile lives 4. guarantor, sponsor 5. in solitude, inner self 6. wave of zamzam (a sping/well near Ka’aba supposed to have “holy” water), the gurgling of the spring used as a metaphor for music 7. in public 8. river Nile, mighty flow 9. fire 10. Nimrod 11. present times 12. fearless 13. another name for Abraham 15. freedom 16. great lesson 17. Truth 18. illustrious 19. peace, harmony 20. order 21. friendship 22. proclamation
O healer of the sick, protector of the fragile. You who have soft healing music in your soul, and the roar of a mighty river in public. Judeo-Christian and Islamic tradition believes that Nimrod set a mighty fire and “invited” Abraham to walk into it if he was confident that god would protect him. Abraham walked in fearlessly and the fires were miraculously put out. Gandhi is the present day Abraham stepping fearlessly into present day fires. You are the great lesson of freedom, the illustrous message of Truth. You who laid down the law for peace and harmony, proclaimed friendship for all. My tribute to you O king of martyrs of India.
tu amiin1-e marhamat2, aaiina3-e eesaar4 tha
sehat5-e afkaar6-e insaaN ke liye beemaar7 tha
barhaman ka chaara farma8, shaiKh ka GhamKhwaar9 tha
tu ravadaari10 ka devta, amn11 ka avtaar12 tha
assalam aye ka’aba-o-kaashi ke darbaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. keeper, protector 2. mercy, kindness 3. tradition 4. consideration for the other 5. health, strength 6. thought, reason 7. sick, pining for, desirous of 8. healer 9. sympathiser 10. tolerance 11. peace 12. manifestation 13. doorkeeper
You were the protector of the traditions of kindness and fellowship. You pined away to keep reason strong. The healer of the Brahmin and the sympathizer of the Shaikh. You were the god of tolerance, the manifestation of Peace. My salaam to you O doorkeeper of the Ka’aba and the temples of Kashi. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye gul-e afsurda1-e bustaan2-e haqq-o-raasti3
aye surood4-e rafta5-e bazm6-e nishaat7-e zindagi
aye shab8-e masrooqa9-e zulf10-e daraaz11-e dilbari12
aye chiraaGh13-e murda14-e mehraab15-e amn-o-aashti16
aye mataa17-e burda18-e geeta-o-qura’aN assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. wilted 2. garden 3. Truth and Righteousness 4. melody 5. past, gone by 6. assembly 7. exhilaration, happiness 8. night 9. stolen 10. hair 11. long 12. friendship 13. lamp 14. extinguished 15. alcove 16. peace and harmony 17. wealth, treasure, essence 18. appropriated
Gandhi is the wilted rose of the garden of Truth and Virtue, the melody of the days gone by when the assembly of life (togetherness of people) was pleasant and happy. “dilbari” – Friendship is personified as a maiden with long dark hair. Gandhi has stolen/taken them as his own. He is the extinguished lamp in the alcove of Peace and Harmony. He has appropriated (taken as his own) the essence of the Geeta and the Qura’an. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
assalam aye aasman-e sidq1 ke mahr2-e mubiiN3
assalam aye mehfil-e aKhlaaq4 ke masnad5 nashiiN
assalam aye farsh6-e Khaak aalood7 ke arsh-e bariiN8
assalam aye Khaatim9-e mehr-o-mobabbat10 ke nagiiN11
assalam aye asr-e haazir12 ke sulaimaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. truthfulness 2. sun 3. clear, bright 4. gathering of culture 5. throne 6. floor 7. dust smeared, dusty 8. high heaven 9. signet ring 10. benevolence and love 11. jewel 12. present day 13. Solomon, wisdom and justice.
The bright sun of the sky of Truthfulness, Gandhi sits on the throne of the assembly of culture. He is on the and of the dusty floor but he is characterized as the seventh heaven of the dusty floor (downtrodden people). He is jewel of the signet ring of benevolence and love and the present day Solomon – wise and just. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
jaada-e haq1 par daraKshaaN2 haiN tere naqsh-e qadam3
par fashaaN4 hai aasman-e adl5 par tera alam6
aye husain ibn-e ali7 ke pairav8-e qudsi9 hasham10
aye yazid11-e asr-e nau12 ke kushta13-e zauq-e sitam14
aye saleb15-e taaza16 ke eesa17-e dauraaN18 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. path of Truth 2. shining 3. footsteps 4. flying high 5. sky of Justice 6. banner 7. Husain son of Ali, who was killed in Karbala, used here as a symbol of resistance/insistence on justice and self-sacrifice 8. follower 9. virtuous 10. grand 11. the tyrant who caused Husain to be killed, used as a symbol of tyranny 12. present day 13. killed by 14. taste/desire for oppression 15. cross 16. fresh, new 17. Jesus 18. present times
Josh compares Gandhi to Husain and Jesus. Your footsteps shine on the path of Truth. Your banner flies in the sky of Justice. O grand and virtuous follower of Husain ibn-e Ali who has been killed by the desire of oppression of present day Yazid. You are the present day Jesus who has been nailed again to a new cross. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tere tabl-e jang1 meN bhi saaz2-e mauj-e gaNg3 tha
tere sheeshe4 ke muqaabil5 zard6 ruu-e saNg7 tha
Khoon ki aloodagi8 se paak9 tera raNg tha
aslaha10 se beKhabar11 tera mazaaq-e jaNg12 tha
assalam aye faateh13-e be teGh14-o-paikaaN15 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. drums of war 2. music 3. waves of the Ganges 4. crystal – used as a symbol of something delicate and fragile 5. confronted by 6. pale 7. face of rock – used here as a symbol of hard and cruel 8. smear, stain 9. clean 10. weaponry 11. unknown, innocent of 12. way of war 13. victor 14. sword 15. arrow
Your declaration of war was like the music of the waves of the Ganges. The face of Injustice went pale when confronted by your gentle insistence. There was no stain of blood on your hands. Your ways of war were innocent of weaponry. My tribute to you O victor over sword and arrow. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye moharram1 ke ufaq2 ki raNg parvar3 subah eid
aye mahall4-e yaas5-o-naumeedi6 ki gulbaaNg-e umeed7
aye sanaKhwaan8-e husain o dushman-e shimr9-o yazid10
aye razeelauN11 ki rizalat12 ke liye zarb-e shadiid13
aye shariifauN14 ki sharaafat15 ke nigahbaaN16 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. the month of moharram used as a symbol for the tragedy of self-sacrifice in Karbala, repeated by Gandhi 2. horizon 3. colour giving, happiness giving 4. occasion, place 5. yearning, longing 6. hopelessness 7. declaration of hope 8. one who sings praises, admirer 9. the warrior/general who cut Husain’s head off – a symbol of cruelty 10. used as a symbol of tyranny and oppression 11. mean spirited 12. meanness 13. heavy blow 14. noble ones 15. nobility 16. protector
O light of happiness on the horizon of tragedy. O declaration of hope for those yearning for Hope. O supporter of Husain, opposed to tyranny, cruelty and oppression. You are heavy blow to the backs of the mean and cruel, the protector of the noble spirited. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye Khatiib1-e dosti, aye dushman-e buGhz2-o-anaad3
aye vafa4 ki aarzu5, aye qalb-e rahmat6 ki muraad7
aye rasul-e a’afiyat8, aye kushta9-e dev-e fasaad10
bar tu11 haif12 aye saii13-e namashkoor14-e amn-o-ittehaad15
aye pareeda16 valvale17, pazshmurda18 armaaN19 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. orator, preacher 2. hatred 3. hostility 4. faith, keeping word, true to commitment 5. desire 6. heart/essence of benevolence 7. goal, purpose 8. preacher of well being, tolerance 9. victim of , killed by 10. demon of mischief 11. on you 12. alas, sorrow 13. attempt 14. thankless, unrecognized 15. peace and harmony 16. evaporated 17. zeal 18. wilted 19. desire
O preacher of friendship/love, destroyer of hatred and hostility. O goal of Faith, the essence of Benevolence. O preacher of tolerance, victim of the demon of miscief. What a pity that your effort at peace and harmony remained thankless, unappreciated. Your zeal/enthusiasm evaporated, your desires, wilted. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tu hi ek daana-e kaamil1, bazm-e nadaani2 meN tha
raushni ka tu minaara3, bahr-e tuGhiaani4 meN tha
tere dam se zamzama5 gaNga ki jaulani6 meN tha
naGhma7 tujh se kausar-o-tasneem8 ke pani meN tha
aye Ghuroor-e hindu9 o faKhr-e musalmaaN10 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. perfect/unblemished wisdom 2. assembly of ignorance 3. minaret of light, light house 4. stormy ocean 5. music (from the gurgling sound of the spring of zamzam near the Ka’aba) 6. flow of the Ganges 7. music, song 8. legendary rivers in heaven 9. pride of the Hindu 10. pride of the Muslim
You alone showed wisdom in the sea of ignorance. You were like a light house guiding us through the stormy ocean. You gave soothing music (harmomy) to the flow of the Ganges and to the rivers Tasneem and Kauser (used here as symbols for Hindus and Muslims). O pride of the Hindu and of the Muslim, my tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye havaa-e garm se pazshmurda1 baaGh-e mushk baar2
aye jafaa-e saNg3 se bishkasta4 jaam-e zarnigaar5
maut ke maare hue aye zindagi ke taajdaar
aye KhizaaN6 ki dhoop meN so’e hue paik7-e bahaar
aye ajal8 ki zulmatauN9 ke aab-e haivaaN10 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. wilted 2. spreading musk/fragrance 3. rocks of oppression 4. broken, shattered 5. golden 6. winter, fall 7. messenger 8. death 9. darkness 10. water/elixir of (eternal) life
You are the musk/fragrance spreading garden that has been wilted by hot desert winds. You are the golden cup that has been shattered by rocks of oppression. You the crown of Life that has been killed by Death. You bring warmth to winter with your message of the coming spring. O elixir of eternal life hidden in the darkness of death, my salaams. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
faqr1 se tere barasta tha jalaal2-e qaisari3
haif4 aye laila-e hurriyat5 ke qais-e a’amiri6
har teri mauj-e nafas7 thi ek suroor-e rahbari8
tere seene meN dhaRakta tha dil-e paiGhambari9
aye navaa10-e ambia11-e paak daamaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. poverty, giving up worldly possessions 2. grandeur 3. of Caesar 4. alas 5. Laila of Freedom 6. Qais (Majnun) of the tribe of aamir 7. (wave of) breath 8. melody of leadership/guidance 9. prophethood 10. voice of 11. prophets 12. clean/not stained hem/cloak i.e. virtuous
You gave up worldly possessions and yet had the grandeur of Caesar about you. The love of Laila and Majnun is legendary. Josh calls Gandhi the Majnun of the Laila of Freedom. Every breath/word of yours carried a melody of (righteous) guidance. The heart of prophethood throbbed in your bosom. Yours was the voice of virtuous prophets. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye mere ishrat nadeeda1 rahbar-e ibrat ma’al2
aye mere gardan bureeda3 azm4-e itmaam o kamaal5
aye mere haivaaN dareeda6 yusuf7-e qudsi jamaal8
aye mere sarsar raseeda9 bostaan10-e jaal o qaal11
aye mere Khaavar12 guzeda13 shabnamistaaN14 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. could not see happiness 2. guide who met a sad end 3. neck cut off 4. determination of 5. completion and perfection 6. eaten/killed by wild animals 7. Joseph – the legend of Joseph is that his brothers in a fit of jealousy threw him in a well, went back home and told their father that he was eaten up by a wolf. Joseph is also considered to have been a very beautiful man 8. sacred/holy face/beauty 9. wilted in hot, dry desert winds 10. garden 11. web and “talk” i.e. deception and conspiracy 12. sun 13. torn i.e. destroyed 14. garden of mist/dew
The whole tenor of the stanza is to say how much Gandhi tried and met a sad end just before he could realize his goal. He was a guide who met a sad end without being able to see happiness, whose head was cut off in his determination to complete and perfect his task. Josh compares Gandhi to Joseph of a beautiful/virtuous face, who was unable to get back home. Gandhi was the garden that dried up in hot, dry desert winds and was filled with webs of deception and conspiracy. Gandhi was the garden of mist/dew that evaporated/disappeared even as the sun (of independence) rose. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
jab se tu aye bulbul-e shiiriiN zabaaN1 Khaamosh hai
mohr bar lab2 gulsitaaN hai, baaGhbaaN Khaamosh hai
boo-e gul aazurda3 hai, joo-e ravaaN4 Khaamosh hai
gulshan-e dereena5-e hindostaaN Khaamosh hai
assalam aye saakin6-e shahr-e KhamoshaaN7 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. sweet tongue 2. sealed lips 3. gloomy, dejected 4. flowing river 5. garden of the past 6. resident of 7. city of the (voiceless) dead
Ever since you, O honey voiced one, have been silenced it is as if the lips of the garden have been sealed and the gardener is silent. It is as if the fragrance of the rose is lost and the flowing river has stopped. The garden of India of yesteryear is silent. My salaam you O resident of the city of dead. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
ahl-e kaif1 o sahibaan-e hosh2 ke aaram-e jaaN3
jumla4 mardaan5-e uKhuvvat kosh6 ke aaram-e jaaN
har dil-e pur shorish7 o Khaamosh8 ke aaram-e jaaN
qibla9-e rindaan-e aalam10, josh ke aaram-e jaaN
aye tab-o-taab11-e imaam12-e baada noshaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam1. people of contentment, contented people 2. leaders of awareness, wisdom, wise people 3. comfort of the soul 4. total, all 5. men, people 6. trying to get brotherhood/harmony 7. tumult, disturbance 8. silent, at peace 9. focal point of obeisance and tribute 10. revelers/drinkers of the world 11. restlessness, impatience 12. leaders 13. wine drinkers, used here as a metaphor for those seeking goodness
Gandhi is described as the comfort of the soul of everyone … rich and poor, wise and those trying to achieve brotherhood/harmony among all. The comfort of the soul of those whose hearts are disturbed as well as those who are at peace. He is the focal point of homage that the revelers/drinkers of the world have to pay and the comfort of the soul of Josh, the poet. “rindaan-e aalam” is used in the Sufi spirit – drinkers of the wine of the love of the nation. The inclusion of “imaam-e baada noshaaN” also calls for some imaginative interpretation. These are leaders of the people who want to drink of the cup of Freedom. Gandhi is their restlessness – their eagerness. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
josh malihabadi
Overall Comments: Josh has written many marsias, several of which are posted on this website under “marsia Index”. This musaddas (nazm of six line stanzas) written as a tribute to Gandhi after his assassination, is modeled after his Karbala themed marsias. In fact the title “shaah-e shahiidaaN” – king of martyrs is often used for Husain. The whole tone of this composition is very much like his marsias.
aye zamiN ki jeb1 ke aaiina-e almaas baar2
aye falak3 ki bazm4 ke mahr5-e daraKhsaan6-e bahaar7
aye vatan ki sarzamiN8 ke aasman-e zi-viqaar9
aye zamaane ki sadaf10 ke gauhar11-e anjum12 shikaar
aye safa13 ki mauj14 ke la’al15-e daraKhshaaN6 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah16-e shahiidaaN17 assalam
1. pocket (in Urdu), bosom (in Farsi) 2. raining down diamonds 3. sky, heavens 4. assembly 5. sun 6. bright, shining 7. spring 8. homeland 9. dignity 10. oyster shell (pearl bearing) 11. pearl 12. star 13. purity/virtue 14. wave 15. ruby 16. king 17. martyrs
Josh is composing a series of adjectives/descriptions of the qualities of Gandhi. “jeb” in Farsi means bosom. Thus Gandhi is a shining mirror in the bosom of the earth that reflects brightly as if diamonds are raining down. When we look in the mirror it reflects our inner soul. In the assembly of the heavens, he is the sun that shines and is a harbinger of spring. The sky over the homeland hovers protectively over it. Gandhi does that with great dignity. He is the pearl in the oyster shell of the earth, that shines so brightly that it puts stars to shame (it can hunt down stars). My tribute to you, O shining ruby of the wave of purity/virtue. My tribute to you, O king of martyrs of India.
aye amir1-e kaarvan-e puKhta kaaraan2-e vatan
aye faqir3-e taajdaar-e taajdaaran4-e vatan
aye umeed-o-himmat5-e naakam gaaran6-e vatan
aye halaak7-e ishwa8-e rangin-e yaaran9-e vatan
aye shikaar10-e kaj-ravaan11 o koor-maGhzaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. leader of 2. caravan of leaders (senior/mature workers) 3. literally pauper (but in Sufi terms a faqir is one who has reached spiritual heights by giving up worldly possessions), saintly 4. crown wearers/leaders 5. hope and courage 6. unsuccessful, defeated, broken 7. killed by 8. lover’s playful style, conceit 9. friends, lovers 10. prey of 11. those on the wrong path 12. narrow minded
O leader of the caravan of leaders. O saintly leader of the country’s leaders. O hope and courage of the broken and defeated. O victim of the playful style of the country’s lovers. I am not sure but this misra can be interpreted in one of two ways. In a positive sense … the country’s leaders are lovers of the country and show playful loving style (ishwa). To be killed by this style is to fall in love with it. In the negative sense … the country’s lovers are showing conceit (ishwa can also mean conceit) and Gandhi is a victim of that. O prey of the narrow minded who tread the wrong path. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
haif1 aye jaan-e karam2, naKhcheer3-e paikaan4-e sitam5
haif aye sayyaad6-e anqa7-e massarat8, sayd9-e Gham
haif aye dood10-e chiraaGh-e kushta11-e taaq-e sitam12
haif aye Khaakaster13-e parvaana14-e bait-ul-sanam15
aye shahiid-e ittehaad16-e nau-e insaaN17 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. alas 2. soul of benevolence 3. victim 4. arrow 5. oppression 6. hunter 7. legendary, unseen bird 8. happiness 9. prey 10. wisp of smoke 11. put out lamp/candle 12. alcove of oppression 13. ashes 14. moth 15. house of the beloved, country 16. unity 17. humanity
Alas, O soul of benevolence. O victim of the arrow of oppression. “anqa” is a legendary bird which no one has/can see. It brings good luck. “sayyad” is a hunter (in this case who catches birds). Thus Gandhi was out to catch this Utopian bird of happiness but became a prey of sorrow. He put out the lamp in the alcove of oppression but himself became like the wisp of smoke of that lamp, getting blown away. He was the moth encircling the lamp of the beloved (country) and got singed to ashes. He was the martyr of the one-ness of humanity. My tribute to you O king of martyrs of India.
dahr1 par teri shahaadat ne ye saabit2 kar diya
had3 se baRh kar nek4 hona kis qadar5 hai na-ravaa6
harf-e haq7 hai ahl-e baatil8 ke liye tabl-e viGha9
saKht hoti hai gunaah-e be gunaahi ki saza10
assalaam aye kushta11-e Khair-e faraavaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. world 2. prove 3. limit 4. virtuous 5. how much 6. not permitted, not done 7. word of truth 8. people of untruth/evil 9. drum roll of war 10. punishment 11. victim of 12. abundant goodness
Your martyrdom has proved to the world how much harm unconditional virtue can do (it just not done, is not allowed). The word of truth is like a drum roll of war for the evil ones. The punishment of the crime of innocence is hard indeed. My tribute to you who was victim of his own abundant goodness. My tribute to you o king of martyrs of India.
qaatilauN1 meN qatl-e insaani pe rona jurm2 hai
tuKhm-e neki3, sarzamin-e dil meN bona4 jurm hai
jazba-e Khidmat5 se raatauN ko na sona jurm hai
mujrimauN6 ke darmiyaaN7 ma’asoom8 hona jurm hai
assalam aye paa’emaal9-e zauq-e isyaaN10 assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. killers 2. crime 3. seed of virtue 4. sow 5. passion for service 6. criminals 8. innocent 9. trampled 10. taste/desire for sin/evil
We have to carryover the first misra from the previous stanza i.e. your martyrdom has proved to the world that … it is a crime to weep at the murder of humanity among killers. It is a crime to sow seeds of virtue in the heart. It is a crime to stay awake at nights with the passion of service. It is a crime to be innocent among criminals. My tribute to you who was trampled under the feet of evil. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
dard-e ehsaas-e yateemi1 se har ek dil hai udaas
jaada-e raushan2 pareshaaN3, roo-e manzil4 hai udaas
kaun ye maqtool-e aazam5 hai ke qaatil6 hai udaas
sadr-e mahfil7 uTh gaya, mahfil ki mahfil hai udaas
aye abul-hind8, aye Khadeev9-e kishwar10-e jaaN assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. feeling of orphanhood 2. shining path 3. scattered, lost 4. face or vision of the goal 5. great martyr 6. killer 7. head of the gathering 8. father of India 9. overlord, monarch 10. domain
The pain of the feeling of being an orphan has made everyone sorrowful. The bright path (that you showed us) is blurred and even the face of the goal is crestfallen. Who is this great martyr that even the killer is sad. The leader of the assembly is gone and the whole assembly is sorrowful. O father of India, king of the domain of the soul, my tribute to you. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tu anokha1 chaara-farma2, turfa-tar3 dam-saaz4 tha
teri palkauN ke jhapakne ka ajab andaaz5 tha
har jhapak meN Khushdili6 ka saaz7-e be-aavaz tha
rooh8 par teri ayaaN9 mehr-o-vafa10 ka raaz tha
masnad11-e husn-e amal12 ke aye Ghazal KhwaaN assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. unusual, unique 2. healer 3. in addition to that 4. confidant, friend 5. style 6. loving heart 7. musical instrument 8. soul 9. evident, manifest 10. benevolence and faith/love 11. throne 12. beauty of action
You were a unique healer and on top of that a friend and confidant. Your eyes had an unusual sparkle and each blink of the eye conveyed the love of your heart silently like a soundless harp. Benevolence and faith were evident from your soulful looks. My tribute to you O Ghazal KhwaaN of the throne of the beauty of action (he acted, not just spoke). My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
assalam aye seena-e aqwaam1 ke dard-e nihaaN2
assalam aye marham3-e zaKhm4-e dil-e hindostaN
assalam aye dastgeer5-o-charasaaz6-e bekasaaN7
assalam aye aah8-e sard9-e teera baKhtaan10-e jahaaN
assalam aye ashk11-e garm-e seena chaakaaN12 assalaam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. communities 2. hidden pain 3. ointment, salve 4. wound 5. hand holder 6. healer 7. helpless 8. sigh 9. cold 10. unfortunate (dark fortune) 11. tears 12. rent, torn
Salaams to you, who felt the hidden pain of all communities, who was the salve of the wounded heart of India. You were the sad sigh of the unfortunate. You were the warm tears of those whose bosom was rent with sorrow. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tere har aaGhaaz1 meN ra’anaai2-e anjaam3 thi
tere maidaaN meN siyasat4 murGh5-e zer-e daam6 thi
tere dast-e aagahi7 meN nabz8-e Khaas9 o a’am10 thi
sitwat11-e afraNg12 tujh se larza-bar-andaam13 thi
aye gadaa14-e Khaana15 bar andaaz16-e shaahaN17 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. beginning, undertaking 2. brilliance 3. result, goal 4. politics 5. bird 6. (captured) under the net 7. knowing hand 8. pulse 9. special, privileged 10. ordinary, public 11. display of royalty 12. foreigner 13. trembling body 14. medicant, beggar 15. house, status 16. style 17. kings
Every undertaking of yours had a shining goal. In your field (of action) politics was like a bird captured in the net. You had your finger on the pulse of the privileged and the ordinary. The display of royalty of the foreigner trembled before you. O mendicant, who had the status of kings, my salaam. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye mariizauN1 ke tabiib2, aye Khasta-jaanauN3 ke kafeel4
aye ba Khilwat5 mauj-e zamzam6, aye ba jilwat7 rood-e neel8
aatish9-e namrood10-e asr-e nau11 ke be parva12 Khaleel13
hurriyat15 ke dars-e aazam16, haq17 ke paiGham-e jaleel18
aashti19 ke hukm20, dildaari21 ke farmaaN22 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. sick 2. healer, doctor 3. fragile lives 4. guarantor, sponsor 5. in solitude, inner self 6. wave of zamzam (a sping/well near Ka’aba supposed to have “holy” water), the gurgling of the spring used as a metaphor for music 7. in public 8. river Nile, mighty flow 9. fire 10. Nimrod 11. present times 12. fearless 13. another name for Abraham 15. freedom 16. great lesson 17. Truth 18. illustrious 19. peace, harmony 20. order 21. friendship 22. proclamation
O healer of the sick, protector of the fragile. You who have soft healing music in your soul, and the roar of a mighty river in public. Judeo-Christian and Islamic tradition believes that Nimrod set a mighty fire and “invited” Abraham to walk into it if he was confident that god would protect him. Abraham walked in fearlessly and the fires were miraculously put out. Gandhi is the present day Abraham stepping fearlessly into present day fires. You are the great lesson of freedom, the illustrous message of Truth. You who laid down the law for peace and harmony, proclaimed friendship for all. My tribute to you O king of martyrs of India.
tu amiin1-e marhamat2, aaiina3-e eesaar4 tha
sehat5-e afkaar6-e insaaN ke liye beemaar7 tha
barhaman ka chaara farma8, shaiKh ka GhamKhwaar9 tha
tu ravadaari10 ka devta, amn11 ka avtaar12 tha
assalam aye ka’aba-o-kaashi ke darbaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. keeper, protector 2. mercy, kindness 3. tradition 4. consideration for the other 5. health, strength 6. thought, reason 7. sick, pining for, desirous of 8. healer 9. sympathiser 10. tolerance 11. peace 12. manifestation 13. doorkeeper
You were the protector of the traditions of kindness and fellowship. You pined away to keep reason strong. The healer of the Brahmin and the sympathizer of the Shaikh. You were the god of tolerance, the manifestation of Peace. My salaam to you O doorkeeper of the Ka’aba and the temples of Kashi. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye gul-e afsurda1-e bustaan2-e haqq-o-raasti3
aye surood4-e rafta5-e bazm6-e nishaat7-e zindagi
aye shab8-e masrooqa9-e zulf10-e daraaz11-e dilbari12
aye chiraaGh13-e murda14-e mehraab15-e amn-o-aashti16
aye mataa17-e burda18-e geeta-o-qura’aN assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. wilted 2. garden 3. Truth and Righteousness 4. melody 5. past, gone by 6. assembly 7. exhilaration, happiness 8. night 9. stolen 10. hair 11. long 12. friendship 13. lamp 14. extinguished 15. alcove 16. peace and harmony 17. wealth, treasure, essence 18. appropriated
Gandhi is the wilted rose of the garden of Truth and Virtue, the melody of the days gone by when the assembly of life (togetherness of people) was pleasant and happy. “dilbari” – Friendship is personified as a maiden with long dark hair. Gandhi has stolen/taken them as his own. He is the extinguished lamp in the alcove of Peace and Harmony. He has appropriated (taken as his own) the essence of the Geeta and the Qura’an. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
assalam aye aasman-e sidq1 ke mahr2-e mubiiN3
assalam aye mehfil-e aKhlaaq4 ke masnad5 nashiiN
assalam aye farsh6-e Khaak aalood7 ke arsh-e bariiN8
assalam aye Khaatim9-e mehr-o-mobabbat10 ke nagiiN11
assalam aye asr-e haazir12 ke sulaimaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. truthfulness 2. sun 3. clear, bright 4. gathering of culture 5. throne 6. floor 7. dust smeared, dusty 8. high heaven 9. signet ring 10. benevolence and love 11. jewel 12. present day 13. Solomon, wisdom and justice.
The bright sun of the sky of Truthfulness, Gandhi sits on the throne of the assembly of culture. He is on the and of the dusty floor but he is characterized as the seventh heaven of the dusty floor (downtrodden people). He is jewel of the signet ring of benevolence and love and the present day Solomon – wise and just. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
jaada-e haq1 par daraKshaaN2 haiN tere naqsh-e qadam3
par fashaaN4 hai aasman-e adl5 par tera alam6
aye husain ibn-e ali7 ke pairav8-e qudsi9 hasham10
aye yazid11-e asr-e nau12 ke kushta13-e zauq-e sitam14
aye saleb15-e taaza16 ke eesa17-e dauraaN18 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. path of Truth 2. shining 3. footsteps 4. flying high 5. sky of Justice 6. banner 7. Husain son of Ali, who was killed in Karbala, used here as a symbol of resistance/insistence on justice and self-sacrifice 8. follower 9. virtuous 10. grand 11. the tyrant who caused Husain to be killed, used as a symbol of tyranny 12. present day 13. killed by 14. taste/desire for oppression 15. cross 16. fresh, new 17. Jesus 18. present times
Josh compares Gandhi to Husain and Jesus. Your footsteps shine on the path of Truth. Your banner flies in the sky of Justice. O grand and virtuous follower of Husain ibn-e Ali who has been killed by the desire of oppression of present day Yazid. You are the present day Jesus who has been nailed again to a new cross. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tere tabl-e jang1 meN bhi saaz2-e mauj-e gaNg3 tha
tere sheeshe4 ke muqaabil5 zard6 ruu-e saNg7 tha
Khoon ki aloodagi8 se paak9 tera raNg tha
aslaha10 se beKhabar11 tera mazaaq-e jaNg12 tha
assalam aye faateh13-e be teGh14-o-paikaaN15 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. drums of war 2. music 3. waves of the Ganges 4. crystal – used as a symbol of something delicate and fragile 5. confronted by 6. pale 7. face of rock – used here as a symbol of hard and cruel 8. smear, stain 9. clean 10. weaponry 11. unknown, innocent of 12. way of war 13. victor 14. sword 15. arrow
Your declaration of war was like the music of the waves of the Ganges. The face of Injustice went pale when confronted by your gentle insistence. There was no stain of blood on your hands. Your ways of war were innocent of weaponry. My tribute to you O victor over sword and arrow. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye moharram1 ke ufaq2 ki raNg parvar3 subah eid
aye mahall4-e yaas5-o-naumeedi6 ki gulbaaNg-e umeed7
aye sanaKhwaan8-e husain o dushman-e shimr9-o yazid10
aye razeelauN11 ki rizalat12 ke liye zarb-e shadiid13
aye shariifauN14 ki sharaafat15 ke nigahbaaN16 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. the month of moharram used as a symbol for the tragedy of self-sacrifice in Karbala, repeated by Gandhi 2. horizon 3. colour giving, happiness giving 4. occasion, place 5. yearning, longing 6. hopelessness 7. declaration of hope 8. one who sings praises, admirer 9. the warrior/general who cut Husain’s head off – a symbol of cruelty 10. used as a symbol of tyranny and oppression 11. mean spirited 12. meanness 13. heavy blow 14. noble ones 15. nobility 16. protector
O light of happiness on the horizon of tragedy. O declaration of hope for those yearning for Hope. O supporter of Husain, opposed to tyranny, cruelty and oppression. You are heavy blow to the backs of the mean and cruel, the protector of the noble spirited. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye Khatiib1-e dosti, aye dushman-e buGhz2-o-anaad3
aye vafa4 ki aarzu5, aye qalb-e rahmat6 ki muraad7
aye rasul-e a’afiyat8, aye kushta9-e dev-e fasaad10
bar tu11 haif12 aye saii13-e namashkoor14-e amn-o-ittehaad15
aye pareeda16 valvale17, pazshmurda18 armaaN19 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. orator, preacher 2. hatred 3. hostility 4. faith, keeping word, true to commitment 5. desire 6. heart/essence of benevolence 7. goal, purpose 8. preacher of well being, tolerance 9. victim of , killed by 10. demon of mischief 11. on you 12. alas, sorrow 13. attempt 14. thankless, unrecognized 15. peace and harmony 16. evaporated 17. zeal 18. wilted 19. desire
O preacher of friendship/love, destroyer of hatred and hostility. O goal of Faith, the essence of Benevolence. O preacher of tolerance, victim of the demon of miscief. What a pity that your effort at peace and harmony remained thankless, unappreciated. Your zeal/enthusiasm evaporated, your desires, wilted. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
tu hi ek daana-e kaamil1, bazm-e nadaani2 meN tha
raushni ka tu minaara3, bahr-e tuGhiaani4 meN tha
tere dam se zamzama5 gaNga ki jaulani6 meN tha
naGhma7 tujh se kausar-o-tasneem8 ke pani meN tha
aye Ghuroor-e hindu9 o faKhr-e musalmaaN10 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. perfect/unblemished wisdom 2. assembly of ignorance 3. minaret of light, light house 4. stormy ocean 5. music (from the gurgling sound of the spring of zamzam near the Ka’aba) 6. flow of the Ganges 7. music, song 8. legendary rivers in heaven 9. pride of the Hindu 10. pride of the Muslim
You alone showed wisdom in the sea of ignorance. You were like a light house guiding us through the stormy ocean. You gave soothing music (harmomy) to the flow of the Ganges and to the rivers Tasneem and Kauser (used here as symbols for Hindus and Muslims). O pride of the Hindu and of the Muslim, my tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye havaa-e garm se pazshmurda1 baaGh-e mushk baar2
aye jafaa-e saNg3 se bishkasta4 jaam-e zarnigaar5
maut ke maare hue aye zindagi ke taajdaar
aye KhizaaN6 ki dhoop meN so’e hue paik7-e bahaar
aye ajal8 ki zulmatauN9 ke aab-e haivaaN10 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. wilted 2. spreading musk/fragrance 3. rocks of oppression 4. broken, shattered 5. golden 6. winter, fall 7. messenger 8. death 9. darkness 10. water/elixir of (eternal) life
You are the musk/fragrance spreading garden that has been wilted by hot desert winds. You are the golden cup that has been shattered by rocks of oppression. You the crown of Life that has been killed by Death. You bring warmth to winter with your message of the coming spring. O elixir of eternal life hidden in the darkness of death, my salaams. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
faqr1 se tere barasta tha jalaal2-e qaisari3
haif4 aye laila-e hurriyat5 ke qais-e a’amiri6
har teri mauj-e nafas7 thi ek suroor-e rahbari8
tere seene meN dhaRakta tha dil-e paiGhambari9
aye navaa10-e ambia11-e paak daamaaN12 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. poverty, giving up worldly possessions 2. grandeur 3. of Caesar 4. alas 5. Laila of Freedom 6. Qais (Majnun) of the tribe of aamir 7. (wave of) breath 8. melody of leadership/guidance 9. prophethood 10. voice of 11. prophets 12. clean/not stained hem/cloak i.e. virtuous
You gave up worldly possessions and yet had the grandeur of Caesar about you. The love of Laila and Majnun is legendary. Josh calls Gandhi the Majnun of the Laila of Freedom. Every breath/word of yours carried a melody of (righteous) guidance. The heart of prophethood throbbed in your bosom. Yours was the voice of virtuous prophets. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
aye mere ishrat nadeeda1 rahbar-e ibrat ma’al2
aye mere gardan bureeda3 azm4-e itmaam o kamaal5
aye mere haivaaN dareeda6 yusuf7-e qudsi jamaal8
aye mere sarsar raseeda9 bostaan10-e jaal o qaal11
aye mere Khaavar12 guzeda13 shabnamistaaN14 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. could not see happiness 2. guide who met a sad end 3. neck cut off 4. determination of 5. completion and perfection 6. eaten/killed by wild animals 7. Joseph – the legend of Joseph is that his brothers in a fit of jealousy threw him in a well, went back home and told their father that he was eaten up by a wolf. Joseph is also considered to have been a very beautiful man 8. sacred/holy face/beauty 9. wilted in hot, dry desert winds 10. garden 11. web and “talk” i.e. deception and conspiracy 12. sun 13. torn i.e. destroyed 14. garden of mist/dew
The whole tenor of the stanza is to say how much Gandhi tried and met a sad end just before he could realize his goal. He was a guide who met a sad end without being able to see happiness, whose head was cut off in his determination to complete and perfect his task. Josh compares Gandhi to Joseph of a beautiful/virtuous face, who was unable to get back home. Gandhi was the garden that dried up in hot, dry desert winds and was filled with webs of deception and conspiracy. Gandhi was the garden of mist/dew that evaporated/disappeared even as the sun (of independence) rose. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
jab se tu aye bulbul-e shiiriiN zabaaN1 Khaamosh hai
mohr bar lab2 gulsitaaN hai, baaGhbaaN Khaamosh hai
boo-e gul aazurda3 hai, joo-e ravaaN4 Khaamosh hai
gulshan-e dereena5-e hindostaaN Khaamosh hai
assalam aye saakin6-e shahr-e KhamoshaaN7 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. sweet tongue 2. sealed lips 3. gloomy, dejected 4. flowing river 5. garden of the past 6. resident of 7. city of the (voiceless) dead
Ever since you, O honey voiced one, have been silenced it is as if the lips of the garden have been sealed and the gardener is silent. It is as if the fragrance of the rose is lost and the flowing river has stopped. The garden of India of yesteryear is silent. My salaam you O resident of the city of dead. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.
ahl-e kaif1 o sahibaan-e hosh2 ke aaram-e jaaN3
jumla4 mardaan5-e uKhuvvat kosh6 ke aaram-e jaaN
har dil-e pur shorish7 o Khaamosh8 ke aaram-e jaaN
qibla9-e rindaan-e aalam10, josh ke aaram-e jaaN
aye tab-o-taab11-e imaam12-e baada noshaaN13 assalam
assalam aye hind ke shaah-e shahiidaaN assalam
1. people of contentment, contented people 2. leaders of awareness, wisdom, wise people 3. comfort of the soul 4. total, all 5. men, people 6. trying to get brotherhood/harmony 7. tumult, disturbance 8. silent, at peace 9. focal point of obeisance and tribute 10. revelers/drinkers of the world 11. restlessness, impatience 12. leaders 13. wine drinkers, used here as a metaphor for those seeking goodness
Gandhi is described as the comfort of the soul of everyone … rich and poor, wise and those trying to achieve brotherhood/harmony among all. The comfort of the soul of those whose hearts are disturbed as well as those who are at peace. He is the focal point of homage that the revelers/drinkers of the world have to pay and the comfort of the soul of Josh, the poet. “rindaan-e aalam” is used in the Sufi spirit – drinkers of the wine of love of the nation. The inclusion of “imaam-e baada noshaaN” also calls for some imaginative interpretation. These are leaders of the people who want to drink of the cup of Freedom. Gandhi is their restlessness – their eagerness. My tribute to you O king of the martyrs of India.