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حسین ۔ آنند موہن گلزارؔ دہلوی
دورِ جہاں میں اہلِ خِرد کا یہ حال ہے
برحق بھی ہونا جان کو گویا وبال ہے
عیسیٰ ہے برصلیب تو منصور دار پر
ہر ایک حق پرست ہے گولی کے وار پر
کذب اور کفر و جہل سے کیا کچھ بعید ہے
شمرِ لعیں کہیں تو کہیں پر یزید ہے
اِبنِ علی نے نانا کی ناموس پائی تھی
راہِ خدا پہ جان کی بازی لگائی تھی
ہو ہو کے خشک سبز ہے کھیتی بتول کی
رکّھے گی یاد حشر تک اُمّت رسول کی
لختِ جگر علی کے ہر اِک دِل کا چین تھے
وارث تھے اور نبی کے نبیسے حسین تھے
دی جس نے جان دہر کے آرام کے لئے
ایمان و حق پرستی و اِسلام کے لئے
یہ جانتے ہوئے بھی مصیبت ہے سامنے
بڑھتے گئے وہ دامنِ ایمان تھامنے
بچّوں کو عورتوں کو رہِ حق پہ ڈال کر
خود رکھ دیا زمیں پہ کلیجہ نکال کر
کُل خانداں پہ رحمتِ ربّ الکریم تھی
لیکن حسین کی تو شہادت عظیم تھی
قتلِ حسین راہ دِکھاتا چلا گیا
ایماں کا نور دہر پہ چھاتا چلا گیا
پھر اُس کے بعد مِلّتِ بیضےٰ بِپھر گئی
گہنا گئی تھی حق کی جو اُمّت نکھر گئی
سارے جہاں میں پھیل گیا غم حسین کا
کون و مکاں میں آج ہے ماتم حسین کا
مارے ہوئے عدو کی کدورت کے ہم بھی ہیں
قائل اَمَر شہید کی عظمت کے ہم بھی ہیں
ایمان کے مجدّد اعظم حسین ہیں
گلزارؔ دہلوی بھی غلامِ حسین ہیں
हुसैन- पंडित आनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी
दौर-ए जहां में अहल-ए ख़िरद का ये हाल है
बर-हक़ भी होना जान को गोया वबाल है
ईसा है बर-सलीब तो मन्सूर दार पर
हर एक हक़ परस्त है गोली के वार पर
कज़्ब और कुफ़्र ओ जहल से क्या कुछ बा’ईद है
शिम्र-ए ला’ईं कहीं तो कहीं पर यज़ीद है
इब्न-ए अली ने नाना कि नामूस पाई थी
राह-ए ख़ुदा पे जान कि बाज़ी लगाई थी
हो हो के ख़ुश्क सब्ज़ है खेती बतूल कि
रक्खे गी याद हश्र तक उम्मत रसूल कि
लख़्त-ए जिगर अली के हर एक दिल का चैन थे
वारिस थे और नबी के नाबीसे हुसैन थे
दी जिस ने जान दहर के आराम के लिए
ईमान ओ हक़-परस्ती ओ इस्लाम के लिए
ये जानते हुए भी मुसीबत है सामने
बढ़ते गए वो दामन-ए ईमान थामने
बच्चों को औरतों को रह-ए हक़ पे डाल कर
ख़ुद रख दिया ज़मीं पे कलेजा निकाल कर
कुल ख़ानदां पे रहमत-ए रब्ब-उल-करीम थी
लैकिन हुसैन कि तो शहादत अज़ीम थी
क़त्ल-ए हुसैन राह दिखाता चला गया
ईमां का नूर दहर पे छाता चल गया
फिर उस के बाद मिल्लत-ए बैज़ा बिफर गई
गहना गई थी हक़ कि जो उम्मत निखर गई
सारे जहां में फैल गया ग़म हुसैन का
कौन ओ मकां में आज है मातम हुसैन का
मारे हुए अदू कि कदूरत के हम भी हैं
क़ा’एल अमर शहीद कि अज़्मत के हम भी हैं
ईमान के मुजद्दिद-ए आज़म हुसैन हैं
गुल्ज़ार देहलवी भी ग़ुलाम-ए हुसैन हैं
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living/2019) is a very energetic and daring shaa’er who speaks courageously against all forms of oppression. His love of urdu is beyond compare. He reaches across religious lines both in the political and devotional mode. This is an ode to husain using the war of karbala as symbolic of rebellion against injustice and oppression.
daur1-e jahaaN meN ahl-e-Khirad2 ka ye haal3 hai
bar-haq4 bhi hona jaan ko goya vabaal5 hai
eesa6 hai bar-saleeb7 to mansur8 daar9 par
har ek haq-parast10 hai goli ke vaar11 par
kazb12 aur kufr13 o jahl14 se kya kuchh ba’eed15 hai
shimr16-e la’eeN17 kahiN to kahiN par yazeed18 hai 1.duration, times 2.reasoning/thinking people 3.condition 4.on the side of truth/justice 5.danger 6.Jesus 7.crucified 8.mansur-al-hallaj (858-922) 9.gallows 10.justice protecting 11.blow, target 12.untruth 13.wrongful 14.ignorance 15.far away 16.husain’s killer in karbala 17.cursed 18.usurper who sent his army to kill husain
mansur al hallaj was a sufi scholar who was put to death his outspoken-ness. Jesus and husain are also used here as symbols of crusaders for justice. Thus, the condition of reasoning/thinking people these days is such that being on the side of justice is dangerous. Jesus on the cross, mansur on the gallows, every crusader for justice is a target. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility for Injustice, Untruth and Ignorance. There is a shimr here or a yazeed there ready to kill.
ibn-e-ali1 ne nana ki naamoos2 paaii thi
raah3-e Khuda pe jaan ki baazi lagaaii thi
ho ho ke Khushk4 sabz5 hai kheti batool6 ki
rakkhegi yaad hashr7 tak ummat8 rasool9 ki
laKht-e-jigar10 ali ke har ek dil ka chain the
vaaris11 the aur nabi12 ke nabeese13 husain the 1.son of ali, husain 2.dignity 3.path of/towards 4.dry 6.husain’s mother, mohammed’s daughter 7.doomsday, followers 9.messenger, mohammed 10.(literally a piece of the liver/heart), beloved 11.successor 12.messenger 13.grandson
husain was the embodiment of mohammed’s dignity, ready to risk his life to show the way of Truth/Justice. The third misra has reference to the battle of karbala in which husain and his followers were denied access to water, hence they were “Khushk”. But in spite of being “Khushk” the kheti/family of batool was fresh and flourishing (as an example of righteousness). The community/followers of mohammed will remember this to the end of the world. The beloved of ali was the comfort/hope of everyone. He was the (rightful) successor of mohammed (his message) and his grandson.
di jis ne jaan dahr1 ke aaraam2 ke liye
eemaan3 o haq-parasti4 o islaam ke liye
ye jaante hue bhi museebat hai saamne
baRhte gaye vo daaman5-e eemaaN ko thaamne
bachchoN aur aurtoN ko rah-e-haq6 pe Daal ke
Khud rakh diya zamiN pe kaleja nikaal ke 2.used in the sense of “deliverance” 3.Truth 4.Justice 5.hem of the robe 6.used in the sense of “in the care of god”
He gave his life for the deliverance of the world, for Truth, Justice and faith. Knowing full well, the difficulties ahead, he proceed to hold the hand of Truth. Leaving his family in the care of god, he laid down his heart (to save Justice).
kul1 KhaandaaN pe rahmat2-e rabb-ul-karim3 thi
laikin husain ki to shahaadat4 azeem5 thi
qatl-e husain raah dikhaata chala gaya
eemaaN ka noor6 dahr7 pe chhaata chala gaya
phir us ke baad millat-e-baiza8 biphar9 gayii
gahna10 gayii thi haq11 ki jo ummat12, nikhar13 gayii 1.whole 2.blessing 3.benevolent god 4.martyrdom 5.great 6.light 8.bright/shining community 9.rebelled 10.eclipsed 11.righteousness 13.refreshed
The whole family/followers were blessed, but among all the sacrifice/martyrdom of husain loomed glorious. His death showed the way of Truth, shining the light of righteousness on the world. After that, the glorious community rebelled. The light of Truth/Justice that was eclipsed, began to shine brightly again.
saare jahaaN meN phail gaya Gham husain ka
kaun-o-makaaN1 meN aaj hai maatam2 husain ka
maare hue adu3 ki kadurat4 ke hum bhi haiN
qaa’el5 amar-shaheed6 ki azmat7 ke hum bhi haiN
eemaan ke mujaddid-e-aazam8 husain haiN
gulzar dehlavi bhi Ghulaam-e husain haiN 1.time and place meaning everywhere and forever 2.mourning 3.enemy 4.hatred 5.convinced/accepting of 6.immortal martyr 7.greatness 8.great reviver
The sorrow of the death/killing of husain has spread throughout the world. Now, everywhere and for all time the martyrdom of husain is mourned. We too are victims of hatred, accepting of the greatness of that immortal martyr. husain was the great reviver of Justice. gulzar dehlavi too is a servant of husain.
anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living/2019) is a very energetic and daring shaa’er who speaks courageously against all forms of oppression. His love of urdu is beyond compare. He reaches across religious lines both in the political and devotional mode. This is an ode to husain using the war of karbala as symbolic of rebellion against injustice and oppression.
daur1-e jahaaN meN ahl-e-Khirad2 ka ye haal3 hai
bar-haq4 bhi hona jaan ko goya vabaal5 hai
eesa6 hai bar-saleeb7 to mansur8 daar9 par
har ek haq-parast10 hai goli ke vaar11 par
kazb12 aur kufr13 o jahl14 se kya kuchh ba’eed15 hai
shimr16-e la’eeN17 kahiN to kahiN par yazeed18 hai
1.duration, times 2.reasoning/thinking people 3.condition 4.on the side of truth/justice 5.danger 6.Jesus 7.crucified 8.mansur-al-hallaj (858-922) 9.gallows 10.justice protecting 11.blow, target 12.untruth 13.wrongful 14.ignorance 15.far away 16.husain’s killer in karbala 17.cursed 18.usurper who sent his army to kill husain
mansur al hallaj was a sufi scholar who was put to death his outspoken-ness. Jesus and husain are also used here as symbols of crusaders for justice. Thus, the condition of reasoning/thinking people these days is such that being on the side of justice is dangerous. Jesus on the cross, mansur on the gallows, every crusader for justice is a target. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility for Injustice, Untruth and Ignorance. There is a shimr here or a yazeed there ready to kill.
ibn-e-ali1 ne nana ki naamoos2 paaii thi
raah3-e Khuda pe jaan ki baazi lagaaii thi
ho ho ke Khushk4 sabz5 hai kheti batool6 ki
rakkhegi yaad hashr7 tak ummat8 rasool9 ki
laKht-e-jigar10 ali ke har ek dil ka chain the
vaaris11 the aur nabi12 ke nabeese13 husain the
1.son of ali, husain 2.dignity 3.path of/towards 4.dry 6.husain’s mother, mohammed’s daughter 7.doomsday, followers 9.messenger, mohammed 10.(literally a piece of the liver/heart), beloved 11.successor 12.messenger 13.grandson
husain was the embodiment of mohammed’s dignity, ready to risk his life to show the way of Truth/Justice. The third misra has reference to the battle of karbala in which husain and his followers were denied access to water, hence they were “Khushk”. But in spite of being “Khushk” the kheti/family of batool was fresh and flourishing (as an example of righteousness). The community/followers of mohammed will remember this to the end of the world. The beloved of ali was the comfort/hope of everyone. He was the (rightful) successor of mohammed (his message) and his grandson.
di jis ne jaan dahr1 ke aaraam2 ke liye
eemaan3 o haq-parasti4 o islaam ke liye
ye jaante hue bhi museebat hai saamne
baRhte gaye vo daaman5-e eemaaN ko thaamne
bachchoN aur aurtoN ko rah-e-haq6 pe Daal ke
Khud rakh diya zamiN pe kaleja nikaal ke 2.used in the sense of “deliverance” 3.Truth 4.Justice 5.hem of the robe 6.used in the sense of “in the care of god”
He gave his life for the deliverance of the world, for Truth, Justice and faith. Knowing full well, the difficulties ahead, he proceed to hold the hand of Truth. Leaving his family in the care of god, he laid down his heart (to save Justice).
kul1 KhaandaaN pe rahmat2-e rabb-ul-karim3 thi
laikin husain ki to shahaadat4 azeem5 thi
qatl-e husain raah dikhaata chala gaya
eemaaN ka noor6 dahr7 pe chhaata chala gaya
phir us ke baad millat-e-baiza8 biphar9 gayii
gahna10 gayii thi haq11 ki jo ummat12, nikhar13 gayii
1.whole 2.blessing 3.benevolent god 4.martyrdom 5.great 6.light 8.bright/shining community 9.rebelled 10.eclipsed 11.righteousness 13.refreshed
The whole family/followers were blessed, but among all the sacrifice/martyrdom of husain loomed glorious. His death showed the way of Truth, shining the light of righteousness on the world. After that, the glorious community rebelled. The light of Truth/Justice that was eclipsed, began to shine brightly again.
saare jahaaN meN phail gaya Gham husain ka
kaun-o-makaaN1 meN aaj hai maatam2 husain ka
maare hue adu3 ki kadurat4 ke hum bhi haiN
qaa’el5 amar-shaheed6 ki azmat7 ke hum bhi haiN
eemaan ke mujaddid-e-aazam8 husain haiN
gulzar dehlavi bhi Ghulaam-e husain haiN
1.time and place meaning everywhere and forever 2.mourning 3.enemy 4.hatred 5.convinced/accepting of 6.immortal martyr 7.greatness 8.great reviver
The sorrow of the death/killing of husain has spread throughout the world. Now, everywhere and for all time the martyrdom of husain is mourned. We too are victims of hatred, accepting of the greatness of that immortal martyr. husain was the great reviver of Justice. gulzar dehlavi too is a servant of husain.
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