kin ne bajaaii muraliya-josh malihabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.

کِن  نے  بجائی  مُرلیا  ۔  جوشؔ  ملیح  آبادی


یہ  کِن  نے  بجائی  مُرلیا

ہِردے  میں  بدری  چھائی

گوکُل  بن  میں  برسا  رنگ

بجا  ہر  گھٹ  میں  مردنگ


خود  سے  کُھلا  ہر  اِک  جوُڑا

ہر  اِک  گوپی  مسکائی

یہ  کِن  نے  بجائی  مُرلیا

ہردے  میں  بدری  چھائی


گنگا  جل  کے  ہلکورے

بن  گئے  نینوں  کے  ڈورے

کلیاں  چٹکیں  گلشن  میں

تاروں  نے  لی  انگڑائی


یہ  کِن  نے  بجائی  مُرلیا

ہردے  میں  بدری  چھائی


چہکے  بہکے  نر  ناری

سب  مِل  مِل  باری  باری

چھلکیں  پنگھٹ  پہ  گاگریاں

ارجُن  نے  دھنک  لچکائی


یہ  کِن  نے  بجائی  مُرلیا

ہردے  میں  بدری  چھائی


किन ने बजाई मुरलिया – जोश मलीहाबादी

ये किन ने बजाई मुरलिया

हिर्दय में बद्री छाई

गोकुल बन में बरसा रगं

बजा हर घट में मर्दगं

ख़ुद से खुला हर एक जूढा

हर एक गोपी मुस्काई

ये किन ने बजाई मुरलिया

हिर्दय में बद्री छाई

गंगा जल के हलकोरे

बन गए नैनौं के डोरे

कलियां चिट्कीं गुलशन में

तारौं ने ली अंढाई

ये किन ने बजाई मुरलिया

हिर्दय में बद्री छाई

चहके बहके नर नारी

सब मिल मिल बारी बारी

छल्कीं पनघट पे गागरियां

अर्जुन ने धनक लचकाई

ये किन ने बजाई मुरलिया

हिर्दय में बद्री छाई

Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is called shaa’er-e inqelaab, poet of change/revolution. He is very secular and nationalistic in his writings and rebels against orthodoxy. His range of language and vocabulary is simply amazing. He has written extensively about the beauty of dawn. His collection of nazm/Ghazal and rubaaii can be accessed both under the poet’s name and from the Theme Index, ‘jalva-e sahr’. I have posted a series of nazm, Ghazal, bhajan the subject of which can be roughly characterized ‘krishn bhakti’. They are linked to ‘krishn bhakti’ under ‘kaaba-kaashi on the Theme Index page.
ye kin ne bajaaii muralia1
hirdai2 meN badri chhaaii3
gokul bun4 meN barsa raNg
baja har ghaT5 meN mardaNg6 
1.flute 2.heart 3.clouds rolled in … in urdu and Indian tradition clouds are a sign of blessing, bringing a good harvest. ‘badri chhaana’ is therefore an occasion for joy and celebration 4.forest of gokul (the land of krishn) 5.short for ghaaT- pier, jetty, lakeside, riverside 6.clay pot drum
It is spring. Rain clouds roll in and it is time for holi. The poet hears the flute of krishn. In gokul, the land of krishn, colours (of holi) rain down and people drum on their pots. All of this brings joy to the poet’s heart.

Khud se khula har ek jooRa1
har ek gopi2 muskaaii3
ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii tied in a bun 2.cowgirl, krishn’s playmates 3.smiled
All the gopis smiled and let down their hair. Who is it that plays the flute. Our hearts fill with joy.

gaNga jal1 ke halkore2
bun gaye nainauN3 ke Dore4
kaliyaaN chiTkiN5 gulshan6 meN
taarauN ne li aNgRaaii7
1.water 2.gentle waves, flow 3.eyes 4.strings 5.blossomed 7.yawn, stretch (in preparation to go to sleep)
It is dawn and stars who have been awake all night long, stretch and yawn getting ready to go to sleep. The world wakes up and buds blossom in the garden. Tears of joy flow down from eyes like the gentle flow of the Ganges.

ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii
Who is it that plays the flute. Our hearts fill with joy.

chahke1 bahke2 nar3 naari4
sub mil mil baari baari
chhalkiN5 panghaT6 pe gaagariyaaN7
arjan ne dhanak8 lachkaaii
1.chirp, sing 2.stagger, get drunk (with joy?) 4.women 5.spilled over 6.river bank 7.pots 8.rainbow
The sun coming up causes a rainbow which is likened to arjun’s bow (arjun being the warrior under the tutelage of krishn in war of kurukshetr/mahabharat). Men and women sing and dance and greet each other by turns while water pots are the river bank spill.

ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii
Who is it that plays the flute. Our hearts fill with joy.



josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is called shaa’er-e inqelaab, poet of change/revolution.  He is very secular and nationalistic in his writings and rebels against orthodoxy.  His range of language and vocabulary is simply amazing.  He has written extensively about the beauty of dawn.  His collection of nazm/Ghazal and rubaaii can be accessed both under the poet’s name and from the Theme Index, ‘jalva-e sahr’.  I have posted a series of nazm, Ghazal, bhajan the subject of which can be roughly characterized ‘krishn bhakti’.  They are linked to ‘krishn bhakti’ under ‘kaaba-kaashi on the Theme Index page.

ye kin ne bajaaii muralia1
hirdai2 meN badri chhaaii3
gokul bun4 meN barsa raNg
baja har ghaT5 meN mardaNg6

1.flute 2.heart 3.clouds rolled in … in urdu and Indian tradition clouds are a sign of blessing, bringing a good harvest. ‘badri chhaana’ is therefore an occasion for joy and celebration 4.forest of gokul (the land of krishn) 5.short for ghaaT- pier, jetty, lakeside, riverside 6.clay pot drum

It is spring.  Rain clouds roll in and it is time for holi.  The poet hears the flute of krishn.  In gokul, the land of krishn, colours (of holi) rain down and people drum on their pots.  All of this brings joy to the poet’s heart.
Khud se khula har ek jooRa1
har ek gopi2 muskaaii3
ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii tied in a bun 2.cowgirl, krishn’s playmates 3.smiled

All the gopis smiled and let down their hair.  Who is it that plays the flute.  Our hearts fill with joy.
gaNga jal1 ke halkore2
bun gaye nainauN3 ke Dore4
kaliyaaN chiTkiN5 gulshan6 meN
taarauN ne li aNgRaaii7

1.water 2.gentle waves, flow 3.eyes 4.strings 5.blossomed 7.yawn, stretch (in preparation to go to sleep)

It is dawn and stars who have been awake all night long, stretch and yawn getting ready to go to sleep.  The world wakes up and buds blossom in the garden.  Tears of joy flow down from eyes like the gentle flow of the Ganges.
ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii

Who is it that plays the flute.  Our hearts fill with joy.
chahke1 bahke2 nar3 naari4
sub mil mil baari baari
chhalkiN5 panghaT6 pe gaagariyaaN7
arjan ne dhanak8 lachkaaii

1.chirp, sing 2.stagger, get drunk (with joy?) 4.women 5.spilled over 6.river bank 7.pots 8.rainbow

The sun coming up causes a rainbow which is likened to arjun’s bow (arjun being the warrior under the tutelage of krishn in war of kurukshetr/mahabharat).  Men and women sing and dance and greet each other by turns while water pots are the river bank spill.

ye kin ne bajaaii muralia
hirdai meN badri chhaaii

Who is it that plays the flute.  Our hearts fill with joy.