singing andaleeb wasif
مشتہر کیجئے ۔ ساحر لدھیانوی
میں زندہ ہوں یہ مشتہر کیجئے
مرے قاتلوں کو خبر کیجئے
زمیں سخت ہے آسماں دور ہے
بسر ہو سکے تو بسر کیجئے
ستم کے بہت سے ہیں ردِّ عمل
ضروری نہیں چشم تر کیجئے
وہی ظلم بارِ دِگر ہے تو پھر
وہی جرم بارِ دِگر کیجئے
قفس توڑنا بعد کی بات ہے
ابھی خواہشِ بال و پر کیجئے
मुश्तहिर कीजिये – साहिर लुधियानवी
मैं ज़िन्दा हुं ये मुश्तहिर कीजिये
मेरे क़ातिलों को ख़बर कीजिये
ज़मीं सख़्त है आस्मां दूर है
बसर हो सके तो बसर कीजिये
सितम के बहुत से हैं रद्द-ए अमल
ज़रूरी नहीं चश्म तार कीजिये
वही ज़ुल्म बार-ए दिगर है तो फिर
वही जुर्म बार-ए दिगर कीजिये
क़फ़स तोड़ना बाद की बात है
अभी ख़्वाहिश-ए बाल ओ पर कीजिये
mushtahir keejiye – sahir ludhianavi
Click on any passage for meanings and discussion.
maiN zinda huN ye mushtahir1 keejiye
mere qaatilauN ko Khabar2 keejiye1.advertize, announce 2.inform
Let it be known that I am still alive. They/she have/has not managed to kill me yet. Let them know so they may try again! This is a statement of defiance.
zamiN saKht1 hai aasmaN duur hai
basar2 ho sake to basar keejiye1.hard, bear life
There is no refuge, no place to hide between earth and sky. You can go under the earth because it is too hard and cannot go beyond the sky because it is too far. Therefore bear your burden and live your live the best you can.
sitam1 ke bahut se haiN radd-e amal2
zaruri nahiN chashm3 tar4 keejiye1.oppression, cruely 2.effects, consequence 3.eye 4.wet, moist
There are many different ways of dealing with oppression/cruelty. Crying is not the only option/effect. The unstated point is that rebellion is another choice.
vahi zulm1 baar-e digar2 ho to phir
vahi jurm3 baar-e digar keejiye1.injustice, cruelty 2.second time 3.crime
This is also a statement of defiance. The poet/revolutionary has protested/defied injustice and has been punished for his “crime”. But the injustice continues and is repeated. So he must repeat his “crime” of protest.
qafas1 toRna baad ki baat hai
abhi Khwaahish-e baal o par2 keejiye1.cage 2.feathers and wings
Birds are in a cage (revolutionaries in prison). It is too early to talk about breaking out of the cage. First wish for feathers and wings.
mushtahir keejiye – sahir ludhianavi
maiN zinda huN ye mushtahir1 keejiye
mere qaatilauN ko Khabar2 keejiye
1.advertize, announce 2.inform
Let it be known that I am still alive. They/she have/has not managed to kill me yet. Let them know so they may try again! This is a statement of defiance.
zamiN saKht1 hai aasmaN duur hai
basar2 ho sake to basar keejiye
1.hard, bear life
There is no refuge, no place to hide between earth and sky. You can go under the earth because it is too hard and cannot go beyond the sky because it is too far. Therefore bear your burden and live your live the best you can.
sitam1 ke bahut se haiN radd-e amal2
zaruri nahiN chashm3 tar4 keejiye
1.oppression, cruely 2.effects, consequence 3.eye 4.wet, moist
There are many different ways of dealing with oppression/cruelty. Crying is not the only option/effect. The unstated point is that rebellion is another choice.
vahi zulm1 baar-e digar2 ho to phir
vahi jurm3 baar-e digar keejiye
1.injustice, cruelty 2.second time 3.crime
This is also a statement of defiance. The poet/revolutionary has protested/defied injustice and has been punished for his “crime”. But the injustice continues and is repeated. So he must repeat his “crime” of protest.
qafas1 toRna baad ki baat hai
abhi Khwaahish-e baal o par2 keejiye
1.cage 2.feathers and wings
Birds are in a cage (revolutionaries in prison). It is too early to talk about breaking out of the cage. First wish for feathers and wings.