nasheb o faraaz-josh malihabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

نشیب  و  فراز  ۔  جوشؔ  ملیح  آبادی


مجھے  خبر  ہے،  نہ  گھبرا  شریکِ  راہِ  دراز

کہ  زیرِ  سطحِ  مسطّح  ہے  کیا  نشیب  و  فراز


برہمنوں  نے  بغاوت  پہ  باندھ  لی  ہے  کمر

لرز  رہے  ہیں  بُتانِ  درونِ  پردۂ  راز


ہزار  شکر  کہ  تعمیرِ  نو  میں  ہے  سرگرم

وہ  آدمی،  کہ  جو  تھا  کعبہ  ساز  و  دیر  نواز


دھڑک  رہا  ہے  دلِ  طائرانِ  سدرہ  نشیں

اُٹھا  رہی  ہے  زمیں  دیدۂ  قدر  انداز


اُڑی  ہوئی  ہے  تب  و  تابِ  چہرۂ  خورشید

ہُوا  ہے  ذرّہ  کچھ  اِس  طرح  مائلِ  پرواز


زمیں  پہ  خِشت  و  خزف  نے  دُہل  اُٹھایا  ہے

فضاؤں  پر  مہ  و  انجم  ہیں  گوش  بر  آواز


وہ  پا  چکا  ہے  رُخِ  اِنکسارِ  عشق  فروغ

کہ  حسن  بھول  گیا  ہے  غرور  کے  انداز


لبِ  نیاز  پہ  روشن  ہوا  ہے  ناز  کا  حرف

دیارِ  ناز  میں  لو  دے  رہی  ہے  شمعِ  نیاز


ہر  ایک  لے  میں  پرافشاں  ہیں  سیکڑوں  جبریل

بجا  رہا  ہے  تخیّل،  حریمِ  دل  میں  وہ  ساز


زہے  جلالتِ  خُدّامِ  عارفانِ  جدید

بہ  ہر  نگاہ  کرامت،  بہ  ہر  نفس  اِعجاز


نہیں  یہ  منزلِ  تمکیں،  بڑھے  چلو  یارو

ابھی  تو  ہیں  فقط  افلاک  فرشِ  پا  انداز


عنانِ  قافلہ  موڑو  سوئے  حریمِ  دماغ

کہ  دل  نہیں  ہے  رفیقو،  محلّ  سوز  و  گداز


بہت  غرور  نہ  فرمائیں  ثابت  و  سیّار

کہ  خاک  پر  حرکت  کا  ہوا  ہے  اب  آغاز


بصد  شکوہ  چلے  گا  جو  آبِ  حیواں  میں

بنا  رہی  ہے  تمنّائے  زندگی  وہ  جہاز


مری  رہِ  ابدیّت  پہ  چل  نہ  پائے  گا

مسیح  و  خِضر  کا  یہ  اختصارِ  عمرِ  دراز


ندیم  جوشؔ  کو  لے  چل  کسی  بیاباں  میں

کہ  تا  سکوت  کے  خرمن  سے  چن  سکے  آواز

नशेब ओ फ़राज़ – जोश मलीहाबादी

मुझे ख़बर है न घब्रा शरीक-ए राह-ए दराज़

के ज़ेर-ए सतह मुसत्तह है क्या नशेब ओ फ़राज़

बरहमनौं ने बग़ावत पे बांध ली है कमर

लरज़ रहे हैं बुतान-ए दरून-ए पर्दा-ए राज़

हज़ार शुक्र के ता’मीर-ए नौ में है सरगर्म

वो आदमी के जो था का’बा-साज़ ओ दैर नवाज़

धढक रहा है दिल-ए ता’एरान-ए सिद्रा नशीं

उठा रही है ज़मीं दीदा-ए क़दर अंदाज़

उढी हुई है तब ओ ताब-ए चेहरा-ए ख़ुर्शीद

हुआ है जर्रा कुछ इस तरह मा’एल-ए परवाज़

ज़मीं पे ख़िश्त ओ ख़ज़फ़ ने दोहल उठाया है

फ़ज़ाऔं पर मह ओ अंजुम हैं गोश बर आवाज़

वो पा चुका है रुख़-ए इन्कसार-ए इश्क़ फ़रोज़

के हुस्न भूल गया है ग़ुरूर के अंदाज़

लब-ए नियाज़ पे रौशन हुआ है नाज़ का हर्फ़

दयार-ए नाज़ में लौ दे रही है शमा’-ए नियाज़

हर एक लैय में पर-अफ़्शां हैं सैक्ढौं जिब्रील

बजा रहा है तख़य्युल, हरीम-ए दिल में वो साज़


ज़हे जलालत-ए ख़द्दाम-ए आरफ़ान-ए जदीद

ब-हर निगाह करामत, ब हर नफ़स एजाज़


नहीं ये मंज़िल-ए तम्कीं, बढ़े चलो यारो

अभी हो हैं फ़क़त अफ़्लाक फ़र्श-ए पा-अंदाज़


अनान-ए क़ाफ़ला मोढो सु-ए हरीम-ए दमाग़

के दिल नहीं है रफ़ीक़ो महल्ल-ए सोज़ ओ गुदाज़


बहुत ग़ुरूर न फ़र्माएं साबित ओ सय्यार

के ख़ाक पर हरकत का हुआ है अब आग़ाज़


बसद शिकोह चलेगा जो आब-ए हैवां में

बना रही है तमन्ना-ए ज़िंदगी वो जहाज़


मेरी रह-ए अबदिय्यत पे चल न पाएगा

मसीह ओ ख़िज़्र का ये एख़्तसार-ए उम्र-ए दराज़


नदीम, जोश को ले चल किसी बयाबां में

के ता सुकूत के ख़िर्मन से चुन सके आवाज़


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This Ghazal is in the style of Ghalib’s ‘maiN huN apni shikast ki aavaaz’. There are two Ghazal of josh in this style, both in a completely different theme. Ghalib’s original as well as josh’s have no radeef.
mujhe Khabar1 hai na ghabra2 shariik3-e raah4-e daraaz5
keh zer6-e satah7 musattah8 hai kya nasheb-o-faraaz9   
1.knowledge, awareness 2.worry, concern 3.partner, companion 4.path 5.long 6.under 7.surface 8.levelled and downs
Do not worry, my companion in the long, hard path, I know that beneath the surface (without much fanfare) so many ups and downs (difficulties) have been levelled/smoothed. It is implied that this companion has been a partner in smoothing the rough path.

barahmanoN ne baGhaawat1 pe baandh lii hai kamar2
laraz3 rahe haiN butaan4-e daruun5-e parda-e raaz6   
1.rebellion 2.kamar baandhna is an expression meaning girded loins, determined and ready 3.trembling 4.idols 5.inner, hidden 6.secret, mystery
The brahmins (hindus) are ready and determined for rebellion. The idols behind the veil (orthodoxy) are trembling in fear.

hazaar shukr1 keh taa’miir2-e nau3 meN hai sargarm4
vo aadmi keh jo tha kaa’ba-saaz5 o dair-navaaz6   
1.thanks 2.building, progress 4.busy, enthusiastic 5.building/repairing the kaa’ba 6.temple favouring
I offer a thousand thanks that the hands that used to repair the kaa’ba or clean the temple are now busy in building a new order.

dhaRak raha hai dil-e taa’eraan1-e sidra-nashiiN2
uTha rahi hai zamiiN diida3-e qadar-andaaz4   
1.birds 2.dwellers of sidra – a tree in heaven 3.eyes 4.respectful
sidra is supposed to be a tree in heaven which bears fruit of all kinds for those in heaven. Also, dil-dhaRakna is an expression used to mean tremble in fear. ‘taa’eraan-e sidra-nashiiN’ birds living on the sidra are used to imply the orthodoxy. Thus, the orthodoxy is fearful because earthlings are raising respectful eyes (towards the new world order).

uRi hui hai tab-o-taab1-e chehra2-e Khurshiid3
hua hai zarra4 kuchh is tarah maa’el5-e parvaaz6   
1.dignity and respect, brilliance and colour 2.face 3.sun 4.grain of dust 5.inclined towards 6.flight
Here the sun stands for the skies and heavens and grain of dust for eathlings/humans. The face of heavens has gone pale. It has lost its brilliance and colour seeing the way in which earthlings are inclined towards flight (high achievement).

zamiiN pe Khisht-o-Khazaf1 ne dohal2 uThaaya hai
fazaaoN3 par mah4 o anjum5 haiN gosh6 bar7 aavaaz   
1.bricks and bats, rocks and pebbles 2.drumbeat, rebellious cry 3.atmosphere, skies 4.moon 5.stars 6.ear 7.on, towards
Here Khisht o Khazaf represent ordinary people and mah o anjum represent the orthodoxy/heavens. Oppressed people on earth have raised their voice in rebellion and heavens have turned their ears towards them (in fear).

vo paa chuka1 hai ruKh2-e inkesaar3-e ishq-faroz4
keh husn5 bhool gaya hai Ghuroor6 ke andaaz7 
1.obtained, acquired 2.face of 3.humility, contrition enhancing/illuminating 6.pride, arrogance 7.ways, styles
Here ‘beauty’ can refer to the beloved or orthodoxy or even god. Because of the cry of rebellion raised by earthlings, heavens have acquired a new love-enhancing face of humility and have forgotten/abandoned their arrogant ways.

lab1-e niyaaz2 pe raushan3 hua hai naaz4 ka harf5
dayaar6-e naaz7 meN lau8 de rahi hai shama’-e-niyaaz9    
1.lips 2.tribute offering, prayer 3.revealed 4.(self) respect 5.word 6.realm, domain 7.coquetry 8.flame, light 9.lamp of tribute
‘niyaaz’ is associated with the lover offering prayerful tribute to ‘naaz’ – the coquetry/indifference of the beloved. But now even the lover has discovered the word/meaning of ‘naaz’ and is no longer willing to submit meekly to the cruelties of the beloved. Here, lover and beloved signify common people and orthodoxy, or the proletariat and capitalists. Thus, common people have become aware and their lamp lights what used to the domain of the oppressor.

xxxxx meaningsanddiscussion
har ek lai1 meN par-afshaaN2 haiN saikRoN3 jibriil4
bajaa raha hai taKhayyul5 hariim6-e dil meN vo saaz7   
1.melody 2.flying, floating 3.millions 4.Gabriels 5.imagination 6.sanctuary, musical instrument, harp
In every melody a million jibriil float. jibriil-Gabriel is supposed to bring divine messages. Thus, in every melody a million divine messages arrive, such is the music playing in the sanctuary of the heart of imagination. Thus, human imagination/creativity is given is a high divine status.

nahiN ye manzil1-e tamkiiN2, baRhe chalo yaaro
abhi to haiN faqat3 aflaak4 farsh5-e paa-andaaz6    
1.destination 2.glory, dignity, status 3.only 4.skies 5.floor for feet
We have not yet arrived at the destination of glory, keep moving forward, my friends. So far only the skies are like the floor beneath our feet. The implication is that we have to go beyond the skies …
iqbal … sitaaroN se aage jahaaN aur bhi haiN
Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham banaa sakte
arsh se udhar hota kaash keh makaaN apna

an’aan1-e qaafila2 moRo su3-e hariim4-e damaaGh
keh dil nahiN hai rafiiqo5 mahall6-e soz-o-gudaaz7   
1.reins 3.towards 4.sanctuary 5.friends of 7.pain and ardour
Turn the reins of the caravan towards the sanctuary of the brain/intellect because the heart, O friends, is no place for pain and ardour. In poetic tradition the heart is considered the seat of love and is to be believed rather the intellect (which is limited). Here josh suggests otherwise.

bahut Ghuroor1 na farmaayeN2 saabit-o-sayyaar3
keh Khaak4 par harakat5 ka hua hai ab aaGhaaz6   
1.conceit, arrogance 2.observe, show 3.stationary and moving, stars and planets – heavens 4.dust, clay – earth 5.movement 6.beginning
Let the heavens not show too much arrogance because there is movement (towards progress) on earth.

ba-sad1 shikoh2 chalega jo aab3-e haivaaN4 meN
bana rahi hai tamanna5-e zindagi vo jahaaz   
1.with a hundred 2.grandeur 3.water 5.desire
That which will sail in great grandeur on the waters of life, the desire to live (a better life) is making that kind of boat.

meri rah1-e abadiyyat2 pe chal na paayega
masiih3 o Khizr4 ka ye eKhtesaar5-e umr-e-daraaz6   
1.path 2.immortality, eternity 3.healer, Jesus 4.legendarly old man who found the nectar of immortality 5.summary, synopsis, formula 6.long life
Faith based legends suggest that Jesus brought the dead back to life and Khizr drank the nectar of life and attained immortality. This formula is not going to work on my path towards immortality (because mine is a different kind of immortality based on human progress rather that individual life).

nadiim1, josh2 ko le chal kisi bayaabaaN3 meN
keh taa4 sukoot5 ke Khirman6 se chun sake aavaaz   
1.friend 2.pen-name of poet 3.wilderness that 5.silence, stillness 6.harvest
O friend, take josh to some desolate wilderness so that from that total silence he may pick a voice/words to speak.

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  This Ghazal is in the style of Ghalib’s ‘maiN huN apni shikast ki aavaaz’.  There are two Ghazal of josh in this style, both in a completely different theme.  Ghalib’s original as well as josh’s have no radeef.
mujhe Khabar1 hai na ghabra2 shariik3-e raah4-e daraaz5
keh zer6-e satah7 musattah8 hai kya nasheb-o-faraaz9

1.knowledge, awareness 2.worry, concern 3.partner, companion 4.path 5.long 6.under 7.surface 8.levelled and downs

Do not worry, my companion in the long, hard path, I know that beneath the surface (without much fanfare) so many ups and downs (difficulties) have been levelled/smoothed.  It is implied that this companion has been a partner in smoothing the rough path.
barahmanoN ne baGhaawat1 pe baandh lii hai kamar2
laraz3 rahe haiN butaan4-e daruun5-e parda-e raaz6

1.rebellion 2.kamar baandhna is an expression meaning girded loins, determined and ready 3.trembling 4.idols 5.inner, hidden 6.secret, mystery

The brahmins (hindus) are ready and determined for rebellion.  The idols behind the veil (orthodoxy) are trembling in fear.
hazaar shukr1 keh taa’miir2-e nau3 meN hai sargarm4
vo aadmi keh jo tha kaa’ba-saaz5 o dair-navaaz6

1.thanks 2.building, progress 4.busy, enthusiastic 5.building/repairing the kaa’ba 6.temple favouring

I offer a thousand thanks that the hands that used to repair the kaa’ba or clean the temple are now busy in building a new order.
dhaRak raha hai dil-e taa’eraan1-e sidra-nashiiN2
uTha rahi hai zamiiN diida3-e qadar-andaaz4

1.birds 2.dwellers of sidra – a tree in heaven 3.eyes 4.respectful

sidra is supposed to be a tree in heaven which bears fruit of all kinds for those in heaven.  Also, dil-dhaRakna is an expression used to mean tremble in fear.  ‘taa’eraan-e sidra-nashiiN’ birds living on the sidra are used to imply the orthodoxy.  Thus, the orthodoxy is fearful because earthlings are raising respectful eyes (towards the new world order).
uRi hui hai tab-o-taab1-e chehra2-e Khurshiid3
hua hai zarra4 kuchh is tarah maa’el5-e parvaaz6

1.dignity and respect, brilliance and colour 2.face 3.sun 4.grain of dust 5.inclined towards 6.flight

Here the sun stands for the skies and heavens and grain of dust for eathlings/humans.  The face of heavens has gone pale.  It has lost its brilliance and colour seeing the way in which earthlings are inclined towards flight (high achievement).
zamiiN pe Khisht-o-Khazaf1 ne dohal2 uThaaya hai
fazaaoN3 par mah4 o anjum5 haiN gosh6 bar7 aavaaz

1.bricks and bats, rocks and pebbles 2.drumbeat, rebellious cry 3.atmosphere, skies 4.moon 5.stars 6.ear 7.on, towards

Here Khisht o Khazaf represent ordinary people and mah o anjum represent the orthodoxy/heavens.  Oppressed people on earth have raised their voice in rebellion and heavens have turned their ears towards them (in fear).
vo paa chuka1 hai ruKh2-e inkesaar3-e ishq-faroz4
keh husn5 bhool gaya hai Ghuroor6 ke andaaz7

1.obtained, acquired 2.face of 3.humility, contrition enhancing/illuminating 6.pride, arrogance 7.ways, styles

Here ‘beauty’ can refer to the beloved or orthodoxy or even god.  Because of the cry of rebellion raised by earthlings, heavens have acquired a new love-enhancing face of humility and have forgotten/abandoned their arrogant ways.
lab1-e niyaaz2 pe raushan3 hua hai naaz4 ka harf5
dayaar6-e naaz7 meN lau8 de rahi hai shama’-e-niyaaz9

1.lips 2.tribute offering, prayer 3.revealed 4.(self) respect 5.word 6.realm, domain 7.coquetry 8.flame, light 9.lamp of tribute

‘niyaaz’ is associated with the lover offering prayerful tribute to ‘naaz’ – the coquetry/indifference of the beloved.  But now even the lover has discovered the word/meaning of ‘naaz’ and is no longer willing to submit meekly to the cruelties of the beloved.  Here, lover and beloved signify common people and orthodoxy, or the proletariat and capitalists.  Thus, common people have become aware and their lamp lights what used to the domain of the oppressor.
har ek lai1 meN par-afshaaN2 haiN saikRoN3 jibriil4
bajaa raha hai taKhayyul5 hariim6-e dil meN vo saaz7

1.melody 2.flying, floating 3.millions 4.Gabriels 5.imagination 6.sanctuary, musical instrument, harp

In every melody a million jibriil float.  jibriil-Gabriel is supposed to bring divine messages.  Thus, in every melody a million divine messages arrive, such is the music playing in the sanctuary of the heart of imagination.  Thus, human imagination/creativity is given is a high divine status.
zahe1 jalaalat2-e Khuddaam3-e aarifaan4-e jadiid5
ba-har6 nigaah7 karaamat8, ba-har6 nafas9 ejaaz10

1.owing to, by the blessing of 2.glory 3.servants, followers 4.enlightened, wise 6.with every 7.glance 8.magnanimity 9.breath, word 10.miracle

By the blessing of the followers of new knowledge/wisdom we receive blessings with every glance and see miracles in every word.
nahiN ye manzil1-e tamkiiN2, baRhe chalo yaaro
abhi to haiN faqat3 aflaak4 farsh5-e paa-andaaz6

1.destination 2.glory, dignity, status 3.only 4.skies 5.floor for feet

We have not yet arrived at the destination of glory, keep moving forward, my friends.  So far only the skies are like the floor beneath our feet.  The implication is that we have to go beyond the skies …
iqbal … sitaaroN se aage jahaaN aur bhi haiN
Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham banaa sakte
arsh se udhar hota kaash keh makaaN apna
an’aan1-e qaafila2 moRo su3-e hariim4-e damaaGh
keh dil nahiN hai rafiiqo5 mahall6-e soz-o-gudaaz7

1.reins 3.towards 4.sanctuary 5.friends of 7.pain and ardour

Turn the reins of the caravan towards the sanctuary of the brain/intellect because the heart, O friends, is no place for pain and ardour.  In poetic tradition the heart is considered the seat of love and is to be believed rather the intellect (which is limited).  Here josh suggests otherwise.
bahut Ghuroor1 na farmaayeN2 saabit-o-sayyaar3
keh Khaak4 par harakat5 ka hua hai ab aaGhaaz6

1.conceit, arrogance 2.observe, show 3.stationary and moving, stars and planets – heavens 4.dust, clay – earth 5.movement 6.beginning

Let the heavens not show too much arrogance because there is movement (towards progress) on earth.
ba-sad1 shikoh2 chalega jo aab3-e haivaaN4 meN
bana rahi hai tamanna5-e zindagi vo jahaaz

1.with a hundred 2.grandeur 3.water 5.desire

That which will sail in great grandeur on the waters of life, the desire to live (a better life) is making that kind of boat.
meri rah1-e abadiyyat2 pe chal na paayega
masiih3 o Khizr4 ka ye eKhtesaar5-e umr-e-daraaz6

1.path 2.immortality, eternity 3.healer, Jesus 4.legendarly old man who found the nectar of immortality 5.summary, synopsis, formula 6.long life

Faith based legends suggest that Jesus brought the dead back to life and Khizr drank the nectar of life and attained immortality.  This formula is not going to work on my path towards immortality (because mine is a different kind of immortality based on human progress rather that individual life).
nadiim1, josh2 ko le chal kisi bayaabaaN3 meN
keh taa4 sukoot5 ke Khirman6 se chun sake aavaaz

1.friend 2.pen-name of poet 3.wilderness that 5.silence, stillness 6.harvest

O friend, take josh to some desolate wilderness so that from that total silence he may pick a voice/words to speak.