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نذرِ گلزار ۔ سید محمّد شاہدؔ
اُردو ادب کا چاند جو گہنا گیا ہے آج
شعر و سخن پہ رنج کا ڈیرا لگا ہے آج
گلزارِ سخن پر ہے خزاں کی آمد
گلچیں گُلِ گلزار کو یوں چُن چلا ہے آج
کشمیریت کی روح تھا گنگ و جمن کا ناز
افسوس، وہ سلُوک بھی جاتا رہا ہے آج
سریو میں دھوئیں اُس کو کہ ہو غسلِ جنازہ
خرابے سے بابری کے تڑپ کر اُٹھا ہے آج
جب کوئی ظلم ہوتا تڑپتا تھا اُس کا دِل
دیرینہ جو خلوس تھا، تڑپا رہا ہے آج
انتم کریا کے بعد جو تھی ایک مُشتِ خاک
کعبہ طواف کر کے وِسرجن ہوا ہے آج
قرآں کا پاٹھ یا کہ ہو گیتا کی تِلاوت
اک سانس ہی میں کرتا تھا، چپ ہو گیا ہے آج
کربل کتھا، مدح علی، رام بھکتی، نعتِ محمّدی
نانک کے بول، کرشن بھجن، اُس کا سبھی کچھ لکھا ہے آج
ہوں داغ کا نبیسہ، جو ہیں زار میرے جدّ
سواگت میں اُن کے ساتھ کھڑی ریختہ ہے آج
غالب کی زباں کاٹنے والوں پہ جو بھیجی تھی اُس نے لعن
شاہدؔ اُسی کی شان میں نغمہ سرا ہے آج
नज़्र-ए गुल्ज़ार – सय्यद मोहम्मद शाहद
उर्दू अदब का चांद जो गहना गया है आज
शे’र ओ सुख़न पे रंज का डेरा लगा है आज
गुल्ज़ार-ए सुख़न पर है ख़िज़ां की आमद
गुलचीं गुल-ए गुल्ज़ार को यू चुन चलो है आज
कश्मीरियत कि रूह था, गंग ओ जमन का नाज़
अफ़्सोस, साथ वो सुलूक भी जाता रहा है आज
सर्यू में धोऐं उस को के हो ग़ुस्ल-ए जनाज़ा
ख़राबे से बाबरी के तढप कर उठा है आज
जब कोई ज़ुल्म होता तढप्ता था उस का दिल
देरीना जउ ख़ुलूस था, तढपर रहा है आज
अन्तिम क्रिया के बा’द जो थी एक मुश्त-ए ख़ाक
का’बा तवाफ़ कर के विसर्जन हुआ है आज
क़ुर’आं का पाठ या के हो गीता कि तिलावत
एक सांस ही में करता था, चुप हो गया है आज
करबल कथा, मदह अली, राम भक्ती, ना’त-ए मोहम्मदी
नानक के बोल, क्रिष्न भजन, उस का सभी कुछ लिखा है आज
हूं दाग़ का नबीसा, जो हैं ज़ार मेरे जद्द
स्वागत में उन के साथ खढी रेख़ता है आज
ग़ालेब की ज़बां काटने वालौं पे जो भेजी थी उस ने लान
शाहद उसी की शान में नग़्मा सरा है आज
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. shahed (1944-living) pays tribute to anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020) upon his death (June 12, 2020). gulzar was a great lover of urdu, a scholar of faarsi and arabi, a poet par-excellence, committed humanist and secularist with a loving acceptance of all faith traditions.
urdu adab1 ka chaand jo gahna2 gaya hai aaj
she’r o suKhan3 pe ranj4 ka Dera5 laga hai aaj 1.literature 2.eclipsed 3.word, verse 4.sorrow 5.tent, canopy
The moon of urdu literature is eclipsed today. There is a canopy of sorrow over urdu shaa’eri today.
gulzar1-e suKhan2 par hai KhizaaN3 ki aamad4
gulchiN5 gul6-e gulzar1 ko yuN chun7 chala hai aaj 2.verse 3.fall, autumn 4.arrival 5.flower picker 6.rose 7.picked
Autumn (dry season, pat jhaR) has come to the garden of verse. The flower picker has picked the rose of the garden and made off today.
kashmiriyyat1 ki rooh2 tha gaNg-o-jaman3 ka naaz4
afsos5 vo sulook6 bhi jaata raha hai aaj 1.the composite culture of kashmir 2.spirit 3.gaNga and jamna, their mingling is symbolic of the composite culture of India 4.pride 5.alas 6.cultured behaviour
He was the spirit of the kashmiri acceptance, the pride of India’s composite culture. Alas, that cultured behavious is also going away with him today.
saryu1 meN dho’eN us ko ke ho Ghusl-e-janaaza2
Kharaabe3 se baabari4 ke taRap kar uTha hai aaj 1.river flowing past ayodhya 2.ritual funeral washing 3.ruins 4.baabari masjid
Whether you wash him in the saryu or give him a ritual funeral wash, he rises in pain from the ruins of the baabari masjid today. He wrote a very poignant and angry nazm when the baabari masjid was demolished (posted on urdushahkar).
jab koii zulm1 hota, taRapta tha us ka dil
dereena2 jo Khuloos3 tha, taRpa raha hai aaj 1.atrocity 2.past 3.cultured behaviour
Whenever there was atrocity, he was pained. It hurst that that past culture is missing today.
antim1 kriya2 ke b’aad jo thi ek musht3-e Khaak4
k’aaba tavaaf5 kar ke visarjaan6 hua hai aaj 1.last 2.rites 3.fistful 4.dust, ashes 5.circumambulate 6.consigned to the river
After the last rights (burning of the body), the fistful of ashes that remain, will be sent around the k’aaba before consignment to the river. This is a reflection of his strong values of honouring all faiths. He is known to have recited the az’aan in a rural masjid once.
qur’aaN ka paaTh1 ya ke ho geeta ki tilaavat2
ek saaNs hi meN karta tha, chup ho gaya hai aaj 1.ritual recitation (usually of the geeta or the ramayan) 2.ritual recitation (usually of the qur’aan)
Whether it be the recitation of the qur’aan or the geeta, he would do it in the same breath. He has gone silent today.
karbal katha1, madah2-e ali, raam bhakti3 n’aat4-e mohammadi
nanak ke bol, krishn bhajan, us ka sabhi kuchh likha hai aaj 1.the story of karbala, i.e. the martyrdom of husain 2.praise 3.devotional song 4.poem in praise of 5.pen
He wrote nazm commemorating the martyrdom of husain (posted on urdushahkar), in praise of ali, devotional songs to raam and krishn as well as mohammed ( He wrote in praise of nanak. It is all available, written by his pen.
huN daaGh1 ka nabeesa2, jo haiN zaar3 mere jadd4
swaagat5 meN un ke saath khaRi reKhta6 hai aaj 1.urdu poet and ustaad/teacher-mentor of gulzar’s father 2.grandson 3.pen name of gulzar’s father and recognized poet of his time 4.forebear 5.welcome 6.early name of urdu
gulzar claimed to be the grandson (in the sense of poetic literature) of daaGh, because his father was a shaagird. urdu language stands together with daaGh and zaar to welcome him to the spiritual world.
Ghalib ki zabaaN kaaTne vaaloN pe jo bheji thi us ne l’aan1
shahed usi ki shaan2 meN naGhma-saraa3 hai aaj 1.curse 2.praise 3.writing verse of praise
He pronounced a curse on those who cut off Ghalib’s tongue … this has reference to a fiery nazm gulzar wrote in observance of Ghalib centennial in 1969 ( … Ghalib’s tongue is also meant to interpreted as Ghalib’s language, urdu. Thus, those who were celebrating Ghalib’s centennial has also suppressed urdu language. shahed is reciting nazm in praise of him who did this.
shahed (1944-living) pays tribute to anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020) upon his death (June 12, 2020). gulzar was a great lover of urdu, a scholar of faarsi and arabi, a poet par-excellence, committed humanist and secularist with a loving acceptance of all faith traditions.
urdu adab1 ka chaand jo gahna2 gaya hai aaj
she’r o suKhan3 pe ranj4 ka Dera5 laga hai aaj
1.literature 2.eclipsed 3.word, verse 4.sorrow 5.tent, canopy
The moon of urdu literature is eclipsed today. There is a canopy of sorrow over urdu shaa’eri today.
gulzar1-e suKhan2 par hai KhizaaN3 ki aamad4
gulchiN5 gul6-e gulzar1 ko yuN chun7 chala hai aaj 2.verse 3.fall, autumn 4.arrival 5.flower picker 6.rose 7.picked
Autumn (dry season, pat jhaR) has come to the garden of verse. The flower picker has picked the rose of the garden and made off today.
kashmiriyyat1 ki rooh2 tha gaNg-o-jaman3 ka naaz4
afsos5 vo sulook6 bhi jaata raha hai aaj
1.the composite culture of kashmir 2.spirit 3.gaNga and jamna, their mingling is symbolic of the composite culture of India 4.pride 5.alas 6.cultured behaviour
He was the spirit of the kashmiri acceptance, the pride of India’s composite culture. Alas, that cultured behavious is also going away with him today.
saryu1 meN dho’eN us ko ke ho Ghusl-e-janaaza2
Kharaabe3 se baabari4 ke taRap kar uTha hai aaj
1.river flowing past ayodhya 2.ritual funeral washing 3.ruins 4.baabari masjid
Whether you wash him in the saryu or give him a ritual funeral wash, he rises in pain from the ruins of the baabari masjid today. He wrote a very poignant and angry nazm when the baabari masjid was demolished.
jab koii zulm1 hota, taRapta tha us ka dil
dereena2 jo Khuloos3 tha, taRpa raha hai aaj
1.atrocity 2.past 3.cultured behaviour
Whenever there was atrocity, he was pained. It hurst that that past culture is missing today.
antim1 kriya2 ke b’aad jo thi ek musht3-e Khaak4
k’aaba tavaaf5 kar ke visarjaan6 hua hai aaj
1.last 2.rites 3.fistful 4.dust, ashes 5.circumambulate 6.consigned to the river
After the last rights (burning of the body), the fistful of ashes that remain, will be sent around the k’aaba before consignment to the river. This is a reflection of his strong values of honouring all faiths. He is known to have recited the az’aan in a rural masjid once.
qur’aaN ka paaTh1 ya ke ho geeta ki tilaavat2
ek saaNs hi meN karta tha, chup ho gaya hai aaj
1.ritual recitation (usually of the geeta or the ramayan) 2.ritual recitation (usually of the qur’aan)
Whether it be the recitation of the qur’aan or the geeta, he would do it in the same breath. He has gone silent today.
karbal katha1, madah2-e ali, raam bhakti3 ya n’aat4-e mohammadi
nanak ke bol, krishn bhajan, us ka sabhi kuchh likha hai aaj
1.the story of karbala, i.e. the martyrdom of husain 2.praise 3.devotional song 4.poem in praise of 5.pen
He wrote nazm commemorating the martyrdom of husain (, in praise of ali, devotional songs to raam and krishn as well as mohammed ( He wrote in praise of nanak. It is all available, written by his pen.
huN daaGh1 ka nabeesa2, jo haiN zaar3 mere jadd4
swaagat5 meN un ke saath khaRi reKhta6 hai aaj
1.urdu poet and ustaad/teacher-mentor of gulzar’s father 2.grandson 3.pen name of gulzar’s father and recognized poet of his time 4.forebear 5.welcome 6.early name of urdu
gulzar claimed to be the grandson (in the sense of poetic literature) of daaGh, because his father was a shaagird. urdu language stands together with daaGh and zaar to welcome him to the spiritual world.
Ghalib ki zabaaN kaaTne vaaloN pe jo bheji thi us ne l’aan1
shahed usi ki shaan2 meN naGhma-saraa3 hai aaj
1.curse 2.praise 3.writing verse of praise
He pronounced a curse on those who cut off Ghalib’s tongue … this has reference to a fiery nazm gulzar wrote in observance of Ghalib centennial in 1969 ( … Ghalib’s tongue is also meant to interpreted as Ghalib’s language, urdu. Thus, those who were celebrating Ghalib’s centennial has also suppressed urdu language. shahed is reciting nazm in praise of him who did this.
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