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رِشتۂ دیر و حرم ۔ آنند موہن گلزارؔ دہلوی
آئی ناقوس کی آواز جو بُت خانے سے
شمع توحید پہ جلتے رہے پروانے سے
ہو کے خود دیر نشیں، فکرِ حرم ہے اُن کو
میاں گلزارؔ نظر آتے ہیں دیوانے سے
آٹھ سو سال میں لِکّھی ہوئی تاریخِ وفا
جو رقم کرتے رہے آج ہیں انجانے سے
نوشِ زمزم کی طرح شُرب رہا گنگا جل
آج محروم ہوں کیوں آب سے یا دانے سے
بولے گلزارؔ کہ سُنئے تو جنابِ والا
کیسے تاریخ بدل جائے گی جھُٹلانے سے
قاضیٔ شہر نے فتویٰ یہ دیا منبر پر
‘پاسباں مِل گئے کعبہ کو صنم خانے سے’
مختصر آج یہ تاریخ بھی دہراتے ہیں
جس کے گلزارؔ بھی راوی ہوئے فرزانے سے
ٹُکڑے ٹُکڑے رہا، کھنڈت رہا بھارت برسوں
بھول سکتا ہے جہاں آپ کے جھٹلانے سے
شہر پر شہر بساتے رہے برسوں جو لوگ
اُن کے گھر آج نظر آتے ہیں ویرانے سے
کِس نے بنگال کو سرحد سے مِلایا آ کر
کِس نے ملوا دیا لشکر کو طرب خانے سے
کون تھا شاہِ دکن کِس نے کیا سر جا کر
واقعہ یہ بھی بدل جائے گا بہکانے سے
زلفِ بنگال کی زنجیر عطا کی کِس نے
بات منوائیے اپنی کِسی انجانے سے
راجپوتانے کو یکتائی عطا کی کِس نے
کون واقف نہیں تاریخ کے اِس خانے سے
کِس نے گجرات کو دِلّی کی دکھائی صورت
ہِند پھر ایک ہوا کِس کے دوا خانے سے
کِس نے مندر کئے تعمیر مساجد کے قریب
کیسے عشّاق نے پی ایک ہی پیمانے سے
کِس کی تعمیر نے بھارت کو دیا تاج محل
کچھ نہ مِل پائے گا ارواح کو تڑپانے سے
گنگا جمنی ہوئی تہذیب مُزیّن کیسے
بادۂ عشق لُنڈھی کون سے مے خانے سے
کِس نے پیدا کئے خُسرو کہ رحیم و دارا
کون مُنکر ہے رسکھان کے پیمانے سے
گھر کے بھیدی ہوئے جے چند کی صورت پیدا
کچھ سوال آپ بھی کر لیجئے دیوانے سے
کِس کو دیتے ہو یہ تشنیع ذرا شرم کرو
سیکیولر ہند بنا اُن کے ہی چمکانے سے
آج پرچم پہ جو یہ چکر سجا بیٹھے ہو
تم نے بودھوں کو نِکالا اِسی میخانے سے
فضلِ حق بن کے مِلا خیر سے کالا پانی
وہ نکل جائیں گے کیا آپ کے غُرّانے سے
جس نے سن آٹھ میں بیگار کی چکّی پیسی
آج حسرت بھی نظر آتے ہیں دیوانے سے
مالٹا میں تھا مِلا دیس نکالا جِن کو
آج آتے ہیں نظر آپ کو بیگانے سے
کون محمود حسن تھا، کہ حسین احمد تھا
کوئی ثانی مِلا اُن کا تمہیں بُت خانے سے
کون آزاد تھا قدوائی تھا، کِچلو تھا کون
کیا بدل جائے گی تاریخ یہ جھُٹلانے سے
سرحدی گاندھی بنا کون سا عبد الغفّار
سب حقائق ہی بدل جائیں گے خس خانے سے
بولے حق گوئی پہ گلزارؔ کی مِلّت کے فقیہہ
‘پاسباں مِل گئے کعبہ کو صنم خانے سے’
रिश्ता-ए दैर ओ हरम – आनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी
आई नाक़ूस कि आवाज़ जो बुत ख़ाने से
शमा’-ए तौहीद पे जलते रहे परवाने से
हो के ख़ुद दैर-नशीं, फ़िक्र-ए हरम है उन को
मियाँ गुल्ज़ार नज़र आते हैं दीवाने से
आठ सौ साल में लिक्खी हुई तारीख़-ए वफ़ा
जो रक़म करते रहे आज हैं अन्जाने से
नोश-ए ज़म्ज़म कि तरह शुर्ब रहा गंगा जल
आज महरूम हूं क्यूं आब से या दाने से
बोले गुल्ज़ार के सुनिए तो जनाब-ए वाला
कैसे तारीख़ बदल जाएगी झुटलाने से
क़ाज़ी-ए वक़्त ने फ़त्वा ये दिया मिम्बर पर
‘पास्बां मिल गए काबे को सनम ख़ाने से’
मुख़्तसिर आज ये तारीख़ भी दोहराते हैं
जिस के गुल्ज़ार भी रावी हुए फ़र्ज़ाने से
टुकड़े टुकड़े रहा खंडत रहा भारत बरसों
भूल सकता है जहां आप के झुटलाने से
शहर पर शहर बसाते रहे बरसों जो लोग
उन के घर आज नज़र आते हैं वीराने से
किस ने बंगाल को सरहद से मिलाया आ कर
किस ने मिलवा दिया लश्कर को तरब ख़ाने से
कौन था शाह-ए दक्कन, किस ने किया सर जा कर
वाक़’एअ ये भी बदल जाएगा बहकाने से
ज़ुल्फ़-ए बंगाल कि ज़ंजीर अता कि किस ने
बात मनवाइये अपनी किसी अनजाने से
राजपूताने को यकताई अता कि किस ने
कौन वाक़िफ़ नहीं तारीख़ के इस ख़ाने से
किस ने गुजरात को दिल्ली कि दिखाई सूरत
हिन्द फिर एक हुआ किस के दवाख़ाने से
किस ने मंदिर किये तामीर मसाजिद के क़रीब
कैसे उश्शाक़ ने पी एक ही पैमाने से
किस कि तामीर ने भारत को दिया ताज महल
कुछ न मिल पाएगा अर्वाह को तड़पाने से
गंगा-जम्नी हुई तहज़ीब मुज़य्यन कैसे
बादा-ए इश्क़ लुंढी कौन से मै ख़ाने से
किस ने पैदा किये ख़ुसरो, के रहीम ओ दारा
कौन मुन्किर है रस्खान के पैमाने से
घर के भेदी हुए जै चन्द कि सूरत पैदा
कुछ सवाल आप भी कर लीजिये दीवाने से
किस को देते हो ये तश्नी’ ज़रा शर्म करो
सेक्युलर हिन्द बना उन के ही चमकाने से
आज परचम पे जो ये चक्र सजा बैठे हो
तुम ने बौधौं को निकाला इसी मैख़ाने से
फ़ज़्ल-ए हक़ बन के मिला ख़ैर से काला पानी
वो निकल जाएंगे क्या आप के ग़ुर्राने से
जिस ने सन आठ में बेगार कि चक्की पीसी
आज हस्रत भी नज़र आते हैं दीवाने से
माल्टा में था मिला देस निकाला जिन को
आज आते हैं नज़र आप को बेगाने से
कौन महमूद हसन था, के हुसैन अहमद था
कोई सानी मिला उन का तुम्हें बुत ख़ाने से
कौन आज़ाद था, क़िद्वाई था, किच्लू था कौन
क्या बदल जाएगी तारीख़ ये झुटलाने से
सरहदी गाँधी बना कौन सा अब्दुल ग़फ़्फ़ार
सब हक़एक़ ही बदल जाएंगे ख़स ख़ाने से
बोले हक़ गोई पे गुल्ज़ार कि मिल्लत के फ़क़ीह
पास्बां मिल गए काबे को सनम ख़ाने
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-alive) is passionate about his love of urdu, reaches across the communal divide to forcefully own the issue of communal harmony and speaks very frankly and provocatively. Here he is reacting to fake history invented by the hindutva right wing and telling them that they cannot fool anybody. A word of caution … making such statements to claim that we have the same rights as everyone else is very different from any claims of superiority/exclusivity. The latter should be abhored.
aaii naaqoos1 ki aavaz jo but-Khaane2 se
shama’-e tauheed3 pe jalte rahe parvaane4 se
ho ke Khud dair-nashiN5, fikr6-e haram7 hai un ko
miyaN gulzar8 nazar aate haiN diivaane se 1.conch shell, shaNkh 2.idol house, temple, unity 4.moth 5.residing/visiting temple 6.worry 7.mosque 8.poet’s pen name
Even as the sound of the conch shell/shaNkh emerged from the temple, the poet lover circled the lamp of one-ness of god i.e. he recognizes that it is the same god, whether it is worshipped in the temple or in the mosque. He himself is a temple worshipper, but he seems to be worried about the mosque … gulzar seems mad.
aaTh sau saal meN likkhi hui taareeKh1-e vafa2
jo raqam3 karte rahe aaj haiN anjaane4 se
nosh5-e zamzam6 ki tarah shurb7 raha gaNga-jal8
aaj mahroom9 huN kyuN, aab10 se ya daane11 se 1.history 3.write 4.feigning unawareness, looking the other way 5.drink 6.spring near k’aaba considered holy water 7.drinkable 8.Ganges water considered holy 9.deprived 10.water 11.grain, food
Those who used to write the history of love/faith/harmony of 800 years now look the other way. The water of zamzam and the Ganges is equally sacred. Why then am I deprived of food and water (sustenance of love) today.
bole gulzar ke suniye to janaab-e-vaala1
kaise taareeKh2 badal jaayegi jhuTlaane3 se
qaazi4-e vaqt ne fatwa5 ye diya mimbar6 par
“paasbaaN7 mil gaye k’aabe ko sanam-Khaane8 se” 1.dear sir 2. history 3.denying, declaring false 4.islamic priest 5.religious decree/declaration 6.pulpit 7.caretaker/protector 8.temple
Said gulzar, listen to me dear sir. How can history be changed by simply denying it. The qazi has declared from the pulpit that the k’aaba has found protectors from among the people of the temple. The last misra is taken from mohammed iqbal’s “javaab-e shikwa”. gulzar uses in the spirit of protecting muslim history in India, much like jagan nath azad writes …
abhi yeh sarzamiN Khaali nahiN hai nek bandauN se
abhi maujood haiN TooTe hue dil joRne vaale
muKhtasir1 aaj ye taareeKh bhi dohraate2 haiN
jis ke gulzar bhi raavi3 hue farzaane4 se
TukRe TukRe raha khanDat5 raha bhaarat barsauN6
bhool sakta hai jahaaN aap ke jhuTlaane7 se 1.brief 2.repeat 3.narrator 4.wisdom 5.divided 6.years 7.denying
Let us listen again to this brief history that gulzar narrates in wisdom. bhaarat was divided in regions for many years. How can anyone forget simply because of your denial.
shahr par shahr basaate1 rahe barsauN2 jo log
un ke ghar aaj nazar aate haiN veeraane3 se
kis ne baNgaal ko sarhad4 se milaaya aa kar
kis ne milva diya lashkar5 ko tarab-Khaane6 se 1.established 2.for years 3.desolate 4.usually used for Northwestern boundaries of pleasure
The implication is that muslims established city after city and today their homes are desolate. muslim kings in India established a country/reign from the western boundaries all the way to bangal. After their conquest they established peaceful rule. mohammed iqbal also writes …
maiN tujh ko bataata huN, taqdeer-e umam kya hai
shamshir o sinaaN avval, taaus o rubaab aaKhir
Let me tell you the course of destiny of nations
They conquer first and then turn to art and culture
kaun tha shaah-e-dakkan, kis ne kiya sar1 jaa kar
vaaq’eaa2 ye bhi badal jaayega bahkaane3 se
zulf4-e baNgaal ki zanjir5 ata6 ki kis ne
baat manvaaiye7 apni kisi anjaane8 se overcome, conquer 2.story 3.deceive 5.chain 6.grant 7.convince 8.simpleton
gulzar implies that the dakkan was integrated into the rest of India by muslim rulers and no amount of deception can change this story. I am not sure that I understand what he means by “granting the chain of the hair of bangal”. But whatever he sees this to be, and whatever the distorted version that hindutva presents, he declares that only a simpleton might believe them.
rajpuutaane ko yaktaaii1 ata2 ki kis ne
kaun vaaqif3 nahiN taareeKh4 ke is Khaane5 se
kis ne gujarat ko dilli ki dikhaaii surat
hind phir ek hua kis ke davaKhaane se 1.unity 2.grant 3.aware 4.history, area/part
He repeats the story of a fragmented India of small principalities in rajputaana and in gujarat, which were unified into a single administration which evolved into present day India.
kis ne mandir kiye t’aamiir1 masaajid2 ke qareeb3
kaise ushshaaq4 ne pii ek hi paimaane5 se
kis ki t’aamiir ne bhaarat ko diya taaj mahal
kuchh na mil paayega arvaah6 ko taRpaane7 se 1.built 2.plural of masjid 3.near 4.lovers/devotees 5.cup 6.souls 7.torturing
mandir and masjid were built next to each other. There was enough mutual respect and love that they drank out of the same cup (recognized that they were praying to the same god). The spirit/soul of those buried in the taj mahal is being tortured (by propagating fake history). You will not gain anything by it.
gaNga-jumni hui tahzeeb1 muzayyan2 kaise
baada3-e ishq4 lunDhi5 kaun se mai-Khaane6 se
kis ne paida kiye Khusro, ke rahim o daara
kaun munkir7 hai raskhaan8 ke paimaane9 se 1.culture 2.embellished 5.poured 6.tavern 7.deny 8.syed ibrahim ras Khaan (1548-1628) 9.cup
gulzar writes that the gaNga-jumni/composite culture developed and was embellished because of the work of many muslims. It was from this tavern that the wine of love flowed. Examples of people who worked for such integration … amir Khusro, abdul-rahim Khaan-e KhaanaaN, daara shikoh. ras Khaan was born in kabul and died in brindavan. He was a poet and krishna devotee who wrote bhajans in avadhi. Who can deny the cup of wine of love of ras Khaan.
ghar ke bhedi1 hue jai-chand ki surat2 paida
kuchh savaal3 aap bhi kar lijiye diivaane se
kis ko dete ho ye tashnee’4 zara sharm karo
secular hind bana un ke hi chamkaane se 1.traitor, similar to 3.question 4.slander, taunt
gulzar suggests that there were traitors like jai-chand, why blame others (muslims). Ask this fool (gulzar) and he will tell you. Why do you slander them, hindustan became a secular administration because of them … (them includes a wide range of rulers over a long period of time).
aaj parcham1 pe jo ye chakr2 saja baiThe ho
tum be baudhauN3 ko nikaala isi mai-Khaane4 se
fazl-e-haq5 ban ke mila, Khair se kaala-paani6
vo nikal jaayeNge kya aap ke Ghurraane7 se 1.flag 2.wheel 3.Budhists 4.tavern 5.fazl-e haq Khairabadi 6.imprisonment in the Andaman Islands 7.growling
This wheel (Budhist symbol) that you display on the flag, you are the ones who drove Budhists out of this tavern. fazl-e haq Khairabadi (1797-1861) was a close friend of Ghalib and edited one of his divaans at the request of Ghalib. His grandson was muztar Khairabadi, whose grandson is javed aKhtar. He issued a call for rebellion in 1857, claimed it as a credit during his trial, and was sentenced to Andaman Islands where he died. Will he be released because of your growling, asks gulzar.
jis ne sun-aaTh1 meN begaar2 ki chakki piisi
aaj hasrat3 bhi nazar aate haiN diivaane se
maalTa meN tha mila des nikaala jin ko
aaj aate haiN nazar aap ko begaane4 se 1.year 1908 2.forced labour 3.hasrat mohani 4.foreign, other
gulzar reminds hindutva accusers of hasrat mohani who was charged with sedition for printing pro-independence articles. He refused special privilege as a political prisoner and as subjected to forced labour in prison, grinding grain in a ‘chakki’. He wrote a Ghazal about it …
hai mashq-e suKhan jaari, chakki ki mashaqqat bhi
Several muslim leaders of the Deoband school conspired an armed rebellion against British rule and even set up a government in exile with maharaja pratap singh as President. They were all captured and exiled to maalTa (at the time a British Colony). gulzar cries out, today they appear foreign/other to you.
kaun mahmood hasan1 tha, ke husain ahmad2 tha
kaoii saani3 mila un ka tumheN but-Khaane4 se
kaun aazad5 tha, qidvaaii6 tha, kichlu7 tha kaun
kya badal jaayegi taareeKh8 ye jhuTlaane9 se 1.mahmood-ul-hasan (1851-1920) deobandi scholar active in rebellious independence movement (also opposed to a separate muslim state) 2.husain ahmad madani (1879-1957) also of deoband, freedom fighter 5.abul kalaam azad (1888-1958) 6.rafi ahmad qidvaai (1894-1954) 7.safiudding kitchlew (1888-1963) 8.history 9.falsification
gulzar reminds his audience of exemplary Indian freedom fighters and challenges them that they cannot change history by falsification.
sarhadi-gandhi1 bana kaun sa abdul-Ghaffaar
sub haqaa’eq2 hi badal jaayeNge Khas-Khaane3 se
bole haq-goii4 pe gulzar ki millat5 ke faqeeh6
“paasbaaN7 mil gaye kaabe ko sanam-Khaane8 se” gandhi – a title used for Khaan abdul Ghaffaar Khaan 2.facts 3.hut made of fragrant straw 4.truth telling 6.religious/islamic jurists 7.protector 8.temple
Khas-Khaana is a hut constructed with fragrant straw and sprayed with water so people can take refuge from extreme heat on the outside. This is like saying if you go inside a Khas-Khaana, the weather outside will not change … like hiding your head in the sand. gulzar reminds his audience of Khaan abdul Ghaffaar Khaan and suggests that their denying history is like hiding their heads in the sand. Because of his truth-telling, gulzar has been declared by islamic jurists to be a protector/spokesman of muslims. misra borrowed from iqbal’s javaab-e shikwa.
anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-alive) is passionate about his love of urdu, reaches across the communal divide to forcefully own the issue of communal harmony and speaks very frankly and provocatively. Here he is reacting to fake history invented by the hindutva right wing and telling them that they cannot fool anybody. A word of caution … making such statements to claim that we have the same rights as everyone else is very different from any claims of superiority/exclusivity. The latter should be abhored.
aaii naaqoos1 ki aavaz jo but-Khaane2 se
shama’-e tauheed3 pe jalte rahe parvaane4 se
ho ke Khud dair-nashiN5, fikr6-e haram7 hai un ko
miyaN gulzar8 nazar aate haiN diivaane se
1.conch shell, shaNkh 2.idol house, temple, unity 4.moth 5.residing/visiting temple 6.worry 7.mosque 8.poet’s pen name
Even as the sound of the conch shell/shaNkh emerged from the temple, the poet lover circled the lamp of one-ness of god i.e. he recognizes that it is the same god, whether it is worshipped in the temple or in the mosque. He himself is a temple worshipper, but he seems to be worried about the mosque … gulzar seems mad.
aaTh sau saal meN likkhi hui taareeKh1-e vafa2
jo raqam3 karte rahe aaj haiN anjaane4 se
nosh5-e zamzam6 ki tarah shurb7 raha gaNga-jal8
aaj mahroom9 huN kyuN, aab10 se ya daane11 se
1.history 3.write 4.feigning unawareness, looking the other way 5.drink 6.spring near k’aaba considered holy water 7.drinkable 8.Ganges water considered holy 9.deprived 10.water 11.grain, food
Those who used to write the history of love/faith/harmony of 800 years now look the other way. The water of zamzam and the Ganges is equally sacred. Why then am I deprived of food and water (sustenance of love) today.
bole gulzar ke suniye to janaab-e-vaala1
kaise taareeKh2 badal jaayegi jhuTlaane3 se
qaazi4-e vaqt ne fatwa5 ye diya mimbar6 par
“paasbaaN7 mil gaye k’aabe ko sanam-Khaane8 se”
1.dear sir 2. history 3.denying, declaring false 4.islamic priest 5.religious decree/declaration 6.pulpit 7.caretaker/protector 8.temple
Said gulzar, listen to me dear sir. How can history be changed by simply denying it. The qazi has declared from the pulpit that the k’aaba has found protectors from among the people of the temple. The last misra is taken from mohammed iqbal’s “javaab-e shikwa”. gulzar uses in the spirit of protecting muslim history in India, much like jagan nath azad writes …
abhi yeh sarzamiN Khaali nahiN hai nek bandauN se
abhi maujood haiN TooTe hue dil joRne vaale
muKhtasir1 aaj ye taareeKh bhi dohraate2 haiN
jis ke gulzar bhi raavi3 hue farzaane4 se
TukRe TukRe raha khanDat5 raha bhaarat barsauN6
bhool sakta hai jahaaN aap ke jhuTlaane7 se
1.brief 2.repeat 3.narrator 4.wisdom 5.divided 6.years 7.denying
Let us listen again to this brief history that gulzar narrates in wisdom. bhaarat was divided in regions for many years. How can anyone forget simply because of your denial.
shahr par shahr basaate1 rahe barsauN2 jo log
un ke ghar aaj nazar aate haiN veeraane3 se
kis ne baNgaal ko sarhad4 se milaaya aa kar
kis ne milva diya lashkar5 ko tarab-Khaane6 se
1.established 2.for years 3.desolate 4.usually used for Northwestern boundaries of pleasure
The implication is that muslims established city after city and today their homes are desolate. muslim kings in India established a country/reign from the western boundaries all the way to bangal. After their conquest they established peaceful rule. mohammed iqbal also writes …
maiN tujh ko bataata huN, taqdeer-e umam kya hai
shamshir o sinaaN avval, taaus o rubaab aaKhir
Let me tell you the course of destiny of nations
They conquer first and then turn to art and culture
kaun tha shaah-e-dakkan, kis ne kiya sar1 jaa kar
vaaq’eaa2 ye bhi badal jaayega bahkaane3 se
zulf4-e baNgaal ki zanjir5 ata6 ki kis ne
baat manvaaiye7 apni kisi anjaane8 se overcome, conquer 2.story 3.deceive 5.chain 6.grant 7.convince 8.simpleton
gulzar implies that the dakkan was integrated into the rest of India by muslim rulers and no amount of deception can change this story. I am not sure that I understand what he means by “granting the chain of the hair of bangal”. But whatever he sees this to be, and whatever the distorted version that hindutva presents, he declares that only a simpleton might believe them.
rajpuutaane ko yaktaaii1 ata2 ki kis ne
kaun vaaqif3 nahiN taareeKh4 ke is Khaane5 se
kis ne gujarat ko dilli ki dikhaaii surat
hind phir ek hua kis ke davaKhaane se
1.unity 2.grant 3.aware 4.history, area/part
He repeats the story of a fragmented India of small principalities in rajputaana and in gujarat, which were unified into a single administration which evolved into present day India.
kis ne mandir kiye t’aamiir1 masaajid2 ke qareeb3
kaise ushshaaq4 ne pii ek hi paimaane5 se
kis ki t’aamiir ne bhaarat ko diya taaj mahal
kuchh na mil paayega arvaah6 ko taRpaane7 se
1.built 2.plural of masjid 3.near 4.lovers/devotees 5.cup 6.souls 7.torturing
mandir and masjid were built next to each other. There was enough mutual respect and love that they drank out of the same cup (recognized that they were praying to the same god). The spirit/soul of those buried in the taj mahal is being tortured (by propagating fake history). You will not gain anything by it.
gaNga-jumni hui tahzeeb1 muzayyan2 kaise
baada3-e ishq4 lunDhi5 kaun se mai-Khaane6 se
kis ne paida kiye Khusro, ke rahim o daara
kaun munkir7 hai raskhaan8 ke paimaane9 se
1.culture 2.embellished 5.poured 6.tavern 7.deny 8.syed ibrahim ras Khaan (1548-1628) 9.cup
gulzar writes that the gaNga-jumni/composite culture developed and was embellished because of the work of many muslims. It was from this tavern that the wine of love flowed. Examples of people who worked for such integration … amir Khusro, abdul-rahim Khaan-e KhaanaaN, daara shikoh. ras Khaan was born in kabul and died in brindavan. He was a poet and krishna devotee who wrote bhajans in avadhi. Who can deny the cup of wine of love of ras Khaan.
ghar ke bhedi1 hue jai-chand ki surat2 paida
kuchh savaal3 aap bhi kar lijiye diivaane se
kis ko dete ho ye tashnee’4 zara sharm karo
secular hind bana un ke hi chamkaane se
1.traitor, similar to 3.question 4.slander, taunt
gulzar suggests that there were traitors like jai-chand, why blame others (muslims). Ask this fool (gulzar) and he will tell you. Why do you slander them, hindustan became a secular administration because of them … (them includes a wide range of rulers over a long period of time).
aaj parcham1 pe jo ye chakr2 saja baiThe ho
tum be baudhauN3 ko nikaala isi mai-Khaane4 se
fazl-e-haq5 ban ke mila, Khair se kaala-paani6
vo nikal jaayeNge kya aap ke Ghurraane7 se
1.flag 2.wheel 3.Budhists 4.tavern 5.fazl-e haq Khairabadi 6.imprisonment in the Andaman Islands 7.growling
This wheel (Budhist symbol) that you display on the flag, you are the ones who drove Budhists out of this tavern. fazl-e haq Khairabadi (1797-1861) was a close friend of Ghalib and edited one of his divaans at the request of Ghalib. His grandson was muztar Khairabadi, whose grandson is javed aKhtar. He issued a call for rebellion in 1857, claimed it as a credit during his trial, and was sentenced to Andaman Islands where he died. Will he be released because of your growling, asks gulzar.
jis ne sun-aaTh1 meN begaar2 ki chakki piisi
aaj hasrat3 bhi nazar aate haiN diivaane se
maalTa meN tha mila des nikaala jin ko
aaj aate haiN nazar aap ko begaane4 se
1.year 1908 2.forced labour 3.hasrat mohani 4.foreign, other
gulzar reminds hindutva accusers of hasrat mohani who was charged with sedition for printing pro-independence articles. He refused special privilege as a political prisoner and as subjected to forced labour in prison, grinding grain in a ‘chakki’. He wrote a Ghazal about it …
hai mashq-e suKhan jaari, chakki ki mashaqqat bhi
Several muslim leaders of the Deoband school conspired an armed rebellion against British rule and even set up a government in exile with maharaja pratap singh as President. They were all captured and exiled to maalTa (at the time a British Colony). gulzar cries out, today they appear foreign/other to you.
kaun mahmood hasan1 tha, ke husain ahmad2 tha
kaoii saani3 mila un ka tumheN but-Khaane4 se
kaun aazad5 tha, qidvaaii6 tha, kichlu7 tha kaun
kya badal jaayegi taareeKh8 ye jhuTlaane9 se
1.mahmood-ul-hasan (1851-1920) deobandi scholar active in rebellious independence movement (also opposed to a separate muslim state) 2.husain ahmad madani (1879-1957) also of deoband, freedom fighter 5.abul kalaam azad (1888-1958) 6.rafi ahmad qidvaai (1894-1954) 7.safiudding kitchlew (1888-1963) 8.history 9.falsification
gulzar reminds his audience of exemplary Indian freedom fighters and challenges them that they cannot change history by falsification.
sarhadi-gandhi1 bana kaun sa abdul-Ghaffaar
sub haqaa’eq2 hi badal jaayeNge Khas-Khaane3 se
bole haq-goii4 pe gulzar ki millat5 ke faqeeh6
“paasbaaN7 mil gaye kaabe ko sanam-Khaane8 se” gandhi – a title used for Khaan abdul Ghaffaar Khaan 2.facts 3.hut made of fragrant straw 4.truth telling 6.religious/islamic jurists 7.protector 8.temple
Khas-Khaana is a hut constructed with fragrant straw and sprayed with water so people can take refuge from extreme heat on the outside. This is like saying if you go inside a Khas-Khaana, the weather outside will not change … like hiding your head in the sand. gulzar reminds his audience of Khaan abdul Ghaffaar Khaan and suggests that their denying history is like hiding their heads in the sand. Because of his truth-telling, gulzar has been declared by islamic jurists to be a protector/spokesman of muslims. misra borrowed from iqbal’s javaab-e shikwa.
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