shaa’er-anand narain mulla

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شاعر  ۔  پنڈت  آنند  نرائن  مُلّاؔ


جلوۂ  حسنِ  نہانی  کا  طلب  گار  ہوں  میں

قصرِ  دل  جس  نے  بنایا  ہے  وہ  معمار  ہوں  میں

آپ  شیدہ  ہے  جو  اپنا  وہ  پرستار  ہوں  میں

اپنی  تخٔیل  کے  پھندے  میں  گرفتار  ہوں  میں

قسمت  اِنسان  کی  مُضمر  مرے  جذبات  میں  ہے

چشمۂ  آبِ  بقا  میرے  خیالات  میں  ہے


کب  مری  فکرِ  رسا  مائلِ  افلاک  نہیں

عزمِ  پرواز  پہ  کب  خاطرِ  بیباک  نہیں

طبع  میری  کبھی  راغب  سوئے  خاشاک  نہیں

میری  تخمیر  میں  آمیزشِ  گل  خاک  نہیں

عالَمِ  غیب  کی  آواز  ہے  کانوں  میں  مرے

رقصِ  ہستی  کی  ہے  جھنکار  ترانوں  میں  مرے


محرم  اَسرارِ  حقیقت  کا  کوئی  ہے  تو  وہ  میں

ترجماں  دل  کی  حکایت  کا  کوئی  ہے  تو  وہ  میں

آئینہ  حسن  کی  صورت  کا  کوئی  ہے  تو  وہ  میں

پردہ  در  خوبیٔ  فطرت  کا  کوئی  ہے  تو  وہ  میں

جلوہ  زن  شاہدِ  معنی  مرے  آہنگ  سے  ہے

رنگ  سب  گلشنِ  ہستی  کا  مرے  رنگ  سے  ہے


شکل  تصویر  میں  لیلےٰ  کی  عیاں  میری  ہے

لبِ  فرہاد  پہ  فریاد  و  فغاں  میری  ہے

اس  میں  بھی  خوبیٔ  اندازِ  بیاں  میری  ہے

نام  مجنوں  کا  کیا  جس  نے  زباں  میری  ہے

زیر  و  بم  نغمۂ  ہستی  کا  ہے  تاروں  پہ  مرے

ہے  نظر  ایک  زمانہ  کی  اِشاروں  پہ  مرے


رہروِ  شوق  کی  میرے  کوئی  منزل  ہی  نہیں

میں  وہ  دریا  ہوں  جو  شرمندۂ  ساحل  ہی  نہیں

جس  کو  کہتے  ہیں  سکوں  وہ  کبھی  حاصل  ہی  نہیں

ایک  آفت  ہے  یہ  سینے  میں    مرے  دل  ہی  نہیں

اُس  کو  جلوؤں  سے  فقط  کام  نگینوں  سے  نہیں

یہ  وفا  حسن  سے  کرتا  ہے  حسینوں  سے  نہیں


میرے  سینہ  میں  ہے  جب  تک  دلِ  شیدا  باقی

دل  میں  جب  تک  ہے  تب  و  تابِ  تمنّا  باقی

چشمِ  ارماں  میں  ہے  جب  تک  کوئی  جلوا  باقی

جستجو  کا  بھی  رہے  گا  یہی  سودا  باقی

ساتھ  لایا  ہوں  میں  اپنے  یہی  تقدیر  اپنی

ہاں  ابھی  یاد  ہے  وہ  خُلد  کی  تقصیر  اپنی


طالبِ  شمع  بنوں  مجھ  کو  جو  مل  جائے  شرر

شمع  مل  جائے  تو  پیدا  ہو  خیالِ  اختر

ہاتھ  لگ  جائے  جو  اختر  تو  ہو  سودائے  قمر

ماہ  کے  بعد  رہے  مہر  کی  خوبی  پہ  نظر

جو  ٹہر  جائے  کہیں  پر  وہ  مری  فکر  نہیں

میرے  مزہب  میں  قناعت  کا  کہیں  ذکر  نہیں


قیدِ  دستور  سے  آزاد  ہے  فطرت  میری

مانتی  ہی  نہیں  دنیا  کی  طبیعت  میری

ایک  عالم  سے  جدا  ہے  رہِ  اُلفت  میری

میرے  سینہ  کی  اُمنگوں  میں  ہے  قسمت  میری

منحرف  مجھ  سے  زمانہ  ہو  تو  کچھ  دور  نہیں

بات  ٹل  جائے  مگر  دل  کی  یہ  منظور  نہیں


داستاں  عشق  و  محبّت  کی  سناؤں  کیوں  کر

مے  اُلفت  نہ  پیوں  خود  تو  پلاؤں  کیوں  کر

چہرہِ  حُسن  سے  پردہ  کو  اُٹھاؤں  کیوں  کر

جلوہ  دیکھوں  نہ  اگر  خود  تو  دکھاؤں  کیوں  کر

قیمتِ  تازگیِ  فکرِ  سخن  لیتا  ہوں

اس  میں  کیا  عیب  ہے  کچھ  پھول  جو  چُن  لیتا  ہوں


خاطرِ  جمع  بہ  ایں  راہِ  پریشاں  کردم

نقدِ  جاں  باختم  و  صدقۂ  ایماں  کردم

بود  ہر  آں  کہ  ز  ہوش  و  خرد  ارزاں  کردم

تا  دلے  را  بکف  آرم  ہمہ  قرباں  کردم

بہ  لبِ  شوق  بسے  لذّتِ  تلخیست  مرا

مایۂ  زیست  ہمیں  سینہِ  زخمیست  مرا


آتشِ  طور  شرارِ  غمِ  دیرینۂ  من

جامِ  جمشید  یکے  پارۂ  آئینۂ  من

گر  تو  خواہی  کہ  بری  فیض  ز  گنجینۂ  من

لحظۂ  چشم  بگرداں  طرفِ  سینۂ  من

‘شاعرم  حکم  بہ  پہناے  دو  عالم  دارم

نورِ  افرشتہ  و  سوزِ  دلِ  آدم  دارم’

शाएर – पंडित आनंद नरायन मुल्ला

जल्वा-ए हुस्न-ए नेहानी का तलबगार हुं मैं

क़स्र-ए दिल जिस ने बनाया है वो मे’मार हुं मैं

आप शैदा है जो अपना वो परस्तार हुं मैं

अपनी तख़’ईल के फंदे में गिरफ़्तार हुं मैं

क़िस्मत इन्सान कि मुज़्मिर मेरे जज़्बात में है

चश्मा-ए आब-ए बक़ा मेरे ख़यालात में है

कब मेरी फ़िक्र-ए रसा मा’एल-ए अफ़्लाक नहीं

अज़्म-ए परवाज़ पे कब ख़ातर-ए बेबाक नहीं

तब’अ मेरी कभी राग़ब सु-ए ख़ाशाक नहीं

मेरी तख़्मीर में आमीज़श-ए गुल ख़ाक नहीं

आलम-ए ग़ैब कि आवाज़ है कानौं में मेरे

रक़्स-ए हस्ती कि है झन्कार तरानौं में मेरे

महरम अस्रार-ए हक़ीक़त का कोई है तो वो मैं

तर्जुमां दिल की हिकायत का कोई है तो वो मैं

आईना हुस्न कि सूरत का कोई है तो वो मैं

परदा दर ख़ूबी-ए फ़ित्रत का कोई है तो वो मैं

जल्वा-ज़न शाहद-ए म’आनी मेरे आहंग से है

रंग सब गुल्शन-ए हस्ती का मेरे रंग से है

शक्ल तस्वीर में लैला कि अयां मेरी है

लब-ए फ़रहाद पे फ़र्याद ओ फ़ोग़ां मेरी है

इस में भी ख़ूबी-ए अन्दाज़-ए बयां मेरी है

नाम मज्नूं का किया जिस ने, ज़बां मेरी है

ज़ेर ओ बम नग़्मा-ए हस्ती का है तारौं पे मेरे

है नज़र एक ज़माने कि इशारौं पे मेरे

रहरव-ए शौक़ कि मेरे कोई मंज़िल हि नहीं

मैं वो दर्या हूं जो शर्मिंदा-ए साहल हि नहीं

जिस को कहते हैं सुकूं वो कभी हासिल हि नहीं

एक आफ़त है ये सीने में मेरे दिल हि नहीं

उस को जल्वौं से फ़क़त काम नगीनौं से नहीं

ये वफ़ा हुस्न से करता है हसीनौं से नहीं

मेरे सीने मे है जब तक दिल-ए शैदा बाक़ी

दिल में जब तक है तब ओ ताब-ए तमन्ना बाक़ी

चश्म-ए अरमां में है जब तक कोई जल्वा बाक़ी

जुस्तजू का भी रहेगा यही सौदा बाक़ी

साथ लाया हुं मैं अपने यही तक़्दीर अपनी

हां अभी याद है वो ख़ुल्द का तक़्सीर अपनी

तालब-ए शम’अ बनूं मुझ को जो मिल जाए शरर

शम’अ मिल जाए तो पैदा हो ख़याल-ए अख़्तर

हाथ लग जाए जो अख़्तर तो हो सौदा-ए क़मर

माह के बाद रहे महर की ख़ूबी पे नज़र

जो ठहर जाए कहीं पर वो मेरी फ़िक्र नहीं

मेरे मज़्हब में क़िना’अत का कोई ज़िक्र नहीं

क़ैद-ए दस्तूर से आज़ाद है फ़ित्रत मेरी

मानती हि नहीं दुनिया कि, तबिय्यत मेरी

एक आलम से जुदा है रह-ए उल्फ़त मेरी

मेरे सीने के उमंगौं में है क़िस्मत मेरी

मुनहरिफ़ मुझ से ज़माना हो तो कुछ दूर नहीं

बात टल जाए मगर दिल की ये मंज़ूर नहीं

दास्तां इश्क़ ओ मोहब्बत कि सुनाऊं क्यूंकर

मै-ए उल्फ़त न प्यूं ख़ुद तो पिलाऊं क्यूंकर

चहरा-ए हुस्न से परदे को उठाऊं क्यूंकर

जल्वा देखूं न अगर ख़ुद तो दिखाऊं क्यूंकर

क़ीमत-ए ताज़गी-ए फ़िक्र-ए सुख़न लेता हूं

इस में क्या ऐब है कुछ फूल जो चुन लेता हूं


ख़ातर-ए जम’अ ब-ईं राह-ए परेशां करदम

नक़्द-ए जां बाख़्तम ओ सद्क़ा-ए ईमां करदम

बूद हर आं के ज़ होश ओ ख़िरद अर्ज़ां करदम

ता दिली रा बकफ़ आरम हम’अ क़ुर्बां करदम

ब लब-ए शैक़ बसी लज़्ज़त-ए तल्ख़ीस्त मरा

माया-ए ज़ीस्त हमीं सीना-ए ज़ख़्मीस्त मरा


आतिश-ए तूर शरार-ए ग़म-ए देरीना-ए मन

जाम-ए जमशीद यकी पारा-ए आईना-ए मन

गर तु ख़्वाही के बरी फ़ैज़ ज़ गंजीना-ए मन

लहज़ा-ए चश्म बगरदां तरफ़-ए सीना-ए मन

“शाएरम हुक्म ब पहना-ए दो आलम दारम

नूर-ए अफ़्रश्ता ओ सोज़-ए दिल-ए आदम दारम”


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997) thoughtful and thought provoking shaa’er, urdu lover, judge, parliamentarian and strong secularist, rationalist. He describes a sweeping role for the shaa’er and lays claim to his own position in the pantheon of shu’araa.
jalva1-e husn-e-nehaani2 ka talabgaar3 huN maiN
qasr4-e dil5 jis ne banaaya hai vo me’maar6 huN maiN
aap shaida7 hai jo apna vo parastaar8 huN maiN
apni taKh’eel9 ke phande meN giraftaar10 huN maiN
qismat insaan ki muzmir11 mere jazbaat12 meN hai
chashma13-e aab-e-baqa14 mere Khayalaat meN hai   
1.glory 2.hidden beauty/meaning 3.seeker 4.palace 5.heart/love 6.builder 7.lover/admirer 8.worshipper 9.imagination 10.caught 11.hidden, latent 12.sentiments, passions 13.spring/river 14.elixir of immortality
I am a seeker of the glory of hidden meaning. This could be a meaning of life or of divinity but given the rationalism of the shaa’er I think he means the meaning of life/nature. I am the one who has built a palace of (universal) love. I worship and admire my own thoughts. I am caught in the noose of my own imagination. The fate/future of humanity is hidden in my passions. There is an elixir of immortality in my thoughts.

kab meri fikr-e-rasa1 maa’el-e-aflaak2 nahiN
azm-e-parvaaz3 pe kab Khaatir-e-bebaak4 nahiN
tab’a5 meri kabhi raaGhib6 su7-e Khaashaak8 nahiN
meri taKhmir9 meN aamizash10-e gul Khaak nahiN
aalam-e-Ghaib11 ki aavaaz hai kaanoN meN mere
raqs-e-hasti12 ki hai jhankaar taraanoN meN mere   
1.far reaching thought 2.inclined towards the skies 3.determination of flight 4.daring mind 5.nature, character 6.attracted 7.towards 8.straw, trash 9.leavening, fermentation 10.mixed with 11.unknown/mysterious world of life
My far-reaching thought is always inclined towards the skies. My daring mind is always ready to fly. By nature I am not attracted to trash. I am layered with leavening of flowers, not of dust. I hear sounds of the unknown world. My strings/songs reverberate with the music of the dance of life.

mahram1 asraar-e-haqeeqat2 ka koii hai to vo maiN
tarjumaaN3 dil ki hikaayet4 ka koii hai to vo maiN
aaiina5 husn6 ki surat ka koii hai to vo maiN
parda-dar7 Khoobi-e-fitrat8 ka koii hai to vo maiN
jalva-zan9 shahid-e-m’aani10 mere aahaNg11 se hai
raNg sub gulshan-e-hasti12 ka mere raNg se hai   
1.intimate with 2.secrets of truth 3.interpretor 4.story 5.mirror/reflection 7.revealer of nature 9.displaying the glory of meaning 11.melody of life, world
I am the one who understands truth. I am the one who can tell the story of the heart/love. I am the one who reflects beauty (of creation or of the divine). The beauty of inner meaning is displayed in full glory in my melody. The beauty of the garden of life is reflected in my style (of writing).

shakl tasviir meN laila1 ki ayaaN2 meri hai
lab3-e farhaad4 pe faryaad5 o fuGhaaN6 meri hai
is meN bhi Khoobi7-e andaaz-e-bayaaN8 meri hai
naam9 majnuN ka kiya jis ne, zabaaN meri hai
zer-o-bam10 naGhma-e-hasti11 ka hai taaroN12 pe mere
hai nazar13 ek zamaane14 ki, ishaaroN15 pe mere   
1.beloved (as in laila-majnuN) 2.displayed 3.lips 4.lover (as in shiriN-farhaad) 5.appeal 6.wailing 7.goodness of speaking/reciting 9.fame and downs, ripples, highs and lows of life 12.strings (as in a sitar) 13.attentive looks 14.the world 15.pointers
It is I who draw/display the picture of laila/beloved. It is I who write the entreaties and wailings that come out of farhaad’s lips. The beauty of this speech is because of me. It is I who has made the name of majnuN famous. The highs and lows of the song of life play on my strings. The world casts attentive glances at the things I point to.

rahrav-e-shauq1 ki mere koii manzil2 hi nahiN
maiN vo darya3 huN jo sharminda4-e saahil5 hi nahiN
jis ko kahte haiN sukooN6 vo kabhi haasil7 hi nahiN
ek aafat8 hai ye seene meN mere dil hi nahiN
us ko jalvoN9 se faqat kaam naginoN10 se nahiN
ye vafa11 husn12 se karta hai, hasinoN13 se nahiN   
1.traveler on the path of desire 2.destination 3.sea 4.obligated to, in need of 5.shore 6.tranquility, contentment 7.available 8.difficulty, restlessness 9.glory, light 10.gem, attachment 12.Beauty 13.beautiful
I am the seeker of truth/desire who does not stop at any destination. I am an ocean that does not need a shore (is boundless). That which is called contentment is never available to me. In my bosom is not just a heart, but restlessness. It (my heart) is concerned with glory/light not with the gem itself. It is attached to Beauty not to the beautiful, to the spirit not to the material.

mere seene meN hai jab tak dil-e-shaida1 baaqi
dil meN jab tak hai tab-o-taab2-e tamanna3 baaqi
chashm-e-armaaN4 meN hai jab tak koii jalva5 baaqi
justaju6 ka bhi rahega yahi sauda baaqi
saath laaya huN maiN apne yahi taqdiir apni
haaN abhi yaad hai vo Khuld7 ki taqseer8 apni   
1.loving heart 2.restlessness 3.desire 4.desirous eye 5.image/vision, effort 7.heaven 8.transgression
As long as I have a loving heart in my bosom and restlessness in my heart, as long as my desirous eye seeks a vision, so long will I keep searching/trying. This is the fate that I have brought with me since the very beginning. I still remember that first transgression in heaven that resulted in my descent to earth i.e. when Adam disobeyed god’s injunction (out of curiosity) and was banished from heaven. Thus that original curiosity is still with him, regardless of the possibility of punishment.

taalib1-e sham’a banuN mujh ko jo mil jaaye sharar2
sham’a mil jaaye to paida ho Khayaal-e aKhtar3
haath lag jaaye jo aKhtar to ho sauda-e-qamar4
maah5 ke baad rahe mahr6 ki Khoobi7 pe nazar
jo Thahr jaaye kahiN par vo meri fikr8 nahiN
mere mazhab meN qinaa’at9 ka koii zikr10 nahiN   
1.seeker 2.transitory spark 4.demanding the moon 5.moon 6.sun 7.goodness, qualities 8.mind 9.holding back 10.mention
The seeker is looking for brighter and brighter light. If he gets a faint, transitory spark, he wants a steady lamp. If he gets the lamp he seeks stars. If he gets the light of stars, he wants the light of the full moon. If he gets the bright moon, he glances at the brightness of the sun. His mind/thought does not tarry anywhere. His faith/belief does not call for holding back.

qaid-e-dastuur1 se azaad hai fitrat2 meri
maanti3 hi nahiN duniya ki, tabiyyat4 meri
ek aalam5 se juda6 hai rah-e-ulfat7 meri
mere seene ke umaNgoN8 meN hai qismat meri
munharif9 mujh se zamaana10 ho to kuchh duur nahiN
baat Tal11 jaaye magar dil ki ye manzuur12 nahiN    
1.bound by tradition 2.nature 3.agree, acquiesce 4.character 6.separate 7.path of love 8.hopes/desires 9.disagree, deny 10.times, world 11.lapse 12.acceptable
My nature is not bound by tradition. My character simply cannot accept what the world says. My path of desire/seeking is different from that of the world. My fate is determined by the desires in my bosom. It is quite possible that the times/today’s world will reject me. But it is not acceptable to me that I let go of my reason, let my thoughts lapse.

daastaN ishq o mohabbat ki sunaauN kyuNkar
mai-e-ulfat1 na pyuN Khud to pilaauN kyuNkar
chehra-e-husn2 se parde ko uThaauN kyuNkar
jalva3 dekhuN na agar Khud to dikhaauN kyuNkar
qiimat4-e taazagi5-e fikr6-e suKhan7 leta huN
is meN kya aib8 hai kuchh phool jo chun leta huN of love 2.face/image of Beauty (divine or of universalism) 3.glory 4.price 5.freshness 6.thought 7.verse 8.defect, problem
How can I relate the story of (universal) love. How can I offer the wine of love, if I don’t drink it myself. How can I lift the veil to reveal the beauty (of universal love). Unless I see its glory, how can I show it to others. What is the problem if I pick a few flowers. This is the price of fresh/new thinking of my verse.

Khaatir-e jam’a ba’eeN raah-e pareshaaN kardam
naqd-e jaaN baaKhtam o sadqa-e eemaN kardam
bood har aaN ke ze hosh o Khirad arzaaN kardam
ta dili raa bakaf aaram ham’a qurbaaN kardam
ba-lab-e shauq basii lazzat-e talKheest mera
maaya-e zeest hamiN seena-e zaKhmist mera   
In spite of the scattered, confused path, I have gathered reasoned thought. I have wagered the essence of my life and sacrificed blind faith. I have made awareness/rationality and knowledge freely available. I hold my heart in my heart and make an offering. With loving lips I taste the pleasure of bitterness. The treasure of live is all in the wounds of my heart.

aatish-e tuur sharar-e Gham-e dereena-e man
jaam-e jamshid yaki paara-e aaiina-e man
gar tu Khwaahi ke bari faiz ze ganjiina-e man
lahza-e chashm bagradaaN taraf-e seena-e man
“shaa’eram hukm pa pahnaa-e do aalam daaram
noor-e afrishta o soz-e dil-e aadam daaram”    
The divine fire (of knowledge/love) of Mount tuur has for long been the spark of love. The cup of jamshed is but a part of the mirror of my heart (it is said that one could look into the bottom of the legendary cup of jamshed and see a picture of the future). Thus, my heart reflects the future even better than the cup of jamshed. If you desire to receive from the treasure that I have, cast a momentary glance at my heart. I am a shaa’er who covers the domain of both worlds. I have the light of angels and fire/passion of humans.

panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997) thoughtful and thought provoking shaa’er, urdu lover, judge, parliamentarian and strong secularist, rationalist.  He describes a sweeping role for the shaa’er and lays claim to his own position in the pantheon of shu’araa.
jalva1-e husn-e-nehaani2 ka talabgaar3 huN maiN
qasr4-e dil5 jis ne banaaya hai vo me’maar6 huN maiN
aap shaida7 hai jo apna vo parastaar8 huN maiN
apni taKh’eel9 ke phande meN giraftaar10 huN maiN
qismat insaan ki muzmir11 mere jazbaat12 meN hai
chashma13-e aab-e-baqa14 mere Khayalaat meN hai

1.glory 2.hidden beauty/meaning 3.seeker 4.palace 5.heart/love 6.builder 7.lover/admirer 8.worshipper 9.imagination 10.caught 11.hidden, latent 12.sentiments, passions 13.spring/river 14.elixir of immortality

I am a seeker of the glory of hidden meaning.  This could be a meaning of life or of divinity but given the rationalism of the shaa’er I think he means the meaning of life/nature.  I am the one who has built a palace of (universal) love.  I worship and admire my own thoughts.  I am caught in the noose of my own imagination.  The fate/future of humanity is hidden in my passions.  There is an elixir of immortality in my thoughts.
kab meri fikr-e-rasa1 maa’el-e-aflaak2 nahiN
azm-e-parvaaz3 pe kab Khaatir-e-bebaak4 nahiN
tab’a5 meri kabhi raaGhib6 su7-e Khaashaak8 nahiN
meri taKhmir9 meN aamizash10-e gul Khaak nahiN
aalam-e-Ghaib11 ki aavaaz hai kaanoN meN mere
raqs-e-hasti12 ki hai jhankaar taraanoN meN mere

1.far reaching thought 2.inclined towards the skies 3.determination of flight 4.daring mind 5.nature, character 6.attracted 7.towards 8.straw, trash 9.leavening, fermentation 10.mixed with 11.unknown/mysterious world of life

My far-reaching thought is always inclined towards the skies.  My daring mind is always ready to fly.  By nature I am not attracted to trash.  I am layered with leavening of flowers, not of dust.  I hear sounds of the unknown world.  My strings/songs reverberate with the music of the dance of life.
mahram1 asraar-e-haqeeqat2 ka koii hai to vo maiN
tarjumaaN3 dil ki hikaayet4 ka koii hai to vo maiN
aaiina5 husn6 ki surat ka koii hai to vo maiN
parda-dar7 Khoobi-e-fitrat8 ka koii hai to vo maiN
jalva-zan9 shahid-e-m’aani10 mere aahaNg11 se hai
raNg sub gulshan-e-hasti12 ka mere raNg se hai

1.intimate with 2.secrets of truth 3.interpretor 4.story 5.mirror/reflection 7.revealer of nature 9.displaying the glory of meaning 11.melody of life, world

I am the one who understands truth.  I am the one who can tell the story of the heart/love.  I am the one who reflects beauty (of creation or of the divine).  The beauty of inner meaning is displayed in full glory in my melody.  The beauty of the garden of life is reflected in my style (of writing).
shakl tasviir meN laila1 ki ayaaN2 meri hai
lab3-e farhaad4 pe faryaad5 o fuGhaaN6 meri hai
is meN bhi Khoobi7-e andaaz-e-bayaaN8 meri hai
naam9 majnuN ka kiya jis ne, zabaaN meri hai
zer-o-bam10 naGhma-e-hasti11 ka hai taaroN12 pe mere
hai nazar13 ek zamaane14 ki, ishaaroN15 pe mere

1.beloved (as in laila-majnuN) 2.displayed 3.lips 4.lover (as in shiriN-farhaad) 5.appeal 6.wailing 7.goodness of speaking/reciting 9.fame and downs, ripples, highs and lows of life 12.strings (as in a sitar) 13.attentive looks 14.the world 15.pointers

It is I who draw/display the picture of laila/beloved.  It is I who write the entreaties and wailings that come out of farhaad’s lips.  The beauty of this speech is because of me.  It is I who has made the name of majnuN famous.  The highs and lows of the song of life play on my strings.  The world casts attentive glances at the things I point to.
rahrav-e-shauq1 ki mere koii manzil2 hi nahiN
maiN vo darya3 huN jo sharminda4-e saahil5 hi nahiN
jis ko kahte haiN sukooN6 vo kabhi haasil7 hi nahiN
ek aafat8 hai ye seene meN mere dil hi nahiN
us ko jalvoN9 se faqat kaam naginoN10 se nahiN
ye vafa11 husn12 se karta hai, hasinoN13 se nahiN

1.traveler on the path of desire 2.destination 3.sea 4.obligated to, in need of 5.shore 6.tranquility, contentment 7.available 8.difficulty, restlessness 9.glory, light 10.gem, attachment 12.Beauty 13.beautiful

I am the seeker of truth/desire who does not stop at any destination.  I am an ocean that does not need a shore (is boundless).  That which is called contentment is never available to me.  In my bosom is not just a heart, but restlessness.  It (my heart) is concerned with glory/light not with the gem itself.  It is attached to Beauty not to the beautiful, to the spirit not to the material.
mere seene meN hai jab tak dil-e-shaida1 baaqi
dil meN jab tak hai tab-o-taab2-e tamanna3 baaqi
chashm-e-armaaN4 meN hai jab tak koii jalva5 baaqi
justaju6 ka bhi rahega yahi sauda baaqi
saath laaya huN maiN apne yahi taqdiir apni
haaN abhi yaad hai vo Khuld7 ki taqseer8 apni

1.loving heart 2.restlessness 3.desire 4.desirous eye 5.image/vision, effort 7.heaven 8.transgression

As long as I have a loving heart in my bosom and restlessness in my heart, as long as my desirous eye seeks a vision, so long will I keep searching/trying.  This is the fate that I have brought with me since the very beginning.  I still remember that first transgression in heaven that resulted in my descent to earth i.e. when Adam disobeyed god’s injunction (out of curiosity) and was banished from heaven.  Thus that original curiosity is still with him, regardless of the possibility of punishment.
taalib1-e sham’a banuN mujh ko jo mil jaaye sharar2
sham’a mil jaaye to paida ho Khayaal-e aKhtar3
haath lag jaaye jo aKhtar to ho sauda-e-qamar4
maah5 ke baad rahe mahr6 ki Khoobi7 pe nazar
jo Thahr jaaye kahiN par vo meri fikr8 nahiN
mere mazhab meN qinaa’at9 ka koii zikr10 nahiN

1.seeker 2.transitory spark 4.demanding the moon 5.moon 6.sun 7.goodness, qualities 8.mind 9.holding back 10.mention

The seeker is looking for brighter and brighter light.  If he gets a faint, transitory spark, he wants a steady lamp.  If he gets the lamp he seeks stars.  If he gets the light of stars, he wants the light of the full moon.  If he gets the bright moon, he glances at the brightness of the sun.  His mind/thought does not tarry anywhere.  His faith/belief does not call for holding back.
qaid-e-dastuur1 se azaad hai fitrat2 meri
maanti3 hi nahiN duniya ki, tabiyyat4 meri
ek aalam5 se juda6 hai rah-e-ulfat7 meri
mere seene ke umaNgoN8 meN hai qismat meri
munharif9 mujh se zamaana10 ho to kuchh duur nahiN
baat Tal11 jaaye magar dil ki ye manzuur12 nahiN

1.bound by tradition 2.nature 3.agree, acquiesce 4.character 6.separate 7.path of love 8.hopes/desires 9.disagree, deny 10.times, world 11.lapse 12.acceptable

My nature is not bound by tradition.  My character simply cannot accept what the world says.  My path of desire/seeking is different from that of the world.  My fate is determined by the desires in my bosom.  It is quite possible that the times/today’s world will reject me.  But it is not acceptable to me that I let go of my reason, let my thoughts lapse.
daastaN ishq o mohabbat ki sunaauN kyuNkar
mai-e-ulfat1 na pyuN Khud to pilaauN kyuNkar
chehra-e-husn2 se parde ko uThaauN kyuNkar
jalva3 dekhuN na agar Khud to dikhaauN kyuNkar
qiimat4-e taazagi5-e fikr6-e suKhan7 leta huN
is meN kya aib8 hai kuchh phool jo chun leta huN of love 2.face/image of Beauty (divine or of universalism) 3.glory 4.price 5.freshness 6.thought 7.verse 8.defect, problem

How can I relate the story of (universal) love.  How can I offer the wine of love, if I don’t drink it myself.  How can I lift the veil to reveal the beauty (of universal love).  Unless I see its glory, how can I show it to others.  What is the problem if I pick a few flowers.  This is the price of fresh/new thinking of my verse.
Khaatir-e jam’a ba’eeN raah-e pareshaaN kardam
naqd-e jaaN baaKhtam o sadqa-e eemaN kardam
bood har aaN ke ze hosh o Khirad arzaaN kardam
ta dili raa bakaf aaram ham’a qurbaaN kardam
ba-lab-e shauq basii lazzat-e talKheest mera
maaya-e zeest hamiN seena-e zaKhmist mera

In spite of the scattered, confused path, I have gathered reasoned thought.  I have wagered the essence of my life and sacrificed blind faith.  I have made awareness/rationality and knowledge freely available.  I hold my heart in my heart and make an offering.  With loving lips I taste the pleasure of bitterness.  The treasure of live is all in the wounds of my heart.
aatish-e tuur sharar-e Gham-e dereena-e man
jaam-e jamshid yaki paara-e aaiina-e man
gar tu Khwaahi ke bari faiz ze ganjiina-e man
lahza-e chashm bagradaaN taraf-e seena-e man
“shaa’eram hukm pa pahnaa-e do aalam daaram
noor-e afrishta o soz-e dil-e aadam daaram”

The divine fire (of knowledge/love) of Mount tuur has for long been the spark of love.  The cup of jamshed is but a part of the mirror of my heart (it is said that one could look into the bottom of the legendary cup of jamshed and see a picture of the future).  Thus, my heart reflects the future even better than the cup of jamshed. If you desire to receive from the treasure that I have, cast a momentary glance at my heart.  I am a shaa’er who covers the domain of both worlds.  I have the light of angels and fire/passion of humans.

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