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اسپتنک – ساحر لدھیانوی
وہ ستارے جن کی خاطر کئی بیقرار صدیاں
میری تیرہ بخت دنیا میں ستارہ وار جاگیں
کبھی رفعتوں پہ لپکیں کبھی وسعتوں سے اُلجھیں
کبھی سوگوار سوئیں کبھی نغمہ بار جاگیں
وہ بلند بام تارے، وہ فلک مقام تارے
جو نشان دے کے اپنا رہے بے نشاں ہمیشہ
وہ حسیں وہ نور زادے وہ خلا کے شاہزادے
جو ہماری قسمتوں پر رہے حکمراں ہمیشہ
جنہیں مضمحل دلوں نے ابدی پناہ جانا
تھکے ہارے قافلوں نے جنھیں خضرِ راہ جانا
جنہیں کمسنوں نے چاہا کہ لپک کے پیار کر لیں
جنھیں عاشقوں نے چاہا کہ فلک سے توڑ لائیں
کسی راہ پر بچھائیں کسی سیج پہ سجائیں
جنھیں بت گروں نے چاہا کہ صنم بنا کے پوجیں
یہ جو دور کی حسیں ہیں اِنہیں پاس لا کے پوجیں
جنہیں مطربوں نے چاہا کہ صداوں میں پرو لیں
جنہیں شاعروں نے چاہا کے خیالوں میں سمو لیں
جو ہزار کوششوں پر بھی شمار میں نہ آئے
کبھی خاکِ بے بضاعت کے دیار میں نہ آئے
جو ہماری دسترس سے رہے دور دور اب تک
ہمیں دیکھتے رہے ہیں جو بصد غرور اب تک
مرے عہد کے حسینو! وہ نظر نواز تارے
میرا عشقِ حسن پرور تمہیں نذر دے رہا ہے
وہ جنوں جو آب و آتش کو اسیر کر چکا تھا
وہ خلا کی وسعتوں سے بھی خراج لے رہا ہے
میرے ساتھ رہنے والو، میرے بعد آنے والو
مرے دور کا یہ تحفہ تمہیں سازگار آئے
کبھی تم خلا سے گزرو کسی سیم تن کی خاطر
کبھی تم کو دِل میں رکھ کر کوئی گلعذار آئے
स्पट्निक – साहिर लुधियानवी
वो सितारे जिन की ख़ातिर कई बेक़रार सदियाँ
मेरी तीरा बख़्त दुनिया में सितारा वार जागीं
कभी रफ़’अतों पे लपकीं, कभी वुस’अतों से उलझीं
कभी सोगवार सो’ ईं कभी नग़मा बार जागीं
वो बलंद बाम तारे, वो फ़लक मक़ाम तारे
जो निशान दे के अपना रहे बे निशां हमेशा
वो हसीं वो नूरज़ादे वो ख़ला के शाहज़ादे
जो हमारी क़िस्मतों पर रहे हुक्मरां हमेशा
जिन्हें मुज़्महिल दिलों ने अबदी पनाह जाना
थके हारे क़ाफ़िलों ने जिन्हें ख़िज़्र ए राह जाना
जिन्हें कमसिनों ने चाहा के लपक के प्यार कर लें
जिन्हें आशिक़ों ने चाहा के फ़लक से तोड़ लाएं
किसी राह पर बिछाएं किसी सेज पे सजाएं
जिन्हें बुतगरों ने चाहा के सनम बना के पूजें
ये जो दूर के हसीं हैं उन्हें पास ला के पूजें
जिन्हें मुत्रिबों ने चाहा के सदाओं में पुरो लें
जिन्हें शाएरों ने चाहा के ख़यालौं में समो लें
जो हज़ार कोशिशों पर भी शुमार में न आए
कभी ख़ाक ए बे बिज़ा’अत के दयार में न आए
जो हमारी दस्त रस से रहे दूर दूर अब तक
हमें देखते रहे हैं जो बसद ग़ुरूर अब तक
मेरे अहद के हसीनो! वो नज़र नवाज़ तारे
मेरा इश्क़ ए हुस्न परवर तुम्हें नज़र दे रहा है
वो जुनूं जो आब ओ आतिश को असीर कर चुका था
वो ख़ला की वुसा’अतों से भी ख़िराज ले रहा है
मेरे साथ रहने वालो, मेरे बाद आने वालो
मेरे दौर का ये तुहफ़ा तुम्हें साज़गार आए
कभी तुम ख़ला से गुज़रो किसी सीम तन की ख़ातिर
कभी तुम को दिल में रखकर कोई गुल’अज़ार आए
Click here for overall comments and on any passage for word meanings and discussion. sahir beautifully takes ownership of the launch (1957) of the Sputnik on behalf of humanity, describes the achievement of the “conquest of space”, and magnanimously bestows a gift on the coming generations. Also see ali sardar jafri’s ‘ham sar-e tuur haiN’ composed as a tribute to the first human space flight.
vo sitare jin ki Khaatir kaii beqarar1 sadiyaN2
meri teera baKht3 duniya meN sitara vaar jagiN
kabhi rafa’atoN4 pe lapkiN5, kabhi vusa’atoN6 se uljhiN7
kabhi sogvar8 soiN kabhi naGhma9 bar jagiN1.restless 2.centuries 3.darkened 4.height 5.leapt 6.expanse 7.tangled 8.mourning 9.singing
Yearning for stars, restless centuries of my dark nights, awake in awe. Leaping to heights one moment, tangled with emptiness the next. Mournful sleep one moment, joyful song the next.
vo baland10 baam11 tare, vo falak12 maqam13 tare
jo nishan de ke apna rahe be nishaN hamesha
vo hasiN vo nurzade14 vo Khala15 ke shahzade
jo hamari qismatoN par rahe hukmraN16 hamesha10.high 11.roof top 14.progeny of light 16.rule, command
The sky bound stars on that high ceiling, displaying their glory and yet remaining mysterious. Beauty born of light, those princes of space, they, who have forever controlled our destiny.
jinheN muzmahil17 diloN ne abadi18 panah19 jana
thake hare qafiloN20 ne jinheN Khizr e rah21 jana
jinheN kamsinoN22 ne chaha ke lapak23 ke pyar kar leN
jinheN ashiqoN24 ne chaha ke falak se toR laaeN
kisi raah par bichhaeN kisi sej25 pe sajaaeN17.weak 18.eternal 19.refuge 20.traveling parties 22.young 23.leap 24.lover 25.bridal bed
Khizr, is a legendary old man, possesing great knowledge, has acquired eternal life and traveled a lot. He is considered to be a guide for lost caravans. Faint hearts sought eternal refuge in them. Tired and lost caravans look to them for guidance. Children wish to leap and kiss them. Young lovers long to pluck them from the sky and scatter them on a path, sprinkle them on a bed.
jinheN butgaroN26 ne chaha ke sanam27 bana ke pujeN
ye jo duur ke haseeN haiN inheN paas la ke pujeN
jinheN mutriboN28 ne chaha ke sadaoN29 meN puro leN
jinheN shaeroN ne chaha ke KhyaloN meN samo leN30 26.sculptors 27.idol 28.singers 29.sound, music 30.absorb in
Sculptors long to carve them into idols and bring the far away beauties down to earth and worship. Singers long to string them into songs and poets to embellish their thought.
jo hazar koshishoN par bhi shumar31 meN na aaye
kabhi Khaak e be biza’at32 ke dayar33 meN na aaye
jo hamari dast ras34 se rahe duur duur ab tak
hameN dekhte rahe haiN jo basad35 Ghuroor36 ab ta31.count 32.dust without wealth (humble earth) 33.domain 34.reach 35.with a hundred 36.pride, disdain
They remain countless after thousands of tries. Forever beyond the domain of this humble bowl of dust. Far beyond our reach, looking at us with great disdain.
mere ahd37 ke hasino! vo nazar navaz38 tare
mera ishq e husn parvar39 tumheN nazr40 de raha hai
vo junuN41 jo aab o aatish42 ko asir42 kar chuka tha
vo Khala43 ki vusa’atoN44 se bhi Khiraj45 le raha hai37.times 38.complimenting sight, beautiful that nurtures beauty 41.passion 42.water and fire 43.subdue 45.expanse
O, my friends of this age, these beautiful stars, my love inspired by their beauty, offers you this gift – the passion that subdued fire and water, that now demands tribute from the vastness of space …
mere saath rahne valo, mere baad aane valo
mere daur46 ka ye tuhfa47 tumheN sazgar48 aaye
kabhi tum Khala se guzro kisi seem tan49 ki Khatir50
kabhi tum ko dil meN rakhkar koi gul’azar51 aaye46.tribute generation 48.bring good fortune 49.silver body 50.for the sake of 51.flower bodied
… that you my contemporaries, and you who will come after me, may the gift of my generation bring you good fortune. May you travel through space someday, looking for your silver bodied beloved. May a flower bodied beauty come from space looking for you.
sahir beautifully takes ownership of the launch (1957) of the Sputnik on behalf of humanity, describes the achievement of the “conquest of space”, and magnanimously bestows a gift on the coming generations. Also see ali sardar jafri’s ‘ham sar-e tuur haiN’ composed as a tribute to the first human space flight.
vo sitare jin ki Khaatir kaii beqarar1 sadiyaN2
meri teera baKht3 duniya meN sitara vaar jagiN
kabhi rafa’atoN4 pe lapkiN5, kabhi vusa’atoN6 se uljhiN7
kabhi sogvar8 soiN kabhi naGhma9 bar jagiN
1.restless 2.centuries 3.darkened 4.height 5.leapt 6.expanse 7.tangled 8.mourning 9.singing
Yearning for stars, restless centuries of my dark nights, awake in awe. Leaping to heights one moment, tangled with emptiness the next. Mournful2
sleep one moment, joyful song the next.
vo baland10 baam11 tare, vo falak12 maqam13 tare
jo nishan de ke apna rahe be nishaN hamesha
vo hasiN vo nurzade14 vo Khala15 ke shahzade
jo hamari qismatoN par rahe hukmraN16 hamesha
10.high 11.roof top 14.progeny of light 16.rule, command
The sky bound stars on that high ceiling, displaying their glory and yet remaining mysterious. Beauty born of light, those princes of space, they, who have forever controlled our destiny.
jinheN muzmahil17 diloN ne abadi18 panah19 jana
thake hare qafiloN20 ne jinheN Khizr e rah21 jana
jinheN kamsinoN22 ne chaha ke lapak23 ke pyar kar leN
jinheN ashiqoN24 ne chaha ke falak se toR laaeN
kisi raah par bichhaeN kisi sej25 pe sajaaeN
17.weak 18.eternal 19.refuge 20.traveling parties 22.young 23.leap 24.lover 25.bridal bed
Khizr, is a legendary old man, possesing great knowledge, has acquired eternal life and traveled a lot. He is considered to be a guide for lost caravans. Faint hearts sought eternal refuge in them. Tired and lost caravans look to them for guidance. Children wish to leap and kiss them. Young lovers long to pluck them from the sky and scatter them on a path, sprinkle them on a bed.
jinheN butgaroN26 ne chaha ke sanam27 bana ke pujeN
ye jo duur ke haseeN haiN inheN paas la ke pujeN
jinheN mutriboN28 ne chaha ke sadaoN29 meN puro leN
jinheN shaeroN ne chaha ke KhyaloN meN samo leN30
26.sculptors 27.idol 28.singers 29.sound, music 30.absorb in
Sculptors long to carve them into idols and bring the far away beauties down to earth and worship. Singers long to string them into songs and poets to embellish their thought.
jo hazar koshishoN par bhi shumar31 meN na aaye
kabhi Khaak e be biza’at32 ke dayar33 meN na aaye
jo hamari dast ras34 se rahe duur duur ab tak
hameN dekhte rahe haiN jo basad35 Ghuroor36 ab ta
31.count 32.dust without wealth (humble earth) 33.domain 34.reach 35.with a hundred 36.pride, disdain
They remain countless after thousands of tries. Forever beyond the domain of this humble bowl of dust. Far beyond our reach, looking at us with great disdain.
mere ahd37 ke hasino! vo nazar navaz38 tare
mera ishq e husn parvar39 tumheN nazr40 de raha hai
vo junuN41 jo aab o aatish42 ko asir42 kar chuka tha
vo Khala43 ki vusa’atoN44 se bhi Khiraj45 le raha hai
37.times 38.complimenting sight, beautiful that nurtures beauty 41.passion 42.water and fire 43.subdue 45.expanse
O, my friends of this age, these beautiful stars, my love inspired by their beauty, offers you this gift – the passion that subdued fire and water, that now demands tribute from the vastness of space …
mere saath rahne valo, mere baad aane valo
mere daur46 ka ye tuhfa47 tumheN sazgar48 aaye
kabhi tum Khala se guzro kisi seem tan49 ki Khatir50
kabhi tum ko dil meN rakhkar koi gul’azar51 aaye
46.tribute generation 48.bring good fortune 49.silver body 50.for the sake of 51.flower bodied
… that you my contemporaries, and you who will come after me, may the gift of my generation bring you good fortune. May you travel through space someday, looking for your silver bodied beloved. May a flower bodied beauty come from space looking for you.