tuloo-e fikr – josh malihabadi – 104-110 – tahseen


دمکا وہ آسماں وہ فروزاں ہوئی زمیں

وہ خاتمِ جہاں کا درخشاں ہوا نگیں

چمکی فرازِ حق پہ وہ سبطین کی جبیں

لو دے اُٹھا وہ ناصیۂ ختمِ مرُسلیں

وہ آلِ مصطفے کی سواری عیاں ہوئی

وہ  روحِ  کربلا  کی عماری عیاں ہوئی


عباس کے شباب نے زلفیں وہ کھول دیں

اکبر کی وہ فضاپہ مسیں بھیگنے لگیں

وہ باوجودِ شیب، بہ اندازِ دل نشیں

اُلٹی حبیبِ اِبنِ مظاہر نے آستیں

موجِ  ہوا پہ غرفۂ تیغِ دو دم کھلا

وہ سطوتِ حسین کا زرّیں علم کھلا


طوفان میں وہ کشتیِ ایماں رواں ہوئی

قلزم میں روحِ بحر شکن پر فشاں ہوئی

امواج سے وہ چادرِ زینب عیاں ہوئی

وہ بادباں ہلے، وہ بھنور میں اذاں ہوئی

برپا دیارِ سیل میں کہرام ہو گیا

طوفاں وہ دیکھ لرزہ بر اندام ہو گیا


موجِ ہوا ترانۂ تہلیل ہوگئی

کونین زیرِ شہ پرِ جبریل ہوگئی

احکامِ ذوالجلال کی تعمیل ہوگئی

منشاے کردگار کی تکمیل ہوگئی

اِنساں کی عظمتوں کے دفینے اُبھر  گئے

وہ دیکھ زندگی کے سفینے اُبھر گئے


ایوانِ سلطنت کے وہ درغرق ہو گئے

جن میں ہوابھری تھی وہ سرغرق ہو گئے

وہ قصر ہاے لعل و گہرغرق ہو گئے

اُٹھی لہو کی موج بھنورغرق ہو گئے

چمکے علم وہ گنبدِ  بدر وحنین پر

دمکا وہ تاجِ فتح جبینِ حسین پر


پھر موج اک اُٹھی وہ بطِ مئے میں ساقیا

جاگاخروشِ فتح ہر اک نئے میں ساقیا

لپٹی ضیاۓ کون و مکاں لئے میں ساقیا

وہ   پو  پھٹی فضاے رگ و پئے میں ساقیا

گونجی صداے نغمۂ  دِل کائنات میں

شہنائیاں  بجیں وہ حریمِ حیات میں


لے، وہ نجف کی سمت سے آنے لگی صدا

ائے جوشِ نکتہ سنج، مری انجمن میں آ

آ، اور جھوم جھوم کے نغماتِ نو سنا

ساقی، میرا سلامِ ادب لے کہ میں چلا

مولائے کائینات، اور آواز دے مجھے

ائے جبرئیل! قوتِ پرواز دے مجھے


दमका वो आस्मां वो फ़रोज़ाँ हुई ज़मीं

वो ख़ातिम-ए जहाँ का दरख़्शाँ हुआ नगीं

चमकी फ़राज़-ए हक़ पे वो सिब्तैन की जबीं

लौ दे उठा वो नासिया-ए ख़त्म-ए मुरसलीं

वो आल-ए मुस्तफ़ा की सवारी अयाँ हुई

वो रूह-ए करबला की अमारी अयाँ हुई


अब्बास के शबाब ने ज़ुल्फ़ें वो खोल दीं

अकबर कि वो फ़िज़ा पे मसें भीगने लगीं

वो बावजूद-ए शेब, बा अंदाज़-ए दिल नशीं

उलटी हबीब-ए इब्न-ए मज़ाहिर ने आस्तीं

मौज-ए हवा पे ग़ुरफ़ा-ए तेग़-ए दो दम खुला

वो सित्वत-ए हुसैन का ज़र्रीं अलम खुला


तूफ़ान में वो किश्ती-ए ईमां रवां हुई

क़ुल्ज़ुम में रूह-ए बहर शिकन पर फ़शां हुई

अमवाज से वो चादर-ए ज़ैनब अयाँ हुई

वो बादबां हिले, वो भंवर में अज़ाँ हुई

बरपा दयार-ए सैल में कोहराम हो गया

तूफ़ाँ वो देख लरज़ा बर अन्दाम हो गया


मौज-ए हवा तराना-ए तहलील हो गई

कौनैन ज़ेर-ए शहपर-ए जिब्रील हो गई

अहकाम-ए ज़ुल्जलाल की ता’मील हो गई

मंशा-ए किरदेगार की तकमील हो गई

इन्सां की अज़्मतों के दफ़ीने उभर गए

वो देख ज़िन्दगी के सफ़ीने उभर गए


ऐवान-ए सल्तनत के वो दर ग़र्क़ हो गए

जिन में हवा भरी थी वो सर ग़र्क़ हो गए

वो क़स्र हा-ए ला’ल ओ गोहर ग़र्क़ हो गए

उट्ठी लहू की मौज भंवर ग़र्क़ हो गए

चमके अलम वो गुम्बद-ए बद्र ओ हुनैन पर

दमका वो ताज-ए फ़तह जबीन-ए हुसैन पर


फिर मौज एक उठि वो बत-ए मै में साक़िया

जागा ख़रोश-ए फ़तह हर एक नै में साक़िया

लपटी ज़िया-ए कौन ओ मकां लै में साक़िया

वो पौ फटी फ़िज़ा-ए रग ओ पै में साक़िया

गूंजी सदा-ए नग़मा-ए दिल काएनात में

शहनाईयां बजीं वो हारीम-ए हयात में


ले, वो नजफ़ की सिम्त से आने लगी सदा

अए जोश-ए नुक्ता संज, मेरी अंजुमन में आ

आ, और झूम झूम के नग़मात-ए नौ सुना

साक़ी, मेरा सलाम-ए अदब ले, के मैं चला

मौला-ए काएनात, और आवाज़ दे मुझे

अए जिब्र’अईल! क़ुव्वत-ए परवाज़ दे मुझे

damka1 vo aasmaN vo farozaaN2 hui zamiN
vo Khaatim3 e jahaN ka daraKhshaN4 hua nagiN5
chamki faraaz e haq6 pe vo sibtain7 ki jabiN8
lau9 de uTha vo nassia10-e Khatm-e mursaliN11
vo aal-e mustafa ki savaari ayaaN12 hui
vo rooh-e karbala ki amaari13 ayaaN hui
1. shone 2. brightened 3. ring, seal ring 4. brightened 5. jewel of the signet ring (Ali) 6. height/apex of truth/righteousness/faith 7. two grandsons of Mohammed, Hasan and Husain 8. forehead, brow 9. flame 10. forehead 11. last of the prophets, Mohammed 12. emerged 13. elephant houda
The sky lit up, the earth became bright, the jewel of the seal ring of the world glowed. At the apex of faith, shining brows of Hasan and Husain, the face of Mohammed aglow as if on fire. Now emerges the caravan of the house of Mohammed, there the houda of the spirit of Karbala is readied to travel.

abbas1 ke shabaab2 ne zulfeN vo khol3 diN
akbar4 ki vo fiza pe maseN bhigne5 lagiN
vo bavajood6-e sheb7, ba andaaz8-e dil nashiN9
ulTi habib-e ibn-e mazahir10 ne aastiN11
mauj-e hava pe Ghurfa12-e teGh13-e do dam14 khula
vo sitvat15-e husain ka zarriN alam16 khula
1. Husain’s younger brother who died Karbala, his youth, valour and faithfulness to Husain are legendary in Shia tradition 2. youth 3. sign of beauty (Abbas’ youth is personified as a maiden, and spreads her hair as a display of beauty 4. Husain’s 18 year old son, also killed in Karbala 5. sideburns getting wet (sign of coming of age) 6. in spite of 7. grey hair, old age 8. with a style that 9. makes a home in the heart, appealing 10. a very old associate of Husain who fought in Karbala in spite of his very old age 11. roll up the sleeve to get ready to do something 12. window, view 13. sword 14. two edged (unlike in english this in the sense of having more power) 15. majesty 16. golden standard/flag
There, the youth of Abbas appearing in all its glory. Here, Akbar’s adolescence blooming into vigorous youth. And in spite of age, in the most graceful way, ibn-e Mazahir rolled up his sleeve ready for battle. There on the horizon, a view of Husain’s sword, his golden standard fluttering gloriously in the wind.

toofan meN vo kishti-e eemaN ravaaN hui1
qulzum2 meN ruh-e bahr shikan3 par fashaN4 hui
amvaaj5 se vo chadar-e zainab6 ayaaN7 hui
vo baadbaN8 hile, vo bhanwar9 meN aza’aN hui
barpa10 dayaar-e sael11 meN kohram12 ho gaya
toofaN vo dekh larza bar andaam13 ho gaya
1. got launched 2. ocean 3. ocean conquering spirit 4. to be thrown up, to spread 5. waves 6. the veil/scarf of Zainab 7. to emerge, to appear 8. sail 9. whirlpool ( “the eye of the storm”) 10. to be made to happen 11. domain of flood 12. panic 13. trembling in body
The boat of faith was launched into the storm (now that Ali was here to protect it). It was launched with an ocean conquering spirit. There on the waves, you see Zainab’s chadar (is emotionally evocative in Shia history. Zainab was inuslted by being forced to be in public without her chadar). The sails of the boat fill out, and aza’an (defiant declaration) was called from the eye/centre of whirlpool/storm. There is panic in the domain of floods/storms (floods and storms here are a metaphor for early opposition to Islam). Look, the storm (opposition) is trembling in fear.

mauj-e hava tarana-e tahlil1 ho gayee
kaunain2 zer-e shahpar3-e jibril4 ho gayee
ahkaam5-e zuljalaal6 ki ta’ameel7 ho gayee
mansha8-e kirdegaar9 ki takmil10 ho gayee
insaaN ki azmatauN11 ke dafeene12 ubhar gaye
vo dekh zindagi ke safeene13 ubhar gaye
1. declaration of faith, declaring “la ilaha illalah” 2. both worlds, here and hereafter 3. under the main wing, under the protection of 4. archangel Gabriel, messenger of god 5. orders, instructions 6. another name of god 7. obey 8. wish, desire, intention 9. god 10. completion 11. greatness 12. buried or hidden treasures 13. boats
Every gust wind became a declaration of faith. All creation came under the protective wing of Jibril. Instructions of god began to be obeyed. The will of god was carried out to completion. The treasure trove of the greatness of man emerged (was brought out by Ali). Life began sailing smoothly over the ocean of time.

aivaan1-e saltanat2 ke vo dar3 Gharq4 ho gaye
jin meN hava bhari thi vo sar5 Gharq ho gaye
vo qasr ha6-e la’al o gohar7 Gharq ho gaye
uTThi lahu ki mauj8 bhaNwar9 Gharq ho gaye
chamke alam10 vo gumbad11-e badr o hunain12 par
damka13 vo taaj-e fateh14 jabin15-e husain par
1. halls 2. monarchy, royalty 3. door, abode, domain 4. drown 5. heads filled with air or swollen heads (with pride) 6. palaces 7, rubies and pearls 8. wave of blood (a metaphor for rebellion) 9. whirlpool (Josh is saying that whirlpools (oppression) drowned/were overcome by waves of blood 10. flags, standards 11. dome 12. Badr and Hunain were two famous battlefields where early followers of Mohammed were victorious against overwhelming odds, and thus are major milestone in the establishment of Islam 13. shone 14. crown of victory 15. forehead, head (the crown of victory on Husain’s head in Karbala and Josh is implying it is also a major milestone)
The halls of royalty were drowned (Josh portrays Islam as a people’s movement). Heads swollen with pride were crushed. Palaces of rubies and pearls crumbled. Waves of rebellion overcame storms of oppression. Look at those shining standards atop the dome of Badr and Hunain. Look at the brilliant crown of victory on the head of Husain.

phir mauj ek uThi vo bat-e mae1 meN saaqia
jaaga Kharosh-e fatah2 har ek nae3 meN saaqia
lapTi zia4-e kaun o makaaN5 lae6 meN saaqia
vo pau phaTi7 fiza8-e rag o pae9 meN saaqia
goonji sadaa-e naGhma-e dil10 kayenaat11 meN
shahnaiyaN bajiN vo harim-e hayat12 meN
1. literally bat is “duck”, but bat-e mae here means flask of wine (love of Ali) 2. cry/declaration of victory 3. tune 4. ray of light 5. time and place 6. tune, rhythm 7. dawn, light of dawn breaking out 8. ambience 9. literally, vein and fiber – the whole being 10. sound of the song of the heart 11. creation 12. sanctuary of life, Ka’aba
A huge wave rose in the flask of wine of love of Ali. A cry of victory went out. The brilliant ray of time and space was woven into every tune (on earth). The light of dawn broke out in my whole being, O saaqia. All creation broke out into a song of love and shahnaai played in celebration in the Ka’aba.

le, vo najaf1 ki simt2 se aane lagi sada
aye josh-e nukta sanj3, meri anjuman4 meN aa
aa, aur jhoom jhoom ke naGhmat-e nau5 suna
saaqi, mera salaam-e adab6 le ke maiN chala
maula-e kayenaat7, aur avaaz de mujhe
aye jibraeel!8 quvvat-e parvaaz9 de mujhe
1. city of Ali’s mausoleum 2. direction 3. one who understands fine points 4. assembly, gathering 5. new songs/compositions 6. respect 7. lord of all creation (Ali is referred to by this apellation in Shia tradition) 8. archangel Gabriel 9. strength/ability to fly
Ah! I hear a voice coming from the direction of Najaf (Ali is calling Josh!). O, Josh who understands fine culture, come to my gathering and joyfully sing your new songs. Saaqi, with respectful salaams I depart. O! Lord of creation, call me once again. O! Jibraeel, grant me the power of flight.


damka1 vo aasmaN vo farozaaN2 hui zamiN
vo Khaatim3 e jahaN ka daraKhshaN4 hua nagiN5
chamki faraaz e haq6 pe vo sibtain7 ki jabiN8
lau9 de uTha vo nassia10-e Khatm-e mursaliN11
vo aal-e mustafa ki savaari ayaaN12 hui
vo rooh-e karbala ki amaari13 ayaaN hui

1. shone 2. brightened 3. ring, seal ring 4. brightened 5. jewel of the signet ring (Ali) 6.  height/apex of truth/righteousness/faith 7. two grandsons of Mohammed, Hasan and Husain 8. forehead, brow 9. flame 10. forehead 11. last of the prophets, Mohammed 12. emerged 13. elephant houda
The sky lit up, the earth became bright, the jewel of the seal ring of the world glowed.  At the apex of faith, shining brows of Hasan and Husain, the face of Mohammed aglow as if on fire.  Now emerges the caravan of the house of Mohammed, there the houda of the spirit of Karbala is readied to travel.

abbas1 ke shabaab2 ne zulfeN vo khol3 diN
akbar4 ki vo fiza pe maseN bhigne5 lagiN
vo bavajood6-e sheb7, ba andaaz8-e dil nashiN9
ulTi habib-e ibn-e mazahir10 ne aastiN11
mauj-e hava pe Ghurfa12-e teGh13-e do dam14 khula
vo sitvat15-e husain ka zarriN alam16 khula

1. Husain’s younger brother who died Karbala, his youth, valour and faithfulness to Husain are legendary in Shia tradition 2. youth 3. sign of beauty (Abbas’ youth is personified as a maiden, and spreads her hair as a display of beauty 4. Husain’s 18 year old son, also killed in Karbala 5. sideburns getting wet (sign of coming of age) 6. in spite of 7. grey hair, old age 8. with a style that 9. makes a home in the heart, appealing 10. a very old associate of Husain who fought in Karbala in spite of his very old age 11. roll up the sleeve to get ready to do something 12. window, view 13. sword 14. two edged (unlike in english this in the sense of having more power) 15. majesty 16. golden standard/flag

There, the youth of Abbas appearing in all its glory.  Here, Akbar’s adolescence blooming into vigorous youth.  And in spite of age, in the most graceful way, ibn-e Mazahir rolled up his sleeve ready for battle.  There on the horizon, a view of  Husain’s sword, his golden standard fluttering gloriously in the wind.

toofan meN vo kishti-e eemaN ravaaN hui1
qulzum2 meN ruh-e bahr shikan3 par fashaN4 hui
amvaaj5 se vo chadar-e zainab6 ayaaN7 hui
vo baadbaN8 hile, vo bhanwar9 meN aza’aN hui
barpa10 dayaar-e sael11 meN kohram12 ho gaya
toofaN vo dekh larza bar andaam13 ho gaya

1. got launched 2. ocean 3. ocean conquering spirit 4. to be thrown up, to spread 5. waves 6.  the veil/scarf of Zainab 7. to emerge, to appear 8. sail 9. whirlpool ( “the eye of the storm”) 10. to be made to happen 11. domain of flood 12. panic 13. trembling in body

The boat of faith was launched into the storm (now that Ali was here to protect it).  It was launched with an ocean conquering spirit.  There on the waves, you see Zainab’s chadar (is emotionally evocative in Shia history.  Zainab was inuslted by being forced to be in public without her chadar).  The sails of the boat fill out, and aza’an (defiant declaration) was called from the eye/centre of whirlpool/storm. There is panic in the domain of floods/storms (floods and storms here are a metaphor for early opposition to Islam).  Look, the storm (opposition) is trembling in fear.

mauj-e hava tarana-e tahlil1 ho gayee
kaunain2 zer-e shahpar3-e jibril4 ho gayee
ahkaam5-e zuljalaal6 ki ta’ameel7 ho gayee
mansha8-e kirdegaar9 ki takmil10 ho gayee
insaaN ki azmatauN11 ke dafeene12 ubhar gaye
vo dekh zindagi ke safeene13 ubhar gaye

1. declaration of faith, declaring “la ilaha illalah” 2. both worlds, here and hereafter 3. under the main wing, under the protection of 4. archangel Gabriel, messenger of god 5. orders, instructions 6. another name of god 7. obey 8. wish, desire, intention 9. god 10. completion 11. greatness 12. buried or hidden treasures 13. boats
Every gust wind became a declaration of faith.  All creation came under the protective wing of Jibril.  Instructions of god began to be obeyed.  The will of god was carried out to completion.  The treasure trove of the greatness of man emerged (was brought out by Ali).  Life began sailing smoothly over the ocean of time.

aivaan1-e saltanat2 ke vo dar3 Gharq4 ho gaye
jin meN hava bhari thi vo sar5 Gharq ho gaye
vo qasr ha6-e la’al o gohar7 Gharq ho gaye
uTThi lahu ki mauj8 bhaNwar9 Gharq ho gaye
chamke alam10 vo gumbad11-e badr o hunain12 par
damka13 vo taaj-e fateh14 jabin15-e husain par
1. halls 2.  monarchy, royalty 3. door, abode, domain 4. drown 5. heads filled with air or swollen heads (with pride) 6. palaces 7, rubies and pearls 8. wave of blood (a metaphor for rebellion) 9. whirlpool (Josh is saying that whirlpools (oppression) drowned/were overcome by waves of blood 10. flags, standards 11.  dome 12. Badr and Hunain were two famous battlefields where early followers of Mohammed were victorious against overwhelming odds, and thus are  major milestone in the establishment of Islam 13. shone 14. crown of victory 15. forehead, head (the crown of victory on Husain’s head in Karbala and Josh is implying it is also a major milestone)

The halls of royalty were drowned (Josh portrays Islam as a people’s movement).  Heads swollen with pride were crushed.  Palaces of rubies and pearls crumbled.  Waves of rebellion overcame storms of oppression.  Look at those shining standards atop the dome of Badr and Hunain.  Look at the brilliant crown of victory on the head of Husain.

phir mauj ek uThi vo bat-e mae1 meN saaqia
jaaga Kharosh-e fatah2 har ek nae3 meN saaqia
lapTi zia4-e kaun o makaaN5 lae6 meN saaqia
vo pau phaTi7 fiza8-e rag o pae9 meN saaqia
goonji sadaa-e naGhma-e dil10 kayenaat11 meN
shahnaiyaN bajiN vo harim-e hayat12 meN

1. literally bat is “duck”, but bat-e mae here means flask of wine (love of Ali) 2. cry/declaration of victory 3. tune 4. ray of light 5. time and place 6. tune, rhythm 7. dawn, light of dawn breaking out 8. ambience 9. literally, vein and fiber – the whole being 10. sound of the song of the heart 11. creation 12. sanctuary of life, Ka’aba

A huge wave rose in the flask of wine of love of Ali.  A cry of victory went out.  The brilliant ray of time and space was woven into every tune (on earth).  The light of dawn broke out in my whole being, O saaqia.  All creation broke out into a song of love and shahnaai played in celebration in the Ka’aba.

le, vo najaf1 ki simt2 se aane lagi sada
aye josh-e nukta sanj3, meri anjuman4 meN aa
aa, aur jhoom jhoom ke naGhmat-e nau5 suna
saaqi, mera salaam-e adab6 le ke maiN chala
maula-e kayenaat7, aur avaaz de mujhe
aye jibraeel!8 quvvat-e parvaaz9 de mujhe

1. city of Ali’s mausoleum 2. direction 3. one who understands fine points
4. assembly, gathering 5. new songs/compositions 6. respect 7. lord of all creation (Ali is referred to by this apellation in Shia tradition) 8. archangel Gabriel 9. strength/ability to fly

Ah! I hear a voice coming from the direction of Najaf (Ali is calling Josh!).  O, Josh who understands fine culture, come to my gathering and joyfully sing your new songs.  Saaqi, with respectful salaams I depart.  O! Lord of creation, call me once again.  O! Jibraeel, grant me the power of flight.