urdu gulzar – anand mohan gulzar dehlavi

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اُردو گلزارِ ۔  آنند  موہن  گلزار  دہلوی


جب  سے  میری  جبیں  پہ  تیرے  در  کی  دھول  ہے

کانٹا  بھی  راستے  کا  میرے  حق  میں  پھول  ہے

کب  سے  اُلجھ  رہا  ہوں  تیرے  آستاں  کے  پاس

الطاف  ہو  تیرا  تو  یہ  محنت  وصول  ہے

شیریں  زبان  میری  وضعیت  ہے  آپ  کی

مُرشد  کا  معتقِد  کی  زباں  میں  حلول  ہے

اِنعامِ  خسرو  و  نظامی  ہے  یہ  زباں

اُردو  میں  گالیاں  بھی  ملیں  تو  قبول  ہے


دنیا  میں  تو  اونچا  ہے  کلامِ  اُردو

عقبیٰ  میں  بھی  اونچا  رہے  نامِ  اُردو

جب  حشر  میں  ہو  نام  شُماری  آقا

اِس  برہمن  کا  بھی  ہو  تسلیم  سلامِ  اُردو


میں  وہ  ہندو  ہوں  کہ  نازاں  ہیں  مسلماں  جس  پر

دِل  میں  کعبہ  ہے  مرے،  دِل  ہے  صنم  خانوں  میں

جوش  کا  قول  ہے  اور  اپنا  عقیدہ  گلزار

ہم  سا  کافر  نہ  اُٹھا  کوئی  مسلمانوں  میں


درسِ  اُردو  زبان  دیتا  ہوں

اہلِ  ایماں  پہ  جان  دیتا  ہوں

میں  عجب  ہوں  اِمام  اُردو  کا

بتکدوں  میں  اذان  دیتا  ہوں


اُردو  زباں  پہ  رحمتِ  ربّ  کریم  ہے

تہزیب  و  علم  و  فن  کا  خزینہ  ضخیم  ہے

یو۔این۔او میں  اُردو  کا  چرچا  ہے  آجکل

اکیسویں  صدی  کی  زبانِ  عظیم  ہے


پوچھے  کوئی  یہ  روحِ  ظفر  سے  جو  ذوق  ہو

مومِن  کہاں  ہے،  میر  کہاں،  برہمن  کہاں

گلزار  آبروئے  زباں  اب  ہمیں  سے  ہے

دِلّی  میں  اپنے  بعد  یہ  لطفِ  سخن  کہاں


زباں  ہماری  حریفوں  سے  ردّ  نہیں  ہو  گی

جو  خود  زبان  کو  بھولے  تو  حد  نہیں  ہو  گی

ہر  ایک  لفظ  کو  لہجے  کو  غور  سے  سُن  لو

ہمارے  بعد  زباں  کی  سند  نہیں  ہو  گی


مِٹتی  ہوئی  دِلّی  کا  نشاں  ہیں  ہم  لوگ

ڈھونڈوگے  کوئی  دِن  میں  کہاں  ہیں  ہم  لوگ

جلتی  ہوئی  شمعوں  کے  سحر  کے  آنسو

بجھتی  ہوئی  لکڑی  کا  دھواں  ہیں  ہم  لوگ


دے  ہم  کو  بھی  اللہ  نویدِ  اُردو

جنّت  میں  منایا  کریں  عیدِ  اُردو

جینا  ہو  زمانے  میں  تو  غاضی  ہو  کر

مر  جائیں  تو  کہلائیں  شہیدِ  اُردو

उर्दू गुल्ज़ार – आनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी

जब से मेरी जबीं पे तेरे दर कि धूल है

काँटा भी रास्ते का मेरे हक़ में फूल है

कब से उलझ रहा हूं तेरे आस्तां के पास

अल्ताफ़ हो तेरा तो ये मेहनत वुसूल है

शीरीं ज़बान मेरी, वज़ी’अत है आप कि

मुर्शिद का मो’तक़िद कि ज़बां में हुलूल है

इन’आम-ए ख़ुसरो ओ निज़ामी है ये ज़बां

उर्दू में गालियाँ भी मिलें तो क़ुबूल है

दुनिया में तो ऊंचा है कलाम-ए उर्दू

उक़बा में भी ऊंचा रहे नाम-ए उर्दू

जब हश्र में हो नाम-शुमारी आक़ा

इस बिरहमन का भी हो तस्लीम सलाम-ए उर्दू

मैं वो हिन्दू हूं के नाज़ां हैं मुसलमां जिस पर

दिल में काबा है मेरे, दिल है सनम ख़ानौं में

जोश का क़ौल है और अपना अक़ीदा गुल्ज़ार

हम सा काफ़िर न उठा कोई मुसलमानों में

दर्स-ए उर्दू ज़बान देता हूं

अहले-ए ईमां पे जान देता हूं

मैं अजब हूं इमाम उर्दू का

बुतकदे में अज़’आन देता हूं

उर्दू ज़बां पे रहमत-ए रब्ब-ए करीम है

तहज़ीब ओ इल्म ओ फ़न का ख़ज़ीना ज़ख़ीम है

यू-एन-ओ में उर्दू का चर्चा है आजकल

एक्कीस्वीं सदी कि ज़बान-ए अज़ीम है

पूछे कोई ये रूह-ए ज़फ़र से जो ज़ौक़ है

मोमिन कहाँ है, मीर कहां, बरहमन कहां

गुल्ज़ार आब्रू-ए ज़बां अब हमीं से है

दिल्ली में अपने बाद ये लुत्फ़-ए सुख़न कहां

ज़बां हमारी हरीफ़ौं से रद्द नहीं होगी

जो ख़ुद ज़बान को भूले तो हद्द नहीं होगी

हर एक लफ़्ज़ को लहजे को ग़ौर से सुन लो

हमारे बाद ज़बां कि सनद नहीं होगी

मिटती हुई दिल्ली का निशां हैं हम लोग

ढूँढोगे कोई दिन में कहां हैं हम लोग

जलती हुई शामों के सहर के आंसू

बुझती हुई लकड़ी का धुंआ हैं हम लोग

दे हम को भी अल्लाह नवीद-ए उर्दू

जन्नत में मनाया करें ईद-ए उर्दू

जीना हो ज़माने में तो ग़ाज़ी हो कर

मर जाएं तो कहलाएं शहीद-ए उर्दू


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-alive/2019), is a prolific writer reaching across religions and writing and speaking passionately about urdu and communal harmony. This is a collection of snippets he recited at various mushaa’era stitched together in his voice and in script.
jab se meri jabiN1 pe tere dar2 ki dhool hai
kaaNTa bhi raaste ka mere haq3 meN phool hai
kab se ulajh4 raha huN tere aastaaN5 ke paas
altaaf6 ho tera to ye mehnat vusool7 hai
shiriN9 zabaan meri, vazi’at10 hai aap ki
murshid11 ka mo’taqid12 ki zabaaN meN hulool13 hai
in’aam14-e Khusro15 o nizaami16 hai ye zabaaN
urdu meN gaaliyaaN bhi mileN to qubool17 hai 
1.forehead 2.door 3.rights, for me 4.struggle 5.dwelling, domain 6.generosity 7.fruitful 9.sweet 10.ways, methods, style 11.guide, teacher 12.believer, student 13.dissolved 14.gift 15.amir Khusro (1253-1325) 16.syed mohammed nizamuddin aulia (1238-1325) 17.acceptable
amir Khusro and nizamuddin were sufi disciple and master. They played music, sang and wrote in proto-urdu, mixing faarsi and khaRi boli. Here gulzar recognizes them as the founding fathers of urdu and claims that he is their follower. Ever since I bowed at your door (the dust of your door-step was smeared on my forehead), every thorn in my way has turned into a rose. I have struggled in you domain (urdu versification) for long. If you are generous, then my labour will be fruitful. If my language is sweet, it is because it follows your style. The teacher’s tongue is has touched the student’s lips. This language is a gift of Khusro and nizamuddin. It is so sweet that even abuse in it is acceptable.

duniya meN to ooNcha1 hai kalaam2-e urdu
uqba3 meN bhi ooNcha rahe naam-e urdu
jab hashr meN ho naam-shumaari4 aaqa
is barhaman ka bhi ho tasleem5 salaam-e urdu 
1.high, reputation, status 2.poetry, verse 3.end, doomsday, day of judgement 4.reckoning of names/actions 5.accepted
urdu verse is held in high regard in this world. May it also be held in high regard (highly valued as a noble contribution) on the day of judgement. When there is a reckoning of (good and bad) deeds on that day, my lord, please accept this brahman’s tribute to urdu.

maiN vo hindu huN ke naazaaN1 haiN musalmaaN jis par
dil meN k’aaba hai mere, dil hai sanam-KhaanauN2 meN
josh3 ka qaul4 hai aur apna aqeeda5 gulzaar6
hum sa kaafir7 na uTha koii musalmaanauN meN  
1.proud 2.idol houses, temples 3.josh malihabadi (1898-1982) 4.saying/writing 5.faith 6.pen name of poet 7.non-believer, sinner
I am that hindu of whom muslims are proud. I carry the k’aaba in my heart and offer prayers in temples. josh has said, and it is my faith and there is no “non-believer” like me among muslims. This is a tongue in cheek fun of himself and the muslim community as well as claiming credit (perhaps) there is no urdu poet like me among muslims.

dars1-e urdu zabaan deta huN
ahl-e-eemaaN2 pe jaan deta huN
maiN ajab huN imaam3 urdu ka
but-kadauN4 meN az’aan5 deta huN  
1.lesson 2.people of faith, muslims 3.leader 4.idol-houses, temples 5.muslim call to prayer
gulzar claims the mantle of hindu-muslim composite culture. He is a master of urdu, he is a hindu and has muslims for very dear friends. I am a strange leader of urdu, I read the az’aan from temples i.e. I am thoroughly composite in my culture.

urdu zabaaN pe rahmat1-e rabb-e-kariim2 hai
tahzeeb3 o ilm4 o fun5 ka Khazeena6 zaKheem7 hai
yoo-en-o8 meN urdu ka charcha hai aajkal
ekkeesviN-sadi8 ki zabaan-e azeem9 hai 
1.benevolence 2.lord of kindness 3.culture 4.knowledge 5.arts 6.treasure 7.massive, big 8.UN, United Nations 8.twenty first century 9.great
gulzar recited this at a UN Conference on urdu, held in NY. The lord of beneficence has been kind to urdu. Its treasure house of culture, knowledge and the arts is massive. There is much talk/celebration of urdu in the UN these days. It is a great language of the 21st Century.

poochhe koii ye rooh1-e zafar2 se jo zauq3 ho
momin4 kahaaN hai, miir5 kahaaN, barhaman6 kahaaN
gulzaar, aabru7-e zabaaN ab hamiN se hai
dilli meN apne baad ye lutf8-e suKhan9 kahaaN  
1.soul, spirit 2.bahadur shah zafar (1775-1862) 3.desire, taste, also zafar’s court poet and ustad 4.momin KhaaN momin (1800-1852) 5.mir taqi mir (1722-1810) 6.panDit chandr bhan barahman (1574-1662) 7.dignity 8.pleasure 9.versification (writing/reading/listening)
gulzar probably picked “rooh-e zafar” as representative of the literary and cultural glory of dehli. panDit chandr bhan barhaman was a friend of daara shikoh and wrote a Ghazal in proto-urdu which was presented at the court of shah jahaaN. Nearly all the rest of the work of barhaman is in faarsi. Here gulzar bemoans of the loss of glory of classical urdu poets, and of course goes on to praise himself as the only upholder of the dignity of the language.

zabaaN hamaari hareefauN1 se radd2 nahiN hogi
jo Khud zabaan ko bhoole to hadd3 nahiN hogi
har ek lafz4 ko lahje5 ko Ghaur6 se sun lo
hamaare baad zabaaN ki sanad7 nahiN hogi  
1.rivals, opponents 2.trashed 3.limit 4.word 5.accent, pronunciation 6.carefully 7.certified, authentic
Our language will not be trashed by others. It will be the limit of irony if we oursleves forget our language. Listen to every word and accent carefull. After us/me you will not get to here such chaste language.

miTti hui dilli ka nishaaN haiN hum log
DhoonDoge koii din meN kahaaN haiN hum log
jalti hui shamauN ke sahr1 ke aaNsu
bujhti hui lakRi ka dhuaaN haiN hum log 
1.dawn, late night into the wee hours of the morning
The lamp has been burning all night long. Near dawn it is to be put out … its life is over. The melting/dripping wax is like tears. Thus, we (chaste urdu speakers/poets) are a reminder of erstwhile/disappearing dehli. In a few days you will be searching in vain for us. We are like the tearful flickering lamp of late night, like the smoky fire running out of wood.

de hum ko bhi allaah naveed1-e urdu
jannat meN manaaya kareN eid-e urdu
jeena ho zamaane men to Ghaazi2 ho kar
mar jaa’eN to kahlaa’eN shaheed3-e urdu  
1.good news, invitation 2.conquerer, brave 3.martyr
May allah invite us to urdu. May we celebrate it even in heaven. May our life be spent as a brave struggle for urdu. May our life be such that when we die we may be called martyrs in the cause of urdu.

anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-alive/2019), is a prolific writer reaching across religions and writing and speaking passionately about urdu and communal harmony.  This is a collection of snippets he recited at various mushaa’era stitched together in his voice and in script.
jab se meri jabiN1 pe tere dar2 ki dhool hai
kaaNTa bhi raaste ka mere haq3 meN phool hai
kab se ulajh4 raha huN tere aastaaN5 ke paas
altaaf6 ho tera to ye mehnat vusool7 hai
shiriN9 zabaan meri, vazi’at10 hai aap ki
murshid11 ka mo’taqid12 ki zabaaN meN hulool13 hai
in’aam14-e Khusro15 o nizaami16 hai ye zabaaN
urdu meN gaaliyaaN bhi mileN to qubool17 hai

1.forehead 2.door 3.rights, for me 4.struggle 5.dwelling, domain 6.generosity 7.fruitful 9.sweet 10.ways, methods, style 11.guide, teacher 12.believer, student 13.dissolved 14.gift 15.amir Khusro (1253-1325) 16.syed mohammed nizamuddin aulia (1238-1325) 17.acceptable

amir Khusro and nizamuddin were sufi disciple and master.  They played music, sang and wrote in proto-urdu, mixing faarsi and khaRi boli.  Here gulzar recognizes them as the founding fathers of urdu and claims that he is their follower.  Ever since I bowed at your door (the dust of your door-step was smeared on my forehead), every thorn in my way has turned into a rose.  I have struggled in you domain (urdu versification) for long.  If you are generous, then my labour will be fruitful.  If my language is sweet, it is because it follows your style.  The teacher’s tongue is has touched the student’s lips.  This language is a gift of Khusro and nizamuddin.  It is so sweet that even abuse in it is acceptable.
duniya meN to ooNcha1 hai kalaam2-e urdu
uqba3 meN bhi ooNcha rahe naam-e urdu
jab hashr meN ho naam-shumaari4 aaqa
is barhaman ka bhi ho tasleem5 salaam-e urdu

1.high, reputation, status 2.poetry, verse 3.end, doomsday, day of judgement 4.reckoning of names/actions 5.accepted

urdu verse is held in high regard in this world.  May it also be held in high regard (highly valued as a noble contribution) on the day of judgement.  When there is a reckoning of (good and bad) deeds on that day, my lord, please accept this brahman’s tribute to urdu.
maiN vo hindu huN ke naazaaN1 haiN musalmaaN jis par
dil meN k’aaba hai mere, dil hai sanam-KhaanauN2 meN
josh3 ka qaul4 hai aur apna aqeeda5 gulzaar6
hum sa kaafir7 na uTha koii musalmaanauN meN

1.proud 2.idol houses, temples 3.josh malihabadi (1898-1982) 4.saying/writing 5.faith 6.pen name of poet 7.non-believer, sinner

I am that hindu of whom muslims are proud.  I carry the k’aaba in my heart and offer prayers in temples.  josh has said, and it is my faith and there is no “non-believer” like me among muslims.  This is a tongue in cheek fun of himself and the muslim community as well as claiming credit (perhaps) there is no urdu poet like me among muslims.
dars1-e urdu zabaan deta huN
ahl-e-eemaaN2 pe jaan deta huN
maiN ajab huN imaam3 urdu ka
but-kadauN4 meN az’aan5 deta huN

1.lesson 2.people of faith, muslims 3.leader 4.idol-houses, temples 5.muslim call to prayer

gulzar claims the mantle of hindu-muslim composite culture.  He is a master of urdu, he is a hindu and has muslims for very dear friends.  I am a strange leader of urdu, I read the az’aan from temples i.e. I am thoroughly composite in my culture.
urdu zabaaN pe rahmat1-e rabb-e-kariim2 hai
tahzeeb3 o ilm4 o fun5 ka Khazeena6 zaKheem7 hai
yoo-en-o8 meN urdu ka charcha hai aajkal
ekkeesviN-sadi8 ki zabaan-e azeem9 hai

1.benevolence 2.lord of kindness 3.culture 4.knowledge 5.arts 6.treasure 7.massive, big 8.UN, United Nations 8.twenty first century 9.great

gulzar recited this at a UN Conference on urdu, held in NY.  The lord of beneficence has been kind to urdu.  Its treasure house of culture, knowledge and the arts is massive.  There is much talk/celebration of urdu in the UN these days.  It is a great language of the 21st Century.
poochhe koii ye rooh1-e zafar2 se jo zauq3 ho
momin4 kahaaN hai, miir5 kahaaN, barhaman6 kahaaN
gulzaar, aabru7-e zabaaN ab hamiN se hai
dilli meN apne baad ye lutf8-e suKhan9 kahaaN

1.soul, spirit 2.bahadur shah zafar (1775-1862) 3.desire, taste, also zafar’s court poet and ustad 4.momin KhaaN momin (1800-1852) 5.mir taqi mir (1722-1810) 6.panDit chandr bhan barahman (1574-1662) 7.dignity 8.pleasure 9.versification (writing/reading/listening)

gulzar probably picked “rooh-e zafar” as representative of the literary and cultural glory of dehli.  panDit chandr bhan barhaman was a friend of daara shikoh and wrote a Ghazal in proto-urdu which was presented at the court of shah jahaaN.  Nearly all the rest of the work of barhaman is in faarsi.  Here gulzar bemoans of the loss of glory of classical urdu poets, and of course goes on to praise himself as the only upholder of the dignity of the language.
zabaaN hamaari hareefauN1 se radd2 nahiN hogi
jo Khud zabaan ko bhoole to hadd3 nahiN hogi
har ek lafz4 ko lahje5 ko Ghaur6 se sun lo
hamaare baad zabaaN ki sanad7 nahiN hogi

1.rivals, opponents 2.trashed 3.limit 4.word 5.accent, pronunciation 6.carefully 7.certified, authentic

Our language will not be trashed by others.  It will be the limit of irony if we oursleves forget our language.  Listen to every word and accent carefull.  After us/me you will not get to here such chaste language.
miTti hui dilli ka nishaaN haiN hum log
DhoonDoge koii din meN kahaaN haiN hum log
jalti hui shamauN ke sahr1 ke aaNsu
bujhti hui lakRi ka dhuaaN haiN hum log

1.dawn, late night into the wee hours of the morning

The lamp has been burning all night long.  Near dawn it is to be put out … its life is over.  The melting/dripping wax is like tears.  Thus, we (chaste urdu speakers/poets) are a reminder of erstwhile/disappearing dehli.  In a few days you will be searching in vain for us.  We are like the tearful flickering lamp of late night, like the smoky fire running out of wood.
de hum ko bhi allaah naveed1-e urdu
jannat meN manaaya kareN eid-e urdu
jeena ho zamaane men to Ghaazi2 ho kar
mar jaa’eN to kahlaa’eN shaheed3-e urdu

1.good news, invitation 2.conquerer, brave 3.martyr

May allah invite us to urdu.  May we celebrate it even in heaven.  May our life be spent as a brave struggle for urdu.  May our life be such that when we die we may be called martyrs in the cause of urdu.

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