For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
اُردو کا ذکر ہے ۔ جگن ناتھ آزاد
میری زباں پہ آج ہے اپنی زباں کی بات
ظاہر میں نغمہ ہے یہ بباطن فغاں کی بات
کچھ غیر کی ہے کچھ ستمِ دوستاں کی بات
سوزِ دروں کی بات ہے دردِ نہاں کی بات
دِل کے الم کی بات ہے اُردو کا ذکر ہے
اپنے چمن کے پھول کی خوشبو کا ذکر ہے
یہ پھول وہ ہے جس کی پھبن سے سماں رہا
زیبِ کُلاہ و زلف رہا یہ جہاں رہا
کل تک جو بے نیازِ بہار و خزاں رہا
عزّ و وقارِ گُلشنِ ہندوستاں رہا
آج اُس میں تازگی وہ نہیں وہ مہک نہیں
دِل میں تڑپ ہے چہرے پہ لیکن چمک نہیں
ائے پھول میرے باغِ سخن کے میری زباں
کل تک ترے تھے غالب و اِقبال نغمہ خواں
محفل میں آج تیرے خموشی کا ہے سماں
مجھ کو رُلا رہی ہے لہو تیری داستاں
ڈرتا ہوں میں بساطِ محبّت اُلٹ نہ جائے
سینوں میں ہے جو درد کی دُنیا سِمٹ نہ جائے
ائے پریم چند و حالی و سرشار کی زباں
محروم کی، سرور کی ائے لذّتِ بیاں
میر و امیر و مومن و اکبر کی داستاں
عصرِ رواں میں میرا ترنّم، مِری فغاں
تجھ کو فنا کا جام زمانہ پِلا نہ دے
طوفانِ گردباد تری گو بُجھا نہ دے
ائے ذوقِ جُستجو کی تمنّائے خوب تر
کیسے گنے کوئی تیرے احسان ہند پر
جب حرمتِ وطن پہ تھی انگریز کی نظر
اُس وقت بھی رہی تو مقاصد سے بے خبر
منزل کا اِس سلیقے سو تو نے پتا دیا
رستے پہ حرّیت کے وطن کو لگا دیا
تیرا ہی تھا وہ نغمۂ قومی جو برملا
بڑھتا گیا عُدو کی صفیں چیرتا ہوا
برما میں جس سے پست تھا دُشمن کا حوصلہ
‘جئے ہند’ کیا تھا عکس تھا تیرے مزاج کا
تو ہے ہر ایک منزلِ تاریخِ ہند میں
ہیں دھڑکنیں تری دلِ تاریخِ ہند میں
تو شاخِ گُل لچک میں لطافت میں ہے شمیم
تیزی میں مثلِ باد، روانی میں تو نسیم
پاکیزگیِ فکر و معانی کی ائے حریم
خوبی تِری زباں پہ نہیں دِل میں ہے مقیم
لُطفِ بہارِ باغ و چمن باغباں سے پوچھ
کیفِ نشانِ منزلِ دِل کارواں سے پوچھ
میری حیات ہے مِری روحِ رواں ہے تُو
مہر و وفا کی ایک حسیں داستاں ہے توُ
ہر چند کُشتۂ سِتمِ آسماں ہے توُ
پھر بھی شکست خوردہ نہیں کامراں ہے توُ
میری زباں ہے نازشِ ہندوستاں ہے توُ
بھارت کے لا زوال تمدّن کی جاں ہے توُ
شیریں سخن ہے، خوش گہر و ارجمند ہے
احساس کہہ رہا ہے کہ تو شہد و قند ہے
تیری ہر اِک ادا مجھے دِل سے پسند ہے
تجھ سے میرے وطن کا ادب سر بلند ہے
باغِ وطن میں مثلِ نسیمِ سحر ہے توُ
راتوں کی ظلمتوں میں ضیائے قمر ہے تو
طغیانیاں ہیں وقت کی جوبن پہ آج کل
کشتی شکستہ ورطۂ گرداب سے نکل
کچھ عزم کے طفیل جہاں ہے وہیں سنبھل
کچھ گردشِ زمانہ سے پہلو بچا کے چل
پھر کیا عجب کہ دہر میں تو کامراں رہے
طوفاں میں لاکھ تیرا سفینہ رواں رہے
उर्दू का ज़िक्र है – जगन नाथ आज़ाद
मेरी ज़बां पे आज है अपनी ज़बां की बात
ज़ाहिर में नग़मा है ये बा-बातिन फ़ुग़ा की बात
कुच्छ ग़ैर की है कुच्छ सितम-ए दोस्तां की बात
सोज़-ए दरूं की बात है दर्द-ए निहां की बात
दिल के अलम की बात है उर्दू का ज़िक्र है
अपने चमन के फूल की ख़ुशबू का ज़िक्र है
ये फूल वो है जिस की फबन से समा रहा
ज़ेब-ए कुलाह ओ ज़ुल्फ़ रहा ये जहां रहा
कल तक जो बे-नियाज़-ए बहार ओ ख़िज़ान रहा
इज़्ज़-ओ-विक़ार-ए गुलशन-ए हिन्दोस्तां रहा
आज उस में ताज़गी वो नहीं वो महक नहीं
दिल में तड़प है चेहरे पे लैकिन चमक नहीं
अए फूल मेरे बाग़-ए सुख़न के मेरी ज़बां
कल तक तेरे थे ग़ालिब ओ इक़बाल नग़मा ख़्वां
महफ़िल में आज तेरी ख़मोशी का है समां
मुझ को रुला रही है लहू तेरी दास्तां
डरता हुं मैं बिसात-ए मोहब्बत उलट ना जाए
सीनौं में है जो दर्द की दुनिया सिमट ना जाए
अए प्रेमचंद ओ हाली ओ सरशार की ज़बां
महरूम की सुरूर की अए लज़्ज़त-ए बयां
मीर ओ अमीर ओ मोमिन ओ अकबर की दास्तां
अस्र-ए रवां में मेरा तरन्नुम मेरी फ़ुग़अं
तुझ को फ़ना का जाम ज़माना पिला ना दे
तूफ़ान-ए गर्द बाद तेरी लौ बुझा ना दे
अए ज़ौक़-ए जुस्तजू की तमन्ना-ए ख़ूब तर
कैसे गिने कोई तेरे एहसान हिंद पर
जब हुर्मत-ए वतन पे थी अंग्रेज़ की नज़र
उस वक़्त भी रही तू मक़ासिद से बे ख़बर
मंज़िल का इस सलीक़े से तू ने पता दिया
रस्ते पे हुर्रियत के वतन को लगा दिया
तेरा ही था वो नारा-ए क़ौमी जो बरमला
बढ़ता गया उदू की सफ़ें चीरता हुआ
बर्मा में जिस से पस्त था दुश्मन का हौसला
जै हिंद क्या था अक्स था तेरे मिज़ाज का
तू है हर एक मंज़िल-ए तारीख़-ए हिंद में
हैं धड़कनें तेरी दिल-ए तारीख़-ए हिंद में
तू शाख़-ए गुल लचक में लताफ़त में है शमीम
तेज़ी में मिस्ल-ए बाद, रवानी में तू नसीम
पाकीज़गी-ए फ़िक्र ओ मा’नी की अए हरीम
ख़ूबी तेरी ज़बां पे नहीं दिल में है मुक़ीम
लुत्फ़-ए बहार-ए बाग़ ओ चमन बाग़बाँ से पूच्छ
कैफ़-ए निशान-ए मंज़िल-ए दिल कारवां से पूच्छ
मेरी हयात है, मेरी रूह-ए रवां है तू
महर ओ वफ़ा की एक हसीं दास्तां है तू
हरचंद कुश्ता-ए सितम-ए आस्मां है तू
फिर भी शिकस्त ख़ुर्दा नहीं कामरां है तू
मेरी ज़बां है नाज़िश-ए हिन्दोस्तां है तू
भारत के लाज़वाल तमद्दुन की जां है तू
शीरीं सुख़न है, ख़ुश गुहर ओ अरजुमंद है
एहसास कह रहा है के तू शहद ओ क़न्द है
तेरी हर एक अदा मुझे दिल से पसंद है
तुझ से मेरे वतन का अदब सर बलंद है
बाग़-ए वतन में मिस्ल-ए नसीम-ए सहर है तू
रातौं कि ज़ुलमतौं में ज़िया-ए क़मर है तू
तुग़ियानीयां हैं वक़्त की जोबन पे आज कल
किश्ती शिकसता वर्ता-ए गिर्दाब से निकल
कुच्छ अज़म के तुफ़ैल जहां है वहीं संभल
कुच्छ गर्दिश-ए ज़माना से पहलू बचा के चल
फिर क्या अजब के दहर में तू कामरां रहे
तूफ़ां हों लाख तेरा सफ़ीना रवां रहे
Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion. jagan nath azad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom. He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord. A great admirer of iqbal, he wrote several books on him. This nazm is linked to others of the same theme-urdu on the Theme Index page.
meri zabaaN1 pe aaj hai apni zabaaN2 ki baat
zaahir3 meN naGhma4 hai ye ba-baatin5 fuGhaaN6 ki baat
kuchh Ghair7 ki hai kuchh sitam8-e dostaaN ki baat
soz9-e daruuN10 ki baat hai dard-e nihaaN11 ki baat
dil ke alam12 ki baat hai urdu ka zikr13 hai
apne chaman ke phool ki Khushboo ka zikr hai1.tongue, equivalent to lips 2.language 3.apparently (pleasant) reality 6.sorrowful wailing 7.other 8.oppression 9.sorrow 10.internal 11.hidden 12.sorrow 13.narrative
On my lips today is the story of our language. On the surface it appears as a song but in reality it is a sorrowful wail. It is the story of oppression, sometimes by the other, sometimes by friends. It is the story of inner sorrow and hidden pain. The story of pain in my heart is the narrative of urdu. It is the narrative of the fragrance of the flower of our garden.
ye phool vo hai jis ki phaban1 se samaa2 raha
zeb3-e kulaah4 o zulf5 raha ye jahaaN raha
kal tak jo be-niyaaz6-e bahaar o KhizaaN7 raha
izz o viqaar8-e gulshan9-e hindostaaN raha
aaj us meN taazagi vo nahiN vo mahak10 nahiN
dil meN taRap11 hai chehre pe laikin chamak nahiN1.ornamentation 2.(beautiful) ambience, atmosphere 4.cap, crown 6.unmindful, not caring 7.spring and autumn, changing seasons 8.respect and dignity of 10.fragrance 11.pain, love
This flower (urdu) whose ornamentation created a beautiful ambience, which was the crowning beauty wherever it was. Until yesterday it was unmindful of changing seasons, it was the respect and dignity of the garden of hindostan. Sadly, today it is no longer fresh, it does not have the fragrance of before. It still carries sweet pain/love in its heart, but has no brilliance on its countenance.
aye phool mere baaGh-e suKhan1 ke meri zabaaN2
kal tak tere the Ghalib o iqbal naGhma KhwaaN3
mahfil meN aaj teri Khamoshi ka hai samaaN4
mujh ko rula rahi hai lahu5 teri daastaN
Darta huN maiN bisaat6-e mohabbat ulaT na jaaye
seenauN meN hai jo dard7 ki duniya simaT8 na of verse 2.language 3.songsters 4.atmosphere, ambience 5.blood 6.floor, expanse 7.pain, love 8.shrink
O flower of the garden of my verse, my language. Until yesterday iqbal and Ghalib were your songsters but in your gathering there is an atmosphere of silence. Your story makes me cry tears of blood. I fear that the floor of love will be upturned, pulled out from under us, that the love/pain in the bosom will shrink.
aye premchand1 o hali2 o sarshaar3 ki zabaaN
mahroom4 ki suroor5 ki aye lazzat-e bayaaN6
mir7 o amir8 o momin9 o akbar10 ki daastaN
asr-e ravaaN11 meN mera tarannum12 meri fuGhaN13
tujh ko fana14 ka jaam15 zamaana pila na de
toofaan-e gard baad16 teri lau17 bujha na de1.munshi premchand (1880-1936, also write in hindi, but primarily in urdu) 2.altaf husain hali (1837-1914) 3.ratan nath sarshar (1846-1902) 4.tilok chand mahroom (1887-1966, well known urdu poet and also jagan nath azad’s father) 5.suroor jahanabadi (1873-1910) 6.pleasure of recitation (of poetry) 7.mir taqi mir (1722-1810) 8.amir minaaii (1828-1900) 9.momin Khan momin (1800-1851) 10.akbar allahabadi (1846-1921) 11.present times 12.joyful singing 13.sorrowful wailing 14.oblivion 15.cup (of poison) 16.sandstorm 17.flame
azad lists poets from early to middle times. He includes a good representation of hindu and muslim poets who wrote in urdu. He does not hesitate to make use of the occasion to introduce his own “joyful singing and sorrowful wailing”. He is afraid that the present times (political order) is going to administer a cup of poison to send urdu into oblivion, that her flame will be put out in the raging sandstorm.
aye zauq1-e justaju2 ki tamanna3-e Khoob4 tar
kaise gine koi tere ehsaan5 hind par
jab hurmat6-e vatan pe thi aNgrez ki nazar
us vaqt bhi rahi tu maqaasid7 se be-Khabar8
manzil9 ka is saleeqe10 se tu ne pata diya
raste pe hurriyat11 ke vatan ko laga diya1.taste 3.desire, passion 4.good, beautiful 5.benevolence 6.honour 7.(hidden) agenda, selfishness 8.unaware, unmindful 9.goal, destination 10.courtesy, refinement, dignity 11.freedom
You are the beautiful desire to keep searching/trying. How can anyone count your favours on India. When the English had they eye on the honour of the homeland, you remained unmindful or selfish ends. You showed us the goal with great dignity, you put the homeland on the path to freedom.
tera hi tha vo naara-e qaumi1 jo barmala2
baRhta gaya udoo3 ki safeN4 cheerta hua
barma meN jis se past5 tha dushman ka hausla6
jai hind kya tha aks7 tha tere mizaaj8 ka
tu hai har ek manzil9-e tareeKh10-e hind meN
haiN dhaRkaneN teri dil-e tareeKh-e hind meN1.national slogan 2.openly 3.enemy 4.lines (military formation) 5.low, defeated 6.courage 7.reflection 8.mood, disposition 9.destination 10.history
It was your national slogan that advanced openly, tearing down enemy lines. In Burma too, it defeated the courage of the enemy. What was “jai hind” if not a reflection of your character. You have been a part of every destination in India’s history. Your heart of the history of India beats to your throbs.
tu shaaKh-e gul1 lachak2 meN lataafat3 meN hai shameem4
tezi meN misl5-e baad6, ravaani7 meN tu naseem8
pakeezagi-e fikr9 o ma’ani10 ki aye hareem11
Khoobi12 teri zabaaN pe nahiN dil meN hai muqeem13
lutf14-e bahaar15-e baaGh o chaman baaGhbaaN16 se poochh
kaif17-e nishaan18-e manzil19-e dil kaarvaaN se poochh1.flower laden bough 2.sprightliness, suppleness 3.elegance, subtlety 4.fragrant breeze, example of 6.wind, gale 7.flow 8.(gentle) breeze 9.purity of thought 10.meaning 11.intimate/close friend, beloved 12.goodness, qualities 13.established, residing 14.pleasure 15.spring 16.gardener (poet) 17.pleasure 18.pointer to 19.destination,goal
You are supple like a flowery bough, elegant like a fragrant breeze. When you are passionate you blow like a storm, otherwise gentle like the morning breeze. The purity of your thought and meaning, my beloved, is not just on the lips, it is deep inside the heart. Ask the gardener (poet) about the pleasure of spring in the garden. Ask the weary, traveling caravan the pleasure of the first sight of the destination.
meri hayaat1 hai, meri rooh2-e ravaaN3 hai tu
mehr4 o vafa5 ki ek hasiN daastaN6 hai tu
harchand7 kushta8-e sitam9-e aasmaaN hai tu
phir bhi shikast-Khurda10 nahiN kaamraaN11 hai tu
meri zabaaN12 hai naazish13-e hindostaaN hai tu
bharat ke lazavaal14 tamaddun15 ki jaaN hai 2.soul 3.flowing 4.kindness, keeping promise 6.beautiful story 7.even though 8.victim of, killed by 9.cruelty 10.defeated 11.victorious 12.tongue/language 13.pride of 14.everlasting 15.culture
You are my life and soul. You are the story of kindness and steadfast friendship. In urdu poetry, cruelty is visited on us by the heavens/skies/fate. Even though you are the victim of cruelty of the gods you still not defeated, you are victorious. You are my tongue, the pride of hindostan. You are the life and soul of the everlasting culture of India.
shiriN1 suKhan2 hai, Khush guhar3 o arjumand4 hai
ehsaas5 kah raha hai ke tu shahd6 o qand7 hai
teri har ek ada8 mujhe dil se pasand hai
tujh se mere vatan ka adab9 sar baland10 hai
baaGh-e vatan meN misl11-e naseem-e sahr12 hai tu
raatauN ki zulmatauN13 meN zia14-e qamar15 hai tu1.sweet 2.voice 3.pearl, brilliance 4.venerable, lofty 5.sensation, feelings 6.honey 7.sugar, syrup 9.literature 10.head held high, proud, example of 12.fragrant morning breeze 13.darkness 14.light 15.moon
You are sweet spoken, brilliant and venerable. My feeling tells me that you are sweet like honey. I like all your styles. Because of you the literature/poetry of the homeland can hold its head up high. You are like a fragrant morning breeze in the garden of the homeland, like gentle moonlight in the dark night.
tuGhiyaaniyaN1 hai vaqt ki joban2 pe aaj kal
kishti shikasta varta3-e girdaab4 se nikal
kuchh azm5 ke tufail6 jahaaN hai vahiN sambhal
kuchh gardish7-e zamana se pahlu8 bacha ke chal
phir kya ajab ke dahr9 meN tu kaamraaN10 rahe
toofaaN hoN laakh tera safina11 ravaaN rahe1.storms 2.youth 3.broken and stunned 4.whirlpool, vortex 5.determination means of 7.circulation, tumult 8.side, flank 10.victorious 11.boat
Storms of Time rage against your youth. Get out of this stunning, destructive vortex. By means of your determination hold your place where you are. Save yourselves (your unprotected flank) from the vicissitudes of Time. No wonder then, in this world, you will be victorious. There may be a thousand storms, but your boat will sail steady.
jagan nath azad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom. He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord. A great admirer of iqbal, he wrote several books on him. This nazm is linked to others of the same theme-urdu on the Theme Index page.
meri zabaaN1 pe aaj hai apni zabaaN2 ki baat
zaahir3 meN naGhma4 hai ye ba-baatin5 fuGhaaN6 ki baat
kuchh Ghair7 ki hai kuchh sitam8-e dostaaN ki baat
soz9-e daruuN10 ki baat hai dard-e nihaaN11 ki baat
dil ke alam12 ki baat hai urdu ka zikr13 hai
apne chaman ke phool ki Khushboo ka zikr hai
1.tongue, equivalent to lips 2.language 3.apparently (pleasant) reality 6.sorrowful wailing 7.other 8.oppression 9.sorrow 10.internal 11.hidden 12.sorrow 13.narrative
On my lips today is the story of our language. On the surface it appears as a song but in reality it is a sorrowful wail. It is the story of oppression, sometimes by the other, sometimes by friends. It is the story of inner sorrow and hidden pain. The story of pain in my heart is the narrative of urdu. It is the narrative of the fragrance of the flower of our garden.
ye phool vo hai jis ki phaban1 se samaa2 raha
zeb3-e kulaah4 o zulf5 raha ye jahaaN raha
kal tak jo be-niyaaz6-e bahaar o KhizaaN7 raha
izz o viqaar8-e gulshan9-e hindostaaN raha
aaj us meN taazagi vo nahiN vo mahak10 nahiN
dil meN taRap11 hai chehre pe laikin chamak nahiN
1.ornamentation 2.(beautiful) ambience, atmosphere 4.cap, crown 6.unmindful, not caring 7.spring and autumn, changing seasons 8.respect and dignity of 10.fragrance 11.pain, love
This flower (urdu) whose ornamentation created a beautiful ambience, which was the crowning beauty wherever it was. Until yesterday it was unmindful of changing seasons, it was the respect and dignity of the garden of hindostan. Sadly, today it is no longer fresh, it does not have the fragrance of before. It still carries sweet pain/love in its heart, but has no brilliance on its countenance.
aye phool mere baaGh-e suKhan1 ke meri zabaaN2
kal tak tere the Ghalib o iqbal naGhma KhwaaN3
mahfil meN aaj teri Khamoshi ka hai samaaN4
mujh ko rula rahi hai lahu5 teri daastaN
Darta huN maiN bisaat6-e mohabbat ulaT na jaaye
seenauN meN hai jo dard7 ki duniya simaT8 na jaaye of verse 2.language 3.songsters 4.atmosphere, ambience 5.blood 6.floor, expanse 7.pain, love 8.shrink
O flower of the garden of my verse, my language. Until yesterday iqbal and Ghalib were your songsters but in your gathering there is an atmosphere of silence. Your story makes me cry tears of blood. I fear that the floor of love will be upturned, pulled out from under us, that the love/pain in the bosom will shrink.
aye premchand1 o hali2 o sarshaar3 ki zabaaN
mahroom4 ki suroor5 ki aye lazzat-e bayaaN6
mir7 o amir8 o momin9 o akbar10 ki daastaN
asr-e ravaaN11 meN mera tarannum12 meri fuGhaN13
tujh ko fana14 ka jaam15 zamaana pila na de
toofaan-e gard baad16 teri lau17 bujha na de
1.munshi premchand (1880-1936, also write in hindi, but primarily in urdu) 2.altaf husain hali (1837-1914) 3.ratan nath sarshar (1846-1902) 4.tilok chand mahroom (1887-1966, well known urdu poet and also jagan nath azad’s father) 5.suroor jahanabadi (1873-1910) 6.pleasure of recitation (of poetry) 7.mir taqi mir (1722-1810) 8.amir minaaii (1828-1900) 9.momin Khan momin (1800-1851) 10.akbar allahabadi (1846-1921) 11.present times 12.joyful singing 13.sorrowful wailing 14.oblivion 15.cup (of poison) 16.sandstorm 17.flame
azad lists poets from early to middle times. He includes a good representation of hindu and muslim poets who wrote in urdu. He does not hesitate to make use of the occasion to introduce his own “joyful singing and sorrowful wailing”. He is afraid that the present times (political order) is going to administer a cup of poison to send urdu into oblivion, that her flame will be put out in the raging sandstorm.
aye zauq1-e justaju2 ki tamanna3-e Khoob4 tar
kaise gine koi tere ehsaan5 hind par
jab hurmat6-e vatan pe thi aNgrez ki nazar
us vaqt bhi rahi tu maqaasid7 se be-Khabar8
manzil9 ka is saleeqe10 se tu ne pata diya
raste pe hurriyat11 ke vatan ko laga diya
1.taste 3.desire, passion 4.good, beautiful 5.benevolence 6.honour 7.(hidden) agenda, selfishness 8.unaware, unmindful 9.goal, destination 10.courtesy, refinement, dignity 11.freedom
You are the beautiful desire to keep searching/trying. How can anyone count your favours on India. When the English had they eye on the honour of the homeland, you remained unmindful or selfish ends. You showed us the goal with great dignity, you put the homeland on the path to freedom.
tera hi tha vo naara-e qaumi1 jo barmala2
baRhta gaya udoo3 ki safeN4 cheerta hua
barma meN jis se past5 tha dushman ka hausla6
jai hind kya tha aks7 tha tere mizaaj8 ka
tu hai har ek manzil9-e tareeKh10-e hind meN
haiN dhaRkaneN teri dil-e tareeKh-e hind meN
1.national slogan 2.openly 3.enemy 4.lines (military formation) 5.low, defeated 6.courage 7.reflection 8.mood, disposition 9.destination 10.history
It was your national slogan that advanced openly, tearing down enemy lines. In Burma too, it defeated the courage of the enemy. What was “jai hind” if not a reflection of your character. You have been a part of every destination in India’s history. Your heart of the history of India beats to your throbs.
tu shaaKh-e gul1 lachak2 meN lataafat3 meN hai shameem4
tezi meN misl5-e baad6, ravaani7 meN tu naseem8
pakeezagi-e fikr9 o ma’ani10 ki aye hareem11
Khoobi12 teri zabaaN pe nahiN dil meN hai muqeem13
lutf14-e bahaar15-e baaGh o chaman baaGhbaaN16 se poochh
kaif17-e nishaan18-e manzil19-e dil kaarvaaN se poochh
1.flower laden bough 2.sprightliness, suppleness 3.elegance, subtlety 4.fragrant breeze, example of 6.wind, gale 7.flow 8.(gentle) breeze 9.purity of thought 10.meaning 11.intimate/close friend, beloved 12.goodness, qualities 13.established, residing 14.pleasure 15.spring 16.gardener (poet) 17.pleasure 18.pointer to 19.destination,goal
You are supple like a flowery bough, elegant like a fragrant breeze. When you are passionate you blow like a storm, otherwise gentle like the morning breeze. The purity of your thought and meaning, my beloved, is not just on the lips, it is deep inside the heart. Ask the gardener (poet) about the pleasure of spring in the garden. Ask the weary, traveling caravan the pleasure of the first sight of the destination.
meri hayaat1 hai, meri rooh2-e ravaaN3 hai tu
mehr4 o vafa5 ki ek hasiN daastaN6 hai tu
harchand7 kushta8-e sitam9-e aasmaaN hai tu
phir bhi shikast-Khurda10 nahiN kaamraaN11 hai tu
meri zabaaN12 hai naazish13-e hindostaaN hai tu
bharat ke lazavaal14 tamaddun15 ki jaaN hai tu 2.soul 3.flowing 4.kindness, keeping promise 6.beautiful story 7.even though 8.victim of, killed by 9.cruelty 10.defeated 11.victorious 12.tongue/language 13.pride of 14.everlasting 15.culture
You are my life and soul. You are the story of kindness and steadfast friendship. In urdu poetry, cruelty is visited on us by the heavens/skies/fate. Even though you are the victim of cruelty of the gods you still not defeated, you are victorious. You are my tongue, the pride of hindostan. You are the life and soul of the everlasting culture of India.
shiriN1 suKhan2 hai, Khush guhar3 o arjumand4 hai
ehsaas5 kah raha hai ke tu shahd6 o qand7 hai
teri har ek ada8 mujhe dil se pasand hai
tujh se mere vatan ka adab9 sar baland10 hai
baaGh-e vatan meN misl11-e naseem-e sahr12 hai tu
raatauN ki zulmatauN13 meN zia14-e qamar15 hai tu
1.sweet 2.voice 3.pearl, brilliance 4.venerable, lofty 5.sensation, feelings 6.honey 7.sugar, syrup 9.literature 10.head held high, proud, example of 12.fragrant morning breeze 13.darkness 14.light 15.moon
You are sweet spoken, brilliant and venerable. My feeling tells me that you are sweet like honey. I like all your styles. Because of you the literature/poetry of the homeland can hold its head up high. You are like a fragrant morning breeze in the garden of the homeland, like gentle moonlight in the dark night.
tuGhiyaaniyaN1 hai vaqt ki joban2 pe aaj kal
kishti shikasta varta3-e girdaab4 se nikal
kuchh azm5 ke tufail6 jahaaN hai vahiN sambhal
kuchh gardish7-e zamana se pahlu8 bacha ke chal
phir kya ajab ke dahr9 meN tu kaamraaN10 rahe
toofaaN hoN laakh tera safina11 ravaaN rahe
1.storms 2.youth 3.broken and stunned 4.whirlpool, vortex 5.determination means of 7.circulation, tumult 8.side, flank 10.victorious 11.boat
Storms of Time rage against your youth. Get out of this stunning, destructive vortex. By means of your determination hold your place where you are. Save yourselves (your unprotected flank) from the vicissitudes of Time. No wonder then, in this world, you will be victorious. There may be a thousand storms, but your boat will sail steady.