zindan-e mussalas – josh

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

زندانِ  مثلث  –  جوش  ملیح  آبادی

(لسان،  ادیان،  اوطان)


کب  تک  رہینگے  آخر،  یہ  طنطنے  یہ  تیور

یہ   تیر  یہ  کمانیں،  یہ  نیمچے  یہ  نشتر

یہ  آدمی  یہ  شاہِ  آفاق  و  میرِ  دوراں

نکلے  گا  کب  حصارِ  جغرافیہ  سے  باہر


کب  تک  پڑا  رہیگا  زندانِ  تیرگی  میں

یہ  کہکشاں  کا  دارا،  یہ  مہر  و  مہ  کا  داور

حائیل  رہیں  گے  کب  تک  ذوقِ  یگانگی  میں

صحراوٗں  کے  یہ  گھیرے،  دریاوٰں  کے  یہ  چکر


عقلوں  کے    آئینوں    پر،  ائے  مقبلانِ  کم  بیں

کب  تک  پڑے  رہیں  گے  حد  بندیوں  کے  پتھر

حُبِّ  وطن  کے  سر  پر،  ائے  اوٗجِ  آدمیت

کب  تک  نہیں  پڑیگی  حُبِّ  جہاں  کی  ٹھوکر


کب  تک    بنی  رہیگی  چینِ  جبینِ  آدم

نقشوں    کی  یہ  لکیریں،  ہم  شکل  مار  و  اژدر

تو  کیاسمجھ  سکے  گا،  نوعِ  بشر  کی  وحدت

ائے  اِبنِ  دین  و  ایماں،  ائے  عبدِ  نسل  و  گوہر


ٹاپوں  سے  کپکپاتے  اصطبلِ  زندگی  میں

کب  تک  رہے  گا  آخر  لیتاؤ  ائے  برادر

چلتی  رہیگی  کب  تک،  ائے  زندگی  بتا  دے

یہ  مذہب  و  زباں  کی،  ذہنوں  میں  بادِ  صرصر


کب  تک  بنے  رہوگے  ائے  وارثانِ  آدم

اپنوں  میں  آبِ  کوثر،  غیروں  میں  تابِ  خنجر

یہ  غیر  کاتصور،  اِفلاسِ  آگہی  ہے

رہتے  نہیں  ہیں    پیارے  اغیار  اِس  زمیں  پر


مشرق  سے  تا  بہ  مغرب،  اک  نسل  اک  نسب  ہے

اِس  آسماں  کے  نیچے  اور  اِس  زمیں  کے  اوپر

قوموں  میں  بانٹتاہے  جو  نسلِ  آدمی  کو

مشرک  ہے  اور  کافر،  کافر  ہے  بلکہ  اکفر


تیری  ہی  طرح    ناداں  ہم  نسل  و  ہم  گہر  ہیں

سنگ  و  بلور  و  خشت  و  لعل  و  گیاہ  و  گوہر

تجھ  کو  خبر  نہیں  ہے  اب  تک  کے  فی  الحقیقت

ہم  جد  ہیں  خار  و  نسر  یں،    تو  ام  ہیں  برگ  و  مرمر


میری  ہی  طرح  تو  بھی  ائے    کاش  دیکھ  سکتا

آغوشِ  خس  میں  سوسن،  زانوئے  شب  پہ  خاور

ہستی  کا  دیکھ  مکھڑا،  میری  نظر  سے  پیارے

اسماؑ  کو  محو  کر  کے،  اشکال  کو  ہٹا  کر


اِس  کی  بھی  کچھ  خبر  ہے  تجھ  کو  کہ  ضو  فشاں  ہے

پیشانیِ  خرف  پر  لعل  و    گہر    کا  جھومر

جس  کی  لپٹ  سے  گلشن  سارا  مہک  رہا  ہے

جھانکی  ہے  نسترن  سے  یہ  خاک  مسکرا  کر


تجھ  کو  بھی  یہ  پتا  ہے،  کیسی  جھلک  رہی  ہے

آ    تش  کی  چلمنوں    میں  آبِ  رواں  کی  جھالر

تو  یہ  بھی  جانتاہے  ائے  قہرمان  شاہیں

تیرا  ہی  اِبنِ  عم  ہے،  سہماہوا  کبوتر


کس  کھوہ  میں  ہے  آخر،  تیرا  خطیبِ  اعظم

ائے  راستی  کے  محراب،  ائے  روشنی  کے  منبر

ہاں  وحدتِ  خدا  کا  اعلان  ہو  چکا  ہے

اب  وحدتِ  بشر  کا  دنیا  کوئی  پیمبر

ज़िन्दान ए मुस्सल्लस – जोश मलीहाबादी


कब तक रहेंगे आख़िर, ये तनतने, ये तैवर

ये तीर ये कमानें, ये नीम्चे, ये नश्तर

ये आदमी ये शाह ए आफ़ाक़ ओ मीर ए दौरां

निकलेगा कब हिसार ए जोग़रफ़िया से बाहिर


कब तक पड़ा रहेगा ज़िन्दान ए तीरगी में

ये कहकशां का दारा, ये महर ओ माह का दावर

हाएल रहेंगे कब तक ज़ौक़ ए यगानगी में

सेहराओं के ये घेरे दरयाओं के ये चक्कर


अक़लों के आईनों पर, अए मुक़बिलान ए कम बीं

कब तक पड़े रहेंगे हद बंदियों के पत्थर

हुब्ब ए वतन के सर पर, अए औज ए आदमियत

कब तक नहीं पड़ेगी हुब्ब ए जहाँ कि ठोकर


कब तक बनी रहेगी चीन ए जबीन ए आदम

नक़शों कि ये लकीरें, हम शक्ल ए मार ओ अज़शदर

तू क्या समझ सकेगा, नौ ए बशर कि वहदत

अए इब्न ए दीन ओ ईमां, अए अब्द ए नस्ल ओ गौहर


टापों से कपकपाते, अस्तबल ए ज़िन्दगी में

कब तक रहेगी आख़िर लैताऊ अए बरादर

चलती रहेगी कब तक, अए ज़िन्दगी बता दे

ये मज़हब ओ ज़बां कि ज़हनों में बाद ए सरसर


कब तक बने रहोगे अए वारिसान ए आदम

अपनों में आब ए कौसर, ग़ैरों में ताब ए खंजर

ये ग़ैर का तसव्वुर, इफ़लास ए आगही है

रहते नहीं हैं प्यारे, अग़यार इस ज़मीं पर


मशरिक़ से ता ब मग़रिब, एक नस्ल एक नसब है

इस आसमां के नीचे और इस ज़मीं के ऊपर

क़ौमों में बांटता है जो नस्ल ए आदमी को

मुश्रिक है और काफ़िर, काफ़िर है बल्के अकफ़र


तेरी ही तरह नादां, हम नस्ल ओ हम गोहर हैं

संग ओ बिलोर ओ ख़िश्त ओ लाल ओ गियाह ओ गौहर

तुझ को ख़बर नहीं है अब तक के फ़िल हक़ीक़त

हम जद हैं ख़ार ओ नसरीन, तौ अम हैं बर्ग ओ मरमर


मेरी ही तरह तू भी, अए काश देख सकता

आग़ोश ए ख़स में सोसन, ज़ानू ए शब् पे ख़ावर

हस्ती का देख मुखड़ा, मेरी नज़र से प्यारे

अस्मा को मह्व कर के, अश्काल को हटा कर


इस की भी कुछ ख़बर है तुझ को के ज़ौ फ़शां है

पेशानी ए ख़ज़फ़ पर ला’अल ओ गोहर का झूमर

जिस की लपट से गुलशन सारा महक रहा है

झांकी है नस्तरन से ये ख़ाक मुस्कुरा कर


तुझ को भी ये पता है, कैसी झलक रही है

आतिश की चिलमनों में, आब ए रवां की झालर

तू ये भी जानता है अए क़हरमान शाहीं

तेरा ही इब्न ए उम है, सहमा हुआ कबूतर


किस खोह में है आख़िर, तेरा ख़तीब ए आज़म

अए रास्ती के मेहराब, अए रौशनी के मिम्बर

हाँ वहदत ए ख़ुदा का एलान हो चूका है

अब वहदत ए बशर का दुनिया कोई पैयम्बर

zindan e mussallas (lisaan, adiyan, autaan) – josh malihabadi
Three Cornered Prison – (language, faith, country)

Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This is a nazm in which josh writes passionately about love for the “other”, bringing out our prejudices based on language, faith and country. He goes beyond humanity, declaring one-ness of all creation in the Sufi spirit.

kab tak raheNge aaKhir, ye tantane`1, ye taivar2
ye teer ye kamaaneN, ye neemche3, ye nashtar4
ye aadmi ye shah-e-aafaq5 o mir-e-dauraN6
niklega kab hisaar7 e joGhraphia se baahir
1.trumpets 2.angry looks 3.dagger 4.scalpel, knife 5.king of the horizons 6.leader of the times 7.bounds
How long will you blow this redundant trumpet, how long these bows and arrows, daggers and knives. Man, the lord of everything from horizon to horizon, when will he free himself from geographic boundaries?

kab tak paRa rahega zindaan-e-tiiragi1 meN
ye kahkashaN2 ka daara3, ye mehr-o-mah4 ka daavar5
haa’el6 raheNge kab tak zauq-e-yaganagi7 meN
sehraaoN8 ke ye ghere9 daryaaoN10 ke ye chakkar11
1.prison of darkness 2.constellations, stars 3.king 4.sun and moon 5.king 6.obstruction 7.taste/desire of one-ness 8.deserts 9.encirclement 10.rivers 11.courses
How long will he rot, in this dungeon of ignorance? This envy of the stars, the lord of the sun and the moon. How long will the path to universal love remain thwarted by boundaries set by deserts or partitions drawn by rivers?

aqloN1 ke aaiinoN2 par, ae muqbilan3 e kam biiN4
kab tak paRe raheNge had-bandiyoN5 ke patthar
hubb-e-vatan6 ke sar par, ae auj-e-aadmiyat7
kab tak nahiN paRegi hubb-e-jahaN8 ki Thokar9
1.intellect 2.mirror 3.accepting, believers 4.short-sighted 5.boundary marking 6.love of country 7.apex of humanity 8.love of the world
How long will your vision be clouded, O myopic ones. How long will these false diversion of discrete boundaries weigh you down like stones. O, apex of humanism! When will mere patriotism be vanquished by universal love?

kab tak bani rahegi cheen-e-jabin-e-aadam1
naqshoN2 ki ye lakireN, ham shakl3 e maar-o-azshdar4
tu kya samajh sakega, nau-e-bashar5 ki vahdat6
ae ibn-e-diin-o-eemaN7, ae abd8-e-nasl9-o-gauhar10
1.wrinkled brow of man 2.maps 3.look alike 4.serpent and dragon 5.human species, humankind 8.servant 9.ancestry-progeny 10.pearls (wealth)
How long will the brow remain wrinkled, like lines on a map that are like serpents and dragons. How may you imbibe the oneness of human kind, O son of faith and religion, o slave of race and purity?

TaapauN1 se kapkapate2, astabl-e-zindagi3 meN
kab tak rahegi aaKhir laitaauu4 aye baradar
chalti rahegi kab tak, aye zindagi bata de
ye mazhab-o-zabaN5 ki zahnoN6 meN baad-e-sarsar7
1.hooves 2.throbbing, trembling 3.horse-stable of life 4.procrastination 5.religion and language 6.intellect 7.stormy winds
TaapoN se kapkapati is trembling with hoofbeats i.e.on the move, fast moving. Life is compared to a horse stable with beating hooves – “astabl-e-zindagi”, reinforcing the image of fast moving life. In this fast moviing life, how long will you refuse to alter, o brother? O Life, tell me how long it will continue to rage, this storm of religion and divided utterance, the minds of men?

kab tak bane rahoge ae varisaan-e-aadam1
apnoN meN aab-e-kauser2, GhairoN3 meN taab-e-Khanjar4
ye Ghair ka tasavvur5, iflaas-e-aagahi6 hai
rahte nahiN haiN pyaare, aGhyaar7 is zamiN par
1.progeny of Adam, mankind 2.water of River Kauser (of paradise – Islamic) 3.other (country, tribe or religion) 4.shine/sharpness of dagger 5.concept 6.bankruptcy of knowledge 7.others
“taab e Khanjar” juxtaposed with “aab e kauser” has some interesting readings. “taab” means “shine (glinty sharp), grandeur”. But it also means “curves, waves”. “aab” means water but also means shine, brilliance. Thus the juxtapostion throws up many parallels … waves of Kauser and curve of dagger, brilliance of water and sharpness of dagger, brilliance of water and of the dagger. How long will you remain, o descendents of Adam, life giving water to your own, sharp dagger to the “other”? The notion of “other”, is the dialect of a bankrupt mind. There is no “other” on this earth, my friend.

mashriq1 se taa-ba2 maGhrib3, ek nasl4 ek nasab5 hai
is aasmaN ke neeche aur is zamiN ke oopar
qaumoN meN baaNTta hai jo nasl-e-aadmi ko
mushrik6 hai aur kaafir7, kaafir hai balke8 akfar9
1.east 2.up to 3.west 4.pedigree 5.race 6.adding other gods – normally used to mean polytheist. Josh is using it here beautifully to imply denying the one-ness humanit 7.not a person of faith 8.even 9.extreme kafir
From the East to the West, there is but one pedigree. Under the sky and over the earth, only one humanity. He who divides humanity into compartments is nothing but a sinner, a perpetrator of the gravest sin.

teri hi tarah naadaN1, hum-nasl2 o hum-gohar3 haiN
saNg4 o bilor5 o Khisht6 o laal7 o giyaah8 o gauhar9
tujh ko Khabar10 nahiN hai ab tak ke fil-haqeeqat11
hum-jad12 haiN Khaar-o-nasriN13, tau-am14 haiN barg-o-marmar15
1.fool 2.same pedigree 3.same purity 4.stone 5.crystal 6.pebble 7.ruby 8.straw 9.pearl 10.knowledge, awareness 11.in truth 12.same ancestors 13.thorn and tulip 14.same mother 15.leaf/petal and marble
Just like you, O fool, they too are of the same pedigree and purity – rock and crystal, clay or ruby, straw or pearl. You still have not heard that in truth thistle and rose have the same father and petals and marble the same mother.

meri hi tarah tu bhi, ae kaash1 dekh sakta
aaGhosh-e-Khas2 meN sosan3, zanu-e-shab4 pe Khaavar5
hasti6 ka dekh mukhRa, meri nazar se pyaare
asma7 ko mahv8 kar ke, ashkaal9 ko haTaa kar
1.I wish 2.lap of grass 3.Iris (flower) 4.lap of the night 5.sun, day 6.existence, life 7.names 8.forget 9.faces
I wish you too could see like me, the Iris in the lap of hay and Day sitting by the side of Night. Look at the real visage (inner spirit) of existence with my eyes, my dear, overlooking names, setting aside faces

is ki bhi kuchh Khabar1 hai tujh ko ke zau-fashaaN2 hai
peshaani3 e Khazaf4 par la’al-o-gohar5 ka jhoomar
jis ki lapaT6 se gulshaN sara mahak raha hai
jhaaNki hai nastaran7 se ye Khaak8 muskura kar
1.knowledge, awareness 2.spreading light 3.forehead 4.pebble 5.ruby and pearl 6.embrace 7.rose 8.earth/soil
Are you even aware that the brow of a shard of clay shines bright with the beauty of ruby and pearl. The whole garden is redolent due to the embrace of the rose through which the dust of the earth smiles demurely.

tujh ko bhi ye pataa1 hai, kaisi jhalak2 rahi hai
aatish3 ki chilmanoN4 meN, aab-e-ravaaN5 ki jhalar6
tu ye bhi jaanta hai ae qahrmaan7 shahiiN8
tera hi ibn-e-um9 hai, sahma10 hua kabuutar
1.knowledge, awareness 2.reflecting 3.fire 4.curtains 5.flowing water 6.curtain/sheet (of waterfall) 7.tyrannical 8.falcon 9.son of the same mother 10.scared
Do you even see that the refulgence peeping through the curtains of the flame is just like the sheet of a waterfall. Do you know, O cruel falcon that that scared dove is the son of your own mother.

kis khoh1 meN hai aaKhir, tera Khateeb-e-aazam2
ae raasti3 ke mehraab4, ae raushni5 ke mimbar6
haN vahdat-e-Khuda7 ka aelaan8 ho chuka hai
ab vahdat-e-bashar9 ka duniya koii paiamber12
1.cave 2.great preacher 3.right path 4.central arch, focal point 5.light, virtue 6.pulpit 7.one-ness of god 8.declaration 9.one-ness of man 10.messenger, preacher In which (dark, blind) cave is the great preacher hiding, O focus of righteousness, O pulpit of virtue. The oneness of god has been declared. Now for the messenger to declare the oneness of humanity.

zindan e mussallas (lisaan, adiyan, autaan) – josh malihabadi
Three Cornered Prison – (language, faith, country)

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  This is a nazm in which josh writes passionately about love for the “other”, bringing out our prejudices based on language, faith and country.  He goes beyond humanity, declaring one-ness of all creation in the Sufi spirit.

kab tak raheNge aaKhir, ye tantane`1, ye taivar2
ye teer ye kamaaneN, ye neemche3, ye nashtar4
ye aadmi ye shah-e-aafaq5 o mir-e-dauraN6
niklega kab hisaar7 e joGhraphia se baahir

1.trumpets 2.angry looks 3.dagger 4.scalpel, knife 5.king of the horizons 6.leader of the times 7.bounds

How long will you blow this redundant trumpet, how long these bows and arrows, daggers and knives.  Man, the lord of everything from horizon to horizon, when will he free himself from geographic boundaries?

kab tak paRa rahega zindaan-e-tiiragi1 meN
ye kahkashaN2 ka daara3, ye mehr-o-mah4 ka daavar5
haa’el6 raheNge kab tak zauq-e-yaganagi7 meN
sehraaoN8 ke ye ghere9 daryaaoN10 ke ye chakkar11

1.prison of darkness 2.constellations, stars 3.king 4.sun and moon 5.king 6.obstruction 7.taste/desire of one-ness 8.deserts 9.encirclement 10.rivers 11.courses

How long will he rot, in this dungeon of ignorance? This envy of the stars, the lord of the sun and the moon.  How long will the path to universal love remain thwarted by boundaries set by deserts or partitions drawn by rivers?

aqloN1 ke aaiinoN2 par, ae muqbilan3 e kam biiN4
kab tak paRe raheNge had-bandiyoN5 ke patthar
hubb-e-vatan6 ke sar par, ae auj-e-aadmiyat7
kab tak nahiN paRegi hubb-e-jahaN8 ki Thokar9

1.intellect 2.mirror 3.accepting, believers 4.short-sighted 5.boundary marking 6.love of country 7.apex of humanity 8.love of the world

How long will your vision be clouded, O myopic ones.  How long will these false diversion of discrete boundaries weigh you down like stones.  O, apex of humanism! When will mere patriotism be vanquished by universal love?

kab tak bani rahegi cheen-e-jabin-e-aadam1
naqshoN2 ki ye lakireN, ham shakl3 e maar-o-azshdar4
tu kya samajh sakega, nau-e-bashar5 ki vahdat6
ae ibn-e-diin-o-eemaN7, ae abd8-e-nasl9-o-gauhar10

1.wrinkled brow of man 2.maps 3.look alike 4.serpent and dragon 5.human species, humankind 8.servant 9.ancestry-progeny 10.pearls (wealth)

How long will the brow remain wrinkled, like lines on a map that are like serpents and dragons.  How may you imbibe the oneness of human kind, O son of faith and religion, o slave of race and purity?

TaapauN1 se kapkapate2, astabl-e-zindagi3 meN
kab tak rahegi aaKhir laitaauu4 aye baradar
chalti rahegi kab tak, aye zindagi bata de
ye mazhab-o-zabaN5 ki zahnoN6 meN baad-e-sarsar7

1.hooves 2.throbbing, trembling 3.horse-stable of life 4.procrastination 5.religion and language 6.intellect 7.stormy winds

TaapoN se kapkapati is trembling with hoofbeats i.e.on the move, fast moving. Life is compared to a horse stable with beating hooves – “astabl-e-zindagi”,  reinforcing the image of fast moving life.  In this fast moviing life, how long will you refuse to alter, o brother?  O Life, tell me how long it will continue to rage, this storm of religion and divided utterance, the minds of men?

kab tak bane rahoge ae varisaan-e-aadam1
apnoN meN aab-e-kauser2, GhairoN3 meN taab-e-Khanjar4
ye Ghair ka tasavvur5, iflaas-e-aagahi6 hai
rahte nahiN haiN pyaare, aGhyaar7 is zamiN par

1.progeny of Adam, mankind 2.water of River Kauser (of paradise – Islamic) 3.other (country, tribe or religion) 4.shine/sharpness of dagger 5.concept 6.bankruptcy of knowledge 7.others

“taab e Khanjar” juxtaposed with “aab e kauser” has some interesting readings. “taab” means “shine (glinty sharp), grandeur”. But it also means “curves, waves”. “aab” means water but also means shine, brilliance. Thus the juxtapostion throws up many parallels … waves of Kauser and curve of dagger, brilliance of water and sharpness of dagger, brilliance of water and of the dagger.  How long will you remain, o descendents of Adam, life giving water to your own, sharp dagger to the “other”?  The notion of “other”, is the dialect of a bankrupt mind.  There is no “other” on this earth, my friend.

mashriq1 se taa-ba2 maGhrib3, ek nasl4 ek nasab5 hai
is aasmaN ke neeche aur is zamiN ke oopar
qaumoN meN baaNTta hai jo nasl-e-aadmi ko
mushrik6 hai aur kaafir7, kaafir hai balke8 akfar9

1.east 2.up to 3.west 4.pedigree 5.race 6.adding other gods – normally used to mean polytheist. Josh is using it here beautifully to imply denying the one-ness humanit 7.not a person of faith 8.even 9.extreme kafir

From the East to the West, there is but one pedigree.  Under the sky and over the earth, only one humanity.  He who divides humanity into compartments is nothing but a sinner, a perpetrator of the gravest sin.

teri hi tarah naadaN1, hum-nasl2 o hum-gohar3 haiN
saNg4 o bilor5 o Khisht6 o laal7 o giyaah8 o gauhar9
tujh ko Khabar10 nahiN hai ab tak ke fil-haqeeqat11
hum-jad12 haiN Khaar-o-nasriN13, tau-am14 haiN barg-o-marmar15

1.fool 2.same pedigree 3.same purity 4.stone 5.crystal 6.pebble 7.ruby 8.straw 9.pearl 10.knowledge, awareness 11.in truth 12.same ancestors 13.thorn and tulip 14.same mother 15.leaf/petal and marble

Just like you, O fool, they too are of the same pedigree and purity – rock and crystal, clay or ruby, straw or pearl.  You still have not heard that in truth thistle and rose have the same father and petals and marble the same mother.

meri hi tarah tu bhi, ae kaash1 dekh sakta
aaGhosh-e-Khas2 meN sosan3, zanu-e-shab4 pe Khaavar5
hasti6 ka dekh mukhRa, meri nazar se pyaare
asma7 ko mahv8 kar ke, ashkaal9 ko haTaa kar

1.I wish 2.lap of grass 3.Iris (flower) 4.lap of the night 5.sun, day 6.existence, life 7.names 8.forget 9.faces

I wish you too could see like me, the Iris in the lap of hay and Day sitting by the side of Night.  Look at the real visage (inner spirit) of existence with my eyes, my dear, overlooking names, setting aside faces

is ki bhi kuchh Khabar1 hai tujh ko ke zau-fashaaN2 hai
peshaani3 e Khazaf4 par la’al-o-gohar5 ka jhoomar
jis ki lapaT6 se gulshaN sara mahak raha hai
jhaaNki hai nastaran7 se ye Khaak8 muskura kar

1.knowledge, awareness 2.spreading light 3.forehead 4.pebble 5.ruby and pearl 6.embrace 7.rose 8.earth/soil

Are you even aware that the brow of a shard of clay shines bright with the beauty of ruby and pearl.  The whole garden is redolent due to the embrace of the rose through which the dust of the earth smiles demurely.

tujh ko bhi ye pataa1 hai, kaisi jhalak2 rahi hai
aatish3 ki chilmanoN4 meN, aab-e-ravaaN5 ki jhalar6
tu ye bhi jaanta hai ae qahrmaan7 shahiiN8
tera hi ibn-e-um9 hai, sahma10 hua kabuutar

1.knowledge, awareness 2.reflecting 3.fire 4.curtains 5.flowing water 6.curtain/sheet (of waterfall) 7.tyrannical 8.falcon 9.son of the same mother 10.scared

Do you even see that the refulgence peeping through the curtains of the flame is just like the sheet of a waterfall.  Do you know, O cruel falcon that that scared dove is the son of your own mother.

kis khoh1 meN hai aaKhir, tera Khateeb-e-aazam2
ae raasti3 ke mehraab4, ae raushni5 ke mimbar6
haN vahdat-e-Khuda7 ka aelaan8 ho chuka hai
ab vahdat-e-bashar9 ka duniya koii paiamber12

1.cave 2.great preacher 3.right path 4.central arch, focal point 5.light, virtue 6.pulpit 7.one-ness of god 8.declaration 9.one-ness of man 10.messenger, preacher

In which (dark, blind) cave is the great preacher hiding, O focus of righteousness, O pulpit of virtue.  The oneness of god has been declared.  Now for the messenger to declare the oneness of humanity.