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آفت رسیدہ ہوں ۔ غلام ہمدانی مصحفیؔ
نے زخمِ خوں چکاں ہوں نہ حلقِ بریدہ ہوں
عاشق ہوں میں کسی کا اور آفت رسیدہ ہوں
ہستی سے اپنی مجھ کو نہیں مطلق آگہی
عمرِ گزشتہ یا کہ غزالِ رمیدہ ہوں
نکلے ہے میری وضع سے اک شورشِ جنوں
دریا نہیں میں سیلِ گریباں دریدہ ہوں
مرغانِ باغ میں مرے نالے کا شور ہے
ہر چند میں ابھی نفسِ نا کشیدہ ہوں
پہنچے سزا کو اپنی جو منہ پر مرے چڑھے
میں دستِ روزگار میں تیغِ کشیدہ ہوں
جاتا ہے جلد قافلۂ عمر کس قدر
مہلت نہیں ہے اتنی کہ ٹک آرمیدہ ہوں
کون اُٹھ گیا ہے پاس سے میرے جو مصحفیؔ
روتا ہوں زار زار پڑا آب دیدہ ہوں
आफ़त-रसीदा हूँ – ग़ुलाम हमदानी मुस्हफ़ी
ने ज़ख़्म-ए ख़ूँ-चकाँ हूँ न हलक़-ए बुरीदा हूँ
आशिक़ हूँ मैं किसी का और आफ़त-रसीदा हूँ
हस्ती से अपनी मुझ को नहीं मुत्लक़ आगही
उम्र-ए गुज़िश्ता या कि ग़ज़ाल-ए रमीदा हूँ
निकले है मेरी वज़’अ से एक शोरिश-ए जुनूँ
दर्या नहीं मैं सैल-ए गरेबाँ-दरीदा हूँ
मुर्ग़ान-ए बाग़ में मेरे नाले का शोर है
हर-चंद मैं अभी नफ़स-ए ना-कशीदा हूँ
पहुँचे सज़ा को अपनी जो मुँह पर मेरे चढ़े
मैं दस्त-ए रोज़्गार में तेग़-ए कशीदा हूँ
जाता है जल्द क़ाफ़ेला-ए उम्र किस क़दर
मोहलत नहीं है इतनी कि टुक आरमीदा हूँ
कौन उठ गया है पास से मेरे जो मुस’हफ़ी
रोता हूँ ज़ार-ज़ार पढा आब-दीदा हूँ
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. sheiKh Ghulam hamadaani mus’hafi (1747-1824) ballamgarh-delhi – a voracious reader and a great collector of notes on his readings. mus’hafi’s works remained scattered and unpublished for many years after his death except manuscripts in various libraries. Later he moved to lukhnau and his rivalry with insha is legendary.
ne zaKhm-e KhooN-chakaaN1 huN na halaq2-e buriida3 huN
aashiq huN maiN kisi ka aur aafat-rasiida4 huN 1.blood dripping/flowing 2.throat 3.cut, slit 4.calamity stricken
The imagery is that the poet is wounded and dripping blood and people are asking him how he got wounded. He answers … I have not received any bleeding wounds nor has my throat been slit. I am someone’s lover who has been stricken with calamities (because of the cruelties of beloved).
hasti1 se apni mujh ko nahiN mutlaq2 aagahi3
umr-e guzishta4 yaa keh Ghazaal5-e ramiida6 huN 1.existence, life 2.absolutely, surely 3.awareness, knowledge 4.past, passing 5.deer 6.running
I am absolutely unaware of (the meaning of) my own existence/life. Is this my passing life or is it a running/leaping deer.
nikle hai meri vaz’a1 se ek shorish2-e junooN3
dariya4 nahiN maiN sail5-e garebaaN-dariida6 huN, methods 2.tumult 3.passion 4.river 5.flood 6.torn collar
From my style/behaviour can be seen a tumult of passion. This is not a river it is a flood of my ‘torn collar’ – crying in distress because of the pain of love.
murGhaan1-e baaGh meN mere naale2 ka shor3 hai
har-chand4 maiN abhi nafas5-e naa-kashiida6 huN 1.birds 2.wails 3.sound, cries 4.even though 5.breath 6.not fully stretched/drawn
The songs of birds in the garden reflect the sound of my sorrowful wails, even though I have not fully drawn my breath yet. He may be saying that his Ghazal-goii has not reached its peak yet, there is much more to come.
pahuNche sazaa1 ko apnii jo muNh par mere chaRhe
maiN dast2-e rozgaar3 meN teGh4-e kashiida5 huN 1.punishment 2.hand 3.daily living, world 4.sword 5.drawn
muNh par chaRhna is a phrase meaning pick a fight with. Could this possibly be a dig at insha. They were both known to badmouth each other. Whoever picks a fight with me will get due punishment. I am like a drawn sword in the hands of the world.
jaataa hai jald1 qaafila2-e umr3 kis qadar4
mohlat5 nahiN hai itni keh Tuk6 aaramiida7 huN, quickly party, caravan much 5.lull, spare time, leisure 6.a little 7.rested, comfortable
How quickly does the caravan of life pass. There is no time to spare that you take even a little rest.
kaun uTh gaya hai paas se mere jo mus’hafi1
rotaa huN zaar-zaar2 paRaa aab-diida3 huN 1.penname of the poet 2.profusely 3.teary eyed
The imagery is the beloved got up and left. Thus, who is it that has left my side, O mus’hafi that I am crying profusely and lie here teary eyed.
sheiKh Ghulam hamadaani mus’hafi (1747-1824) ballamgarh-delhi – a voracious reader and a great collector of notes on his readings. mus’hafi’s works remained scattered and unpublished for many years after his death except manuscripts in various libraries. Later he moved to lukhnau and his rivalry with insha is legendary.
ne zaKhm-e KhooN-chakaaN1 huN na halaq2-e buriida3 huN
aashiq huN maiN kisi ka aur aafat-rasiida4 huN
1.blood dripping/flowing 2.throat 3.cut, slit 4.calamity stricken
The imagery is that the poet is wounded and dripping blood and people are asking him how he got wounded. He answers … I have not received any bleeding wounds nor has my throat been slit. I am someone’s lover who has been stricken with calamities (because of the cruelties of beloved).
hasti1 se apni mujh ko nahiN mutlaq2 aagahi3
umr-e guzishta4 yaa keh Ghazaal5-e ramiida6 huN
1.existence, life 2.absolutely, surely 3.awareness, knowledge 4.past, passing 5.deer 6.running
I am absolutely unaware of (the meaning of) my own existence/life. Is this my passing life or is it a running/leaping deer.
nikle hai meri vaz’a1 se ek shorish2-e junooN3
dariya4 nahiN maiN sail5-e garebaaN-dariida6 huN, methods 2.tumult 3.passion 4.river 5.flood 6.torn collar
From my style/behaviour can be seen a tumult of passion. This is not a river it is a flood of my ‘torn collar’ – crying in distress because of the pain of love.
murGhaan1-e baaGh meN mere naale2 ka shor3 hai
har-chand4 maiN abhi nafas5-e naa-kashiida6 huN
1.birds 2.wails 3.sound, cries 4.even though 5.breath 6.not fully stretched/drawn
The songs of birds in the garden reflect the sound of my sorrowful wails, even though I have not fully drawn my breath yet. He may be saying that his Ghazal-goii has not reached its peak yet, there is much more to come.
pahuNche sazaa1 ko apnii jo muNh par mere chaRhe
maiN dast2-e rozgaar3 meN teGh4-e kashiida5 huN
1.punishment 2.hand 3.daily living, world 4.sword 5.drawn
muNh par chaRhna is a phrase meaning pick a fight with. Could this possibly be a dig at insha. They were both known to badmouth each other. Whoever picks a fight with me will get due punishment. I am like a drawn sword in the hands of the world.
jaataa hai jald1 qaafila2-e umr3 kis qadar4
mohlat5 nahiN hai itni keh Tuk6 aaramiida7 huN, quickly party, caravan much 5.lull, spare time, leisure 6.a little 7.rested, comfortable
How quickly does the caravan of life pass. There is no time to spare that you take even a little rest.
kaun uTh gaya hai paas se mere jo mus’hafi1
rotaa huN zaar-zaar2 paRaa aab-diida3 huN
1.penname of the poet 2.profusely 3.teary eyed
The imagery is the beloved got up and left. Thus, who is it that has left my side, O mus’hafi that I am crying profusely and lie here teary eyed.