For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
احبابِ پاکستان كے نام ۔ جگنّاتھ آزادؔ
اک نیا ماحول، اک تازہ سماں پیدا کریں
دوستو! آؤ محبّت کی زباں پیدا کریں
ہو سکے تو اک بہارِ گُل فشاں پیدا کریں
اپنے ہاتھوں سے نہ اب دورِ خزاں پیدا کریں
تابہ كئے بیگانگی احساس پر طاری رہے
ایک ماحولِ فضائے دوستاں پیدا کریں
جنگ كے شعلے تو ٹھنڈے ہو چکے مدّت ہوئی
آؤ اب اُن کی جگہ اک گُلستاں پیدا کریں
دوستو! جس پر ہمیں بھی ناز تھا تم کو بھی فخر
پِھر وہی سرمایۂ دردِ نہاں پیدا کریں
بُو کبھی بارود کی جِس کے قریب آنے نہ پائے
ایک ایسا عالمِ امن و اماں پیدا کریں
کل لکھی تھی ہم نے اوروں كے لہو سے داستاں
اپنے خونِ دِل سے اب اک داستاں پیدا کریں
کہہ رہی ہے ہم سے یہ تاریخ کی آواز آج
ہند و پاک اک اِتحادِ جسم و جاں پیدا کریںں
جذبۂ نفرت اگر دِل میں نہاں ہو جائے گا
اک دن آئے گا دونوں کا زیاں ہو جائے گا
کیا کہوں میں اب جو حالِ گلستاں ہو جائے گا
شعلۂ بیباک اگر خس میں رواں ہو جائے گا
ہنس رہی ہے آج اک دنیا ہمارے حال پر
دوستو! اِس طرح تو دِل خوںچکاں ہو جائے گا
ہَم اگر اک دوسرے پر مہرباں ہو جائیں آج
ہَم پہ گویا اک زمانہ مہرباں ہو جائے گا
جادۂ مہر و وفا پر گر نہ ہَم مل کر چلے
جو ہے ذرّہ راہ کا سنگِ گراں ہو جائے گا
اک ہماری اور تمہاری دوستی کی دیر ہے
جو مخالف آج ہے کل ہمزباں ہو جائے گا
پِھر غزل کو لوٹ آئے گی میری فکرِ جمیل
اور ہی میرا کچھ اندازِ بیاں ہو جائے گا
اور اگر یارو ! ذرا بھی ہم نے اس میں دیر کی
ہر گُلِ تر ایک چشمِ خوں فشاں ہو جائے گا
مجھکو حیرت ہے تمہیں اِسکا ذرا بھی غم نہیں
جس قدر قدریں ہماری تھیں پریشاں ہو گئیں
کچھ خبر بھی ہے کہ اِس آتش نوائی کے تفیل
خاک میں کیا صورتیں ہونگیں کہ پنہاں ہو گئیں
یاد بھی ہیں کچھ وہ رنگارنگ بزم آرائیاں
آج جو نقش و نگارِ تاقِ نسیاں ہو گئیں
دوستو تم نے دیا جب ساتھ استبداد کا
غالب و اقبال کی روحیں پریشاں ہو گئیں
پرچمِ اِخلاص گردوں سے زمیں پر گِر گیا
ائے کئی برسوں کی محنت! تجھ پہ پانی پھر گیا
میری نظروں سے جو مستقبل کو دیکھو دوستو
وہ اندھیرا جو مسلط تھا ہوا ہونے کو ہے
مدّتوں جو سینۂ ماضی میں سر بستہ رہا
اب وہ مستقبل کے ہاتھوں راز وا ہونے کو ہے
کہہ رہی ہے مجھ سے آج ائے دوستو تصویرِ حال
آدمی پر آدمی کا حق ادا ہونے کو ہے
نالۂ صیّاد ہی اِس دور کی منزل نہیں
خونِ گلچیں سے کلی رنگیں قبا ہونے کو ہے
آنکھ جو کچھ دیکھتی ہے لب پہ آ سکتا نہیں
کیا کہوں میں آج مشرق کیا سے کیا ہونے کو ہے
سینہ چاکوں کی جدائی کا زمانہ جا چکا
بزمِ گُل کی ہم نفس، بادِ صبا ہونے کو ہے
صبح کی ضو سے دمک اُٹھنے کو ہے برّ صغیر
اور ظلمت رات کی سیماب پا ہونے کو ہے
अहबाब-ए पकिस्तान के नाम – जगन्नाथ आज़ाद
एक नया माहौल, एक ताज़ा समां पैदा करें
दोस्तो! आओ मोहब्बत की ज़बां पैदा करें
हो सके तो एक बहार-ए गुलसितां पैदा करें
अपने हाथों से न अब दौर-ए ख़िज़ां पैदा करें
ता-ब-कै बेगानगी एहसास पर तारी रहे
एक माहौल-ए वफ़ा-ए दोस्तां पैदा करें
जंग के शोले तो ठंडे हो चुके, मुद्दत हुई
आओ अब इनकी जगह एक गुलसितां पैदा करें
दोस्तो! जिस पर हमें भी नाज़ था तुमको भी फ़ख़्र
फिर वही सरमाया-ए-दर्दे निहां पैदा करें
बू कभी बारूद की जिसके क़रीब आने न पाये
एक ऐसा आलम-ए अम्न ओ अमां पैदा करें
कल लिखी थी हम ने औरों के लहू से दास्तां
अपने ख़ून-ए दिल से अब एक दास्तां पैदा करें
कह रही है हम से ये तारीख़ कि आवाज़ आज
हिन्द ओ पाक एक इत्तिहाद-ए जिस्म ओ जां पैदा करें
जज़्बा-ए नफ़रत अगर दिल में निहां हो जायेगा
एक दिन आयेगा दोनों का ज़ियां हो जायेगा
क्या कहूं मैं अब जो हाल-ए गुलसितां हो जायेगा
शोला-ए बेबाक अगर ख़स में रवां हो जायेगा
हंस रही है आज एक दुनिया हमारे हाल पर
दोस्तो! इस तरह तो दिल ख़ूंचकां हो जायेगा
हम अगर एक दूसरे पर मेहरबां हो जायें आज
हम पे गोया एक ज़माना मेहरबां हो जायेगा
जादा-ए महर ओ वफ़ा पर हम न गर मिलकर चले
जो है ज़र्रा राह का संग-ए गरां हो जायेगा
एक हमारी और तुम्हारी दोस्ती की देर है
जो मुख़ालिफ़ आज है कल हमज़बां हो जायेगा
फिर ग़ज़ल को लौट आयेगी मेरी फ़िक्र-ए जमील
और ही मेरा कुछ अन्दाज़-ए बयां हो जायेगा
और अगर यारो! ज़रा भी हमने इसमें देर की
हर गुल-ए तर एक चश्म-ए ख़ूँफ़शां हो जायेगा
मुझको हैरत है तुम्हें इसका ज़रा भी ग़म नहीं
जिस क़दर क़द्रें हमारी थीं परेशां हो गयीं
कुछ ख़बर भी है के इस आतिश नवाई के तुफ़ैल
‘‘ख़ाक में क्या सूरतें होंगी के पिन्हां हो गई’’
याद भी हैं कुछ वो रंगारंग बज़्म आराइयां
‘‘आज जो नक़्श ओ निगार-ए ताक़-ए निसियां हो गयीं’’
दोस्तो! तुमने दिया जब साथ इस्तिब्दाद का
ग़ालिब ओ इक़बाल की रूहें परेशां हो गयीं
परचम-ए इख़्लास गर्दूं से ज़मीं पर गिर गया
अए कई बरसों की मेहनत! तुझ पे पानी फिर गया
मेरी नज़रों से जो मुस्तक़्बिल को देखो दोस्तो
वो अंधेरा जो मुसल्लत था हवा होने को है
मुद्दतों जो सीना-ए माज़ी में सर-बस्ता रहा
अब वो मुस्तक़्बिल के हाथों राज़ वा होने को है
कह रही है मुझसे आज अय दोस्तो तस्वीर-ए हाल
आदमी पर आदमी का हक़ अदा होने को है
नाला-ए सय्याद ही इस दौर की मंज़िल नहीं
ख़ून-ए गुलचीं से कली रंगीं क़बा होने को है
‘‘आंख जो कुछ देखती है लब पे आ सकता नहीं’’
क्या कहूं मैं आज मश्रिक़ क्या से क्या होने को है
सीना चाकौं की जुदाई का ज़माना जा चुका
‘‘बज़्म-ए गुल की हमनफ़स’’ बाद-ए सबा होने को है
सुबह की ज़ौ से दमक उठने को है बर्रे-सग़ीर
और ज़ुल्म़त रात की सीमाब-पा होने को है
Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion. azaad (1918-2004) born in isa Khel, miaN vali, at the border between punjab and the then NWFP, had to leave Pakistan for India after partition, even though he initially had no intention of doing so. It is reported that he even wrote the first national anthem of Pakistan, sar zamin-e pak, at the invitation of jinnah. He had no bitterness, only sorrow at the loss of his home and love for both his home and his adopted home. He wrote very loving compositions to bharat ke muslmaan (1949) and ahbaab-e pakistan ke naam. The difference between these and the present is remarkable. It is also illustrative to read ahbaab-e pakistan ke naam together with ahmad faraz’s “dosti ka haath”.
ek nayaa maahaul1, ek taazaa2 samaaN3 paidaa kareN
dosto! aao mohabbat ki zabaaN paidaa kareN
ho sake to ek bahaar-e gulsitaaN paidaa kareN
apne haathauN se na ab daur4-e KhizaaN5 paidaa kareN 1.environment 2.fresh 3.scene 4.period/time of 5.autumn, dry/barren season
Let us create a new environment, a fresh scene. Friends, let us create a language of love. Let us create spring in the garden, try not to create the barrenness of autumn.
taa-ba-kai1 begaanagi2 ehsaas3 par taari4 rahe
ek maahaul5-e vafaa6-e dostaaN7 paidaa kareN
jaNg ke shole8 to ThanDe ho chuke, muddat9 hui
aao ab unkee jagah ek gulsitaaN paidaa kareN 1.for how long 2.alienation 3.feelings 4.spread over, covering 5.environment, commitment 7.friends 8.flames 9.long time
For how long will alienation spread over our feelings. Let us create an atmosphere of commitment of friendship. The flames of war have now been put out (this was written in 1949-50 and azad who had feet firmly planted in both countries was being very optimistic). In their place let us create a garden.
dosto! jis par hameN bhi naaz1 thaa tumko bhi faKhr2
phir vahi sarmaaya3-e dard-e nihaaN4 paidaa kareN
bu5 kabhi baarood6 ki jis ke qareeb7 aane na paaye
ek aisaa aalam8-e amn o amaaN9 paidaa kareN 1.pride 2.pride 3.wealth, treasure 4.hidden pain (of love) 5.smell 6.gunpowder 7.near of 9.peach and well-being
Friends! that which you (Pakistan) and we (India) were proud of, let us re-create that wealth of the hidden pain (of love). Let us create a world of peace and well-being that is free of the smell of gunpowder.
kal likhee thi hum ne auroN ke lahu1 se daastaaN2
apne Khoon-e dil se ab ek daastaaN paidaa kareN
kah rahi hai hum se ye tariKh3 ki aavaaz aaj
hind o paak ek ittihaad4-e jism5 o jaaN6 paidaa kareN 1.blood 2.story 3.history 4.unity 5.body, soul
Yesterday, our history was written by someone else’s blood/will. The “someone else” could be the British or the conspirators who created Hindu-Muslim strife. Let us now write our story with the blood of our heart/with love. History demands from us today that India and Pakistan form a union like body and soul.
jazba1-e nafrat2 agar dil meN nihaaN3 ho jaayegaa
ek din aayegaa donoN ka ziyaaN4 ho jaayegaa
kya kahuN maiN ab jo haal-e gulsitaaN ho jaayegaa
shola5-e bebaak6 agar Khas7 meN ravaaN8 ho jaayegaa 1.feeling of 2.hatred 3.unseen, hidden 4.loss 5.flame 6.reckless 7.straw 8.flow, pass through
If feelings of hatred make a secret home in the heart, then both will lose. How can I describe what will happen to the garden when the reckless flame passes through dry straw!
haNs rahi hai aaj ek duniya hamaare haal par
dosto! is tarah to dil KhooNchakaaN1 ho jaayegaa
hum agar ek doosre par mehrbaaN2 ho jaayeN aaj
hum pe goyaa3 ek zamaanaa4 mehrbaaN ho jaayegaa 1.dripping blood 2.kind, loving if 4.times, the world
The world is laughing at us today. If we continue like this then our hearts will bleed to death. But if we learn to love each other, it will be as if the whole world loves us.
jaada1-e mehr2 o vafa3 par hum na gar4 mil kar chale
jo hai zarra5 raah6 ka saNg7-e giraaN8 ho jaayegaa
ek hamaari aur tumhaari dosti ki der hai
jo muKhaalif9 aaj hai kal hamzabaaN10 ho jaayegaa 1.path of 2.kindness, friendship 4.if 5.particle 6.pathway 7.stone, rock 8.heavy, big 9.opposed agreement
If we don’t walk together on the path of kindness and friendship, then even small particles in the pathway will become huge, obstructive rocks. As soon as you and we become friends, then those that are opposed to us will become supporters.
phir Ghazal ko lauT1 aayegee meri fikr2-e jameel3
aur hi mera kuchh andaaz4-e bayaaN5 ho jaayegaa
aur agar yaaro! zara bhi hum ne is meN der ki
har gul-e tar6 ek chashm7-e KhooN-fashaaN8 ho jaayegaa 1.return to 2.thought 3.beautiful of 5.reciting/writing (poetry) 6.moist/fresh flower 7.eye 8.blood flowing/dripping
(As soon as we become friends) beauty of thought will return to my Ghazal and my the style of my composition will become something else. And if my friends, we delay this, then every flower will turn into a blood dripping eye (will cry tears of blood).
mujhko hairat hai tumheN iska zara bhi Gham nahiN
jis qadar1 qadreN2 hamaari theeN pareshaaN3 ho gayeeN
kuchh Khabar4 bhi hai ke is aatish-navaaii5 ke tufail6
‘‘Khaak meN kya soorateN hoNgi ke pinhaaN7 ho gayeeN’’ 1.however much 2.respect 3.scattered, lost, awareness 5.fiery speech 6.due to 7.hidden
I am surprised that you do not seem to regret that however much respect we had, we have lost. Are you even aware that because of this fiery speech so many beautiful faces are now concealed/covered in dust. The last misra is taken directly from a Ghalib Ghazal where he bemoans the loss of friends who have been buried and “hidden in the dust”.
yaad bhi haiN kuchh vo raNgaaraNg bazm1 aaraaiiaaN2
‘‘aaj jo naqsh o nigaar3-e taaq4-e nisiyaaN5 ho gayeeN’’
dosto! tum ne diyaa jab saath istibdaad6 ka
Ghaalib-o-iqbaal ki rooheN7 pareshaaN8 ho gayeeN 1.gathering, celebration 2.arranging 3.etchings and decorations 4.alcove, shelf 5.forgetfulness 6.absolute power 7.spirit 8.worried
The first misra is derived from and the second misra is directly taken from a Ghazal of Ghalib. Do you remember that colourful/joyful parties we used to arrange. Now those are merely decorations on the shelf of forgetfulness/memories. Friends, when you supported oppression, the spirit of Ghalib and iqbal was agitated.
parcham1-e iKhlaas2 gardooN3 se zamiN par gir gayaa
ay kaii barsauN ki mehnat! tujh pe paani phir4 gayaa 1.banner 2.sincerity, friendship 4.get washed away, wasted
The banner of sincerity, once flying overhead, fell to the ground. Many years of hard work got washed away, went to waste.
meri nazrauN se jo mustaqbil1 ko dekho dosto
vo andhera jo musallat2 tha havaa hone ko hai
muddatauN3 jo seena-e maazi4 meN sar-bastaa5 rahaa
ab vo mustaqbil1 ke haathauN raaz6 vaa7 hone ko hai 1.future 2.dominant 3.for ages the bosom of the past/history 5.head closed i.e. hidden 6.secret 7.reveal
Azad is very optimistic and quite naïve. He says that Hindus and Muslims have lived in harmony for long. This was a well kept secret and distorted in recent times by the British. If you look at the future through my eyes you will see through the trickery of the British and the secret (of Hindu-Muslim harmony) which has been hidden for long will now be revealed.
kah rahi hai mujh se aaj ay dosto tasveer-e haal1
aadmi par aadmi kaa haq2 adaa3 hone ko hai
naala-e sayyaad4 hi is daur5 ki manzil6 nahiN
Khoon-e gulchiN7 se kalee raNgiN-qabaa8 hone ko hai 1.picture of the present conditions 2.rights 4.cry of the bird-catcher 5.period, times 6.destination 7.blood of the flower picker 8.coloured cloak
Azad continues to be very optimistic and naïve. He sees in the present conditions a mutual respect for human rights. In urdu poetry “sayyaad” is the symbol of cruelty who snares the bulbul and puts her in a cage. The bulbul of course is in love with the gul/rose. The gulchiN/flower picker is also a symbol of cruelty. But sometimes when he picks buds, his fingers get pierced by thorns and he bleeds. That blood, dripping on the bud, colours its robe red. Here, the sayyaad and the gulchiN could either be the British and/or the political forces that stoked enmity/riots between Hindus and Muslims. Thus, you don’t have to run towards the cry of the sayyaad and get snared in his web of deceit. The gulchiN too is going to get some measure of justice.
‘‘aaNkh jo kuchh dekhti hai lab1 pe aa saktaa nahiN’’
kya kahuN maiN aaj mashriq2 kya se kya hone ko hai
seena-chaakauN3 ki judaaii4 ka zamaana jaa chukaa
‘‘bazm5-e gul ki hamnafas6’’ baad-e sabaa7 hone ko hai 1.lips 2.east 3.torn bosom 4.separation 5.gathering, assembly 6.same breath, friendship 7.morning breeze
What I see, I cannot describe. The conditions of the East are about to change. Those with rent hearts (saddened) by separation/division of the communities are about to be rejoined and become friends again like the morning breeze is the friend of the garden (assembly of flowers).
subah ki zau1 se damak uThne ko hai barr-e saGhiir2
aur zulmat3 raat ki seemaab-paa4 hone ko hai1.light 2.small continent, sub-continent 3.darkness 4.feet like mercury, run away
In urdu poetry the light of dawn of the “east” is most often used to mean the rise of socialism. The darkness of night is sued as a metaphor for injustice. Jagan Nath Azad was not a socialist but closely associated with Nehru and Nehruvian movement. So it is just possible that he is writing about socialism. The sub-continent is about to shine with the light of dawn and the darkness of night is about to disappear.
azaad (1918-2004) born in isa Khel, miaN vali, at the border between punjab and the then NWFP, had to leave Pakistan for India after partition, even though he initially had no intention of doing so. It is reported that he even wrote the first national anthem of Pakistan, sar zamin-e pak, at the invitation of jinnah. He had no bitterness, only sorrow at the loss of his home and love for both his home and his adopted home. He wrote very loving compositions to bharat ke musalmaan (1949) and ahbaab-e pakistan ke naam. The difference between these and the present is remarkable. It is also illustrative to read ahbaab-e pakistan ke naam together with ahmad faraz’s “dosti ka haath”.
ek nayaa maahaul1, ek taazaa2 samaaN3 paidaa kareN
dosto! aao mohabbat ki zabaaN paidaa kareN
ho sake to ek bahaar-e gulsitaaN paidaa kareN
apne haathauN se na ab daur4-e KhizaaN5 paidaa kareN
1.environment 2.fresh 3.scene 4.period/time of 5.autumn, dry/barren season
Let us create a new environment, a fresh scene. Friends, let us create a language of love. Let us create spring in the garden, try not to create the barrenness of autumn.
taa-ba-kai1 begaanagi2 ehsaas3 par taari4 rahe
ek maahaul5-e vafaa6-e dostaaN7 paidaa kareN
jaNg ke shole8 to ThanDe ho chuke, muddat9 hui
aao ab unkee jagah ek gulsitaaN paidaa kareN
1.for how long 2.alienation 3.feelings 4.spread over, covering 5.environment, commitment 7.friends 8.flames 9.long time
For how long will alienation spread over our feelings. Let us create an atmosphere of commitment of friendship. The flames of war have now been put out (this was written in 1949-50 and azad who had feet firmly planted in both countries was being very optimistic). In their place let us create a garden.
dosto! jis par hameN bhi naaz1 thaa tumko bhi faKhr2
phir vahi sarmaaya3-e dard-e nihaaN4 paidaa kareN
bu5 kabhi baarood6 ki jis ke qareeb7 aane na paaye
ek aisaa aalam8-e amn o amaaN9 paidaa kareN
1.pride 2.pride 3.wealth, treasure 4.hidden pain (of love) 5.smell 6.gunpowder 7.near of 9.peach and well-being
Friends! that which you (Pakistan) and we (India) were proud of, let us re-create that wealth of the hidden pain (of love). Let us create a world of peace and well-being that is free of the smell of gunpowder.
kal likhee thi hum ne auroN ke lahu1 se daastaaN2
apne Khoon-e dil se ab ek daastaaN paidaa kareN
kah rahi hai hum se ye tariKh3 ki aavaaz aaj
hind o paak ek ittihaad4-e jism5 o jaaN6 paidaa kareN
1.blood 2.story 3.history 4.unity 5.body, soul
Yesterday, our history was written by someone else’s blood/will. The “someone else” could be the British or the conspirators who created Hindu-Muslim strife. Let us now write our story with the blood of our heart/with love. History demands from us today that India and Pakistan form a union like body and soul.
jazba1-e nafrat2 agar dil meN nihaaN3 ho jaayegaa
ek din aayegaa donoN ka ziyaaN4 ho jaayegaa
kya kahuN maiN ab jo haal-e gulsitaaN ho jaayegaa
shola5-e bebaak6 agar Khas7 meN ravaaN8 ho jaayegaa
1.feeling of 2.hatred 3.unseen, hidden 4.loss 5.flame 6.reckless 7.straw 8.flow, pass through
If feelings of hatred make a secret home in the heart, then both will lose. How can I describe what will happen to the garden when the reckless flame passes through dry straw!
haNs rahi hai aaj ek duniya hamaare haal par
dosto! is tarah to dil KhooNchakaaN1 ho jaayegaa
hum agar ek doosre par mehrbaaN2 ho jaayeN aaj
hum pe goyaa3 ek zamaanaa4 mehrbaaN ho jaayegaa
1.dripping blood 2.kind, loving if 4.times, the world
The world is laughing at us today. If we continue like this then our hearts will bleed to death. But if we learn to love each other, it will be as if the whole world loves us.
jaada1-e mehr2 o vafa3 par hum na gar4 mil kar chale
jo hai zarra5 raah6 ka saNg7-e giraaN8 ho jaayegaa
ek hamaari aur tumhaari dosti ki der hai
jo muKhaalif9 aaj hai kal hamzabaaN10 ho jaayegaa
1.path of 2.kindness, friendship 4.if 5.particle 6.pathway 7.stone, rock 8.heavy, big 9.opposed agreement
If we don’t walk together on the path of kindness and friendship, then even small particles in the pathway will become huge, obstructive rocks. As soon as you and we become friends, then those that are opposed to us will become supporters.
phir Ghazal ko lauT1 aayegee meri fikr2-e jameel3
aur hi mera kuchh andaaz4-e bayaaN5 ho jaayegaa
aur agar yaaro! zara bhi hum ne is meN der ki
har gul-e tar6 ek chashm7-e KhooN-fashaaN8 ho jaayegaa
1.return to 2.thought 3.beautiful of 5.reciting/writing (poetry) 6.moist/fresh flower 7.eye 8.blood flowing/dripping
(As soon as we become friends) beauty of thought will return to my Ghazal and my the style of my composition will become something else. And if my friends, we delay this, then every flower will turn into a blood dripping eye (will cry tears of blood).
mujhko hairat hai tumheN iska zara bhi Gham nahiN
jis qadar1 qadreN2 hamaari theeN pareshaaN3 ho gayeeN
kuchh Khabar4 bhi hai ke is aatish-navaaii5 ke tufail6
‘‘Khaak meN kya soorateN hoNgi ke pinhaaN7 ho gayeeN’’
1.however much 2.respect 3.scattered, lost, awareness 5.fiery speech 6.due to 7.hidden
I am surprised that you do not seem to regret that however much respect we had, we have lost. Are you even aware that because of this fiery speech so many beautiful faces are now concealed/covered in dust. The last misra is taken directly from a Ghalib Ghazal where he bemoans the loss of friends who have been buried and “hidden in the dust”.
yaad bhi haiN kuchh vo raNgaaraNg bazm1 aaraaiiaaN2
‘‘aaj jo naqsh o nigaar3-e taaq4-e nisiyaaN5 ho gayeeN’’
dosto! tum ne diyaa jab saath istibdaad6 ka
Ghaalib-o-iqbaal ki rooheN7 pareshaaN8 ho gayeeN
1.gathering, celebration 2.arranging 3.etchings and decorations 4.alcove, shelf 5.forgetfulness 6.absolute power 7.spirit 8.worried
The first misra is derived from and the second misra is directly taken from a Ghazal of Ghalib. Do you remember that colourful/joyful parties we used to arrange. Now those are merely decorations on the shelf of forgetfulness/memories. Friends, when you supported oppression, the spirit of Ghalib and iqbal was agitated.
parcham1-e iKhlaas2 gardooN3 se zamiN par gir gayaa
ay kaii barsauN ki mehnat! tujh pe paani phir4 gayaa
1.banner 2.sincerity, friendship 4.get washed away, wasted
The banner of sincerity, once flying overhead, fell to the ground. Many years of hard work got washed away, went to waste.
meri nazrauN se jo mustaqbil1 ko dekho dosto
vo andhera jo musallat2 tha havaa hone ko hai
muddatauN3 jo seena-e maazi4 meN sar-bastaa5 rahaa
ab vo mustaqbil1 ke haathauN raaz6 vaa7 hone ko hai
1.future 2.dominant 3.for ages the bosom of the past/history 5.head closed i.e. hidden 6.secret 7.reveal
Azad is very optimistic and quite naïve. He says that Hindus and Muslims have lived in harmony for long. This was a well kept secret and distorted in recent times by the British. If you look at the future through my eyes you will see through the trickery of the British and the secret (of Hindu-Muslim harmony) which has been hidden for long will now be revealed.
kah rahi hai mujh se aaj ay dosto tasveer-e haal1
aadmi par aadmi kaa haq2 adaa3 hone ko hai
naala-e sayyaad4 hi is daur5 ki manzil6 nahiN
Khoon-e gulchiN7 se kalee raNgiN-qabaa8 hone ko hai
1.picture of the present conditions 2.rights 4.cry of the bird-catcher 5.period, times 6.destination 7.blood of the flower picker 8.coloured cloak
Azad continues to be very optimistic and naïve. He sees in the present conditions a mutual respect for human rights. In urdu poetry “sayyaad” is the symbol of cruelty who snares the bulbul and puts her in a cage. The bulbul of course is in love with the gul/rose. The gulchiN/flower picker is also a symbol of cruelty. But sometimes when he picks buds, his fingers get pierced by thorns and he bleeds. That blood, dripping on the bud, colours its robe red. Here, the sayyaad and the gulchiN could either be the British and/or the political forces that stoked enmity/riots between Hindus and Muslims. Thus, you don’t have to run towards the cry of the sayyaad and get snared in his web of deceit. The gulchiN too is going to get some measure of justice.
‘‘aaNkh jo kuchh dekhti hai lab1 pe aa saktaa nahiN’’
kya kahuN maiN aaj mashriq2 kya se kya hone ko hai
seena-chaakauN3 ki judaaii4 ka zamaana jaa chukaa
‘‘bazm5-e gul ki hamnafas6’’ baad-e sabaa7 hone ko hai
1.lips 2.east 3.torn bosom 4.separation 5.gathering, assembly 6.same breath, friendship 7.morning breeze
What I see, I cannot describe. The conditions of the East are about to change. Those with rent hearts (saddened) by separation/division of the communities are about to be rejoined and become friends again like the morning breeze is the friend of the garden (assembly of flowers).
subah ki zau1 se damak uThne ko hai barr-e saGhiir2
aur zulmat3 raat ki seemaab-paa4 hone ko hai
1.light 2.small continent, sub-continent 3.darkness 4.feet like mercury, run away
In urdu poetry the light of dawn of the “east” is most often used to mean the rise of socialism. The darkness of night is sued as a metaphor for injustice. Jagan Nath Azad was not a socialist but closely associated with Nehru and Nehruvian movement. So it is just possible that he is writing about socialism. The sub-continent is about to shine with the light of dawn and the darkness of night is about to disappear.