chaaragar nurse nora – majaz

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.

چارہ گر نرس نورا ۔ اَسرار الحق مجازؔ


وہ نوخیز نورا وہ اک بنتِ مریم

وہ مخمور آنکھیں وہ گیسوئے پُر خم

وہ ارضِ کلیسا کی اک ماہ پارہ

وہ دیر و حرم کے لیے اک شرارہ


وہ فردوسِ مریم کا اِک غنچۂ تر

وہ تثلیث کی دخترِ نیک اختر

وہ اک نرس تھی چارہ گر جِس کو کہیے

مداوائے دردِ جگر جس کو کہیے


جوانی سے طِفلی گلے مل رہی تھی

ہوا چل رہی تھی کلی کِھل رہی تھی

وہ پُر رعب تیور وہ شاداب چہرہ

متاعِ جوانی پہ فطرت کا پہرہ


مری حُکمرانی ہے اہلِ زمیں پر

یہ تحریر تھا صاف اُس کی جبیں پر

سفید اور شفّاف کپڑے پہن کر

مرے پاس آتی تھی اک حور بن کر


وہ اِک آسمانی فرشتہ تھی گویا

کہ انداز تھا اس میں جبریل کا سا

وہ اِک مرمریں حورِ خُلدِ بریں کی

وہ تعبیر آذر کے خوابِ حسیں کی


وہ تسکینِ دل تھی سکونِ نظر تھی

نگارِ شفق تھی جمالِ نظر تھی

وہ شعلہ وہ بجلی وہ جلوہ وہ پرتو

سلیماں کی وہ اک کنیزِ سُبُک رو


کبھی اس کی شوخی میں سنجیدگی تھی

کبھی اس کی سنجیدگی میں بھی شوخی

گھڑی چپ گھڑی کرنے لگتی تھی باتیں

سِرہانے مرے کاٹ دیتی تھی راتیں


عجب چیز تھی وہ عجب راز تھی وہ

کبھی سوز تھی وہ کبھی ساز تھی وہ

نَقاہت کے عالم میں جب آنکھ اُٹھتی

نظر مجھ کو آتی محبّت کی دیوی


وہ اُس وقت اک پیکرِ نور ہوتی

تخیل کی پرواز سے دور ہوتی

وہ اِنجیل پڑھ کر سُناتی تھی مجھ کو

ہنساتی تھی مجھ کو رُلاتی تھی مجھ کو

دوا اپنے ہاتھوں سے مجھ کو پلاتی

اب اچھے ہو ہر روز مژدہ سناتی


سرہانے مرے ایک دن سر جھکائے

وہ بیٹھی تھی تکیے پہ کہنی ٹکائے

خیالاتِ پیہم میں کھوئی ہوئی سی

نہ جاگی ہوئی سی نہ سوئی ہوئی سی


جھپکتی ہوئی بار بار اُس کی پلکیں

جبیں پُر شِکن بے قرار اُس کی پلکیں

وہ آنکھوں کے ساغر چھلکتے ہوئے سے

وہ عارض کے شعلے بھڑکتے ہوئے سے


لبوں میں تھا لعل و گہر کا خزانہ

نظر عارفانہ ادا راہبانہ

مہک گیسوؤں سے چلی آ رہی تھی

مرے ہر نفس میں بسی جا رہی تھی


مجھے لیٹے لیٹے شرارت کی سوجھی

جو سوجھی بھی تو کس قیامت کی سوجھی

ذرا بڑھ کے کچھ اور گردن جھکا لی

لب لعل افشاں سے اک شے چرا لی


وہ شے جس کو اب کیا کہوں کیا سمجھیے

بہشتِ جوانی کا تحفہ سمجھیے

شرابِ محبت کا اک جامِ رنگیں

سبُو زار فِطرت کا اک جامِ رنگیں


میں سمجھا تھا شاید بگڑ جائے گی وہ

ہواؤں سے لڑتی ہے لڑ جائے گی وہ

میں دیکھوں گا اُس کے بِپھرنے کا عالم

جوانی کا غُصّہ بِکھرنے کا عالم


اِدھر دل میں اک شورِ محشر بپا تھا

مگر اس طرف رنگ ہی دوسرا تھا

ہنسی اور ہنسی اس طرح کھلکھلا کر

کہ شمع حیا رہ گئی جھلملا کر


نہیں جانتی ہے مرا نام تک وہ

مگر بھیج دیتی ہے پیغام تک وہ

یہ پیغام آتے ہی رہتے ہیں اکثر

کہ کس روز آؤ گے بیمار ہو کر

चारागर नर्स नोरा – अस्रार-उल-हक़्क़ मजाज़

वो नौ-ख़ेज़ नोरा वो एक बिन्त-ए मरियम

वो मख़मूर आँखें वो गेसू-ए पुर-ख़म

वो अर्ज़-ए कलीसा की एक माह-पारा

वो दैर-ओ-हरम के लिए एक शरारा

वो फ़िर्दौस-ए मरियम का एक ग़ुंचा-ए तर

वो तसलीस की दुख़्तर-ए नेक-अख़्तर

वो एक नर्स थी चारा-गर जिस को कहिए

मदावा-ए दर्द-ए जिगर जिस को कहिए

जवानी से तिफ़्ली गले मिल रही थी

हवा चल रही थी कली खिल रही थी

वो पुर-रोब तेवर वो शादाब चेहरा

मता-ए जवानी पे फ़ित्रत का पहरा

मेरी हुक्मरानी है अहल-ए ज़मीं पर

ये तहरीर था साफ़ उस की जबीं पर

सफ़ेद और शफ़्फ़ाफ़ कपड़े पहन कर

मेरे पास आती थी एक हूर बन कर

वो एक आस्मानी फ़रिश्ता थी गोया

कि अंदाज़ था उस में जिब्रईल का सा

वो एक मरमरीं हूर ख़ुल्द-ए बरीं की

वो ताबीर आज़र के ख़्वाब-ए हसीं की

वो तस्कीन-ए दिल थी सुकून-ए नज़र थी

निगार-ए शफ़क़ थी जमाल-ए नज़र थी

वो शो’ला वो बिजली वो जल्वा वो परतौ

सुलैमाँ की वो एक कनीज़-ए सुबुक-रौ

कभी उस की शोख़ी में संजीदगी थी

कभी उस की संजीदगी में भी शोख़ी

घड़ी चुप घड़ी करने लगती थी बातें

सिरहाने मेरे काट देती थी रातें

अजब चीज़ थी वो अजब राज़ थी वो

कभी सोज़ थी वो कभी साज़ थी वो

नक़ाहत के आलम में जब आँख उठती

नज़र मुझ को आती मोहब्बत की देवी

वो उस वक़्त एक पैकर-ए नूर होती

तख़य्युल की पर्वाज़ से दूर होती

वो इंजील पढ़ कर सुनाती थी मुझ को

हंसाती थी मुझ को सुलाती थी मुझ को

दवा अपने हाथों से मुझ को पिलाती

अब अच्छे हो हर रोज़ मुज़्श्दा सुनाती


सिरहाने मेरे एक दिन सर झुकाए

वो बैठी थी तकिए पे कोहनी टिकाए

ख़यालात-ए पैहम में खोई हुई सी

न जागी हुई सी न सोई हुई सी


झपकती हुई बार बार उस की पल्कें

जबीं पर शिकन बे-क़रार उस की पल्कें

वो आँखों के साग़र छलकते हुए से

वो आरज़ के शोले भड़कते हुए से


लबों में था लाल-ओ-गुहर का ख़ज़ाना

नज़र आरफ़ाना अदा राहबाना

महक गेसुओं से चली आ रही थी

मेरे हर नफ़स में बसी जा रही थी


मुझे लेटे लेटे शरारत की सूझी

जो सूझी भी तो किस क़यामत की सूझी

ज़रा बढ़ के कुछ और गर्दन झुका ली

लब-ए लाल-अफ़्शाँ से एक शय चुरा ली


वो शय जिस को अब क्या कहूँ क्या समझिए

बेहिश्त-ए जवानी का तोहफ़ा समझिए

शराब-ए मोहब्बत का एक जाम-ए रंगीं

सुबू-ज़ार-ए फ़ित्रत का एक जाम-ए रंगीं


मैं समझा था शायद बिगड़ जाएगी वो

हवाओं से लड़ती है लड़ जाएगी वो

मैं देखूँगा उस के बिफरने का आलम

जवानी का ग़ुस्सा बिखरने का आलम


इधर दिल में एक शोर-ए महशर बपा था

मगर उस तरफ़ रंग ही दूसरा था

हँसी और हँसी इस तरह खिलखिला कर

के शम’अ-ए हया रह गई झिलमिला कर


नहीं जानती है मेरा नाम तक वो

मगर भेज देती है पैग़ाम तक वो

ये पैग़ाम आते ही रहते हैं अक्सर

के किस रोज़ आओगे बीमार हो कर


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. asrar-ul haq majaz (1911-1955) was progressive as well as romantic poet, a heartthrob. He received his BA from aligaRh after interruptions in earlier schooling. He developed close relationships with progressives and was a major force in the Progressive Writers’ Association. He lived in aligaRh, dehli and lucknow working for radio stations, editing magazines on and off but with no steady income. He met with a rather tragic end at the young age of 44. This must have been during one of his hospitalizations as he was going through the effects of alcoholism. In the light of what we have learnt over the years we have to swallow hard his sexualization of the generosity and professionalism that was shown him and instead, project this as an appreciation for what nurses and their colleagues in the medical profession are doing during these days of the Corona epidemic. Considering this as an appreciation of labour, I link this to the series on ‘mazdoor’.
vo nau-Khez1 nora vo ik bint-e-maryam2
vo maKhmuur3 aaNkheN vo gesu4-e pur-Kham5
vo arz-e-kaliisaa6 ki ek maah-paara7
vo dair-o-haram8 ke liye ek sharaara9     
1.young, youthful 2.daughter of Mary 3.inebriated, dreamy 5.curly of the church, Chirstendom 7.piece of the moon, beautiful 8.temple and mosque 9.spark
That youthful Nora, the daughter of Mary with dreamy eyes and curly hair, a beauty from the land of Christendom. What does it mean to say that she was “a spark for the temple and mosque”? Possibly any of the following (a) setting an example of service for the temple and mosque to see (b) making orthodoxy angry because she converted to Christianity. But it is clear that she is a Christian and possibly an Anglo-Indian young woman nursing him back to health.

vo firdaus-e-maryam1 ka ek Ghuncha-e-tar2
vo tasliis3 ki duKhtar4-e nek-aKhtar5
vo ek nurse thii chaara-gar6 jis ko kahiye
madaavaa7-e dard-e-jigar8 jis ko kahiye    
1.Mary’s heaven 2.fresh bud 3.Trinity 4.daughter 5.bringing good luck 6.healer 7.cure, remedy 8.pain of the liver, any ailment
That fresh/young unopened flower bud of the heaven of Mary. A daughter of Trinity bringing good omen. She was a nurse who healed, the cure for ailment.

javaanii se tiflii1 gale mil rahii thii
havaa chal rahii thii kalii khil rahii thii
vo pur-ro’ab2 tevar3 vo shaadaab4 chehra
mataa5-e javaanii pe fitrat6 ka pahra7     
1.childhood 2.dignity 3.posture 4.fresh, clean 5.treasure 6.nature 7.guard
She was young, an adolescent where childhood meets youth. As the days passed, she was blooming. Her fresh looks and dignified posture looked like they were put on to guard her youth.

meri hukmaraani1 hai ahl-e-zamiiN2 par
ye tahriir3 tha saaf us ki jabiiN4 par
safed aur shaffaaf5 kapRe pahan kar
mere paas aati thi ek huur6 ban kar    
1.reign, command 2.people of the earth 3.written 4.forehead 5.clean, bright 6.angel
It was clearly written on her forehead that she was in command (a no non-sense posture). In her white, clean clothes she would come to me looking like an angel.

vo ek aasmaani farishta1 thi goya2
ke andaaz3 tha us meN jibriil4 ka saa
vo ek marmariiN5 huur6 Khuld-e-bariiN7 ki
vo taabiir8 aazar9 ke Khwaab10-e hasiiN11 ki    
1.fairy, angel if 4.archangel Gabriel 5.marble/white/fair 6.angel 7.high heaven 8.fulfilment 9.the father of Abraham, symbol of idol worship 10.dream 11.beautiful
‘aazar’ was the father of Abraham but never accepted his declaration of one god. He continued to carve idols for worship and is used in urdu poetry as a symbol of idol worship, sometimes the idol being the beloved. It was as if she was a heavenly angel with the (commanding) style of archangel Gabriel. Like a fair angel of the seventh heaven, she was like the fulfilment of the dream of ‘aazar’.

vo taskin1-e dil thi sukuun2-e nazar thi
nigaar3-e shafaq4 thi jamaal5-e nazar thi
vo sho’la6 vo bijli vo jalva vo partau7
sulaimaaN ki vo ek kaniiz8-e subuk-rau9    
1.comfort 2.peace, tranquility 3.decoration, embellishment 6.flame 7.reflection, image 8.slave girl 9.gentle gait
Solomon must have had many beautiful slave girls … of gentle gait. She was a comfort to the heart, peaceful to look at. Her beauty could embellish the colourful horizon (at sunrise). She was bright like a flame, flashing like lightning, the very image of the sinuous gait of a slave girl of Solomon.

kabhii us ki shoKhi1 meN sanjiidgi2 thi
kabhi us ki sanjiidgi2 meN bhi shoKhi1
ghaRi chup ghaRi karne lagti thi baateN
sirhaane mere kaaT deti thi raateN    
1.playfulness, mischief 2.seriousness
Sometimes there was sobriety in her playfulness and at others seriousness in her mischief. Sometimes quiet, at other times talkative. She would spend all night long at the head of my bed.

ajab1 chiiz thi vo ajab raaz2 thi vo
kabhi soz3 thi vo kabhi saaz4 thi vo
naqaahat5 ke aalam6 meN jab aaNkh uThti
nazar mujh ko aati mohabbat ki devi    
1.strange, intriguing 2.secret, mystery 3.sorrow, happiness 5.weakness 6.condition
She was an intriguing mystery. Sometimes sad, happy at other times. Whenever in weakness, I would open my eyes, she appeared to me like the angel of love.

vo us vaqt ek paikar1-e nuur2 hoti
taKhayyul3 ki parvaaz4 se duur hoti
vo injeel5 paRh kar sunaati thi mujh ko
haNsaati thi mujh ko sulaati thi mujh ko
davaa apne haathoN se mujh ko pilaati
ab achchhe ho har roz muzshda6 sunaati    
1.image, likeness 2.light 3.imagination 4.flight 5.Bible 6.good news
When she read out the Bible to me, she appeared like a ray of light, beyond the flight of imagination. She was give me my medications, make me laugh and get me to sleep. Every day she would comfort me with good news, “you are getting better”.

sirhaane1 mere ek din sar jhukaaye
vo baiThi thi takiye2 pe kohnii3 Tikaaye
Khayaalaat-e-paiham4 meN khoii hui si
na jaagi hui si na soii hui si     
1.near the head 2.pillow 3.elbow 4.continuous thoughts, memories
One day she was sitting at the head of the bed, with her head bowed, resting her elbows on the pillow, lost in thought, half asleep and half awake.

jhapakti hui baar baar us ki palkeN
jabiiN1 par shikan2 be-qaraar3 us ki palkeN
vo aaNkhoN ke saaGhar4 chhalakte hue se
vo aariz5 ke sho’le6 bhaRakte hue se    
1.forehead, brow 2.wrinkles 3.restless 4.cup (of wine) 5.cheeks 6.flames
Her brow was wrinkled and eyelids fluttering restlessly. Her eyes like overflowing cups of wine. Her cheeks glowing like flames.

laboN1 meN tha laal-o-gohar2 ka Khazaana3
nazar4 aarifaana5 ada6 raahibaana7
mahak8 gesuoN9 se chali aa rahi thi
mere har nafas10 meN basi jaa rahi thi    
1.lips 2.rubies and pearls 3.treasure 4.looks 5.mystical 7.priestly, divine 8.fragrance 10.breath
Her lips a treasure of rubies and pearls. Her looks mystical and style divine. With every breath the fragrance of her hair would go deep into my nostrils.

mujhe leTe leTe sharaarat1 ki suujhi
jo suujhi bhii to kis qayaamat2 ki suujhi
zaraa baRh ke kuchh aur gardan jhuka lii
lab3-e l’aal-afshaaN4 se ek shai5 churaa lii    
1.mischief 2.doomsday 3.lips 4.ruby-scattering 5.thing
Lying in bed a mischievous thought came to my mind, a thought that could cause havoc. I drew her head down and stole something from her ruby-scattering lips.

vo shai1 jis ko ab kya kahuuN kya samajhiye
behisht2-e javaani ka tohfa3 samajhiye
sharaab-e mohabbat ka ek jaam4-e raNgiiN
subuu-zaar-e-fitrat5 ka ek jaam-e raNgiiN    
1.thing 2.paradise 4.cup, goblet 5.nature’s field of flasks
‘subuu-zaar-e-fitrat’ – flowers like tulips may be considered to look like flasks of wine. Thus nature’s field of fasks is a field of tulips. The thing that I stole, how can I describe, you yourselves think. Think of it as the gift of the paradise of youth, a colouful cup of the wine of love, a colourful field to flowers.

maiN samjha tha shaayed1 bigaR jaayegii vo
havaaoN se laRtii hai laR jaayegii vo
maiN dekhuuNgaa us ke bipharne2 ka aalam3
javaanii ka Ghussa bikharne ka aalam    
1.perhaps 2.irritation 3.state
I thought perhaps she would be annoyed. She is offended easily, she will quarrel. I thought that I would see/be subjected to her irritation. I would see the scene of the anger of youth scattered all around.

idhar dil meN ek shor-e mahshar1 bapa2 tha
magar us taraf3 raNg hi duusra tha
haNsi aur haNsi is tarah khilkhilaa kar
ke sham’a-e hayaa4 rah gayii jhilmila kar    
1.doomsday 2.prevail, happen 3.direction 4.bashfulness, coyness
Here there was a tumultous doomsday like apprehension in my heart. But there the condition/colour was altogether different. She laughed, and laughed so heartily that the lamp of bashfulness almost blew out.

nahiN jaanti hai mera naam tak vo
magar bhej deti hai paiGhaam1 tak vo
ye paiGhaam aate hi rahte haiN aksar2
ke kis roz aaoge biimaar ho kar    
1.message 2. often
She does not even know my name, but manages to send messages. These messages arrive often, asking, when will you come seeking a cure for your ills.

asrar-ul haq majaz (1911-1955) was progressive as well as romantic poet, a heartthrob.  He received his BA from aligaRh after interruptions in earlier schooling.  He developed close relationships with progressives and was a major force in the Progressive Writers’ Association.  He lived in aligaRh, dehli and lucknow working for radio stations, editing magazines on and off but with no steady income.  He met with a rather tragic end at the young age of 44.  This must have been during one of his hospitalizations as he was going through the effects of alcoholism.  In the light of what we have learnt over the years we have to swallow hard his sexualization of the generosity and professionalism that was shown him and instead, project this as an appreciation for what nurses and their colleagues in the medical profession are doing during these days of the Corona epidemic.  Considering this as an appreciation of labour, I link this to the series on ‘mazdoor’.
vo nau-Khez1 nora vo ik bint-e-maryam2
vo maKhmuur3 aaNkheN vo gesu4-e pur-Kham5
vo arz-e-kaliisaa6 ki ek maah-paara7
vo dair-o-haram8 ke liye ek sharaara9

1.young, youthful 2.daughter of Mary 3.inebriated, dreamy 5.curly of the church, Chirstendom 7.piece of the moon, beautiful 8.temple and mosque 9.spark

That youthful Nora, the daughter of Mary with dreamy eyes and curly hair, a beauty from the land of Christendom.  What does it mean to say that she was “a spark for the temple and mosque”?  Possibly any of the following (a) setting an example of service for the temple and mosque to see (b) making orthodoxy angry because she converted to Christianity.  But it is clear that she is a Christian and possibly an Anglo-Indian young woman nursing him back to health.
vo firdaus-e-maryam1 ka ek Ghuncha-e-tar2
vo tasliis3 ki duKhtar4-e nek-aKhtar5
vo ek nurse thii chaara-gar6 jis ko kahiye
madaavaa7-e dard-e-jigar8 jis ko kahiye

1.Mary’s heaven 2.fresh bud 3.Trinity 4.daughter 5.bringing good luck 6.healer 7.cure, remedy 8.pain of the liver, any ailment

That fresh/young unopened flower bud of the heaven of Mary.  A daughter of Trinity bringing good omen.  She was a nurse who healed, the cure for ailment.
javaanii se tiflii1 gale mil rahii thii
havaa chal rahii thii kalii khil rahii thii
vo pur-ro’ab2 tevar3 vo shaadaab4 chehra
mataa5-e javaanii pe fitrat6 ka pahra7

1.childhood 2.dignity 3.posture 4.fresh, clean 5.treasure 6.nature 7.guard

She was young, an adolescent where childhood meets youth.  As the days passed, she was blooming.  Her fresh looks and dignified posture looked like they were put on to guard her youth.
meri hukmaraani1 hai ahl-e-zamiiN2 par
ye tahriir3 tha saaf us ki jabiiN4 par
safed aur shaffaaf5 kapRe pahan kar
mere paas aati thi ek huur6 ban kar

1.reign, command 2.people of the earth 3.written 4.forehead 5.clean, bright 6.angel

It was clearly written on her forehead that she was in command (a no non-sense posture).  In her white, clean clothes she would come to me looking like an angel.
vo ek aasmaani farishta1 thi goya2
ke andaaz3 tha us meN jibriil4 ka saa
vo ek marmariiN5 huur6 Khuld-e-bariiN7 ki
vo taabiir8 aazar9 ke Khwaab10-e hasiiN11 ki

1.fairy, angel if 4.archangel Gabriel 5.marble/white/fair 6.angel 7.high heaven 8.fulfilment 9.the father of Abraham, symbol of idol worship 10.dream 11.beautiful

‘aazar’ was the father of Abraham but never accepted his declaration of one god.  He continued to carve idols for worship and is used in urdu poetry as a symbol of idol worship, sometimes the idol being the beloved.   It was as if she was a heavenly angel with the (commanding) style of archangel Gabriel.  Like a fair angel of the seventh heaven, she was like the fulfilment of the dream of ‘aazar’.
vo taskin1-e dil thi sukuun2-e nazar thi
nigaar3-e shafaq4 thi jamaal5-e nazar thi
vo sho’la6 vo bijli vo jalva vo partau7
sulaimaaN ki vo ek kaniiz8-e subuk-rau9

1.comfort 2.peace, tranquility 3.decoration, embellishment 6.flame 7.reflection, image 8.slave girl 9.gentle gait

Solomon must have had many beautiful slave girls … of gentle gait.  She was a comfort to the heart, peaceful to look at.  Her beauty could embellish the colourful horizon (at sunrise).  She was bright like a flame, flashing like lightning, the very image of the sinuous gait of a slave girl of Solomon.
kabhii us ki shoKhi1 meN sanjiidgi2 thi
kabhi us ki sanjiidgi2 meN bhi shoKhi1
ghaRi chup ghaRi karne lagti thi baateN
sirhaane mere kaaT deti thi raateN

1.playfulness, mischief 2.seriousness

Sometimes there was sobriety in her playfulness and at others seriousness in her mischief.  Sometimes quiet, at other times talkative.  She would spend all night long at the head of my bed.
ajab1 chiiz thi vo ajab raaz2 thi vo
kabhi soz3 thi vo kabhi saaz4 thi vo
naqaahat5 ke aalam6 meN jab aaNkh uThti
nazar mujh ko aati mohabbat ki devi

1.strange, intriguing 2.secret, mystery 3.sorrow, happiness 5.weakness 6.condition

She was an intriguing mystery.  Sometimes sad, happy at other times.  Whenever in weakness, I would open my eyes, she appeared to me like the angel of love.
vo us vaqt ek paikar1-e nuur2 hoti
taKhayyul3 ki parvaaz4 se duur hoti
vo injeel5 paRh kar sunaati thi mujh ko
haNsaati thi mujh ko sulaati thi mujh ko
davaa apne haathoN se mujh ko pilaati
ab achchhe ho har roz muzshda6 sunaati

1.image, likeness 2.light 3.imagination 4.flight 5.Bible 6.good news

When she read out the Bible to me, she appeared like a ray of light, beyond the flight of imagination.  She was give me my medications, make me laugh and get me to sleep.  Every day she would comfort me with good news, “you are getting better”.
sirhaane1 mere ek din sar jhukaaye
vo baiThi thi takiye2 pe kohnii3 Tikaaye
Khayaalaat-e-paiham4 meN khoii hui si
na jaagi hui si na soii hui si

1.near the head 2.pillow 3.elbow 4.continuous thoughts, memories

One day she was sitting at the head of the bed, with her head bowed, resting her elbows on the pillow, lost in thought, half asleep and half awake.
jhapakti hui baar baar us ki palkeN
jabiiN1 par shikan2 be-qaraar3 us ki palkeN
vo aaNkhoN ke saaGhar4 chhalakte hue se
vo aariz5 ke sho’le6 bhaRakte hue se

1.forehead, brow 2.wrinkles 3.restless 4.cup (of wine) 5.cheeks 6.flames

Her brow was wrinkled and eyelids fluttering restlessly.  Her eyes like overflowing cups of wine.  Her cheeks glowing like flames.
laboN1 meN tha laal-o-gohar2 ka Khazaana3
nazar4 aarifaana5 ada6 raahibaana7
mahak8 gesuoN9 se chali aa rahi thi
mere har nafas10 meN basi jaa rahi thi

1.lips 2.rubies and pearls 3.treasure 4.looks 5.mystical 7.priestly, divine 8.fragrance 10.breath

Her lips a treasure of rubies and pearls.  Her looks mystical and style divine.  With every breath the fragrance of her hair would go deep into my nostrils.
mujhe leTe leTe sharaarat1 ki suujhi
jo suujhi bhii to kis qayaamat2 ki suujhi
zaraa baRh ke kuchh aur gardan jhuka lii
lab3-e l’aal-afshaaN4 se ek shai5 churaa lii

1.mischief 2.doomsday 3.lips 4.ruby-scattering 5.thing

Lying in bed a mischievous thought came to my mind, a thought that could cause havoc.  I drew her head down and stole something from her ruby-scattering lips.
vo shai1 jis ko ab kya kahuuN kya samajhiye
behisht2-e javaani ka tohfa3 samajhiye
sharaab-e mohabbat ka ek jaam4-e raNgiiN
subuu-zaar-e-fitrat5 ka ek jaam-e raNgiiN

1.thing 2.paradise 4.cup, goblet 5.nature’s field of flasks

‘subuu-zaar-e-fitrat’ – flowers like tulips may be considered to look like flasks of wine.  Thus nature’s field of fasks is a field of tulips.  The thing that I stole, how can I describe, you yourselves think.  Think of it as the gift of the paradise of youth, a colouful cup of the wine of love, a colourful field to flowers.
maiN samjha tha shaayed1 bigaR jaayegii vo
havaaoN se laRtii hai laR jaayegii vo
maiN dekhuuNgaa us ke bipharne2 ka aalam3
javaanii ka Ghussa bikharne ka aalam

1.perhaps 2.irritation 3.state

I thought perhaps she would be annoyed.  She is offended easily, she will quarrel.  I thought that I would see/be subjected to her irritation.  I would see the scene of the anger of youth scattered all around.
idhar dil meN ek shor-e mahshar1 bapa2 tha
magar us taraf3 raNg hi duusra tha
haNsi aur haNsi is tarah khilkhilaa kar
ke sham’a-e hayaa4 rah gayii jhilmila kar

1.doomsday 2.prevail, happen 3.direction 4.bashfulness, coyness

Here there was a tumultous doomsday like apprehension in my heart.  But there the condition/colour was altogether different.  She laughed, and laughed so heartily that the lamp of bashfulness almost blew out.
nahiN jaanti hai mera naam tak vo
magar bhej deti hai paiGhaam1 tak vo
ye paiGhaam aate hi rahte haiN aksar2
ke kis roz aaoge biimaar ho kar

1.message 2. often

She does not even know my name, but manages to send messages.  These messages arrive often, asking, when will you come seeking a cure for your ills.

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One comment:

  1. I read “charagar Nora” not so much as a celebration of a qualified hospital nurse, the worker, but more as an account of the poet’s experience of being treated by a nurse named Nora. (For some reason, even up North, you will find Malayali Christian nurses at Missionary hospitals. I thoroughly enjoyed his tribute to the nurse, who, apparently was a young woman, and he is associating her with things much larger than her. It’s a poet’s tribute. Anyone got a problem with that?

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