
گلبدنی  – جوش  ملیحا بادی


کس درجہ فسوں کار  وہ اللہ غنی ہے

کیا موجۂ   تابندگی و سیم  تنی ہے

انداز ہے  یا جذبۂ گردوں  زدنی  ہے

آواز ہے یا بربتِ ایماں شکنی ہے

جنگل کی سیاہ رات ہے یا زلف گھنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


یہ لے ہے کہ کِھلتی ہوئی غنچے کی کمانی

مہکا ہوا یہ تن ہے کہ  یہ رات کی رانی

لہجے کی یہ رو ہے کہ برستا ہوا پانی

لرزش میں یہ مژگاں ہے کہ پریوں کی کہانی

یہ سرخی لب ہے کہ عقیقِ  یمنی  ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


محراب ہے رُخسار کے پرتو سے پرافشاں

زلفوں میں شبِ تار ہے آنکھوں میں چراغاں

مہندی  کی سجاوٹ کہ ہتھیلی پہ گلستاں

یا حلقۂ عشاق میں ہے  چہرہ تاباں

یا خاتمِ تابندہ  پہ  ہیرے کی کنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


سینے پہ یہ  پلو ہے کہ اِک موجِ حبابی

ماتھاہے کہ اِک صبح کا پرتو ہے شہابی

آنکھیں ہیں  کہ بہکے  ہوے  دو مست شرابی

پیکر  ہے  کہ اِنسان کے سانچے میں گلابی

گیسو ہیں کہ گلُ بازیؑ مشکِ ختنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


کاکلُ میں درخشاں ہے یہ  پیشانیِ رقصاں

یا سایہ  ظلمت میں ہے چشمہؑ  حیواں

ہاتھوں  پہ ہے چہرہ کہ ہے یہ رحل پہ قرآں

اور   چہرہؑ  گلُ رںگ میں غلطاں وخروشاں

رخشندگیِؑ  خونِ رگِ یاسمنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


عشوے ہیں  کہ اِک   فوج   کھڑی لوٹ رہی ہے

چھل بل ہے کہ چھاتی کو زمیں کوٹ رہی ہے

انگڑائی کاخم ہے کہ  دھنک ٹوٹ رہی  ہے

مکھڑا ہے کے پربت پہ کرن پھوٹ رہی ہے

قامت ہے  کہ برنائیِ سروِ چمنی  ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


تن میں ہے وہ خوشبو کہ ہیں گلُ سر بگریباں

چہرے پہ وہ سرُخی ہے کہ حیران گلستاں

وہ چال میں ہے لوچ کہ شاخیں  ہیں پشیماں

اور لعلِ گہر بار  پہ وہ نغمہ ہے غلطاں

وہ نغمہ کہ اِک ولولہِؑ  شعلہ زنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


گردن میں چندن ہار ہے ہاتھوں میں ہے کنگن

اُمڈے ہوے عشوے ہیں گرجتاہوا جوبن

جولاں ہے  جوانی کے دھندلکے میں لڑکپن

کوراہے جو پنڈا تو جنوں  خیز  ہے اُبٹن

گلُ رنگ شلوکا ہے قبا نارونی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


خلوت میں وہ تسلیم ہے جلوت میں تحکمّ

ساحل پہ سبک موج سفینے میں  تلاطم

حجرے میں خموشی ہے شبستاں میں تکلمّ

خیمے میں تنک آہِؑ خیاباں میں ترنمّ

آغوش میں تلوار ہے گھونگٹ میں بنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


ہر  نقشِ قدم  پر ہے فدا تاجِ کیانی

ہر   گام میں ہے چشمہؑ کوثر  کی روانی

ہر   ایک بنُ موُ سے اُبلتی ہے جوانی

اُٹھتی ہے مسامات سے یوں بھاپ سی دھانی

گویا کوئی مہکی ہوئی چادر  سی تنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


آنکھوں میں ہے یہ کفر کہ ایمان ہے میرا

عارض پہ ہے یہ خال کہ حوروں کا ہے ڈیرا

پلکوں کی ہے یہ چھاؤں کہ مستی کا سویرا

رُخ پر یہ لٹیں ہے کہ دھواں دار اندھیرا

قامت پہ یہ مکھڑا ہے کہ نیزے کی انی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


جس طرح دھندلکے میں ہو اِک رنگ ساغلطاں

جیسے کہ سحر  کنج میں آہستہ خراماں

جس طرح اُڑے بام پہ زربفت کا داماں

جیسے کہ دھواں عود کامندر میں پریشاں

رُخسار  پہ  یوں صبح کی اعضا شکنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے


اِس سِن میں بھی   پڑتی   ہیں حسینوں  پہ نگاہیں

قدموں کے تلے اب بھی جوانی کی ہیں راہیں

اب بھی یہ تمناّہے ملیں پھول سی باہیں

اصنام کو ممکن ہے کہ ہم جوش نہ چاہیں

گھٹیّ میں پڑی عاشقی و برہمنی ہے

کیا گل بدنی، گل بدنی، گل بدنی ہے

गुलबदनी – जोश मलीहाबादी

किस दरजा फ़ुसूँ कार वो अल्लाह ग़नी है

क्या मौजा’ ए ताबन्दगी ओ सीम तनी है

अन्दाज़ है या जज़्बा ए गरदूं ज़दनी है

आवाज़ है या बरबत ए ईमां शिकनी है

जंगल की सियाह रात है या ज़ुल्फ़ घनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

ये लै है के खुलती हुई ग़ुंचे की कमानी

महका हुआ ये तन है के ये रात की रानी

लहजे की ये रौ हे के बरस्ता हुआ पानी

लर्ज़िश में ये मिज़्षगां है के परियों की कहानी

ये सुर्ख़ी ए लब है के अक़ीक़ ए यमनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

मेहराब है रुख़सार के परतौ से परफ़शां

ज़ुल्फ़ों में शब ए तार है आँखों में चिराग़ा

मेहन्दी की सजावट के हथेली पे गुलिस्तां

या हलक़ा ए उष-शाक़ में है चेहरा ए ताबाँ

या ख़ातिम ए ताबिंदा पे हीरे की कनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

सीने पे ये पल्लू है के एक मौज ए हुबाबि

माथा है के एक सुबह का परतौ है शहाबी

आँखें हैं के बहके हुए दो मस्त शराबी

पैकर है के इंसान के साँचे में गुलाबी

गेसू हैं के गुल बाज़ी ए मुश्क ए ख़ितनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

काकुल में दरख़शां है ये पेशानी ए रक़साँ

या साया ए ज़ुल्‍मत में है चश्मा ए हैवाँ

हाथों पे है चेहरा के है ये रहल पे क़ुर्’आं

और चेहरा ए गुल रंग में ग़लतां ओ ख़रोशां

रख़शंदगी ए ख़ून ए रग ए यासमनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

इश्वे हैं के एक फ़ौज खड़ी लूट रही है

छल बल है के छाती को ज़मीं कूट रही है

अंगड़ाई का ख़म है के धनक टूट रही है

मुखड़ा है के परबत पे किरन फूट रही है

क़ामत है के बरनाई ए सर्व ए चमनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

तन में है वो ख़ुश्बू के हैं गुल सर बा गरेबां

चेहरे पे वो सुर्ख़ी है के हैरान गुलिस्तां

वो चाल में है लोच के शाखें हैं पशेमां

और ला’अल ए गुहर बार पे वो नग़मा है ग़लतां

वो नग़मा के एक वलवला ए शो’ला ज़नी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

गरदन में चंदन हार है हाथों में है कंगन

उमड़े हुए इश्वे हैं गरजता हुआ जोबन

जौलां है जवानी के धुंधलके में लड़कपन

कोरा है जो पिण्डा तो जुनूं ख़ेज़ है उबटन

गुल रंग शलोका है क़बा नारवनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

ख़िलवत में वो तस्लीम है जिलवत में तहक्कुम

साहिल पे सुबुक मौज सफ़ीने में तलातुम

हुजरे में ख़मोशी है शबिस्तां में तक्कलुम

ख़ैमे में तुनक आह ए ख़्याबां में तरन्नुम

आग़ोश में तलवार है घूंगट में बनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है


हर नक़्श ए क़दम पर है फ़िदा ताज ए कयानी

हर गाम में है चश्मा ए कौसर की रवानी

हर एक बुन ए मू से उबलती है जवानी

उठति है मसामात से यूं भाप सी धानी

गोया कोई महकी हुई चादर सी तनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है


आँखों में है ये कुफ़्र के ईमान है मेरा

आरिज़ पे है ये ख़ाल के हूरों का है डेरा

पलकों की है ये छाऊं के मस्ती का सवेरा

रुख़ पर ये लटें हैं के धुआँदार अंधेरा

क़ामत पे ये मुखड़ा है के नैज़े की अनि है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है


जिस तरह धुन्दलके में हो एक रंग सा ग़लतां

जैसे के सहर कुंज में आहिस्ता ख़रामां

जिस तरह उड़े बाम पे ज़र्बफ़्त का दामां

जैसे के धुआँ ऊद का मंदिर में परेशां

रुख़सार पे यूं सुबह कि आ’ज़ा शिकनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है


इस सिन में भी पड़ती हैं हसीनों पे निगाहें

क़दमों के तले` अब भी जवानी कि हैं राहें

अब भी ये तमन्‍ना है मिलें फूल सी बाहें

असनाम को मुमकिन है के हम जोश ना चाहें

घुट्टी  में पड़ी आशिक़ी ओ बरहमनी है

क्या गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी, गुलबदनी है

gulbadani – josh malihabadi

Click on any passage for meanings and discussion.

kis darja fusooN1 kaar vo allah Ghani2 hai
kya mauj’a e taabandagi3 o seem tani4 hai
andaaz5 hai ya jazba6 e gardooN zadani7 hai
aavaaz hai ya barbat8 e eemaN shikani9 hai
jangal ki siyah raat hai ya zulf10 ghani hai
kya gulbadani11, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.enchanting 2.uncaring 3.wave of brilliance 4.silver bodied, bearing 6.emotion, passion controlling 8.lute conquering 10.tresses, hair 11.flower bodied
There are two possible interpretations of the first misra. “allahu Ghani” (allah does not need/want anything) is a common expression like “alhamdulillah” (praise be to allah). Thus a conventional interpretation is “How enchanting she is, O allah”. A more unusual interpretation is that “Ghani” (which also means not caring) is a descriptor applied to her, not god. She has everything, does not want/need anything and therefore does not care for/ignores her lover(s). This leads to the interpretation that follows. How enchanting is that uncaring one O god. Her silver body shining brilliantly. Her bearing set on subduing the heavens. Her musical voice set to destroy my faith. Is it a dark night of the forest or her thick braids. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

ye lai1 hai ke khilti hui Ghunche2 ki kamaani3
mahka4 hua ye tan hai ke ye raat ki raani
lahje5 ki ye rau6 he ke barasta hua paani
larzish7 meN ye mizhgaaN8 hai ke pariyoN ki kahaani
ye surKhi e lab hai ke aqeeq e yamani9 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.rhythm, movement 2.flower bud 3.spring 4.fragrant 5.speech 6.flow 7.fluttering, blinking 8.eye lashes 9.ruby of Yemen
Her movement is like arching petals. Is it her fragrant body or a blooming jasmine? Her words like the musical drip of rain. Her eyelashes flutter like fairytales. The redness of her lips surpassing rubies of Yemen. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

mehraab1 hai ruKhsaar2 ke partau3 se parafshaaN4
zulfoN meN shab e taar5 hai aaNkhoN meN chiraaGhaaN6
mehndi ki sajavaT ke hatheli pe gulistaaN7
ya halqa e ush-shaaq8 meN hai chehra e taabaaN9
ya Khaatim e taabinda10 pe heere ki kani11 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.central arch in a mosque 2.cheeks, face 3.reflection 4.bright 5.dark night of lovers 8.glorious face 9.bright ring 10.diamond stud
Central arch or “mehraab” in a mosque faces the kaa’ba and is focus of namaz. Josh elevates the “reflection of her beauty” falling on the mehraab to a level worthy of divine prayer. The brilliance of her face is the focus of my prayers. Her tresses like the dark night and her eyes shining lights. The henna on her palm like a beauteous garden, or is it a circle of lovers around her face, or is it a diamond glittering on a brilliant ring. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

seene pe ye pallu hai ke ek mauj e hubaabi1
maatha hai ke ek subah ka partau2 hai shahaabi3
aaNkheN haiN ke bahke hue do mast sharaabi
paikar4 hai ke insaan ke saaNche meN gulaabi5
gesu6 haiN ke gul baazi e mushk e Khutani7 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.wave of bubbles 2.reflection 3.meteor 4.body 5.rose coloured, wine 7.musk of Khutan (in Turkey)
Her heaving bosom showing through the shawl. Her brilliant brow a reflection of the meteoric dawn. Eyes reflecting the joy of intoxication. Is it her body or intoxicating wine cast in human form. Is it the rich fragrance of her tresses or the musk of Khutan. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied.

kaakul1 meN daraKhshaaN2 hai ye peshaani e raqsaaN3
ya saaya e zulmat4 meN hai chashma e haivaaN5
haathoN pe hai chehra ke hai ye rahl6 pe qur’aaN
aur chehra e gul rang meN GhaltaaN o KharoshaaN7
raKhshandagi8 e Khoon e rag e yaasmani9 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai curls on the forehead 2.shining 3.dancing brow 4.darkness 5.spring/river of life 6.criss cross book stand for tht Qura’an 7.prostrated and crying 8.brilliance 9.jasmine
Her curls over the forehead give the impression of flowing – like sparkling ripples of a river. Josh compares this with “spring of immortality”.This legendry spring is hidden in darkness. Thus the darkness of locks and the flow of the spring in the domain of that darkness is compared to the “flow” of the brow. For the third misra, imagine her chin and cheeks resting on her palms and the elbows on a table, appear like a “rahaal”. Josh uses this picture to assign the reverence to her beauty as The Q’uran! “GhaltaaN o KharoshaaN” – prostrated and crying – being humbled and put to shame. “chehra e gul raNg” is her face of the colour of flowers. Before the colours of her face, the brilliance of the blood in the veins of jasmine is put to shame! Thus, her dancing brow shining through dark locks like the spring of immortality rippling in the dark. Her face resting on her palms like the qura’an on a rehaal. And the flowery hue of that face, putting to shame the brilliance of the veins of jasmine. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

ishwe1 haiN ke ek fauj khaRi looT rahi hai
chhal bal2 hai ke chhaati ko zamiN kooT rahi hai
angRaai ka Kham3 hai ke dhanak TooT4 rahi hai
mukhRa hai ke parbat pe kiran phooT rahi hai
qaamat5 hai ke barnaai6 e sarv7 e chamani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.flirtation 2.clever deception 3.curve 4.rainbow emerging 5.height, stature 6.youth 7.cypress
Her playful style is like a plundering horde. The very earth beating its bosom at her enticing glances. The arch of her stretch like an emerging rainbow. Her brilliance like rays of light breaking from behind the hill. Her youthful stature like a graceful cypress. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

tan meN hai vo Khushboo ke haiN gul sar ba garebaaN1
chehre pe vo surKhi hai ke hairaan gulistaaN2
vo chaal meN hai loch ke shaaKheN haiN pashemaaN3
aur la’al e guhar baar4 pe vo naGhma hai GhaltaaN
vo naGhma ke ek valvala5 e sho’la zani6 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.head in collar (hanging in shame) 2.ashamed 3.pearl showering rubies 4.passion 6.setting fire
“la’al e guhar baar” is pearl scattering rubies. Josh uses this as a metaphor for pearly white teeth shining through ruby red lips. Her fragrance puts flowers to shame. The colourful garden amazed at her brilliance. Her graceful gait leaves supple branches gasping. A smile with pearly white teeth, a song on her ruby red lips. A song with a passion, setting fires all around. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

gardan meN chandan haar hai haathoN meN hai kangan
umDe1 hue ishwe2 haiN garajta hua joban3
jaulaaN4 hai javaani ke dhudhalke5 meN laRakpan
kora6 hai jo pinDa7 to junuN Khez8 hai ubTan9
gul rang shaloka10 hai qaba11 naarvani12 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.risen up 2.flirting style 3.youth, breasts 4.flowing 5.fog, mist 6.clean, fresh 7.body 8.passion arousing 9.cleansing paste, fragrance 10.tunic 11.robe, skirt 12.shade giving, dark
Necklace hanging on her bosom, bracelets on her wrists adding to her playfulness and blossming youth. Adolescence peeping through the misty shadows of youth. Her fresh body and passion arousing fragrance. The flowery tunic and the dark skirt. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

Khilwat1 meN vo tasleem2 hai jilwat3 meN tahakkum4
saahil5 pe subuk mauj6 safeene7 meN talaatum8
hujre9 meN Khamoshi hai shabistaaN10 meN takkalum11
Khaime12 meN tunak13 aah e KhyaabaaN14 meN tarannum15
aaGhosh16 meN talwaar hai ghuNgaT meN bani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.privacy 2.acceptance, meek public 4.authority 5.shore 6.gentle wave 7.boat 8.tumult, storm 9.chamber 10.bedroom 11.conversation 12.tent, residence 13.short termpered, testy walk 15.musical 16.lap
Meek in private, commanding in public like a calm shore and a stormy sea. Calm in company, annoyed/withdrawn in the chamber. Curt at home, and musical in the garden. Hiding a dagger while beautifully made up. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

har naqsh e qadam1 par hai fida2 taaj e kayaani3
har gaam4 meN hai chashma e kausar ki ravaani6
har ek bun e moo7 se ubalti hai javaani
uThti hai masaamaat8 se yuN bhaap si dhaani9
goya koi mahki hui chaadar si tani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.foot prints2.sacrificed 3.royal crown 4.step 5.spring/river in heaven 6.flow 7.body hair 8.pores 9.grey
Royal crowns bow down at her feet. Her gait like the flow of Kauser. Youth oozing from every pore as if sweat steaming out of her hot body like a fragrant sheet stretch tightly across. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

aaNkhoN meN hai ye kufr1 ke eemaan2 hai mera
aariz3 pe hai ye Khaal4 ke hooroN ka hai Dera
palkoN ki hai ye chaauN ke masti ka savera
ruKh5 par ye laTeN haiN ke dhuaaNdaar andhera
qaamat6 pe ye mukhRa hai ke naize ki ani7 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.mischief 3.face spot 5.face 6.stature, height 7.point of a lance
Josh describes the young maiden as “femme fatale” and her slender, tall figure like a lance. The mischievous look in her eye steals my faith. The beauty spot on your chin, the gathering place of fairies. In the shadow of her eyelashes, the dawn of intoxication. The locks dangling on her face, like hazy dusk. The face atop her slender body ready to kill like the lance. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

jis tarah dhundalke1 meN ho ek rang sa GhaltaaN2
jaise ke sahar3 kunj4 meN aahista KharaamaaN5
jis tarah uRe baam6 pe zarbaft7 ka daamaaN
jaise ke dhuaaN ood ka mandir meN pareshaaN8
ruKhsaar9 pe yuN subah ki aa’za shikani10 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.fog 2.dissolved 3.dawn 4.grove 5.gentle gait 6.roof 7.brocade 8.scattered 9.face 10.stretching to crack joints “subah ki aa’za shikani” – is waking up and stretching with that pleasant ache in the joints.
Her face is reflecting that pleasant feeling of dawn. Like colours dissolved in the early morning fog. Like the dawn emerging gently in yonder grove. Like a colourful brocade curtain waving on the rooftop. Like wafts of incense rising in the temple. Her face reflecting the coming dawn. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

is sin1 meN bhi paRti haiN haseenoN pe nigaaheN
qadmoN ke tale2` ab bhi javaani ki haiN raaheN
ab bhi ye tamanna3 hai mileN phool si baaheN4
asnaam5 ko mumkin hai ke ham josh na chaaheN
ghuTTi6 meN paRi aashiqi o barhamani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai
1.age 2.underneath 3.desire 4.arms 5.idols 6.genes
“ghuTTi” is a small earthen pot for disposing the placenta (presumably with inherent characteristics). “barhamani” or Brahmin-ness is the characteristic of worshipping idols/gods (world play – idol is the beloved). The eye wanders at this age too. My feet firmly planted on the path of youth. Desire still burns for beautiful arms around my neck. How is it possible that Josh not love these idols. Romance and the urge to worship idols is in my blood. Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

gulbadani – josh malihabadi

kis darja fusooN1 kaar vo allah Ghani2 hai
kya mauj’a e taabandagi3 o seem tani4 hai
andaaz5 hai ya jazba6 e gardooN zadani7 hai
aavaaz hai ya barbat8 e eemaN shikani9 hai
jangal ki siyah raat hai ya zulf10 ghani hai
kya gulbadani11, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.enchanting 2.uncaring 3.wave of brilliance 4.silver bodied, bearing 6.emotion, passion controlling 8.lute conquering 10.tresses, hair 11.flower bodied

There are two possible interpretations of the first misra. “allahu Ghani” (allah does not need/want anything) is a common expression like “alhamdulillah” (praise be to allah). Thus a conventional interpretation is “How enchanting she is, O allah”. A more unusual interpretation is that “Ghani” (which also means not caring) is a descriptor applied to her, not god. She has everything, does not want/need anything and therefore does not care for/ignores her lover(s). This leads to the interpretation that follows.  How enchanting is that uncaring one O god.  Her silver body shining brilliantly.  Her bearing set on subduing the heavens.  Her musical voice set to destroy my faith.  Is it a dark night of the forest or her thick braids.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

ye lai1 hai ke khilti hui Ghunche2 ki kamaani3
mahka4 hua ye tan hai ke ye raat ki raani
lahje5 ki ye rau6 he ke barasta hua paani
larzish7 meN ye mizhgaaN8 hai ke pariyoN ki kahaani
ye surKhi e lab hai ke aqeeq e yamani9 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.rhythm, movement 2.flower bud 3.spring 4.fragrant 5.speech 6.flow 7.fluttering, blinking 8.eye lashes 9.ruby of Yemen

Her movement is like arching petals.  Is it her fragrant body or a blooming jasmine?  Her words like the musical drip of rain.  Her eyelashes flutter like fairytales.  The redness of her lips surpassing rubies of Yemen.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

mehraab1 hai ruKhsaar2 ke partau3 se parafshaaN4
zulfoN meN shab e taar5 hai aaNkhoN meN chiraaGhaaN6
mehndi ki sajavaT ke hatheli pe gulistaaN7
ya halqa e ush-shaaq8 meN hai chehra e taabaaN9
ya Khaatim e taabinda10 pe heere ki kani11 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.central arch in a mosque 2.cheeks, face 3.reflection 4.bright 5.dark night of lovers 8.glorious face 9.bright ring 10.diamond stud

Central arch or “mehraab” in a mosque faces the kaa’ba and is focus of namaz. Josh elevates the “reflection of her beauty” falling on the mehraab to a level worthy of divine prayer.  The brilliance of her face is  the focus of my prayers.  Her tresses like the dark night and her eyes shining lights.  The henna on her palm like a beauteous garden, or is it a circle of lovers around her face, or is it a diamond glittering on a brilliant ring.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

seene pe ye pallu hai ke ek mauj e hubaabi1
maatha hai ke ek subah ka partau2 hai shahaabi3
aaNkheN haiN ke bahke hue do mast sharaabi
paikar4 hai ke insaan ke saaNche meN gulaabi5
gesu6 haiN ke gul baazi e mushk e Khutani7 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.wave of bubbles 2.reflection 3.meteor 4.body 5.rose coloured, wine 7.musk of Khutan (in Turkey)

Her heaving bosom showing through the shawl.  Her brilliant brow a reflection of the meteoric dawn.  Eyes reflecting the joy of intoxication.  Is it her body or intoxicating wine cast in human form.  Is it the rich fragrance of her tresses or the musk of Khutan.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied.

kaakul1 meN daraKhshaaN2 hai ye peshaani e raqsaaN3
ya saaya e zulmat4 meN hai chashma e haivaaN5
haathoN pe hai chehra ke hai ye rahl6 pe qur’aaN
aur chehra e gul rang meN GhaltaaN o KharoshaaN7
raKhshandagi8 e Khoon e rag e yaasmani9 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai curls on the forehead 2.shining 3.dancing brow 4.darkness 5.spring/river of life 6.criss cross book stand for tht Qura’an 7.prostrated and crying 8.brilliance 9.jasmine

Her curls over the forehead give the impression of flowing – like sparkling ripples of a river. Josh compares this with “spring of immortality”.This legendry spring is hidden in darkness. Thus the darkness of locks and the flow of the spring in the domain of that darkness is compared to the “flow” of the brow.  For the third misra, imagine her chin and cheeks resting on her palms and the elbows on a table, appear like a “rahaal”.  Josh uses this picture to assign the reverence to her beauty as The Q’uran!  “GhaltaaN o KharoshaaN” – prostrated and crying – being humbled and put to shame. “chehra e gul raNg” is her face of the colour of flowers. Before the colours of her face, the brilliance of the blood in the veins of jasmine is put to shame! Thus, her dancing brow shining through dark locks like the spring of immortality rippling in the dark.  Her face resting on her palms like the qura’an on a rehaal.  And the flowery hue of that face, putting to shame the brilliance of the veins of jasmine.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

ishwe1 haiN ke ek fauj khaRi looT rahi hai
chhal bal2 hai ke chhaati ko zamiN kooT rahi hai
angRaai ka Kham3 hai ke dhanak TooT4 rahi hai
mukhRa hai ke parbat pe kiran phooT rahi hai
qaamat5 hai ke barnaai6 e sarv7 e chamani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.flirtation 2.clever deception 3.curve 4.rainbow emerging 5.height, stature 6.youth 7.cypress

Her playful style is like a plundering horde.  The very earth beating its bosom at her enticing glances.  The arch of her stretch like an emerging rainbow.  Her brilliance like rays of light breaking from behind the hill.  Her youthful stature like a graceful cypress.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

tan meN hai vo Khushboo ke haiN gul sar ba garebaaN1
chehre pe vo surKhi hai ke hairaan gulistaaN2
vo chaal meN hai loch ke shaaKheN haiN pashemaaN3
aur la’al e guhar baar4 pe vo naGhma hai GhaltaaN
vo naGhma ke ek valvala5 e sho’la zani6 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.head in collar (hanging in shame) 2.ashamed 3.pearl showering rubies 4.passion 6.setting fire

“la’al e guhar baar” is pearl scattering rubies. Josh uses this as a metaphor for pearly white teeth shining through ruby red lips.  Her fragrance puts flowers to shame.  The colourful garden amazed at her brilliance.  Her graceful gait leaves supple branches gasping.  A smile with pearly white teeth, a song on her ruby red lips.  A song with a passion, setting fires all around.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

gardan meN chandan haar hai haathoN meN hai kangan
umDe1 hue ishwe2 haiN garajta hua joban3
jaulaaN4 hai javaani ke dhudhalke5 meN laRakpan
kora6 hai jo pinDa7 to junuN Khez8 hai ubTan9
gul rang shaloka10 hai qaba11 naarvani12 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.risen up 2.flirting style 3.youth, breasts 4.flowing 5.fog, mist 6.clean, fresh 7.body 8.passion arousing 9.cleansing paste, fragrance 10.tunic 11.robe, skirt 12.shade giving, dark

Necklace hanging on her bosom, bracelets on her wrists adding to her playfulness and blossming youth.  Adolescence peeping through the misty shadows of youth.  Her fresh body and passion arousing fragrance.  The flowery tunic and the dark skirt.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

Khilwat1 meN vo tasleem2 hai jilwat3 meN tahakkum4
saahil5 pe subuk mauj6 safeene7 meN talaatum8
hujre9 meN Khamoshi hai shabistaaN10 meN takkalum11
Khaime12 meN tunak13 aah e KhyaabaaN14 meN tarannum15
aaGhosh16 meN talwaar hai ghuNgaT meN bani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.privacy 2.acceptance, meek public 4.authority 5.shore 6.gentle wave 7.boat 8.tumult, storm 9.chamber 10.bedroom 11.conversation 12.tent, residence 13.short termpered, testy walk 15.musical 16.lap

Meek in private, commanding in public like a calm shore and a stormy sea.  Calm in company, annoyed/withdrawn in the chamber.  Curt at home, and musical in the garden.  Hiding a dagger while beautifully made up.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

har naqsh e qadam1 par hai fida2 taaj e kayaani3
har gaam4 meN hai chashma e kausar ki ravaani6
har ek bun e moo7 se ubalti hai javaani
uThti hai masaamaat8 se yuN bhaap si dhaani9
goya koi mahki hui chaadar si tani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.foot prints2.sacrificed 3.royal crown 4.step 5.spring/river in heaven 6.flow 7.body hair 8.pores 9.grey

Royal crowns bow down at her feet.  Her gait like the flow of Kauser.  Youth oozing from every pore as if sweat steaming out of her hot body like a fragrant sheet stretch tightly across.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

aaNkhoN meN hai ye kufr1 ke eemaan2 hai mera
aariz3 pe hai ye Khaal4 ke hooroN ka hai Dera
palkoN ki hai ye chaauN ke masti ka savera
ruKh5 par ye laTeN haiN ke dhuaaNdaar andhera
qaamat6 pe ye mukhRa hai ke naize ki ani7 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.mischief 3.face spot 5.face 6.stature, height 7.point of a lance

Josh describes the young maiden as “femme fatale” and her slender, tall figure like a lance.  The mischievous look in her eye steals my faith.  The beauty spot on your chin, the gathering place of fairies.  In the shadow of her eyelashes, the dawn of intoxication.  The locks dangling on her face, like hazy dusk.  The face atop her slender body ready to kill like the lance.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

jis tarah dhundalke1 meN ho ek rang sa GhaltaaN2
jaise ke sahar3 kunj4 meN aahista KharaamaaN5
jis tarah uRe baam6 pe zarbaft7 ka daamaaN
jaise ke dhuaaN ood ka mandir meN pareshaaN8
ruKhsaar9 pe yuN subah ki aa’za shikani10 hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.fog 2.dissolved  3.dawn 4.grove 5.gentle gait 6.roof 7.brocade 8.scattered 9.face 10.stretching to crack joints

“subah ki aa’za shikani” – is waking up and stretching with that pleasant ache in the joints.  Her face is reflecting that pleasant feeling of dawn.  Like colours dissolved in the early morning fog.  Like the dawn emerging gently in yonder grove.  Like a colourful brocade curtain waving on the rooftop.  Like wafts of incense rising in the temple.  Her face reflecting the coming dawn.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!

is sin1 meN bhi paRti haiN haseenoN pe nigaaheN
qadmoN ke tale2` ab bhi javaani ki haiN raaheN
ab bhi ye tamanna3 hai mileN phool si baaheN4
asnaam5 ko mumkin hai ke ham josh na chaaheN
ghuTTi6 meN paRi aashiqi o barhamani hai
kya gulbadani, gulbadani, gulbadani hai

1.age 2.underneath 3.desire 4.arms 5.idols 6.genes

“ghuTTi” is a small earthen pot for disposing the placenta (presumably with inherent characteristics). “barhamani” or Brahmin-ness is the characteristic of worshipping idols/gods (world play – idol is the beloved).
The eye wanders at this age too.  My feet firmly planted on the path of youth.  Desire still burns for beautiful arms around my neck.  How is it possible that Josh not love these idols.  Romance and the urge to worship idols is in my blood.  Ah the beauty of blooms embodied!