juNg na hone paaye-naresh kumar shaad

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ۔  نریش  کمار  شاد


شیتل  دَھرتی  کے  ہِردے  میں  اگنی  بان  چلائے

نِردوشوں  کے  خُون  سے  شمشانوں  میں  دئے  جلائے

نگر  نگر  میں  لاشیں  بو  کر  جِس  نے  کال  اُگائے

آج  وہ  سُکھ  سادھن  کی  بیرن  پھر  سر  پر  منڈلائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


جِس  نے  ہیروشیما  جیسے  بستے  شہر  اُجاڑے

پربت  پربت  وادی  وادی  موت  کے  جھنڈے  گاڑے

نوچ  لے  ہنستی  گاتی  آنکھیں  کومل  سینے  پھاڑے

اب  وہ  بدلی  پھر  نہ  ہمارے  جیون  مُکھ  پر  چھائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


ڈوب  نہ  جائیں  دُکھ  ساگر  میں  بچّوں  کی  آشائیں

ٹوٹ  نہ  جائیں  بجتے  چوڑے  مانگیں  اُجڑ  نہ  جائیں

روئیں  نہ  اپنے  بھاگوں  کو  ممتا  کی  ماری  مائیں

گلی  گلی  میں  دیا  دھرم  کی  لاج  نہ  پھر  لُٹ  جائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


ہم  کیوں  مانَوتا  سے  ساتھی  خون  کی  ہولی  کھیلیں

دَھنوانوں  کے  بوجھ  کی  خاطر  ہم  کیوں  بپتا  جھیلیں

موت  کے  کانٹوں  سے  کیوں  اُلجھیں  ہم  جیون  کی  بیلیں

دے  کر  اپنی  جان  خریدیں  ہم  کیوں  روگ  پرائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


اپنی  اگنی  میں  جل  جائیں  ایٹم  کے  انگارے

پاپ  کی  رگ  رگ  سے  بہہ  نکلیں  سُرخ  لہو  کے  دھارے

آؤ  اپنے  شترو  کو  للکاریں  مل  کر  سارے

ڈگر  ڈگر  پر  امن  کے  نیلے  جھنڈے  کو  لہرائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


اپنے  ساتھی  چین  کے  مزدوروں    نے  جسے  اُبھارا

ماؤ  اور  سن  یات  نے  جس  کا  سُندر  روُپ  نکھارا

ہم  بھی  لے  لیں  اُس  سورج  سے  جیون  کا  اُجیارا

اُجیارا  جو  کرودھ  کپٹ  کی  آندھی  پر  چھا  جائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


سوچ  رہے  ہیں  جنگ  کی  چالیں  جو  پاپی  ابھیمانی

کون  کہے  اُن  سے  کس  برتے  پر  یہ  تتّا  پانی

کون  سے  کھل  منڈل  سے  ہوگی  اب  جنتا  کی  ہانی

کِس  میں  اِتنا  کَس  بَل  ہے  جو  ہم  سے  آنکھ  ملائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


چیانگ  ہو  یا  ٹرومین  ہو  اپنے  سب  ہیں  دیکھے  بھالے

پڑے  ہوئے  ہیں  اپنی  اپنی  جان  کو  اِن  کے  لالے

ہم  کو  کیسے  روک  سکیں  گے  یہ  ہِٹلر  کے  سالے

ہم  ہیں  بڑھتے  چڑھتے  ساگر  یہ  ہیں  ڈھلتے  سائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


یہ  ہتیارے  اپنی  اندھی  طاقت  پر  مت  پھولیں

گل  جائیں  ڈالر  کے  ڈھانچے  ہم  جو  اُن  کو  چھو  لیں

پھوڑ  دیں  اُس  کا  پُرزہ  پُرزہ  موڑ  دیں  اُس  کی  چولیں

اب  جو  ٹینک  ہتھوڑوں  اور  کُدالوں  سے  ٹکرائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


پھیر  دیں  مُنھ  اُن  دُشٹوں  کا  سکھ  چین  جو  اپنا  لُوٹیں

پھونک  دیں  وہ  شستر  جو  ہم  پر  بجلی  بن  کر  ٹوٹیں

کاٹ  دیں  ایسی  جیبھا  جس  سے  یُدھ  کی  تانیں  پھوٹیں

توڑ  دیں  ایسا  ہاتھ  جو  اب  کے  جنگی  جال  بچھائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے


ہرے  بھرے  کھیتوں  کے  خوشے  جھومیں  اور  لہرائیں

سَرد  ہوا  کے  مست  ہلورے  اَمرت  رَس  چھلکائیں

کلیاں  چِٹکیں،  چشمیں  اُچھلیں،  پنچھی  ناچیں  گائیں

جُگ  جُگ  جئے  ہماری  دھرتی،  سدا  یوں  ہی  مُسکائے

جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے  ساتھی  جنگ  نہ  ہونے  پائے

जंग न होने पाए – नरेश कुमार शाद

शीतल धर्ती के ह्रदय में अगनी बान चलाए

निरदोशौं के ख़ून से शमशानौं में दिये जलाए

नगर नगर में लाशें बो कर जिस ने काल उगाए

आज वो सुख साधन की बैरन फिर सर पर मंड्लाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

जिस ने हीरोशिमा जैसे बस्ते शहर उजाढ़े

परबत परबत वादी वादी मौत के झंडे गाढ़े

नोच लीं हंस्ती गाती आंखें कोमल सीने फाढ़े

अब वो बद्ली फिर न हमारे जीवन मुख पर छाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

डूब न जाएं दुख सागर में बच्चौं की आशाएं

टूट न जाएं बजते चूढ़े, मांगें उजढ़ न जाएं

रोएं न अपनी भागौं को ममता की मारी माएं

गली गली में दया धरम की लाज न फिर लुट जाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

हम क्यूं मानवता से साथी ख़ून की होली खेलें

धनवानौं के बोझ कि ख़ातर हम क्यूं बपता झेलें

मौत के कांटौं से क्यूं उल्झें हम जीवन की बेलें

दे कर अपनी जान ख़रीदें हम क्यूं रोग पराए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

अपनी अग्नी में जल जाएं ऐटम के अंगारे

पाप कि रग रग से बह निक्लें सुर्ख़ लहू के धारे

आओ अपने शत्रू को लल्कारें मिल कर सारे

डगर डगर पर अमन के नीले झंडे को लहराए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

अपने साथी चीन के मज़्दूरौं ने जिसे उभारा

माऊ और सुन यात ने जिस का सुंदर रूप निखारा

हम भी ले लें उस सूरज से जीवन का उज्यारा

उज्यारा जो क्रोध कपट की आंधी पर छा जाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

सोच रहे हैं जंग कि चालें जो पापी अभिमानी

कौन कहे उन से किस बरते पर ये तत्ता पानी

कौन से खल मंडल से होगी अब जनता की हानी

किस में इतना कस बल है जो हम से आंख मिलाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

च्यांग हो या ट्रूमन हो अपने सब हैं देखे भाले

पढे हुए हैं अपनी अपनी जान को इन के लाले

हम को कैसे रोक सकेंगे ये हिट्लर के साले

हम हैं बढ़ते चढ़ते सागर ये हैं ढलते साए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए

ये हतियारे अपनी अंधी ताक़त पर मत फूलें

गल जाएंगे डॉलर के ढांचे हम जो उन को छू लें

फोढ दें उस का पुर्ज़ा पुर्ज़ा मोढ दें उस की चूलें

अब जो टैंक हथोढ़ौं और कुदालौं से टक्राए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए


फेर दें मुंह उन दुश्टौं का सुख चैन जो अपना लूटें

फूंक दें वो शस्त्र जो हम पर बिजली बन कर टूटें

काट दें ऐसी जीभा जिस से युद्ध कि तानें फूटें

तोढ दें ऐसा हाथ जो अब के जंगा जाल बिछाए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए


हरे भरे खेतौं के ख़ोशे झूमें और लहराएं

सर्द हवा के मस्त हिलोरे अम्रत रस छल्काएं

कलियां चिट्कें, चशमें उछलें, पंछी नाचे गाएं

जुग जुग जिये हमारी धर्ती, सदा युंही मुस्काए

जंग न होने पाए साथी जंग न होने पाए


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. naresh kumar shaad (1927-1969) prolific poet, writer, translator. Member Progressive Writers’ Association. Socialist/Communist. Educated and worked in rawalpindi and lahore before partition and then moved to India. This is a beautiful and poignant diatribe against war and at the same time a somewhat naïve optimism about the rise of socialism and solidarity of workers across national boundaries. Written in 1951, this probably reflected the devastation of the Korean war.
sheetal1 dharti2 ke hirday3 meN agni4 baan5 chalaaye
nirdoshoN6 ke Khoon se shamshaanoN7 meN diye jalaaye
nagar nagar meN laasheN bo8 kar jis ne kaal9 ugaaye
aaj vo sukh saadhan10 ki bairan11 phir sar par manDlaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.cool, comforting 2.land 3.heart 4.fire 5.arrows 6.innocent bystanders 7.funeral field 8.sow, plant 9.famine 10.means 11.antagonist, foe
(War) shoots burning arrows into the heart of the life-sustaining/comforting land. It lights lamps with the blood of innocents in funeral fields. It sows/plants corpses in every village and reaps a harvest of famine. Today, that same enemy of the means of comfort/livelihood hovers over our heads. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

jis ne hiroshima jaise baste shahr ujaaRe
parbat parbat vaadi1 vaadi maut ke jhanDe gaaRe
noch liiN haNsti gaati aaNkheN komal2 seene phaaRe
ab vo badli3 phir na hamaare jeevan mukh par chhaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.valley 2.soft, gentle 3.clouds
(War) which devastated prospering cities like hiroshima, that planted banners od death on every hill and valley, which plucked out smiling eyes and tore open loving bosoms. Let not those clouds once again cover the face of our lives. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

Doob na jaayeN dukh1 saagar meN bachchoN ki aashaayeN2
TooT na jaayeN bajte chooRe3, maaNgeN4 ujaR na jaayeN
royeN na apni bhaagoN5 ko, mamta ki maari maa’eN
gali gali meN daya6 dharam ki laaj7 na phir luT jaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye    
1.sorrow 2.hopes 3.bangles 4.parting in the hair 5.fate 6.kindness, fellowship 7.honour
Let not the hopes of children be drowned in oceans of sorrow. Both bangles and parting of hair are symbolic of marriage. The implication is that men go out to war and die and their wives are widowed. Let not mothers cry at their fate/loss of their sons at war. Let not the culture of kindness/love be lost in the streets/neighbourhoods where we live. Let there not be war, comrage, let there not be war.

hum kyuN maanavta1 se saathi Khoon ki holi kheleN
dhanvaanoN2 ke bojh ki Khaatir3 hum kyuN bipta4 jheleN5
maut ke kaaNToN se kyuN uljheN, hum jeevan ki beleN
de kar apni jaan KharideN hum kyuN rog paraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye     
1.humanity, humanism 2.rich, capitalist 3.for the sake of 4.calamity 5.bear, suffer
Why should we play holi with the blood of fellow humans. Why should we suffer calamities for the sake for capitalists. We are the plants of life, why should we get entangled in the thorns of death. Paying with our lives, why should we buy the trouble of others. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

apni agni1 meN jal jaayeN atom ke aNgaare
paap ki rag2 rag se bah nikle surKh lahu ke dhaare
aao apne shatru3 ko lalkaareN4 mil kar saare
Dagar5 Dagar par aman6 ke neele jhanDe ko lahraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.fire 2.vein 3.enemy 4.challenge 5.path 6.peace
Let the heat of atoms (bombs) burn in its own fire. Let streams of red blood flow out of the veins of sin. Come let us challenge the enemy together. Let us wave the blue (probably a reference to the colour of the UN flag) flag of peace on every path. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

apne saathi chiin ke mazdooroN ne jise ubhaara
mao1 aur sun-yaat2 ne jis ka sundar roop nikhaara
hum bhi le leN us suraj se jiivan ka ujyaara
ujyaara jo krodh3 kapaT4 ki aandhi par chhaa jaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye    
1.mao tze tung 2.sun yat sen 3.anger 4.deceit
The Communist Party of India in the early 50s looking to the success of the Chinese revolution as an example. Our fellow workers of China have raised it (the revolution) which was nurtured by mao and sun yat sen. Why don’t we also take the brightness of life from the light of that sun, a light that would overwhelm the storm of anger and deceit. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

soch rahe haiN juNg ki chaaleN jo paapi abhimaani1
kaun kahe un se kis barte2 par ye tatta3 paani
kaun se khal-manDal4 se hogi ab janta ki haani5
kis meN itna kas-bal6 hai jo hum se aaNkh milaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.proud, hubristic 2.use 3.hot 4.mischief collection 5.harm 6.power and daring
Those hubristic sinners who are scheming of war, what is the point of telling them that their attitude of anger like boiling water is of no use. Wonder what collection of mischief do they now have to cause harm to the people. They cannot dare to look us in the eye. Let there be no war, comrade. let there be no war.

chiaNg ho ya Truman ho apne sub haiN dekhe bhaale
paRe hue haiN apni apni jaan ko in ke laale
hum ko kaise rok sakeNge ye hiTler ke saale
hum haiN baRhte chaRhte saagar ye haiN Dhalte saaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
Be it chiaNg kai shek or harry Truman, we have seen the likes of them all. They are all afraid of their own lives now. How can these brothers of hiTler stop us. We are a rising sea and they are but a passing shadow. Let there not be war, comrade. let there not be war.

ye hathiyaare1 apni andhi taaqat par mat phooleN
gal jaayeNge Dollar ke DhaaNche2 hum jo un ko chhoo leN
phoR deN us ka purza purza3 moR deN us ki chooleN4
ab jo Tank hathoRoN aur kudaaloN se Takraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.murderous, blood thirsty 2.skeleton, framework 3.component 4.threads of bolts
Let these murderers not be blinded by the power of their arms. If we so much as touch them, the frame built on dollars will melt. We can break every part, loosen every bolt of the Tank that faces our hammer and sickle. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

pher deN muNh un dushToN1 ka sukh chain jo apna looTeN
phooNk deN vo shastr2 jo hum par bijli bun kar TooTeN
kaaT deN aisi jeebha3 jis se yuddh4 ki taaneN5 phooTeN
toR deN aisa haath jo ab ke juNg jaal bichhaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.evil, wicked 2.arms, weapons 3.tongue 4.war 5.tune
We will turn around/defeat the evil that snatches our peace. We will put out the arms that rain on us like lightning. We will cut off the tongue that sings the tunes of war and break the hand that spreads the web of conflict. Let there be no war, comrade, let there be no war.

hare bhare khetoN ke Khoshe1 jhoomeN aur lahraayeN
sard hava ke mast hilore2 amrit ras chhalkaayeN
kaliyaaN chiTkeN, chashmeN3 uchhleN, panchhi4 naacheN gaayeN
jug jug5 jiye hamaari dharti6, sada yuNhi muskaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye   
1.bunches, harvest of grain 2.waves, gusts 3.springs, rivers 4.birds 5.ages 6.land
Let the harvest of grain swing in our green fields. Let gusts of cool wind spill nectar. Let buds bloom, springs flow, birds sing and dance. May our land live long, forever happy. Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

naresh kumar shaad (1927-1969) prolific poet, writer, translator.  Member Progressive Writers’ Association.  Socialist/Communist.  Educated and worked in rawalpindi and lahore before partition and then moved to India.  This is a beautiful and poignant diatribe against war and at the same time a somewhat naïve optimism about the rise of socialism and solidarity of workers across national boundaries.  Written in 1951, this probably reflected the devastation of the Korean war.
sheetal1 dharti2 ke hirday3 meN agni4 baan5 chalaaye
nirdoshoN6 ke Khoon se shamshaanoN7 meN diye jalaaye
nagar nagar meN laasheN bo8 kar jis ne kaal9 ugaaye
aaj vo sukh saadhan10 ki bairan11 phir sar par manDlaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.cool, comforting 2.land 3.heart 4.fire 5.arrows 6.innocent bystanders 7.funeral field 8.sow, plant 9.famine 10.means 11.antagonist, foe

(War) shoots burning arrows into the heart of the life-sustaining/comforting land.  It lights lamps with the blood of innocents in funeral fields.  It sows/plants corpses in every village and reaps a harvest of famine.  Today, that same enemy of the means of comfort/livelihood hovers over our heads.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
jis ne hiroshima jaise baste shahr ujaaRe
parbat parbat vaadi1 vaadi maut ke jhanDe gaaRe
noch liiN haNsti gaati aaNkheN komal2 seene phaaRe
ab vo badli3 phir na hamaare jeevan mukh par chhaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.valley 2.soft, gentle 3.clouds

(War) which devastated prospering cities like hiroshima, that planted banners od death on every hill and valley, which plucked out smiling eyes and tore open loving bosoms.  Let not those clouds once again cover the face of our lives.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
Doob na jaayeN dukh1 saagar meN bachchoN ki aashaayeN2
TooT na jaayeN bajte chooRe3, maaNgeN4 ujaR na jaayeN
royeN na apni bhaagoN5 ko, mamta ki maari maa’eN
gali gali meN daya6 dharam ki laaj7 na phir luT jaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.sorrow 2.hopes 3.bangles 4.parting in the hair 5.fate 6.kindness, fellowship 7.honour

Let not the hopes of children be drowned in oceans of sorrow.  Both bangles and parting of hair are symbolic of marriage.  The implication is that men go out to war and die and their wives are widowed.  Let not mothers cry at their fate/loss of their sons at war.  Let not the culture of kindness/love be lost in the streets/neighbourhoods where we live.  Let there not be war, comrage, let there not be war.
hum kyuN maanavta1 se saathi Khoon ki holi kheleN
dhanvaanoN2 ke bojh ki Khaatir3 hum kyuN bipta4 jheleN5
maut ke kaaNToN se kyuN uljheN, hum jeevan ki beleN
de kar apni jaan KharideN hum kyuN rog paraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.humanity, humanism 2.rich, capitalist 3.for the sake of 4.calamity 5.bear, suffer

Why should we play holi with the blood of fellow humans.  Why should we suffer calamities for the sake for capitalists.  We are the plants of life, why should we get entangled in the thorns of death.  Paying with our lives, why should we buy the trouble of others.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
apni agni1 meN jal jaayeN atom ke aNgaare
paap ki rag2 rag se bah nikle surKh lahu ke dhaare
aao apne shatru3 ko lalkaareN4 mil kar saare
Dagar5 Dagar par aman6 ke neele jhanDe ko lahraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.fire 2.vein 3.enemy 4.challenge 5.path 6.peace

Let the heat of atoms (bombs) burn in its own fire.  Let streams of red blood flow out of the veins of sin.  Come let us challenge the enemy together.  Let us wave the blue (probably a reference to the colour of the UN flag) flag of peace on every path.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
apne saathi chiin ke mazdooroN ne jise ubhaara
mao1 aur sun-yaat2 ne jis ka sundar roop nikhaara
hum bhi le leN us suraj se jiivan ka ujyaara
ujyaara jo krodh3 kapaT4 ki aandhi par chhaa jaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.mao tze tung 2.sun yat sen 3.anger 4.deceit

The Communist Party of India in the early 50s looking to the success of the Chinese revolution as an example.  Our fellow workers of China have raised it (the revolution) which was nurtured by mao and sun yat sen.  Why don’t we also take the brightness of life from the light of that sun, a light that would overwhelm the storm of anger and deceit.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
soch rahe haiN juNg ki chaaleN jo paapi abhimaani1
kaun kahe un se kis barte2 par ye tatta3 paani
kaun se khal-manDal4 se hogi ab janta ki haani5
kis meN itna kas-bal6 hai jo hum se aaNkh milaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.proud, hubristic 2.use 3.hot 4.mischief collection 5.harm 6.power and daring

Those hubristic sinners who are scheming of war, what is the point of telling them that their attitude of anger like boiling water is of no use.  Wonder what collection of mischief do they now have to cause harm to the people.  They cannot dare to look us in the eye.  Let there be no war, comrade. let there be no war.
chiaNg ho ya Truman ho apne sub haiN dekhe bhaale
paRe hue haiN apni apni jaan ko in ke laale
hum ko kaise rok sakeNge ye hiTler ke saale
hum haiN baRhte chaRhte saagar ye haiN Dhalte saaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

Be it chiaNg kai shek or harry Truman, we have seen the likes of them all.  They are all afraid of their own lives now.  How can these brothers of hiTler stop us.  We are a rising sea and they are but a passing shadow.  Let there not be war, comrade. let there not be war.
ye hathiyaare1 apni andhi taaqat par mat phooleN
gal jaayeNge Dollar ke DhaaNche2 hum jo un ko chhoo leN
phoR deN us ka purza purza3 moR deN us ki chooleN4
ab jo Tank hathoRoN aur kudaaloN se Takraaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.murderous, blood thirsty 2.skeleton, framework 3.component 4.threads of bolts

Let these murderers not be blinded by the power of their arms.  If we so much as touch them, the frame built on dollars will melt.  We can break every part, loosen every bolt of the Tank that faces our hammer and sickle.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.
pher deN muNh un dushToN1 ka sukh chain jo apna looTeN
phooNk deN vo shastr2 jo hum par bijli bun kar TooTeN
kaaT deN aisi jeebha3 jis se yuddh4 ki taaneN5 phooTeN
toR deN aisa haath jo ab ke juNg jaal bichhaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.evil, wicked 2.arms, weapons 3.tongue 4.war 5.tune

We will turn around/defeat the evil that snatches our peace.  We will put out the arms that rain on us like lightning.  We will cut off the tongue that sings the tunes of war and break the hand that spreads the web of conflict.  Let there be no war, comrade, let there be no war.
hare bhare khetoN ke Khoshe1 jhoomeN aur lahraayeN
sard hava ke mast hilore2 amrit ras chhalkaayeN
kaliyaaN chiTkeN, chashmeN3 uchhleN, panchhi4 naacheN gaayeN
jug jug5 jiye hamaari dharti6, sada yuNhi muskaaye
juNg na hone paaye saathi, juNg na hone paaye

1.bunches, harvest of grain 2.waves, gusts 3.springs, rivers 4.birds 5.ages 6.land

Let the harvest of grain swing in our green fields.  Let gusts of cool wind spill nectar.  Let buds bloom, springs flow, birds sing and dance.  May our land live long, forever happy.  Let there not be war, comrade, let there not be war.

One comment:

  1. Excellent people have forgotten naresh sahab but we atill remember a part from poetry his prose was also strong .he is the first writer who started the practice of INTERVIEWS.in indo pak naresh and altaf hussan qureshi of urdu digest lahore first started interviews.thanks for sharing nareshs kalam.

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