Khutba-e zainab – fahmida riaz

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خطبۂ زینب یزید کے دربار میں ۔ فہمیدہ ریاض

(چنا ہوا مختصر)


حضرتِ زینب کھڑی تھیں اپنے خیمے کے قریب

اُن کی آنکھیں دیکھتی تھیں آخری منظر مہیب

چار سُو بوچھاڑ خوں کی، ہر طرف شورِ وِغا

روزِ محشر ہے تو اُس دن کربلا میں تھا بپا


دور تک آنکھوں کے تارے خاک پر بکھرے ہوئے

حضرتِ زینب کے پیارے خون میں لتھڑے ہوئے

دو جواں بیٹوں کی لاشیں سامنے رکھی ہوئیں

جاں سے پیارے سربریدہ بھائی کی میّت قریں

دوڑتے گھوڑے جو نعشیں روندتے تھے سر بسر

پڑ رہے ہوں گے وہ سُم زینب کی چشم و قلب پر


ایسی لاوارث کہ جن پر رحم کھاتے ہیں سماج

سارے اہلِ بیت کی خود والی و وارث ہیں آج

آپ ہیں اب اپنا لشکر، آپ ہیں اسکا علم

بابِ نو تاریخ کا اب اُنکو کرنا ہے رقم

نے تبر نے تیر نے شمشیر دستِ پاک میں

ہاں مگر دامن میں بے حد پر اثر الفاظ تھے

نطق جو اِنسانیت کی اوّلیں پہچان ہے

اور تاثیرِ بیاں تہذیب کی جو جان ہے


ابّ و جد کی بے بہا میراث لشکر کا نشاں

جوش میں آئی فصاحت، زور میں سیلِ بیاں

مرحبا بنتِ علی و فاطمہ صد مرحبا

بالمقابل تیغِ برّاں کیا علم لہرا دیا

ظلم سے سہمی ہوئی خلقت کا خوں گرما دیا

شہرِ کوفہ کے مکینوں کو لہو رُلوا دیا

سر زمینِ شام اور کوفے میں جس کی گونج تھی

کیا وہ اِک قیدی زنِ بے چارہ کی آواز تھی


فاتحوں کا فخرِ نصرت مل رہا تھا خاک میں

صرف بے چینی تھی غالب ہر دِلِ ناپاک میں

دستِ زینب اُن کے چہروں پر سیاہی مل گیا

روبرو درباریوں کے سب کو رُسوا کر گیا

وار کاری سے فصاحت کے نہ اُس کو سہہ سکے

تھیں زبانیں گنگ اُن کی صرف اِتنا کہہ سکے

“باپ کی مانند ہم سے گفتگو کرتی ہیں یہ

چھوٹے چھوٹے اِن کے فقرے ہیں بڑی تاثیر ہے”


پا برہنہ خستہ تن گلیوں میں پھروائی گئیں

رسّیوں میں باندھ کر دربار میں لائی گئیں

سامنے سفّاک قاتل تخت پر بیٹھا ہوا

تشت میں رکھا ہوا سر سیّدِ ابرار کا


اب کہاں کا خوف، کیا اندوہ، کیسی مصلحت

شام کے دربار میں یہ معجزہ تھا رُونما

جل گئی خاشاک سب، شعلہ ہویدا ہو گیا

صرف روحِ مرتضیٰ زینب کے پیکر میں نہ تھی

اِس تجلّی میں بھڑکتی روح تھی اِنصاف کی

جِس کے آگے کچھ نہیں ہے حاکموں کا جاہ و نام

بے جھجک، بے خوف، بے ابہام ہے جس کا کلام


“اک بھیانک ظلم ڈھایا تو نے اے قاتل یزید

مت سمجھ تیرے لئے ہے فتح و نصرت کی نوید

پست کا آخیر ہے جس کو تو سمجھ بیٹھا ہے اوج

مشت بھر تھے مرد و زَن جن پر چڑھائی تو نے فوج

خونِ ناحق دیکھتا تھا عرش پر ربّ کریم

تو نے پہنچایا ہے خود کو ایک نقصانِ عظیم

قہر تو نے ہم پہ ڈھایا، جو ستم ہم پر کیا

تو نے کاٹی اپنی شہ رگ اپنا خوں تو نے پیا


اہلِ بیتِ مصطفےٰ جامِ شہادت پی چکے

سر کشیدہ تھے جہاں میں، سرخ رو رخصت ہوئے

جگمگاتے ہیں فلک پر یاد رکھے گی زمیں

اب تیرے رُخ کی سیاہی مٹ نہیں سکتی لعیں

تیری سفّاکی پہ ہر کوچے میں شور و شین ہے

لائقِ تعزیر ہے تو، قابلِ نفرین ہے”


سامنے ٹکڑے ہوئے تھے جن کے سب پیاروں کے تن

چھوڑ کر آئیں تھیں جو میداں میں لاشیں بے کفن

بے پنہ صدموں کی شدّت پر سفر وہ پُر محن

اِس قدر مظلومیت پر ایسا خطبہ پُر جلال

مل نہیں سکتی ہمیں تاریخ میں ایسے مثال

پیش کرتی ہے اُنھیں اِنسانیت زرّیں خراج

عالمِ نِسواں کے سر پر آپ نے رکّھا ہے تاج

ख़ुत्बा-ए ज़ैनब – फ़हमीदा रियाज़

चुना हुआ मुख़्तसिर

हज़रत-ए ज़ैनब खऱि थीँ अपने ख़ैमे के क़रीब

उन की आँखेँ देखती थीँ आख़िरी मंज़र मोहीब

चार सू बोछार ख़ूँ की, हर तरफ़ शोर-ए वेग़ा

रोज़-ए महशर है तो उस दिन करबला में था बपा

दूर तक आँखौँ के तारे ख़ाक पर बिखरे हुए

हज़रत-ए ज़ैनब के प्यारे ख़ून में लिथ्ढे हुए

दो जवाँ बेटौँ की लाशेँ सामने रक्खी हुईँ

जाँ से प्यारे सर-बुरीदा भाई की मय्यत क़रीँ

दौड़्ते घोढे जो नाशेँ रौँदते थे सर-बा-सर

पड़ रहे होँ गे वो सुम ज़ैनब के चश्म ओ क़ल्ब पर

ऐसी लावारिस के जिन पर रहम खाते हैँ समाज

सारे अहल-ए बैत की ख़ुद वाली ओ वारिस हैँ आज

आप हैँ अब अपना लश्कर, आप हैँ उसका अलम

बाब-ए नौ तरीख़ का अब उनको करना है रक़म

ने तबर, ने तीर, ने शमशीर दस्त-ए पाक में

हाँ मगर दामन में बे-हद्द पुर-असर अल्फ़ाज़ थे

नुत्क़ जो इंसानियत की अव्वलीँ पहचान है

और तासीर-ए बयाँ तहज़ीब की जो जान है

अब्ब-ओ-जद्द की बे-बहा मीरास लश्कर का निशाँ

जोश में आई फ़साहत, ज़ोर में सैल-ए बयाँ

मरहबा बिंत-ए अली ओ फ़ातिमा सद मरहबा

बिल-मुक़ाबिल तेग़-ए बुर्राँ क्या अलम लहरा दिया

ज़ुल्म से सहमी हुई खिल्क़त का ख़ूँ गरमा दिया

शहर-ए कूफ़ा के मकीनोँ को लहू रुलवा दिया

सर-ज़मीन-ए शाम और कूफ़े में जिस की गूँज थी

क्या वो एक क़ैदी ज़न-ए बे-चारा की आवाज़ थी

फ़ातेहोँ का फ़ख़्र-ए नुसरत मिल रहा था ख़ाक में

सिर्फ़ बे-चैनी थी ग़ालिब हर दिल-ए नापाक में

दस्त-ए ज़ैनब उन के चेहरौँ पर सियाही मल गया

रू-बा-रू दर्बरियौँ के सब को रुसवा कर गया

वार-कारी थे फ़साहत के ना उस को सह सके

थीँ ज़बानेँ गुँग उन की सिर्फ़ इतना कह सके

“बाप की मानिंद हम से गुफ़्तगू करती हैं ये

छोटे छोटे इन के फ़िक़्रे हैँ बड़ी तासीर है”

पा-बरहना ख़स्ता-तन गलियौँ में फिरवाई गईँ

रस्सियौँ में बाँध कर दरबार में लाई गईँ

सामने सफ़्फ़ाक क़ातिल तख़्त पर बैठा हुआ

तश्त में रक्खा हुआ सर सय्यद-ए अब्रार का

अब कहाँ का ख़ौफ़, क्या अँदोह, कैसी मस्लेहत

शाम के दरबार में ये मो’जेज़ा था रूनुमा

जल गई ख़ाशाक सब, शो’ला हुवैदा हो गया

सिर्फ़ रूह-ए मूरतुज़ा ज़ैनब के पैकर में ना थी

इस तजल्लीी में भड़क्ति रूह थी इंसाफ़ की

जिस के आगे कुछ नहिँ है हाकेमौँ का जाह ओ नाम

बे झीजक, बे ख़ौफ़, बे-इब्हाम है जिस का कलाम

“एक भयानक ज़ुल्म ढाया तू ने अए क़ातिल यज़ीद

मत समझ तेरे लिए है फ़तह ओ नुस्रत की नवीद

पस्त का आख़ेर है जिस को तू समझ बैठा है औज

मुश्त भर थे मर्द ओ ज़न जिन पर चढाई तू ने फ़ौज

ख़ून-ए ना-हक़ देखता था अर्श पर रब्ब-ए करीम

तू ने पहुँचाया है ख़ुद को एक नुक़्सान-ए अज़ीम

क़हर तू ने हम पे ढाया, जो सितम हम पर किया

तू ने काटि अपनी शह-रग, अपना ख़ूँ तू ने पिया

अहल-ए बैत-ए मुस्तफ़ा जाम-ए शहादत पी चुके

सर कशीदा थे जहाँ मेँ, सुर्ख़ रू रुख़्सत हुए

जगमगाते हैँ फ़लक पर याद रक्खे गी ज़मीँ

अब तेरे रुख़ की सियाही मिट नहीँ सकती ल’ईँ

तेरी सफ़्फ़ाकि पे हर कूचे मेँ शोर ओ शैन है

ला’एक़-ए ताज़ीर है तू, क़ाबिल ए नफ़्रैन है “


सामने टुक्ड़े हुए थे जिन के सब प्यारौँ के तन

छोड़ कर आईँ थीँ जो मैदाँ मेँ लाशेँ बे-कफ़न

बे-पनाह सद्मौँ की शिद्दत पर सफ़र वो पुर महन

इस क़दर मज़्लूमिय्यत पर ऐसा ख़ुत्बा पुर जलाल

मिल नही सकती हमें तरीख़ मेँ ऐसी मिसाल

पेश करती है उन्हेँ इनसानियत ज़र्रिँ ख़िराज

आलम-ए निस्वाँ के सर पर आप ने रक्खा है ताज


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. fahmida riaz (1946-2018) was an outspoken poet writing about many social issues – equality, war and also about the status of women. Here she uses the backdrop of karbala to gently remind us of the role of women. The battle of karbala resulted in the killing of husain and his followers with the surviving family members taken as captives to the court of yazid in the Levant. The effective leader of this group was husain’s sister zainab, who by all conventional standards should have been scared and begging for mercy. Instead, she is reported to have shown great courage and dignity and to have condemned yazid in no uncertain terms. fahmida riaz uses her coourage and outspokenness in a most delicate and sublte manner, as a symbol and a rallying cry for feminists.
hazrat-e zainab khaRi theeN apne Khaime1 ke qareeb
un ki aaNkhen dekhti theeN aaKhri manzar2 moheeb3
chaar soo4 bochhaar khooN ki, har taraf shor5-e veGha6
roz-e mahshar7 hai to us din karbala meN tha bapaa8    
1.tent 2.scene 3.terrifying 4.directions 5.loud noise 6.war 7.doomsday 8.prevailing, happening
Lady zainab stood by her tent. Before her eyes the final terrifying scene. Blood flowing in all directions. Shouts of war everywhere. If there is a doomsday, it played out in karbala on that day.

duur tak aaNkhoN ke taare Khaak1 par bikhre2 hue
hazrat-e zainab ke pyaare Khoon meN lithRe3 hue
do jawaaN beToN ki laasheN4 saamne rakkhi huiN
jaaN se pyaare sar-burida5 bhai ki mayyat6 qariN7
dauRte ghoRe jo naasheN8 raundte9 the sar-ba-sar
paR rahe hoN ge vo sum10 zainab ke chashm11 o qalb12 par   
1.dust 2.scattered 3.soaked 4.corpses 5.headless 6.body 7.nearby 8.corpses 9.trample 10.hooves 11.eyes 12.heart
aaNkhoN ke taare is an expression used to mean loved ones. The bodies of her loved ones scattered in the dust, far and wide, soaked in blood. The corpses of her two young sons before her and the headless body of her dearer than life brother. The enemy trampling their bodies under the hooves of horses. She bore those hooves on her eyes and her heart.

aisi laavaaris1 ke jin par rahm2 khaate haiN samaaj
saare ahl-e-baiyt3 ki Khud vaali-o-vaaris4 haiN aaj
aap haiN ab apna lashkar5, aap haiN uska alam6
baab-e-nau7 tareeKh8 ka ab unko karna hai raqam9
ne tabar10, ne tiir11, ne shamshir12 dast-e-paak13 meN
haaN magar daaman14 meN be-hadd15 pur-asar16 alfaaz17 the
nutq18 jo insaaniyat ki avvaliN pahchaan hai
aur taseer-e-bayaaN19 tahzeeb20 ki jo jaan21 hai
1.orphaned, without protector 2.pity 3.people of the house (of mohammed) 4.leader and protector 6.flag, banner chapter 8.history 9.write 10.axe, hatchet 11.arrow 12.sword 13.noble hand 14.apron 15.limitless 16.full of effect 17.words 18.voice 19.impact of speech 20.civilization 21.soul
Vulnerable and unprotected, pitiful and helpless, now finds herself as the leader and protector of the house of mohammed. She is her own army of one, her own flag, tasked with writing a new chapter of history. No sword in her hand, but a limitless treasure of words of great effect. Word, the distinguishing feature of humanity. And the impact of that Word, the soul of civilization.

abb-o-jadd1 ki be-baha2 meeras3 lashkar4 ka nishaaN
josh meN aaii fasaahat5, zor meN sail6-e bayaaN
marhaba7 bint8-e ali o fatima sad9 marhaba
bil-muqaabil10 teGh-e-burraaN11 kya alam12 lahra diya
zulm13 se sahmi14 hui Khilqat15 ka KhuN garma diya
shahr-e koofa ke makeenoN16 ko lahu17 rulva diya
sar-zamin18-e shaam19 aur koofe meN jis ki goonj thi
kya voh ek qaidi zan20-e be-chaara21 ki aavaz thi   
1.forebears 2.invaluable 3.legacy, force 5.clear speech 6.flood 7.glory to you 8.daughter of 9.hundred 10.confronting sword 12.flag 13.oppression 14.scared 15.populace 16.residents 17.blood 18.homeland 19.the Levant, powerbase of yazid 20.woman 21.helpless
Your powerful speech was the legacy of your forebears, the force that you had. Your rage boiled over and started a flood of words. Glory to you, O, daughter of ali and fatima, a hundred glories to you. What a banner you raised against the sharp sword. You gave courage to the populace scared by oppression. You made the residents of koofa cry tears of blood, regretting their treachery. The cry that went around the Levant asked, was that the voice of a captive and helpless woman!

faatehoN1 ka faKhr2-e nusrat3 mil raha tha Khaak meN
sirf4 be-chaini thi Ghalib5 har dil-e napaak6 meN
dast7-e zainab un ke chehroN par siyaahi mal gaya
ruu-ba-ruu8 darbariyoN ke sab ko rusva9 kar gaya
vaar-kaari10 the fasaahat11 ke na us ko sah12 sake
theeN zabaaneN guNg13 un ki sirf4 itna kah sake
“baap ki maanind14 hum se guftagu15 karti haiN ye
chhoTe chhoTe in ke fiqre16 haiN baRi taseer17 hai”      
1.victors 2.pride 3.victory 4.only 5.overpowering 6.impure, sinful 7.hand 8.face to face, in front of 9.ashamed 10.full blow 11.powerful speech 12.bear 13.speechless, similar to 15.converse 16.sayings, pronouncements 17.impact
The pride of the victors was getting blown to dust. Fear overcaome their sinful hearts. The hand of zainab blackened their face. They were put to shame before their courtiers. The could not bear the hard blow of powerful words. They were speechless. All they could say was, “She talks like father. Her words are few, but the impact is powerful”.

pa-barahna1 Khasta-tan2 galiyoN meN phirvaaiiN gaiiN
rassiyoN meN baandh kar darbaar meN laaii gaiiN
saamne saffaak3 qaatil taKht par baiTha hua
tasht4 meN rakkha hua sar sayyad-e-abraar5 ka  
1.bare feet 2.wounded/tired body 3.cruel 4.platter 5.leader of the faithful a title used for husain
Dragged through streets tired and barefoot. Tied in ropes and brought to the court. The cruel killer sitting on the throne and husain’s head on a platter.

ab kahaaN ka Khauf1, kya andoh2, kaisi maslehat3
shaam4 ke darbaar meN ye mo’jeza5 tha ruunuma6
jal gaii Khaashaak7 sab, sho’la8 huwaida9 ho gaya
sirf10 rooh-e-murtuza11 zainab ke paikar12 meN na thi
is tajallii13 meN bhaRakti rooh thi insaaf14 ki
jis ke aage kuchh nahiN hai haakemoN15 ka jaah-o-naam16
be-jhijak17, be-Khauf18, be-ibhaam19 hai jis ka kalaam20    
1.fear 2.sorrow 3.need 4.Levant 5.miracle 6.appear 7.straw (the rulers) 8.flame (zainab) 9.manifest 10.only 11.spirit of ali 12.embodied 13.brilliance 14.justice 15.rulers 16.grandeur and reputation 17.unhesitating 18.fearless 19.unambiguous 20.speech, words
Putting her fear, sorrow and needs aside, she emerged as a miracle in the court of the Levant. She appeared like a flame before which rulers burnt like straw. It was not just the spirit of ali, embodied in zainab, but also a demand for justice, fearless, unhesitating and unambiguous, before which the grandeur and reputation of the ruler were nothing.

“ek bhayaanak zulm Dhaaya1 tu ne aye qaatil yazid
mat samajh tere liye hai fatah-o-nusrat2 ki naveed3
pust4 ka aaKhiir5 hai jis ko tu samajh baiTha hai auj6
musht-bhar7 the mard-o-zan8 jin par chaRhaai tu ne fauj
Khoon-e na-haq9 dekhta tha arsh10 par rabb-e-kareem11
tu ne pahuNchaaya hai Khud ko ek nuqsaan-e azeem12
qahr13 tu ne hum pe Dhaaya1, jo sitam14 hum par kiya
tu ne kaaTi apni shah-rug15, apna KhooN tu ne piya     
1.brought down 2.victory 3.tidings 4.low point 5.extreme 6.climax 7.fistful and women 9.unjustifiable 10.heavens 11.lord of kindness, god 12.great 13.calamity 14.oppression 15.jugular vein
You brought down fearsome cruelty on us, O, killer yazid. Do not think that this brings you tidings of victory. You are mistaking the lowest of low point for the climax. You sent a huge army against a handful of men and women. God knows of this unjustifiable killing. You have caused yourself great harm. The calamity you have brought down on us, the cruelty you have visited on us is like cutting your own jugular vein, drinking your own blood.

ahl-e-bait-e-mustafa1 jaam2-e shahaadat3 pii chuke
sir kasheeda4 the jahaaN meN, surKh-ru5 ruKhsat6 hue
jagmagaate haiN falak7 par yaad rakkhe gi zamiN
ab tere ruKh8 ki siyaahi9 miT nahiN sakti la’eeN10
teri saffaaki11 pe har kooche12 meN shor-o-shain13 hai
laa’eq14-e taazeer15 hai tu, qaabil16-e nafreen17 hai”     
1.household of mohammed 2.cup (of wine) 3.martyrdom 4.stretched, drawn 5.glowing face 6.departed 8.face 9.blackness 10.cursed 11.cruelty 12.street 13.crying and wailing 14.deserving of 15.penalty 16.deserving of 17.condemnation
The household of mohammed drank of the wine of martyrdom. The may have been sad-faced in this world, but they departed glowing with righteousness. They shine in heaven. The world will remember them. But the blackness on your face cannot be erased, O, cursed wretch. Your cruelty has raised cries and wails in every street. You are deserving of every punishment, every condemnation.

saamne tukRe hue the jin ke sab pyaaroN ke tan
chhoR kar aaiiN theeN jo maidaaN meN laasheN1 be-kafan2
be-panah3 sadmoN4 ki shiddat5 par safar6 vo pur-mahan7
is qadar8 mazlumiyyat9 par aisa Khutba10 pur-jalaal11
mil nahi sakti hameN tareeKh12 meN aisi misaal13
pesh14 karti hai unheN iِnsaaniyat zarriN15 Khiraaj16
aalam-e-nisvaaN17 ke sar par aap ne rakkha hai taaj   
1.bodies 2.without shroud 3.without refuge 4.tragedies 5.intensity 6.journey 7.full of sorrow much 9.oppression 10.speech, sermon 11.full of dignity 12.history 13.example 14.present, offer 15.golden 16.tribute of women
Before her, her loved ones were cut to pieces. She had to leave their bodies, unwashed and without a burial shroud. No refuge from the intensity of tragedies and on top of that a sorrowful journey (as a captive brought to the court). In spite of such oppression such a dignified and courageous speech. We have not seen an equal of it in history. Humanity offers you high tribute. You have placed a crown on the head of womanhood.

Khutba-e zainab, yazid ke darbaar meN – fahmida riaz
slightly abridged

fahmida riaz (1946-2018) was an outspoken poet writing about many social issues – equality, war and also about the status of women.  Here she uses the backdrop of karbala to gently remind us of the role of women.  The battle of karbala resulted in the killing of husain and his followers with the surviving family members taken as captives to the court of yazid in the Levant.  The effective leader of this group was husain’s sister zainab, who by all conventional standards should have been scared and begging for mercy.  Instead, she is reported to have shown great courage and dignity and to have condemned yazid in no uncertain terms.  fahmida riaz uses her coourage and outspokenness in a most delicate and sublte manner, as a symbol and a rallying cry for feminists.
hazrat-e zainab khaRi theeN apne Khaime1 ke qareeb
un ki aaNkhen dekhti theeN aaKhri manzar2 moheeb3
chaar soo4 bochhaar khooN ki, har taraf shor5-e veGha6
roz-e mahshar7 hai to us din karbala meN tha bapaa8

1.tent 2.scene 3.terrifying 4.directions 5.loud noise 6.war 7.doomsday 8.prevailing, happening

Lady zainab stood by her tent.  Before her eyes the final terrifying scene.  Blood flowing in all directions.  Shouts of war everywhere.  If there is a doomsday, it played out in karbala on that day.
duur tak aaNkhoN ke taare Khaak1 par bikhre2 hue
hazrat-e zainab ke pyaare Khoon meN lithRe3 hue
do jawaaN beToN ki laasheN4 saamne rakkhi huiN
jaaN se pyaare sar-burida5 bhai ki mayyat6 qariN7
dauRte ghoRe jo naasheN8 raundte9 the sar-ba-sar
paR rahe hoN ge vo sum10 zainab ke chashm11 o qalb12 par

1.dust 2.scattered 3.soaked 4.corpses 5.headless 6.body 7.nearby 8.corpses 9.trample 10.hooves 11.eyes 12.heart

aaNkhoN ke taare is an expression used to mean loved ones.  The bodies of her loved ones scattered in the dust, far and wide, soaked in blood.  The corpses of her two young sons before her and the headless body of her dearer than life brother.  The enemy trampling their bodies under the hooves of horses.  She bore those hooves on her eyes and her heart.
aisi laavaaris1 ke jin par rahm2 khaate haiN samaaj
saare ahl-e-baiyt3 ki Khud vaali-o-vaaris4 haiN aaj
aap haiN ab apna lashkar5, aap haiN uska alam6
baab-e-nau7 tareeKh8 ka ab unko karna hai raqam9
ne tabar10, ne tiir11, ne shamshir12 dast-e-paak13 meN
haaN magar daaman14 meN be-hadd15 pur-asar16 alfaaz17 the
nutq18 jo insaaniyat ki avvaliN pahchaan hai
aur taseer-e-bayaaN19 tahzeeb20 ki jo jaan21 hai

1.orphaned, without protector 2.pity 3.people of the house (of mohammed) 4.leader and protector 6.flag, banner chapter 8.history 9.write 10.axe, hatchet 11.arrow 12.sword 13.noble hand 14.apron 15.limitless 16.full of effect 17.words 18.voice 19.impact of speech 20.civilization 21.soul

Vulnerable and unprotected, pitiful and helpless, now finds herself as the leader and protector of the house of mohammed.  She is her own army of one, her own flag, tasked with writing a new chapter of history.  No sword in her hand, but a limitless treasure of words of great effect.  Word, the distinguishing feature of humanity.  And the impact of that Word, the soul of civilization.
abb-o-jadd1 ki be-baha2 meeras3 lashkar4 ka nishaaN
josh meN aaii fasaahat5, zor meN sail6-e bayaaN
marhaba7 bint8-e ali o fatima sad9 marhaba
bil-muqaabil10 teGh-e-burraaN11 kya alam12 lahra diya
zulm13 se sahmi14 hui Khilqat15 ka KhuN garma diya
shahr-e koofa ke makeenoN16 ko lahu17 rulva diya
sar-zamin18-e shaam19 aur koofe meN jis ki goonj thi
kya voh ek qaidi zan20-e be-chaara21 ki aavaz thi

1.forebears 2.invaluable 3.legacy, force 5.clear speech 6.flood 7.glory to you 8.daughter of 9.hundred 10.confronting sword 12.flag 13.oppression 14.scared 15.populace 16.residents 17.blood 18.homeland 19.the Levant, powerbase of yazid 20.woman 21.helpless

Your powerful speech was the legacy of your forebears, the force that you had. Your rage boiled over and started a flood of words. Glory to you, O, daughter of ali and fatima, a hundred glories to you. What a banner you raised against the sharp sword. You gave courage to the populace scared by oppression.  You made the residents of koofa cry tears of blood, regretting their treachery.  The cry that went around the Levant asked, was that the voice of a captive and helpless woman!
faatehoN1 ka faKhr2-e nusrat3 mil raha tha Khaak meN
sirf4 be-chaini thi Ghalib5 har dil-e napaak6 meN
dast7-e zainab un ke chehroN par siyaahi mal gaya
ruu-ba-ruu8 darbariyoN ke sab ko rusva9 kar gaya
vaar-kaari10 the fasaahat11 ke na us ko sah12 sake
theeN zabaaneN guNg13 un ki sirf4 itna kah sake
“baap ki maanind14 hum se guftagu15 karti haiN ye
chhoTe chhoTe in ke fiqre16 haiN baRi taseer17 hai”

1.victors 2.pride 3.victory 4.only 5.overpowering 6.impure, sinful 7.hand 8.face to face, in front of 9.ashamed 10.full blow 11.powerful speech 12.bear 13.speechless, similar to 15.converse 16.sayings, pronouncements 17.impact

The pride of the victors was getting blown to dust.  Fear overcaome their sinful hearts.  The hand of zainab blackened their face.  They were put to shame before their courtiers.  The could not bear the hard blow of powerful words.  They were speechless.  All they could say was, “She talks like father.  Her words are few, but the impact is powerful”.
pa-barahna1 Khasta-tan2 galiyoN meN phirvaaiiN gaiiN
rassiyoN meN baandh kar darbaar meN laaii gaiiN
saamne saffaak3 qaatil taKht par baiTha hua
tasht4 meN rakkha hua sar sayyad-e-abraar5 ka

1.bare feet 2.wounded/tired body 3.cruel 4.platter 5.leader of the faithful a title used for husain

Dragged through streets tired and barefoot.  Tied in ropes and brought to the court.  The cruel killer sitting on the throne and husain’s head on a platter.
ab kahaaN ka Khauf1, kya andoh2, kaisi maslehat3
shaam4 ke darbaar meN ye mo’jeza5 tha ruunuma6
jal gaii Khaashaak7 sab, sho’la8 huwaida9 ho gaya
sirf10 rooh-e-murtuza11 zainab ke paikar12 meN na thi
is tajallii13 meN bhaRakti rooh thi insaaf14 ki
jis ke aage kuchh nahiN hai haakemoN15 ka jaah-o-naam16
be-jhijak17, be-Khauf18, be-ibhaam19 hai jis ka kalaam20

1.fear 2.sorrow 3.need 4.Levant 5.miracle 6.appear 7.straw (the rulers) 8.flame (zainab) 9.manifest 10.only 11.spirit of ali 12.embodied 13.brilliance 14.justice 15.rulers 16.grandeur and reputation 17.unhesitating 18.fearless 19.unambiguous 20.speech, words

Putting her fear, sorrow and needs aside, she emerged as a miracle in the court of the Levant.  She appeared like a flame before which rulers burnt like straw.  It was not just the spirit of ali, embodied in zainab, but also a demand for justice, fearless, unhesitating and unambiguous, before which the grandeur and reputation of the ruler were nothing.
“ek bhayaanak zulm Dhaaya1 tu ne aye qaatil yazid
mat samajh tere liye hai fatah-o-nusrat2 ki naveed3
pust4 ka aaKhiir5 hai jis ko tu samajh baiTha hai auj6
musht-bhar7 the mard-o-zan8 jin par chaRhaai tu ne fauj
Khoon-e na-haq9 dekhta tha arsh10 par rabb-e-kareem11
tu ne pahuNchaaya hai Khud ko ek nuqsaan-e azeem12
qahr13 tu ne hum pe Dhaaya1, jo sitam14 hum par kiya
tu ne kaaTi apni shah-rug15, apna KhooN tu ne piya

1.brought down 2.victory 3.tidings 4.low point 5.extreme 6.climax 7.fistful and women 9.unjustifiable 10.heavens 11.lord of kindness, god 12.great 13.calamity 14.oppression 15.jugular vein

You brought down fearsome cruelty on us, O, killer yazid.  Do not think that this brings you tidings of victory.  You are mistaking the lowest of low point for the climax.  You sent a huge army against a handful of men and women.  God knows of this unjustifiable killing.  You have caused yourself great harm.  The calamity you have brought down on us, the cruelty you have visited on us is like cutting your own jugular vein, drinking your own blood.
ahl-e-bait-e-mustafa1 jaam2-e shahaadat3 pii chuke
sir kasheeda4 the jahaaN meN, surKh-ru5 ruKhsat6 hue
jagmagaate haiN falak7 par yaad rakkhe gi zamiN
ab tere ruKh8 ki siyaahi9 miT nahiN sakti la’eeN10
teri saffaaki11 pe har kooche12 meN shor-o-shain13 hai
laa’eq14-e taazeer15 hai tu, qaabil16-e nafreen17 hai”

1.household of mohammed 2.cup (of wine) 3.martyrdom 4.stretched, drawn 5.glowing face 6.departed 8.face 9.blackness 10.cursed 11.cruelty 12.street 13.crying and wailing 14.deserving of 15.penalty 16.deserving of 17.condemnation

The household of mohammed drank of the wine of martyrdom.  The may have been sad-faced in this world, but they departed glowing with righteousness.  They shine in heaven.  The world will remember them.  But the blackness on your face cannot be erased, O, cursed wretch.  Your cruelty has raised cries and wails in every street.  You are deserving of every punishment, every condemnation.
saamne tukRe hue the jin ke sab pyaaroN ke tan
chhoR kar aaiiN theeN jo maidaaN meN laasheN1 be-kafan2
be-panah3 sadmoN4 ki shiddat5 par safar6 vo pur-mahan7
is qadar8 mazlumiyyat9 par aisa Khutba10 pur-jalaal11
mil nahi sakti hameN tareeKh12 meN aisi misaal13
pesh14 karti hai unheN iِnsaaniyat zarriN15 Khiraaj16
aalam-e-nisvaaN17 ke sar par aap ne rakkha hai taaj

1.bodies 2.without shroud 3.without refuge 4.tragedies 5.intensity 6.journey 7.full of sorrow much 9.oppression 10.speech, sermon 11.full of dignity 12.history 13.example 14.present, offer 15.golden 16.tribute of women

Before her, her loved ones were cut to pieces.  She had to leave their bodies, unwashed and without a burial shroud.  No refuge from the intensity of tragedies and on top of that a sorrowful journey (as a captive brought to the court).  In spite of such oppression such a dignified and courageous speech.  We have not seen an equal of it in history.  Humanity offers you high tribute.  You have placed a crown on the head of womanhood.

Key Search Words:


  1. So, what was the said “khitaab” of Zeynab to Yazid? I thought the quoted / abbreviated bunds or lines were just setting the stage for the khitaab? Why does the poet declare that the “alam-e niswaan” is now wearing a crown because of her? How? Just by witnessing the slaughter of her loved ones, the chief among whom was one of the brothers, who thought his arch enemy the Yezid would fold, if he advances without much armaments, worse with women and children. Bad decision to challenge Yezid when you had no sword in your hand, or command of an army.
    I am sorry, I don’t get it. Am I too ignorant of the passion play?

    1. It appears that you have not read the Khutba by Bibi Zainab. The poet will not reproduce the khutba as it is , one has to know and understand the Khutba to reach to the poem that very nicely refers to the greatness of the khitab and Khateebah.

      Part of the greatness of the Martyrdom of Imam Husain was described in a rubaiyee by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti rahmatullah Aleh wherein he says :
      “Sahah Ast Husain, Badshah Ast Husain
      Dee.n ast Husain,Dee.n panah ast Husain
      Sar dad na dad dast der dast e Yazeed
      Haqqa k binaey la ilah ast Husain”

      Such a great Sufi saint and propagator of Islam in Indian sub continent of medieval century means it when he says ” Haqqa K BINAE LA ILAH AST HUSAIN” ( SACH TO YH HAI K LA ILAH ILLAL LAH KI BENA HUSAIN hai). It is neither a rhetoric nor the fantasy of the thoughts of Poet, it is the real truth of the sacrifice of Imam Husain. How and why a person of THE STATURE OF KHWAJA AJMERI would say that the foundation of Islam is HUSAIN (after 48 years of the departure of Prophet Muhammad(saw)) is a question to be pondered over. In the reply of this question you will find the greatness of this Zibh e Azeem of Karbala.

      In short this great sacrifice of Imam Husain and his near and dear ones would have been suppressed and wiped out of the history by the tyrant and fasiq ruler Yazid had the Lady Zainab not carried the mission of Imam Husain after his martyrdom. The mission of Imam Husain was to save true Islam which was being changed at will by the likes of Yazid and most of the Sahabis were unable to stand up against this erosion of Islam and practices of Yazid. They have given in to the designs of Muawiyah and Yazeed.

      Had Imam Husain also kept silence like others ,the Islam would have been very different today, a false islam in the name of real Islam where most kinds of haram would have been converted to halal and vice versa.

      Imam Husain acted as a savior of Islam at the time of need and Lady Zainab completed his mission after Karbala. One of the manifestations of her courage and acumen was seen in her KHUTBA which UNFOLDED the crimes and mission of YAZEED while he was sitting on the throne of Shaam claiming to be khalifa as heir of Prophet Muhammad.
      She made it clear that the likes of Yazid can never be the successor of Prophet saw.

    2. Dear Usama Khalidi,

      You and I have exchanged comments on Columbia’s URDULIST.
      The reason Fahmida Riaz wrote this poetry has a history in her own biography. These spaces are much too short to explain that. You can find the details in her own KHUD-NAWISHT.
      Looks like you have not been exposed to the Karabla story at any extent. Let me cite a few books for you:

      1. RELIVING KARBALA by Prof. Akbar Haider (at UNIV of Tex in Austin)
      2. PARTNERS OF ZAINAB by Diane De’Souza
      3. The Enchanted Modern by Laura Deeb

      If you give me your mailing address, I will take teh liberty tos edn you my own books about it.

      You may respond to me directly on my e-mail address.

      Thank you


    3. After months of contemplation sadly I deduced that the majority of followers of Islam do not have the time and inclination to analyze their own Islamic History as they are Cowards.
      Power corrupts: Great Poet Iqbal wrote – Poor English translation:
      ” Strange Joke has been played against Islam !
      Say Allah Hu Akbar & slaughter Imam Hussain grandson of the prophet of Islam ! ” By Iqbal.
      Cowards die many times before their death, but the Valiant tase of death but once.
      Wake up! use critical thinking, have integrity, honesty and then read the true books.
      Be a Valiant and not a Coward.

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