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andaleeb wasif
ٹھہری ہے ۔ فیض احمد فیض
اب وہی حرفِ جنوُں سب کی زباں ٹھہری ہے
جو بھی چل نکلی ہے وہ بات کہاں ٹھہری ہے
آج تک شیخ کے اکرام میں جو شے تھی حرام
اب وہی دشمنِ دیں راحتِ جاں ٹھہری ہے
ہے خبر گرم کہ پھرتا ہے گریزاں ناصح
گفتگو آج سر کوئے بتاں ٹھہری ہے
ہے وہی عارض لیلیٰ وہی شیریں کا دہن
نگہ شوق گھڑی بھر کو جہاں ٹھہری ہے
وصل کی شب تھی تو کس درجہ سبک گزری تھی
ہجر کی شب ہے تو کیا سخت گراں ٹھہری ہے
بکھری اک بار تو ہاتھ آئی ہے کب موج شمیم
دل سے نکلی ہے تو کب لب پہ فغاں ٹھہری ہے
دستِ صیاد بھی عاجز ہے کفِ گلچیں بھی
بوئے گل ٹھہری نہ بلبل کی زباں ٹھہری ہے
آتے آتے یوں ہی دم بھر کو رکی ہوگی بہار
جاتے جاتے یوں ہی پل بھر کو خزاں ٹھہری ہے
ہم نے جو طرز فغاں کی ہے قفس میں ایجاد
فیضؔ گلشن میں وہی طرز بیاں ٹھہری ہے
ठहरी है – फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़
अब वही हर्फ़-ए जुनूँ सब की ज़बाँ ठहरी है
जो भी चल निकली है वो बात कहाँ ठहरी है
आज तक शैख़ के एकराम में जो शै थी हराम
अब वही दुश्मन-ए-दी राहत-ए जाँ ठहरी है
है ख़बर गर्म के फिरता है गुरेज़ाँ नासेह
गुफ़्तुगू आज सर-ए कू-ए बुताँ ठहरी है
है वही आरिज़-ए लैला वही शीरीं का दहन
निगह-ए-शौक़ घड़ी भर को जहाँ ठहरी है
वस्ल की शब थी तो किस दर्जा सुबुक गुज़री थी
हिज्र की शब है तो क्या सख़्त गिराँ ठहरी है
बिखरी एक बार तो हाथ आई है कब मौज-ए शमीम
दिल से निकली है तो कब लब पे फ़ुग़ाँ ठहरी है
दस्त-ए सय्याद भी आजिज़ है कफ़-ए गुलचीं भी
बू-ए गुल ठहरी न बुलबुल की ज़बाँ ठहरी है
आते आते यूँही दम भर को रुकी होगी बहार
जाते जाते यूँही पल भर को ख़िज़ाँ ठहरी है
हम ने जो तर्ज़-ए फ़ुग़ाँ की है क़फ़स में ईजाद
फ़ैज़ गुलशन में वही तर्ज़-ए बयाँ ठहरी है
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. faiz ahmed faiz (1911-1984) a poet of romance and resistance, labour leader, journalist, political activist, Lenin Peace Prize awardee writes with great finesse and delicacy using the beloved as a metaphor for the homeland and/or the socialist revolution. Most likely this is about protest against military dictatorship. The poet/revolutionary and his comrades articulated words of protest demanding an end to military rule. Their words have spread and become a popular demand.
ab vahi harf-e-junuN1 sab ki zabaaN Thahri hai
jo bhi chal nikli hai vo baat kahaaN Thahri hai 1.word of passion/madness
The word of passion that the poet/revolutionary articulated has now become the talk of the town. Once started such talk cannot be stopped.
aaj tak shaiKh ke ikraam1 meN jo shai2 thi haraam3
ab vahi dushman-e-diN4 raahat-e-jaaN5 Thahri hai 1.deference, esteem 2.thing 3.forbidden 4.enemy of faith/doctrine 5.comfort of life
The shaiKh’s ikraam is the list of things he holds in esteem. In this list, some things are forbidden and considered “enemy” of faith. These things have now become the comfort of life. Thus, the demand for an end to military rule (or, for socialism) which was forbidden has now become the promise of life.
hai Khabar1 garm2 ke phirtaa hai gurezaaN3 naaseh4
guftugu5 aaj sar-e-ku-e-butaaN6 Thahri, circulating widely 3.running 4.custodian of faith 5.conversation/discussion 6.head of the street of the beloved
The talk all over town is that the keepers of authority/power are about to run away/in retreat. A discussion/confrontation is expected at the street of the beloved (where all lovers/revolutionaries will be gathered).
hai vahi aariz-e-lailaa1 vahi shiriN2 kaa dahan3
nigah-e-shauq4 ghaRi6 bhar ko jahaaN Thahri hai1.face of laila/beloved 2.beloved of the shiriN-farhaad story 3.mouth/face 4.eye of longing 5.moment
Wherever lovers have looked (even for a moment) they have seen the face of the beloved … the promise of justice.
vasl1 ki shab2 thi to kis darja3 subuk4 guzri5 thi
hijr6 ki shab hai to kya saKht7 giraaN8 Thahri hai1.union (with the beloved) 2.night much 4.soft, comfortable 5.pass 6.separation (from the beloved) 7.hard, uncomfortable 8.heavy, difficult
Nights of union with the beloved passed in comfort. Now that the lovers/revolutionaries are separated (from democratic rule), nights are extremely hard to spend. The revolutionaries are eager for union/return of the beloved.
bikhri1 ek baar2 to haath aaii hai kab mauj-e-shamim3
dil se nikli hai to kab lab4 pe fuGhaaN5 Thahri hai1.spread 2.once 3.gust of fragrance 4.lips 5.wailing
Just like fragrance, once it starts spreading, cannot be stopped, the pain of the heart, once it reaches the lips cannot be held back. Thus, comrades/revolutionaries – speak up.
dast-e-sayyaad1 bhi aajiz2 hai kaf-e-gulchiN3 bhi
bu-e-gul4 Thahri na bulbul ki zabaaN Thahri hai1.arm of the hunter 2.tired, helpless 3.hand of the flower-picker 4.fragrance of the rose
Two figures in urdu poetry are symbolic of oppression and cruelty … the hunter/trappers who captures and cages birds and the flower-picker who plucks flowers from the garden. Both of them are tired and helpless because one cannot stop the bulbul from singing and the other cannot stop fragrance from spreading. Thus, the demand for democratic rights cannot be stopped.
aate aate yuNhi dam1 bhar ko ruki hogi bahaar2
jaate jaate yuNhi pal bhar ko KhizaaN3 Thahri hai1.moment 2.spring 3.autumn, decay, season of no growth
The poet/revolutionary is hopeful that this phase of military dictatorship (KhizaaN) is temporary and that democratic rule (bahaar) is just around the corner.
hum ne jo tarz-e-fuGhaaN1 ki hai qafas2 meN ijaad3
faiz gulshan4 meN vahi tarz-e-bayaaN5 Thahri of appealing/demanding 2.cage, prison 3.invent, adopt of conversation
The poet and his comrades, all caged birds (prisoners) started the style of aggressive demand (for return to democracy) from the prison cells. That word has spread and become the common language of all people (in the garden).
faiz ahmed faiz (1911-1984) a poet of romance and resistance, labour leader, journalist, political activist, Lenin Peace Prize awardee writes with great finesse and delicacy using the beloved as a metaphor for the homeland and/or the socialist revolution. Most likely this is about protest against military dictatorship. The poet/revolutionary and his comrades articulated words of protest demanding an end to military rule. Their words have spread and become a popular demand.
ab vahi harf-e-junuN1 sab ki zabaaN Thahri hai
jo bhi chal nikli hai vo baat kahaaN Thahri hai
1.word of passion/madness
The word of passion that the poet/revolutionary articulated has now become the talk of the town. Once started such talk cannot be stopped.
aaj tak shaiKh ke ikraam1 meN jo shai2 thi haraam3
ab vahi dushman-e-diN4 raahat-e-jaaN5 Thahri hai
1.deference, esteem 2.thing 3.forbidden 4.enemy of faith/doctrine 5.comfort of life
The shaiKh’s ikraam is the list of things he holds in esteem. In this list, some things are forbidden and considered “enemy” of faith. These things have now become the comfort of life. Thus, the demand for an end to military rule (or, for socialism) which was forbidden has now become the promise of life.
hai Khabar1 garm2 ke phirtaa hai gurezaaN3 naaseh4
guftugu5 aaj sar-e-ku-e-butaaN6 Thahri hai, circulating widely 3.running 4.custodian of faith 5.conversation/discussion 6.head of the street of the beloved
The talk all over town is that the keepers of authoritypower are about to run away/in retreat. A discussion/confrontation is expected at the street of the beloved (where all lovers/revolutionaries will be gathered).
hai vahi aariz-e-lailaa1 vahi shiriN2 kaa dahan3
nigah-e-shauq4 ghaRi6 bhar ko jahaaN Thahri hai
1.face of laila/beloved 2.beloved of the shiriN-farhaad story 3.mouth/face 4.eye of longing 5.moment
Wherever lovers have looked (even for a moment) they have seen the face of the beloved … the promise of justice.
vasl1 ki shab2 thi to kis darja3 subuk4 guzri5 thi
hijr6 ki shab hai to kya saKht7 giraaN8 Thahri hai
1.union (with the beloved) 2.night much 4.soft, comfortable 5.pass 6.separation (from the beloved) 7.hard, uncomfortable 8.heavy, difficult
Nights of union with the beloved passed in comfort. Now that the lovers/revolutionaries are separated (from democratic rule), nights are extremely hard to spend. The revolutionaries are eager for union/return of the beloved.
bikhri1 ek baar2 to haath aaii hai kab mauj-e-shamim3
dil se nikli hai to kab lab4 pe fuGhaaN5 Thahri hai
1.spread 2.once 3.gust of fragrance 4.lips 5.wailing
Just like fragrance, once it starts spreading, cannot be stopped, the pain of the heart, once it reaches the lips cannot be held back. Thus, comrades/revolutionaries – speak up.
dast-e-sayyaad1 bhi aajiz2 hai kaf-e-gulchiN3 bhi
bu-e-gul4 Thahri na bulbul ki zabaaN Thahri hai
1.arm of the hunter 2.tired, helpless 3.hand of the flower-picker 4.fragrance of the rose
Two figures in urdu poetry are symbolic of oppression and cruelty … the hunter/trappers who captures and cages birds and the flower-picker who plucks flowers from the garden. Both of them are tired and helpless because one cannot stop the bulbul from singing and the other cannot stop fragrance from spreading. Thus, the demand for democratic rights cannot be stopped.
aate aate yuNhi dam1 bhar ko ruki hogi bahaar2
jaate jaate yuNhi pal bhar ko KhizaaN3 Thahri hai
1.moment 2.spring 3.autumn, decay, season of no growth
The poet/revolutionary is hopeful that this phase of military dictatorship (KhizaaN) is temporary and that democratic rule (bahaar) is just around the corner.
hum ne jo tarz-e-fuGhaaN1 ki hai qafas2 meN ijaad3
faiz gulshan4 meN vahi tarz-e-bayaaN5 Thahri hai of appealing/demanding 2.cage, prison 3.invent, adopt of conversation
The poet and his comrades, all caged birds (prisoners) started the style of aggressive demand (for return to democracy) from the prison cells. That word has spread and become the common language of all people (in the garden).