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قیامتِ صغریٰ ۔ سید احمد حسین امجدؔ حیدرابادی
طغیانیِ رودِ موسیٰ (۱۹۰۸)
نہیں ہے زخم کوئی بخیہ کے درخور مرے تن میں
ہوا ہے تار اشکِ یاس رشتہِ چشمِ سوزن میں
ہوئی ہے مانعِ ذوقِ تماشا خانہ ویرانی
کفِ سیلاب باقی ہے بہ رنگِ پمبہ روزن میں
سرکنم نالہ اگر تابِ شنیدن داری
سینہ بہ شگافم اگر طاقتِ دیدن داری
میں موردِ حرمان و گرفتارِ بلا ہوں
ماں باپ سے بچھڑا ہوا بچوں سے جدا ہوں
گہ محوِ فغاں ہوں کبھی مصروفِ بُکا ہوں
معلوم نہیں خود مجھے میں کون ہوں کیا ہوں
بے ہوش کبھی ہوں کبھی ہو جاتا ہے سکتہ
وہ عالمِ حیرت ہے کہ کچھ کہہ نہیں سکتا
افسانہ کہوں کیا دِلِ بے تاب و تواں کا
کیا ذکر کروں درد و غمِ رنجِ نہاں کا
ہوتا نہیں کمبخت اثر آہ و فغاں کا
ہے کون کہ ہمدرد بنے سوختہ جاں کا
کس واقفِ ما نیست کہ از دیدہ چہا رفت
سیلابِ سرشک آمد و طوفانِ بلا رفت
جو ہم نے سہا ہے نہ سہا ہوگا کسی نے
دیکھا ہے جو ہم نے وہ دشمن بھی نہ دیکھے
کچھ ایسے دئے چرخِ ستمگار نے چرکے
یک لخت ہوئے قلب و جگر کے کئی ٹکڑے
لختے برد از دل گذرد ہر کہ زپیشم
من قاش فروش دِلِ صد پارۂ خویشم
رونے کے سوا کام نہیں ہے کوئی دم بھر
منظورِ نظر ہو نہیں سکتا کوئی منظر
تاریک ہے دنیا مری نظروں میں سراسر
سورج کو سمجھتا ہوں میں جگنو کے برابر
در زندگیم روز مرا نور نماندہ است
وز عمرِ مرا جز شبِ دیجور ناماندہ است
ناکامیوں نے دِل میں مچا رکّھا ہے اندھیر
چلتی ہے تمنّاؤں پہ مایوسی کی شمشیر
جینے سے خُدا کی قسم اب ہو گیا جی سیر
پھر آنے میں کس واسطے کرتی ہے اجل دیر
ہاں اے ملک الموت از این بند رہا کن
رحمی بہ منِ سوختۂ بے سر و پا کن
اے واہ ری تقدیر میں دنیا میں جب آیا
چالیسویں دِن ہی نہ رہا باپ کا سایا
جو باقی تھے دریا نے کیا اُن کا سفایا
کمبخت نے اِک دم میں عزیزوں سے چھڑایا
زخمِ دِلِ صد چاک اب ہم کس کو دکھائیں
افسانۂ شوریدہ سری کس کو سنائیں
وہ رات کا سنّاٹا وہ گھنگور گھٹائیں
بارش کی لگاتار جھڑی سرد ہوائیں
گرنا وہ مکانوں کا وہ چیخوں کی صدائیں
وہ مانگنا ہر ایک کا رو رو کہ دعائیں
پانی کا وہ زور اور وہ دریا کی روانی
پتّھر کا کلیجہ ہو جسے دیکھ کے پانی
دم لینے کی طاقت تھی نہ سُستانے کی تاب آہ
تھی زندگیِ خورد و کلاں نقش بر آب آہ
کرتی تھے الگ سیلِ رواں خانہ خراب آہ
طوطے کی طرح آنکھیں بدلتے تھے حباب آہ
جان لینے کو ہر اِک متنفّس کے بڑھی تھیں
بے وجہ نہیں تیوریاں موجوں پہ چڑھی تھیں
تاریکی میں دریا نے اِک اندھیر مچایا
سیلابِ فنا بن کے کیا سب کا سفایا
پاؤں سے گُذرتا ہوا پھر سینے تک آیا
آگے جو بڑھا موت نے بس حلق دبایا
شب بھر رہے سب پانی میں فوّارے کی مانند
ہوتے ہی سحر ڈوب گئے تارے کی مانند
مادر کہیں اور میں کہیں با دیدۂ پُر نم
بی بی کہیں اور بیٹی کہیں توڑتی تھی دم
عالم میں نظر آتا تھا تاریکی کا عالم
کیوں رات نہ ہو ڈوب گیا نیّرِ اعظم
سب سامنے آنکھوں کے نہاں ہو گئے پیارے
وہ غم تھا کہ دن کو نظر آنے لگے تارے
بیٹی نہ تجھے باپ نے افسوس، بچایا
دستِ ستمِ سیلِ فنا سے نہ چھڑایا
دریا نے تیرے حال پہ کچھ رحم نہ کھایا
کیا بھولی سی صورت پہ اُسے رحم نہ آیا
یہ جسم تیرا پھول سا دیواروں سے ٹکرائے
سیلاب میں بہہ جائے تیری ننھی سی جاں ہائے
فرقت میں تیری کیا کہوں کیا گزرے ہے مجھ پر
ہر وقت ہوا جاتا ہے دل آپ سے باہر
ہے آمد و شد سانس کی چلتا ہو خنجر
بھرتا نظر آتا نہیں زخمِ دلِ مضطر
تو عزمِ سفر کردی و خستی جگرِ ما
بستی کمرِ خویش و شکستی کمرِ ما
غم چٹکیاں لے لے کے نہ کیوں روح کو تڑپائے
آتی رہے کیوں دل سے نہ ہر وقت صدا ہائے
کیوں چشمِ جہاں بیں میں اندھیرا سا نہ چھا جائے
جب نورِ نظر ہی نہ ہو کیا خاک نظر آئے
روشن میرے کاشانۂ تاریک کو کر جا
اے نیّرِ اعظم! میری آنکھوں میں اُتر جا
مانا کہ ہے دُنیائے دنی منزلِ فانی
دو روز میں مٹ جاتے ہیں لذّاتِ جہانی
پر ایسی بھی کیا جلدی تھی جو جانے کی ٹھانی
دل ہی میں رہی آرزوئے تسمیہ خوانی
باقی تھیں بہت سی ابھی اعظم تری رسمیں
تنگ آ گئی دنیا سے تو کیوں چار برس میں
وہ بُوٹا سا قد اور وہ چمکتے ہوئے رخسار
وہ چاند سی پیشانی تری مطلع الانوار
وہ ابروِ خمدار تری ننھی سی تلوار
وہ آنکھیں جنہیں دیکھ کے دشمن بھی کریں پیار
تیغِ اجل اِک آن میں تڑپا گئی تجھ کو
اے نورِ نظر! کس کی نظر کھا گئی تجھ کو
وہ چاند سی صورت مجھے اے چاند دکھا جا
کچھ میٹھی سی باتیں لبِ نازک سے سُنا جا
باقی نہیں اب صبر کی سینہ میں ذرا جا
چھاتی سے پھر اک بار لگالوں تجھے آجا
رستہ ترا تکتے ہوئے تنگ آ گئیں آنکھیں
اے نورِ نظر دیکھ کہ پتھرا گئیں آنکھیں
دنیا کا طریقہ ہے کہ مرتا ہے جب اِنساں
رو دھو کے کیا کرتے ہیں تکفین کا ساماں
لے جاتے ہیں سب مِل کے سوئے شہرِ خموشاں
ہاتھوں سے تہِ خاک اُسے کرتے ہیں پنہاں
مِٹّی کا لگا دیتے ہیں انبارِ گراں ایک
کہتے ہیں مُوئے آدمی کا ہے یہ نشاں ایک
کرتا ہے اگر تنگ بہت ہی دلِ مضطر
بیساختہ تربت سے لپٹ جاتے ہیں جا کر
دو پھول چڑھا دیتے ہیں بیکس کی لحد پر
بیتابی میں مرقد سے رگڑتے ہیں کبھی سر
فی الجملہ حرارت تو نکل جاتی ہے دل کی
گو کچھ نہ ہو ہوتی ہے مگر پھر بھی تسلّی
کس جا سے میں اب ڈوبی ہوئی نعشوں کو لاؤں
بیٹی کا پتا کیا ہے ۔ کہاں بی بی کو پاؤں
دوں کس کو کفن کس کا میں تابوت بناؤں
ہے قبر کہاں پھول کہاں جا کے چڑھاؤں
ہے ہے ہدفِ رنج و محن کر گئیں اماں
افسوس کہ بے گور و کفن مر گئیں اماں
اے موسیٔ فرعون صفت! کچھ تو کرم کر
اے موج ذرا دیکھ مری حالتِ مضطر
ہاں اے لبِ ساحل نہ رکھ اب مجھ کو مُکدّر
کہہ دے کہ کہاں ہے مرا کھویا ہوا گوہر
ہاں اے صدفِ صاف خدا کے لئے منھ کھول
چپ کیوں ہے تو اے ماہیِ سر برزدہ کچھ بول
خاموش تو کس واسطے اے برقِ تپاں ہے
آخر ترے منھ میں بھی تو اے رعد زباں ہے
اے مہرِ جہاں تاب! مرا چاند کہاں ہے
کس چاہ میں وہ یوسفِ گم گشتہ نہاں ہے
اے قافلۂ ریگِ رواں تو ہی بتا دے
کس جا ہے مری مادرِ مرحومہ بتا دے
جب انجمنِ عیش و طرب ہو گئی برباد
افسُردہ بھلا کیوں نہ رہے خاطرِ ناشاد
تنہائی میں آتی ہے عزیزوں کی اگر یاد
بیساختہ کرتا ہے دِلِ غمزدہ فریاد
اشک آنکھوں سے جاری ہیں کبھی لب پہ فغاں ہے
مرنے کے لئے مرتے ہیں پر موت کہاں ہے
ہر وقت بچھی رہتی ہے دل میں صفِ ماتم
ہوتا نہیں رونا کبھی دم بھر کے لئے کم
سب چل بسے باقی نہ رہا ایک بھی ہمدم
بیٹی کا کہ بی بی کا کہ مادر کا کروں غم
آتا نہیں اب آہ سمجھ میں کوئی مضموں
حیراں ہوں کہ دو آنکھوں سے کس کس کو میں روؤں
جنگل سے سروکار نہ جی لگتا ہے گھر میں
غم شام و سحر چٹکیاں لیتا ہے جگر میں
پھرتی ہے عزیزوں کی ہی تصویر نظر میں
سو مرتبہ یاد آتی ہے ماں آٹھ پہر میں
سنگِ غمِ مادر دلِ نازک پہ گراں ہے
یہ زیست خدا کی قسم اب کاہشِ جاں ہے
لللہ یہ بگڑی ہوئی تقدیر بنا لو
میں خاک پہ گرنے کو ہوں لو جلد سنبھالو
امجدؔ کو بھی اعظم کی طرح پاس بلا لو
اک بار ذرا پھر مجھے چھاتی سے لگا لو
دل میں مرے اب صبر کی طاقت نہیں اماں
دنیا میں بغیر آپ کے راحت نہیں اماں
क़यामत-ए सोग़्रा – सय्यद अहमद हुसैन अम्जद हैदराबादी
तुग़्यानी-ए रूद-ए मूसी (१९०८)
नहीं है ज़ख़्म कोई बख़्या के दर्ख़ुर मेरे तन में
हुआ है तार अश्क-ए यास रिश्ता-ए चश्म-ए सोज़न में
हुई है माना’-ए ज़ौक़-ए तमाशा ख़ाना वीरानी
कफ़-ए सैलाब बाक़ी है ब-रंग-ए पम्बा रौज़न में
सरकुनम नाल अगर ताब-ए शुनीदन दारी
सीना ब-शिगाफ़म अगर ताक़त-ए दीदन दारी
मैं मोरिद-ए हिर्मान ओ गिरफ़्तार-ए बला हूं
मां बाप से बिछढा हुआ बच्चौं से जुदा हूं
गह महव-ए फ़ुग़ां हूं कभी मस्रूफ़-ए बुका हूं
मा’लूम नहीं ख़ुद मुझे मैं कौन हूं क्या हूं
बे-होश कभी हूं कभी हो जाता है सक्ता
वो आलम-ए हैरत है के कुछ कह नहीं सक्ता
अफ़्साना कहूं क्या दिल-ए बे-ताब ओ तवां का
क्या ज़िक्र करूं दर्द ओ ग़म-ए रंज-ए नेहां का
होता नहीं कमबख़्त असर आह ओ फ़ुग़ां का
है कौन के हमदर्द बने सोख़्ता जां का
कस वाक़फ़-ए मा नीस्त के अज़ दीदा चहा रफ़्त
सैलाब-ए सरश्क आमद ओ तूफ़ान-ए बला रफ़्त
जो हम ने सहा है न सहा होगा किसी ने
देखा है जो हम ने वो दुश्मन भी न देखे
कुछ ऐसे दिए चर्ख़ा-ए सितमगार ने चर्के
यक लख़्त हुए क़ल्ब ओ जिगर के कई टुक्ड़े
लख़ति बरद अज़ दिल गुज़रद हर के ज़पीशम
मन क़ाश फ़रोश दिल-ए सद-पारा-ए ख़्वीशम
रोने के सिवा काम नही है कोई दम भर
मंज़ूर-ए नज़र हो नहीं सक्ता कोई मंज़र
तारीक है दुनिया मेरी नज़्रौं में सरासर
सूरज को समझता हूं मैं जुग्नू के बराबर
दर ज़िंदगीयम रोज़ मरा नूर नमांदस्त
व-अज़ उम्र-ए मरा जुज़ शब-ए देजूर नमांदस्त
नाकामियौं ने दिल में मचा रक्खा है अंधेर
चलती है तमन्नाऔं पे मायूसी कि शमशेर
जीने से ख़ुदा की क़सम अब हो गया जी सेर
फिर आने में किस वास्ते करती है अजल देर
हां अए मलक-उल-मौत अज़ इन नंद रेहा कुन
रहमी ब-मन-ए सोख़्ता-ए बे-सर ओ पा कुन
अए वाह रि तक़्दीर मैं दुनिया में जब आया
चालीस्वें दिन ही न रहा बाप का साया
जो बाक़ी थे दरिया ने किया उन का सफ़ाया
कमबख़्त ने एक दम में अज़ीज़ौं से छुड़ाया
ज़ख़्म-ए दिल-ए सद-चाक अब हम किस को दिखाएं
अफ़्साना-ए शोरीदा-सरी किस को सुनाएं
वो रात का सन्नाटा, वो घन्गोर घटाएं
बारिश कि लगातार झढी सर्द हवाएं
गिरना वो मकानौं का वो चीख़ौं कि सदाएं
वो मांगना हर एक का रो रो के दुआएं
पानी का वो ज़ोर और वो दरिया की रवानी
पत्थर का कलेजा हो जिसे देख के पानी
दम लेने कि ताक़त थी न सुस्ताने कि ताब आह
थी ज़िंदगी-ए ख़ुर्द ओ कलां नक़्श बर आब आह
करती थी अलग सैल-ए रवां ख़ाना-ख़राब आह
तोते की ररह आंखें बदलते थे हुबाब आह
जान लेने को हर एक मुतन्नफ़िस के बढ़ी थीं
बे वजह नहीं त्योरियां मौजों पे चढ़ी थीं
तारीकी में दरिया ने एक अंधेर मचाया
सैलाब-ए फ़ना बन के किया सब का सफ़ाया
पाऊं से गुज़रता हुआ फिर सीने तक आया
आगे जो बढ़ा मौत ने बस हलक़ दबाया
शब भर रहे सब पानी में फ़व्वारे कि मानिंद
होते हि सहर डूब गये तारे कि मानिंद
मादर कहीं और मैं कहीं बा-दीदा-ए मुर-नम
बीबी कहीं और बेटी कहीं तोढती थी दम
आलम में नज़र आता था तारीकि का आलम
क्यूं रात न हो डूब गया नय्यर-ए आज़म
सब सामने आंखौं के नेहां हो गये प्यारे
वो ग़म था के दिन को नज़र आने लगे तारे
बेटा न तुझे बाप ने अफ़्सोस बचाया
दस्त-ए सितम-ए सैल-ए फ़ना से न छुढाया
दरिया ने तेरे हाल पे कुछ रहम न खाया
क्या भोली सि सूरत पे उसे रहम न आया
ये जिस्म तेरा फूल सा दीचारौं से टक्राए
सैलाब में बह जाए तेरी नन्ही सि जां हाए
फ़ुर्क़त में तेरी क्या कहूं क्या गुज़्रे है मुझ पर
हर वक़्त हुआ जाता है दिल आप से बाहर
है आमद ओ शुद सांस कि चलता हुआ ख़ंजर
भरता नज़र आता नहीं ज़ख़्म-ए दिल-ए मुज़्तर
तू अज़्म-ए सफ़र करदि ओ ख़स्ती जिगर-ए मा
बस्ती कमर-ए ख़्वीश ओ शिकस्ती कमर-ए मा
ग़म चुटकियां ले ले के न क्यूं रूह को तढपाए
आती रहे क्यूं दिल से न हर वक़्त सहा हाए
चश्म-ए जहां-बीं में अंधेरा सा न छा जाए
जब नूर-ए नज़र ही न हो क्या ख़ाक नज़र आए
रौशन मेरे काशाना-ए तारीक को कर जा
अए नय्यर-ए आज़म! मेरी आंखौं में उतर जा
माना के है दुनिया-ए दनी मंज़िल-ए फ़ानी
दो रोज़ में मिट जाते हैं लज़्ज़ात-ए जहानी
पर ऐसी भी क्या जल्दी थी जो जाने कि ठानी
दिल ही में रही आर्ज़ू-ए तस्मिया ख़्वानी
बाक़ी थीं बहुत सी अभी आज़म तेरी रस्में
तंग आ गई दुनिया से तु क्यूं चार बरस में
वो बूटा सा क़द और वो चमक्ते हुए रुख़्सार
वो चांद सि पेशानी तेरी मत्ला-उल-अनवार
वो अब्रू-ए ख़म्दार तेरी नन्ही सि तल्वार
वो आंखें जिन्हें देख के दुश्मन भी करें प्यार
तेग़-ए अजल एक आन में तढपा गई तुझ को
अए नूर-ए नज़र किस कि नज़र खा गई तुझ को
वो चांद सि सूरत मुझे अए चांद दिखा जा
कुछ मीठी सि बातें लब-ए नाज़ुक से सुना जा
बाक़ी नहीं अब सब्र कि सीने में ज़रा जा
छाती से फिर एक बार लगा लूं तुझे आ जा
रस्ता तेरा तक्ते हुए तंग आ गईं आंखें
अए नूर-ए नज़र देख के पथ्रा गईं आंखें
दुनिया का तरीक़ा है के मरता है जब इंसां
रो धो के किया करते हैं तक्फ़ीन का सामां
ले जाते हैं सब मिल के सु-ए शहर-ए ख़मोशां
हाथौं से तह-ए ख़ाक उसे करते हैं पिन्हां
मिट्टी का लगा देते हैं अंबार-ए गिरां एक
कहते हैं मुए आदमी का है ये निशां एक
करता है अगर तंग बहुत ही दिल-ए मुज़्तर
बेसाख़्ता तुर्बत से लिपट जाते हैं जा कर
दो फूल चढ़ा देते हैं बेकस की लहद पर
बेताबी में मर्क़द से रगढते हैं कभी सर
फ़िलजुम्ला हरारत तो निकल जाती है दिल की
गो कुछ न हो होती है मगर फिर भी तसल्ली
किस जा से मैं अब डूबी हुई ना’शौं को लाऊं
बेटी का पता क्या है कहां बीबी को पाऊं
दूं किस को कफ़न किस का मैं ताबूत बनाऊं
है क़ब्र कहां फूल कहां जा के चढाऊं
है है हदफ़-ए रंज ओ मेहन कर गईं आम्मां
अफ़्सोस के बे गोर ओ कफ़न मर गईं आम्मां
अए मुसी-ए फ़िर’औन सिफ़त! कुछ तो करम कर
अए मौज ज़रा देख मेरी हालत-ए मुज़्तर
हां अए लब-ए साहल न रख अब मुझ को मुकद्दर
कह दे के कहां है मेरा खोया हुआ गौहर
हां अए सदफ़-ए साफ़ ख़ुदा के लिये मुंह खोल
चुप क्यूं है तु अए माही-ए सर-बुज़्दा कुछ बोल
ख़ामोश तु किस वास्ते अए बर्क़-ए तपां है
आख़िर तेरे मुंह में भी तो अए र’अद ज़बां है
अए महर-ए जहां-ताब! मेरा चांद कहां है
किस चाह में वो यूसुफ़-ए गुम गश्ता नेहां है
अए क़ाफ़ला-ए रेग-ए रवा तू हि बता दे
किस जा है मेरी मादर-ए मरहूमा बता दे
अब अंजुमन-ए ऐश ओ तरब हो गई बरबाद
अफ़्सुर्दा भला क्यूं न रहे ख़ातर-ए ना-शाद
तन्हाई में आती है अज़ीज़ौं कि अगर याद
बे-साख़्ता करता है दिल-ए ग़मज़दा फ़र्याद
अश्क आंखौं से जारी हैं कभी लब पे फ़ुग़ां है
मरने के लिये मरते हैं पर मौत कहां है
हर वक़्त बिछी रहती है दिल मे सफ़-ए मातम
होता नहीं रोना कभी दम भर के लिये कम
सब चल बसे, बाक़ी न रहा एक भी हमदम
बेटी का के बीबी का के मादर का करूं ग़म
आता नहीं अब आह समझ में कोई मज़्मूं
हैरां हुं के दो आंखौं से किस किस को मैं रोऊं
जंगल से सरोकार नो जी लगता है घर में
ग़म शाम ओ सहर चुटकियां लेती है जिगर में
फिरती है अज़ीज़ौं कि हि तस्वीर नज़र में
सौ मर्तबा याद आती है मां आठ पहर में
संग-ए ग़म-ए मादर दिल-ए नाज़ुक पे गिरां है
ये ज़ीस्त ख़ुदा कि क़सम अब काहिश-ए जां है
लिल्लाह बिग्ढी हुई तक़्दीर बना लो
मैं ख़ाक पे गिरने को हूं लो जल्द संभालो
अम्जद को भी आज़म की तरह पास बुला लो
एक बार ज़रा फिर मुझे छाती से लगा लो
दिल में मेरे अब सब्र की ताक़त नहीं अम्मां
दुनिया में बग़ैर आप के राहत नही अम्मां
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. syed ahmed husain, amjad hyderabadi (1886/8?-1961) was a highly recognized poet on the local, if not the national stage. A good deal of his early urdu and faarsi Ghazal were lost in the flood of 1908. Later, he established himself as an exponent of ‘rubaaiyaat’, quatrain with sufiyaana and devotional flavour, writing with much sensitivity about the condition of the poor and deprived. Orphaned as an infant of 40 days, brought up by a young widowed mother, married at the young age of 15/16 years, saw his young wife, infant daughter of four and mother swept away in the flood. His daughter’s name was aazam-ul-nissa and it appears (shown in quotes) in a few places in the nazm. He writes about his mother and daughter and only a little about his wife. This is simply a deep cultural inhibition and should NOT be interpreted as a lack of sensitivity to that loss. Years later, when friends persuaded him to write about his experience, he called it “qayaamat-e soGhra” – “Minor Doomsday” – implying that it was second only to the conventional/religious concept of “Doomsday”, end of the world. Such was his anguish.
nahiN hai zaKhm koii baKhya ke darKhur mere tan meN
hua hai taar ashk-e yaas rishta-e chashm-e sozan meN
hui hai maana’-e zauq-e tamaasha Khaana veeraani
kaf-e sailaab baaqi hai ba-raNg-e pamba rauzan meN
sar kunam naala agar taab-e shuniidan daari
seena ba-shigaafam agar taaqat-e deedan daari The wounds of my soul too deep for stitching
Eyes melt into tears with the pain of yearning
The desolate heart forces me all joy to spurn
Foaming flood waters to this day in my eyes do burn
I will proceed with my gruesome tale, listen if you dare
I will tear open my bosom, if the sight you can bear
maiN morid-e hirmaan o giraftaar-e balaa huN
maaN baap se bichhRa hua bachchauN se juda huN
gah mahv-e fuGhaaN huN kabhi masruf-e buka huN
m’aaloom nahiN Khud mujhe maiN kaun huN kya huN
be-hosh kabhi huN kabhi ho jaata hai sakta
vo aalam-e hairat hai ke kuchh kah nahiN sakta Sorrow descends on me, calamities surround
Children taken away, father nor mother around
Now lost in wailing, yet again in lamenting
I don’t know who I am or what I am doing
Sometimes stunned, at other times I faint
Such a puzzle this, that a picture I cannot paint
afsaana kahuN kya dil-e be-taab o tavaaN ka
kya zikr karuN dard o Gham-e ranj-e nihaaN ka
hota nahiN kambaKht asar aah o fuGhaaN ka
hai kaun ke hamdard bane soKhta jaaN ka
kas vaaqif-e maa neest ke az deeda che-haa raft
sailab-e sarashk aamad o toofaan-e balaa raft Relate the story of my sorrowful heart, I cannot
With hidden pain and sorrow, my heart is fraught
Wailing and sobbing brings no relief
There is none left, to share my grief
Who does not know what my eyes have seen
A flood of tears where the flood of calamities has been
jo hum ne sahaa hai, na sahaa hoga kisi ne
dekha hai jo hum ne vo dushman bhi na dekhe
kuchh aise diye charKh-e sitamgaar ne charke
yak laKht hue qalb o jigar ke kaii TukRe
laKhte burd az dil guzarad har ke zapeesham
man qaash farosh dil-e sad paara-e Khweesham None has suffered that which has befallen me
I do not wish this even on my enemy
Cruel Fate has spun and ground me under
In the blink of an eye, my heart torn assunder
I present a piece to everyone that passes
Offered before you are a thousand slices
rone ke siva kaam nahiN hai koii dam bhar
manzoor-e nazar ho nahiN sakta koii manzar
tareek hai duniya meri nazrauN meN saraasar
suraj ko samajhta huN maiN jugnu ke baraabar
dar zindagiyam roz mera noor namaanda-ast
vaz umr-e mera juz shab-e daijoor namaanda-ast Every moment, with every breath have I wept
There is no happy scene that eyes accept
The world is totally dark before my eye
Even the sun is like the faint flash of a firefly
My days have been robbed of all their light
Nothing left in my life but the deep dark night
naakaamiyauN ne dil meN macha rakkha hai andher
chalti hai tamannaauN pe maayoosi ki shamsher
jeene se Khuda ki qasam ab ho gaya ji sair
phir aane meN kis vaaste karti hai ajal der
haaN aye malak-ul-maut az eeN band reha kun
rahmi ba man-e soKhta-e be-sar o paa kun Loss has enveloped my heart in darkness
The sword of sorrow cuts through happiness
By god, I have had my fill of living
Why is Death so long in coming
O angel of Death come, cut the bonds of life
Have pity, my sorrowful heart, helpless in strife
aye vaah ri taqdeer maiN duniya meN jab aaya
chaaleesveN din hi na raha baap ka saaya
jo baaqi the darya ne kiya un ka safaaya
kambaKht ne ek dam meN azizauN se chhuRaaya
zaKhm-e dil-e sad-chaak ab hum kis ko dikhaayeN
afsaana-e shorida-sari kis ko sunaayeN I came into this world with a fate of evil ways
Father’s nurturing love, I lost within forty days
Those that were left, taken by the flood
That same evil fate, took everyone I loved
Who can I show the wounds of my torn heart
Who will console me, as I pull my hair apart
vo raat ka sannaaTa vo ghangor ghaTaayeN
baarish ki lagataar jhaRi sard havaayeN
girna vo makaanauN ka vo cheeKhauN ki sadaayeN
vo maaNgna har ek ka ro ro ke duaaeN
paani ka vo zor aur vo darya ki ravaani
patthar ka kaleja ho jise dekh ke paani That fearsome night, the gathering cloud
The constant rain, the chilling wind and thunder loud
The tumbling wall, the collapsing roof and fearsome shriek
The heartwrenching prayer, protection is all they seek
Those raging waters, such was the river’s sweep
Enough to melt a heart of stone, and make you weep
dam lene ki taaqat thi na sustaane ki taab aah
thi zindagi-e Khurd o kalaaN naqsh bar aab aah
karti thi alag sail-e ravaaN Khaana Kharaab aah
tote ki tarah aaNkheN badalte the habaab aah
jaaN lene ko har ek mutanaffis ke baRhi theeN
be-vajah nahiN tyoriyaaN maujauN pe chaRhi thee
No time to relax, or even to breath for that matter
The life of all, big and small, a mere sketch on water
The fast flood destroyed homes along its way
Even bubbles in disdain turned their eyes away
They had come to take the lives of one and all
The waves weren’t angry for no reason at all
taareeki meN darya ne ek andher machaaya
sailaab-e fana ban ke kiya sub ka safaaya
paauN se guzarta hua phir seene tak aaya
aage jo baRha maut ne bas halq dabaaya
shab bhar rahe sub paani meN favvaare ki maanind
hote hi sahr Doob gaye taare ki maanind The river played havoc in the dark of the night
Like Noah’s flood it swept all before its might
Up to the ankles and higher, the waters rose
Rising to the chest and yet again to cover the nose
All night long heads bobbed up and down
By dawn, like the fading stars, were they gone
maadar kahiN aur maiN kahiN ba-deeda-e pur nam
bibi kahiN aur beTi kahiN toRti thi dam
aalam meN nazar aata tha taareeki ka aalam
kyuN raat na ho Doob gaya nayyar-e aazam
sub saamne aaNkhauN ke nihaaN ho gaye pyaare
vo Gham tha ke din ko nazar aane lage taare Leaving me teary eyed, mother gone from my grasp
Wife lost here and there my daughter’s last gasp
And on the world, the god of darkness frowned
Why not, even my brilliant ‘aazam’ was drowned
All the loved ones hidden from my sight
Sorrow enough for even the brave to take fright
beTi na tujhe baap ne afsos bachaaya
dast-e sitam-e sayl-e fana se na chhuRaaya
darya ne tere haal pe kuchh rahm na khaaya
kya bholi si soorat pe use rahm na aaya
ye jism tera phool sa deevaarauN se Takraaye
sailaab meN bah jaaye teri nanhi si jaaN haaye Alas my child, this father could not save you
From the clutches of the flood, could not free you
No kindness in the river’s mighty flow
No pity on you, or your look of innocent glow
Your tender frame tossed about, covered with mud
That delicate body washed away in the cruel flood
furqat meN teri kya kahuN kya guzre hai mujh par
har vaqt hua jaata hai dil aap se baahir
hai aamad o shud saaNs ki chalta hua Khanjar
bharta nazar aata nahiN zaKhm-e dil-e muztar
tu azm-e safar kardi o Khasti jigar-e maa
basti kamar-e Khweesh o shikasti kamar-e maa What your separation has done, how can I ink
My heart bursts through my bosom every time I think
The sharp cut of a dagger with every breath I feel
This wound so deep, my heart cannot heal
Determined on a journey of no-return, my heart to crack
You girded up to leave, and broke my back
Gham chuTkiyaaN le le ke na kyuN rooh ko taRpaaye
aati rahe kyuN dil se na har vaqt sadaa haaye
kyuN chashm-e jahaaN-biiN meN andhera sa na chhaa jaaye
jab noor-e nazar hi na ho kya Khaak nazar aaye
raushan mere kaashaana-e taareek ko kar ja
aye nayyar-e ‘aazam’! meri aaNkhauN meN utar ja Why should Sorrow not my soul torment
Why should my bosom not heave a sigh every moment
Why should these eyes not, only darkness see
When the light of my eyes is gone, nothing can be
Come and light up the life you have darkened
O, brilliance of ‘aazam’ into my eyes descend
maana ke hai duniya-e dani manzil-e faani
do roz meN miT jaate haiN lazzaat-e jahaani
par aisi bhi kya jaldi thi jo jaane ki Thaani
dil hi meN rahi aarzu-e tasmiya Khwaani
baaqi theeN bahut si abhi ‘aazam’ teri rasmeN
taNg aa gayi duniya se tu kyuN chaar baras meN The material world is a passing stage, I concede
Its pleasures last but a few days, indeed
But what was the hurry that you had to depart
The desire to see you blossom, smothered in my heart
Your initiation still to celebrate and festivities more
But you departed from this world at the tender age of four
vo booTa sa qad vo chamakte hue ruKhsaar
vo chaand is peshaani teri matla-ul-anvaar
vo abru-e Khamdar teri nanhi si talvaar
vo aaNkheN jinheN dekh ke dushman bhi kareN pyaar
teGh-e ajal ek aan meN taRpa gayii tujh ko
aye noor-e nazar kis ki nazar khaa gayii tujh ko That lively little frame, those shining cheeks
That glow on your brow, the envious horizon seeks
Those arched eyebrows putting daggers to shame
Those starry eyes that enemies could tame
The sword of death cut you up alas
O light of my eyes, what an evil eye it was
vo chaand si soorat mujhe aye chaand dikha ja
kuchh meeThi si baateN lab-e naazuk se suna ja
baaqi nahiN ab sabr ki seene meN zara ja
chhaati se phir ek baar laga luN tujhe aa ja
rasta tera takte hue taNg aa gaiiN aaNkheN
aye noor-e nazar dekh, ke pathra gaiiN aaNkheN Show me the face that glowed like the moon
Prattle with those sweet lips, come back soon
I cannot bear with patience, try with all my might
Come, let me hold you to my bosom close and tight
Longing to see you, their lustre gone
Light of my eyes, my eyes turned to stone
duniya ka tareeqa hai ke marta hai jab insaaN
ro-dho ke kiya karte haiN takfeen ka saamaaN
le jaate haiN sub mil ke su-e shahr-e KhamoshaaN
haathauN se tah-e Khaak use karte haiN pinhaaN
miTTi laga dete haiN anbaar-e giraaN ek
kahte haiN mue aadmi ka hai ye nishaaN ek It is the way of the world, when a dear one departs
Cry and wail at the funeral, we console our hearts
We carry them on our shoulders, it is said that we must
Consign them to the earth, hide them in the dust
We make a mound of earth and carve a stone
We call it a memorial to come back and mourn
karta hai agar taNg bahut hi dil-e muztar
besaaKhta turbat se lipaT jaate haiN jaa kar
do phool chaRha dete haiN bekas ki lahad par
betaabi meN marqad se ragaRte haiN kabhi sar
filjumla haraarat to nikal jaati hai dil ki
go kuchh na ho hoti hai magar phir bhi tasalli When the agitated heart cannot its sorrow hold
To the tomb they go and hug the stone that’s cold
Sprinkling a few petals, some flowers to offer
Rubbing their head on the tomb in vain as they suffer
In short, at least the fire in the heart is put out
Nothing comes of it, but some sorrow is let out
kis jaa se maiN ab Doobi hui na’ashauN ko laauN
beTi ka pata kya hai, kahaaN bibi ko paauN
duN kis ko kafan kis ka maiN taboot banaauN
hai qabr kahaaN phool kahaaN ja ke chaRhaauN
hai hai, hadaf-e ranj o mehan kar gaiiN ammaN
afsos ke be gor o kafan mar gaiiN ammaN Where can I find those bodies that are drowned
Where can my daughter, or my wife be found
No use of a shroud, no casket, small or big
No offerings of flowers nor any grave to dig
Alas, mother you departed, leaving me to mourn
No funeral or memorial, just sorrow to be borne
aye musi-e firaun sifat! kuchh to karam kar
aye mauj zara dekh meri haalat-e muztar
haaN aye lab-e saahil na rakh ab mujh ko mukaddar
kah de ke kahaaN hai mera khoya hua gauhar
haaN aye sadaf-e saaf Khuda ke liye muNh khol
chup kyuN hai tu aye maahi-e sar barzada kuchh bol O Pharaonic Musi, show some compassion
O raging waves, pity my desparate condition
Do not leave me to mourn, O river bank
Where is my precious pearl in your depths so dank
Speak for god’s sake, O shell, where my pearl might be
O haughty fish, open your mouth, surely you can see
Khaamosh tu kis vaaste aye barq-e tapaaN hai
aaKhir tere muNh meN bhi to aye r’ad zabaaN hai
aye mehr-e jahaaN taab mera chaand kahaaN hai
kis chaah meN vo yusuf-e gum gashta nihaaN hai
aye qaafila-e reg-ravaaN tu hi bataa de
kis ja hai meri maadar-e marhooma pata de Why are you silent now, O lightning that flashed
You surely have a tongue, O thunder that cracked
O warm sun, where is the moon I called my own
Down which well, like Joseph is my beloved thrown
O travelers over desert sands can you not tell
Call back my deceased mother, with your caravan bell
jab anjuman-e aysh o tarab ho gaii barbaad
afsurda bhala kyuN na rahe Khaatir-e naashaad
tanhaaii meN aati hai azizauN ki agar yaad
besaaKhta karta hai dil-e Ghamzada faryaad
ashk aaNkhauN se jaari haiN kabhi lab pe fuGhaaN hai
marne ke liye marte haiN par maut kahaaN hai The sudden destruction of my life’s harmony
My unhappy heart drowned in melancholy
Whenever alone, I remember those I loved so much
Lament wells up, my anguish is such
Sometimes my eyes weep, at other times I wail
I am ready for you, O Death, why do you fail
har vaqt bichhi rahti hai dil meN saf-e maatam
hota nahiN rona kabhi dam bhar ke liye kam
sab chal base baaqi na raha ek bhi hamdam
beTi ka ke, bibi ka ke maadar ka karuN Gham
aata nahiN ab aah samajh meN koii mazmuuN
hairaaN huN ke do aaNkhauN se kis kis ko maiN ro’uuN The stage for mourning is always ready
Not a moment when Sorrow lets me be
I have lost everyone, no one left to care
Mourn for mother, wife or daughter, I despair
Perplexed, I don’t know which course is wise
So much mourning and I have but two eyes
jaNgal se sarokaar na ji lagta hai ghar meN
Gham shaam o sahar chuTkiyaaN leta hai jigar meN
phirti hai azizauN hi ki tasveer nazar meN
sau martaba yaad aati hai maaN aaTh pahar meN
saNg-e Gham-e maadar dil-e naazuk pe giraaN hai
ye zeest Khuda ki qasam ab kaahish-e jaaN hai Neither in the wild nor at home, any peace
Grief gnaws at my heart, never does it cease
Pictures of my loved ones rise in the mind
A hundred times a day, my mother I try to find
Her loss sits heavily on my heart, for her I pine
Soul sapping, by god, this wretched life of mine
lillaah ye bigRi hui taqdeer bana lo
maiN Khaak pe girne ko huN lo jald sanbhaalo
amjad ko bhi ‘aazam’ ki tarah paas bula lo
ek baar zara phir mujhe chhaati se laga lo
dil meN mere ab sabr ki taaqat nahiN ammaN
duniya meN baGhair aap ke raahat nahiN ammaN For god’s sake, set this ill-fortune aright
In this wretched dirt I collapse, hold me tight
Call ‘amjad’ to you, as you took little ‘aazam’ along
Hold me to your bosom again, it has been too long
I do not have the fortitude to bear this, O mother
No joy in this world, without you there is no other
syed ahmed husain, amjad hyderabadi (1886/8?-1961) was a highly recognized poet on the local, if not the national stage. A good deal of his early urdu and faarsi Ghazal were lost in the flood of 1908. Later, he established himself as an exponent of ‘rubaaiyaat’, quatrain with sufiyaana and devotional flavour, writing with much sensitivity about the condition of the poor and deprived. Orphaned as an infant of 40 days, brought up by a young widowed mother, married at the young age of 15/16 years, saw his young wife, infant daughter of four and mother swept away in the flood. His daughter’s name was aazam-ul-nissa and it appears (shown in quotes) in a few places in the nazm. He writes about his mother and daughter and only a little about his wife. This is simply a deep cultural inhibition and should NOT be interpreted as a lack of sensitivity to that loss. Years later, when friends persuaded him to write about his experience, he called it “qayaamat-e soGhra” – “Minor Doomsday” – implying that it was second only to the conventional/religious concept of “Doomsday”, end of the world. Such was his anguish.
nahiN hai zaKhm koii baKhya ke darKhur mere tan meN
hua hai taar ashk-e yaas rishta-e chashm-e sozan meN
hui hai maana’-e zauq-e tamaasha Khaana veeraani
kaf-e sailaab baaqi hai ba-raNg-e pamba rauzan meN
sar kunam naala agar taab-e shuniidan daari
seena ba-shigaafam agar taaqat-e deedan daari
The wounds of my soul too deep for stitching
Eyes melt into tears with the pain of yearning
The desolate heart forces me all joy to spurn
Foaming flood waters to this day in my eyes do burn
I will proceed with my gruesome tale, listen if you dare
I will tear open my bosom, if the sight you can bear
maiN morid-e hirmaan o giraftaar-e balaa huN
maaN baap se bichhRa hua bachchauN se juda huN
gah mahv-e fuGhaaN huN kabhi masruf-e buka huN
m’aaloom nahiN Khud mujhe maiN kaun huN kya huN
be-hosh kabhi huN kabhi ho jaata hai sakta
vo aalam-e hairat hai ke kuchh kah nahiN sakta
Sorrow descends on me, calamities surround
Children taken away, father nor mother around
Now lost in wailing, yet again in lamenting
I don’t know who I am or what I am doing
Sometimes stunned, at other times I faint
Such a puzzle this, that a picture I cannot paint
afsaana kahuN kya dil-e be-taab o tavaaN ka
kya zikr karuN dard o Gham-e ranj-e nihaaN ka
hota nahiN kambaKht asar aah o fuGhaaN ka
hai kaun ke hamdard bane soKhta jaaN ka
kas vaaqif-e maa neest ke az deeda che-haa raft
sailab-e sarashk aamad o toofaan-e balaa raft
Relate the story of my sorrowful heart, I cannot
With hidden pain and sorrow, my heart is fraught
Wailing and sobbing brings no relief
There is none left, to share my grief
Who does not know what my eyes have seen
A flood of tears where the flood of calamities has been
jo hum ne sahaa hai, na sahaa hoga kisi ne
dekha hai jo hum ne vo dushman bhi na dekhe
kuchh aise diye charKh-e sitamgaar ne charke
yak laKht hue qalb o jigar ke kaii TukRe
laKhte burd az dil guzarad har ke zapeesham
man qaash farosh dil-e sad paara-e Khweesham
None has suffered that which has befallen me
I do not wish this even on my enemy
Cruel Fate has spun and ground me under
In the blink of an eye, my heart torn assunder
I present a piece to everyone that passes
Offered before you are a thousand slices
rone ke siva kaam nahiN hai koii dam bhar
manzoor-e nazar ho nahiN sakta koii manzar
tareek hai duniya meri nazrauN meN saraasar
suraj ko samajhta huN maiN jugnu ke baraabar
dar zindagiyam roz mera noor namaanda-ast
vaz umr-e mera juz shab-e daijoor namaanda-ast
Every moment, with every breath have I wept
There is no happy scene that eyes accept
The world is totally dark before my eye
Even the sun is like the faint flash of a firefly
My days have been robbed of all their light
Nothing left in my life but the deep dark night
naakaamiyauN ne dil meN macha rakkha hai andher
chalti hai tamannaauN pe maayoosi ki shamsher
jeene se Khuda ki qasam ab ho gaya ji sair
phir aane meN kis vaaste karti hai ajal der
haaN aye malak-ul-maut az eeN band reha kun
rahmi ba man-e soKhta-e be-sar o paa kun
Loss has enveloped my heart in darkness
The sword of sorrow cuts through happiness
By god, I have had my fill of living
Why is Death so long in coming
O angel of Death come, cut the bonds of life
Have pity, my sorrowful heart, helpless in strife
aye vaah ri taqdeer maiN duniya meN jab aaya
chaaleesveN din hi na raha baap ka saaya
jo baaqi the darya ne kiya un ka safaaya
kambaKht ne ek dam meN azizauN se chhuRaaya
zaKhm-e dil-e sad-chaak ab hum kis ko dikhaayeN
afsaana-e shorida-sari kis ko sunaayeN
I came into this world with a fate of evil ways
Father’s nurturing love, I lost within forty days
Those that were left, taken by the flood
That same evil fate, took everyone I loved
Who can I show the wounds of my torn heart
Who will console me, as I pull my hair apart
vo raat ka sannaaTa vo ghangor ghaTaayeN
baarish ki lagataar jhaRi sard havaayeN
girna vo makaanauN ka vo cheeKhauN ki sadaayeN
vo maaNgna har ek ka ro ro ke duaaeN
paani ka vo zor aur vo darya ki ravaani
patthar ka kaleja ho jise dekh ke paani
That fearsome night, the gathering cloud
The constant rain, the chilling wind and thunder loud
The tumbling wall, the collapsing roof and fearsome shriek
The heartwrenching prayer, protection is all they seek
Those raging waters, such was the river’s sweep
Enough to melt a heart of stone, and make you weep
dam lene ki taaqat thi na sustaane ki taab aah
thi zindagi-e Khurd o kalaaN naqsh bar aab aah
karti thi alag sail-e ravaaN Khaana Kharaab aah
tote ki tarah aaNkheN badalte the habaab aah
jaaN lene ko har ek mutanaffis ke baRhi theeN
be-vajah nahiN tyoriyaaN maujauN pe chaRhi theeN
No time to relax, or even to breath for that matter
The life of all, big and small, a mere sketch on water
The fast flood destroyed homes along its way
Even bubbles in disdain turned their eyes away
They had come to take the lives of one and all
The waves weren’t angry for no reason at all
taareeki meN darya ne ek andher machaaya
sailaab-e fana ban ke kiya sub ka safaaya
paauN se guzarta hua phir seene tak aaya
aage jo baRha maut ne bas halq dabaaya
shab bhar rahe sub paani meN favvaare ki maanind
hote hi sahr Doob gaye taare ki maanind
The river played havoc in the dark of the night
Like Noah’s flood it swept all before its might
Up to the ankles and higher, the waters rose
Rising to the chest and yet again to cover the nose
All night long heads bobbed up and down
By dawn, like the fading stars, were they gone
maadar kahiN aur maiN kahiN ba-deeda-e pur nam
bibi kahiN aur beTi kahiN toRti thi dam
aalam meN nazar aata tha taareeki ka aalam
kyuN raat na ho Doob gaya nayyar-e aazam
sub saamne aaNkhauN ke nihaaN ho gaye pyaare
vo Gham tha ke din ko nazar aane lage taare
Leaving me teary eyed, mother gone from my grasp
Wife lost here and there my daughter’s last gasp
And on the world, the god of darkness frowned
Why not, even my brilliant ‘aazam’ was drowned
All the loved ones hidden from my sight
Sorrow enough for even the brave to take fright
beTi na tujhe baap ne afsos bachaaya
dast-e sitam-e sayl-e fana se na chhuRaaya
darya ne tere haal pe kuchh rahm na khaaya
kya bholi si soorat pe use rahm na aaya
ye jism tera phool sa deevaarauN se Takraaye
sailaab meN bah jaaye teri nanhi si jaaN haaye
Alas my child, this father could not save you
From the clutches of the flood, could not free you
No kindness in the river’s mighty flow
No pity on you, or your look of innocent glow
Your tender frame tossed about, covered with mud
That delicate body washed away in the cruel flood
furqat meN teri kya kahuN kya guzre hai mujh par
har vaqt hua jaata hai dil aap se baahir
hai aamad o shud saaNs ki chalta hua Khanjar
bharta nazar aata nahiN zaKhm-e dil-e muztar
tu azm-e safar kardi o Khasti jigar-e maa
basti kamar-e Khweesh o shikasti kamar-e maa
What your separation has done, how can I ink
My heart bursts through my bosom every time I think
The sharp cut of a dagger with every breath I feel
This wound so deep, my heart cannot heal
Determined on a journey of no-return, my heart to crack
You girded up to leave, and broke my back
Gham chuTkiyaaN le le ke na kyuN rooh ko taRpaaye
aati rahe kyuN dil se na har vaqt sadaa haaye
kyuN chashm-e jahaaN-biiN meN andhera sa na chhaa jaaye
jab noor-e nazar hi na ho kya Khaak nazar aaye
raushan mere kaashaana-e taareek ko kar ja
aye nayyar-e ‘aazam’! meri aaNkhauN meN utar ja
Why should Sorrow not my soul torment
Why should my bosom not heave a sigh every moment
Why should these eyes not, only darkness see
When the light of my eyes is gone, nothing can be
Come and light up the life you have darkened
O, brilliance of ‘aazam’ into my eyes descend
maana ke hai duniya-e dani manzil-e faani
do roz meN miT jaate haiN lazzaat-e jahaani
par aisi bhi kya jaldi thi jo jaane ki Thaani
dil hi meN rahi aarzu-e tasmiya Khwaani
baaqi theeN bahut si abhi ‘aazam’ teri rasmeN
taNg aa gayi duniya se tu kyuN chaar baras meN
The material world is a passing stage, I concede
Its pleasures last but a few days, indeed
But what was the hurry that you had to depart
The desire to see you blossom, smothered in my heart
Your initiation still to celebrate and festivities more
But you departed from this world at the tender age of four
vo booTa sa qad vo chamakte hue ruKhsaar
vo chaand is peshaani teri matla-ul-anvaar
vo abru-e Khamdar teri nanhi si talvaar
vo aaNkheN jinheN dekh ke dushman bhi kareN pyaar
teGh-e ajal ek aan meN taRpa gayii tujh ko
aye noor-e nazar kis ki nazar khaa gayii tujh ko
That lively little frame, those shining cheeks
That glow on your brow, the envious horizon seeks
Those arched eyebrows putting daggers to shame
Those starry eyes that enemies could tame
The sword of death cut you up alas
O light of my eyes, what an evil eye it was
vo chaand si soorat mujhe aye chaand dikha ja
kuchh meeThi si baateN lab-e naazuk se suna ja
baaqi nahiN ab sabr ki seene meN zara ja
chhaati se phir ek baar laga luN tujhe aa ja
rasta tera takte hue taNg aa gaiiN aaNkheN
aye noor-e nazar dekh, ke pathra gaiiN aaNkheN
Show me the face that glowed like the moon
Prattle with those sweet lips, come back soon
I cannot bear with patience, try with all my might
Come, let me hold you to my bosom close and tight
Longing to see you, their lustre gone
Light of my eyes, my eyes turned to stone
duniya ka tareeqa hai ke marta hai jab insaaN
ro-dho ke kiya karte haiN takfeen ka saamaaN
le jaate haiN sub mil ke su-e shahr-e KhamoshaaN
haathauN se tah-e Khaak use karte haiN pinhaaN
miTTi laga dete haiN anbaar-e giraaN ek
kahte haiN mue aadmi ka hai ye nishaaN ek
It is the way of the world, when a dear one departs
Cry and wail at the funeral, we console our hearts
We carry them on our shoulders, it is said that we must
Consign them to the earth, hide them in the dust
We make a mound of earth and carve a stone
We call it a memorial to come back and mourn
karta hai agar taNg bahut hi dil-e muztar
besaaKhta turbat se lipaT jaate haiN jaa kar
do phool chaRha dete haiN bekas ki lahad par
betaabi meN marqad se ragaRte haiN kabhi sar
filjumla haraarat to nikal jaati hai dil ki
go kuchh na ho hoti hai magar phir bhi tasalli
When the agitated heart cannot its sorrow hold
To the tomb they go and hug the stone that’s cold
Sprinkling a few petals, some flowers to offer
Rubbing their head on the tomb in vain as they suffer
In short, at least the fire in the heart is put out
Nothing comes of it, but some sorrow is let out
kis jaa se maiN ab Doobi hui na’ashauN ko laauN
beTi ka pata kya hai, kahaaN bibi ko paauN
duN kis ko kafan kis ka maiN taboot banaauN
hai qabr kahaaN phool kahaaN ja ke chaRhaauN
hai hai, hadaf-e ranj o mehan kar gaiiN ammaN
afsos ke be gor o kafan mar gaiiN ammaN
Where can I find those bodies that are drowned
Where can my daughter, or my wife be found
No use of a shroud, no casket, small or big
No offerings of flowers nor any grave to dig
Alas, mother you departed, leaving me to mourn
No funeral or memorial, just sorrow to be borne
aye musi-e firaun sifat! kuchh to karam kar
aye mauj zara dekh meri haalat-e muztar
haaN aye lab-e saahil na rakh ab mujh ko mukaddar
kah de ke kahaaN hai mera khoya hua gauhar
haaN aye sadaf-e saaf Khuda ke liye muNh khol
chup kyuN hai tu aye maahi-e sar barzada kuchh bol
O Pharaonic Musi, show some compassion
O raging waves, pity my desparate condition
Do not leave me to mourn, O river bank
Where is my precious pearl in your depths so dank
Speak for god’s sake, O shell, where my pearl might be
O haughty fish, open your mouth, surely you can see
Khaamosh tu kis vaaste aye barq-e tapaaN hai
aaKhir tere muNh meN bhi to aye r’ad zabaaN hai
aye mehr-e jahaaN taab mera chaand kahaaN hai
kis chaah meN vo yusuf-e gum gashta nihaaN hai
aye qaafila-e reg-ravaaN tu hi bataa de
kis ja hai meri maadar-e marhooma pata de
Why are you silent now, O lightning that flashed
You surely have a tongue, O thunder that cracked
O warm sun, where is the moon I called my own
Down which well, like Joseph is my beloved thrown
O travelers over desert sands can you not tell
Call back my deceased mother, with your caravan bell
jab anjuman-e aysh o tarab ho gaii barbaad
afsurda bhala kyuN na rahe Khaatir-e naashaad
tanhaaii meN aati hai azizauN ki agar yaad
besaaKhta karta hai dil-e Ghamzada faryaad
ashk aaNkhauN se jaari haiN kabhi lab pe fuGhaaN hai
marne ke liye marte haiN par maut kahaaN hai
The sudden destruction of my life’s harmony
My unhappy heart drowned in melancholy
Whenever alone, I remember those I loved so much
Lament wells up, my anguish is such
Sometimes my eyes weep, at other times I wail
I am ready for you, O Death, why do you fail
har vaqt bichhi rahti hai dil meN saf-e maatam
hota nahiN rona kabhi dam bhar ke liye kam
sab chal base baaqi na raha ek bhi hamdam
beTi ka ke, bibi ka ke maadar ka karuN Gham
aata nahiN ab aah samajh meN koii mazmuuN
hairaaN huN ke do aaNkhauN se kis kis ko maiN ro’uuN
The stage for mourning is always ready
Not a moment when Sorrow lets me be
I have lost everyone, no one left to care
Mourn for mother, wife or daughter, I despair
Perplexed, I don’t know which course is wise
So much mourning and I have but two eyes
jaNgal se sarokaar na ji lagta hai ghar meN
Gham shaam o sahar chuTkiyaaN leta hai jigar meN
phirti hai azizauN hi ki tasveer nazar meN
sau martaba yaad aati hai maaN aaTh pahar meN
saNg-e Gham-e maadar dil-e naazuk pe giraaN hai
ye zeest Khuda ki qasam ab kaahish-e jaaN hai
Neither in the wild nor at home, any peace
Grief gnaws at my heart, never does it cease
Pictures of my loved ones rise in the mind
A hundred times a day, my mother I try to find
Her loss sits heavily on my heart, for her I pine
Soul sapping, by god, this wretched life of mine
lillaah ye bigRi hui taqdeer bana lo
maiN Khaak pe girne ko huN lo jald sanbhaalo
amjad ko bhi ‘aazam’ ki tarah paas bula lo
ek baar zara phir mujhe chhaati se laga lo
dil meN mere ab sabr ki taaqat nahiN ammaN
duniya meN baGhair aap ke raahat nahiN ammaN
For god’s sake, set this ill-fortune aright
In this wretched dirt I collapse, hold me tight
Call ‘amjad’ to you, as you took little ‘aazam’ along
Hold me to your bosom again, it has been too long
I do not have the fortitude to bear this, O mother
No joy in this world, without you there is no other
Doomsday Minor – amjad hyderabadi
Moosi Flood – 1908
The wounds of my soul too deep for stitching
Eyes melt into tears with the pain of yearning
The desolate heart forces me all joy to spurn
Foaming flood waters to this day in my eyes do burn
I will proceed with my gruesome tale, listen if you dare
I will tear open my bosom, if the sight you can bear
Sorrow descends on me, calamities surround
Children taken away, father nor mother around
Now lost in wailing, yet again in lamenting
I don’t know who I am or what I am doing
Sometimes stunned, at other times I faint
Such a puzzle this, that a picture I cannot paint.
Relate the story of my sorrowful heart, I cannot
With hidden pain and sorrow, my heart is fraught
Wailing and sobbing brings no relief
There is none left, to share my grief
Who does not know what my eyes have seen
A flood of tears where the flood of calamities has been
None has suffered that which has befallen me
I do not wish this even on my enemy
Cruel Fate has spun and ground me under
In the blink of an eye, my heart torn assunder
I present a piece to everyone that passes
Offered before you are a thousand slices
Every moment, with every breath have I wept
There is no happy scene that eyes accept
The world is totally dark before my eye
Even the sun is like the faint flash of a firefly
My days have been robbed of all their light
Nothing left in my life but the deep dark night
Loss has enveloped my heart in darkness
The sword of sorrow cuts through happiness
By god, I have had my fill of living
Why is Death so long in coming
O angel of Death come, cut the bonds of life
Have pity, my sorrowful heart, helpless in strife
I came into this world with a fate of evil ways
Father’s nurturing love, I lost within forty days
Those that were left, taken by the flood
That same evil fate, took everyone I loved
Who can I show the wounds of my torn heart
Who will console me, as I pull my hair apart
That fearsome night, the gathering cloud
The constant rain, the chilling wind and thunder loud
The tumbling wall, the collapsing roof and fearsome shriek
The heartwrenching prayer, protection is all they seek
Those raging waters, such was the river’s sweep
Enough to melt a heart of stone, and make you weep
No time to relax, or even to breath for that matter
The life of all, big and small, a mere sketch on water
The fast flood destroyed homes along its way
Even bubbles in disdain turned their eyes away
They had come to take the lives of one and all
The waves weren’t angry for no reason at all
The river played havoc in the dark of the night
Like Noah’s flood it swept all before its might
Up to the ankles and higher, the waters rose
Rising to the chest and yet again to cover the nose
All night long heads bobbed up and down
By dawn, like the fading stars, were they gone
Leaving me teary eyed, mother gone from my grasp
Wife lost here and there my daughter’s last gasp
And on the world, the god of darkness frowned
Why not, even my brilliant ‘aazam’ was drowned
All the loved ones hidden from my sight
Sorrow enough for even the brave to take fright
Alas my child, this father could not save you
From the clutches of the flood, could not free you
No kindness in the river’s mighty flow
No pity on you, or your look of innocent glow
Your tender frame tossed about, covered with mud
That delicate body washed away in the cruel flood
What your separation has done, how can I ink
My heart bursts through my bosom every time I think
The sharp cut of a dagger with every breath I feel
This wound so deep, my heart cannot heal
Determined on a journey of no-return, my heart to crack
You girded up to leave, and broke my back
Why should Sorrow not my soul torment
Why should my bosom not heave a sigh every moment
Why should these eyes not, only darkness see
When the light of my eyes is gone, nothing can be
Come and light up the life you have darkened
O, brilliance of ‘aazam’ into my eyes descend
The material world is a passing stage, I concede
Its pleasures last but a few days, indeed
But what was the hurry that you had to depart
The desire to see you blossom, smothered in my heart
Your initiation still to celebrate and festivities more
But you departed from this world at the tender age of four
That lively little frame, those shining cheeks
That glow on your brow, the envious horizon seeks
Those arched eyebrows putting daggers to shame
Those starry eyes that enemies could tame
The sword of death cut you up alas
O light of my eyes, what an evil eye it was
Show me the face that glowed like the moon
Prattle with those sweet lips, come back soon
I cannot bear with patience, try with all my might
Come, let me hold you to my bosom close and tight
Longing to see you, their lustre gone
Light of my eyes, my eyes turned to stone
It is the way of the world, when a dear one departs
Cry and wail at the funeral, we console our hearts
We carry them on our shoulders, it is said that we must
Consign them to the earth, hide them in the dust
We make a mound of earth and carve a stone
We call it a memorial to come back and mourn
When the agitated heart cannot its sorrow hold
To the tomb they go and hug the stone that’s cold
Sprinkling a few petals, some flowers to offer
Rubbing their head on the tomb in vain as they suffer
In short, at least the fire in the heart is put out
Nothing comes of it, but some sorrow is let out
Where can I find those bodies that are drowned
Where can my daughter, or my wife be found
No use of a shroud, no casket, small or big
No offerings of flowers nor any grave to dig
Alas, mother you departed, leaving me to mourn
No funeral or memorial, just sorrow to be borne
O Pharaonic Musi, show some compassion
O raging waves, pity my desparate condition
Do not leave me to mourn, O river bank
Where is my precious pearl in your depths so dank
Speak for god’s sake, O shell, where my pearl might be
O haughty fish, open your mouth, surely you can see
Why are you silent now, O lightning that flashed
You surely have a tongue, O thunder that cracked
O warm sun, where is the moon I called my own
Down which well, like Joseph is my beloved thrown
O travelers over desert sands can you not tell
Call back my deceased mother, with your caravan bell
The sudden destruction of my life’s harmony
My unhappy heart drowned in melancholy
Whenever alone, I remember those I loved so much
Lament wells up, my anguish is such
Sometimes my eyes weep, at other times I wail
I am ready for you, O Death, why do you fail
The stage for mourning is always ready
Not a moment when Sorrow lets me be
I have lost everyone, no one left to care
Mourn for mother, wife or daughter, I despair
Perplexed, I don’t know which course is wise
So much mourning and I have but two eyes
Neither in the wild nor at home, any peace
Grief gnaws at my heart, never does it cease
Pictures of my loved ones rise in the mind
A hundred times a day, my mother I try to find
Her loss sits heavily on my heart, for her I pine
Soul sapping, by god, this wretched life of mine
For god’s sake, set this ill-fortune aright
In this wretched dirt I collapse, hold me tight
Call ‘amjad’ to you, as you took little ‘aazam’ along
Hold me to your bosom again, it has been too long
I do not have the fortitude to bear this, O mother
No joy in this world, without you there is no other
My god. What raw emotions, captured with such felicity. My flesh crawled at his harrowing descriptions. “Sab saamne aankhon ke nihaan ho gaye pyaare…” This is a true marsiya.
Thanks so much for this poem, I could not have done without the recitation and the annotations.
This is an epic poem of incredible skill, talent and effort that conveys the poet’s pain and anguish in an amazing manner. Thank you, Shahid bhai, for posting it.
Shahed, I knew him personally. I have heard him recite a few stanzas at home, not the entire length, but always about the daughter and mother. Today, I sit here, remembering him, watching him recite these few verses, his rumaal on his shoulders, and his voice with riqqath; and i have tears in my eyes for the ache that he went through all his life. He was such a humble and great gentleman.
Moving, in the extreme.
I have read this survivor’s account of seeing his wife, mother and daughter swallowed by the raging waters. A bright chapter in Amjad’s life opened, however, when he married again. His second wife was a literate woman with a taste for poetry. They wrote poetry together, and wrote of the experience. No less touching.
Very moving and full of pain Noha!