ye karbala ki sarzamiN – kishan bihaari noor

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

کربلا  کی  سرزمیں  ۔  کرشن  بہاری  نورؔ


یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں،  حقیقتوں  کی  ہے  امیں

شہید  ہو  کے  مہ  جبیں،  یہیں  پہ  ہو  گئے  مکیں

ٹھہر  گیا  یہیں  یقیں،  گماں  کی  گرد  بھی  نہیں

اُصولِ  دیں،  فروعِ  دیں،  سمجھ  میں  آئے  سب  یہیں

جھکی  ہے  دہر  کی  جبیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


وہ  معفرت  کی  رہ  گزر،  خدا  کے  بندوں  کا  سفر

تجلّیاں  اِدھر  اُدھر،  نہ  خوف  کچھ  نہ  کوئی  ڈر

وہ  دشمنوں  سے  بے  خبر،  وہ  حق  سے  آشنا  نظر

وہ  منزلیں  قریب  تر،  حُسین  جیسا  راہبر

بھلا  جواب  ہے  کہیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


حُسین  سر  جھکا  جہاں،  خدا  کا  جلوہ  ہے  وہاں

یہ  کعبہ  ہے  کہ  آستاں،  ہر  ایک  ذرّہ  ضو  فشاں

مکیں  کے  پاس  ہے  مکاں،  یہ  اوج  عرش  میں  کہاں

جھکا  یہیں  پہ  آسماں،  ہوئے  یہیں  پہ  اِمتحاں

چھپا  ہے  رازِ  حق  یہیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


وہ  سر  برہنہ  بی  بیباں،  وہ  اصغر  ایسا  بے  زباں

وہ  اکبر  ایسا  نوجواں،  وہ  زینب  ایسی  نکتہ  داں

حقیقتوں  کے  پاسباں،  شفاعتوں  کے  رازداں

لُٹا  یہیں  وہ  کارواں،  لحد  کے  ہر  طرف  نشاں

ہر  ایک  نقش  دل  نشیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


وہ  تیر  اور  وہ  کمسنی،  وہ  اصغر  اور  وہ  تشنگی

قریب  آئی  موت  بھی،  مگر  ہنسی  نہ  رک  سکی

یہی  ہے  شانِ  زندگی،  یہی  ہے  حق  کی  بندگی

قبول  کر  کے  تیرگی،  جہاں  کو  دے  دی  روشنی

یہ  روشنی  کہاں  نہیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


وہ  حق  سے  حق  کی  گفتگو،  حیات  و  موت  رو  برو

وہ  تپتی  ریگ  چار  سو،  کٹی  ہوئی  رگِ  گُلو

ہر  ایک  جلوے  میں  نمو،  رہِ  وفا  کی  جستجو

وہ  بہتے  خون  سے  وضو،  بچایا  دیں  دیا  لہو

ہر  ایک  قطرہ  اِک  نگیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


وہ  خشک  پیاس  سے  دہن،  پھٹا  ہوا  لِباسِ  تن

لہو  میں  غرق  پیرہن،  قریب  آ  گئی  بہن

رِدا  کا  دے  گی  کیا  کفن،  وہ  صبر  و  ضبط  کا  چلن

رہِ  خدا  میں  گامزن،  شہید  ہونے  کی  لگن

سکوں،  وفا،  عمل،  یقیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


تھے  سخت  کتنے  مرحلے،  حق  اور  دیں  کے  مسٔلے

مصیبتوں  کے  سلسلے،  ہزار  آئے  زلزلے

ہوئے  نہ  پست  حوصلے،  غضب  کے  تھے  وہ  ولولے

یہیں  سے  راستے  ملے،  چراغ  روح  کے  جلے

بنی  فضائے  غم  حسیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


جو  گود  میں  پلے  جئیے،  خدا  کی  راہ  میں  دئیے

نظر  سے  چاکِ  دل  سئیے،  عطش  کے  جام  یوں  پئیے

وفا  نے  راستے  کئیے،  دلوں  میں  حوصلے  لئے

بنے  ہیں  خوں  سے  زاوئیے،  کلامِ  حق  کے  حاشئیے

اِسی  لئے  جھکی  جبیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


جہاں  یقینِ  دل  بڑھا،  وہیں  پہ  مل  گیا  خدا

چھری  چلی  کٹا  گلا،  بنا  لہو  سے  راستہ

یہی  ہے  منزلِ  وفا،  کبھی  نبی  کا  دوش  تھا

اور  اب  ہے  خاکِ  کربلا،  وہ  اِبتدا  یہ  اِنتہا

بجھا  چراغ  یوں  کہیں؟  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں


رُکا  رُکا  قیاس  ہے،  فضائے  غم  اُداس  ہے

حقیقتوں  کی  آس  ہے،  اجل  نظر  کو  راس  ہے

جو  دور  تھا  وہ  پاس  ہے،  نگاہ  حق  شناس  ہے

لہو  سے  تر  لباس  ہے،  نہ  پوچھو  کتنی  پیاس  ہے

سوالِ  آب  پر  نہیں،  یہ  کربلا  کی  سرزمیں

करबला की सरज़मीं – क्रिष्ण बेहारी नूर

ये करबला की सरज़मीं, हक़ीक़तौं की है अमीं

शहीद हो के महजबीं, यहीं पे हो गए मकीं

ठहर गया यहीं यक़ीं, गुमां की गर्द भी नहीं

उसूल-ए दीं, फ़ुरू-ए दीं, समझ में आए सब यहीं

झुकी है दहर की जबीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

वो मा’रफ़त की रहगुज़र, ख़ुदा के बन्दौं का सफ़र

तजल्लियां इधर उधर, न ख़ौफ़ कुछ न कोई डर

वो दुश्मनौं से बेख़बर, वो हक़ से आश्ना नज़र

वो मंज़िलें क़रीब-तर, हुसैन जैसा राहबर

भला जवाब हैं कहीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

हुसैन सर झुका जहां, ख़ुदा का जल्वा है वहां

ये का’बा है के आस्तां, हर एक ज़र्रा ज़ौ फ़शां

मकीं के पास है मकां, ये औज अर्श में कहां

झुका यहीं पे आस्मां, हुए यहीं पे इम्तेहां

छुपा है राज़-ए हक़ यहीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

वो सर बरहना बीबियां, वो अस्ग़र ऐसा बे-ज़बां

वो अक्बर ऐसा नौजवां, वो ज़ैनब ऐसी नुक्ता-दां

हक़ीक़तौं के पास्बां, शफ़ा’अतौं के राज़्दां

लुटा यहीं वो कार्वां, लहद के हर तरफ़ नशां

हर एक नक़्श दिल-नशीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

वो तीर और वो कमसिनी, वो अस्ग़र और वो तश्नगी

क़रीब आई मौत भी, मगर हंसी न रुक सकी

यही है शान-ए ज़िन्दगी, यही है हक़ की बन्दगी

क़ुबूल कर के तीरगी, जहां को दे दि रौश्नी

ये रौश्नी कहां नहीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

वो हक़ से हक़ की गुफ़्तगू, हयात ओ मौत रू-ब-रू

वो तप्ती रेग चार सू, कटी हुई रग-ए गुलू

हर एक जल्वे में नुमू, रह-ए वफ़ा की जुस्तजू

वो बहते ख़ून से वुज़ू, बचाया दीं दिया लहू

हर एक क़त्रा एक नगीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

वो ख़ुश्क प्यास से दहन, फटा हुआ लिबास-ए तन

लहू में ग़र्क़ पैरहन, क़रीब आ गई बहन

रिदा का देगी क्या कफ़न, वो सब्र ओ ज़ब्त का चलन

रह-ए ख़ुदा में गामज़न, शहीद होने की लगन

सुकूं, वफ़ा, अमल, यक़ीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

थे सक़्त कितने मरहले, हक़ और दीं के मस’अले

मुसीबतौं के सिल्सिले, हज़ार आए ज़ल्ज़ले

हुए न पस्त हौस्ले, ग़ज़ब के थे वो वल्वले

यहीं से रास्ते मिले,चराग़ रूह के जले

बनी फ़ज़ा-ए ग़म हसीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं

जो गोद में पले जिये, ख़ुदा का राह में दिये

नज़र से चाक-ए दिल सिये, अतश के जाम यूं पिये

वफ़ा ने रास्ते किये, दिलौं में हौस्ले लिये

बने हैं ख़ूं से ज़ावीये, कलाम-ए हक़ के हाशिये

इसी लिये झुकी जबीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं


जहां यक़ीन-ए दिल बढ़ा, वहीं पे मिल गया ख़ुदा

छुरी चली कटा गला, बना लहू से रास्ता

यही है मंज़िल-ए वफ़ा, कभी नबी का दोश था

और अब है ख़ाक-ए करबला, वो इब्तदा, ये इन्तहा

बुझा चराग़ यूं कहीं? ये करबला की सरज़मीं


रुका रुका क़ियास है, फ़ज़ा-ए ग़म उदास है

हक़ीक़तौं की आस है, अजल नज़र को रास है

जो दूर था वो पास है, निगाह हक़ शिनास है

लहू से तर लिबास है, न पूछो कितनी पियास है

सवाल-ए आब पर नहीं, ये करबला की सरज़मीं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. kishan bihari noor (1926 – 2003), was born and grew up in lucknow. In a lot of his work he gracefully reaches across communal lines. He also was a great lover of urdu. In this nazm, structured as a muKhammas (stanza/bund of five misra/lines) he pays a full-throated tribute to the martyrs of karbala, displaying an intimate knowledge of the shia tradition. Such is the legacy of harmonious cross-cultural integration that is being destroyed.
ye karbala ki sarzamiN, haqiiqatoN1 ki hai amiiN2
shahiid3 ho ke mahjabiiN4, yahiiN pe ho gaye makiiN5
Thahr gaya yahiiN yaqiiN, gumaaN6 ki gard7 bhi nahiN
usool8-e diiN, furuu9-e diiN, samajh meN aaye sub yahiiN
jhuki hai dahr10 ki jabiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN   
1.truth, justice 3.martyrs 4.brow like the moon, beautiful, loved ones 5.resident, at home 6.doubt, lack of faith 7.dust, trace, sign 6.principles 7.basis, basics
O, land of karbala, you are the guardian of truth and justice. Loved ones, getting martyred here, made their final home. Faith is seen here leaving no trace of doubt. The principles and the basics of faith can be understood here. The world bows its head, O, land of karbala.

vo m’aarafat1 ki rahguzar2, Khuda ke bandoN3 ka safar4
tajalliyaaN5 idhar udhar, na Khauf6 kuchh na koii Dar
vo dushmanoN se be-Khabar7, vo haq8 se aashna9 nazar
vo manzileN10 qariib-tar11, husain jaisa raahbar12
bhala javaab13 hai kahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN    
1.mystic/spiritual knowledge 2.pathway 3.slaves, creatures 4.journey 5.brilliance 6.fear 7.unmindful, uncaring 8.truth 9.aware, intimate 10.destination, goal 11.nearer 13.equal, example
The pathway of mystical/spiritual knowledge. Brilliance all around. No need to be afraid, unmindful of dangers, eyes fixed on truth, the destination comes nearer, when there is a guide like husain. Is there an example of this anywhere, O, land of karbala.

husain sar jhuka jahaaN, Khuda ka jalva1 hai vahaaN
ye k’aaba hai ke aastaaN2, har ek zarra3 zau-fashaaN4
makiiN5 ke paas hai makaaN6, ye auj8 arsh9 meN kahaaN
jhuka yahiiN pe aasmaaN, hue yahiiN pe imtehaaN
chhupa hai raaz-e-haq10 yahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN   
1.manifestation, presence 2.threshold, door, home 3.grain of sand 4.shining 5.resident (of god), k’aaba 8.height, status, dignity, heaven, seat of god 10.secret of truth/divinity
O, husain, where you bow your head, god appeared there. Is this (the land of karbala), your abode or the house of god. Every grain of sand shines brilliantly. The house of god itself comes to the resident of the house (to husain). Even the seat of god does not have such a high stature. The sky bows down to you, O, land of karbala, where human resolve was tested. The is where the secret of divinity can be found, O, land of karbala.

vo sar-barhana1 biibiyaaN, vo asGhar2 aisa be-zabaaN3
vo akbar4 aisa naujavaaN, vo zainab5 aisi nukta-daaN6
haqiiqatoN7 ke paasbaaN8, shafaa’atoN9 ke raazdaaN10
luTa yahiN vo kaarvaaN, lahd11 ke har taraf nishaaN
har ek naqsh12 dil-nashiiN13, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN     
1.bare-headed 2.infant son of husain who was killed in karbala 3.too young to talk 4.young son of husain who was killed in karbala 5.husain’s sister 6.discriminating, knowledgeable 7.truth 9.cure, remedy 10.confidant 11.grave 12.image, scene 13.heart pleasing, pleasant
Forced to be bare-headed is considered an insult akin to a calamity. Thus, the ladies of the house of husain forced to be bare-headed, the infant son as well as a young eighteen year old son killed. husain’s sister with a keen understing of what was at stake. They were all the guardians of truth and justice, the keepers of the secret of the remedy of sins i.e. of deliverance. This is where that caravan was looted. Their graves can be seen all around. Every scene a blessed sight, O, land of karbala.

vo tiir aur vo kamsini1, vo asGhar aur vo tishnagi2
qariib3 aaii maut bhi, magar haNsi na ruk saki
yahi hai shaan-e zindagi, yahi hai haq4 ki bandagi5
qubool6 kar ke tiiragi7, jahaaN8 ko de di raushni
ye raushni kahaaN nahiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN    
1.tender age 2.thirst 3.near 4.truth, god 5.devotion, obeying 6.accept 7.darkness, death
The infant son of husain, thirsty like everyone else, was killed by at arrow shot at his throat, when husain brought him out, asking that he being innocent, should be given water. The piercing arrow and the thirst of asGhar at that tender age. But even in the face of death he was smiling. Such is the dignity of life, this is devotion to god. They accepted death to grant light (truth) to the world. Their light shines everywhere, O, land of karbala.

vo haq1 se haq2 ki guftagu3, hayaat4 o maut5 ruu-ba-ruu6
vo tapti7 reg8 chaar suu9, kaTi hui rag-e-gulu10
har ek jalve11 meN numu12, rah-e-vafa13 ki justaju14
vo bahte Khoon se vuzoo15, bachaaya diiN, diya lahu16
har ek qatra17 ek nagiiN18, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN   
1.righteous i.e. husain 2.god 3.conversation 5.death 6.face to face 7.baking hot 8.sand 9.directions 10.jugular vein 11.manifestation, appearance 12. displayed, demonstrated 13.path of devotion/faith 14.effort, search 15.ablutions before namaaz 16.blood 17.drop 18.jewel
That conversation between god and husain who was face to face with the choice between life and death. The hot desert sand stretched in all directions. The jugular vein (husain was beheaded in the battle of karbala) cut and yet in every aspect of his looks can be seen husain’s devotion to faith as he offers namaaz even if bathed in blood. He gave his blood/life to save the faith. Every drop of his blood more precious than jewel, O, land of karbala.

vo Khushk1 pyaas se dahn2, phaTa hua libaas3-e tan
lahu4 meN Gharq5 pairahan6, qariib7 aa gayii bahn
rida8 ka degi kya kafan9, vo sabr10 o zabt11 ka chalan
rah-e Khuda meN gaamzan12, shahiid13 hone ki lagan
sukooN14, vafa15, amal16, yaqiiN17, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN   
1.dry 2.mouth 4.blood 5.drenched 6.clothes 7.near 8.covering, chaadar 9.burial shroud 10.determination 11.forbearance 12.walking 13.martyr 14.tranquility, contentment 15.being truthful, steadfast 16.action
His throat, dry with thirst, clothes torn to shreds and drenched in blood. His sister comes out with nothing to use but her chaadar as a burial shroud. Such determination and forbearance in the way of god and willingness to be martyred for his righteous cause. Such contentment, determination, action and faith, O, land of karbala.

the` saqt1 kitne marhale2, haq3 aur diiN4 ke mas’ale5
musiibatoN ke silsile6, hazaar aaye zalzale7
hue na past8 hausle9, Ghazab10 ke the vo valvale11
yahiiN se raaste mile, charaaGh rooh ke jale
bani faza-e-Gham12 hasiiN13, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN    
1.hard, difficult 2.obstacles 3.truth 5.puzzles, questions, choices 6.series, continuation 7.earthquakes, tremors 8.humbled, defeated 9.courage, determination 10.used here to mean strong 11.fervour, zeal 12.sorrowful atmosphere 13.beautiful, desirable
They faced such tough obstacles having to choose between righteousness and faith on one hand and death on the other. Difficulties one after the other, a series of tremours in life. But still their resolve was not defeated, their zeal remained strong. This is where they found the right path, the path along which their souls shone brightly. Sorrow turned to happiness, O, land of karbala.

jo goad meN pale jiye, Khuda ki raah1 meN diye
nazar2 se chaak3-e dil siye, atash4 ke jaam5 yuN piye
vafa6 ne raaste kiye, diloN meN hausle7 liye
bane haiN KhuN se zaaviye8, kalaam-e-haq9 ke haashiye10
isi liye jhuki jabiiN11, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN    
1.pathway 3.tear, wound 4.thirst 5.cup 7.courage 8.angles, points of view, vision, words 9.words of truth, word of god, qur’aan 10.decorative borders in a caligraphed book, notes 11.forehead
The children that they had raised in their laps, they offered/sacrificed in the way of god. With the vision of faith, they mended the wounds of their hearts/consoled themselves, with courage. With their blood they wrote words of truth and created visions of faith. That is why heads bow here, O, land of karbala.

jahaaN yaqiin1-e dil baRha, vahiN pe mil gaya Khuda
chhuri chali, kaTa gala, bana lahu2 se raasta
yahi hai manzil3-e vafa4, kabhi nabi5 ka dosh6 tha
aur ab hai Khaak7-e karbala, vo ibteda8, ye inteha9
bujha charaaGh yuN kahiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN    
1.belief 2.blood 3.destination, goal 5.propher 6.back 7.dust, sand 8.beginning 9.end
When faith is strengthened, you reach god. His (husain’s) throat slit with a knife, his blood showed the pathway to heaven. This is the destination of faith. There was a time when he rode on the back of the prophet (there is a legend that as children, hasan and husain played with their grandfather, riding his back, pretending that he was their camel) and now, the sands of karbala. Such was the beginning, and this the end. Has a bright lamp been extinguished like this anywhere, O, land of karbala.

ruka ruka qiyaas1 hai, faza2-e Gham udaas hai
haqiiqatoN3 ki aas4 hai, ajal5 nazar6 ko raas7 hai
jo duur tha vo paas hai, nigaah8 haq-shinaas9 hai
lahu10 se tar11 libaas12 hai, na poochho kitni pyaas hai
savaal aab13 par nahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN  
1.uncertainty, doubt 2.atmosphere, conditions 3.justice 4.yearning 5.death 6.sight 7.acceptable 9.truth knowing, god believing 10.blood 11.drenched 12.clothes 13.water
His faith strong, no doubt in his mind, even if there is sadness all around. He yearns for justice. Death is acceptable, but not untruth/injustice. The destination that might have appeared far away is near at hand. He understands god’s will. His clothes drenched in blood, his thirst extreme, but he stands firm, not begging for water. This is the land of karbala.

kishan bihari noor (1926 – 2003), was born and grew up in lucknow.  In a lot of his work he gracefully reaches across communal lines.  He also was a great lover of urdu.  In this nazm, structured as a muKhammas (stanza/bund of five misra/lines) he pays a full-throated tribute to the martyrs of karbala, displaying an intimate knowledge of the shia tradition.  Such is the legacy of harmonious cross-cultural integration that is being destroyed.
ye karbala ki sarzamiN, haqiiqatoN1 ki hai amiiN2
shahiid3 ho ke mahjabiiN4, yahiiN pe ho gaye makiiN5
Thahr gaya yahiiN yaqiiN, gumaaN6 ki gard7 bhi nahiN
usool8-e diiN, furuu9-e diiN, samajh meN aaye sub yahiiN
jhuki hai dahr10 ki jabiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.truth, justice 3.martyrs 4.brow like the moon, beautiful, loved ones 5.resident, at home 6.doubt, lack of faith 7.dust, trace, sign 6.principles 7.basis, basics

O, land of karbala, you are the guardian of truth and justice.  Loved ones, getting martyred here, made their final home.  Faith is seen here leaving no trace of doubt.  The principles and the basics of faith can be understood here.  The world bows its head, O, land of karbala.
vo m’aarafat1 ki rahguzar2, Khuda ke bandoN3 ka safar4
tajalliyaaN5 idhar udhar, na Khauf6 kuchh na koii Dar
vo dushmanoN se be-Khabar7, vo haq8 se aashna9 nazar
vo manzileN10 qariib-tar11, husain jaisa raahbar12
bhala javaab13 hai kahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.mystic/spiritual knowledge 2.pathway 3.slaves, creatures 4.journey 5.brilliance 6.fear 7.unmindful, uncaring 8.truth 9.aware, intimate 10.destination, goal 11.nearer 13.equal, example

The pathway of mystical/spiritual knowledge.  Brilliance all around.  No need to be afraid, unmindful of dangers, eyes fixed on truth, the destination comes nearer, when there is a guide like husain.  Is there an example of this anywhere, O, land of karbala.
husain sar jhuka jahaaN, Khuda ka jalva1 hai vahaaN
ye k’aaba hai ke aastaaN2, har ek zarra3 zau-fashaaN4
makiiN5 ke paas hai makaaN6, ye auj8 arsh9 meN kahaaN
jhuka yahiiN pe aasmaaN, hue yahiiN pe imtehaaN
chhupa hai raaz-e-haq10 yahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.manifestation, presence 2.threshold, door, home 3.grain of sand 4.shining 5.resident (of god), k’aaba 8.height, status, dignity, heaven, seat of god 10.secret of truth/divinity

O, husain, where you bow your head, god appeared there.  Is this (the land of karbala), your abode or the house of god.  Every grain of sand shines brilliantly.  The house of god itself comes to the resident of the house (to husain).  Even the seat of god does not have such a high stature.  The sky bows down to you, O, land of karbala, where human resolve was tested.  The is where the secret of divinity can be found, O, land of karbala.
vo sar-barhana1 biibiyaaN, vo asGhar2 aisa be-zabaaN3
vo akbar4 aisa naujavaaN, vo zainab5 aisi nukta-daaN6
haqiiqatoN7 ke paasbaaN8, shafaa’atoN9 ke raazdaaN10
luTa yahiN vo kaarvaaN, lahd11 ke har taraf nishaaN
har ek naqsh12 dil-nashiiN13, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.bare-headed 2.infant son of husain who was killed in karbala 3.too young to talk 4.young son of husain who was killed in karbala 5.husain’s sister 6.discriminating, knowledgeable 7.truth 9.cure, remedy 10.confidant 11.grave 12.image, scene 13.heart pleasing, pleasant

Forced to be bare-headed is considered an insult akin to a calamity.  Thus, the ladies of the house of husain forced to be bare-headed, the infant son as well as a young eighteen year old son killed.  husain’s sister with a keen understing of what was at stake.  They were all the guardians of truth and justice, the keepers of the secret of the remedy of sins i.e. of deliverance.  This is where that caravan was looted.  Their graves can be seen all around.  Every scene a blessed sight, O, land of karbala.
vo tiir aur vo kamsini1, vo asGhar aur vo tishnagi2
qariib3 aaii maut bhi, magar haNsi na ruk saki
yahi hai shaan-e zindagi, yahi hai haq4 ki bandagi5
qubool6 kar ke tiiragi7, jahaaN8 ko de di raushni
ye raushni kahaaN nahiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.tender age 2.thirst 3.near 4.truth, god 5.devotion, obeying 6.accept 7.darkness, death

The infant son of husain, thirsty like everyone else, was killed by at arrow shot at his throat, when husain brought him out, asking that he being innocent, should be given water.  The piercing arrow and the thirst of asGhar at that tender age.  But even in the face of death he was smiling.  Such is the dignity of life, this is devotion to god.  They accepted death to grant light (truth) to the world.  Their light shines everywhere, O, land of karbala.
vo haq1 se haq2 ki guftagu3, hayaat4 o maut5 ruu-ba-ruu6
vo tapti7 reg8 chaar suu9, kaTi hui rag-e-gulu10
har ek jalve11 meN numu12, rah-e-vafa13 ki justaju14
vo bahte Khoon se vuzoo15, bachaaya diiN, diya lahu16
har ek qatra17 ek nagiiN18, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.righteous i.e. husain 2.god 3.conversation 5.death 6.face to face 7.baking hot 8.sand 9.directions 10.jugular vein 11.manifestation, appearance 12. displayed, demonstrated 13.path of devotion/faith 14.effort, search 15.ablutions before namaaz 16.blood 17.drop 18.jewel

That conversation between god and husain who was face to face with the choice between life and death.  The hot desert sand stretched in all directions.  The jugular vein (husain was beheaded in the battle of karbala) cut and yet in every aspect of his looks can be seen husain’s devotion to faith as he offers namaaz even if bathed in blood.  He gave his blood/life to save the faith.  Every drop of his blood more precious than jewel, O, land of karbala.
vo Khushk1 pyaas se dahn2, phaTa hua libaas3-e tan
lahu4 meN Gharq5 pairahan6, qariib7 aa gayii bahn
rida8 ka degi kya kafan9, vo sabr10 o zabt11 ka chalan
rah-e Khuda meN gaamzan12, shahiid13 hone ki lagan
sukooN14, vafa15, amal16, yaqiiN17, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.dry 2.mouth 4.blood 5.drenched 6.clothes 7.near 8.covering, chaadar 9.burial shroud 10.determination 11.forbearance 12.walking 13.martyr 14.tranquility, contentment 15.being truthful, steadfast 16.action

His throat, dry with thirst, clothes torn to shreds and drenched in blood.  His sister comes out with nothing to use but her chaadar as a burial shroud.  Such determination and forbearance in the way of god and willingness to be martyred for his righteous cause.  Such contentment, determination, action and faith, O, land of karbala.
the` saqt1 kitne marhale2, haq3 aur diiN4 ke mas’ale5
musiibatoN ke silsile6, hazaar aaye zalzale7
hue na past8 hausle9, Ghazab10 ke the vo valvale11
yahiiN se raaste mile, charaaGh rooh ke jale
bani faza-e-Gham12 hasiiN13, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.hard, difficult 2.obstacles 3.truth 5.puzzles, questions, choices 6.series, continuation 7.earthquakes, tremors 8.humbled, defeated 9.courage, determination 10.used here to mean strong 11.fervour, zeal 12.sorrowful atmosphere 13.beautiful, desirable

They faced such tough obstacles having to choose between righteousness and faith on one hand and death on the other.  Difficulties one after the other, a series of tremours in life.  But still their resolve was not defeated, their zeal remained strong.  This is where they found the right path, the path along which their souls shone brightly.  Sorrow turned to happiness, O, land of karbala.
jo goad meN pale jiye, Khuda ki raah1 meN diye
nazar2 se chaak3-e dil siye, atash4 ke jaam5 yuN piye
vafa6 ne raaste kiye, diloN meN hausle7 liye
bane haiN KhuN se zaaviye8, kalaam-e-haq9 ke haashiye10
isi liye jhuki jabiiN11, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.pathway 3.tear, wound 4.thirst 5.cup 7.courage 8.angles, points of view, vision, words 9.words of truth, word of god, qur’aan 10.decorative borders in a caligraphed book, notes 11.forehead

The children that they had raised in their laps, they offered/sacrificed in the way of god.  With the vision of faith, they mended the wounds of their hearts/consoled themselves, with courage.  With their blood they wrote words of truth and created visions of faith.  That is why heads bow here, O, land of karbala.
jahaaN yaqiin1-e dil baRha, vahiN pe mil gaya Khuda
chhuri chali, kaTa gala, bana lahu2 se raasta
yahi hai manzil3-e vafa4, kabhi nabi5 ka dosh6 tha
aur ab hai Khaak7-e karbala, vo ibteda8, ye inteha9
bujha charaaGh yuN kahiiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.belief 2.blood 3.destination, goal 5.propher 6.back 7.dust, sand 8.beginning 9.end

When faith is strengthened, you reach god.  His (husain’s) throat slit with a knife, his blood showed the pathway to heaven.  This is the destination of faith.  There was a time when he rode on the back of the prophet (there is a legend that as children, hasan and husain played with their grandfather, riding his back, pretending that he was their camel) and now, the sands of karbala.  Such was the beginning, and this the end.  Has a bright lamp been extinguished like this anywhere, O, land of karbala.
ruka ruka qiyaas1 hai, faza2-e Gham udaas hai
haqiiqatoN3 ki aas4 hai, ajal5 nazar6 ko raas7 hai
jo duur tha vo paas hai, nigaah8 haq-shinaas9 hai
lahu10 se tar11 libaas12 hai, na poochho kitni pyaas hai
savaal aab13 par nahiN, ye karbala ki sarzamiiN

1.uncertainty, doubt 2.atmosphere, conditions 3.justice 4.yearning 5.death 6.sight 7.acceptable 9.truth knowing, god believing 10.blood 11.drenched 12.clothes 13.water

His faith strong, no doubt in his mind, even if there is sadness all around.  He yearns for justice.  Death is acceptable, but not untruth/injustice.  The destination that might have appeared far away is near at hand.  He understands god’s will.  His clothes drenched in blood, his thirst extreme, but he stands firm, not begging for water.  This is the land of karbala.